The Heroes of Olympus The Son of Neptune and The Greeks Welcome Aphroditeskid21

Aphroditeskid21 posted on Dec 23, 2010 at 11:49PM
Hi I'm Aphroditeskid21
If you Enjoy these Stories Go Check out My Orginally Series, The Heroes Of Roma Series

Link: link

Book 1 The Child Of Roma
Book 2 The Trojan Sea Monster
Book 3 TBA
Book 4 TBA

Title: The Son of Neptune

Rating: T

Type: Action, Love, Drama, Comedy,

Characters: Percy, Reyna, Jason, Annabeth, Lupa, Hazel

Synopsis: This story is the sequel to The Lost Hero

Disclaimer: I did not come up with these characters and R.R has Credit for what I'm using

Title: The Greeks Welcome

Rating: T

Type: Action, Love, Drama, Comedy,

Characters: Percy, Reyna, Jason, Annabeth, Nico, Leo, Piper, Gwen, Sean, Grover, Lupa

Synopsis: This story is the sequel to The Son of Neptune writen by me.

Disclaimer: I do not own PJO or HOO just my characters
Hi I'm Aphroditeskid21 
If you Enjoy these Stories Go Check out My Orginally Series, The Heroes Of R
last edited on Mar 03, 2011 at 05:59PM

The Heroes of Olympus 401 replies

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over a year ago Aphroditeskid21 said…
Chapter 1
The Eternal City

I felt cold, it was dark, and I was underwater I thought 'wait how can I be underwater for so long', then I saw something above the water. It look like some kind of dog thing I didn't know what to expect so I went up to the water. I saw a wolf, then the wolf spoke to me but didn't open her mouth.

She said "Who are you" I was about to respond normally, but I couldn't honestly remember.

I said to the wolf "I don't know, where am I"

"You're in the eternal city, but I don't see how you got in here. This city has a great defensive wall around it and guards all around" Then out of know where an arrow shot straight for my face, but I dodged it at the last second.

I said to the wolf "tell the guards to stop"

"No you prove your worth here" Then out of nowhere I heard a loud growling sound…
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Aphroditeskid21 said…
Chapter 2

The Anger cute Beast

I looked up to see what it was and it was a cat. At first I thought 'Wow, I am scared of that thing', but in the back of my mind I was thinking 'Don't underestimate it', so I got up and charged at the cute, small beast, when a girl on top of a tower shot an arrow at me. I felt it, but it felt like a pinch it didn't hurt and I didn't bleed. It was very confusing but I still continued my approach on the beast. Then the Cat turned into a Lion 10 feet tall, with razor sharp teeth, and looked at me like "Who's your daddy", but I let my instincts take over. From there I reached in my pocket and found a pen. I uncapped it like I did it a million times and started charging the beast. I amazingly dodged the first snip at me, and stabbed it right into the right ear. It cried with pain and anger, but that just had to motivate the beast even more. So I cut its right hind leg, and did the same to the other hind leg until she was completely down on the ground. Then I was about to kill the beast, but I heard another growl. It was weaker, but it had authority. I then saw the wolf again.

It came up to me and said "I'm Lupa. Welcome to The Eternal City of Half Bloods", then Lupa smiled at me. I was proud but had this weird feeling I didn't belong here.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Aphroditeskid21 said…
Chapter 3
Annie? Anna? Whats her name

