The Heroes of Olympus Camp of Couples

kayleegurule posted on May 26, 2013 at 06:16PM
Disclaimer: This is owned by Rick Riordan

Summery: This is a series of one-shots about some of the couples at Camp Half-Blood and their times together.

Percy + Annabeth = Percabeth
Travis + Katie = Tratie
Chris + Clarisse = Chlaris
Grover + Juniper = Gruniper
Beckendorf + Silena = Bilenadorf


My Other Forums:

Taken By The Earth: link

My Whole Life Was A Lie: link

The Stolen Trident: link

The Mark of Athena/The Heroes Final Stand: link

Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter Read the Percy Jackson series: link

The Undercover Hero: link

A Rueful Wish: link

My Wattpad Account: link

My Fanfiction.Net Account: link

The best relationship is when you can act like lovers and best friends at the same time.

If you have any suggestions about one-shots or any couple scenes from the books with these spacific couples you'd like to see send me a PM.

last edited on Aug 23, 2013 at 01:18AM

The Heroes of Olympus 203 replies

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over a year ago zorgon28 said…
AWWWW!!!! that is sooo cute. :')
over a year ago WatchYourBack said…
Awwwwwww so cute! And only two more days of waiting
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
I got the idea for this one-shot when I was watching House Hunters one day.


“Okay, this is the thirty-seventh apartment we’ve looked at,” Percy listed off as we walked into the apartment.

Annabeth and Percy are going into their junior year of college and now they are allowed to live off campus. Annabeth goes to Columbia University and Percy is attending New York University (NYU). The colleges are about twenty minutes away so they’re trying to find something in between their schools.

The only problem is Annabeth’s wish list.

She wants:

3 bedrooms

2 bathrooms

Open floor plan


Views of New York City

Walk-In closet

Architecture themes

Close to a park

Close to school and work

Stainless Steel appliances

Granite countertops


Annabeth wants all of that and it has to be in their price range. Getting all of that in New York City and have it be in their price range is no easy task. And every apartment they look at Annabeth claims that it’s “Not homey enough”. If Percy has to look at one more apartment than he’ll probably just get an apartment and save himself the stress.

“Now what’s on the list?” Annabeth asked Percy.

He sighed, before lifting the paper that their realtor gave them about the apartment. “Mary says that it’s has three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a walk in closet, an open floor plan, views, close to a park, and close to our schools and work. You like it? Good. Let’s go!”

“Percy, this is serious!” Annabeth glared at him.

“We’re renting an apartment not getting married,” Percy argued.

“Yes, but this is the place we’ll be living in for years to come,” Annabeth insisted. “We’ll graduate from college in this apartment. We’ll have parties here. We’ll make memories. And this is our first time living together. I just want everything to be perfect.”

Percy walked to her and wrapped his arms around her waist. She smiled and wrapped hers around his neck.

“You should know by now that in our life nothing is perfect,” Percy told her.

She rolled her eyes, kissed his cheek, and pulled away to go look at the rest of the apartment. She walked into the kitchen and pulled a reluctant Percy with her.

“There’s granite,” Percy said gesturing to the counters.

“Yeah, but no stainless steel appliances,” Annabeth noticed.

Percy shrugged. “We can always have Leo make us some. Or we can go the mortal way and buy them.”

They looked at the rest of the house without argument. The master bedroom had a master bath connected so the apartment had three bathrooms in total. But only two extra bedrooms so instead of two guest bedrooms they’d only have one because they’d have to make one of them into Annabeth’s office. There was plenty of storage space. They had their own washer/dryer. There are great views of the city (especially the Empire State Building).

Also the apartment building had amenities. For instance there was a gym, parking, a community pool, outdoor space on the roof, easy transportation access, a doorman, internet and TV connections, 24/7 maintenance (if needed), and pets are welcome.

“Well, I like this place,” Percy said. “And by some miracle it’s actually in our price range. Besides I can finally get you that puppy you’ve always wanted.” He paused as she looked around the living room again. “What do you think?”

“I think. . . . When do we move in?” Annabeth decided.

Percy broke into a grin. “Seriously?”

She nodded. “Yes, I love this place. It’s amazing. I feel like we can actually do it here. We can actually live here and I love that feeling.”

“Then what are we waiting for? Let’s go get an application,” Percy said.

They walked out of the apartment with smiles on their faces.

They were home.

corrected commented…
what does annabeth mean by "I feel like we can actually do it here" over a year ago
PiperMclean7732 commented…
Yea I'm very confused about that over a year ago
over a year ago extraordinary25 said…
Awwwww. (Just a suggestion) but you should have one where Annabeth decides to design a house for them at like the age of 25.
over a year ago WatchYourBack said…
I watch House Hunters to!
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
wow. that was great! and sooo sweet!
over a year ago kayleegurule said…

“I got the book!” Chris yelled into the house. He walked into the living room of the town-house that he owns with his wife, Clarisse. He brought the book out of the bag from the library and walked to where she sat on the couch with her swollen feet up on the coffee table.

He sat next to his wife and gave her the book. Clarisse began to flip through the book, while Chris laid his hand on her round stomach.

“Why would anyone ever write a book about baby names,” Clarisse muttered flipping through it.

“I don’t know, but hopefully Baby Names for Newly Expecting Parents will help us,” Chris leaned closer so he could get a look at the names. Chris took the book from her and began to list off names for baby girls.












“Hell no!”



“Mary Poppins?”

“Don’t make me slap you!”


“Is that really a name?”



Chris paused before stating the name that he thought she’d really like. “What about Silena?”

Clarisse looked at him with slight surprise in her eyes. “Really?”

He nodded. “She was your best friend and she meant a lot to you. I think we should use it.”

“I love it.”

Chris placed his hand on Clarisse’s eight month sized-stomach and smiled. “You’ll be out soon, Silena.”

“Mommy! Daddy!”

Chris and Clarisse’s four year old son Beck ran into the room. He had Chris’s dark hair and Clarisse’s brown eyes.

“What’s up, Sport?” Chris asked.

“Did you pick out a name yet?” Beck asked.

“We sure did.” Chris bent forward and pulled his son onto his lap. “We have decided to name her Silena.”

“Why Silena?” Beck asked.

“Because Silena was an old friend of your mom,” Chris explained.

“Like how I was named after an old friend too,” Clarisse nodded.

Beck bent forward and kissed his mother’s stomach. “Come out soon, Sissy!”

Both parents kissed their son on the head before Chris lifted him up like a helicopter and carried him upstairs to help him get ready for bed. Clarisse watched her family happily.

Now if someone had told her that at the age of twenty-six she’d be married to the guy she’s been dating since she was eighteen, had a four year old, and another on the way, she’d have punched that person’s light out and left to train. But now she wouldn’t have it any other way.
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
awww. thats sooo sweet! who would've though clarisse would have children?
over a year ago WatchYourBack said…
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww­www­www­www­www­www­www­www­www­www­www­www­www­www­www­www­www­www­w and plz post in da future
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
Sorry it's taken so long to update. I've been so busy its insane. Also i have decided to go as ATHENA for Halloween. Let me know what you think.


“You ready?” Chiron (who was supervising the fight) asked both teams.

The four demigods nodded. They’d been practicing none stop and had even improved. Once when Percy and Chris were fighting, Chris managed to disarm Percy which is what he wanted. And Annabeth, of course, created a (supposedly) battle-proof plan for her and Clarisse. Both teams were ready to win.

