The Heroes of Olympus On the run

babbytreegrowth posted on Dec 12, 2010 at 02:05AM
Okay to start off, I got my inspiration from HecateA. She writes or should I say types up stories that are soo good it would take me a million years to describe how good they are. Anyway this is my story so I hope you like it!

My dream started like this...
"All right, I have an announcement to make."a woman said.
She was sitting at a table with two kids sitting across from her.
The girl, who looked about nine, looked up from behind shoulder length black hair and stopped feeding the toddler that sat next to her.
"Thalia, I'm taking you and Jason on a family vacation up north."the woman choked up saying "family vacation."
Thalia looked suspicious. "But you never take us on vacations"
"I know, but I wanted to take you to this cool place..." her voice trailed off and and she looked about ready to cry.
" I wanted to take you someplace so... so... so we could be together."
The 2 year old, Jason, started whining and muttering,"more, more." Thalia started feeding him again. He had a funny looking scar on his upper lip that moved when he talked. His blond hair hung in his eyes.
Thalia talked as she fed him.
"When are we leaving?"
"Right away."
"Why so soon?" Thalia asked as she got up from the table. She started clearing the table. "Does the press know?"
"I don't think so."
"Make sure they don't."
"The press doesn't know and don't give me an attitude young lady."
Thalia just glared at her.
"Go start packing. I'll pack your brother. A few shirts, pants, and 1 book or toy."
"Fine," was Thalia's reply.
"We're here" the woman announced.
"Okay mom"
"Come on Jason let's go look at that burned down building over there." she said pointing.
And with that they walked towards the building.
She took a deep breath and walked over to her children. She looked about ready to break down in tears. When she reached them she told Thalia to go get the picnic basket from the car.
"It's in the trunk honey." she said handing Thalia the keys.
Reluctantly, Thalia ran over to the car.
The woman picked up Jason and brought him inside the house.
I followed her inside.
Then suddenly a woman appeared in front of them. The woman had a black hooded rode, with a goatskin cloak draped over her shoulders. At her side was a sword.
Yet as I watched the woman's form flickered and changed into a woman with long black hair, and a white gown with jewelry all across her arms. On top of her hair was a golden crown. Then the woman changed again. Her form flickered back and forth.
"Hera " Jason's mom's voice shook.
"Yes , I'm here for the boy as you know. It appears you have followed Zues's instructions to bring the boy inside without his siser. I will take him now."
"You promise to take care of him?"
"Yes foolish woman. Do you not know that you shouldn't keep a goddess waiting?"
"Very well." she handed Jason to Hera an Hera disappeared.
The woman started crying. She ran out of the building and collapsed on the steps hugging herself.
Thalia ran up with the picnic basket.
"Mom, it's empt-"
"Mom wheres Jason?" Thalia started looking behind the trees yelling Jason's name.
She ran back and asked where he was again
"Hera has claimed him and he's as good as dead. You're never going to see him again! I'm sorry Thalia"
Thalia stared at her and said, "Stop lying to me." then she ran off looking for Jason
She ran after her, picked her up kicking and screaming, and brought her to the car, buckled her into her seat and drove off.

When I woke up I didn’t know what to make of my dream.
So Jason had been right and Thalia was his sister. I just couldn’t believe it.
I decided to get up and get changed. Then suddenly Malcolm, my half-brother, rushes in,
“Annabeth, thank gods you’re awake,” he seemed out of breath and relieved that he didn’t have to wake me up. Everyone knew I kept her knife on my nightstand.
“Well, good morning to you too. What’s up? ” I asked.
“This morning some of the Apollo kids were hunting in the woods. They heard a strange sound and followed it. As they got closer they heard singing. They thought it was probably just a dryad, and they started back. Then the music stopped. A girl appeared in front of them. She asked them where she was. Apparently Will was with them and he brought the girl to Chiron.” He paused.
“Chiron wants to see you right away!”

