The Heroes of Olympus Olivia the Half Blood

Lightning98 posted on Dec 13, 2010 at 02:12AM
Hi people of the fanpop...
So i made a fanfic of this before but now it is going to be different so... yah I hope you guys like it!!!

The Heroes of Olympus 12 replies

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over a year ago Lightning98 said…
big smile

-Ok hi my name is Olivia. You might think I am a weirdo for telling you all of this, my mom did not even believe me when it all happened, first you must hear my back story...
My dad disappeared before I was born, my mom says he went on a work trip to California and never came back. My mom always struggled with money but always had a smile on her face. She loved to talk about my father, they never got married he did not want to. She told me that they met on a ski trip and she smashed into him going down a hill. They started to date and then he left he just... left. Anyways, my mom sent me to New York to go to a sleep away school. Then when I got there my whole life changed.

My life started to get interesting with my best friend, Amyntas, waking me up in math class.
Amyntas- Olivia wake up
“What,” I said stunned, “Is it over?”
“Yah,” he said, “um I want to take you somewhere. Get changed and meet me in front of the fountain in 20 minutes.”
“Um, ok.”

I was wondering what he was up to, he looked tired him self after a 9 hour school day, but I had to trust him, if I didn’t who could I trust. So I walked across campus and put on a pair of jeans and my big collage t-shirt that my half-brother gave me. I took my cell phone and slid into a pair of flip flops and I ran across the campus. I met Amyntas in front of the big fountain right outside the main building. He took me up to the roof of the school. Nothing up there but roof, I mean it was flat with one little chimney sticking up the middle. It was flat with one little sun chair and it had a beautiful view of the sky, and New York city. We both sat down on the floor, the sun still shining high in the sky.

“Are you ok?” I asked, “why are we here?”
“I have to show you something, just be… just wait a while.”

One moment the sun was shining in my eyes the next there was a big shadow above me. I looked up to see a huge shadow of some thing, I thought I was going crazy. I looked over to Amyntas and he saw it too, but he did not look as amazed as I was, he looked fine.
“Wow,” I said, “what is that!”
“You will see.”

It got closer and closer and what I started to see was the weirdest thing. I saw a horse … with wings. I know you think I am going totally loopy but I am only telling the truth. The horse landed on the roof and it had two people on its back.

“Hey Olivia, remember us,” says one of them
“Well you should because we grew up with you.” Says the other.
“How could I forget, Travis, Conner,” I said.
“So,” Travis said, “have not seen you in a while.”
“Not since we had to “move away” 6 years ago.”

Travis and Connor where my close friends when I was younger. Their mom went to work with my mom and their mom was always at my house witch meant they where always their too. Travis was 5 years older than me and Connor was 4. They where like big brothers to me. They where always very nice and very funny, but we where living in Vermont then and one day their mom got a better job here in New York.
Connor looked like he was about to cry.

“Dude,” Travis said, “are you ok.”
“Oh, yah, sorry.”
“So,” I said, “what is this.”
“Oh, yah this is a pegusi ,” Amyntas said.
“But there is not such thing.”
“Then,” Travis said, “What are we doing on one...”
“Well this is all a dream,” I said, “first I am out of math class, then I see a beautiful view of New York, then I see the two people I have been wishing to see ever since I was 6 years old on a magic flying horse… and when I pinch my self, you will dissapear.”

So I pinched myself and nothing happened. Connor wistled and another horse came. It was a pale pink with a white main and white hoves.

“We have to go now,” Amyntas said, “we have to bring you somewhere safe... some where called Camp Half-Blood.”

Travis and Conner nodded at the same time as if they had done this many times before.
Amyntas got on the horse and pulled me on too. I was not believing what I was doing this but I was so blinded by wanting to talk to Travis and Connor again. Then we went off into the night sky and the city melted away.

“Why am I going to camp in the middle of the year?” I asked.
“Well,” Amyntas said, “
I was flying through the air.
They know who my father is or was. What could this mean... am I going to meet him... what will he think of me... what will I think of him. These where the questions that where going threw my mind.

“Amyntas,” I asked, “where are we going?”
“We are taking you to a pace called Camp Half-Blood.” He said, “Do you remember when that shake shot out of your locker or the time we had a bat come in, in the middle of English class, this place will protect you from all of that. Would never take you somewhere I thought was not safe...No, don’t even answer that question the place is safe and best of all you will find out who your father is.
“Yah,” Travis cut in, “it is totaly safe...except for the woods filled with monsters...”
“Oh,” Conner said, “and don’t forget the lava rock wall!”
“You don’t have to do those things.” Amyntas said, “We could talk more about this when we get there.”

We where over woods and hills and water, It looked beautiful. We started to come in for a landing and then I saw the most beautiful place in the world. It had woods all around it but then there was water on one side of it. People where swimming in the water even though it was wintertime. In the center of the place there was a big blue house and next to it was a tree much taller than the others. On the other side of the valley there were 2 ovals of what seemed like cabins.

Conner-You see that... that’s where I live. Lived there for 5 years.
“Wow,” I said, “you like own that place!?”
“Yah,” he said, “I geuss you could say that.”
“No,” Amyntas cut in, “he does not own that the gods own that.”
“Wait, gods, there is no such thing as gods.”
“That’s what they all say at first.” Travis said as if he was offended.
“What do you mean which gods?”
“We can’t tell you just yet. It’s hard to explain. Just wait a little longer.”

