The Heroes of Olympus The Undercover Hero (COMPLETED)

kayleegurule posted on Jun 18, 2013 at 07:12PM
Disclaimer: Owned by Rick Riordan

Author: kayleegurule

Summery: What will happen when Percy Jackson has to go to Las Vegas, Nevada to protect Piper McLean and Leo Valdez at the Wilderness School with Gleeson Hedge? A lot. Read to see what happens.

Characters: Percy Jackson, Piper McLean, Leo Valdez, Gleeson Hedge, Annabeth Chase, Chiron


Camp Half-Blood & Camp Juniper Read The Percy Jackson Series:link

Camp Of Couples:link

My Whole Life Was A Lie:link

Taken By The Earth:link

The Mark Of Athena/The Heroes Final Stand:link

The Stolen Trident:link

A Rueful Wish: link

My Wattpad Account: link

My Account: link
last edited on Aug 23, 2013 at 01:19AM

The Heroes of Olympus 106 replies

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over a year ago kayleegurule said…
Chapter One
The Assignment

It’s been two weeks since the Second Titan War. It’s been two weeks since my sixteenth birthday. And it’s been two weeks since I began dating my best friend of four years. It’s been two weeks and everything was just starting to go back to normal. Unfortunately that also means that school is starting up again. I am currently standing in my cabin throwing random clothes and objects into my suitcase and “attempting” to clean up my cabin.

I was interrupted by a knock on my door. I walk over and open the door to find my best friend Grover behind it.

“Hey man,” I greet him.

“Hi, Perce,” he says. “You need to come to the Big House. Chiron wants to talk to you.”

“Now?” I ask.

“Now,” Grover confirms with a nod.

“Okay,” I say. I grab my sword Riptide off my nightstand and put it in my pants pocket then follow Grover to the Big House.

As we walk through camp I am amazed by how fast the new cabins have been built. Only the Nike and Hades cabins are complete but the rest are coming along nicely. Annabeth hasn’t stopped designing since she was given the assignment. I think she may be slightly obsessed.

When Grover and I arrived at the Big House I was surprised to see that neither Chiron nor Mr. D were playing their usual game of Pinochle on the porch.

“It’s too serious to talk about on the porch,” Grover says.

I begin to walk up the porch steps then suddenly realize that Grover’s not following me. “Aren’t you coming?” I ask him.

He simply shakes my head and says, “Orders not to.”

I released an anxious sigh before walking the rest of the way into the Big House.

“Hey, Chiron,” I greet the old centaur. I found Chiron sitting in his wheelchair by the fireplace staring at the flames as if they’d tell him the future.

“Hello, Percy,” Chiron says to me pulling out of his thoughts.

“So, what’s up? If this is about the pictures of you in curlers I have no idea how those got out-”

“Actually this is about something el-There are pictures of me in curlers going around the camp?” Chiron’s eyes showed a mixture of shock and anger.

“Um, no,” I lied. “What are you talking about? I think you’ve been listening to too many Dean Martin CD’s, Chiron. They seem to really be messing with your head.”

I chuckled nervously. Chiron just shook his head but thankfully moved on with the subject.

“I wanted you to come here because I have something that needs to be done and I feel you’re the best person for the job,” Chiron says.

“So what is it? Like a quest?” I ask, taking a seat across from him on the couch.

“Not exactly.” Chiron pulled a beige folder out of a drawer in the coffee table and hands it to me. I open it up and there’s a picture of two teenagers in there. I look up and give Chiron a confused glance. “Those demigods are Leo Valdez and Piper McLean. Gleeson Hedge is currently looking after them at The Wilderness School for Troubled Kids in the outskirts of Las Vegas, Nevada. They are powerful and have a very important future. Gleeson has called and needs help keeping an eye on them.”

“So you want me to go to this ‘Wilderness School’ and bring them here with Gleeson Hedge? Sounds easy enough. I’ll get Annabeth to ask Will if we can borrow the flying chariot and we’ll-”

“That’s the thing,” Chiron interrupts. ‘’This is a top secret mission and you would not be there for a couple of days. You would have to go as a full-time student.”

I stare at him like he’s crazy.

“But, Chiron it’s my Sophomore year. I’m supposed to go to Goode High School. What about my mom? How do I tell her? And I can’t tell Annabeth? She’ll kill me,” I ramble.

“Percy, I know this is a lot to process but Gleeson really needs help protecting these two,” Chiron says. “He already suspects a monster hanging around them. You are experienced, you can easily befriend them and protect them, and I have already taught you how to control the Mist if anything goes wrong. You are perfect for the job.”

“What do I tell my mom?” I wonder.

“Tell her that you have a secret quest and you will be gone for a while,” Chiron tells me. “You will have to leave in the dead of night, that way no one will know.”

“Chiron, Annabeth is going to kill me if she goes into my cabin and finds me missing,” I tell hm.

“I will explain everything to her and the rest of the camp when the time is right,” Chiron says.

Chiron reaches into the same drawer he pulled the last folder from and hands me another one only this one is black. “This has all the information you will need,” he states. “It has your train ticket, instructions on what to do if you get into a bind, directions to the school, and a debit card with money automatically wired in. You are all set to go. Read over Piper and Leo’s information tomorrow on the train. Your ticket time is for seven o’clock and you should be out of the camp a few hours before that-”

I just nod at everything Chiron is saying. Truthfully, I’m only half listening. The other half of my brain is too preoccupied with wondering how my friends and family will react to my sudden disappearance in the morning.