By the time I got to the Big House, most of the campers were starting to wake up. Chiron sat on the porch in his wheel chair. He nodded towards me. Malcolm had run off to get Jason. When I reached the porch Jason ran up still in his pajamas.
“Okay what’s going on?” Jason asked.
“Well,” Chiron started, “I have the girl inside with Rachel right now. Maybe you can get her to speak.”
We followed him inside. In the living room a girl sat on the couch. The way she sat was formal as if she was royalty or something. Rachel sat next to her. Rachel looked up when they entered.
“Well this is Natalie. Natalie this is Jason and that’s Annabeth.”
The girl, Natalie, nodded to me. When she looked at Jason she frowned.
“Do I know you?” she asked.
“Honestly, I don’t know.” Jason said.
“Oh my gods,” she said, “You’re that boy who was in that cave with Lycaon. Then you were also at the Wolf House.” She looked scared of Jason for a moment. Then she quickly replaced her expression with a more confident smile.
Jason seemed suspicious. ”What do you mean? Wait you’re one of the Hunters.”
“Yes I am. I have no idea how I got here but I remember eating at one of our many great feasts that we have on the weekends. I was leading our prayer to Artemis. They always choose me to sing the ending. Right after I started I noticed that my surroundings were changing. Then suddenly I was in your forest.”
“Okay, let me get this straight. You showed up in the woods. Wait. Why do they always choose you to sing the ending of the prayer?” I asked
“They say it’s because I sing beautifully. I think they’re just saying that to make me feel good since I like music. I can’t sing high or low notes. But I know that I’m a demigod. Artemis said so when she asked me to be a Hunter, 4 years ago. She said I was the daughter of a goddess she had almost forgotten about. They had not hunted together since ancient times.”
“Go on.” I said
“Then she said my mother is Physis, the Greek goddess of nature.”
last edited on Dec 12, 2010 at 02:09AM

The Heroes of Olympus 6 replies

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over a year ago mrcobra66 said…
dude great story write more
over a year ago Lightning98 said…
big smile
Youa are a really good writer!!!
I hope you can write more!!!
over a year ago babbytreegrowth said…
I was shocked. Sure I'd heard of Physis but I didn’t think she even had kids.
Natalie swept her long golden hair over her shoulder. I couldn’t help but notice that her hair wasn’t blond it was gold. For the first time I noticed that she did seem to have that silver glow to her that the Hunters have.
In the distance a conch horn sounded meaning it was time for breakfast.
“Come on Natalie. Chiron can she sit with me at breakfast?” I asked.
“Well,” Chiron looked up and saw that pleading look I get when I want something. Chiron knew better than to refuse. “Oh all right.” he said.
“Then let’s go!”
Since I’ve been at camp the longest, when we reached the dining pavilion no one had gone in yet because I get to go first. When I got in front of everybody, Natalie looked hesitant.
“Come on Natalie. You can come up front with me.”
“But I don’t want to cut these people. They are probably a lot hungrier than I am.”
“Don’t worry pretty princess,” said a gruff voice behind me. “I can let you go in front of me just this once. But don’t think it will ever happen again.”
I turned to see that Clarisse was talking to Natalie.
Natalie stuck her chin out, put her hands on her hips and said, ”I don’t appreciate being called a princess. Of course since you said I could I most certainly will get in front of you.” She marched right up to me, and got behind me. When she turned she spun fast so that her hair got in Clarisse’s face.
Clarisse was so mad she got ready to punch Natalie. Then Natalie began singing a Christmas carol. Clarisse forgot all about being mad and started laughing hard. All of the sudden a couple of white wolves appeared. They ran over to Clarisse and started to walk around her in a circle. Clarisse looked up and when she did the wolves showed all of their gleaming fangs.
Meanwhile Natalie had been singing. Then more animals poured out of the woods as she sang louder.There were at least 20 more wolves, 12 different types of birds and many more animals. Some stayed by Natalie as she sang. The others circled Clarisse like the wolves. Natalie calmly walked through the crowd of animals petting them. She stopped singing and told the animals around Clarisse to back away.
“I suggest you don’t mess with me daughter of Ares.”

I hope you like it.
over a year ago HoO_PJO said…
I loved it soo much!!! I hope that you can write more!
over a year ago NicoDiAngelo4 said…
Please right more, that was really good :)
over a year ago marmarmar said…
big smile
aww that was good :) KEEP WRITING!!:D