They weren’t alone though. Most of the camp was in the stands to cheer them on. The camp basically separated into two sides: the guys’ side and the girls’ side. You can probably guess which side is rooting for whom. The Travis and Connor Stoll even have a bet going against each other.

“Annabeth and Clarisse are killer fighters. They’re the best in camp. Of course they’ll win,” Conner had said.

“Well Percy is twice the fighter they are. Not everyone can fight immortals and win. This is practice to him. Besides Chris was a Titan (that’s what they called demigods who first betrayed the gods during the war). I’m sure the Titans and Luke taught him some fighting tricks. They have to win,” Travis had argued.

Now no one really knows who will win.

“No maiming. No killing. All magic items or powers are allowed,” Chiron listed off the rules. He waited a moment while we positioned ourselves in the fighting stance that every first time fighter learns first. “Now . . . Begin!”

Annabeth and Percy charged each other. Their sword and knife clashed against each other, straining their weapon from movement. Annabeth pulled her knife away and threw on her invisibility hat. Percy looked but was unable to see her. He did however spot something in the corner of the arena. He drew a breath and urged the contained water to seep through the water filter.

The water followed his command effortlessly. It trailed quietly against the ground making it wet. Percy didn’t want it to get anyone wet. No he just wanted the dirt on the ground to get wet. The water did as he wanted and wetted the ground. Imbedded in the ground were footsteps that belonged to a certain invisible person.

Percy went to where the footsteps stopped and raised his sword to attack. Annabeth removed her cap and blocked the attack with her knife. They charged each other and clashed their weapons together. Percy pulled back and swiped at her legs but Annabeth jumped up barely missing the attack. Percy attempted to do the disarming move on Annabeth’s knife but she managed to pull her knife back in just the nick of time.

Percy pushed Annabeth harder which she didn’t mind. They dueled against each other often. It was usually a fifty-fifty match even counting Percy’s Curse of Achilles. They fought and pushed each other only harder. They’d fought against each other for so long that they can easily predict each other’s fighting moves.

The longer they fought, the angrier Annabeth got.

She used to be the best at everything but throughout the years Percy’s camp skills have basically tied with her. Even if, by some miracle, Percy and Chris win Annabeth refuses to admit it. There is no way her pride will let her admit that she lost. Her hubris is too powerful. Which is why she did the only thing that could allow her to win, but it could also make her lose what’s most important to her.

Blinded by her pride Annabeth slammed the hilt of her knife against Percy’s back.

over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
oh my gosh! did annabeth forget percy had the achilles heel???????
please post soon!!
over a year ago zorgon28 said…
I.......I can't......
over a year ago Alygirl421 said…
When is the next one coming out? I'm very excited to see what happens next!
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
Sorry, everyone, I didn't realize how much time passed since the next upload. I'll update this story tomorrow.
over a year ago kayleegurule said…

From the time Annabeth was seven she’s always admired Luke. He was her biggest crush for a long time. Her favorite color was even blue because of his eyes. That was until she was twelve.

One day a new kid turned up at camp. That kid was Percy Jackson. She was beginning to like him as a friend for a while. Then he got claimed. He got claimed by her mother’s worst enemy: Poseidon. She immediately knew that they could not be friends. So she tried to distance herself from him. Throughout their quest Annabeth could help but admire Percy’s bravery. They became friends again.

Annabeth realized that just because her mother doesn’t like Poseidon doesn’t mean she has to. She and Percy became best friends after that.

Next summery they seemed to be getting even closer. When she saw Percy getting teased by some bullies because he had a picture of her in his binder she blushed even though she shouldn’t have. She told herself that it was perfectly normal. She had a picture of him in her locker at school. It was normal.

On their quest in the Sea of Monsters, they only got closer. Annabeth revealed a lot about her past. She told him stuff she’s never told any other person. She never told him but she was scared when he was turned into a guinea pig. Only after he was human again did she feel thankful that he was with her. But then she realized how close they were and she jumped back embarrassed. When the Golden Fleece heeled her injuries caused by the Cyclopes she noticed for the first time how worried Percy was. She seemed genuinely concerned for her.

The weird thing was she liked that.

Things didn’t really begin changing between them until Christmas that year. They were both fourteen and were definitely in the “awkward” stages of their lives. Percy was so embarrassed when they were dancing at the school. It was comical.

As they fought Dr. Thorn was going to attack her two best friends. She couldn’t lose them. She wasn’t going to let this Manticore hurt them. So she jumped on his back and was immediately taken over the edge of the cliff with him. Dr. Thorn transported them to a side of a mountain. She immediately knew what mountain she was on. She called out for the monster demanding to know why he brought her here. She felt her body feel with fear as she walked into the room where Atlas was imprisoned for years.

Only it wasn’t Atlas that was imprisoned. It was Luke. Her Luke. He looked injured and scared. He asked her for help. Her conscience (that strangely sounded like Percy) screamed at her not to trust him, but her heart told her differently. She still loves Luke despite all the bad decisions he’s made. Annabeth ran up and took the sky from him.

As he left her Annabeth immediately regretted her choice. She should have left him to rot. She never can though. When it comes to Luke she always thinks of the old Luke not this new one who betrays her and tried to kill her best friend on multiple occasions.

During the time she was holding the sky and then thrown into the prison all she thought about was Percy. A part of her wanted him to come and rescue her and then scolded herself because she doesn’t need a guy to take care of her. She’s not a damsel in distress. But she also wished he wouldn’t come because she knows who the general is and she doesn’t want him to face him.

Once the group came to rescue her all she could do was look at her friend. He was dirty, probably hadn’t showered in a while. He had scorch marks on his shirt and dirt on his face. His messy hair was tangled from all the dirt in it. What really caught her attention were his eyes. The carefree shine wasn’t as present as usual. There was some sadness and worry mixed in. She wondered what happened in the quest to make him look like that.

Annabeth never thought that Percy would be able to hold up the sky. She knew how hard it was for her. He held on for as long as he had to however. She couldn’t believe he did it but he did.

On their way home she noticed that Percy and Thalia seemed to be getting along better. Maybe they finally worked out their differences. Either way she was happy because she no longer had to be the mediator between them.

When he told her that he never believed that she was dead, Annabeth was secretly giddy inside. She wasn’t sure why, but she was. He didn’t seem happy when the topic changed to Luke. He’s never happy when it does. She knows that Percy doesn’t like Luke but he makes it really hard for her to talk about him.

They ended that night dancing. She’s not sure what Percy heard but a slow song played as they danced.

The next summer things between them changed even more. During the school year previously Annabeth did a lot of thinking about her and Percy. She came to a realization. She likes that daring, brave, impulsive, idiot that she calls Seaweed Brain. Annabeth realized that she’s liked him for a while. She’s had a crush on him since their first quest to be exact.

She was so excited. After Percy’s orientation for high school they were supposed to be going on a date to the movies. Unfortunately it didn’t turn out that way. It’s one thing to blow up a school. But it was another to let some girl who you obviously barely know give you her number right in front of Annabeth. Percy was definitely in the doghouse for that one.

Annabeth then shook her head and scolded herself. It’s not like she and Percy are actually dating. She just liked the blind idiot, but who knows how he felt.

The horrible thing is that Annabeth doesn’t have a plan. She always has a plan. That is the first time she doesn’t have one. Annabeth couldn’t come up with any type of strategy that would help her though. For once she felt that her big brain was useless.

A big thing happened on that quest. Annabeth had her first kiss. It was with Percy of all people. Right after the kiss, Percy was blown up and disappeared for two weeks before miraculously returned scratch free. Annabeth knows where he went. She could see it in him. She knew that he was at Calypso’s island. And she knew that he wanted to stay.

