The Heroes of Olympus My version of The Son of Neptune

purpledemigod posted on Dec 20, 2010 at 11:45PM
This is my version of the Son of Neptune by Rick Riordan. I'll try to post my chapters as soon as I can. I have made some changes to the chapters. Hope you like it! And I do not own most of the characters (Hazel, Bobby, Percy, Lupa, Gwen, Jason, Piper, Leo, Annabeth, Reyna); they belong to Rick Riordan. The others (Lilly, Daniela, Amelia, George, Julius, Kya, Henry, Peter) were made up by me.

Lillian Harpett, daughter of Apollo (Roman)
Daniela Martin, daughter of Minerva
Hazel Roone, daughter of Minerva
Amelia Fiske, daughter of Venus
George Oakfield, Faun
Bobby Yang, son of Vulcan
Percy, Amnesiac
Lupa, She-wolf
Gwendolyn Parks, daughter of Mercury
Jason Grace, son of Jupiter, praetor to the First Legion
Piper McLean, daughter of Aphrodite
Leo Valdez, son of Hephaestus
Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena
Reyna Kenthor, daughter of Mars, praetor to the Fourth Legion
Julius Denek, son of Pompona
Kya Kay, daughter of Hecate
Peter Stanf, son of Hephaestus
Henry Benson, unclaimed
last edited on Sep 22, 2013 at 01:26AM

The Heroes of Olympus 49 replies

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over a year ago halfblood963 said…
cant wait i love differnet versions of the son of neptune.
over a year ago PJhero02 said…
yeah so do i!!! i have read like every single one posted on this site! can't wait!
over a year ago purpledemigod said…

Lilly woke up to the sound of yelling. She sat up quickly and found Amelia, daughter of Venus, and Hazel, a daughter of Minerva, screaming their heads off at each other. Another fight. Lilly sighed. The two girls had been rivals ever since they first met. Lilly wished that Lupa put them in different legions. But instead, they were both put in the same one as her.
"Stop it, you two," she said. Obviously, they ignored her. Suddenly a girl dropped down from the bunk above her. She had straight blond hair, gray eyes, and a crazy smile. She wore a wrinkled purple t-shirt and black skinny jeans under silver armor. On her arm was a tattoo with 10 bars and an owl.
"Hey Lilly! You wanna go visit the pegasi?" she asked.
Lilly stared at her. "Whoa, were you sleeping in your armor?"
The girl rolled her eyes. "Duh! So, do you wanna go visit the pegasi?"
Lilly was about to say yes, but then she remembered that she had something very important to do. "Sorry, but-"
The girl interrupted her, obviously irritated. "Okay, if you're too tired to walk all the way to the stables, we can go bother the fauns. That's always a lot of fun."
Lilly tried again. "No, Danni, Lupa told me that-"
"That you shouldn't do that anymore? Gosh, forget about last time! Okay, maybe cutting his horn off wasn't a good idea, but he was attacking me with reed pipes! Those hurt a lot, you know!" she complained.
"You poked him with a stick first," Lilly reminded her.
"But fauns love nature and sticks!" she protested.
"Not when they're very sharp and stuck in their face," said Lilly.
Daniela sighed. "Well, I'm sorry he took his anger out on you. But your leg isn't broken anymore, right?"
"He didn't take his anger out on me!" cried Lilly in frustration. "You pushed me in front of you when he tried to kick you in the knee!" Daniela froze and stared at her. Unfortunately, so did everyone else. Even Hazel and Amelia stopped fighting. Lilly turned red and muttered, "Let's talk outside."
They quickly left the cabin and Lilly took a deep breath to calm herself. Even though Daniela was her friend, she often found it very tempting to whack her.
"Lupa said that I have to go get him. She said it's time," she explained.
Daniela frowned. "Him? Who's 'him'? And what do you mean by 'it's time'?" Her gray eyes widened suddenly. "Oh! It's time... to test... whoever it is?" Lilly nodded, thinking that Daniela obviously was still half asleep, since she should already know what Lilly was talking about.The first thing everybody did before they got into the camp was get tested. Then Daniela's eyes widened again, which meant she finally realized who Lilly was talking about.
"Oh! Him! I know who you're talking about! The guy that everyone's talking about," she said, excited. "If Lupa told you he's gonna be tested, she probably also told you everything else about him, right?" Lilly nodded. She knew that Daniela was going to ask her what the truth was, since the whole camp - or maybe it was just her Legion - loved to gossip. Daniela probably heard lies about the new guy. That was another hobby of the Fourth Legion. Tell lies about everything. Well, at least most of the girls did. The boys would rather train. Actually, what they called training was what everybody else would call trying-to-hack-the-fauns'-heads-off. Daniela waved her hand in front of Lilly's face, trying to get her attention. When she got it, she continued speaking. "So, can I come with you? Please! Let me!"
Lilly hesitated. Lupa hadn't allowed her to bring anyone else. But she nodded and said, "Let's go."

Daniela asked at least a million questions before they got to the infirmary. Was it true that he just appeared outside of the Wolf House? Was it true that he had no memory? Why wasn't he fed to Lupa's pack? Where did he even come from? Lilly answered the questions as truthfully as she could. But then, her questions slowly changed and got a bit... random. How old was he? What did he look like? Was he hot? Do you think he had a girlfriend? Did he like blondes? Or did he like girls with red hair, black hair, or brown hair? How about blue hair? Was there a shop near the camp that sold cheap hair dye? Lilly tried to run faster and ignore her.
Finally they got to the infirmary. They walked up to a bed in the very back. Lilly poked the boy and told him to get up. A boy with black hair and green eyes got out of the bed and stared at them. Lilly tried to look friendly, so he didn't feel too scared. After all, he just woke up in a strange room with two strange girls armed with weapons were standing beside him. Daniela looked disappointed, as if he wasn't as cute as she had hoped.
Lilly smiled and said, "Hi. I'm Lilly Harpett, daughter of Apollo. What's your name?"
The boy blinked. "Apollo... the sun god?"
Daniela sighed and said, "Duh! And didn't you hear the question? What's your name?"
The boy glared at her and said, "My name's Percy. What about you?"
"I'm Daniela Martin, daughter of Minerva. What's with your wierd shirt?"
Lilly noticed the shirt for the first time. It was bright orange, with writing in a language she didn't know and a picture of a horse on it. Percy looked down and frowned in confusion. "I... I don't know. But who's Minerva?"
Daniela laughed and said, "The goddess of wisdom. Duh! And do you really expect us to believe you when you say you don't know why you're wearing that shirt?"
Lilly dragged her away and whispered, "You're not really helping! And remember, he doesn't remember anything."
"But he remembers his name!" Daniela pointed out.
Lilly realized that she was right. Why did he remember his own name, but nothing else?
She turned back to Percy. "If you lost your memory, how did you know your own name?"
Percy replied, "I don't know."
Lilly asked, "What's your last name? How old are you?"
Percy said, "I don't know! What's wrong with me... I can't remember anything!" He looked at Lilly desperately.
Lilly said reassuringly, "Don't worry about it. We will help you."
"Uh, no we won't," Daniela muttered under her breath. Then she sighed impatiently and said out loud, "Uh, Lilly? Done talking yet? Don't forget why we're here! Lupa said it's time. Now! Not next week!"
Percy frowned. "What?"
Lilly hesitated and explained, "You've been here for weeks already, resting here. Our leader, Lupa, says that tonight you must prove yourself. If you pass the test, you can stay here."
"Where is here? How do I prove myself? What happens if I don't succeed?" he asked.
"We'll tell you where we are... if you survive," said Daniela.
Percy looked nervous. "Um... survive?" He looked at Lilly. "Is she joking?"
"Sorry, but no. To prove yourself, you must defeat a couple of monsters and stay alive. You ready?"
Percy said warily, "All of them? At once?"
Daniela rolled her eyes. "Of course not!"
Percy sighed and stood, saying, "Good."
Lilly wondered why he felt better. A newcomer like him should be worried about facing any monsters at all. But Percy seemed like he was ready to fight monsters... like he had done it before... but that wasn't possible. He didn't even have a weapon. Lilly spotted a pen sticking out of Percy's pocket. Why did she get the feeling that it wasn't a normal pen?
Ridiculous. Of course it's a normal pen.
She studied Percy's face. He still looked confident, but a bit confused too, as if he had no idea why he was feeling that way. He cleared his throat. "Well, um, I guess we should go now and-"
"Watch you die?" asked Daniela enthusiastically.
"Um, no. I was gonna say let's go kill monsters," Percy said.
"We'll kill monsters. You'll get killed. After all, it's your first time," said Daniela.
"Exactly!" agreed Lilly. "By the way, Danni, you're not allowed to come."
As Daniela stood in the infirmary with her mouth hanging wide open in shock, Lilly dragged Percy off for the test that might kill him.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago UnoriginalName said…
Yes, great job, I love how you started out with a different pov, not 'Percy woke up without any memories' like everyone (including me, so I shouldn't talk) is doing. You have wrote a stunning first chapter.
over a year ago AltPercyU said…
Awesome chapter! You did a good job and started off very original!
over a year ago Calypso_ said…
COOLEO!!!! write soon I want to find out what happens!!!! it's unique, it's detailed, it's new, it's extraordinary!!!! post again.... Soon (Please)
over a year ago purpledemigod said…
hello! here is the second chapter!


