The Heroes of Olympus Terrified (RIP meredog . . . not literally )

marshanboy posted on Aug 02, 2013 at 04:35AM
Well some of you know her; some of you don't know her. She had a percabeth forum that I want to continue for her since I am her coauthor.

MEREDOG:Hellllooooo my fellow Percabeth lover's!!!!! This is a Percabeth story... but not a everyday Percabeth story... Everything goes wrong the time Annabeth wouldn't let Percy walk her up to her Apartment on the 5th floor. Annabeth is hurt.... in bad ways.... all because she didn't let Percy walk her up, everything went wrong. And now Percy wont rest, until he finds who did it. But it is hard for Percy to do because Annabeth doesn't want to be left alone.

Everyone who reads this keep in mind I'm only 13 and I'm not the best with grammar or spelling.... I'm only 13, and school just started. Ill post as much as I can but I also have another story called Betrayed on here I also need to keep up with. Find it, read it, LOVE IT!!!!

Warning: look, I know some of u guys arnt reading this but.... young readers.... there is some language in here. So do NOT repeat these words. Bad words. Ok? Ok. O and other things..... I'm warning u!!!

Heres a link to the previous forum: link
I will be looking for a coauthor so please inbox me if interested.
last edited on Aug 02, 2013 at 04:37AM

The Heroes of Olympus 16 replies

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over a year ago marshanboy said…
I was driving Annabeth home in my Honda I got from my dad for my 16 B-day. It pretty cool I gotta car for my B-day. Annabeth lives in her own apartment about 25 minutes away from where I live. I still live with my mom, I mean, I'm only 16. I'm not going to move out yet. Annabeth moved here not long after Camp ended so it would be easy to work on Olympus. But now that she is done, she is going to stay here until camp starts again and go back to her dads next year. I'm pretty happy Annabeth and staying here until then. I pulled up next to the apartment building.

The building was nothing fancy really. Not to old ether. It was made out of red brick and the front door was black wood. The windows looked new and each apartment had a porch. Its not bad for a small building that only has 5 floors. Annabeth room was at the top and the wasn't a elevator. Annabeth didn't seem to mind though. I know I didn't like it.

I got out of the car and opened the car door for Annabeth before she could. What? I cant be a gentle men? Annabeth looked at me and snickers. She grabs her bag with her book and other girl stuff in it and gets out of the car.

"Thanks Seaweed Brain."

"No problem. You like dinner?" She came over and had dinner with me and my mom.

"Yea it was really good! I should come over for dinner more often."

"You know you can come over anytime."

"Yea, thanks again Percy. I should go."

"You want me to walk you up?" I ask and grab her hand before she leaves.

"No Percy. I think I can make it." Annabeth giggles

"Are you sure?"

"Yes Percy." Annabeth says "Ill be fine. Love you." I pull Annabeth into a kiss. I love her care free kisses. Not long after Annabeth pulled away.

"Love you Annabeth. Always will." Annabeth slowly pulls away and starts walking up the stares for the main lobby. Before she goes in she turns around and waves bye. I wave back and get into the car. I don't leave until Annabeth is inside. As soon as she was in I drove home.

Annabeth POV:

As I walked in the door for the lobby I heard Percy's car drive away. I love Percy. He is so sweet and nice. I love that about him. I turned to look at the front desk looking for Tim, the door man. But he wasn't here. I wonder where he is? I ignored it started the walk up to my apartment. I stopped in the first floor because I heard something. I looked around and didn't see anything.

I shrugged it off. When I was about to go up again I heard the noise again. A sound that sounded like walking in boots. Ummm.... Im sure its nothing.

"Tim?" I ask to the mystery person walking around somewhere. I didn't hear a response. I started to get a little scared. What's going on? "Come on Nick. Is that you? I told you no more pranks on me." Nick is a 12 year old kid who loves pranks. At frist I thought he was a Half-blood so I brought Grover over, cause I thought he was the son of Hermes, but no, just mortal.

Out of no where a black bag went over my head and someone grabbed around my waist, holding down my arms, and started to carry me away. I was terrified! No matter how much I tried to get away, I just couldn't. I heard a door slam of one of the apartments and lock. The man through me down on the couch and taped my hands behind my back. He then ripped the black bag off my head. The man was warring a black ski mask so I couldn't tell who it was. He put tape over my mouth.

I was in one of the abandon apartments. But I don't know what floor. I'm to scared to think about. I tried and tried to get away from the man. He started to undress me, then himself. He never took off the mask. Oh gods! I tried to scream through the ducktape but it was no use. Then he started doing things, and making me do things. And the more I fought, the more he did it, and the more I got hurt. I need Percy! I should've let him walk me up! Teirs run down my face as this keeps going on that seems like forever.
over a year ago marshanboy said…
Percy's POV:
(Sunday morning)

I love Sundays. Wanna know why I love them? One word: football. That's right, football! The Rams are playing the Saints today. Like right now. Its awesome! Paul likes the Saints in this game but I want the Rams to win! 55 Chris Long is the best defenisive lineman you will ever see! Well of course that's just me. Paul thinks he is the worst but... whatever.

"Go. Go. Go. Go! Touchdown!" I jumped up and yelled! Yea! Rams touchdown!

"Saints are still winning you know." Paul groans

"Well... yea.. but not by much anymore!" The phone starts to ring after I sit down.