“-I have given the Harpies strict orders not to attack you if they catch you walking around camp in the middle of the night, so you do not have to worry about that. When I tell everyone I will make sure to let them know not to contact you. We don’t want a chance of Piper or Leo seeing the IM. If something happens you will have to contact me when the time is right. Okay?” I give him an understanding nod. “And Percy, remember. You must tell no one.”

“Thanks Chiron,” I say before standing up and making my way out.

“Percy!” Chiron stops me. I turn around to see him looking at me with a smile. “I am glad you lived long enough to be the hero I hoped you would be. Good luck.”

I return the smile before walking down the porch steps. Grover is still there waiting for me.

“What’s that?” Grover nods at the folders in my hand.

“Oh, uh just some documents that Chiron needed looking over,” I lie.

“Documents,” Grover’s tone is nonbelieving.

I nod. “They’re just notes from satyrs or gods that need rewriting and he wants me to do it. So I better go do it.” I try to move away from my friend but he steps in front of me, blocking my path.

“Percy, you were in there a long time. It would not have taken that long if you were just getting ‘documents’. Besides I can read your emotions. You’re nervous and guilty and scared. Something’s up with you,” Grover analyzes. My heart is beating as fast as I hummingbird’s on steroids. “But I won’t ask. I’ll just wait for you to tell me.”

“Deal,” I say knowing that won’t be for a long, long time.


Throughout the rest of the day, I seemed nervous and jumpier than usual. I was constantly fiddling with my hands and twitching my knee. I had hid the folders at the bottom of my suitcase and stashed it under my bed. Unfortunately everyone seemed to notice my nervousness, especially Grover and Annabeth. I hate lying to them but I could under no circumstance tell them what I would be doing in a couple of hours so I just told them some lame lie about being nervous for school.

By the time dinner rolled around I was ready for the night to be here so I could stop lying to them. I had already Iris-Messaged my mom and Paul and told them that I wouldn’t be coming back to school. They were slightly confused by my last minute decision but I lied and said that I’d be staying at camp for a while longer because Chiron needs help with the new campers. They looked uneasy but believed me.

I feel bad about the frantic messages they would be getting in the morning but I knew that it was for the best. After the Sing-A-Long at the camp fire, I walked Annabeth back to her cabin and gave her a loving hug and kiss. She seemed slightly confused about why I was being so serious with the goodbyes but what she doesn’t know is that I won’t be able to see her in who-knows-how-long. Luckily, though she didn’t ask.

I am currently pacing around my cabin, trying to get up the courage to do this. I don’t want to do this. I can’t do this. But I have to do this. Two lives depend on my ability to keep them safe and I can’t let them down. I won’t let them down.

I grab my suitcase and my backpack before checking the time on my clock. The bold red letters read, 5:00 AM. I take a deep breath before walking out of my cabin. As quietly as possible I trudge through camp and up Half-Blood Hill. Chiron is waiting for me at the top in horse form.

“Do you have everything?” he asks.

“I think so,” I nod.

“Good.” He hands me a cell phone. “Here, this is so you can look more normal, I guess. Just be careful. The camp number is already programed in just in case you can’t get to a rainbow. And this.” he hands me a set of car keys. “Those are the keys for one of the camp vans.” He points below and I see one of them parked at the bottom of the hill. “Argus will pick it up from Penn Station in the morning.”

“Thanks Chiron,” I tell him.

“No problem, Percy,” he says. “Just be careful and make sure to call when you arrive there.”

I send him one last nod then walk down the hill. I open the back of the van and place my suitcase and backpack there before climbing in the front and placing the keys into the ignition. I pull out and turn onto the old country road.

As I drive away I can’t help but stare at Half-Blood Hill in my rearview mirror. I hate leaving but as I drive down the road I know I have to.

It’s time to start the assignment.

It’s been two weeks and I’m already on another quest.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
big smile
wow! that was amazing! im already luving this story!!
plzzzz post soon!
over a year ago Nicosgurl said…
Omg this is really good when u posting next
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
Tomorrow. Since this story is already completed I can post a lot more often.
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
yay!! cant wait!
over a year ago Nicosgurl said…
Yay this is gona be really good i can tell
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
Chapter Two
The Journey

Sometimes being a son of Poseidon really has its downfalls.

Since I am a son of the Sea God that means I can’t fly in air planes, which means I am resulted to sitting in a train for a total of two and a half days on a train. Because there is no direct route from New York to Las Vegas, I have to take a train from Penn Station to Washington DC for three and a half hours, then I have to take a train from Washington DC to Chicago for a eighteen hour train ride, before riding from Chicago to Las Angeles for a forty-three and a half hours. Eventually after all of those train rides I just have to ride a bus from Las Angeles to Las Vegas for six hours and then hop a cab for the Wilderness School. So as I was saying being a son of Poseidon really does have its disadvantages.

For the first bit of the train ride until we got to Washington DC, I napped. I was too exhausted not to; however, once we stopped at DC for the night I went and finally got the chance to do a little sightseeing. I mean, hey, why not take some advantage of the situation. I went to all of the important and famous DC landmarks and made sure to take plenty of pictures (Annabeth would kill me if I didn’t). Then I crashed in a hotel for the rest of the night.

The following morning I bought some snacks from a vending machine and got back on the train. For most of the ride I studied the files that I was given. As it turns out Piper McLean is really the daughter of the famous actor Tristan McLean. Annabeth loves the movie King of Sparta. She dragged me to it about fifteen times. Piper is from, of course, Hollywood, California. She has decent grades in school but gets expelled a lot. She actually reminds me of me. What really got my attention though was the reason she was sent to the Wilderness School. This fifteen year old girl was sent there for stealing a car. If Travis and Connor met her they’d be bowing before her and calling her their “Queen”.

