The Heroes of Olympus The Seven: Missing (A Percabeth Story, plus more)

extraordinary25 posted on Apr 22, 2013 at 10:11PM
The war against Gaea is over, but she isn't completely gone. Her last action is to separate the Seven. Annabeth is the first to be taken away. Percy finds her, but she doesn't remember him. So he poses as a boy named Ace, in order to be near her and hopefully help her remember who she is. Right now, she thinks she is a girl named Harmony who was adopted.

Rated: G

******Please comment and tell me what you think! Spam is ok, but not encouraged.
last edited on May 05, 2013 at 05:45PM

The Heroes of Olympus 84 replies

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over a year ago extremeriordan said…
over a year ago zorgon28 said…
POSTTTTT :( Please
over a year ago Nicosgurl said…
over a year ago extremeriordan said…
over a year ago extremeriordan said…
over a year ago extraordinary25 said…
Im still in the middle of a freaking writers block. If anyone wants to post a chapter, go ahead.
over a year ago extraordinary25 said…
Seriously? No one?
over a year ago Nicosgurl said…
We want u to post cause ur posts are awsome
over a year ago extraordinary25 said…
Thanks, I really appreciate u guys reading this forum. Well, if no one wants to write another chapter, can someone at least give me a suggestion. I really don't know how to move this forward.
over a year ago Nicosgurl said…
Ok so u could make them land in camp then they go on a quest to save the others but on the quest there relationship is put to the test and when the quest is over will percabeth still be or will it be over forever its judt a thought
over a year ago extraordinary25 said…
Ok, well this probably isn't gonna be my best chapter, but I'll just power through it. So sorry if it's not the quality you all are expecting, but unlike Rick Riordan I'm not gonna make you wait a year. ;)


"How long will this last?" I asked.

"I don't know" Percy said. As if realizing that we could plummet at any moment, he started gliding a little lower. We were pretty much just using the sun to estimate where East was. I could feel Percy's arms literally radiating heat. His face was red from the strain. I knew that he was pretty strong, but even he had to be getting tired after practically carrying me for the past half hour.

"Maybe we should just take a break," I suggested. He shook his head.

"If we land, we won't be able to take off again."

I nodded and continued to scan the ground for a body of water. I doubted that we would find salt water in the middle of America, but even a lake or pond would suffice. Suddenly we started dropping lower. We had hit the flying limit.

We landed in running drop. Percy sort of half sat, half collapsed onto the flat roof we had landed on. I knew from experience that when mythical things happened, (like flying teenagers) it didn't make mortals happy. We quickly scrambled off the roof before anyone noticed us.

"I guess we'll have to go the old fashioned way. With a car." Percy complained.

"Seaweed Brain, that's the new fashioned way. Olympus and the other things have been around for millennia." I laughed, to cover up how scared I was. Anything could happen on the ground. Magic sinkholes, monsters, and traffic jams. Unfortunately, we didn't exactly have any other choice. We found a cab, and Percy thankfully had money. Well, enough money to get us to the nearest lake.

"Ok, what do we do now?" I asked. having to ask Percy for knowledge was knew to me, but when it came to the sea, he knew better.

"Well, most sea monsters can appear in any body of water they want to. I figured that we'd ask for a ride." Percy smiled, and I knew that he was talking about his hippocampi friend, Rainbow. Suddenly, a beautiful creature emerged from the water. He was half horse and half fish, and no, he was not a sea horse. He was Rainbow, and was also having an extremely long conversation with Percy. Being ADHD, I found waiting there very intolerable and boring. Finally, the conversation ended. Percy climbed up on Rainbow first, then surprisingly offered his hand like a gentleman. I rolled my eyes, but honestly I found it cute. I took his hand and climbed on. Rainbow started lowering into the water. Percy grabbed my hand so I could breathe. Being underwater with Percy was fantastic. It reminded me of our kiss in the canoe lake at Camp Half Blood. Percy nodded to rainbow, and then the world around us disappeared.
over a year ago Nicosgurl said…
big smile
Yes a post idc if it waz good ( which it was) or not i just happy that u posted
over a year ago extraordinary25 said…
Thanks, Im glad u liked it. Chapter (I lost count, and don't feel like looking through past posts) coming right up.


We appeared in the Lost Island Sound, and Rainbow brought us closer to the shore of my favorite place in the world. Camp Half Blood. There was everything a demigod could ask for there, cabins, sword arena, chariot track, archery field, and a woods stocked with monsters that wanted to kill you. Honestly, it couldn't get any better. I could see Percy's eyes lighting up the same I was sure mine were. I put my arms around him. "We're home" I said happily. He nodded.