That was probably the worst quest Annabeth has ever been on. It wasn’t just because of the fights and drama between her and Percy or her and Rachel. It was because of Luke. She always hoped that there was a part of Luke that’s still good but when he hosted Kronos she knew it was too good to be true. However, she still loved both Luke and Percy.

Through the school year after that quest Percy and Annabeth really didn’t talk much. Things were stressful that year. The prophecy was nearing. Annabeth knew what the prophecy was and what would happen in the war. She didn’t want Percy to die, yet he was destined to. She didn’t want to lose him. Annabeth has lost a lot of people in her life and she couldn’t lose Percy.

It wasn’t until after the war ended that everything was finally as it should be. Percy was alive. Their friends (at least some of them) were alive and safe. Rachel was the Oracle (Annabeth and Rachel actually got a long fine now that they didn’t have Percy to fight over).

That night Annabeth and Percy kissed becoming boyfriend and girlfriend. In the end Annabeth had been wrong. She loved Luke but like a brother. She never really loved him like she could be with him.

Annabeth’s deepest desire used to be that she was with Luke, her parents were together again, Luke was good once again, no longer evil, and that she rebuilt all of Manhattan.

Since then her desire has changed. She still wants to be an architect but will handle one building at a time. She knows that her parents can’t be together and she’s fine with that. Her step-mother really isn’t that bad. All Annabeth had to do was give her a chance. And she no longer likes Luke. The only way they liked each other is as siblings, nothing more and nothing less. Percy however, is a different story.

She now dreams of Percy just like how he dreams of her. They dream of a life together away from monsters and the gods and prophecies. And Annabeth is okay with that. She actually likes the idea of being with Percy for a long, long time. They are only sixteen so there’s no need to rush anything, but they also don’t need to take things slow either.

By the way, did Annabeth mention that her new favorite color was green?

Alygirl421 commented…
That's so sweet! over a year ago
over a year ago zorgon28 said…
over a year ago kayleegurule said…

Annabeth Chase woke up half an hour after she passed out and walked into the throne room of the gods. The Olympians, plus Hades, were sitting in their thrones in their true size. She saw her friends standing in the middle of the room by the brightly lit hearth and she walked over to them.

“Miss much?” Annabeth asked Percy quietly as Zeus gave his speech.

“Nobody’s planning to kill us, so far,” Percy whispered back jokingly.

“First time today,” She commented.

Percy cracked up until Grover nudged him and we noticed the look Hera was giving us.

Zeus shifted uncomfortably and awkwardly cleared his throat before reluctantly thanking Hades and Poseidon for their aid. They both seemed very happy and smug about how uncomfortably Zeus looked. It was funny. Zeus then announced that they needed to thank the heroes that fought the war.

He called Thalia up first. He promised to help in filling the ranks of the Hunters that she and Artemis lost, which Thalia seemed happy about.

Next was Tyson. Zeus joked about Tyson’s weight before getting down to business. He appointed Tyson a general in the armies of Olympus. Who knows if Tyson really understands what a general is but he seemed really happy when he was granted a new stick.

Then Grover was called. Dionysus made him one of the new Council of Cloven Elders. Grover passed out right then and there. He was also named Lord of the Wild. Several pretty-looking naiads dragged him away to take care of him. Let’s hope Juniper never finds out.

Athena called up Annabeth next. She squeezed Percy’s arm then walked forward and knelt before her mother’s feet.

Athena smiled. “You, my daughter, have exceeded all expectations. You have used your wits, strength, and your courage to defend this city, and our seat of power. It has come to our attention that Olympus is . . . well, trashed. The Titan lord did much damage that will have to be repaired. We could rebuild it by magic, of course, and make it just as it was. But the gods feel that the city could be improved. We will take this as an opportunity. And you, my daughter, will design the improvements.”

Did she hear her mother right? Annabeth looked up at her stunned. “My . . . my lady?”

Athena smiled wryly. “You are an architect, are you not? You have studied the techniques of Daedalus himself. Who better to redesign Olympus and make it a monument that will last for another eon?”

Annabeth was stunned still.

Is this really happening? She asked herself.

“You mean . . . I can design whatever I want?”

“As your heart desires,” the goddess said. “Make us a city for the ages.”

Apollo, Aphrodite, and Ares then began saying how many statues of themselves that they wanted.

“All right!” Athena interrupted their pointless banter. “She gets the point. Rise, my daughter, official architect of Olympus.”

Annabeth rose. Her mind was already fast at work making plans.

“Way to go,” Percy flashed his famous grin.

I started telling him the stuff I have to get but I was interrupted when Poseidon called, “PERCY JACKSON!” The room immediately went silent.

Percy walked forward first bowing to Zeus then kneeled in front of his father. Poseidon told him to rise and he did so.

The gods talked for a bit and Zeus announced that he would give Percy one gift from the gods.

Percy hesitated. “Any gift?”

Zeus nodded grimly. “I know what you will ask. The greatest gift of all. Yes, if you want it, it shall be yours. The gods have not bestowed this gift on a mortal hero in many centuries, but Percy Jackson – if you wish it – you shall be made a god. Immortal. Undying. You shall serve as your father’s lieutenant for all time.”

Annabeth’s heart sank to her feet. Her stomach rose to her throat. Percy – her Percy – was being offered immortality. No hero has ever denied this before. Percy’s going to become a god and she’s never going to see him again. Annabeth willed herself not to cry, but it was hard.

Percy glanced back at Annabeth before looking at the floor and thinking. He was probably thinking about all the benefits of becoming a god. He’s probably thinking of all the powers and cool stuff that he could do. Then he looked at her again before turning back to the Council.


Annabeth’s head snapped up and her jaw hit the floor. Did she just hear him right? She knew from the shocked faces of the gods that she wasn’t imagining this. Percy had turned down being a god. Annabeth’s heart was beating as fast as a hummingbird’s. Her eyes were shining and she was elated.

Percy talked to the gods some more and had them swear on the Styx to start claiming their children and get cabins for the minor gods’ children. Annabeth, personally, thought that wish was so much better.
over a year ago Alygirl421 said…
That's so sweet!
over a year ago zorgon28 said…
over a year ago Alygirl421 said…
What's going to happen to Percy? Will his Achilles Heel kill him?
over a year ago Alygirl421 said…
I wanna know what happens soon...
over a year ago kayleegurule said…

“Don’t be nervous,” Silena whispered to her boyfriend of four months, Charles Beckendorf.

“I can’t help it,” He said. “I’ve never met someone’s parents before.”

“You’ll do brilliant,” Silena encouraged. “My dad and step-mom will love you. You just have to have some faith.”

Beckendorf reluctantly nodded as they neared the chocolate shop.

Silena’s dad, Stanley Beauregard, owns Chocolate Haven. Chocolate Haven is the biggest and most popular chocolate shop in New York. As it says in the commercials on TV “It handles all of your chocolaty needs!” The commercials are kind of corny, but the shop is the best. It sells everything: milk chocolate, dark chocolate, white chocolate, chocolate milk, chocolate syrup, hot fudge, chocolate cookies, chocolate cakes, chocolate brownies, chocolate cupcakes, Belgium chocolate, chocolate M&Ms, chocolate bunnies, hot chocolate . . . well, you get the idea.

When they walked into the large, roomy space Beckendorf was shocked by the amount of people here. There was a birthday party happening in the corner of the shop, it looked like two adults were trying some chocolate cakes, maybe for a wedding or something. Other teenagers around Silena and his age were sitting at the couches eating chocolaty sweets.