After i beat the cat Lupa ask me to walk with her and show me the city, i looked around and i saw the Colosseum not as big as the real one but still close and then i saw the leaning tower of pieza like the one in Vegas not the real one but then i thought how do i know what the Vegas one looks like and when did i go to Vegas then i was interrupted by my thoughts when Lupa said "this is the bunkers you will have to stay in Mercury's Bunker until you are claimed" "Claimed? whats that" "your god parent will show us that you are the son of he or she" "do you know anything about me Lupa" " I have a theory child but not a good one for anyone but i can't discuss it now, Reyna come down and give wait whats your name boy" " I think Parry but i don't know" " Well come introduce Parry to the other solders will you" "yes mama" Then Lupa looked at me and had a worry sum look on her face and said "be carefully Parry" and then she ran off then this girl looked at me judgmentally and said hi I'm Reyna Daughter of Venus you are" "you mean Aphrodite" "no I'm daughter of Venus, Aphrodite died when the Romans beat the crap out of the Greeks" "ooh kay I'm Parry son of a god" she smiled she had beautiful black hair and wore a necklace with the name Jason in it but i didn't focus on that i focused on her and how she smiled so sweetly at you that you just wanted to kiss her all day but i felt in the back of mind that it would be wrong to do so then Reyna broke the silence "okay well follow me ill introduce you to some people" "like Jason" she pulled out her sword and pushed me onto the ground and put the sword to my throat and she said "Where is he and don't play stupid i'm not messing around here i want him back Parry" "Hey i said the name Jason because your wearing a necklace with that name on it" she looked down and noticed the necklace she was wearing and she pulled her sword back and i got back up she looked away and it looked like she was crying she tried to hold back the tears but i could tell she had the water works coming so i let instincts take over and i hugged her and said "we will find him soon i promise i will do everything i can to help you Reyna" we stared up in the sky and she said "Jason is Boyfriend the only son of Jupiter he was the greatest solider Lupa's ever trained and he disappeared three days ago and know one knows where he is" she turned to face me and embraced me i looked at her face in my chest and i pictured another face a Astonishing looking girl brown hair Grey eyes knifes to her side and i had a name Annie no Anna no what the heck was it and then i heard some rumbling in the bushes behind us we both turned to see

Tell me what you think so far and i will write more soon
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Aphroditeskid21 said…
Chapter 4
The ones i call my Friends

Me and Parry were hugging when i was crying like a little girl i felt so off so depressed ever since Jason was gone i was going crazy and then out of know where this new kid shows up, he's good looking and very sweet and doesn't know anything about himself and i just couldn't think straight anymore. then we heard some noise in the bushes behind us right next to the Mercury Bunker, Parry said "ill go check it out you stay here" at first i thought that is a bad idea to let the new kid take the lead in battle but something about him screamed i have killed more people and more monsters then you'll ever know so i let him go and, i nodded at him. he pulled out a pen and uncapped it and slowly walk up on the bushes then he just ran into the bushes and screamed something like "For the Sea" but i couldn't fully understand what he had said after he screamed that i heard swords clanging together i trusted his judgment to stay put but i had to go see if he was all right. i slowly walked up and saw he was attacking Gwen and, right before he was going to strike i Screamed. Parry looked at me like what's the matter and i said "that's my friend Gwen" "ooh my bad" he help hazel back up then said he's sorry. Gwen said "its not a big deal but, where did you learn to fight like that oh by the way I'm Hazel Daughter of Mercury and who are you exactly Parry." "I don't really know i know I'm from New York and my name sounds like parry but i feel its wrong when everyone calls me that and i know theirs this really beautiful girl back where i am from her name is Anna i think something like that but that's about it." "oh well that sucks".then i picked up on something he said "wait your from New York?" "yea i think so, yea i am" "but know one is from there know halfblood has ever come from there the place is usually a bloodbath for halfbloods."

Thanks ill write more tommorow comment as freely as wished
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Aphroditeskid21 said…
Chapter 5
Neptune,Poseidon whats the Difference