Hazel brushed her blonde bangs out of her eyes and glared at the backs of the children of Venus. How could anybody be so rude? Especially Amelia. Why did Amelia hate her so much?
Somebody tugged at her arm, and said, "Come on, Hazel. Just forget about them."
Hazel turned and saw a girl, glaring at Amelia. Hazel felt a bit annoyed that she obviously wasn't going to forget about them either. "Why don't you, Gwen," grumbled Hazel. Gwen turned to Hazel and gave her an apologetic smile.
"Sorry. Okay, what do we do now?" she said.
"Revenge, maybe?" Hazel suggested. "Oh wait, never mind revenge. Let's do something that has nothing to do with you-know-who," she said.
"Definitely," Gwen said. A cheeky smile appeared on her face. "Besides, revenge has been taken already! She was too busy making up lame insults to notice me take this." She pushed her hand into her pocket and pulled out three sticks of lip gloss and showed them to Hazel triumphantly. She took a closer look at the labels and began to read it to Hazel. "There's Strawberry-Banana-Grape flavor, Apple-Orange-Peach flavor, and Chocolate Cheesecake flavor," she announced. "Great, you're smiling now! Isn't revenge so sweet?" she said happily. Hazel had to agree with her.
Gwen was a daughter of Mercury, and Hazel's best friend. She had wavy black hair and mischievous brown eyes that told you she was preparing to pick your pocket as soon as you turned away. But Hazel knew she could trust Gwen. Well, at least most of the time.
Gwen started jumping up and down in excitement. "There's something special going on at the arena. I think we should go watch."
Hazel blinked. "What is this special event, and how do you know about it?" she demanded.
Gwen stopped jumping. "Well... I was eavesdropping on Lilly and Daniela. I heard Lilly say that Lupa said it's time for 'him'. I'm guessing that when she says it's time, she means someone is going to prove him or herself. I'm also thinking that 'him' is that boy everyone is talking about. That doofus, Amelia, claims that she saw him, he was totally hot, and he asked her out. Obvious lie! Nobody would ever date her, unless they like clowns or something else with an overload of makeup. Besides, nobody's been going near him except Lupa and Lilly," she said.
Hazel blinked. "Lilly? But why?"
"Well, she's a daughter of Apollo, the god of healing. Lupa probably asked her to take care of the boy, and make sure he's not injured. Lilly's a good healer, but I don't think there is a cure for his amnesia problem. Anyways, if one of our healers if taking care of him, he's probably gonna be in our Legion if he's still alive. They're probably going to the arena of the Fourth Legion right now."
Hazel nodded. "You're right. We should go watch. I mean, like, it's not everyday this happens." Another idea appeared in her mind. "Ok, you go there first. I'm just gonna get something and I'll meet you there."
Gwen hesitated, and then nodded. She waved goodbye and jogged off. Hazel waited for her to get out of sight, then she ran off towards the boys' cabins.

Hazel walked up to the cabin on the far left. She turned the doorknob, and slowly pushed it open. The bunks were all empty, except for one. There was a big lump under thick brown blankets, and it She walked up to the lump that was in there and gave it a little poke.
"Bobby. Bobby, wake up!" she whispered. The lump grunted, but it didn't move. She poked it again, harder. "Bobby! Get up!"
Bobby got up and rubbed his eyes. He looked at her, and his eyes widened. "Hazel!"
Hazel smiled and nodded. "Yeah, it's me."
"You're not supposed to be in the boys' cabins!" he said frantically. "Get out, before the other guys get here!"
Hazel smiled, "Looks like I know your cabinmates more than you do. They won't come back. Right now, I bet they're climbing trees and jumping off the highest branches," she said.
Bobby relaxed slightly. "But... why are you in here?" he asked.
"Well, you know about the guy with amnesia who just appeared at Wolf House?" Bobby nodded, and Hazel continued, "He's proving himself at our arena, and if he passes... he'll probably be in our Legion."
"He probably won't pass," commented Bobby. "But we should go watch." Hazel smiled. Bobby always seemed to know what she was thinking.
"Wait outside," Bobby told her. "I'll be ready in 5 minutes."

Hazel and Bobby walked to the arena in silence. Hazel thought desperately for something to say. Nothing came to her. One of her cabinmates was hanging around near by, holding a oval-shaped silver shield. Hazel smiled and nodded to her in acknowledgement. The girl nodded back. Hazel studied the shield. It was amazing, with a picture of a large dragon on it. It was so shiny, she could see her own reflection, and from behind, she could see group of girls walking rapidly towards her. The one in the lead had long, curly, dark brown hair that went down to her elbows. She was wearing a pink tank top, a pink mini skirt, and pink flip flops. Hazel thought that the girl was probably addicted to pink. She also thought the girl looked familiar, though it was hard to tell. The shield wasn't a perfect mirror. But then she realized who it was. She tensed and grabbed Bobby's arm. Bobby looked at her with a mixture of surprise and worry on his face.
"Hazel, what's wrong?" he asked.
"Walk faster," she hissed. "Amelia's coming this way." Bobby eyes widened in alarm. Hazel dragged him forward, feeling a pang of sympathy. Amelia had a huge crush on Bobby, and wouldn't leave him alone. But Bobby really hated Amelia, and would do anything to get rid of her. Nothing worked.
Bobby started running, and Hazel followed quickly. They were very close to the arena now. Hazel turned around. Amelia was falling behind. She looked ahead and whacked her head on the huge wooden doors of the arena. Bobby stifled a laugh.
"You okay?" he asked.
Hazel put her hand to her forehead. She felt a jolt of pain. "Owwwww," she groaned. Bobby started to look a bit worried.
"Let's go inside first," he said. Hazel nodded in agreement. They swung open the doors, went inside, and locked it behind them. They turned towards the center of the arena and gasped.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Poseidon3 said…
Great chaper! it leaves me wondering what will happen next.
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
That is one of the best stories I read here. Plus your chapters are WAY longer than mine. Keep up the good work.
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
This is good !!!!!! Post soon can't wait!!! :)
over a year ago percyrulz said…
This is good !!!!!! Post soon can't wait!!! :)
over a year ago purpledemigod said…
Sorry this is so late, everyone! I was kinda busy with something else and didn't have time to write the third chapter. Anyways, here it is!