When we reached shore, one of the kids on patrol, (some kid from Demeter I think) yelled "Percy Jackson I back! And he's got Annabeth Chase with him!" Apparently there were a lot of other demigods we couldn't see nearby, because we were immediately swarmed. One little girl with gray eyes ran up to me.

"You're Annabeth Chase?" she asked. Before I even answered, she threw her arms around my legs and hugged me. I smiled at her. I saw other kids I knew too, like Malcolm, Katie Gardner, the Stoll twins, and others. Among them was a familiar girl with red hair and green eyes.

******I want to continue the chapter, but my mom needs the laptop now. :( I promise I will post the rest of the chapter later.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Nicosgurl said…
its good so far I cant wait to read the rest
over a year ago extremeriordan said…
PLZ post when you get back from vacation, or I can help you.
over a year ago extraordinary25 said…
Thanks for the offer, but no, I don't want your help extremeriordan. So thanks to all of you for being so patient, and honestly I would like a little more feedback on these chapters. Tell me what you like, and tell me what you don't. Don't be afraid to say the truth. :) :)


"Rachel!!!!!!" I exclaimed with delight. She didn't answer me back. I realized that her eyes weren't her normal shade of green. They were brighter, her oracle shade. She walked right past me and went to Percy, walking as if she were in a daze.

"Child of the sea
There is more danger that you know.
Only all of the seven will prevail,
In the Earth you must go
A blade to show the way
Loved ones will be lost
Fatal flaws for you
May double the cost"

Rachel doubled over, and then promptly fainted. We were all used to this, so Percy and I caught her. I looked at Percy's face, which was more pale than I had ever seen it. I wanted to reassure him somehow, but for the first time my mind was blank. Prophecies never meant that anything good was happening. This time didn't even sound mildly good. Plus, that last Great Prophecy hadn't come completely true yet. No world had fallen to storm or fire. No one had died from an oath.

Suddenly there was galloping, and despite everything, a smile broke across my face. Turning around, I saw a centaur with a bow and arrow galloping down with a satyr at his side. Unlike I had expected though, rather than being happy to see me, his already grim expression became darker. "It has started." he said gravely.

*********************** Tell me what you think! BTW: Should I do a chapter from Percy's point of view?
over a year ago zorgon28 said…
This is really good! I LUV IT!!!!!! :D Cake!
over a year ago extraordinary25 said…
DO NOT READ THIS CHAPTER UNTIL YOU HAVE READ THE HOUSE OF HADES. THIS IS A SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­
Chapter um... Zeus knows what. (cue thunder) Me: "Jeez. No need to get angry"


I personally wanted to go up to Chiron and slap him. Or throw a shoe at him. Maybe both. Seriously, he sees me after like, forever, and all he does is look at me like I am monster that he is going to have to deal with now. After he said his mysterious "it has started" line, he dismissed everyone back to their daily activities and assigned Clarisse to take me to my cabin. I've gone to Camp Half Blood for most of my life, I knew how to find my own cabin. As soon as I walked deeper into camp though, I realized how much it had changed. I saw so much more Roman architecture, people walking in straight orderly lines, and a lot of people I didn't know."

Clarisse noticed my surprise. "It's part of the whole getting along with the Romans thing. We've made some changes to Camp Jupiter too. "

I looked over at her. She seemed so... calm. The old Clarisse would have called me punk a couple of times, punched me in the arm, and give the kind of welcome that most children of Ares give. "What else has changed?" I asked. She could tell I wasn't asking about camp, so she shrugged off the question. We reached the Athena cabin. This, at least looked mostly like the way I had last scene it. I walked in immediately fell onto my usual bunk. Clarisse grunted.

"This is one of the few cabins that isn't overcrowded. We have punks who claim that their dad is Mars in our cabin." Then she left without saying goodbye. Even though I was probably filthy, I just laid in my bunk and fell asleep. Unfortunately the world had some problem with me relaxing, because it sent me dreams.

First I was back in Tartarus, but this time there was no Percy. Instead on my right was Nico Di Angelo. He looked half dead, and not just because he was a child of Hades. Nico was unconscious, but he was muttering. I listened harder and I realized he was just saying a name over and over again. "Percy, Percy, Percy" Before I could even process that, the dream shifted.

This time I saw Jason and Nico trying to battle... something. I couldn't tell what it was. Nico looked terrified.

"I had a crush on Percy," he said, putting venom in each word. "That's the truth. That's the big secret. Happy now?" The dream shifted again, like it was trying to keep my brain jumble. I was still shocked from the previous scene. Nico was... in love with Percy?