After what Reyna had told me i wanted to get some rest i haven't had that all day today its been fight after fight after fight and so on so it was great to get some rest. i jumped onto the bed Gwen gave me in Mercury's Bunker and fell right asleep. I dream a man was with me the background was blue,ocean blue,then sea green, a man stood with a Trident and Said "Percy" there was a long pause i just didn't know what to say so i stay silent. "Percy i don't have much time pay attention" "Father?" i don't know where that came from but in the back of my mind i knew he was my dad. "Son Pay Attention the Goddess Hera has done this to you ,you must tell the others when you wake up, Do you understand?" i didn't really understand but i felt like i did. Hera did this to me did what exactly "no what did she do" he looked at me silly then realized i was serious "Son she took your memories away that witch of a goddess" the Sky Rumbled "oh shut up brother" father said i was confused but ask my dad "but why, why did she take my memories, dad why and where am i from and who is my god parent and, who is Anna i can't get her out of my mind" he looked at me with concern and calmly said "Oh Gods Hera took everything, Annabeth is her name son and she is your girlfriend you love her dearly and she is searching for you as we speak. i am your God parent Poseidon god of seas and horse and earthquakes and your from New York city. Hera took your memories and Jason's because to great powers must join to defeat what is coming. you should me your strength when you defeated Kronos but now you must gain everyone's trust here son and wait for Jason and the others to come but be careful you are son of Poseidon not Neptune" I felt so confused that i wanted to exploded what is the difference between the two Neptune Poseidon whats the difference but i didn't ask because i had to ask one thing that i new would be more inportent. "where is Annabeth dad" he looked up to the sky waited for a minute and said to me "she's at Camp Half Blood she just arrived there she looked for you all day and she resting, Son i must go now be carefully" i thought about that an thought since when am i ever careful "okay dad thanks for everything" then the last word of my dream "Son i sent someone to find you when you wake up i love you Good Luck" i woke up to some kinda noise and new what my dad meant. My dad Sent me Blackjack.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago redhawks said…
big smile
Wow, that was really good. Yay, you have some puncutation in there. Now, I'm sorry I'm nit picking your grammer but be careful whith your tenses. Like past,present, or future. You are skipping around. Also, you still need to capitilize your I's.
over a year ago Aphroditeskid21 said…
haha thanks redhawks its cool i like that your getting me on grammer and the other cristism what do you mean about past present future what r u talking about and thanks i am trying on the puncuation
over a year ago redhawks said…
big smile
The tenses as in:
Past: was
Present: am
Future: will
Hope that cleared it up.
You welcome. I just want you to improve you writing skills. You got the ideas down, you just have to work on grammer and you got a great story.
over a year ago UnoriginalName said…
REALLY NICELY DONE. That is all. I think what Redhawks is saying is that you need to keep onE tense, so if you start a chapter in past tense (was, and all things that end in ed) you shouln't go into present tense.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago redhawks said…
big smile
Yes, exactly. You switch a lot. If you need to switch make a new pragraph.(Omg, my spelling is so off today. I can't think.)
over a year ago Aphroditeskid21 said…
oh i c what you mean i didn't notice but your right lol :) thanks i will watch it and do better and thanks for the help from both of you
over a year ago UnoriginalName said…
@Redhawks, I just checked, and I spelled 'one' wrong. Beat that.
over a year ago redhawks said…
big smile
Your welcome!!

Hahahah nice Unorignalname..... But, I feel like a hpyocrit(I wouldn't be able to spell that on a good day.), I;m tellin Aphrodite to have better spelling when I can't even spell.

Well, guys........I'm going to bed now.
over a year ago Aphroditeskid21 said…
Peace Redhawks
over a year ago Aphroditeskid21 said…
Chapter 6
Camp Half Blood?

After that incident with Hazel and Parry i had to go to bed. It's been a emotional day, scratch that i thought it's been like this for the last 4 days. So i went into my Bunker and jumped into my bed and cried my self to sleep. I started to dream me and Jason on our first date there we were when we first met he pretend to be a kid in a normal middle school before i new i was a HalfBlood. He was there just to pick me up and bring me back to the city. Jason was so handsome so muscular he convinced me to skip school with him and go on a date to lunch and a movie and then a surprise he said. Then my great dream was cut off it went fuzzy and white like a bad t.v in the 50's. Then a image appeared it was a girl she was pretty ,blond hair ,Grey eyes ,and wore a orange t-shirt with Camp Halfblood ,and she was with someone,with my Jason. "hey Jason do you know where the city is?" the Blond girl said. "umm i think I'm not sure" "what do you mean your not sure" she said so arrogant i would have beat the crap out of her if i could of. "look i barley remember who i am so give me a break Annabeth i wanna go to the city to and get Percy". wait to get Percy who's Percy does he mean Parry whats going on here. "you don't want to see him as badly as me Jason" "maybe not but i have someone waiting for me back in the city too her name is Reyna and i think she's my Girlfriend but i feel terrible because i don't even have the memorys with her i just have her face and i know i have feelings for her thats it" he snapped at her, i felt so close to him even when were gone and he doesn't have his memory he Remembers me, Annabeth walk away crying when Jason said "look I'm sorry im just confused and i don't know where were going ,but i just feel like I'm doing something I'm going to regret.
Then a New Image appeared it was a Green background with Parry or Percy with some old dude that looked like him and the old dude was sad and said "Oh Gods Hera took everything, Annabeth is her name son and she is your girlfriend you love her dearly and she is searching for you as we speak. i am your God parent Poseidon god of seas and horse and earthquakes and your from New York city. Hera took your memories and Jason's because two great powers must join to defeat what is coming. you showed me your strength when you defeated Kronos but now you must gain everyone's trust here son and wait for Jason and the others to come but be careful you are son of Poseidon not Neptune". Wait What Poseidon not Neptune Camp Half Blood that means that he is greek not Roman but how can that be. then i heard a Pegasus cry ,and I bursted to life jumped out of my bed and saw through the window that Percy had a new Pet waiting for me outside my Bunker with a big smile on his face.
over a year ago UnoriginalName said…
Good chapter! Cant wait to the next. Do you know when you are going to post next?
over a year ago Aphroditeskid21 said…
most likely tommorow but maybe tonight
over a year ago redhawks said…
big smile
Hey just so it's a little easier on us, can you change you title to like The Son of Neptune, Aphroditeskid21. the title is the same as Hecate's and we can't tell who's is who's.
over a year ago Aphroditeskid21 said…
over a year ago tessa34567 said…
over a year ago Wisegirl123 said…
big smile
Good job, Aphrodite!
over a year ago percyJlover121 said…
cool story!! but why did you name percy parry??
over a year ago redhawks said…
big smile
Thanks for doing that. Makes it easier.