Silena grabbed Beckendorf’s hand and dragged him behind the counter and into the back of the shop. Leaning over one of the machines stood a man Beckendorf assumed was his girlfriend’s father. He noticed us and came forward. The man was reasonably tall with a lanky frame. His hair was almost all grey and he had wrinkles weathered in his face. He was wearing a heavy apron over his clothes which seemed to catch most of the chocolate that escaped from the machine.

“Selly,” the man whispered before wrapping his daughter in a hug.

“Hi, daddy.” Silena hugged him back. “Where’s Patricia?”

“Oh, she’s out getting lunch,” he said. “She’ll be back shortly.” He turned to me. “You must be Charles. It’s nice to meet you.”

Beckendorf pushed down the distaste at his name and smiled, shaking the man’s hand.

“You too, sir,” Beckendorf replied. “It’s a pleasure.”

“How about you two kids pick out something to eat and then we can all talk,” Stanley suggested.

Beckendorf and Silena readily agreed going into the front of the shop. Beckendorf chose chocolate ice cream with chocolate chips and chocolate syrup. Silena simply chose hot chocolate not wanting to gain too many calories.

Once they all sat down, Stanley began to question Beckendorf. “So, Charles, you’re eighteen, yes?”

Beckendorf nodded. “Yes, sir.”

“Are you going to college next fall?”

“Yes, I got accepted into the engineering program at NYU,” Beckendorf answered proudly.

“Who are your parents?”

“Dad. . . .” Silena trailed off looking at Beckendorf, but he shook his head.

“It’s okay,” Beckendorf assured her then turned to her father. “My mother died when I was fourteen, sir.”

“Well, I’m sorry.”

“Thank you.”

“What about your father? Is he a god or . . . ?”

“My father is Hephaestus, god of blacksmiths, fire, and builders.”


“I like to think so,” Beckendorf smiled.

“It was so great to see you, Daddy, but we should be getting back,” Silena told her father sadly.

“I understand, Sweetheart,” Stanley smiled sadly.

The three of them stood up and Silena hugged her father. When they pulled apart, Beckendorf shook Stanley’s hand respectfully. The son and daughter said one last goodbye before leaving the chocolate shop.

“That went well,” Silena smiled at her boyfriend.

“Thank the gods!”
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
So if you couldn't tell this is the day after the underwater kiss in The Last Olympian. Hope you like it!


Percy woke up the next morning with a smile on his face. The day before had been both amazing and horrible. It was horrible, because so many of his friends had died from the war. It was amazing, because now Percy might be with his best friend, Annabeth.

Maybe. . . .

Just last night things had changed. He and Annabeth had ended up kissing in the dining Pavilion while the whole camp watched them. Then they were thrown in the lake and ended up kissing underwater (since Percy is a son of Poseidon he created a bubble around them so Annabeth could breathe) and managed to scare their friends to death.

But that doesn’t answer the big question.

Are he and Annabeth dating?

As embarrassing as it is to admit, Percy just turned sixteen and he’s never had a girlfriend before. His friends at Goode High School tease him about that a lot. But since he’s had a prophecy mentioning his ultimate death hanging over his head for four years, dating hasn’t exactly been high on Percy’s priority list.

He really likes Annabeth and would like to date her, but he doesn’t know how she feels. Last night could have been completely spontaneous and she could be regretting it right this very second. Percy really hopes that isn’t happening.

As if Aphrodite read his thoughts a knock sounded on Percy’s cabin door.

Percy got out of bed and looked down realizing he was only in his pajama bottoms. He reached down and threw on a shirt not caring if it was clean or dirty before walking over and answering the door. Percy was thankful that he had thrown on a shirt because behind the door was Annabeth.

“Uh, hey, Annabeth,” Percy said nervously.

“Hey, Seaweed Brain. Can I come in?” Annabeth said with her usual confidence.

Percy nodded and stepped aside allowing the daughter of Athena inside the Poseidon cabin.

“So, I uh, think we should talk,” Percy stammered hesitantly.

“Talk about what?” Annabeth wondered.

“About last night.”

Annabeth hesitated, saying, “Are you taking it back?”

Percy’s eyes practically bulged out of his head. “What? No! No, definitely not.”

Annabeth smiled pleased with his answer. “Good. Then what’s there to talk about?”

“Well, I was just thinking maybe we should um I’d don’t know talk about what this means for us . . . you know . . . relationship wise?” Percy stammered.

Annabeth grinned at the sight of him. Percy has always looked cute whenever he’s nervous.

“How about this?” Annabeth stepped forward and wrapped her arms around Percy’s neck which surprised him slightly. “I don’t kiss any other guys. You don’t kiss any other girls. We call each other boyfriend and girlfriend and we kiss whenever we want. Sound good to you?”

Percy grinned and nodded. He moved his hands so they rested on his best friend’s hips. “Yeah,” he said. “That sounds perfect.”

over a year ago Alygirl421 said…
big smile
Love it love it love it!
over a year ago zorgon28 said…
big smile
over a year ago Alygirl421 said…
big smile
New one soon? Pretty please?
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
I am so so so so so so so so so so sorry! I never expected to go that long without an update! OMG I am sorry! My life has been crazy the past couple of weeks. I will definitely get one in before Friday because on Friday I'm going to my mom's who doesn't have internet and will be there until January. So I'll be sure to upload one before I leave! Sorry again.
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
34 – KISSING CAM (Part I)

The whole camp sat in the pavilion waiting for the camp fire to start when suddenly the sound of a loud megaphone turning on suddenly went through the camp. It was dark so the campers tried to find the sound as best as they could, but it was too dark to see anything. Suddenly a familiar voice came on.

“Hello, Camp Half-Blood!” A familiar voice said. “This is Connor Stoll and I am coming to you live from . . . well, I can’t tell you that because then Chiron would come and turn this off. Anyway this is a new segment I like to call Kissing Cam. Every night at the camp fire a select couple will be chosen to kiss which will be broadcasted in front of the whole camp.”

On cue a gigantic, flat screen lowered over the stage in the pavilion. It suddenly turned on showing the whole camp.

“Now the first couple will be chosen!” Connor announced.

On the screen flashes of different couples appeared and left as if a hidden camera was looking at these people. Suddenly it stopped on two people.

“Conner, I’m gonna kill you!” Travis yelled out to his brother.

“Sorry, Travis, but those are the rules. Now kiss Katie!”

The whole camp watched happily as Travis and Katie leaned forward to kiss. Their lips connected for a few seconds before pulling apart.

“Wow,” they muttered to each other to mesmerize to care that the whole camp had just seen and heard them kiss.

The whole camp cheered as the camera went zooming among the crowd in search of its next couple or not-so-couple. Suddenly it landed on Clarisse and Chris who were both glaring at the camera.

“No way in fricken Hades!” Clarisse yelled.

“Okay, okay! I guess these two like waiting until they’re alone,” Connor joked.

The camera searched again, but this time landed on Percy and Annabeth. They both shrugged not fazed by what they have to do. But then again they already kissed in front of the whole camp on Percy’s birthday. So this isn’t any different. They kissed as the whole camp cheered for their favorite power couple before pulling away and grinning at the camera.