There were thousands of people in the arena. Apparently, everybody else heard about the testing and decided to watch. The bleachers that surrounded the arena were filled up completely, and there were even people in the arena. Lilly was doing her best to get them out, while beside her a black-haired boy wearing a bright orange shirt stood there looking uncomfortable.
"This is great," Hazel grumbled. "We might as well go now." She turned towards the door, but she suddenly jumped and yelped.
Gwen had appeared out of nowhere and grabbed her arm. "Where are you going? You don't want to watch?"
"How can we watch? There's too many people!" Hazel retorted.
Suddenly the doors burst open and a huge silver she-wolf leaped in. People shrieked and ran out of the way. Some got out of the arena, some got ran over.
Bobby's heart almost stopped. "Lupa!"
Gwen cried. "Don't just stand there, move! Or do you two want to be roadkill?" She dragged Bobby and Hazel behind the bleachers, where the three sat there, breathing hard while Lupa snarled at everyone and chased them out.
Finallly, they were all gone and Lupa left too. The three crept out of their hiding place.
"Hello!" called Gwen to Lilly.
Lilly cried out in surprise. She whirled around and saw them. "You're not supposed to be here!" she said.
"Tell me something I don't know," Gwen replied. She stuck out her hand. "I'm Gwendolyn Parks, daughter of Mercury."
The boy shook her hand, looking slightly confused. "I'm Percy." He looked at Bobby and Hazel. "Who are you?"
Before Bobby could say anything, Lilly replied, "This is Bobby Yang, son of Vulcan, and Hazel Roone, daughter of Minerva. Oh, by the way, Bobby and Hazel are datin-"
"Shut up Lilly!" said Hazel, blushing. Bobby knew that he was probably blushing too.
Lilly grinned. "What? It's true!"
Hazel blushed even more, and tried to get the attention off herself. "So, are these the monsters?" she said, walking up to a bunch of wooden crates. She opened the first one.
"Wait! He doesn't even have a weapon yet!" Lilly yelled, horrified. But it was too late. Lilly grabbed Gwen and Bobby and ran for the bleachers. Hazel stumbled away from the crates as a huge hellhound charged out, heading straight for Percy.
Percy rolled aside, almost getting squashed. He got up and grabbed a pen from his pocket. Bobby almost started to laugh, but he gasped instead when Percy took of the cap and the pen grew into a bronze sword.
The hellhound leaped at Percy. He sidestepped as it landed and swung the sword. It sliced through the monster's body and it exploded into yellow dust.
For a moment, there was nothing but silence. But before anyone could say anything, Hazel opened the next crate and yelled, "Next one!"
A human-like ventus came out. Percy blinked. "An allemoi thuellae!"(not sure if that's the correct name...) Then he winced and put his hand to his head as if he had a sudden headache. Bobby wondered what language Percy just spoke. He hoped that Percy could teach him. Then he could run around camp saying things that nobody else understood.
"Percy!" Lilly said. "Focus!"
Percy looked up. The storm monster was zooming towards him. Percy thrusted towards it. The storm monster dodged. Percy swung his sword sideways. The ventus backed up a bit, and Percy immediately threw his sword like a spear at it. It was a risky move, but it caught the monster by surprise. It exploded into nothing with an angry wail.
Lilly stepped forward and opened her mouth, but no sound came out. She blinked, stunned.
"What?" demanded Percy, who didn't seem to realize what he just did.
"Ca... can I see your sword?" Bobby asked cautiously. Percy put the pen cap on it, and it shrank back to a normal ballpoint pen. Then he handed it to him.
Bobby noticed some writing engraved on the side. He took a closer look. It wasn't English, or any other language that he knew. "What the heck does that say?"
"Anuklusmos," Percy said, gaining another headache.
Lilly frowned. "It seems like everytime you remember something, your head starts hurting." She looked up at the sky. "What does this mean?"
"The gods will tell us when the time is right," Gwen said confidently.
"The gods have abandoned us," Lilly reminded her bitterly. "We only have Lupa, and she either doesn't know or won't tell us about Percy."
Percy frowned. "The gods abandoned us? Why would they do that?" Everyone turned at stared at him. Percy looked back nervously. "Whatever you want to ask me, I don't know the answer. Now can you guys tell me about why the gods abandoned us?"
"How do you know that the Roman gods are alive?" Lilly asked suspiciously.
"I don't - wait, what?" Percy said. "Roman? I... I don't know a lot about Roman myths, but I was talking about the Greeks."
Lilly snorted. "The Greeks? Gimme a break. Why waste your time on those stories? The Greeks are weak. Heh, that rhymes. The Romans are waaaay better. That's why Greek gods don't exist anymore, but the Roman ones do."
"The Greek gods aren't dead!" Percy insisted angrily. "And we aren't weak!"
Bobby frowned, wondering if he had heard wrong. We?
"We aren't weak?" asked Gwen.
"Um... what? Okay, just stop asking me questions! Just tell me about the gods abandoning you."
Daniela glared at him, obviously unhappy with him ordering them around. "A few weeks ago, around the time you arrived, the gods just… disappeared. Lupa says that they’re staying on their little mountain, hoping that the monsters will leave if they do so. Don’t know what they’re thinking.”
Hazel snorted. "Staying? More like hiding."
Lilly sighed. "Whatever. Anyways, Percy, follow Bobby to your new cabin. Welcome to Legion 4."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
OMG that was totally, amazing, awesome. I LOVED it!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago purpledemigod said…
over a year ago PersesJr said…
over a year ago purpledemigod said…
The fourth chapter! Sooo sorry that it's so late.


"Good job, everyone!" yelled Leo. "Argo II is finished! Now we can go to San Francisco and rescue that Percy guy!"
Everyone cheered. Leo grinned as he stared admiringly at the huge ship. His eyes rested on the head of Festus. He still really missed his old dragon buddy, who had been destroyed during the quest to save the goddess Hera when she had been kidnapped.
"Woah," said a voice from the door.
Leo turned. At the entrance of Bunker 9 stood Piper and Jason. "Pretty impressive, huh?" Leo called, walking towards them.
"Definitely," Jason said. "So... is it ready to go?"
Jason smiled. "Great."
"Can you go get Annabeth and the others that are coming with us?" asked Leo.
"Of course we can. Come on, Piper." Jason walked away. Piper waved goodbye to Leo and followed him.
Leo reached into his tool bag pocket and pulled out a box of breath mints. He popped one into his mouth and smiled to himself. This day just couldn't get any better.

"Bye, Chiron," Annabeth hugged the centaur.
"Are you sure you have everything you need?" asked Chiron.
Chiron sighed. "Well, you better get going now."
Leo was already in the boat. Piper was almost at the top of the ladder, and Jason was right behind her. Leo waited, tapping his fingers on the side of the boat. Finally, everyone was on board.
"You guys get everything in the cabins. I'll get the boat started," said Jason, handing his suitcase to Leo.
Leo sighed and walked towards the door leading to their rooms, the kitchen, the storage room, the infirmary, and other rooms that they didn't necessarily need. Leo passed a door marked GAME ROOM. He grinned. Gotta go there soon, he thought to himself. He reached the cabins. He entered the one that had JASON printed on the door. He pushed Jason's stuff into the room, glad that there were wheels on the bottom. He went into the hallway. He heard a thump behind him, which meant that either the luggage had fallen over or it had hit Jason's bed. He saw Piper disappearing into her own room. He opened the door to his own room.
"Sweet," he muttered, a smile spreading on his face. A huge flat-screen T.V. was on his left, right across from a king sized bed. A tall nightstand was on the right side of the bed, with a bunch of pipe cleaners, rubber bands and other stuff that Leo could mess with. On the left was a mini fridge. Leo had helped build the boat, but he didn't know what had gone into the rooms. He walked in and set down his luggage. He opened the mini fridge and pulled out a Coke. An idea formed in his head. He ran back out, shaking the can. He opened the door leading to the deck and jumped. A flock of geese was on the port - or the starboard, he wasn't sure what the right side of a boat was called - side of the ship, and a pale gray cloud was on the other side. He ran to the edge and nearly choked. The ground was very far away, a lot farther than he expected. Leo called himself an idiot for not realizing that the ship would already be in the air, but he hadn't noticed any indication that they had started moving at all. He jogged over to Jason.
"Hey, man. Want a Coke?" he asked, holding out the can, his hand shaking slightly with anticipation.
Jason looked at him gratefully. "Thanks, Leo." He opened the can and got blasted in the face.
Leo burst out laughing. "Whoo-hoo! Dude, that was awes - hey!" He tried to shield himself as Jason poured the remaining liquid in the can onto Leo's head. Then Jason tossed the empty can at Leo's forehead. "Ow."
Jason grinned. "Eat voltage!"
Leo stared at him. "What?"
"Dude, you just turned the best day in my life into the worst day!" Leo complained.
"You're welcome," replied Jason. He noticed the upset look in his friend's eyes and added, "Come on, get over it! How did I feel when I got blasted in the face? The same way you did when I poured the rest on you!"
Leo sighed and muttered, "Fine," even though he hadn't exactly forgiven Jason yet. He searched for a better subject to talk about. "So... how long will it take to get there?"
Jason replied immediately, without stopping to think about it. "Six hours, thirty five minutes and five seconds, if we keep going at this speed."
Leo nodded, and went back to his cabin. In around six hours, thirty five minutes and five seconds, we will either convince the Roman demigods to join us, or die, he thought. He did not like that idea very much.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Smile365 said…
plz post
over a year ago PersesJr said…
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
Awesome chapter can't wait for the next one !!:)))
over a year ago purpledemigod said…
Um. There will be no next chapter.. I'm abandoning this fanfic. Sorry.=| But you can read my Kane Chronicles fanfic! =)
over a year ago Huntress100 said…
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago purpledemigod said…
big smile
Okay, I have decided to continue this fanfiction. It doesn't matter that the real version's coming out. But there's school and three other fanfictions, so I might not be posting chapters very often. Oh, and if you want to read my other fanfictions - one is a Warriors fanfic written by both me and my friend FlyingChickens, one is a Warriors fanfic written by just me, and another is a Kane Chronicles fanfic, also written by myself - here are the links.