He changed it cause Percy doesn't remember his name is Percy but he thinks it's something like Parry.
over a year ago rhoyt2014 said…
big smile
Wow I really like your story... Post soon
over a year ago UnoriginalName said…
LAST! (on this page) Come on, post, post, post, I'll die from a , rare disease called of Blackjackfonia if you do not post soon.
over a year ago Wisegirl123 said…
Blackjackfonia, huh?
over a year ago PJhero02 said…
it's awesome so far aphroditeskid!
over a year ago UnoriginalName said…
Yep, just randomly came up with that, by looking at the last words of the previous chapter, and I am now convinced that I have it.
over a year ago Aphroditeskid21 said…
Hello i'm writing as we speak im sorry it took so long Family is in town and i havent had a chance to breath ill have on tonight for sure sorry for blackjackfonia LOL well give me 20 minutes or so
over a year ago PJhero02 said…
ok!! can't wait!
over a year ago Aphroditeskid21 said…
okay 75 percent done guys
over a year ago UnoriginalName said…
yes, yes, come on, I'm on my deathbed here, you think you can write faster *cough cough*. Oh no, I think this may be it. *cough cough* *sneeze* This may be time for my last words. This... this... this is so not worth a Klondike bar...
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Aphroditeskid21 said…
Chapter 8
Blackjack and his crazy stories
I told Blackjack to take a solo flight so I could talk to Reyna before I introduced him to her. I had to tell her about my dream last night.
“Hey Reyna I have to talk to you about something will you come walk with me alone for a sec” she nodded and followed me down the path to the Colosseum but she looked at me so strange I thought that she was scared of me but why would she be.
“oh yea Percy sure”.
“wait what you just call me.”
“ I had a dream about you and your father last night and he called you Percy’s not Parry.” “Wait what! What happened in this Dream.” she told me the same dream I had but like the end of my dream. Then she told me the beginning of her dream about Camp Half Blood and how there trying to come here and get me. I was so angry at Hera that stupid goddess why is she worthy to be a goddess she just hates everyone and doesn’t respect there boundaries.
“Percy I was wondering do you think Jason will survive at this secret camp?” she looked like she might cry I felt so bad for her but I knew what It was like to lose someone you love. Then I saw Blackjack flying over then he started to fly toward us and coming down toward us then he landed and come over to us.
“ hey boss is it cool that I’m here with you guys.” I thought no because Reyna is Emotional but blackjack might have the answers to the problem here he might no who Jason is.
“ yea it’s cool Blackjack, Reyna meet my Pegasus Blackjack.
“ Hi nice to meet you Blackjack”.
“she’s nice boss”
“Blackjack I need you to tell me what’s going on at camp half blood.”
“Okay it’s like this boss everyone was looking for you and then this new kid jay or Jason came here not remembering anything and with two other halfblood’s leo and piper and they went on a quest and he’s starting to Remember who he is again me and Annabeth have been looking for you for the last two weeks boss and well she went to bed and I went to the stables then a Big Green Flash happened and I woke up outside the cabin where you were at and here we are boss” I told Reyna what blackjack just told me and she was happy to know that Jason was alright.
“ Blackjack can you take me and Reyna to Camp Halfblood?” Reyna looked at me like I was crazy or something.
“the better Question is when are we leaving boss” then I looked at Reyna she looked excited but scared I nodded at her and said to Blackjack
“We leave at Dawn”.