"Can someone get that?" My mom yells from the kitchen. Paul and I don't move our eyes from the Tv.
"Really? No one? Fine ill get it." Mom picks up the phone Nd starts telling someone to calm down or something. What the?

"Percy, you need to take this." Mom says

"Hold on. They got a new play!" I say

"No Percy, NOW." I looked at her confused but took the phone anyway. When I took the phone I heard someone crying. "Its Annabeth." My mom whispers to me. Gods no...

"Annabeth! What's wrong?" I ask

"P-percy. P-please, can y-you come get m-me?" Annabeth crys

"O gods! Yea Annabeth I'm on my way!" I say and hang up the phone and rush out the door. I take my car keys out of my pocket once I was out by my car and got in. I was speeding down the road. I think I was doing 15 mph over the speed limit. Lucky there wasn't many people out today. This was for Annabeth. I would go 50 mph over the speed limit for her. I would do anything for her. With both hands on the steering wheel I serve to avoid a black truck. When I drove by the man in the truck he told me I was number one! Nice....

It took 15 minutes to get to the apartment building instead of 25. I parked behind a old red truck that you would find in a farm. I got out of the car as fast as I could and ran up the wooden stares that lead to the main lobby. Once inside, Tim, the door man, stopped me before I could go up to the first floor. See, Tim and I don't really get along. Never have. I don't even know why he hates me so much! I mean.. it was only a prank! Just water! See, I put a bucket of water on top of his offices door so when he opened it the water fell on top of him. And I made the water really cold so... yea.. he hates me.

"Stop! Where do you think your going?" Tim says

"Tim I really don't have time for this." I say

"This is my apartment building. Where. Are. You. Going?" I look at his arm and see a scrap on it.

"Get beat up by a girl again? Wouldn't surprise me." I say. He got beat up by his ex-girlfriend because he was cheating on her. It was funny to watch.

He looked at his arm and moved his shirt down over it. "Just shut it and go!" He says

I didn't waist any time going up the stares to the first floor, second, and then the fifth floor. I tried to open Annabeth door but it was locked. Fuck! I knocked on the door fast and hard. I heard crying from the inside.

"W-who is it?" Annabeth says

"Its me! Percy!"

"Percy!" Annabeth screams and opens the door. As soon as she opens it she hugs me so tight I couldn't breath. Annabeth pulls me inside and locks the door. She falls on the ground and starts to cry again. I get on my knees in front of her and hold her. What the hell happened. As soon as my hand touched her arm she flinched. Then I noticed something. A bruse. A big purple one. What the hell...

"Annabeth what happened?" I whiaper

"It was horrible Percy!" Annabeth says. Then I see her neck. Then her shoulder. I keep moving her shirt and find more scratches and bruses. I stopped at the stop off her cheest the lift up the bottom of her shirt to see her stumic. It was horrible. There was a bruse in a shape of a... hand... o gods. Then I look at her lags and see more. No... no! NO!

"When was this?" I ask.

"Last night, a-after you left." Annabeth says

"Why didn't you call me?"

"I didn't know what to do. I-i was scared out of my mind.. a-and I didn't know what to do... he made me do things. Percy I want to g-go!" Annabeth crys.

She was, was,... I don't even want to say it... FUCK! "Who did this?"

"I dont- I dint know! He had o-on a mask!" She says.

I get up and start to stuff some of her clothes in a bag. Not even paying attention to what I'm putting in there. This CANT be happening! Who ever did this I AM going to get my revenge. Nothing will stop me. Annabeth is scared out of her mind. I just cant believe this happened. If I just walked her up! This wouldn't have happened! I shouldn't have listened to Annabeth and walked up with her! I am going to kill who ever did this. And it WILL be painful.
over a year ago marshanboy said…
I got out of the car and went to the other side for Annabeth. She wanted out of the apartment bad. I understand why. I opened the door and took her hand and bag. She is going to stay with me. My mom doesn't know yet, but when she finds out what happens, mom won't mind. Annabeth held onto my hand tight all they way up to the apartment. I kept her close to me. She still had tears coming out of her stormy grey eyes. When I walked in the apartment. I heard:

"Percy! Is that you?! Saints win and-" Paul saw the crying Annabeth in my arms and his expression softened. My mom walked him. When she saw Annabeth she ran over and hugged her.

"Oh my Annabeth! What's wrong sweety?" Instead of answering she just cried more.

I looked up at my confused mother "mom, I need to talk to you." She nodded. I lead Annabeth to my room. It was clean. Yes yes, vary surprising. But my mon said I clean it or I didn't get to watch football. So yea, I cleaned it. My room was... well... full of ocean stuff. My walls were blue like the sea and I had a fish tank next to my closet. I had sea shells all over. Nice big ones to. I sat Annabeth on my bed.

"Ill be back in a second ok? I need to talk to my mom." Annabeth nods. I walk over to my window and made sure it was locked. Better safe then sorry... I opened the door and looked back at Annabeth. She sat there and just looked out the window. I sighed and left the room.

I walked to the living room to see my mom and Paul on the couch talking. Maybe about Annabeth. They saw me and moved over anough for me to sit, so I did. I sat on the tip of the couch, with my head in my hands. I still cant believe this happened. Why Annabeth?! But... somethings telling me that it wasn't a mortal... but something else... but I don't know what.

"Percy, what's going on?" Mom asks. I sighed and lifted my head up off my hands.