Warriors: link

Warriors + Flying Chickens: link

Kane Chronicles: link
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago purpledemigod said…

Bobby and Percy exchanged awkward glances.
"Well? Say something, for the gods' sakes!" Gwen cried.
Hazel looked at her boyfriend with slight concern. "What's wrong, Bobby? It's not like you to be so quiet. What happened?"
Another awkard exchange.
Sighing in exasperation, Danni, who happened to be sitting on Percy's other side, reached out to poke his back. "Tell us already!"
Percy's back arched at her touch, as if he was being electrified. He let out an unbelievably loud shriek, and his eyes seemed to glow. Lilly cried out and covered her ears, falling off the marble bench that she sat on. Shakily, she got to her feet and stared at him.
Percy was gripping the stone table so hard that his fingers were nearly as white as the table. His eyes looked normal again, but he was breathing hard. Just as hard as Daniela, who was leaning away from the boy, her face pale.
Lilly noticed a boy from a nearby table, frowning at a steak on the floor. His hand slowly crept to his spear, and Lilly instinctively reached for her bow. Julius was of her own Legion, but if he was going to attack, she was more than ready to defend Percy.
"I'm-I..." Daniela faltered, which was something Lilly had never seen the daughter of Minerva do before. "I'm so sorry! I didn't know that you'd be so... um, sensitive..."
"Knowing or not knowing, you should not have done that just to know what a fellow camper is hiding." A voice behind Lilly made her turn.
"Reyna," she said respectfully to the Fourth Legion's leader.
Reyna turned her cold eyes to Lilly. "Lillian." She looked at Percy and Daniela again. "Not that one of us should be keeping secrets. I expect that the first one to hear about it is Lupa." She raised her eyebrows, waiting for his answer.
"Of course." Percy's gaze did not drop, even though Reyna was giving one of her most intimidating stares. Behind the stare though, hidden in her dark brown eyes, Lilly saw a bit of sadness.
She was about to look closer when Reyna whirled around and returned to her table.
"Hurry up and finish your lunch," Bobby told Percy. "We have to go to Lupa."
Percy nodded and shoved some potatoes in his mouth. Lilly stabbed her own food and was about to eat it when the tip of a spear slammed into Percy's steak, giving her a heart attack.
"I'll take that," Julius said.
Percy stood and pulled his meat off the spear. "I don't think so."
Julius growled. "You owe me a steak. Let me have yours."
Don't start a fight, don't start a fight, Lilly thought.
Percy shoved him away.
Lilly tensed. The kids from Julius's table began walking over, drawing their weapons.
"Hand it over!" Julius yelled.
Out of the corner of her eye, Reyna was once again rising to her feet, her gold sword with a bronze handle encrusted with a shining amber stone glinting in the sunlight.
Lilly got up and stood on the marble bench. She quickly flicked out a little leather bag and tied it quickly to the arrow tip. Lilly notched the arrow and expertly shot right in front of the advancing group. The bag burst open, and smoke flowed out.
Julius swung at Percy and Bobby knocked aside his spear. Percy gave him a grateful glance.
Lilly didn't really understand why he looked so grateful. After all, he obviously knew how to fend for himself. Unfortunately, she had no time to figure it out. Julius's friends were advancing. She grabbed her bow and notched an arrow. Pulling it as far as it would go, she aimed at a boy with brown hair and a scar above his blue eyes. She shot, and the arrow jammed itself into his helmet, making him stumble, slip on some potatoes, and fall over, conveniently taking out one of his friends.
Daniela was in combat with a girl who had eyes that seemed to change color and pale blonde hair, her short sword deflecting every shot, and occasionally leaving a mark.
As Lilly looked around, battles were breaking out elsewhere. It was becoming an all-out war, and it seemed as if nobody cared why it had started. They just wanted to fight.
Percy was pressing against Julius. No matter how hard Julius tried, he couldn't seem to land a mark. The guy that Lilly had knocked over stood up and swung straight at Percy's back.
Bobby yelled out, "No!" and flew at Percy, knocking him down. Julius was in mid-swing as well, and the the sword smashed Julius's spear in half. Julius glowered at his friend, enraged. He grabbed his friend's sword and looked down at Bobby and Percy. He raised the weapon, preparing to bring it down.
Everything went quiet. The wounded ones struggled to their feet, only to get pushed down again.
Lilly stared at the one who had screamed. Hazel's hair was tangled, her hazel eyes dark with anger.
"Stop fighting!" she yelled again. Lilly had never seen her so angry, never heard her yell so loud.
Hazel leaped down from the table gracefully and walked quickly to Julius. She snatched the sword and pushed him down with the flat side. She reached out and helped Bobby and Percy get up.
"Continue eating!" she cried. "And if you don't want Lupa at your throats, there will be no talk of this, and no more fighting in this area. Meals will be eaten in silence."
"That's right," Reyna called out, trying to take back her authority.
Hazel nodded respectfully to her.
Lilly put her plate away and walked back to her cabin, ready to rest for a long, long, time.

In her dream, she saw a boat. A flying boat. It had the head of a metal dragon at the front, and on the side, the words Argo II were painted. She willed herself to get closer, and she found a familiar boy on the deck. A very familiar boy. He had blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and a small scar on his lip.
Lilly gasped. Jason! But it couldn't be. Jason was dead. Why would he be on a flying boat? He has the exact same scar. What other proof do you need?
She found it very hard to pull away and focus on the boy on his left. He had curly hair, brown eyes, and a weird yellow belt. To Lilly, he looked kind of like a mischievous elf.
"How long left, Jason?" he said, confirming Lilly's suspicions. She felt her spirits lift. Jason was alive! She couldn't wait to tell Reyna. That would definitely put the crabby praetor in a good mood.
"Just twenty minutes," Jason replied, a far away look in his eyes.
The elf-guy noticed it. "Can't wait to get home?"
"Of course I can't, Leo," Jason murmured.
Lilly's dream-self smiled. Everything was suddenly starting to make sense. Jason had gone off on a secret mission and was coming back with new recruits. Strangely, Lupa had decided to disguise it as a mysterious disappearance. Lilly wondered why she hadn't just told them why he left, and how many demigods he had found.
The boy named Leo said, "I'm kinda nervous. What if they attack us?"
"As long as you're with me, you should be fine," Jason said. "They'll recognize me."
Leo was silent for a moment. "Ah, well, I'd better get Piper, Annabeth, and the others." He jogged off and Jason continued to gaze down at the ground below, looking nervous and excited at the same time.
Lilly woke up and leaped out of bed. What had Jason said? Just twenty minutes. She rushed off, feeling as if she was flying.
"Reyna! Reyna!" She ran faster as the praetor of the Fourth Legion came into view.
The daughter of Mars stopped. "Lillian? What is it?"
Lilly stopped in front of her, panting. "Send a runner to Lupa," she said breathlessly. "Jason's back."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
ok you problably never heard of me before but post soon ive been waiting for a long time
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago purpledemigod said…
Very sorry to keep you waiting!!
over a year ago purpledemigod said…
Just wanted to make a random little announcement. After this fanfic is finished, I will be starting another Heroes of Olympus fanfic. I haven't really gotten the plot finished yet, but when I do, I will be telling you peoples!! =)
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
over a year ago purpledemigod said…
Alright, I got the plot worked out! But I'm not releasing it as a fanfiction. I might be writing an Inheritance Cycle fanfiction instead.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago purpledemigod said…
Third time trying to submit this chapter... Hope you guys like it! It's about JasonXReyna & JasonXPiper through Reyna's eyes.