Leo Valdez is a few months younger then Piper but is from Houston, Texas. His mom was a mechanic and died when he was eight years old. He has a big family of relatives but they all refused to take him. He has been in foster care for about eight years and has run away from almost every foster home he’s had. It says that he has ADHD so he’s not the best student (except for shop class). The court decided to send Leo to the Wilderness School after running away from his last foster family. It seems like Camp Half-Blood will be perfect for Leo. It can be a place he can call home.

After I finished reading everything (luckily Chiron wrote everything in Ancient Greek for me), I closed the folders and stuffed them back in my suitcase. I turned on the MP3 player that Beckendorf made me before he died and listened to random songs for the rest of the trip. It felt like a year had passed before we were pulling up to the station in Chicago. I have to find something to do. Being ADHD and riding a train for hours at a time with nothing to do but stare out the window is seriously bad for my health. Well, maybe not that far, but it is boring.

The train would be here in Chicago overnight again so the first thing I did was go to the mall. I went to a lot of the stores. I walked into Zoomies first and ended up buying a sweatshirt and a pair of sneakers. Then I went to Boards R Us and checked out all of the awesome skateboards, surfboards, snowboards, skies; basically anything that you can do that involve a board. After a while I went to the food court and got some lunch. Despite all of the distractions at this mall, I managed to keep an eye out.

Surprisingly, no monsters have attacked yet. They should be though. I’m an older, powerful demigod, son of the Big Three and no monsters have attacked yet. Did I mention I was alone, because there’s that too? I definitely have a bad feeling about this, I mean the monsters have been quiet since the war but they shouldn’t be this quiet. I shook my head and told myself I was crazy. I was halfway through my journey; hopefully, I can make it the rest of the way without problems. At least I hope so.



I open my eyes to find light streaming through the windows. I want to roll over and go back to sleep but I know I can’t. I throw my sheets off of me and sleepily stumble into the bathroom. I quickly shower and get ready before waking up the rest of my cabin.

As we went to have breakfast I immediately knew something was wrong. Percy is not at his table. He’s always at breakfast. If he’s not here; therefor, something is very wrong. I turn around and make my way to Cabin Three. When I arrive I pound on the door and yell, “Percy! Are you in there?”

The only sound I hear is the sound of my breathing. I sigh and push the door open. I am shocked by the state of the cabin. As usual, candy wrappers littered the floor, Percy’s bunk was unmade, and his bathroom door and windows were open, but everything personal to him is gone. All of the clothes that usually hug the floor have disappeared, the pictures that clutter the dressers and tables are gone, and his drawers are as empty as the diary I was given in the Eighth Grade. The only personal item that was still there is Percy’s Minotaur horn.

I shake my head rapidly and run out of the cabin.

“Grover!” I yell to my friend. He turns and frowns when he sees me.

“What’s wrong, Annabeth?” He asks immediately.

“Have you seen Percy at all today?” I ask frantically.

He raises a skeptical eyebrow. “No? Why?”

I mentally groan, as I say the next words, “Percy’s gone.”

“What do you mean he’s ‘gone’?” Grover questions.

“Every personal item that belongs to him in Cabin Three is gone, along with all of his clothes,” I tell him. “He wasn’t at breakfast so I went to look for him when I saw his cabin. He’s just gone and he didn’t say anything to either of us.” I don’t want to believe it but I know it’s true. Percy’s gone. He left without a warning to anybody. He abandoned me of all people even when he promised that he wouldn’t.

“Let’s go to Chiron,” Grover advices. “Maybe Percy just left super early and didn’t want to wake you up to say goodbye or something?”

I shake my head. “Grover-” He doesn’t listen to me but instead drags me to the Big House. I just let myself get dragged behind him.

When we arrive I am not surprised to find Chiron playing Pinochle with Mr. D. And from the looks of it, Chiron is winning. Again.

“Blasted . . .” Dionysus curses as Chiron wins another point.

“Chiron,” Grover says as we stand next to him.

“Yes, young satyr?” Chiron asks, focusing on the game board.

“Have you seen Percy? He’s missing. We can’t find him anywhere,” Grover tells him.

You could see Chiron literally tense up. And from the way he paled, I could only guess that he knew something. He definitely knew something.

“What’s going on, Chiron?” I ask him, crossing my arms. “I know you know something.”

“Yes, I know where Percy is.” I open my mouth to begin asking questions but he interrupts me. “But no I cannot tell you. Percy is currently doing a top secret quest I guess you can say, for me. He had to leave last night and it was completely last minute. If you attempt to contact him it could endanger him and others. I am sorry but you will just have to wait until he contacts you himself.”

“Why would you ask him to go? What is he doing? Is he okay? Have you heard from him at all? Why would you let him go alone?” I fire out question after question.

“Child,” Chiron interrupts. “I am sorry but I cannot tell you more than what I already have. I will inform you on any news when I am presented with it. Now please go begin your lessons.”

I resist the urge to roll my eyes and stomp down the steps with Grover right behind me. As we walk away I hear Dionysus say, “Personally, I am relieved to finally have that little brat gone; one less demigod for me to look after.” I want to go up to Dionysus and slap him but I digress.

“I don’t know about you,” I say to Grover, “but I want to know where my boyfriend is and if he’s okay. You do whatever I’m going to find him. And I’m not going to let Chiron stop me.”