"Look, after I dropped Annabeth off... she wouldn't let me walk her up. She said that she would be fine. But...." I take a deep breath "Mom, she was taken into a room, by a man, and he... he did things to her.. bad things...." I look at my mom face. It was filled with hatred, sadness, but mostly filled with just... lost. I could tell they were both shocked. How couldn't they?

"I-im gonna go talk to her." My mom says and leaves. Paul looks at me.

"Are you ok?" He asks

"No. This is the worst thing that can happen.... what did she do? What did she even do to have the fates do this? She did nothing!"

"I know you will find who ever did this. But for now we should call the police."

"No. Don't call them. I don't know how, but I KNOW that who ever did it isn't mortal. I will find who did this, and when I do, that will be their last day. And I will make sure its painful." Paul looks at me worried. He pats my back and gets up.

"I'm going to go and see Annabeth." And with that he leaves me. Alone to to think.
over a year ago marshanboy said…
Its been a week sense Annabeths little... uh... misfortune. She hasn't gone anywhere without me. Ive been by here side 24/7 sense that day. I can understand why. But I cant even go talk to the gods about it! I don't want to bring it up around Annabeth. It will only make her even more upset then she is. Camp starts next week, and I could go see the gods then but... I cant wait any longer!

Every time I see her bruises or scratches I just get so mad! I feel like I could punch a hole in the wall. I need to speak with the gods but I just cant bring it up with Annabeth around. It breaks my hart to see her cry about it. And it been just about everyday I see her cry. I don't even think the gods know what happened. No one else knows but me, my mom and Paul. I need to see the gods now.

I made up my mind. Look, I don't want to talk about it around Annabeth but I have to! Maybe Apollo can take some DNA off her or something! I just cant stand to see her like this anymore. I'm taking Annabeth to Olympus now. Annabeth and I were sitting on the couch. Annabeth had her head in the crook of my neck with both arms around me. Holding me tight. I had one arm around her with my head resting on top of hers. I kissed the top of her head softly. Annabeth looked up at me.

"Annabeth, we need to go to Olympus. The gods need to know." I say softly

Annabeth tensed and let a single tear run down her cheek. Then she took a deep breath and nodded slowly. She didn't say anything. I got up with her still in my arms. Everytime we would leave the apartment she wouldn't let go of me.she would always stay close. I walked her down to my car. Once Annabeth got in the car she locked her door. I knew she didn't want to take any chances. Who would? I got into the drivers seat and Annabeth took my hand in hers. I use one to drive the hole way so Annabeth wouldn't have to let go.

The whole car ride Annabeth looked as if she was going to fall asleep. I knew she was trying not to. She doesn't like to fall asleep anymore unless she knows someone is right next to her so she can hold on to them. So I always share my bed with her. My mom isn't worried about something happening. You should know why.

It took 15 minutes to get there. I park next to a red mustang. Nice car. But I didn't pay attention to it. Annabeth didn't get out of the car until I was by her door. I opened it and the sleepy Annabeth got out. I offered to carry her but she said she was fine. But she looked like she would fall over any minute and sleep. But I didn't argue. I wont after what she has been through. Once inside the I walked over to the doorman.

"600th floor." I say but he looks at me like I'm insane.

"What you talkin about kid? There ant no 600th floor." He says

"Dude, come on." I say

"I got no clue what ya talkin about kid. Get lost before I call the cops." I had it.

I took Riptide out, in pen form, and set it on the desk. The doormans eyes widened. "Now, are you going to let me up or am I going to have to make you?" I am not in the mood for jokes right now.

"N-no. Here's the key. Don't let anyone in with ya." He hands over the card key with shaky hands. I take it.

"Thanks." I take Riptide and put it back in my pocket. There was about 4 people waiting at the elevator to Annabeth and I took a seat.

Annabeth rested her head on me again and closed her eyes. I told you she was tiered. It took about 10 minutes to get an elevator because people kept coming in. Annabeth was asleep. I I carefully picked her up bridle style and went to the elevator. The doors closed and I slipped the key in the card key whole for the 600th floor and the card disappeared. We shoot up. Annabeth had her hands around my neck and head on my cheast. She looked almost at peace when she sleeps. Almost. I always think she has nightmares when she sleeps. All Half-bloods do.

Once we reached the top I carried her to the thrown room. Annabeth did great with Olympus. Statues of the gods where everywhere. My favorite is the one with my dad and me. Wait. My dad and me? I took a closer look at it and read the writing on it.

For the best son I will ever have, Percy Jackson. Saver of Olympus.

Wow... my dad had the made! Each God was to have only one statue and he had one made of me and him? It was my dad and me standing infront of a wave. My dad had his arm around my shoulders with a smile on his face. I looked like the happiest kid alive. Wow. I couldn't really admire it right now. I had to tell the gods. Maybe if Apollo can get some DNA I could find who ever did this and end his days. I do know one thing. Who ever did this, well his days are numbered.

I opened up the thrown rooms door and saw the gods doing there own thing. Artimis was shooting her arrows. Apollo was listening to his Ipod. Hermes was sneeking around. And my dad and Athena were having their normal argue. Everyone turned to me and Athena eyes got wide at the sight of the sleeping Annabeth in my arms.

"What did you do to my daughter?!" Athena yelled and Annabeth woke up.
over a year ago marshanboy said…
Athens eyes widened at the sight of her daughter in my arms "What did you do to my daughter?!" She yells and Annabeth wakes up.