Reyna stared at Lillian with disbelief before turning to Bobby, who flanked her right side. "Bobby! Go tell Lupa. Now. And don't bother stopping to tell anyone."
With a determined nod, Bobby rushed off.
"When will he be here?" Reyna demanded.
"Around twenty minutes. Come on!"
Reyna followed her, the memory of the last time she saw Jason running through her head. They were sitting on a hill, watching as the sun chariot sank beneath the fiery waves of the sea.
"Well, let's go back," Jason had said, getting up as the last bit of sunlight disappeared over the horizon.
"Let's stay for just a few more minutes," she had replied, staring up at the stars.
Imagining the Earth from outer space, she felt small and powerless. She was an insignificant speck, not even seen from such distance. She wasn't sure how she felt about it. She was used to strength and power. But like that saying, With great power comes great responsibility, she was in constant strain. More strain than the average praetor, as she was dealing with Legion Four, the most... what was the word... incompetent Legion of the camp. She had felt like the weight of it all was lifted off her shoulders, and she was taking a huge breath of fresh air. Probably because she was taking a huge breath of fresh air.
But that very night, she was dragged and locked into a dark room with no oxygen. For that night, Jason disappeared.
The next morning and the week that followed, Reyna saw pity in the eyes of passing demigods. She didn't want pity. Feeling like she had a point to prove, she pushed them harder during legion training, and sometimes looked for trouble. It wasn't hard, since she was dealing with Legion Impossibly Immature. Looking back on it, she felt a bit guilty for pushing them around the way she did. But making them work hard in legion training was a good thing. They were now decent fighters. The girls chatted less, and the boys didn't bother the fauns or jump out of trees as much either. But unlike harassing creatures with sharp horns and the power to turn people into plants, jumping out of trees had a small advantage: it gave the boys the chance to practice landing when falling or jumping off big heights. If only they saw it that way, not as a chance to break every bone in their body. Why those eggheads saw that as a good thing, Reyna never kenw.
Finally they reached the beach. Kicking off her shoes, Reyna dug her toes into the cool sand. Off in the distance, a small speck appeared.
"There it is!" Lillian exclaimed. "Do you see it, Rey?"
Reyna cast her a sharp glance. Normally, Lillian knew better than to address her with a nickname. Using a nickname was a way for friends to address each other. Using the full name seemed more respectful. Reyna wanted respect, not friendliness.
"Sorry," Lilly said quietly. "Reyna, look. It's coming towards us. It has to be the boat!"
Reyna looked at where Lillian pointed. The little speck was indeed getting bigger, but very, very slowly. If her eyes weren't so keen, she wouldn't have noticed any change.
Reyna trembled with anticipation. She couldn't wait to see Jason! Knowing her boyfriend, he would get off, see her, and run to her. She would run right back at him and get swept off her feet in a tight, welcoming embrace. Catching himself, he would put her down and formally address her and Lillian before kissing her.
"Oh, and something else I forgot to mention." Lillian's voice snapped her out of her fantasy. "In the dream, I saw some others. I think they're new recruits."
And then he would introduce her to the new recruits. Reyna couldn't wait to get proved correctly.
Lupa burst out of the bracken with Bobby on her heels.
So where is Jason? she said in her language.
"He should be here soon. See up there, that dot? That's his boat." Lillian pointed up.
Lupa grunted.
Lillian continued, "I wonder how many demigods he found. Y'know, you could have told the praetors that he was on a mission for you. Or me. We can be trusted with that information."
Even though it lasted less than a second, Reyna noticed a look of confusion and astoundment on Lupa's face. Usually, the she-wolf's emotions were always kept well hidden behind a mask. The fact that she was surprised enough to let it show made Reyna uneasy.
Glancing at Bobby, who was staring off into the trees behind them, she realized that there were a group of fauns standing in a bush, watching them. Glancing at Lillian, she found that the daughter of Apollo had noticed Lupa's surprise as well.
Moments later, the boat was around five minutes to landing at the water's edge. Reyna turned to look back at the fauns, who waved at her. A movement in the tree above them made her look up. Gwen and Hazel were hiding up in the branches of the tree, along with some squirrels pulling at the acorns in it. With a few hand signals, Reyna relayed the information about Jason to them. She didn't mention Lupa's surprise. It was better for the campers to think that Jason left for a purpose.
Finally, the boat came down with a solid thud. A ladder was swung over the edge.
"Man, you better get down first. If there's an ambush group lying in wait at the bottom, I think it's better if you get shish-ka-bobbed first." An unknown voice rang out. From where she stood, Reyna could hear it very well.
"I recognize that voice from my dream: Leo," Lilly murmured.
"Sure, why not?" Jason's voice replied back jokingly. "I love getting shish-ka-bobbed!"
"I'll go next," a female voice said. "Piper, you follow me, Leo, you come next, then Henry, Peter, Kya. Got it?"
There were words of agreement, and Jason appeared, swinging himself onto the ladder. He clambered down nimbly, and skipped the last few rungs, leaping to the ground and taking in his surroundings.
Reyna stepped forward. Jason turned towards her slowly. Recognition flared in his eyes.
"Reyna?" she heard him whisper.
She took off running towards him and tackled him in a great big hug.
"Oh, Jason!" she cried. "Where have you been? Were you kidnapped? Do you know how worried I - and the whole camp - have been? We were searching all over the place!"
Jason wiggled out of her embrace awkwardly. Disappointment and hurt came crashing down on her. She looked into his blue eyes.
"Jason?" she asked softly.
The girl who had just called him came up beside him. She had choppy, chocolate brown hair and tan skin. Her kaleidoscopic eyes turned warily to Reyna, who was standing very close to Jason. Reyna guessed that the girl didn't like the lack of distance between them. Reyna gave her an intimidating glare, defiance rising up inside of her. Jason was hers! Her hand instinctively crept to Jason's arm, and she held it tight. Waves of anxiety came off of Jason and crashed into her, but she didn't dare let go, fearing that if she did, that other girl would try and steal him away.
The girl stared back, defiance flaring in her eyes as well. But a few moments later, Reyna sensed her weaken. She raised her chin, victorious, when she looked away.
Jason seemed to sense the tension between the two and stammered, "Er, Reyna, meet Piper, daughter of Aphrodite - uh, I mean Venus. Piper, this is Reyna, daughter of Ar - Mars, god of war."
"Hello, Piper," Reyna said coldly. Looking at Jason with her eyebrows raised, she asked. "Aphrodite? What's with the Greek names?"
"Um..." Jason said, shuffling his feet.
Piper began looking around, in the opposite direction of Lupa and the other demigods. She looked curiously at the lighthouse on a cliff. Instead of red and white, the tower was just white except for the top part, where the light of the lighthouse stood. That was gold, and a purple flag waved on the top.
"Why don't you introduce me to your other friends?" Reyna asked Jason.
"Sur-" he began.
Piper turned to the other side of the beach and saw Lupa. She gasped, "Why is there a wolf? Is it Lupa?"
Glancing at Reyna, he replied, "Yeah, that's Lupa. She's kinda like a Chiron for the Roman camp."
"Is she friendly?"
"Well, I guess... I mean, if you're not wea-"
"I'll just go meet them myself," Reyna interrupted. Inside, she was fuming. She was sure that the devious Piper was deliberately asking questions to divert Jason's attention so he couldn't introduce Reyna to the other new recruits. There was also despair clouding her thoughts: Piper's tricks were working. And Reyna could tell that Jason had feelings for the daughter of Venus, and unsure about Reyna.
Trying to convince herself that Jason was not going to leave her, Reyna walked over to the new recruits. Before she even took the first step, Jason grabbed her arm.
"Reyna, wait," he pleaded.
Pulling her arm away weakly, she said, "Jason, let go."
His grip tightened. "Listen, Reyna. A few months ago, I woke up on a bus with no memory."
"But you remember me now?" Reyna said.
"Yes, but-"
"But you don't remember what we meant to each other, do you?" Reyna trembled slightly.
Lupa's ear flicked towards them; she was listening to their conversation.
"If you did," she continued, barely thinking of what she was saying anymore, "you wouldn't have found yourself a new girlfriend!" She pointed to Piper angrily.
She felt the eyes of everyone on the beach on her. She didn't care. Let them watch.
Jason shook his head. "No, Reyna, you don't understa-"
"I do understand," she interrupted coldly. Even though she put as much venom as she could into her words, she was going to burst with unhappiness. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to return to my Legion, because I care about the ones I grew up with."
She stormed away, holding the tears until she was hidden in the trees.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
that was amazing!post soon
over a year ago purpledemigod said…
=) Okay thanks!! And unfortunately, posting might have to wait for tomorrow.
over a year ago purpledemigod said…
Now you get to see what Piper thinks of Reyna.