With those last words to Grover, I turn and stalk towards my cabin. I have a lot of work to do.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
awww, thats soooo sweet of annabeth! i hope percy's all right. is he gonna get captured by hera soon????
plzzzzzz post soon!!!
over a year ago Nicosgurl said…
Omg that waz amazing cant wait 4 next chappie
over a year ago corrected said…
this is great!
btw Penn Station is a restaurant....i didnt know it was a train station too
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
There's probably more then one considering how big New York is
over a year ago torrent said…
post soon
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
Chapter Three
The Arrival

The cab pulls up in front of a big, grey-stone building that looks to be about five stories high. Students were lugging around luggage and parents were helping their kids move their stuff to their dorms. On the front of the building is a dull banner that says WELCOME TO THE WILDERNESS and then it says right underneath SCHOOL as if someone forgot to add it in the first place.

I pay the cab driver then climb out of the cab. He helps me collect my bags out of the trunk before speeding away. I let out a reluctant sigh before picking up my bags and walk into the school. The main hall is crowded with other students. I discretely look around for Leo and Piper but see no sign of them. Instead I go and collect my dorm room key and school schedule.

When I get to the boys’ dorms I immediately find my dorm room and slip my key in. I push open the door and discover a semi-large, three-bed room. There is a bunk bed on the far side of the room next to the closet with a desk next to it, a huge dresser with a mini fridge next to it across from the window. Under the window is an old couch and next to it with a single bed. It is definitely better than some of my past dorms.

I set my stuff down by the couch before pulling out the phone Chiron gave me. I flip it open and dial the camp’s number. After three rings, I hear the familiar voice of Chiron.

“Hey, Chiron it’s me, Percy,” I say.

“Percy, it’s good to hear from you. How is everything?” He asks.

“It’s fine, I just got into my dorm,” I tell him. “I haven’t found either of them yet, though.”

“Search for Gleeson Hedge he will assist in locating them for you,” Chiron informs.

Just then I hear the door opening. “I have to go, my roommate’s here.”

“Okay, good luck,” Chiron says. I hang up the phone and see a familiar person walk through the door. It was Leo Valdez. I knew this by the burly, dark hair and big devilish eyes. His pointy ears and shortness reminds me of a Santa’s elves. He is exactly the same as in his picture.

“Sup, I’m Leo,” Leo Valdez greets, thrusting his hand toward me.

“Hey, Leo,” I shake his hand. “I’m Percy.”

“So where are you from?” Leo asks as we begin to unpack.

“New York,” I answer.

“Awesome,” Leo comments. “What’d you do to get sent here?”

“Oh, I actually used to go to this disciplinary camp but the instructors finally got so tired of me that I got sent here,” I lie.

Leo nods. “What about you?”

He shrugs. “Ran away from too many foster homes. The judge decided that this place would do me some good.”

“So is it just us too in here?” I ask casually.

“I think so,” Leo says.

“Cool.” I place my bags on the single bed since Leo already called the bottom bunk on the bunk bed. I place my remaining snacks in the mini-fridge and begin to unpack, or in my case, throw stuff on the floor. Leo doesn’t seem to mind I guess he is just as messy.

I fall onto my bed after I put my sheets on. I pull out my phone and add Annabeth’s number into my contact. While Leo is distracted fighting with his bedding I send Annabeth a quick text.

Percy: I’m fine. Don’t worry about me.

She must know by now that I’m gone. If not then she will soon. I hate having to put this much worry on her but I don’t have a choice. If I could have told her, I would have.

I jumped at the sound of a heavy pounding on our door. I walk over and open it to find a short, curly haired man in a sweat suit and Nikes. He has a baseball bat in one hand and a megaphone clipped to his belt. There was also a silver whistle handing around his neck. However I have been in the demigod world long enough to know when the Mist is hiding something. I easily saw the horns and the hooves that the Mist was hiding. This was Gleeson Hedge, satyr.

“Get to the auditorium for an assembly, now,” he looked at his clipboard, “Jackson and Valdez.”

Leo huffs giving up on the sheet and walks over and follows Gleeson out the door. I grab my key before following after them. On the way to the auditorium I try and stay close to Leo while also searching the crowd for Piper.

Once we get to the crowded auditorium Leo and I find a seat in the bleachers where we wouldn’t be so squished together. As I was looking at all the student I felt like someone was watching me. I look towards where the teachers are standing and notice Gleeson is looking at me but nodding at something under me. I look down and see familiar uneven hair and natural beauty. I know I’ve immediately found Piper. I flash him a grateful smile while keeping an eye on her.

“I hate assemblies,” Leo groans. “They’re so boring.”

“Would you rather be wrestling with the sheet back at the dorm?” I ask him.

“Yeah,” Leo admits.

I roll my eyes but turn back to the principal who is talking about rules. The principal’s name is Mrs. Crow and it’s actually funny because she’s tall with a long nose and her hair was pitch-black in a tight bun. Mrs. Crow actually looks like a crow.

“Does the principal look like she belongs in a cage?” Leo asks.

I laugh and nod, agreeing with him.

It takes twenty minutes for Mrs. Crow to finish the assembly. When she does, Leo and I walk back to the dorm. As Leo wrestles with his sheets, I finish bag of Doritos and watch him amused. After a couple minutes of laughing at Leo, I go to sleep and let Leo wrestle with his bed.

over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
LOL!! that was awesome! plzz post soon!
over a year ago corrected said…
that was awesome! post mooore
over a year ago Nicosgurl said…
Amazing cant wait 4 next post
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
Chapter Four
The First Day

I struggled but managed to get out of bed at seven o’clock the next morning for school. I showered, threw a random pair of jeans and a shirt on, than ate a Poptart. After I packed my backpack I went to Leo’s bunk and yanked his pillow from under his head. Unfortunately Leo just kept on sleeping.

