The Heroes of Olympus "THE SON OF NEPTUNE!"

Poseidon3 posted on Dec 31, 2010 at 07:38AM
Hey guys. So there are a lot fan fics about The Son of Neptune. I've been reading a lot of them myself, and i thought I might give fanfiction a shot. This is only my version and i don't own Heroes of Olympus or any of its characters. That all belongs to Rick Riordan. P.S , give me some ideas for other chapters. I easily get writer's block.

Chapter 1 "Percy's pov"

I woke up and I was at a very unusual place. I was outside of some sort of house. It was in ruins and seemed like a horrible place to be. I started to walk toward it, wondering what on earth was so important about this place. "Stop! Mortals are forbidden to go near the Wolf House. Turn back where you came from!" I turned and saw that the voice had come from a wolf. "The Wolf House?" I asked. She nodded. "I'm sorry, but i must make this quick. I have to go back to my campers." The she-wolf lunged at me, her long claws heading straight for my throat. But then the weirdest thing happened. She bounded off of me and I hadn't been harmed. She pounced again, but this time I was ready for her. I dodged her just in time and she fell harmlessly to the ground. I instinctively took out a pen and it turned into a sword right when I uncapped it. Seizing the opportunity, I stabbed her. Golden blood trickled from the she-wolf's body and I held her at swordpoint. Suddenly she transformed into a woman, like a goddess. Whoa, where'd I come up with that idea. Weird. "What is your name,child." she asked. "Percy" I replied, suprised that I'd remembered. "Well Percy, welcome to the army of the First Legion." she said. Questions zoomed into my head. "Who are you?" I asked. "I am Lupa, the she- wolf goddess,and the activities director of the First Legion." she answered. "What's the First Legion?" "It's a training camp for demigods, such as yourself." Lupa replied. "I'm a demigod?" I asked. "Yes,you are the son of a human and a god. But the question is the identity of your godly parent." said Lupa. "Wait a god,you mean one of the Greek gods?" I said. "Child,the Greek gods faded long ago when the Romans conquered the Greeks. The Roman gods took their place and they are the ones that still exist. Jupiter, Juno, Neptune, Pluto, Mercury, Venus etc. Anyway, I'll take you to camp and hopefully your parent will claim you." she explained. Then everything went black. A girl with long brown hair, armor, and a purple t-shirt stood by me next to Lupa. "Good, you're awake." the she-wolf said. She turned to the girl. "Gwen, would you show Percy to the Mercury cabin?" "Of course, Lupa" she said. Along the way, she gave me a tour of the camp and explained what was up. "I'm Gwen, daughter of Mercury." "Mercury, wait you mean Hermes?" "Hermes is his Greek name, but the Greek gods left when the Romans conquered the Greeks. Mercury still exists! she explained. "You'll be staying with me in the Mercury cabin since you're undetermined. He isn't picky about who he sponsors. Anyway we should get ready for the match." "What match?" I demanded. "It's a swordfighting match that we always do with our new campers to test their skill." she explained. "When is it?" I asked. "In about five minutes. we should go put on our armor." she said. Things didn't start out well with the duel. Gwen kept jabbing me every second so all I could do was defend myself. Finally, she cut my face and sent me into the creek. A wave roared in my ears and 100 gallons of water rose from the creek and splashed Gwen backward. She gagged. "It is determined." Lupa announced. Campers around me started kneeling. "Hail Percy, son of Neptune, god of the seas."

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