Piper stepped off the ladder and turned, saying, "Jason!" As soon as she saw him, she ran towards him, only to skid to a halt as she noticed the girl standing a few millimeters away from him. She had a very faint tan, and dark brown eyes the same color as her wavy hair. No doubt, she was beautiful, but her eyes were hard and cold. And locked onto Piper's face. Piper stared back defiantly. The girl's eyes blazed into her, as if to say, Back off.
Piper hesitated before looking down at the sparkling sand.
Jason introduced them to each other awkwardly. "Er, Reyna, meet Piper, daughter of Aphrodite - uh, I mean Venus. Piper, meet Reyna, daughter of Ar - Mars, god of war."
Reyna turned her freezing gaze back to Piper. "Hello, Piper," she said icily. Her resentment was so strong, Piper almost wanted to cower behind Jason. But she was Piper McLean, daughter of a movie star and a goddess. She would not back down. On the other hand, she was not going to cause trouble, especially not here.
Reyna asked Jason, "Aphrodite? What's with the Greek names, Jason?"
"Um..." Jason seemed reluctant to mention that he had adapted to the Greek names of the gods after he went to Camp Half-Blood. The enemy.
Piper tuned out and looked around, and a peculiar lighthouse caught her eyes. The tower was white, except for the room at the top, where the big light was. It glittered like real gold. On top, a purple flag waved, though Piper sensed no wind.
She turned and saw Annabeth and Kya standing in front of a great silver she-wolf.
She gasped. "Why is there a wolf? Is that Lupa?" Her eyes stayed glued to the wolf, not noticing that Reyna and Jason were chatting.
"Yeah, that's Lupa. She's kinda like a Chiron for the Roman camp."
Piper eyed Lupa warily. "Is she friendly?" She did not like the idea of getting snapped up by a magical wolf.
Jason hesitated. "Well, I guess... I mean, if you're not wea-"
"I'll just go meet them myself," Reyna interrupted.
Piper blinked in confusion. Who was she meeting?
Jason reached out to grab her arm as she began to walk towards Lupa. "Reyna, wait," he pleaded.
Reyna tried to pull her arm away. "Jason, let go," she said, her voice tinged with exasperation.
"Listen, Reyna," he said, not letting go. "A few months ago, I woke up on a bus with no memory."
Reyna pointed out, "But you remember me now." Her voice was too soft for Piper to determine if it was a question or a statement.
"Yes, but-"
Trembling, she demanded, "But you don't remember what we meant to each other, do you?" She paused. "If you did, you wouldn't have found yourself a new girlfriend!" Shock pulsed through Piper as Reyna's accusing finger thrust itself at her.
Jason shook his head, his eyes full of pain. "No, Reyna, you don't understa-"
"I do understand," she interrupted, ice and venom in her voice. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to return to my Legion, because I care about the ones I grew up with."
Whirling around, Reyna disappeared into the forest.
Piper felt horrible. Was it her fault?
"Gods, I always mess up other people's lives," she whispered. First she endangered her father's life, then she nearly got Leo and Jason killed on the quest, and now she was breaking up a not-so-happy couple. Now she also remembered how she jabbed out her Uncle Richard's eye with some pipes when she was five. Grandpa Tom had wanted to see if she would be able to play what she was named for. That was the last time he gave her anything until she was eleven, which was the year he died. She began climbing the ladder to go back onto the ship, but Jason grabbed her arm.
"Piper, don't you leave me too," he said desperately.
"Who do you like?" she said, instantly regretting making him choose.
Jason looked confused. "Piper, I don't know... I... I've been with Reyna for a long time, and I know that I love her, even if I can barely remember her. I'm not sure what to say about that. But I like you too. I-I'm just really confused right now. I'll... get down, please."
Piper reluctantly stepped off, and Jason brushed past her, climbing the ladder and disappearing over the edge of the ship.
Piper sat down on the sand and put her head in her hands. My fears came true. Jason has a girlfriend. She sighed as the words of Aphrodite came back to her. You can see possibilities.
She muttered aloud, "Well, what good is that? The 'possibility' that Jason will end up with me is equal to the possibility that he will be with Reyna again."
Ce n'est pas vrai (This is not true), my dear Piper, a familiar voice trilled in her mind.
Mother? Piper thought. What are you doing?
Aphrodite sniffed. What do you think? Reapplying my makeup while disobeying Zeus's orders to have no contact with the mortal world. Oh, this lipstick looked so much better on the ad. I'll have to say that I'm quite disappointed.
What were you saying earlier?
I suppose you don't mean the part about disobeying Zeus's orders. I will not have a daughter of mine lose a worthy boy to competition. I will do whatever is necessary to make sure Jason will stand by your side.
But what about Reyna?
Piper, love is as fair as life. In other words, there is always going to be a broken heart. This case is no different.
But I don't want him to want me because you made him want me.
Oh my, Zeus is beginning to suspect. I must go. I'll return when you get your priorities figured out. You've got to think: only one of you can have Jason. Who would you rather have standing beside him?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
cool post aphrodite annoying as usual *sigh* plz post soon!
over a year ago purpledemigod said…

"Jason's back!"
"Jason's back?"
"Yes, Jason's back!"
"Oh my gods, Jason's back!"
"Why are you guys talking about someone's back?" Percy called out as he walked closer to Bobby and a group of other demigods.
Bobby grinned. "Not back as in the body part, but as in... returned. Jason, praetor of the First Legion, is back!"
Percy still didn't really understand the whole legion and praetor thing, but he understood that if you were a praetor of a legion, you were pretty high up on the Camp Jupiter popularity list.
"Where'd he go?" Percy asked, curious to hear more about the Jason that everyone mentioned all the time. He couldn't imagine what it would be like to be a demigod camp's number one awesome guy.
"No one knows, but we'll find out soon enough," Bobby said. "He'll be arriving at the highway tunnel entrance of the camp."
The whole group stampeded away at his words in the direction that Percy assumed was the tunnel entrance. Bobby grabbed Percy's arm and pulled him in the opposite direction.
"Where are you going?" Percy protested. "I want to meet Jason!"
"I was lying," Bobby said. "Lupa went for the beach. I'm sure they are there now."
Percy nodded and jogged with him. They were just reaching the trees when they literally ran into Reyna.
"Ah!" Reyna cried out, falling onto her back. "Watch out."
Percy leaped to his feet and helped her up as she wiped her eyes. Percy could see that she was crying, and he could also hear it in her voice. "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine, it was just a little fall," she said quickly.
Percy shook his head patiently. Behind him, he heard Bobby curse and struggle to stand. "That's not what I meant. Don't deny it; I can see the tears on your face. What happened?"
Bobby went to stand beside him, slightly limping. "What? Reyna! What's wrong?" He quickly added, "Percy, promise that you'll never repeat anything about this to anyone."
"I swear on the River Styx that no one will hear about this," Percy said simply.
The sky rumbled. Somehow, Percy wasn't surprised to hear it.
"Thanks," Reyna sniffed, cutting Bobby off before he could repeat the oath. "Bobby, I trust you. You don't need to promise on the River."
Bobby bowed slightly. "I am honored that you trust me so much." His voice was uncertain as if he was not used to the formality.
To Bobby's obvious surprise, Reyna sat down hard onto a rock, clearly disappointed. "Oh, so now you act respectful. All those times you treated me with nothing but the respect of a friend, and now you're 'honored by my trust'!"
Bobby blinked. "So..."
She huffed impatiently, but tears still streamed from her brown eyes. Reyna said, "Treat me the way you always treated me. As a friend." With a sigh, she added quietly, "At least friends always stay loyal."
Bobby expression was confused and a bit horrified at the same time; he obviously had no idea what to with this new, sad, Reyna.
"What happened?" Percy asked again. He didn't understand what exactly she was talking about, but he knew enough to feel incredibly sorry for her.
She whispered, "Jason's back..."
"So I've heard," Percy grumbled, remembering how those two words had been shouted endlessly just minutes earlier.
"With him there were... new recruits, and there was this one girl, Piper, and..." She sobbed for another second, and pulled herself together a bit. "Jason likes her," she whispered. "And she likes Jason. Jason doesn't seem to remember me."
Percy felt cold. "That's odd."
Bobby frowned, seeming to share his thoughts. "Who else was with Jason?" he pressed.
Reyna struggled to remember, as if she was also suffering from amnesia. "There were others named... Leo, uh, Kya... Peter, Henry... Annabeth. And of course, you know Piper."
Annabeth. Percy was chilled to the bone, and there was a sharp, piercing pain between his eyes. He doubled over with a gasp.
"Percy! Are you remembering something again?" Bobby asked with concern.
"He does that when he remembers?" Reyna frowned, confused. "That's strange."
Recovering, Percy straightened. "Yeah, it's strange," he panted. Turning to Bobby, who looked at him expectantly, he said, "I think there was someone in my past named Annabeth."
"Describe this Annabeth," Bobby demanded to Reyna, his eyes blazing with something like excitement, as if he was on the verge of a major breakthrough. Then again, he was.
Percy was sure that this name, Annabeth, was a big part of his past. If he could just remember her...
"I didn't really notice, but I think she was a blonde," she muttered.
"Sound familiar?" Bobby asked Percy.
Percy nodded uncertainly. "Kind of." He didn't see how this was helping. It was probably a different Annabeth, anyways. There was no way that the Annabeth hidden in his memories was actually on the beach a kilometer away. Percy was sure that the girl he barely knew could be anywhere in the world. The chances of her being on that beach would be one in a million.
Reyna perked up, as if remembering something else. "Oh, and they were all wearing the same orange shirt as Percy wore."
Percy slowly looked down at his shirt, as did Bobby and Reyna. Looking carefully, he saw a horse with wings, and letters that were definitely not English. Strangely, he recognized them. It was Greek. And he knew what they said. "Camp Half-Blood."
over a year ago son_of_cratus said…
great story post soon
over a year ago purpledemigod said…