"Mom!" Annabeth yells and jumps out of my arms. But it was to late to stop Athena because the next thing I knew I was flying across the thrown room with a red mark on my face. Athena hit me. I hit the marble wall with a dang and landed on the ground.

"Percy!" Annabeth yells

"Athena!" Poseidon yells.

"I'm ok!" I get up but I was having trouble. I touch my head and feel blooded running down the side of my head. Shit! "What was that for?! I yell and Annabeth runs over, as best she could with her bruises, and tries to wipe the blood away.

"Look what you did to Annabeth! She has bruises everywhere!" Athena yells

"My son would never do that!" Poseidon says.

"Dad, Lady Athena, and Apollo I need to talk to you all." I says

They all look at me then at the other gods. Zues nods his head and the gods are gone. Apollo wakes over and looks at my head. He wipes the blood away and puts a bandage over the cut. Then he looks at Annabeth. Just her arms.

"Athena, dad, Apollo, look. I didn't do that to Annabeth. I would never hurt her. But-"

"I told you Athena!" Dad says

"Then explain this!" Athena points to Annabeth. Annabeth starts to cry. And I give her a hug.

"Its ok." I whisper "I wont let anyone hurt you again. I promise." Annabeth nods her head but doesn't pull away from the hug. I look at the gods.

"Annabeth came over for dinner at my place a week ago. I took her home but Annabeth wouldn't let me walk her up to the apartment. She said she would be fine. But when Annabeth walked in the building, and I drove away, a man took Annabeth into a room. And- and...." I just cant finish....

Athenas eyes got sad and watery. My dads face was filled with anger and shock. Apollo looked like he didn't know what to think. Annabeth cried harder. I tried to tell her everything will be ok. But she wouldn't stop crying. Poseidon looked sympathetic.

"Annabeth," dad says "come here." Annabeth nodded and walked over to Poseidon. Dad gave Annabeth a hug. "Look, " dad says and whispers the rest so I couldn't hear. Annabeth boded her head and even giggled once. I smiled. I haven't seen Annabeth giggle in awhile. Athena looked at me.

"Who did this to my daughter?" She says.

"That why I'm here Lady Athena. I don't know. Nether does Annabeth. I was thinking Apollo could get some DNA off her or something. I need to know did it." I say

"I might be able to but I would need your help, Athena, to find who's DNA it is." Apollo says

"I'm not even sure there is any DNA left on her. She took like 100 showers." I say

"There will always be DNA Percy. Lets say I touch your arm. And no matter how many times I wash the hand I touched you with your DNA will always be there. It cant go away." I nod. So there is a chance of finding who did this...

""Annabeth. Your mom and I need to... look at your bruises. And help make you feel better." Annabeth nodded her head and walked away from my dad and followed Athena and Apollo out of the room. She looked back at me before she left the room. I. Smiled at her. Letting her know everything will be ok. And she left.

Now here is the worst thing, the wait. Dad looked at me and patted my back.

"Son, I know this is hard for you. But why didn't you come sooner?"

"Annabeth was scared out of her mind. She wouldn't go anywhere with me. She wont even go to sleep without me right next to her. She is just so scared that she thinks that if she goes to sleep without me next to her, she will wake up in a place she doesn't know with people she doesn't know. She told that. Coming here was the last thing on my mind." I say. Dad just nodded.

"Dad, what were you and Athena arguing about when I walked in?" I ask

"O that? I was just saying how great Annabeth did here and how I wanted Annabeth to redo my palace. I think she would do great on it don't you?"

"Wow. Really? She always says how she wants to redo a gods palace. She said your palace would be the most fun." I say

"Really? What does she want to do with it?"

"Well she always says-"