“That’s all the couples for tonight,” Connor announced. “Tomorrow you’ll see three new couples kiss in front of the camp! This is Connor Stoll signing off from none of your beeswax! See ya!”

over a year ago Alygirl421 said…
That last post was an awesome idea! Wheres the next one?
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
big smile
Hey! I just got back from my winter break with my mom! Sorry she doesn't have internet at her house so I couldn't post but I'm back now. I got some pretty good presents this year for my birthday and Christmas. Also I'm finally seventeen. Damn, I joined this website when I was like thirteen and now I'm seventeen. I've been on here for a while. Anyway, I worked on some stuff while I was gone so a post should be up sometime today. Also my favorite gift of all is a gag-gift that my sister gave me and it was actually two shirts. One was a purple Camp Jupiter shirt and the other was an orange Camp Half-Blood shirt. They look exactly how they're described in the book and are now my favorite shirts.
gwendiamond commented…
Reals! I got a orange Camp Half Blood shirt for my birthday too! The actual one not a fake one over a year ago
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
35 – Proposal (Part II)

Travis has been acting off lately. He’s jumpier and more nervous than usual. He won’t look Katie in the eye and he’s been coming home unusually late every night for the past two weeks. Katie is worried that something may have changed between them. Maybe Travis doesn’t love her anymore.

One night Katie stayed up to wait for her boyfriend. He didn’t come home until two in the morning. He froze at the sight of Katie on the couch.

“Hey, Katie-Kat, what’s going on?”

Katie stood up and Travis saw that her eyes were filled with sadness and fear. “Katie?” He took a step forward, but Katie took a step back to avoid him. He looked at her in confusion. What was going on?

“Travis, I need you to be completely honest with me,” Katie said.

Travis nodded so Katie took a deep breath trying to get the words out.

“Travis . . . are you cheating on me?”

Travis’ eyes widened and his jaw dropped open in shock.

“What?” He asked shocked. “How could you even think that?”

Katie narrowed her eyes at him and walked over to the answering machine that was on the coffee table. She pressed one of the buttons and suddenly a message played.

“Hey, Travis, it’s me. I am calling to let you know that I arrive tomorrow at three. I can’t wait to get together. It’s been so long. Call me. I love you, Trav and I’ll see you tomorrow. Bye!”

Katie turned back to her boyfriend or soon to be ex-boyfriend. She looked at him with hard, hurt eyes.

Travis tried to keep the smile off his face, but he couldn’t deny that he was amused.

“Katie, it is seriously not what you think?”

“Really? Then what is it? You have been distancing yourself for weeks now. You’ve been coming home late. And now this! Travis, what is going on?”

“I’ve been distancing myself because I’ve been super nervous and anxious lately. I’ve been working late lately so I could afford something. As for that voicemail, that was from Rebecca, my half-sister who spent the last four years in Iraq. Remember she was supposed to be coming back this month and will apparently be here tomorrow. I’m sorry if you got the wrong impression, but I’m not cheating on you. Quite the opposite actually.”

“What have you been working late for?” Katie asked embarrassed that she had been wrong.

Travis smiled and walked forward. He placed his hand on her cheek, which she leaned into. Her eyes automatically close when he kisses her forehead. Travis suddenly lowers himself which confuses Katie. She opened her eyes and froze at the sight.

Travis was kneeling in front of her and was holding the most beautiful ring in the world in his hand. It was a silver band with a simple diamond on it. The ring was simple yet beautiful, just like Katie herself.

Her hand flew to her mouth as happy tears slid down her face.

“Katie Gardner, I have loved you since the moment I saw you. I had to be very patient though. I always knew that you were what I wanted. We may bicker but I know that nothing can ever separate us. I have always loved you and I will continue to love you even after death. I love everything about you. I love your seriousness, your humor, your ability to see good in everyone, and most importantly, I love your stubborn nature. Katie, I cannot spend another day without you being mine. So, will you make this undeserving man happy and marry me?”

Katie pushed back the sob that threatened to release and nodded frantically. “Yes! Yes, I will marry you, Travis.”

Travis smiled and stood up. He slipped the ring on her waiting finger then wrapped their arms around each other.

“I love you, Travis!” Katie whispered with her arms around his neck.

“And I love you, Katie. I always will, even after death.”

“I know.”
over a year ago gwendiamond said…
Aww! Love Is In The Air! So glad I decided to read it! it's great!
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
So, I have an update.

First of all, I will be ending this story soon. I'm working on one-shot #43 right now and I'd like to end it one one-shot #50. Maybe occasionally I'll upload another one if I come up with one, but for the most part it'll be finished after that. I'm not certain when that'll happen at, probably in the next couple of months. I'll be sad to see this story go, but it'll be nice to move on to some others.

Also this is an update on my story Different. I am hoping to begin posting that story not long after Camp of Couples finishes. I'm on chapter 9 now and am in the events of the third book. I'm not certain how long this story will be how when I will be finished with it. I'll just have to wait and see, but it seems to be coming along nicely.

This is a rough summary for Different:

What if the events of Percy Jackson's childhood happened a little differently?

What if his mother was killed by the gods when he was a kid? What if he met Grover, Luke, Thalia, and Annabeth on the run? What if Poseidon never claimed him?

A lot would have changed. For one, Percy has joined the side of the Titans and is a spy at Camp Half-Blood.

Follow Percy as he is forced to live a double life and has to lie to the few people that he actually cares about. As the Second Titan War looms closer, what will Percy decide?

I hope you like it. Keep an eye out for more updates to come later on.
over a year ago Alygirl421 said…
over a year ago Alygirl421 said…
I'm so excited
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
36 – Boyfriends VS Girlfriends (Part III)

Percy awoke with sweat covering his body. He was breathing hard and his heart was racing. He’d never been so hurt in his life.

Percy sat up carefully and reviewed the dream in his head. He’d challenged Clarisse and Annabeth to a battle against him and Chris to see who was better. Annabeth was overtaken by her fatal flaw and actually hurt him in his weakest spot.

It was a scary dream, but what’s scarier is know that that can actually happen. Pride is nothing to mess with. It’s a horrible fatal flaw. It’s almost worse than personal loyalty.

He sighed restless and got up from bed. Once he was dressed, he left the Poseidon cabin not really having a destination. He was closing in on the arena when his name was suddenly called from behind. He looked behind to find Chris jogging toward him.

“Hey, Percy!”

“Hey man.” Percy’s voice was shaky as he remembered the dream. “What’s up?”

“Have you seen Clarisse? I haven’t talked to her all day,” he asked.

Percy hesitated to give him an answer. This was turning out too much like his dream. “Dude, are you okay?” Chris looked at Percy with concern in his eyes.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” Percy lied.

“Okay, then . . . Do you know where she is?” Chris asked again.

Percy reluctantly nodded. “She may be at the arena.”

Chris thanked him and began to walk that way.

“You know what, I’ll come with you.” Percy reluctantly jogged up to him and they made their way to the sword fighting arena. As they got closer to the arena they heard loud yelling. They looked at each other with curious glances before jogging the rest of the way. When they walked in Annabeth and Clarisse were locked in a fight. Spear VS Knife.

“What are you doing?” Percy asked the girls, once they took their break.

“What’s it look like, Seaweed Brian?” Annabeth smiled at him.

“It looks like your sparring without us,” he observed.

“There’s a reason for that,” Clarisse said.

“What’s that?” Chris asked her.

“You can’t handle it,” Clarisse said simply.

“You know what, we can’t,” Percy decided. “I think we should go. I’m going to be late for my lesson with Chiron anyway.”

Percy pulled Chris out of the arena.

“Why’d you say that?” Chris asked. “You never turn down a challenge.”