We landed on a big net and Amyntas took me to the huge blue house. It was 4 stories tall with a wrapped around it. The inside of it was a big fireplace, and right over it was a big plaque with a head of a lepord but it was alive… don’t question me this is all I saw. Then their was a small living area, a small office with a weal chair in the corner.

“What is this place?” I asked.
“We call it the Big House.”
“I get it because… its…so…big…yah.”

So uah i will try to post every week... no promises
when you read i would enjoy it if you left a comment to help me become a better writer and yah that it!!!
over a year ago Calypso_ said…
I like it nice opening thanks for the new read so to say and will annabeth or Percy be coming soon? Sorry but I love them both sooooo much.... Anyway that was great can't wait for the next one!!!!!:)
over a year ago Calypso_ said…
oh I also love how you included Travis and Conner having them more centralish to the story then they were before:)
over a year ago Festus1126 said…
GO TRAVIS!(and connor to...) Great chapter. hope we get to see more of what happens at camp.
over a year ago babbytreegrowth said…
awesome story Lightning98!
over a year ago percyJlover121 said…
cool story
over a year ago Idunn said…
big smile
You are very good lightning.
over a year ago Lightning98 said…
big smile
HIIII!!!!! Thanks for reading!!! I know I stink but thanks for the support...
That Chapter was called "The Pegusus Landed Right In Front Of Me... I See Some Farmiliar Faces"
So yah sorry about the wait... but here is the next one...

He was a half house half man thing…

Then I heard the steps of a horse. Coming in was a house/man. When you looked at him from the hips up he was a regular man wearing a t-shirt that said "hit me with you best shot" and under that was a bow and arrow. But from his hips down he was a white stallion.

“Wow, it’s a horse dude!” I said loudly.
“Actually,” said horse dude, “I prefer to be called Chiron and you must be Olivia, yes I have heard much about you.”
“Yes you,” Chiron said, “um, Amyntas, Travis, Conner do you mind?”
“No problem.”
“Wait Amyntas could you get Annabeth and Percy for me?”

They leave the room.

“Please sit.”
So I plopped into the chair stunned about what was all happened. I had to talk to my mom. I miss her.
“Are you Ok,” he asked, “do you want me to get you a Hot chocolate.”

About 5 minutes later a girl and a boy walk in. The girl was tall with blonde hair and dark gray eyes. She wore an orange t-shirt covered in battle armor with a knife strapped to her arm and jeans. The boy had black hair with sea green eyes. He wore the same as the girl except for the knife. They both had a necklace on, the girl had about 9 beads on it and the boy had about 6.

“Ah, Percy, Annabeth yes I need you,” he said.
“Ok, what do you...I see, ok,” said the boy that must have been Percy.

He was looking right at me. Annabeth and Percy sat down on the other couch across from me. The girl Annabeth took the clip boardChiron left the room.

“Ok lets get this started.” Annabeth said, “So what is your name?”
“How old are you?” Percy asked.
“Where do you live?” Annabeth asked.
“Well my mom lives in Vermont but I go to an away school in New York.”
“Cool,” Percy said, “I am from New York.... anyways has your mom ever told you about your dad.”
“Yah... they met each other exactly 14 years ago. She said thathe was a good skier and that he is a huger.”
“Did she tell you anything else?” Annabeth asked.
“Yah, one day he had to go on a business trip to California and he never came back.”
“Oh no,” Annabeth said with dread in her face, “I was hoping this would not be the case.”
“What do you mean Annabeth,” Percy asked, “we haven't gotten anywhere with the questions we have asked her.”
“Percy where did we go 6 years ago to find the lightning bolt.”
“And who did see there.”
“Wait who is Hades.”
“You will find out soon,” Annabeth snapped, “you are in 7th grade right so by now you should be learning about the Greek gods.”
“Yes,” I replied.
“This might sound really weird to you but-” Annabeth was cit off by Percy.”
“Could I tell her?” Percy asked.
“Sure Percy.”
“Ok, so, you know about the Greek gods right, ok so you know how they lived in Greece right, yes you do. Then the people in Rome began to make their own gods after the Greek gods. Well now they are in America and one of those gods is your dad.”
“That is what everyone says,” Annabeth said not so surprised.
“Oh, ad one other thing, this might be hard to believe but your father... well, he is Hades.”

Wow, um that is kind of well surprising. The room was silent for a couple of seconds. I kept on looking back and forth at both of their faces. They where both looking at me simpetheticly. What broke the silence was a tall girl with a boar hellmat, stomping in yelling Percys name.

“Percy Jackson,” she said, “I have been looking for you all day,” she yelled.
“Well why is that,” he replied.
“Because you have been skipping classes all day oh and so has your little girlfriend Annabeth. All of the Aphrodite girls said that the two of you have run away with each other and they wont stop talking and I want to get you to shut them up!”

That’s when she noticed me.

“Oh, sorry,” She growled, “forgot to introduce myself. I am Clarisse, daughter of Ares.”
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago irismess said…
It is really good, I mean freaking good, A daugther of hades total interesting. keep doint it, I just want to read some more, when are you gonna post more.. I'm soo happy that Percy and Annabeth are in the story, I love it.
over a year ago tessa34567 said…
Wonderful!!!!! I love it!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago Idunn said…
Love it!
over a year ago wisegurl said…
When r u gunna post again?????? Plz be soon!!!!