This time I saw Leo. He was on a beach. He and this girl were working on some raft thing. I saw how well Leo had done with the mechanics. Leo and the girl were talking, but I couldn't hear them. Leo looked agitated. He went onto the raft and it took off. Leo looked back at the shore and yelled "I'm coming back for you Calypso! I swear it on the River Styx!" Just at that moment, I woke up.

*******************Sorry about the spoilers for those of you who haven't read the House of Hades yet. I just couldn't keep going with info only based on the other books, otherwise I would have to keep coming back and changing stuff. BTW: IF YOU HAVENT READ IT, THEN READ IT FAST!!!! (Oh, and be prepared for an emotional turmoil)
over a year ago extraordinary25 said…
Okay, I'm actually starting to get in my writing mood (I'm literally bouncing in my chair)


That morning I went on a walk. I just needed to think about what I had seen in my dreams. After a couple hours of wandering, I found I nice, secluded spot in the woods. I had my sword with me, so I wasn't really worried about monster attacks. I probably should have though, because I completely zoned out. My thoughts went a little like this:

So, Nico likes Percy. What the heck? So Nico is gay? And he had to like my Percy? Just my luck. And what about Leo? What was he thinking? And why wasn't Calypso let off of her island? Didn't Percy include that in his gift? And... Oh my gods the prophecy. An oath to keep with final breath... where is Leo? Right. He got lost at the same time as everyone else. What has Gaea done with them? And why would she send me to the high school? Why not just kill me? And if she could do that while she was still asleep then why didn't she do that before we closed the doors?

I soon realized I was only thinking of questions, even though I had come to search for answers. All of a sudden a voice interrupted me.

"Questions are the first steps to finding answers." I looked up to see a woman with brown hair and grey eyes.

"Mom?" I asked.

"Hello Annabeth" Athena said kindly. I quickly scrambled to my feet.

"W-what are you doing here?" I mean, yeah she was my mom, but gods don't visit unless it's important, and often that means it's really bad.

"I came to tell you that not everything is always as it seems. Sometimes the people that harm us the most are ourselves, or the people we love." she said. She gave me a hard look, as if she I had failed or was about to. Then, before I could even say anything, she vanished. I screamed in frustration and kicked a rock. I watched as it bounced off of a tree. Then I cringed, expecting a dryad to come yell at me. They hated it when someone even touched their tree. I almost would have welcomed the chance to yell back at something. My mom finally visits me after over a year, and she stays for a total of five minutes. On top of everything, she tells me that I am about to get hurt by someone I love, or by myself. I waited, but no dryad came. Grudgingly, I walked back to camp.

***********Okay so that "writing mood" wore off pretty fast. Anyways tell me what you think. (Seriously I want actual feed back, otherwise I feel like I'm not getting any better at writing.) Expect a big twist I have planned. (MWAHAHAHAHA) You all are awesome! thanks for reading!
over a year ago extraordinary25 said…
This is what Rick Riordan does with all of our funny and endearing characters?
last edited over a year ago
This is what Rick Riordan does with all of our funny and endearing characters?
over a year ago extraordinary25 said…
Ok so I got really busy and didn't have time to write anything, so I guess this just kinda got forgotten. Anyways, I actually had some time today (which is kind of a miracle) so I figured I might as well bring it back.


Back at camp I began to look for Chiron. I asked a couple of campers here and there, but no one had seen him. He had even missed teaching archery, which as far as I could remember, he had never missed before. I went to his office, but he wasn't there. His CD player was on, the CD halfway in there. A half eaten meal sat on his desk, but it looked old and smelled disgusting. He had apparently left here in a hurry, and it had been a long time ago. Starting to get worried, I went to look for Percy.