“Yes, but I’d rather have a happy girlfriend then pride,” Percy admitted before leaving him.

There’s a reason people say: happy wife, happy life.
over a year ago Alygirl421 said…
Lol that post was worth the wait
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
37 – Grey


Charles Beckendorf ran up the stairs of the three bedroom townhouse that he owns with his wife, Silena Beckendorf.

“Silena! What is it? What’s wrong?” Beckendorf dashed into the master bathroom to find his wife gaping at herself in the lighted mirror. Silena’s face was a mixture of fear and shock.

“What is it?” Beckendorf asked again kneeling in front of her. “What’s wrong?”

“I have a . . . a . . . a. . . .”

“A what?” Beckendorf urged.

“I have a gray hair!” Silena yelled.

She laid her head in her hands and sighed sadly. Beckendorf sighed in relief. He though it may have been something much worse. However he always knew this day would come.

Throughout the years, they had been through a lot. They helped win the Second Titan War when they were eighteen. Then they both went to NYU in New York. When they finished college Beckendorf proposed. They were only engaged for only six months before getting married in Hawaii with all their friends around watching them.

After being married for a few years the couple moved to Madrid, Spain where Silena launched her fashion carrier and has the biggest fashion line in the world at the moment. Whereas Beckendorf has a mechanics shop that isn’t well known, but it’s still good enough for them. They are both in their mid-forties and have had their share of events including the birth and raising of three children. They had two boys and one girl. Levi is their oldest and is currently twenty-two and is in college in England. Levi would like to be a professor. Juliette is eighteen and is in her last year of high school and she already got accepted into the best fashion school in Paris so she could follow in her mother’s footsteps. And Dean is sixteen and is in his junior year of high school. When he goes to college he would like to be dentist.

The point is they have been through a lot. So Beckendorf isn’t all that surprised that Silena is finally getting a grey hair. He already has some himself. It’s nothing to be ashamed of.

“I’m just going to pluck it,” Silena decided.

“I wouldn’t do that,” Beckendorf said rushed as he watched Silena pick up her tweezers.

“Why not?” She asked pausing.

“Because if you pluck one gray hair then three more replaces it,” Beckendorf informed her.

Silena’s eyes widen and throw down her tweezers and pouts at her reflection in the mirror.

Beckendorf leaned forward and kissed her head comfortingly. “Don’t worry about it,” he told her. “No matter how many grey hairs you receive you will always be as hot as when we first met.”

“Really?” Silena’s eyes lit up happily.

“Truly,” Beckendorf confirmed.

Silena smiled. “What would I do without you?”

“Let’s hope you never have to find out,” Beckendorf said. He stood up and left the bathroom. It was time to go to work.

over a year ago kayleegurule said…
I am sorry I haven't posted in forever. A lot has been going on. Now you may or may not have seen but CHBCJRPJS has been put on hold. This will not be put on hold, but the updates will also be scarce. I hope you understand and are still with me.
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
38 – Battle

Clarisse sighed in exasperation as she scanned the campers. The camp had about seven hundred campers total this summer. That is five times more than Camp Half-Blood had when they fought in the Second Titan War. Clarisse knew that they could sustain any enemy that comes across their path, but then again they will be fighting Romans and no one’s ever done that before.

Clarisse has seen Jason’s fights and if that’s any indication to what the Romans fight like then Camp Half-Blood may be in trouble. However, she wasn’t going to give up so easily. She was the leader. Usually Annabeth and Percy are the unofficial leaders of Camp Half-Blood, but when they’re gone she’s takes place as leader since she’s the most qualified.

All of the campers were crowded around her – looking at her – and waiting for her orders. She squared her jaw and began to speak, “Right now we don’t know what is going on with our friends in Europe, but we can’t think about that. We have to keep our thoughts here. I’m not sure what happened at the Roman camp. I am sure however, that the Romans are pissed off at us. Rachel told me that a battle will be taking place here tomorrow at midnight. Now I am not sure about any of you, but when I first came to this camp I took a vow to protect it with my life. Now I am in the position to do so and I will fight until my last breath. I only want to know one thing: Who is with me?!”

Camper after camper began to come forward or raise their hand meaning that they agree with Clarisse’s words. They will fight until their last breath when it comes to Camp Half-Blood.

“Good, now go rest up, check medical supplies, eat up, set up bunkers, or do inventory on weapons. I don’t really care, but do something useful that will help us be ready for tomorrow. Got it?”

There was a roar of approval and everyone split off – all but one person at least.

“That was a very good speech,” Chris praised me smiling. “You really raised moral around here.”

“Let’s hope so,” I muttered. “We can’t lose this battle.”

“And we won’t,” Chris insisted.

“How do you know?” I questioned.

“I know because you’ll be leading us.” Chris smiled. “Nothing can go wrong with you leading us. Sure we may not have as much military strength as the Romans, but they have another thing coming if they think we’re just going to lie down and take what they throw at us. We all love this camp. It’s our home. And we’re going to follow your lead and fight until we’re dead, because if it’s one thing about the Greeks that is true, it’s that we are damn stubborn and will not give up easily.”

Clarisse gave him a thankful smile that was so small Chris almost wasn’t sure it was real. He opened his mouth to say something else when suddenly something caught Clarisse’s eye from behind him.

“Dammit Stoll! You’re supposed to hit the target not your bother whose fifty feet away from you!” Clarisse yelled.

Chris chuckled and said, “Go take care of it.”

Clarisse nodded and stalked her way to the Stoll brothers who were trying to run away from the scary Ares cabin leader.


As the campers of Camp Half-Blood charged the campers of Camp Jupiter one thing was sure. No matter who won the battle that night, it won’t be the end. There will always be others to fight for the campers that fall. And with Clarisse leading them they will continue to fight until their last breath because that is what she would do and everyone will follow her lead no matter what.
over a year ago ATHENAFAN said…
over a year ago Jane_Bridges said…
PLEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSE post SOOOOOOOOOONNNNN!!!!!!!! I can't live without this!!!!!!!
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
39 – Christmas Proposal

It was Christmas morning and Percy and Annabeth were on their couch opening their gifts to each other. They were twenty and were now officially moved into the apartment they purchased together a few months ago. They were loving the apartment. It’s also right between Percy’s school, NYU, and Annabeth’s school, Cambridge. Another plus, it wasn’t far from Percy’s parents’ apartment so, for example, if Percy broke the pipes again because of a nightmare then Paul can be here in less than five minutes to help him fix them.

“What time do we have to be at your mom’s?” Annabeth asked taking a sip of her coffee.

“Around noon,” Percy answered slightly nervous about what he was going to do. “But, um, before we start cleaning up, I have two more presents for you.”

“What? But Percy-”

“Annabeth, how about you save us both the time and just not complain because we both know that you’re going to accept them either way?” Percy suggested which made Annabeth glare at him.

He sent her an innocent grin then went to the closet to bring out one of the gifts. It was a big box with holes in it for some reason. Annabeth sent him a curious smile before opening the box. She gasped when she saw what was inside. The little chocolate Labrador puppy jumped up against the box’s side and began to lick her shocked face.

“You got me a puppy!”

“I promised you I would,” Percy said nonchalantly. “It’s a boy by the way.”

Annabeth leaned forward and picked him up out of the box, and said, “Then I am going to call you Pluto.”

“Pluto? Like Mickey Mouse’s dog Pluto?” Annabeth laughed at her boyfriend.

“No,” she laughed. “Pluto, like the philosopher.”

“Oh, okay then,” Percy said. “There’s still one last gift though.”