Reyna had gone back to train the legion, while Bobby took Percy to the beach. He didn't know how, but Percy could almost sense the ocean getting nearer. Bobby already knew some freaky stuff about him - he was invincible except for his back - but Percy didn't tell him that the salt water was calling out to him. He definitely wasn't going to mention the presence of fish voices in his mind, either. He didn't even know how he knew it was fish, but somehow he could tell that a school of marlins were calling him 'lord' and begging him not to eat them. The strange thing was, he was hungry yet slightly repulsed by the thought of devouring a sea creature.
"We're almost there," Bobby reported.
Percy bit back the words I know. Instead he stammered, "Oh, uh, can't wait." He sounded so confident. Completely worthy of not being eaten by wolves. He was glad Lupa wasn't with them, or he'd be doggy food.
Bobby took the lead, brushing aside the drooping branches of an old willow tree. He paused, looking back.
"Ready?" he asked.
Percy took a deep breath. He felt anticipation growing inside of him - anticipation of being reunited with someone he couldn't remember. Anticipation of getting away from the beach, where the marlins where starting to annoy him.
I can't eat you if you leave, he thought angrily. Surprisingly, he sensed the marlins retreat. Okay, weird. It's like they can hear me.
We can hear you, lord, the marlins whispered.
I'll eat you if you don't leave, Percy threatened.
Whispering apologies, the school swam away.
Unfortunately for him, Percy was too busy talking to the fish to notice a girl notice him and charge at full speed, screaming his name.
She had gray eyes. That was all Percy could see before she slammed into him, her stormy eyes shining with joy.
"Annabeth," a voice cried out. "He doesn't remember, remember? Um... you understand what I said, right?"
From the eye that wasn't squished into Annabeth's shoulder, Percy saw the speaker - a boy with tan skin and curly black hair, probably fifteen. Was he the same age as him? He didn't know. He wore the orange Camp Half-Blood shirt - Percy still didn't understand it very well, even though Bobby explained that there was probably a Greek camp of demigods - that peeked out from under a green sweater. A strange yellow tool belt was wrapped around his waist.
At his words, Annabeth's grip on him loosened, and she backed away.
Seeing the despair in her eyes crushed Percy, and he managed, "Hey, Annabeth."
Annabeth's eyes lit up. "You remember me?" She looked like she wanted to tackle him again.
"Kinda," Percy said awkwardly.
Annabeth smiled. She had a great smile. Her blond hair was tangled, and there was a bruise on her chin. Percy had never seen anyone prettier than her before. At least he thought he didn't.
Lupa padded up to them. This is your mate? Lupa growled. I should've known. If he was just a pack member to you, you wouldn't be so worried.
Annabeth blushed, turning to the other kids with Camp Half-Blood t-shirts. "Guys, come over here!" she called.
Gwendolyn and Hazel, no point in hiding. I know where you are; do you think I'm a blind pup? Lupa added.
Gwen and Hazel dropped out of a blossom tree. Gwen stumbled, and Percy saw a scowling girl behind her. She wore a brown dress, and her hair was streaked with green, with small pink blossoms braided into them. It was probably just a trick of the light, but it seemed that her skin was tinged leaf green - the exact same shade as her hair and eyes. She reminded Percy of someone he once knew, but he was pretty sure he never met an angry green fairy before.
"No need to push, Blossom!" Gwen grumbled, glaring at her.
The green girl, Blossom, stuck out her tongue before fading into the tree behind her.
Gwen sighed, and stood calmly behind Lupa with Hazel.
Behind Annabeth stood three people: a young girl with pale blond hair, a big, strong-looking guy with coffee brown hair, and a slightly shorter boy with chestnut brown hair.
"This is Kya Kay, daughter of Hecate, Peter Stanf, son of Hephaestus, and Henry Benson."
Something about that didn't sound right to Percy, and he struggled to figure it out. "Who is Henry's godly parent?" he asked.
Annabeth glanced at the chestnut-haired boy. "Um... he's undetermined."
Henry looked down.
"That can't be right," Percy said.
Bobby blinked. "It happens sometimes, but not a lot," Bobby said. "Just because it's rare that demigods don't get clai-"
"No," Percy interrupted. "That can't be right. The gods should be claiming him. They promised..." he trailed off.
Lupa looked grim, Henry looked uncomfortable, and Bobby, Hazel, and Gwen looked confused.
"No, they didn't," Gwen said.
They did, Lupa said grimly, gaining shocked looks from the Romans.
"When?" Gwen demanded.
"After the Titan War," Annabeth said. "They decided that it was time to stop ignoring their children. The Hermes cabin was too crowded, and it was those neglected demigods that joined Kronos because their godly parent didn't care enough to even claim them."
"How would you know? And what's with the unicorn shirt?" Gwen demanded.
"It's a pegasus, and..." Annabeth glanced at Lupa, who nodded slowly, as if giving approval. Taking a deep breath, Annabeth said, "And we come from a camp for Greek demigods."
Gwen was silent, and Hazel stared at Annabeth, seeming to realize how similar their features were.
Finally, Gwen said, "You're not very funny. So, what's with the orange unicorn - sorry, pegasus - shirt? What language is that? Hey, it's the same as Percy's! Well, that makes sense, since you two know each other..."
Silence, Gwendolyn. All will be clear soon enough. Lupa flicked her silver tail at her.
Gwen fell silent. Hazel opened her mouth and asked quietly, "Are you a daughter of Minerva, Annabeth? You look a lot like one."
Annabeth cast her a glance. "Close, Hazel. I'm a daughter of the goddess of wisdom, but she was... in her Greek form when she had me. I am a daughter of Athena."
"So..." Hazel's gray eyes, so similar to Annabeth's, showed that her mind was reeling as she put the pieces together. "Percy... you're a Greek child too? Why am I asking? Of course you are; you have the shirt to prove it. That's Greek for..."
"Camp Half-Blood," Percy replied.
Hazel paused. "Why doesn't our shirts say Camp Jupiter?" she asked Lupa.
The she-wolf rolled her large eyes. A shirt with words isn't necessary. We know who we are by our tattoo. Speaking of the tattoo, you need your ninth bar. You know who to talk to.
Hazel nodded.
"Back to what we were talking about earlier," Bobby said. "Henry not being claimed, right?"
Percy looked at Henry, wondering why he wasn't claimed yet. His answer came immediately in a burst of purple light.
over a year ago MOLLYMAYJR said…
If you like her stories join this site to support her!
over a year ago purpledemigod said…
big smile
=3 Awwww, thanks so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­! So so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so nice of you to make that site Molly/Cinder!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!
over a year ago MOLLYMAYJR said…
:3 im glad you like it <3
over a year ago cApsLock1 said…
comon! post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post sooo awsome!
over a year ago purpledemigod said…
=) Glad you like it so much, cApsLock1!