“Leo! Get up!” I shouted in his ear, and yanked at his blanket. He just rolled over on his side towards the wall. I picked up the pillow and brought it down hard on his head, “Leo!”

Leo groaned but made no move to wake up.

I lean down close to Leo’s ear and whisper, “Leo, there’s chocolate chip pancakes.”

Leo’s eyes flashed open and he suddenly jumped out of bed, looking around wildly. He must have realized that there weren’t any pancakes because he glares at me and says, “Why’d you do that?”

I chuckle. “Because if you didn’t wake up then you’d be late. Hey, I hate school too but we might as well make the most of it.”
He rolls his eyes but moves to get ready anyway.

I sat down and pull my phone out of my pocket. The phone reads one new message. I open it up and notice that it’s from Annabeth. I glance over and see Leo spitting his used mouthwash out the window since he’s preoccupied I look down so I can read the message.

Annabeth: Can you tell me where you are?

I stare blankly at the message.
Can you tell me where you are? Can you tell me where you are? That question repeated in my mind. I wish I could. I really want to. I want to tell Annabeth that I’m in Las Vegas, Nevada. I want to go home to my mom and eat her blue chocolate chip cookies. I find Paul and my mom cuddled on the couch. I want to hug Annabeth and comfort her worries. I want to hang out with Grover and Nico.

Only I can’t. I know I can’t. I have to help Leo and Piper. I want to help them not only because I’m supposed to but because I think they can make great friends. Leo is cool and is already a good pal. I’m pretty sure I will be able to get along with Piper as well. Can you tell me where you are? No I can’t. I can’t tell her. I want to tell her but I can’t. I’m not done here yet. I need to stay. I have to stay. I want to stay.

Percy: No. I’m sorry but I can’t.

I turn off my phone after that. I stand up and noticed Leo watching me impatiently. I just shrug at him and we leave the dorm hall and go upstairs to the classrooms.

“What’s your schedule?” I ask him.

Leo hands it to me without question.

Name: Leo Valdez
Grade: 10
Room #: 213

Period 1 – Geometry – Joshua Bartley
Period 2 – American History – Andrew Schwartz
Period 3 – Physical Education – Gleeson Hedge
Period 4 – Biology 1 – Tony Godkin
Period 5 – English 10 – Sophie McGregor
Period 6 – Culinary Arts 1 – Marisol Page
Period 7 – Robotics/Engineering – Ian Nelson

“You’re taking cooking?” I ask him, raising an eyebrow.

“Yeah, and you’ll be joining me when I meet a hot female chef,” Leo grinned.

“I highly doubt that,” I mutter comparing his schedule with mine.

Name: Percy Jackson
Grade: 10
Room #: 213

Period 1 – Geometry – Joshua Bartley
Period 2 – American History – Andrew Schwartz
Period 3 – Physical Education – Gleeson Hedge
Period 4 – Latin 2 – Gina Francis
Period 5 – English 10 – Sophie McGregor
Period 6 – Marine Biology – Jeffrey Martin
Period 7 – Physical Activities – Gleeson Hedge

“We have all but three classes together,” I tell Leo. “It is periods 4, 6, and 7.”

“Cool, so for the classes we do have together, can I copy your homework?” Leo asks me hopefully.

I snorted. “Not unless you want to fail.”

He ends up cursing and grumbles the rest of the way to Geometry.

By the end of the day I was ready to sleep all of my problems away. I really did forget how hard school was when I didn’t have a daughter of Athena helping me with my homework. Luckily it was the last period of the day and as it turns out I have that class with Piper. I have most of my classes with her and Leo. I guess Chiron purposely put us together in most of the same classes so I could keep tabs on them.

I also befriended her in first period. She even sat with Leo and me at lunch. She is really cool but her and Leo fought a lot. They just can’t seem to agree on anything. It would be easier to get Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades to agree, for once.

“I hate this,” Piper groans when I met her outside the locker rooms. “We have two PE classes every day! It’s horrible! We’re going to die before we even finish the year!”

I chuckle at how dramatic she is. “We’ll survive,” I tell her.

“No, we won’t! I want to live long enough to get married and have kids one day, Percy!” Piper basically yells.

I sigh. Hopefully I can keep you alive long enough for that, I think.

over a year ago kayleegurule said…
I'll post chapter 5 when we get to a new page so post lots of comments.
over a year ago torrent said…
over a year ago torrent said…
post soon like now
over a year ago Nicosgurl said…




over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
that was amazing!!!!! drama queen=piper, lol.
plzzzzzzzz post soon!!!!!
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
22nd comment!
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
23rd comment! almost there!
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
24th comment! one more!
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
over a year ago corrected said…
great post
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
Chapter Five
The Prank

It’s been a month since I began attending the Wilderness School. It has definitely been hard being away from home this long. I try to Iris-Message my mom and Paul, Grover, Annabeth, and Chiron as much as possible without revealing anything to Leo. Since he’s my roommate I have to be careful, most of the time though I will call them with the phone Chiron gave me.

So far there have been no signs of monsters anywhere and that worries me. Since there are three demigods and one satyr in the same place there should be monsters everywhere, only there isn’t. What is keeping them from attacking, I have no idea. I don’t have a good feeling about it but since nothing is happening I try to push away my agitated feelings and make the most out of my situation.

For instance, Leo, Piper, and I have become really good friends. We always hang out and on the weekends we’re allowed to leave the school so most of the time we’ll take a cab to the city and hang out. We like going to the Serendipity Ice Cream Parlor, they have the best sweets. Every time Leo and I leave the parlor we look like we’re about to explode from our shaking. Note to self: ADHD and a ton of ice cream is not a good mix.