over a year ago UnoriginalName said…
big smile
Amazing, I'm cured. Good job Aphrodite!
over a year ago percy__jackson said…
wheres chapter 7
over a year ago tessa34567 said…
sooooooooo good i love it
over a year ago wisegurl said…
Ya unoriginalname didn't die!!!!! Good chappy!!!!!!
over a year ago PJhero02 said…
awesome chapter as always!!!
over a year ago sonofthesea said…
this is an amazing story Aphrodite. you should write more.
over a year ago redhawks said…
Great job! Very good! I wonder where this is going?
over a year ago Aphroditeskid21 said…
there is no chapter 7 i messed up my bad and thanks all that think its amazing and good and etc.
over a year ago rhoyt2014 said…
Happy new year everybody
over a year ago Aphroditeskid21 said…
would you fans of this story like Pictures to go with the Character's? and another question. How many of you think I'm a girl and how many of you think I'm a guy? i was curious and Happy New Years and hope you enjoy this chapter i like it and comment about the Prophecy Please i hope you like it and i hope you get it.

Chapter 8
The Oracle Hazel

I told Blackjack to stay in the stables for a bit while I go and tell Lupa what’s happened and what I’m planning to do.
“Reyna your coming with me right”
“ I don’t know Percy, I can’t just run off to another camp full of Greeks. I won’t belong there.”
“Jason doesn’t either and they know that he’s Roman but he’s still alive.”
“ we have to talk to Lupa about me going I don’t know about you”
“I thought the same thing so lets go”
We ran down the path to Lupa’s Bunker it was green like the forest and brown like bark on tree’s very outdoorsy kind of bunker and there was paintings of wolfs running on the sides. After looking at the bunker and how cool it was, we stepped inside and Interrupted a conversation between Lupa and some tall, brown haired girl. she was very skinny and had brown eyes. She looked at Reyna like they had some problems before this interruption happened.
“ excuse me I was talking to Lupa” the brown haired girl said
“were sorry we will wait outside” as we were leaving we heard a growl.
“ STOP!” She commanded “what are you here for Parry”
“But I was here first Lupa” the girl Interjected she looked very angry that Lupa wanted to here from me before her.
“Silence!, Parry please”
“ first it’s Percy not Parry Lupa and Me and Reyna had dreams last night, it told me many things about myself and where I’m from and who I am and who my god parent is and who my girlfriend is and who took my Memories away and who took Jason away” as soon as I said Jason Lupa froze she stared at me like a hawk, I felt so awkward and not comterble at all.
“Where is Jason and who took your memories away?, Percy”
“Hera I mean Juno took them away and sent Jason’s and where is he, well that’s why were here Lupa I want Permission to take Reyna to Camp Halfblood”
“Where is Camp Halfblood Percy”
“ New York” Lupa smiled at me and giggled, Reyna looked very confused.
“hmmm Interesting, Hazel here Percy is one of are Oracles and she had a Prophecy a few minutes ago and came here to share and I am curious if it has something to do with your quest to go to Camp Halfblood”
“Hazel please share with me your Prophecy” I said politely
“very well then
The son of the sea and the dove shall go east
But they must be careful before the become the fest
They go to a place unknown but soon they find a soul to morn
A Friend will die and friends shall live
a fight between the owl and dove shall burn a bridge”
“ I believe this is your quest son of the sea” Lupa said, she looked at me and Reyna and looked confident I just wish I felt confident.
“ I think so to Lupa so we leave tomorrow at dawn if that’s okay with you” I looked at Reyna and she looked excited and scared still. I was guessing she was scared of the last line in the Prophecy a fight between the owl and dove shall burn a bridge, it didn’t sound so good for a daughter of Venus.
“ that sounds great, we leave at dawn ill pack for our quest I hope your ready for your first Roman Quest” Reyna teased
“I think I’m up to it Reyna”
“lets hope young hero, have a good quest and be careful you two, now all of you DISMISS!!!

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago redhawks said…
big smile
Great job! Very good! Loved it!
over a year ago Aphroditeskid21 said…
Thanks Redhawk will u answer the questions above
over a year ago wisegurl said…
I think ur a guy cuz I remember reading that on Ur profil...
over a year ago Aphroditeskid21 said…
Yup I am I was curious because someone sent me a message and thought I was a girl so yea I was curious and would u guys like photos to go with characters
over a year ago wisegurl said…
Ya photos make the story cooler
over a year ago redhawks said…
big smile
Yea, photos is cool. Wait your a guy? I thought you were a girl, because of your username. Aphrodite...........
over a year ago Aphroditeskid21 said…
Exactly what other people thought but nope I'm a guy if you guys have Facebook ill friend u guys