The light coming from Henry faded into a soft glow. Leo blinked, and stared at it.
It was a spinning purple sign above Henry Benson's head. He was being claimed! But...
"You're the son of the god of pillows?" Leo frowned. "Is there such thing as a god of pillows?"
Annabeth sighed. "No, it's Hypnos. I just don't know why it's purple. It's usually white..."
"He's a child of Rome. His father is Somnus, Hypnos's Roman counterpart," Hazel said.
"No wonder," Kya said.
Gwen blinked. "They're white where you come from? Shouldn't they be orange like your shirt?"
"The color depends on the parent," Annabeth explained.
"Wha? No fair! Why don't we get multicolored claiming signs?"
Hazel, escort Henry to the First Legion - no, the Second Legion. Yes, take him there so he can train. Tomorrow, he will be tested. Lupa flicked her tail towards the forest. Gwendolyn, you know better than to compla-
"Why didn't I get any training?" Percy complained as Hazel led Henry away.
Lupa whipped towards him, snarling. Do not complain! Life isn't fair, and if you can't take it, you might as well help sustain other life forces, if you know what I mean. She bared her teeth and growled hungrily. Then she seemed to calm down a bit and replied, You didn't need any training. I could sense that much. I had the test so I would know exactly how much skill you had.
"Where... I'll be right back." Annabeth hurried off towards the ship.
Percy's eyes followed her. Bobby spoke to Lupa quickly, and the she-wolf nodded. Bobby whispered something to Percy and they walked into the forest.
Leo looked at Gwendolyn and the other girl Lillian, the two Roman girls. Was it just his imagination, or were Roman girls prettier than Greeks? It was probably his imagination. He hadn't eaten all day, if he didn't count countless breath mints.
"Er, um, uh, hey," he said. Smooth, Valdez. Super smooth. "I'm Leo Valdez."
Lillian nodded and extended her hand, giving him a small smile. "And I'm Lilly Harpett." Lilly had light brown hair pulled back into a ponytail, and her eyes were a very dark brown, but they shone brightly, reminding Leo of the sun. Her skin was slightly tanned, as if she had spent a lot of time in the sun, which she probably did.
Gwendolyn glanced at Lupa and said, "I am Gwendolyn Parks, daughter of Mercury." She seemed reluctant to be casual in front of the great weak-demigod-eating she-wolf. Leo didn't blame her.
"I'll just call you Gwen. Is that okay?"
Gwen nodded.
Lupa looked impatiently down to Argo II, where Annabeth was just swinging herself over the edge of the boat. The she-wolf began walking down the beach towards her.
Leo glanced at the girls, resisting the urge to say, "I built that ship with my own tools from my own magic tool belt and my own breath mints, without any help!" It was a lie, of course, but he decided that it was the wrong time to randomly brag about his amazingly brag-worthy skills. He'd also have to awe them with his blazin' hot fire powers and tofu tacos.
Now that Lupa had left, Gwen smiled cheekily, her mischievous chocolate brown eyes sparkling. She had short black hair and skin a shade paler than Lilly's. She was a bit like a naiad Leo had met yesterday at Camp Half-Blood's lake, except she had shorter hair, she was drier, possibly prettier, and a lot less angry at Leo.
"Who's your parent god?" Leo asked Lilly. "Er, godly parent?"
"Apollo," Lilly said. "How about you?"
Lupa turned and went over to Annabeth, who was climbing up the ladder, and Piper, who was walking towards them.
"Hephaestus, god of the forges and fire," Leo replied.
"Um, that would be..." Gwen frowned and looked at the sky, trying to think.
"Vulcan," Lilly said.
Gwen grinned. "Knew that. I was testing you."
The daughter of Apollo laughed. "Yeah right."
Piper walked up to them. Behind her, Annabeth was coming down again with Jason, and Lupa's tail twitched as she waited below.
Leo decided to do the introduction. "Hey, guys, this is Piper, the daughter of the goddess of love. Piper, meet Lilly, daughter of Apollo, and Gwen, daughter of, um, Hermes. It's Hermes, right?"
Gwen nodded. "That's right. Actually, that's my dad's counterpart."
Piper nodded. "Your dad's Mercury then, if I remembered correctly. And Apollo's Roman version is..."
"Apollo," Lilly replied.
Piper cracked a smile. "Okay. That shouldn't be too hard to remember."
Leo reached into his tool belt and held out a box of breath mints to the girls. "Breath mint, anyone?"
Gwen smiled at him and took it. "Thanks." She popped one into her mouth and pocketed a few more before offering it to Lilly, who handed the box back to Leo. He stuffed it in his tool belt.
"So, you gonna give a tour of your cool camp, or are we supposed to tour it ourselves?" Leo asked.
Gwen waved her hand lazily, the cheeky smile still on her face. "That's Lilly's department. She's the healing tour guide of Legion Four. If you want someone to steal for you, you can come get me. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to throw some lip gloss into the ocean. Who gets Chocolate Cheesecake lip gloss, anyways?" she said to Lilly. "Oh, right. Amelia!"
Lilly raised her eyebrow. "I'm just going to pretend I don't know anything about this. Lupa?"
The silver wolf walked up to them, Jason and Annabeth behind her. Have you decided which Legions they should go to? she asked.
Lilly blinked. "Me?" she squeaked in surprise.
Yes, you. Lupa made a coughing sound which was probably what she considered laughing.
Lilly smiled and turned back to Leo and Piper. She said, "Leo, you can be in Legion Four. Gwen will take you to Bobby, the praetor. Piper, Legion Three. Go straight that way until you find a cabin area with large flat stones scattered everywhere on the ground. And... what are your names?" she asked Kya Kay, who was a daughter of Hecate (with a cool name) and Peter, who was his brother (and a cool tattoo of a blazing fire and a hammer on his left arm).
"I'm Peter Stanf," said Peter.
"I'm Kya Kay," said Kya.
Lilly smiled. "Nice name."
"Er, thanks, but I always thought my name wasn't a big deal..." said Peter.
Kya and Lilly stared at him, like, Um, are you serious? Leo thought, LOL! He would've actually laughed out loud, but Peter was right there.
"Anyways," Lilly said, clearing her throat. "Kya, Legion Seven. Go through Legion Four, which is on the other side of Jupiter's Woods, and turn right when you get to the Mercury Trail, which isn't made of mercury; it's a bunch of pebbles. Go straight until you see a sign that says Legion Seven with a bunch of purple and red paint splatters. Peter, Legion Nine. Go towards the lighthouse. From there, someone will take you to the Legion."
The three looked uneasy about going alone, but they hurried off.
Lilly turned to Annabeth. "And you..."
She'll be in Legion Four, Lupa said.
"Alright," Lilly said. She noticed Leo still standing there. "What are you waiting for? Oh, right. Gwen!"
Gwen, who was still at the water's edge, looked over her shoulder and ran back towards them.
"Sorry," she said. "Ha, what am I saying? I'm not sorry. What do you want?"
"Take Leo and Annabeth to Legion Four. I'm going to go make sure the others haven't been attacked and eaten by monsters on their way to their new Legions."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago cApsLock1 said…
big smile
yay u posted!! r u an inheritance fan too? if u r plz give me u r link plz

over a year ago purpledemigod said…
Yes, I'm an Inheritance Cycle fan, but I haven't started a fanfiction for that yet. When I do, I'll give you the link immediately! =)
over a year ago cApsLock1 said…
thx sooo much! i am a total fan of christopher paolini!

btw post post post!
over a year ago cApsLock1 said…
pooost pooost!
over a year ago purpledemigod said…
Um, actually I gotta sleep very soon and I haven't posted a chapter in my Warriors fanfiction in over a month, and around a month for my Kane Chronicles fanfic. It's also my turn to write a chapter in the Warriors fanfiction that I'm doing with FlyingChickens so the next chapter might come in a week. Sorry! And I'm not sure who's point of view I should do the next chapter in. Any suggestions?
over a year ago cApsLock1 said…
maybe percy? or one of the gods?
over a year ago cApsLock1 said…
or even 3rd person or percy?
over a year ago cApsLock1 said…
okay, the day has come... im leaving for agra and will not be back fr 1 whole week (sniffle) without my laptop (starts bawling) ill miss u guys and keep posting so that when i get back i have a whole page of comments to read and (hopefully) some chps.

plz post soon!