Most of the time though I think Piper feels like she’s our parents or something because she’s constantly breaking up mine and Leo’s weird debates or the pranks we set on each other. We are regularly having prank wars between us like a week ago I put itching powder in Leo’s boxers and he ended up twitching awkwardly the whole time during class. Then Leo got back at me by putting a live snake in my sneakers. So I got my revenge by shrinking all of Leo’s clothes in the laundry so he has been walking around in clothes that look like they’d be fit for Kindergarteners. So far I’m waiting to get pranked back so I’m being really cautious at the moment.

Unfortunately, I’m not cautious enough.

Leo sat down at our usual lunch table with his tray of food. Piper and I had arrived earlier and we’ve been wondering where he has been.

“Where were you?” I ask suspiciously.

“Oh, you know just working on my next prank,” Leo says in an obvious manner. “Scared yet?”

“Not a bit,” I say. If I can survive Travis and Connor then I can survive Leo’s pranks.

“When are you guys going to quit with the pranking?” Piper asks.

“When one of us wins,” I say.

“But if you keep pranking each other than you’ll never have a winner or a loser,” Piper interjects.

Leo and I both look at each other as if just realizing that.

“She’s got a point,” I realize.

Leo nods in agreement.

“We cool?” I ask.

“We cool,” he agrees.

I smile and dig my spoon into the whip cream on my Jell-O. Unfortunately, I instantly spit it out when I taste the bitter cream.

“You put shaving cream on my Jell-O!” I practically yell at him.

“Now we’re cool,” Leo chuckles.

I glare at him as a plan forms in my head. I send him an evil smirk before picking up my gross Jell-O and tossing it into the garbage can.

We are anything but cool, I think mischievously.

For the rest of the week, I act calm and collected not letting Leo get suspicious of my plan. He must know something is up, though, because he’s been jumpy and nervous for the past couple of days. He also seems to be sticking to Piper like glue because he knows that she can stop whatever pranks I am planning. There is one flaw to his plan. Piper can’t stay with him at night. Girls and guys aren’t allowed in each other’s dorm rooms after hours.

One night Leo seemed quite bored.

“Leo, how about we do something?” I ask him.

“Like what?” He watches me suspiciously.

“I was taught this really fun game at the school I went to last year,” I offer.

He shrugs, I guess thinking I’m harmless while saying, “Why not.”

“Cool, I’ll be right back.”

I leave the dorm room and go to the student lounge area. I grab a popcorn bowl from the cabinet and fill it to the brim with water. Then I carefully go back to the room attempting not to spill water. When I get back to the room, I put the bowl of water on the desk then gesture for Leo to come over. He does and sits down in the chair.

“Put one of your hands flat on the table,” I instruct him.

He looks at me oddly but does so anyway.

I place the bowl on his hand and ask, “Does that hurt?”

He shakes his head.

I lift up the bowl and tell him to place his other hand on top of the already flat one. He does not seeing anything wrong. I place the bowl on both his hands before standing up and grabbing my phone.

“See ya,” I say walking towards the door.

“Wait, Percy! I swear to God, let me out of this!” Leo yells.

I shake my head and grin. “No, I don’t think I will.”

I walk out of our room and shut the door, before remembering to grab something. I turn the knob on the door but realize my mistake. I left my keys inside my dorm room with a trapped Leo.

I groan.

I really am a Seaweed Brain.
over a year ago Nicosgurl said…
big smile
Omg that was hilarious lol
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
ROFL!!! that was awesome!!!!
post soon!
over a year ago corrected said…
over a year ago corrected said…
ummmm actually i dont understand how leo is trapped....y cant he pull his hand out from underneath????????/
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
Not unless he wants the water to spill all over himself
over a year ago corrected said…
umm ok thats what i thought but i didnt think water spilling on u would be sucha bad thing....
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
Chapter Six
The Secret Meeting

I walk over to my assigned kitchen to find Piper getting the ingredients out. Cooking was the one class I have with her without Percy. Today we were making Peanut Butter Blossoms. It’s a baked ball of dough with Hershey’s or Chocolate Kisses on top, they were actually really good though.

After a few minutes of working, I finally ask Piper something that’s been bugging me the past couple of days.

“Do you think Percy’s hiding something?”

Piper turns to me raising an eyebrow.

“I don’t know what it is,” I say honestly. “It’s just whenever we’re all hanging out, I feel like there’s something he isn’t telling us.”

“Why would he be keeping secrets from us?” Piper questions me.

“I don’t know. I just know that he’s hiding something,” I tell her. “Like when you force me to come with you to study at the library last week. Didn’t you find it weird how he didn’t want to come?”

“Well it is the library,” Piper points out.

“Yeah, but he always comes with us, like wherever we go,” I intervene.

“Maybe he just didn’t feel like studying,” Piper shrugs.

“Then explain last night,” I challenge her.

Piper hesitates, than sighs and says, “What happened last night?”

“I woke up around midnight and Percy was gone,” I tell her. “He didn’t return until two in the morning. Does that look like someone who isn’t hiding something?”

“Okay, maybe you have a point,” Piper agrees. “What do you expect us to do, though? Follow him around wherever he goes?”

“I don’t know about that but one thing is for sure. I will stay up for as long as I have to until Percy sneaks out again then I’ll follow him to see where he goes,” I tell her positively

“So where do I come in?” Piper asks suspiciously.

“I will text you the night it happens then I’ll leave the door unlocked. You’ll go in and look through Percy’s stuff for anything suspicious,” I tell her.

“You can’t be serious?” Piper’s looking at me with disbelief.