I found Percy near the canoe lake, skipping stones into the water. The stones were bouncing around 20 times each, and in complicated patterns. I threw one and it crashed into his, causing both to sink. He turned around.
"Hey," he said. His hair looked even more mussed than usual, and his eyes were red.
"Hey," I replied, then remembering why I was here, "Chiron's missing. We need to find him."
"Have you checked his office?"
"Yeah, and apparently he also missed archery this morning. It's too soon to call a search party, but I'm getting worried and..."
"And we should probably go look for him," Percy completed my sentence. I nodded. We both ran to the stables.
"He's not here!" I yelled, after doing a quick 360.
"Yeah, ok, but let's get a ride" Percy said. He went to a random horse and mounted. They walked over to me, and I hopped on, putting my arms around Percy's waist. As soon as I sat up, however, my mind flashed back to the last time we were on Blackjack. I stiffened, and Percy noticed. "Hey, don't worry. We're in camp remember? No one can hurt us here" We took of. Percy can ride a horse seriously fast, and the entire terrain looked like a blur. Usually at this point, I would telling Percy to slow down so that we could actually see Chiron if we found him, but for some reason the words wouldn't come. The weird thing was, I wasn't even frantically planning, the way I always thought I would if Chiron ever left me, but I felt strangely calm. Suddenly, even Percy and the horse became blurry. Everything started to look just sort of brown, and then black.
I woke up in a dark, damp cave. A half sleeping lady's face was etched into the wall. "Hello, my little prize," she purred. "are we finally awake?" Memories hit me like a rush. Standing in front of the energy blast from the giants in order to save Percy, and getting transported here. A tear ran down my cheek. I was trapped down here. Percy... Percy must have thought I was dead. I wish I were. Being a demigod, and saving Olympus a couple of times, I probably would have gotten into Elysium. Instead, I would get eternal torture, amusing Gaea with my thoughts. As a child of Athena, I was very attached to my thoughts. I felt kind of violated. Worse than that, I would never see Percy or any of my other friends ever again.

Ok, sorry for the twist (unless you liked it). Comment what you think. I can still probably switch this around, if you guys don't like it.
over a year ago extraordinary25 said…
Ok, so I kinda need some feedback on how the story is going so far, or how the story possibly could go. I'm trying to keep the writers block at bay, but it keeps coming back to haunt me.
over a year ago extremeriordan said…
I think it's going great, and it's refreshing to read something written by someone so intelligent who is a great writer.
over a year ago FantasyLover543 said…
It's going great so far though you may want to change that 'nico stayed in tartarus' part, unless of course you'll decide to rather keep it. Your writing has really improved and I have no doubt that the next chapters would be great too.
over a year ago FantasyLover543 said…
Though, to be honest, I was a bit disappointed when Annabeth remembered who she was so soon. I was really looking forward to some Ace-Harmony moments.
extraordinary25 commented…
Thanks for being honest. I actually really appreciate the constructive criticism. Unfortunately, I can't change it now, but thanks for the feedback. over a year ago
over a year ago extraordinary25 said…
Chapter... who am I kidding? I lost track a long time ago.


I kept eyeing the shackles. Then the walls. Then the shackles again. I could almost feel Gaea's boredom surrounding me. She wanted to see me cry, scream, or show some kind of emotion. After all, I was her newest toy. I could also feel how much she despised me. Trust me, there is nothing worse than feeling close to an evil goddess that is trying to destroy your sanity. Of course. She takes the demigod whose biggest value is her brain and tries to destroy it.

"Well, I did want that upstart, Percy Jackson, you just got in the way."
"Oh yeah?" I replied. "And what were you going to do with him?"
"You mean what am I already doing to him?" her cold voice pierced right through me, spreading a feeling of dread through my body. I shivered. She was lying. She had to be. "What, did you think you saved him? You just condemned yourself along with him!"

Of course. I mean, what would stop her from hurting Percy once I was gone? Now he must be going through a torture even worse than me own. Speaking of which... I started to black out again.


I opened my window. The cold air filled the room, and I felt like I could breathe for the first time. Or was that excitement. I knew what i was going to do. Finally. I had been wanting to do this for what felt like decades. I edged one foot over, trying to make as little sound as possible. Slowly my other foot went out. Careful not to let go of the window sill, I turned my body and faced the siding of the house. Slowly, I started to climb down, using the handholds I had been making for years by slowly demolishing parts of the wall. Once, I had pretended that the neighbors softball had made a dent, but really I had taken a hammer and chipped at it. One of my hands slipped, and I swallowed back a scream. Regaining my grip, I kept climbing down. After what felt like years, I finally reached the bottom. My black hoodie was drenched in sweat, but I didn't care. I was drunk on freedom, like Icarus had been in that one greek myth. Why did I just think of that? My obsession with Greek mythology had ended a long time ago. Whatever. After I got my breath back, I ran off of our lawn and down our street. I didn't look back. I just ran.
extraordinary25 commented…
why did so many words just suddenly become links? over a year ago
over a year ago sugarpalstar said…
This is a great story please POST!!!
over a year ago sugarpalstar said…
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago sugarpalstar said…
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago extraordinary25 said…
Oh, wow, I hadn't gotten a comment on this forum in so long I wasn't sure if people were even reading it. Well, here's the next chapter.