"Percy!" Apollo ran in "I know who did it!" Thank gods!!!!
over a year ago marshanboy said…
"Tell me who did it now so I can beat them to a pulp!" anger swelled in my stomach with frustration. Apollo took his gigantic scientific goggles off and said,"The results are printing as we speak in my lab. I followed Apollo into his lab along with Annabeth. His room per say was quite a work of art.
Apollo froze in the middle of the room. "Apollo what is it?" ,Annabeth said. I fell to my knees once I saw what happened."The results are ruined. I don't think I could run another test because of the semen. It looses its DNA particles after so long. I'm afraid that I can not run the test again. I am very sorry Percy and Annabeth." I stood there starring at the black gunk on the results. "How could someone do this? It just doesn't make sense." tears swelled in my eyes.
"We should talk with Athena to see if there is any way the gunk can be removed." Apollo said. We walked out of his office and to her thrown, but she wasn't there. "Wheres my mother?" Annabeth shouted at the Olympians. "Tell me now!" Thunder shook Olympus and we were sent back home. Annabeth cried on my shoulder all the way home. I kissed her on her forehead and fell asleep.
I awoke in the knight and I heard someone crying. I got up as much as I didn't want to being that is was 2AM I saw the bathroom light on. I heard Annabeth sobbing. I walked in the bathroom and she was hunched over the toilet on her knees throwing up. "Annabeth whats wrong?" She handed me a pregnancy test paper from her physician.
Patient: Annabeth Chase
Reason for visit: Vomiting, Nauseated, and Cramping
Results: Test showed that the patient is a week pregnant.
Dr. Anh Do
"Oh Annabeth. . . I should've walked you up those stairs. It was my fau-" ,tears streamed down my cheak. "No Percy it... its not your fault. No matter what Percy I will always love you and don't you ever forget it." We were now both in tears we spent that night cuddling under eachother and making love. We awoke later that day and got cleaned up. I walked out to go check the mail and there was a letter addressed to Annabeth with no return address. "Ummm Annabeth I think you should read this.
Dearest Annabeth,
I'm sorry I left.I'm doing something right now that's urgent ,but I just can't tell you. I think the person that might have hurt you is.
The rest of the letter was ruined by a coffee stain on the letter. She dropped the letter and hugged me. "Percy I'm gonna go run to the store right quick need anything?" she looked deeply into my eyes. "I need for you to hurry back because I have a surprise for you." She giggled and wiped a tear away and kissed me again. She started out the door and went out the driveway to the store.
I turned around and was struck by a bat. I passed out and was dazed and dizzy. I was dragged somewhere but I wasnt sure where. It was so cold and dark. My skin felt so cold. There were evil voices laughing around me shouting my name."Percy! Percy! Percy! Percy!" Then I woke up and happened to be at home laying in the bed. "Percy you passed out and you were in the middle of the road what were you thinking?" I looked up at the girl,"Who are you?"
over a year ago marshanboy said…
I stared deeply into his eyes he litterally didn't know who I was. I remember I had got a blessing from my mom to recover lost memories. I leaned in on percy and put my hand over his chest, and It started glowing a blue aura. His head and back arched like he was passessed and blue aura started glowing from his mouth and ears and eyes.
Five minutes later Percy was Percy again. "And thats what happened." He look like he had just had the worst nightmare ever. Percy had asked me if I wanted to go to the state fair and I agreed so we got there in seconds of traveling through water. "Look I won you a teddy bear Percy." I laughed a little. "I think its supposed to be the other way around." we both laughed and went to another game. Percy won me a even bigger jumbo teddy bear that said "I wuv you."
"Percy Lets go on the faireswheel." He shot me a nasty look and I guess he decided to face his fear. We took our seat and I could see he was clenching the bar. I thought that would be the end of his anxiety until we got in the air he went balistic talk about big baby he started getting cold sweats. "Percy are you ok?" He looked at me like a 1980's serial killer. "hahhahaha of course I'm ok... why wouldnt I be ok" I looked down at his pants and I could've sworn either those were shadows on his jeans or they were soaked with god knows what.
"Annabeth I smell monsters." He grabbed my hand. "Percy stop your hurting my arm." He shot a look at the seat behind us and it was three old ladies sitting and they cut a piece of yarn.I clenched his hand and then the faireswheel stopped suddenly. "Annabeth I know you trust me get on my back and close your eyes. " I did as he said and I felt a cool rush of wind and water against my skin before I knew it we were in Atlantis, and It wasn't the Atlantis I was hoping for.
We starred in awe at Atlantis and It was in flames. I didn't even know how that was possible even Percy seemed to be struck by the site. "Oh my god." he dragged me down to the palace through some pretty decent flamable hallways. I farted on the way and he pretended not to smell it and by the time we got to his dad's thrown his face was purple. I laughed at him and he said "Not funny Queen farts alot." I shot him the dirtiest look I could think of. She got startled and knocked over a vace. "You will be sleeping on the couch tonight mister." He tried to plead but I had made up my mind.
"Silence demigods ... The oracle says I have two days to live."
over a year ago marshanboy said…
"Percy!" Apollo says running in "I know who did it!" Thank gods!

I ran out the door. Following Apollo with my dad following behind me. Apollo stopped running infront of a white marble door. It had a word carved into it in Greek. It said Study. Well this is Athena's room. The doors opened slowly. When it was opened all the way I knew this was Athena study. More really! She had books everywhere, and science stuff everywhere. If I stayed in here longer then a hour my brain will explode. And I wont even being reading the stuff!

Annabeth was sitting on a red velvet couch by all the books. Athena was next to her talking. When Annabeth saw me she looked worried. I wonder why. Her worry quickly vanished from her face when she saw me look at her and looked almost happy. Almost. Athena saw me and stood up. She walked over to me with a determined look. I stopped and looked back at my dad. He just nodded for me to stay and talk and he sat by Annabeth. I think she was shaking a little.

"Percy, this is bad." Athena says

I looked at her "What? Who did it?" I was eager to know.

"Percy, this is big. Huge. And its not good."

"What is it? Who did it? Tell me!" Athena shook her head in disappointment.

"Come." She says and I follow her to Annabeth and Poseidon. Poseidon looked upset, worried. So did Annabeth. When they say me there expresses changed, to, how do I say it? I don't know.... they just looked like they were trying to be happy. Dad moved to the chair and I sat next to Annabeth. Athena sat across from us. Annabeth jumped into my arms and held me tight. Like she was scared I was going to leave. I held he tight in my arms and kept her close.

Athena took a deep breath. And looked at Apollo with pleading eyes. But he just shook his head and took a step back. Athena sighed and looked at my father. He just smiled evilly and shook his head no. Athena glared at him with murderous eyes. Dad didn't get affected by them.... and they looked creepy. I rubbed Annabeths back as I cradled her. Athena took another deep breath and looked at me. What the hell is going on?!

"Percy, see, when that happened to Annabeth... the guy wasn't, well not a guy really.... more powerful then a human, he wasn't, protected...." Athena says looking at me like 'come on! Do I have to explain it to you?!' But I just looked at her confused. She looked mad.

"Percy, did you get.... the talk?" Athena asks glaring at my dad. Is she really asking me this?! My face turned red...