“Please! Pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty please!” I beg.

Piper groans but reluctantly agrees.

Good, now we can figure out what our friend’s hiding.


It’s been a week.

I’ve been staying up for a week straight just waiting for Percy to try and sneak out.

I don’t know how I’ve survived this long though. Luckily, I do get plenty of time to catch up on my sleep during class. Piper scolds me for it but I pretty much ignore her nagging.

That night I was lying on my bed, bored out of my mind, when suddenly I heard Percy stir. I quickly closed my eyes and evened out my breathing, so he’d believe I was asleep.

I listened to him as he got out of bed, grabbed his keys silently then picked up his sneakers leaving the room. When he gently shut the door, I scrambled out of bed. I yanked on my shoes and opened the door but left it unlocked before shutting it. I sent Piper a quick text to let her know that it was now time then left to follow Percy.

I made sure to walk a couple of feet away from Percy as I followed him. Every time he’d turn around as if he sensed me following him, I’d quickly duck into a hallway or hide behind a plant.

We were walking in the athletics hall when I notice Percy stop. I hid in a janitor’s closet but left the door cracked. Percy’s hand was in his pocket. It didn’t look casual though, it looks like he was grasping something.

He calls out, “Hello?! Is anyone there?”

Percy looks like he wants to look around more but he shakes his head and continues on in his direction. When he’s almost down the hall, I come out of the closet and begin to follow him again. Eventually Percy stopped outside one of the teacher’s offices. I squint as I see him knock on the door and I’m shocked when it’s Coach Hedge that opens the door to him.

Why would Percy be sneaking out in the middle of the night to see Coach Hedge?

Something is definitely up.


The next day in Culinary Arts, Piper tells me what she found. It was a picture that Piper found hidden under Percy’s mattress. In the picture, Percy had his arms around two other people. One was a short, curly haired kid with bad acne and a weird hat on. The other person was about the same height as Percy but she had curly, blonde hair, grey eyes, and an athletic tan. They all looked about twelve and they were each wearing an orange shirt with the words . . .

“What’s that say?” I squint to see the words on the picture.

“Camp Half-Blood,” Piper answers me.

“How can you see that so well?” I ask her.

She shrugs nonchalantly.

“So there are three things Percy’s hiding from us,” I decide. “1) This picture 2) His meetings with Coach Hedge 3) Also what is Camp Half-Blood.”

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
Uh-oh, they're getting suspicious. . . . Tell me what you think ;)
over a year ago corrected said…
GREAT POST! dont leave us hanging....but i'll be gone a week with no internet so i wont get to read ur posts for a while
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
big smile
that was great!! plzzzz post soon!! i want to know what happens next.
over a year ago Nicosgurl said…
Omg i cant wait 4 them to find out this will be epic
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
Chapter Seven
The Reveal

“So, what’s up Piper?” I ask her.

“Yeah, why’d you need to talk to us?” Leo questions.

It was Saturday and the three of us all met at this small coffee shop on the Las Vegas Boardwalk. It was a small café where you can buy numerous sandwiches or muffins with your coffee. It wasn’t very busy today, thankfully. The light blue walls were brought to life with the old, vintage pictures of “Old Time Las Vegas”. There were only three people in here besides us. One was a scruffy haired guy, who had a pot belly and looked exhausted. He was reading the paper looking bored in the corner. Another was a woman in an expensive suit. Her thin, brown hair was pulled back in a pony-tail. She sipped her tea slowly as she typed furiously on her laptop. The last guy was the one working today. He sat at the stool in front of the cash register and read his magazine, looking tired. He was semi-young but just didn’t seem to care about anything in particular.

We ordered our hot chocolates from the tired looking guy – who I learned is named Henry – and went to sit on the plush couches by the window. Despite the fact that it was already October, it was still sunny and warm outside so I was glad that we got a good view.

“Actually there’s something that I haven’t told you guys,” Piper admits. “I feel like it’s something you should know about.”

“What is it?” I press.

“It’s about my dad,” Piper begins.

“Did something happen?” Leo asks, he seemed sad probably thinking the worst.

“No, he is perfectly fine,” Leo releases a sigh of relief. “My father is actually someone you’ve probably heard of.”

I smile mentally, knowing what she’s going to say.

“Well, go on,” Leo urges impatiently.

“My father is Tristan McLean,” Piper blurts.

“Are you serious?” Leo asks, obviously not believing her. I have to admit if I didn’t know better, I probably wouldn’t believe her.

“I believe you,” I speak up. “I mean, you even look alike. Besides you’re both from Los Angeles.”

She sends me a grateful smile. I returned it, and sipped my hot chocolate. I cringe as the hot liquid burns my tongue. I blow on it a couple of times to cool it down before drinking it again.

“You’re serious. Your father is a celebrity. . . . You’re rich!” Leo concludes.

“Somehow I’m not surprised that that’s the only thing that catches his attention,” Piper comments. “Yes, I live in a Hollywood mansion, I live in the rolling hills of Hollywood, my father is famous, and I am rich.”

“Awesome,” Leo breathes impressed.

“Some of it is cool,” Piper says honestly. “Some of it isn’t. Either way, though, you have to roll with the punches.”

She’s right about that. Despite everything you go through. Despite the stress you have daily. You can’t control it. You can only change it. You have to roll with the punches.
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
Sorry that its a bit shorter then my other chapters. It the shortest one, I promise.
over a year ago corrected said…
its ok post more soon
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
im glad that piper told them. post soon!
over a year ago horse22133454 said…
big smile
That's fine this is an awesome story post soon
over a year ago extremeriordan said…
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
Chapter Eight
The Attack

“I don’t want to go!” Leo whines as Piper and I pull him down the hallway and towards the locker rooms.

