The Heroes of Olympus Son of Neptune (COMMENTS)

losthero5 posted on Nov 24, 2010 at 05:45PM
Seeing that no else has decided to do this, I am going to. I want HecateA to keep on writing the fanfic, but she wont if this spamming keeps up! So spam away at this page. Hecate, you better look at these, or else people will spam your fanfic!

Let the comments, BEGIN! :D
Seeing that no else has decided to do this, I am going to. I want HecateA to keep on writing the fanf
last edited on Nov 24, 2010 at 05:46PM

The Heroes of Olympus 236 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 236

over a year ago HecateA said…
big smile
AWW!!!! Thanks Lost hero! You guys taking all theese mesures because you're scared I'll stop writting makes me feel somehwere between flattered, pleased and the bad guy...

Spam for me means things that are irrevelant to the story, compliments and requests are fine on the actual page.
over a year ago losthero5 said…
well we do have a good reason to be scared :)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Lightning98 said…
big smile
Ok so you guys know what that person was saying about the whole annabeth dieing and what not... ITS NOT TRUE. She may have found that on line but why would R.R. tell his cousin all about his book and let his cousin talk about it on line... that would be weird
what i think happened was that someone pretended to be his cousin and posted all of this nonsence and people started to belive it... nothing to be upset about Hecate with all of that because it was probobly all a lie
over a year ago Festus1126 said…
PHEW!!!!!!! i was really scared it was true!
over a year ago partypony said…
I really hope hecate reads this:

Just a suggestion. when u changed POVs like recently, i was a bit confused. i didnt know who was talking for a while. maybe u could write whos povs it is if ur gonna switch? again, just a suggestion, no need to actually do it.
over a year ago Calypso_ said…
Why is no one commenting? I mean there's a lot of spam on the actual thing that could easily be put on this page.........cake
over a year ago Calypso0 said…
cake? who said anything about a cake? aw I hpe it's chocolate... I love chocolate!
(now that's spam, right? keep on spamming people! what's your favorite cake or pie or candy or whatever?)
over a year ago Calypso_ said…
APPLE PIE!!!!!!!!!!! luv it!! (she said in a sing song voice)
over a year ago UnoriginalName said…
I know, I love apple pie! I actually like it better than chocolate cake, but that is a close seond. Does anyone like chocolate pie? For me, that was the worst of both worlds.
over a year ago Calypso_ said…
never tried it before
over a year ago AltPercyU said…
Wow people are living to their word and actually spamming HAHA!
over a year ago AnnabethPotter said…
big smile
Likin the spamming peoples! Like, pie is SOOO relevant to the Son of Neptune!:) Keep it up!
over a year ago AltPercyU said…
Pie is relevant just as like how dogs descended from wolves! MONKEY!
over a year ago Calypso_ said…
Has anyone ever had chocolate pie besides unoriganialname?
over a year ago Calypso0 said…
me... my mom made one yesterday... It's okay I guess but a bit too sweet... and I love apple pie too but chocolate apple pie is better! And pumpkin pie.....<3
over a year ago UnoriginalName said…
Two points, and two questions

1) Your mom makes pie? Lucky.
2) You like pumpkin pie? I have only had it once, and once is more than enough.

1) What is your favorite animal? For me it's a tough choice, because I do not like many animals. I would go with kiwis though, because I am a Kiwi.
2) Have you guys ever ran long distance? If so, what are your fastest times. (That was random...)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago artemishunter64 said…
I don't run long distances cause i h8 it.
that sounded kinda wierd.
haha i wish i was kiwi. but i'm not.
i'm aussie.
over a year ago Calypso_ said…
Short distance defiantly. tiger is my favorite animal. and I really just want to type this; aussie aussie aussie oi oi oi!!! I had Australian summer camp counselors that said it all the time......................... Lithuania... pickles
over a year ago Calypso_ said…
Name this quote

"the cow goes moo" where is it from and who/what said it?

(can you guess?)
over a year ago UnoriginalName said…
Was that Stewie from Family Guy? And were those counslers really from Australia? @artemishunter64 Another Aussi here? Welp, welcome, I haven't seen you on this spot yet. I kind of (really) wish that I still lived in NZ, I moved when I was really small. Has anyone here moved? I was like, 2 when I moved so that doesn't really count. I have a friend who moves like every two years. I should ask what it is like to move so often. I kind of want to know.
over a year ago Calypso_ said…
no the megaphone that Leo rigged in the Lost Hero you know with Hedge and what not yeah. and yes they really were from Australia. never moved before

over a year ago UnoriginalName said…
Uck, meatballs? I'm a vegetarian. Bet none of you knew that before.
over a year ago artemishunter64 said…
I am not a vegetarian but I went for a trip to an slaughterhouse (this was when I lived outside Sydney in a small town that relied on the production of beef for it's income). It was our assignment. It ended up with 4 girls fainting after poor bessie got her throat slit, half of the class declaring themselves vegatarians (the pizza party 2 days later ended that when meatlovers pizza was brought in) and boys running around with cow eyes scaring the girls. I have been scarred for life since that day.
over a year ago Calypso_ said…
sad and UnoriginalName I said meatballs not meaning the food but the movie Cloudy with a chance of meatballs cause I just watched like two seconds before I wrote the comment thingy. and I'm not a vegetarian................................­...­...­...­...­...­...­who washed Washington's white woolen underwear when Washington's washer woman went west?
over a year ago UnoriginalName said…
His slave?
over a year ago Calypso_ said…
I don't really know we sing it as a choir warm up (i just came from choir)
over a year ago UnoriginalName said…
My singing voice is awefull. I did 3 years of choir, and hated three years of choir. Ugh, my cousins (From New Zealand) are coming over today, so this may be my last post (but maybe not).