See in movies and other media, when kids run away, they only plan up to the point where they run. Most of them don't plan for the future ahead or how they're going to survive. I wasn't that stupid. The first thing I did was go to the high school, and grabbed the suit case I had been slowly pacing for months. I wheeled the thing over to the closest bus station, which was about 2 blocks away, and sat down, knowing that the bus would be getting there in about two hours. I had everything set up, shelter, job, etc. I was sure this was gonna be a breeze. Before the bus pulled up another teenage boy, who looked about the same age as me, came and sat down. By his feet was a duffel bag, and he was chewing on a chocolate chip granola bar. He had black shaggy hair and sea green eyes. He noticed me there and said, "Hey, I'm Adrian."
"So, what are you doing here at..." he checked his watch, "four in the morning?"
"Waiting for a bus. You?"
"I'm shocked, I thought you were waiting for a train!" he joked. I smiled politely. "Why are you taking the bus at this ungodly hour?"
"I'm travelling to uh, meet family" I said hastily.
"Yeah, me too, except they won't know I'm visiting them."
"Huh?" I asked, completely confused.
"Oh please, I'm pretty sure neither of us are going to meet family. You're running away, aren't you?"
"Me too. Where are you running to?"
"None of your business."
"Right, well I'm going to San Francisco, and I'm pretty sure you're doing the same, based on that address your holding." He grinned, and I mentally cursed. i put the paper in my pocket.
"So, Mr. Nosy, do you always annoy people at the bus station?" I asked, hoping he would back off a little.
"No, just pretty blonde girls with grey eyes," he said, and I rolled my eyes. This had gone from just obnoxious to straight out flirting.
"What, blue eyes aren't good enough for you?"
"No, they're way too cliche."
"Right, well I'm not into green eyes," I said, even though that was so not true.
"That's too bad," he pretended to brush away a tear, and I actually laughed. He grinned.
"The bus should be here soon," I said lamely.
"If by soon you mean in an hour and a half, then yeah, it's coming soon."
I turned away and pretended to read the book I had brought along, while he pretended to take a nap. His eyes kept opening to see if I was still there.

Sorry if this chapter isn't all that great, I have been kinda busy and haven't been able to put in a lot of writing time.
over a year ago sugarpalstar said…
I'm reading it! Btw Dara is Annabeth right? And the kid at the bus station is Percy?
over a year ago extraordinary25 said…
You'll find out soon enough ;)

I fell asleep on the bus. It was stupid, I know. I mean I was running away from home, on a bus, with some guy I just met sitting next to me. And what do I do? I fall asleep. I wish I could say it was worth it, but all I got were nightmares and other weird things. First it was a face in the dirt. She kept saying, "Oh, this entertainment is not enough. I need a new plaything. Or perhaps I should go with physical torture instead."

The next dream wasn't to great either, and made even less sense. I was running though a dark corridor, and for some reason my ankle was throbbing. It must have been broken. I could hear things scuttling in the dark behind me. Without looking, I knew they were spiders. My fear soared. I HATE spiders. Somehow though, I knew that I was running towards something worse than the spiders behind me, but I kept running anyways. Finally, I reached the end of the corridor, and in front of me was just a huge pit. I didn't know how deep it was, only that there was no way around it, and no way over it. I was trapped. And then the dream changed.

Now it was just a fuzzy, black and white picture, like an old movie. Suddenly Adrian was in the movie. "Annabeth! Can you hear me? Annabeth! Leo, is this thing working?" Now a scrawny kid with super messed up hair was there too.
"Yeah, it's working! Just tell her whatever you wanna say already! This isn't easy to keep running!"
"Right. Annabeth, we're coming for you! Don't give up! We'll find you! Just stall for time! Keep her entertained! And,-" he waved for the scrawny kid to go away. "Annabeth, I love you, ok? Don't forget that. I'll find you, I promise." For some reason, I found Adrian's words reassuring, even though what he was saying made no sense. The scrawny kid came back.
"Percy man, I'm sorry, but I think she's waking up. Any second now. Anything else you wanna s-" I woke up.

I opened my eyes to see Adrian looking at me, concerned. "Percy?" I asked, still dazed.
"Um, no, I'm pretty sure my name is Adrian."
"Right sorry, still a bit delirious."
"So who's Percy?" he asked.
"I have no clue." Even as I said that, I felt like I should know.
"Oh. Well, we're getting close to San Francisco, I thought I should probably wake you up. Do you know what stop you're getting off at?"

Well I'll post again as soon as possible. I know when that will be, my life's kinda getting crazy busy.
over a year ago Fangirl521 said…
omfg... this is AWESOME! But I have a question. Is Annabeth Dara?
over a year ago extraordinary25 said…
Sorry, no spoilers. ;)