“I’m not sure what else could be better than little Pluto here,” Annabeth said.

“I guess you can decide that then.” Percy reached into his pocket and pulled out a small black velvet box. Annabeth’s jaw dropped.

“Percy,” she breathed.

“Annabeth, I have loved you since I was fourteen years old. It wasn’t always clear and sometimes I hated it, but other times they were the best of my life. You were with me when we fought in wars and battles. You were with me when I swam in the River Styx. You were with me when I was in absolute pain in Tarturus. I would not have survived that without you. Annabeth, I cannot live without you and I want this to be the first of many memories we make in this apartment.” Percy opened the box to show a silver engagement band. There was a small, single diamond in the middle of it. The ring was just like Annabeth: simple, yet beautiful. “Will you marry me?”

“I was wrong.”

Percy’s smile disappeared. “About what?”

“This is better than Pluto,” Annabeth said. She wrapped her arms around her boyfriend, or now, fiancé. “Yes, Percy! I will.”

His smile reappeared. “Good or else the engagement party my mom is throwing this afternoon would have been really awkward.”

“Engagement party?” Annabeth questioned. “You told me she was throwing a Christmas party.”

“It’s a little bit of both.”

Annabeth shook her head, but hugged her fiancé again.

This was only the beginning of the good memories they would build together in this apartment.

The next chapter should be up in a couple of weeks!
over a year ago ATHENAFAN said…
over a year ago extraordinary25 said…
When you're mentioning the philosopher, do you mean Plato?
kayleegurule commented…
Ya i must have gotten them mixed up over a year ago
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
40 – Eloping

Clarisse La Rue and Chris Rodriguez were sitting on the couch in their apartment watching Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides. Clarisse and Chris are currently nineteen-years-old and are living in a small apartment close to Chris’s parents. Chris looked at his girlfriend of four years and smiled.

They had been through many battles and wars together. They had experiences loss, happiness, bliss, laughter, anger and many more emotions together. Some were good, some were bad. While growing up at Camp Half-Blood, Chris never would have thought that he and Clarisse La Rue, meanest of all the campers, would be dating. And now he can’t picture dating any other girl.

Clarisse isn’t the type of girl that would dress nicely when meeting the parents. It’s either like or don’t like her. Clarisse doesn’t care either way. When she met his parents Clarisse’s hair was in a messy pony-tail, she was in baggy jeans and a Camp Half-Blood sweatshirt on as well as muddy sneakers. She was definitely not what his parents were expecting to say the least. However, Chris’s mom still loved Clarisse. Chris’s father, though, needed to warm up to her a bit.

Chris likes everything about his girlfriend. He likes that she doesn’t wear make-up or doesn’t dress in tight skirts or stuff like that. He likes her exactly how she is. He likes how driven she is, and how competitive she is, and how stubborn she is, and most importantly, he loves her.

“Hey, I have an idea,” Chris said.


“Marry me.”

Clarisse paused either from shock or from hesitation. When she finally snapped out of it, she looked up at him and smiled. “Really? You want to marry me?”

“Is that so hard to believe?” He asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Kind of,” Clarisse shrugged. “You know I’m not one for a big fancy wedding, walking down the aisle, throwing the bouquet type of thing.”

Chris thought about it. “Then . . . let’s elope,” he suggested. “It can just be the two of us. We can get in the car now and go to Vegas. We can be married by morning.”

Clarisse studied him. “You’re serious.”

“More serious than anything else in my life,” Chris stated.

“Okay, let’s go.” Clarisse sent him a smile.

They quickly stood up and ran to their room. They stuffed enough clothes in some bags to last a few days then ran out of the apartment and forgetting about turning off the lights. Chris managed to drive them to Vegas in about several hours.

When they arrived, they found a nice hotel and checked themselves in before finding a chapel in the phone book. The chapel they found was actually in the hotel they were staying in. They paid the fee and walked into the chapel ready to be made husband and wife.

Half an hour later, they ran out of the chapel laughing and kissing each other.

“I’m so happy, Mrs. Rodriguez,” Chris smiled loving that Clarisse had already agreed to take his last name.

“Me too, Mr. Rodriguez,” Clarisse commented.

“How about we go up to the hotel room and celebrate our marriage?” Chris suggested happily.

Before Clarisse could reply, their phones beeped. “Oh, please to gods, no,” Clarisse muttered taking out her cellphone while Chris did the same. The opened up their phones to see them getting blown up with text messages from all of their friends and family about why they eloped.

“That didn’t last long,” Chris commented.

“No, it certainly didn’t,” Clarisse replied.

“There is always the off button,” Chris said casually eying Clarisse.

She smiled and put her phone on silent. She grabbed her newly husband’s hand and led him toward the elevator. “What text messages?” She asked quietly as she pressed the up button.

over a year ago Blackjack-Arion said…
sooo cute!
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
41 – Homecoming

Chris was reading a book in his recliner in the office when he heard whimpering coming from his daughter’s room. He put down the book and walked down the hall. He found his nine-year-old son, Beck standing in his sister’s doorway. Before Chris could ask what he was doing he heard more crying from the cracked door. Chris pushed it open and walked over sitting on the bed of his crying daughter. He wrapped his arms around his five-year-old and held her as she cried.

“Its okay, Silena,” he whispered to his daughter. “Whatever it is, it’s okay. What’s wrong?”

As she cried, she explained tearfully that she had a dream about her mommy. She was currently at war in another country and she had dreamed that she died. She was scared that that could really happen to her mom.

Chris looked at his son who seemed just as sad. He gestured for him to come over and he held them both.

Chris and his wife, Clarisse have been married for about eleven years now. About a year and a half after they got married Clarisse got pregnant and they had Beck. When he was a couple of months old Clarisse made the decision to sign up for the army despite the fact that she would be away from her family. She came back four years later and got pregnant again but with Silena. Again after Silena was a few months old, Clarisse went back to war. She’s been coming back every four years then relisting since. At the moment Clarisse has about another six months until she can be back. Her last reemployment was supposed to last a bit longer then her previous relistings.

“Now both of you listen to me, okay?” Both of Chris’s kids nodded.

“Your mother and I love you very much,” Chris began. “And sometimes to do what’s best for you we have to do hard things. Your mom doesn’t mean to be far away, it just happens. She’s doing this to protect you.” He paused. “I know you miss your mom. I miss her too. Every day I want her to be home, but she can’t. Protecting this country is her job and if that means being away from us for a little while then so be it. That doesn’t mean she doesn’t love you any less.”

“I’m scared, daddy,” Silena whispered.

“Me too,” Beck admitted. “We just don’t want anything to happen to her.”

“Neither do I, but I know your mom,” Chris said, “and trust me, it would take a lot to hurt her. But for now, just keep in mind that she’s safe and that she’ll be home again in six months. Remember, no news is good news.”

“What’s that mean?” Silena asked.

He smiled and gave his daughter a kiss on the forehead. “It means, that no news means your mom is okay, but news is generally bad news. So no news-”

“Is good news,” Beck finished looking at his sister.

“Now it is late and you both are up way passed your bed time, so I will tuck you in,” he told Silena then looked at Beck, “then I will come and see you. Got it?”

They both nodded. Silena lies down in her bed, while Beck gave her a kiss on her forehead before leaving for his room.

“Now remember, I’ll love you forever, I’ll like you for always, as long as I’m living my baby you’ll be,” Chris told her. That little song came from a children’s book that Beck used to be read to and Silena is now read to. Percy and Annabeth actually gave them the book at their baby shower.