over a year ago percyJlover121 said…
i love singing, i've sang in 2 plays, and everyone says im great, but i think im aweful. i love penguins!!!!!
over a year ago UnoriginalName said…
When I think of penguins, I think of this small ice cream shop that is really good. My cuosins still haven't arrived! *fist pump*.
over a year ago artemishunter64 said…
big smile
When I think of penguins I think of this detective from agatha christie murders, called hecule poirot. He is fat and belgium and looks like a penguin.
over a year ago UnoriginalName said…
When I think walrus, I think Philidelphia Eagles coach Andy Reid. I mean, look at him! Every football game I watch while the eagles are playing, I can't help but laugh. Watch the Eagles play the Packers tommorow and you'll know what I mean.
When I think walrus, I think Philidelphia Eagles coach Andy Reid. I mean, look at him! Every football
over a year ago percyJlover121 said…
i dont know what you are talking about. when i think of penguins, i think of the penguins of madagascar and cheese
over a year ago UnoriginalName said…
Cheese? *gags* Cheese is... pretty awefull. I don't get why anyone would like it. Gosh, Sweet Child 'o Mine is stuck in my head. Did anyone see the penguins of madagascar, and if so, is it worth seeing?
over a year ago Calypso_ said…
big smile
I love cheese
over a year ago artemishunter64 said…
I am very picky about cheese. I only like mozzarella chesse and cheddar cheese. I hate blue cheese, Swiss cheese and camonbeare (spelt so wrong!) cheese.
They taste gross
over a year ago Calypso_ said…
cheddar and Mozzarella are the only to cheeses I eat. I hate Swiss cheese too it's nasty.
over a year ago UnoriginalName said…
I hate pretty much all cheeses, unless they are on a taco. Tacos are awesome!
over a year ago UnoriginalName said…
I am so excited- in one week I will be sleeping in an igloo that I made, and snoeshoed to.

Has anyone slept in an igloo before?
over a year ago wisegurl said…
Nope I never built one either:(
over a year ago wisegurl said…
This is from a while ago but the longest I ever ran was 1mile it was soo hard and it took me 10 minutes
over a year ago UnoriginalName said…
Oh, at my school we run a mile every Friday. I average 7:00 miles.
over a year ago marmarmar said…
Heyy I'm new here and this is super awesome!!! I am like in love with this storie :). Ok so to answer unoriginals question I run long distance and my fastest 5k (3.11 miles) time is 21.05 which is a little less then a 7 min mile average haha and ummm I want a burrito :P
over a year ago ilovepercy08 said…
hey, I'm new here too! HecateA's story is so awesome1 :D I cant wait for another chapter... Keep writing HecateA!
over a year ago percyJlover121 said…
welcome! if hecate were here she would give you a welcome muffin basket, haha. but since shes not at the time, i will!
*hands marmarmar and ilovepercy08 a muffin basket*

question: if vampires had a war with half bloods who would win?
over a year ago redhawks said…
So I am a little late on this but when I think penguins I think my principle..........Yeah she waddles like a penguin. No joke. She is lez too.

over a year ago marmarmar said…
Yayyy I get a muffin basket!!!!!!! Ok redhawks I have to agree with u because my principal waddles like a penguin too! A fat penguin :P. And I think that even though half bloods are cooler that vampires would win bc of there never dying then. Unless occluded it was an army of leos with fire power then they would win!
over a year ago UnoriginalName said…
*whistles* wow marmarmar, my fastest 5k time was 24:00 on the dot. Good job. I am not really a long distance or a short distance. Compared to my friends, I am only ok at long distace and suck at short distance (sprints.) Random topic,

Pepsi or Coke?

My choice? Water.
over a year ago marmarmar said…
Haha thanks :). Ummmm coke or pepsi... CHOCOLATE MILK!!!!
over a year ago redhawks said…
Well, I sayyyy Pepsi and Coke!!!!!! YAYAYAY

An army of vampires could never match up to even 2 Leo's. And they are barely equal to one Leo! Vampries die if they are burned at the stake!!! LEO=FIRE ASWEMENES!!!!!!!!!

You know what I hate? Little sisters who are trying to play the piano when they have no freaking clue how too! Specifically my little sister! She is just banging on the keys and is giving me a head ache!!!!!!!
over a year ago Rachel-E-Dare said…
i can see ur problem same thing w/ me but my little brother plays the piano 24/7 cant get rid of him i want to duck tape him to a chair and put him in the closet to get rid of that noise CHEESECAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry just had to put it in there bjgfujhkghdughriufjirhgijdrgherjfhjedhfuid­hfh­ugu­hgd­uhj­ufu­euf­hue­ghu­uer­guh­jui­dgh­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­uuu­hsd­iuu­sss­sss­sss­sss­hgg­ggu­rhg­uih­uer­uhr­uhu­reh HOPE U ENJOYED DA RANDOM LETTERS im probably the most random person in the world (ill delete this if u want me 2) im new btw
last edited over a year ago