"Yea but-" I start

"What happens when the boy isn't... protected?" Athena says

My eyes widened and I look at Annabeth stumic. I touch my hand on her stumic and she held my hand there. She let a tear fell and looked at me. I knew she was scared I was going to run out.

"You mean... there is a... thing... in there... right now? And its not even mine?" I ask completely lost.

Athena sighs "Its not a thing Percy. Its a baby. Annabeth is pregnant Percy. And no... its not yours..."

I look at Annabeths stumic again and Annabeth holds my hand there tighter. O my gods.... "Who's is it?" I ask deadly

"Its... Percy, that baby is going to grow fast. It will be born in a month or better. And that baby is going to be powerful because of who the father is."

"Cant you... get it out?" I ask

"If we do try, Annabeth will more then likely die." Apollo says "If we wait for it to be born, Annabeth has a better chance at living through the birth. But with her being so young, she has a 50/50 chance...."

"Who's is it?" I ask murderously. Annabeth grip on me tightens.

"Are you going to leave me?" She asks in a vary sad voice as she crys. I move my hand off of her stumic and set it on her cheek to make her look me into the eyes.

"Annabeth, I love you. I love you more then I have ever loved anyone in life. I will never leave you. Not now, you need me. I will never leave you now and forever. I love you." I say. She nods and starts to cry happily. She gave me a hug. A tight one.

"Now, tell me who did this." I say darkly

"Percy, it was..."

"Now." I demand

"The father of that baby, and the one who hurt Annabeth, is...." Athena wont finish

"Percy," my father says "It was Jason, son of Jupiter." What?
over a year ago marshanboy said…
"Percy," my father says "It was Jason, son of Jupiter." What? No, it cant be him. My fist tighten, I grit my teeth together. Annabeth looks at me with worry on her face. I'm going to kill him. He is dead to me! I stand up.

"Percy calm down." Apollo says

"Calm down? Calm down?! How can I calm down?! He rapped Annabeth! He got her pregnant! And you want me to calm down?! No! I will NOT rest until that peace of shit is dead!" I take riptide out of my pocket. "He is dead!"

"Percy! Please! Don't leave!" Annabeth cries

I kept going to the door. "PERSEUS JACKSON STOP!" My father yells so loud Olympus shakes and I feel the ocean go little nuts.


"Jason isn't really Jason Percy!" Athena says

"The DNA is half Jason. Something is posesing him. Do u understand?" Apollo says. Ok now I'm really pissed. "We just don't know what is inside him that made him do that to Annabeth."

"Wait... so... Jason didn't do it... something inside him made him do it?" Poseidon nodded "What the FUCK made him do it?!"

"Percy language." Athena says

"Well sorry! I'm kinda pissed off right now!" I shoot at her.

"Percy we don't know who made Jason do it. We need him to find out. And we need to know soon before the baby is born. Who the father is depends on weather Annabeth will make it through the birth or not." Annabeth starts to cry. Athena rubs her back "But we need you to stay with Annabeth. She doesn't want to be alone Percy. We willsend someone else to find Jason and bring him to us."

"Dad you don't get it! None of you do! You have no idea how much I love Annabeth! Do you know what its like? To have the one you love so much be hurt like this!? It isn't fun! It hurts! It hurts to know that I wasn't there to stop it! It hurts to know that she is going though pain and there isn't SHIT I can do about it! You don't know what its like!" I say and storm out of the room and slam the door behind me.

I put my back on the marble wall and slide down it with tears falling out of my eyes. I feel like crap. I shouldn't have listened to Annabeth that day! J should've walked her up! I just cant help thinking its my falt this happened. It hurts. It hurts so much there isn't a way to describe it. I chest burns, I feel like I'm being punched over and over again. Imagine the worst pain you can think of, but 1000 time worse. That's how I feel.
over a year ago marshanboy said…
I sat there, head in hands, and tears falling from my eyes. Then the door opened slowly and closed. I didn't bother to look up. Then the person sat by me and took my hand. I looked up and saw Annabeth with a slight smile on her face. I sighed. Why is she smiling?

"Hi." She says softly.


"That was sweet." I look at her confused


"When you said that you hurt. And when you said you loved me."

"Its ture... I love you more then anything..." my gaze moves to her stumic. She moves her hand over it.

"I-im sorry." She says

"For what?"

"F-for this." She sayys

I rap my arms around her and move her into my lap "Don't be sorry for anything. It wasn't you falt. Its not like you had a choice." Annabeth nods and I kiss her forehead. For awhile we sit there, then Annabeth says something.



"Are you gonna leave me?"

I look at her with surprise. "No. I will never leave you. Why did think that?"

"Its just.... so many guys leave their girlfriends when they get pregnant. I just.... wanted to make sure."

"Well I'm not like that. I'm not leaving your side ever. I love you."

"Can we go home now?"

"We will soon ok?

"Ok..." I stood up and helped Annabeth up and went back inside with the gods.
over a year ago marshanboy said…
Jason's POV:

Night of the rapping

It was a normal quiet night in New Rome. I just walking around the city because I couldn't sleep. So here I am in the middle of the city walking around. I'm not suppose to be up but.... I don't know. If the night watch see me then I guess ill just slip them a 20 so we can pretend they never saw me. Yea.. that's works. Anyway I stopped walking when I heard a sound. It sounded like footsteps from behind me. I turned around and saw nothing.