“I love you daddy,” Silena reached up and hugged her father which Chris returned.

“I love you too, mija,” Chris whispered kissing her on the forehead.

He double checked that her nightlight was on before leaving her bedroom. He went to the room across the hall and looked in to find Beck already asleep. He quietly walked in and kissed him on the forehead before walking back out. Chris stayed up for about another hour reading before he decided it was time to sleep.


Chris was jolted awake when he heard sounds in the living room. He looked at the alarm clock and saw that it was two in the morning. He quickly thanked Hypnos and Morpheus for making him a light sleeper before jumping out of bed. He reached into the bedroom closet and grabbed a sword from his and Clarisse’s stash of weapons for emergencies. He held it at his side and quietly walked out of his room.

Chris looked down the hall to find Silena and Beck’s bedroom doors both closed. He continued to the living room as he heard another noise. His steps were quiet and everything was dark except for the faint light that was coming off of his sword. When he got into the living room, he flipped on the light and was shocked at what he saw.

“Clarisse,” Chris breathed shocked. “Wha-What are you doing here?”

Clarisse laughed at her husband, walked forward and hugged him which he easily returned. “Since I’ve been gone for so long the army let me come home early,” Clarisse explained. “Also there’s something else.”

“What?” Chris asked.

“I didn’t relist.”

Chris felt like he didn’t hear her right. “What?”

Clarisse chuckled. “I said that I didn’t relist.”

“Oh thank gods,” Chris said. They hugged each other again and kissed happy to be with each other again.

“I want to see the kids, but I don’t want to wake them up,” Clarisse said.

“How about you go peak into their rooms,” Chris suggested. “That should hopefully last you until morning. I love you and I will be waiting for you in our room.”

“I love you too, and I’ll see you in a few minutes.” They gave each other one more kiss before separating.

As Chris sat in bed with Clarisse in his arms that night all he could do was thank each of the gods for keeping his wife safe and bringing her back.

“Welcome home, Clare,” Chris whispered long after his wife had fallen asleep.
over a year ago Rip17 said…
I like your one-shots a lot but I've read a lot of stories for those couples.Can anyone give me a link for a Perstia Forum?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
This one-shot was inspired by the song My Immortal by Evanescence!

42 – My Immortal

Annabeth sat numb in the corner of their – or her – apartment. It’s been two days since the phone call of the news and she hasn’t moved an inch. Throughout the days people were constantly coming by and knocking on the door. Annabeth never answered. She didn’t want anyone but him.

As she sat there the conversation replayed for the fiftieth time in her mind.

Annabeth had been studying for her test in psychology when the home phone to her and Percy’s apartment rang. She picked it up and answered the phone even though she didn’t recognize the number.


The line was silent.

“Hello?” Annabeth repeated herself.

“Is this Annabeth Chase?” A shaky voice said over the phone.

Annabeth knit her eyebrows in confusion. “Yes, may I ask who this is?”

“I am one of the nurses at St. Patrick’s Hospital,” she caller said. “Is your fiancé Percy Jackson? You’re listed as his medical ken.”

Annabeth sucked in her breath. She and Percy had only changed their medical kens to each other
last year once they got engaged.

“Yes, has something happened?” Annabeth looked at the clock only now realizing how late it was. Percy should have gotten off work over an hour and a half ago. It’s only a two minutes commute between the skateboard shop he works at and the apartment. He definitely should have been home by now.

“I’m afraid your fiancé has been in a car accident,” the nurse said. “You and any other family should come down. It’s not looking good.”

Annabeth stopped listening after the words ‘car accident’. She ended the call and dialed Sally’s number with her cell phone while grabbing her coat and keys. She told Sally what the nurse told her as she drove.

As soon as she put the car into park, Annabeth was running into the St. Patrick’s hospital. She ran up into the information desk and frantically rang the bell for service. A grey haired nurse came over to help her.

“Percy Jackson. What’s going on with him? My name’s Annabeth Chase. I’m his fiancé,” Annabeth rushed out.

The nurse checked her computer. “I’m sorry no new information has been added quite yet,” the nurse apologized. “You’ll have to wait for his doctor.”

Annabeth groaned and sank into one of the chairs in the waiting room. Her head rested in her hands as she waited. After a few minutes though, Annabeth looked up at the sound of her name being called. Paul and Sally were running toward her with worried expressions.

“Annabeth,” Sally pulled her into a comforting hug. “What’s going on?” Sally asked her.

“I don’t know,” Annabeth confessed sadly. “They said I had to wait for the doctor.”

Paul sighed heavily. “I’ll go talk to the nurses.”

Sally got Annabeth to sit down with her as they waited. Ever since Annabeth and Percy became friends Annabeth has thought of Sally as a second mom, especially since she can’t see her mom regularly and she’s always had an odd relationship with her step-mom. Sally was the mom that Annabeth needed when she was in New York.

Paul eventually came back but all he got from the nurses was that the doctor would be there to talk to them soon. He asked if he could get them anything to eat or drink but both women simply shook their heads so he sat down next to them and wrapped his arm around his wife.

Minutes past and they still had no news. The waiting was excruciating. Annabeth wanted to go back there and demand to know what was going on with her boyfriend.

After what felt like years, a doctor in a white lab coat and a clip board finally came into the waiting room. The walked over to where the three of them were sitting. They all stood up anxious to hear the news.

“What happened?” Sally demanded. “Is my son okay?”

The doctor had a grim expression and sadness in his eyes. It didn’t take a genius to know what happened and Annabeth guessed. Tears entered her eyes.

“I’m sorry,” the doctor told them. “The damage done to Mr. Jackson’s body was too severe. His body was too weak after the wreck. We couldn’t save him.”

Annabeth stood there frozen upon hearing the news. Sally was weeping behind her and Paul was holding his wife while trying to be strong, but Annabeth could tell that the death of his step-son was hard on him as well.

Annabeth didn’t say anything. She did what she could do. She ran. She ran passed her car in the parking lot and continued the mile long journey back to the apartment. The run felt like nothing. She used to do three times that much in a single day at Camp Half-Blood.

She ran up the stair of the apartment building that Annabeth has lived in for two years now. She slammed the door shut and slid to the grown against it. She couldn’t process the news. Percy was gone. The doctor’s couldn’t save him. Percy was dead. Percy had survived many near-death experiences before. He’d survived Tarturus for Zeus’s sakes and he couldn’t survive something as menial as a car accident.

The sound of paws came up to Annabeth and she felt a wet nose on her hand. She looked up to find her one-year-old puppy, Pluto lying down and leaning his head against his master’s leg. Even Pluto seemed to realize the hurt that Annabeth was going through at this moment. Annabeth leaned forward and held the puppy close as she cried into his collar for the first time.

That only thing that had made Annabeth get up from her spot, since the news of Percy’s death, was Pluto. She would get up and feed him twice a day while letting him out occasionally then she would go right back to her spot and that’s where Pluto would find her when he was done.

Annabeth looked down at her engagement ring with sad eyes. She would never be able to marry the man she loved. He had left her despite the fact that he promised he wouldn’t. Annabeth would never be able to move on romantically. She knew that was true. She would move on and live life eventually. But her heart would always belong to the man that was now in the Underworld. Maybe Nico would be able to take her down there once in a while to see him.

She looked at her ring one last time and whispered, “I love you, Seaweed Brain. I swear on the River
Styx to never forget you. You will always be immortal in my heart. You’re my immortal.”
last edited over a year ago
Lenniecrout2 commented…
Do more! over a year ago