“You have to,” Piper says.

“No! Coach Hedge is scary! There is no way I will be able to survive a whole year of gym with him!” Leo yells.

“You can and you will,” I insist.

“No!” Leo yells once more as we ditch Piper in the hallway and I pull him into the boys’ locker room.

I push Leo lightly towards his locker before going to mine.

“I hate you,” I heard him grumble. I smirk and shake my head, laughing lightly. “If I die, I’ll haunt you from the grave!”

“I’ve heard worse threats,” I mumble honestly.

“What?” He asks not hearing me.

I shake my head. “Nothing.”

We come out of the locker room dressed in our gym uniform. I have to say the black shorts and grey shirt with the school logo is definitely an improvement to some of my past uniforms. We met up with Piper then walked to the gym. We walked in and went to stand on our assigned numbers so Coach Hedge could take role.

As Coach Hedge was just getting to me though, something in the hallway caught my eye.

“Uh, Coach?”

“What is it, Jackson?” He grumbles.

“Can – ah – Can I go to the bathroom, quickly?” He must have realized the truth behind the desperation I was feeling because he says, “Go.”

I nod and run out of the gym and into the hallway.

“Okay, monster,” I mutter. “Where are you?”

Luckily my gym shorts have a pocket so I’m able to keep Riptide with me at all times. I pull out the regular looking ball point pen and uncap it, letting it turn into full length double sided blade.

Try looking over here, son of Poseidon, a voice hisses from behind me.

I turn around but see nothing in the bright hallway except for the few shadows.

“Who’s there?” I ask quietly.

Up here.

I crane my neck to get a better glance from the mirror that’s in the bathroom. And then I see it. On the ceiling was a giant snake. Now I don’t mean giant like a-foot-long-garner-snake, I mean a-Harry-Potter-basilisk-sized-snake. I jumped back and landed a few feet away on my butt. It slithered out of the ceiling tiles and dropped onto the ground, slithering its five foot long tongue at me. I closed my eyes, remembering what Annabeth told me about Basilisks.

She said that they’re old legendary monsters. They originated in Greece, and then the myth travelled to Rome and later England. She said that you can’t look them directly in the eye or else you’ll be paralyzed. The basilisk has the same basic power as the drakon. They’re both able to petrify you if you’re not careful. I think Annabeth said that you could only look at them through some type of reflection.

It’s Medusa all over again, I thought bitterly.

But what’s a way to defeat them. It has something to do with . . . weasels. I can’t remember how weasels help destroy basilisks but apparently it works. You can kill it with an average sword the only problem is that its scales are as hard as rock. So I basically have to get my sword inside its mouth or in its eye. It’ll be a piece of cake.

You know what time it is, son of Poseidon? the snake asks. It is lunch time and I’m hungry for sea food.

“I’m not really hungry,” I tell it. “I think I’m going to skip lunch. I had a big breakfast.”

The basilisk hisses once more then slithers towards me with impeccable speed. Despite its size it’s really fast. I barely manage to roll out of the way in time. I try and plunge my sword into the snake but as I expect, it bounces off.

I hope you enjoyed your life, son of Poseidon, the snake hisses, because it’s about to end.

“Unfortunately for you, I’m not that easy to get rid of,” I snap, standing up. I back up and begin to lead the snake away from the gym. The farther we’re away from Leo and Piper the better for them.

As soon as I finish you, I think I’ll eat your two demigod friends for dessert, the snake snarled. I knew that it was trying to make me mad.

“You’ll never get to them,” I promise the snake.

We’ll see.

The snake slithered towards me once again. This time though, I stand and wait until its closer. The snake opens its mouth and somehow manages to leap into the air. I throw my sword down its throat but immediately feel pressure on my body once I fall to the ground. Thankful for my Blessing of Achilles, I remain unharmed whereas if I wasn’t invulnerable, my leg would most likely be broken.

I manage to crawl out from under the basilisk carcass in time to see it turn to dust. I notice a water fountain on the wall across from me. I use my powers to clean the floor. Once the yellow dust is gone I can find my sword which is sparkling clean on the floor. I recap it and stuff the pen in my pocket.

I try to take a couple of steps but stumble. I catch myself with the wall. I just begin to realize how tired I felt. The one problem with being invulnerable, I get tired easily. I send Gleeson a message with my phone explaining the situation then make my way towards the dorm. As soon as I get inside, I forget about my being in gym clothes and pass out on my bed.

What feels like five minutes later I’m being shaken awake.

“What?” I groan.

“Ayo, Percy man, what are you doing?” I hear Leo’s voice.

I crack my eyes open to see him standing next to my bed.

“Ho-how long have I been out?” I ask groggily.

“Well, school’s over so why don’t you tell me?” Leo mused.

“School’s out?” I gulp. No wonder I felt well rested. I slept for a good six hours.

I rub the sleep out of my eyes, and manage to sit up on my bed.

“What happened?” Leo questions. “We were in gym, then you disappear, skip all of your classes, and when Piper and I finally find you, you’re passed out on your bed,” Leo inquires.

I shake my head at him not amused. “Trust me you don’t want to know. . . .”

I hope you enjoyed it! I thought I'd throw some action into the story.
over a year ago extremeriordan said…
I loved it! Great job, as usual.
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
AMAZING!!!! i like how percys all like, "u do NOT want to know." LOL!!
over a year ago horse22133454 said…
big smile
I love it! Post soon
over a year ago kayleegurule said…
I'll post the next chapter when we're on a new page. Get commenting!