"Reyna? Hazel? Frank? Anyone?" Nothing but silence "Come on, if this is a another prank Jacob I will kill you." Jacob is the son of Mercury/Hermes. He is always looking for someone to prank. Doesn't matter when or where to him as long as someone gets pranked. But all I heard was nothing. I shrugged it off and went on walking again. But as I walked I felt as if I was being followed..... I stopped when I heard my name

"Jason..." I turned around and saw a man. He was about 6 foot high, and wore a black rob that covered his face so I couldn't see who it is. His voice was low and dark. It made me shiver when he talked.

"Who are you? Why haven't I seen you before?" I demanded and stood my ground. He took a step closer to me but I took out my coin, and flipped it in the air and it was now my sword. (What's the name of Jason's sword?) But he didn't move back.

"I am in need of you assistance Jason Grace. A son of Jupiter will do just fine." He says

"How do you know my name? And I'm going to ask you one more time, who are you?"

"I Jason Grace, am the Greeks worst nightmare. And there leader Percy Jackson humiliated me. And I want revenge. And I will need your help to do so." What? No!

"We Romans have nothing against the Greeks anymore. We made peace. Now, who. Are. You?"

"If you will not help me, I guess my only choice is to do it myself." The man started to glow a bright gold, and start to turn into gold dust. The dust circled me. I couldn't move or speak. When I tried to move it was hard, like time was slowing down only form me. Then once the gold dust reached my mouth I blacked out.

I couldn't see anything. But I could hear something. I knew I was moving but it wasn't me controlling my body. Everything I heard was faint but I could still hear it. I heard screaming... from a girl? Yes, a girl. She was yelling someones name. But mostly she cried. But then there wasn't anymore screaming, but vary faint whines. I couldn't make out who was screaming. It was just to faint to figure out myself. I couldn't tell what my body was doing. Like I said I wasn't controlling it. I couldn't see anything but only hear faint screams and whines.

When I woke up I was in the infirmary ar Camp Jupiter. The Apollo kids were running around caring for the wounded. I sat up in my bed and called over the nearest Apollo camper.

"Nicki, why am I here?" She walked over to me and took my temperature

"98.8..." she wrote it down in her notebook "Normal. Good. Jason we found you in the middle of the Coliseum with scratches on your arm. It looked like it was from a girl, no monster. Do you remember anything of last night?"

I shook my head no. She just nodded. "Ok then. I think we'll keep you here for the rest of the day just to be sure your ok."

"No. Ill be fine. Plus I have the meeting with Reyna and Octavian today. I cant miss it."

"Well if your sure... we'll have you out around 2 ok?"

"Fine" she nodded her head and went to talk to the head of the infirmary. I did remember last night though. I remember the man in the black rob and him turning into gold dust. And I remember the faint screams... I remember not being able to move my body even though I knew it was moving and I remember seeing pitch black and nothing else. Even now I don't feel completely like myself.... its nothing I'm sure. Just a dream. But how did I end up a the Coliseum? I had so many questions just wanting answers that never came until a month later...
over a year ago marshanboy said…
Percy's POV

3 weeks after rapping

At first I was in a blissful sleep lying next to Annabeth as always. Had no bad dreams. Or I thought. The next thing I knew I was standing in a cold black room. At first there was nothing then all around me, the black walls were like a big movie screen. It was playing something. It was when I was 12, my first day at camp. If was only showing the parts with annabeth and I. When she showed me to the Hermes cabin, in the bathroom and when I bbecame lord of the girls bathroom. It was going through every moment I had with annabeth... all the way to the titan war. I saw when she was stabbed because she needed to keep the knife away from I week spot. I got a tear in my eye. She was in so much pain...

"Do you feel that Percy?" I turned around but didn't see anything but the same image of Annabeth fall to the ground.

"Who are you?" I say

"We never officially meet, but you do know me Percy Jackson." The voice said. It was a cold voice... it made me shiver when he spoke. I looked back up at the screen. It was after the war... we were back at camp and we were thrown in the lake. Then... it went to the night at Annabeth apartment.... after I drove away. Annabeth was walking up the stairs. When she got on the first floor.... and she was taken... I heard her screams... her crys.... my name being called... I fell to my knees and stared at the screen that was focused on the door Annabeth was behind. And I cried.

"Do you hear her screams Percy? Do you hear her pain? I want you to feel the way I did Percy, when I heard Kronos die by your hand. He was my brother. I loved my brother and now because of you he is back in Traterouse (how do u spell that?) Now... I want to finish what he started. And by doing that I need you to feel pain, Percy." Annabeth screams were getting faint...

"J-just take me! Leave Annabeth out of this! Kill me! Not her!" I scream

"Oh Percy... you don't get it do you. I lost someone. Now its your turn." He laughed and everything faded into darkness.

"Percy! Ahhh! Percy wake up! Please!" Annabeth shook me awake. Annabeth was holding her stomach (blaze did I get it right now? Lol) it looks like she is nine months pregnant. Apollo did say it would grown fast but this was way to fast. I jumped up.

"Annabeth what's wrong?"

"Its coming now! Ahh! Percy help me!" O gods... I jumped up and picked Annabeth up bridal style and ran to my car as fast as I could holding Annabeth. I put her in the car. And I ran to the driver side. I got in and started the car. We are going to Olympus.... I don't want mortals to deliver this baby.... I would way rather a God do it. I drove while Annabeth squeezed one of my hands taking deep breaths the whole way there.

I picked Annabeth up again and ran to the front desk. "Dude, get the key now and put it in the elevator now!" He didn't hesitate to do what I said. The elevator shot to the 600 floor. I never been to Olympus at night but is was beautiful.... well the parts I saw anyway. I ran as fast as I could to Apollos palace. It was far from the entrance. It was made from white marble. It was nice but I just ran inside.

"Apollo! Apollo! I need you!" There was a puff of smoke and there stood Apollo. His eyes widened at the sight of Annabeth. He took Annabeth from me.

"Get your father and Athena now!" I nodded as Apollo took Annabeth to a room down the hall. I went out the doors and took out dropmas. I made water appear infront me through one of the coins in.

"Oh goddess Isis please accept my offering, show me Athena." A shimmering image of Athena appeared. She was in her study looking at something.

"Athena! We need you at Apollos palace." I say as she turns around.

"What is it? Annabeth?" I nodded. "Ill be there." I hit the mist and did the same for my dad

He was sitting on his thrown thinking about something. He looked up and saw me "Annabeth?" I nodded "ill be there in just a second." I hit the mist and ran back inside. As soon as the door shut I heard Annabeth scream. I ran to the door Apollo was in but he stopped me

"You cant come in here."

"Why not? That's my girlfriend! I cant leave her alone!"

"Don't Percy. Not now." And he shut the door.

I turned around and saw my dad. He was standing there looking at me. He had sadness in his eyes. Then Athena came in. I heard another scream from Annabeth that made me shiver. Athena came up to me and gave me a hug. Wait a hug? She pulled away.

"Percy, I'm sorry for always getting mad at you and blaming you for everything. I'm glad my daughter has you." Wow. I never thought I would hear her say this.


"I think I know who did it." Athena says

"Who?" My father asks

"It was-" another scream

"Athena! I need you!" Apollo yells. I try to run to the room but my dad stopped me. Another scream from Annabeth and Athena ran to Apollo. Worst night of my life.
over a year ago marshanboy said…
I'm going through hell. Some titan told me its time for me to feel the same pain he did when I killed Kronos. And I can hear Annabeths screams of complete pain. I can hears her crys. I can hear Apollo ordering Athena to do things. And here I am, sitting in a corner with my head in my knees. Feeling useless And my dad next to me trying to cheer me up. But nothing will make me happy until I know Annabeth will be ok and who ever did this to her is gone.

Then it was quite. Complete stillness. I moved my head up slowly, staring at the door I know Annabeth is behind. My dad slowly stands up and stares at the door. Then I hear a baby cry, but nothing else. I stand up and walk to the door. I put my hand on the door handle and take a deep breath. Then I open the door slowly. I see Athena holding a baby rapped in a pink blanket. Its a girl. I see Apollo giving Annabeth a shot. But Annabeth is asleep.

"What's going on?" My dad asks. Apollo looks up with a grim look on his face.

"Annabeth is in a comma. A bad one. The pain knocked her out." When I heard this I thought back to my dream...

"I-i had a dream." Athena puts the baby down and looks at me starring at the baby. I didn't know if I should hate her or love her.

"What was about?"

"You said you know who did this." I look at Athena.

"I think I know... Im not sure."


"First tell me your dream." I seighed and told them. I told them about seeing every moment I had with Annabeth I was 12 all the way to the night when Annabeth was taken. Then I told about the voice and what he said. I told them how he sounded like. Then when I finished there was a big bang. The baby started crying but Annabeth didn't move.

"Let go of me! I didn't do anything!" I know that voice... Nico came through the door holding Jason as best as he could, while Athena tried to calm down the baby. Just at the sight of Jason made me want to punch something. When Nico let go of Jason that's when I let it out. I am pissed.

I lunged at Jason. My arm to his neck and my hand grabbing his shirt slamming him to the wall. His head slammed the hard wall so hard he couched up blood. Before I could get riptide my dad pulled me away. He wouldn't let go no matter how hard I tried to get to Jason. Jason bent over and started couching up more blood.

"I am going to kill you!" I yell still trying to get out of my fathers gripe.

"What did I do?!"

"Don't act like you don't know! You are dead to me Jason Grace! Dead!"

"Percy calm down!" Nico says

"Calm down?!" I yank my arms trying to get out but my dad wont let go "How can I calm down?! That asshole that did this to Annabeth is right in front of me! I wont calm down until he is dead!"

"I didn't do anything to Annabeth!"

"You little F-"

"Percy stop." My dad says "Apollo do you mind talking to Jason while I get my son under control?" Apollo nods and leaves the room with a confused Jason Grace. Athena is still trying to get the baby to stop crying and Nico is staring at me in horror. My dad let me go and I fell to the ground. And I simply cried.

"Why Annabeth?! Why cant it be me?! Just leave Annabeth alone... take me!" I yelled.

"Percy Annabeth will be fine! She-" I stopped Athena

"No! The titan said he wanted to feel the same way he felt when I killed Kronos! He is going to kill Annabeth and there isn't a thing I can do about it! I wont let Annabeth die! I cant let that happen!" Everyone was quite.

Apollo and Jason came back in looking horrified. I almost lunged at him again. "Athena... is it-"

"Yes Apollo. It was Hyperion. Kronos's brother, and titan of light."
over a year ago Redwall253 said…
That's a lot of chapters in just one page!
over a year ago marshanboy said…
Do you like it?
over a year ago Redwall253 said…
Still finishing chapter two