The Heroes of Olympus "THE SON OF NEPTUNE!"

Poseidon3 posted on Dec 31, 2010 at 07:38AM
Hey guys. So there are a lot fan fics about The Son of Neptune. I've been reading a lot of them myself, and i thought I might give fanfiction a shot. This is only my version and i don't own Heroes of Olympus or any of its characters. That all belongs to Rick Riordan. P.S , give me some ideas for other chapters. I easily get writer's block.

Chapter 1 "Percy's pov"

I woke up and I was at a very unusual place. I was outside of some sort of house. It was in ruins and seemed like a horrible place to be. I started to walk toward it, wondering what on earth was so important about this place. "Stop! Mortals are forbidden to go near the Wolf House. Turn back where you came from!" I turned and saw that the voice had come from a wolf. "The Wolf House?" I asked. She nodded. "I'm sorry, but i must make this quick. I have to go back to my campers." The she-wolf lunged at me, her long claws heading straight for my throat. But then the weirdest thing happened. She bounded off of me and I hadn't been harmed. She pounced again, but this time I was ready for her. I dodged her just in time and she fell harmlessly to the ground. I instinctively took out a pen and it turned into a sword right when I uncapped it. Seizing the opportunity, I stabbed her. Golden blood trickled from the she-wolf's body and I held her at swordpoint. Suddenly she transformed into a woman, like a goddess. Whoa, where'd I come up with that idea. Weird. "What is your name,child." she asked. "Percy" I replied, suprised that I'd remembered. "Well Percy, welcome to the army of the First Legion." she said. Questions zoomed into my head. "Who are you?" I asked. "I am Lupa, the she- wolf goddess,and the activities director of the First Legion." she answered. "What's the First Legion?" "It's a training camp for demigods, such as yourself." Lupa replied. "I'm a demigod?" I asked. "Yes,you are the son of a human and a god. But the question is the identity of your godly parent." said Lupa. "Wait a god,you mean one of the Greek gods?" I said. "Child,the Greek gods faded long ago when the Romans conquered the Greeks. The Roman gods took their place and they are the ones that still exist. Jupiter, Juno, Neptune, Pluto, Mercury, Venus etc. Anyway, I'll take you to camp and hopefully your parent will claim you." she explained. Then everything went black. A girl with long brown hair, armor, and a purple t-shirt stood by me next to Lupa. "Good, you're awake." the she-wolf said. She turned to the girl. "Gwen, would you show Percy to the Mercury cabin?" "Of course, Lupa" she said. Along the way, she gave me a tour of the camp and explained what was up. "I'm Gwen, daughter of Mercury." "Mercury, wait you mean Hermes?" "Hermes is his Greek name, but the Greek gods left when the Romans conquered the Greeks. Mercury still exists! she explained. "You'll be staying with me in the Mercury cabin since you're undetermined. He isn't picky about who he sponsors. Anyway we should get ready for the match." "What match?" I demanded. "It's a swordfighting match that we always do with our new campers to test their skill." she explained. "When is it?" I asked. "In about five minutes. we should go put on our armor." she said. Things didn't start out well with the duel. Gwen kept jabbing me every second so all I could do was defend myself. Finally, she cut my face and sent me into the creek. A wave roared in my ears and 100 gallons of water rose from the creek and splashed Gwen backward. She gagged. "It is determined." Lupa announced. Campers around me started kneeling. "Hail Percy, son of Neptune, god of the seas."

The Heroes of Olympus 79 replies

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over a year ago PJhero02 said…
awesome!! i am honored to be the first to comment!! i love the parts when percy shows people who's boss!!!!
over a year ago Poseidon3 said…
big smile
Thanks. Your Percy vs Jason is pretty good too. I totally think Percy would win!
over a year ago PJhero02 said…
over a year ago Poseidon3 said…
yup. Long live Percy Jackson!!
over a year ago Calypso_ said…
That was great I just have to give a few suggestions first when you have dialoge you need to create a new paragraph as the speaker changes so not to confuse the reader and second you kinda threw detail into the wind in the last few sentences so I'm just going to remind you to take your time and the fact that Percy has the curse of achillies so he can't get cut on the cheek and that Percy has a white strike in his hair from holding up the sky so don't forget those reminders and keep on writing!!!!!!!! Cause your good!

ps do not take my comment as being mean please cause it is not meant to be mean it's just suppose to help you progress as a writer
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Poseidon3 said…
Ok, I'll make a note of that. I just need a way to prove he was a son of Poseidon (Neptune.) Thanks Calypso.
over a year ago PJhero02 said…
yeah i wondering about the cut thing too! but it was still good!
over a year ago Wisegirl123 said…
Not to be one those peoples that corrects others all the time bbut, the streak in percy's hair is gray, not white.
over a year ago PJhero02 said…
yeah....but i guess white and grey are close enough
over a year ago Poseidon3 said…
Ch. 2
The next day, Lupa moved me to cabin three. Poseidon's, I mean Neptune's cabin was decorated with seashells and a huge blue wave on the side of the wall. In the back of the room, near the bunks, was a statue of my dad, Neptune. He had sea-greens and jet-black hair like me. He wore Bermuda shorts, a Hawaiian shirt, and a crown on the top of his head that said 'King Neptune.' Deja vu, I thought. Someone knocked on the cabin door. I opened it and there stood Gwen. A girl stood next her. She had blonde hair, gray eyes, and wore a purple shirt with regular Roman armor on top of it. Blonde hair and gray eyes, I thought. Why'd that seem familiar.
"This is Reyna, daughter of Minerva." Gwen said.
You mean Athena? I asked.
"Percy, you've got to stop using the Greek names. But, yeah.
"What's up?" I asked.
"Lupa wants to see you in the Big house." She answered. The Big House took me by suprise. It wasn't a house at all! It was a huge marble replica of the Colluseum in Rome. Although I hoped that there were no wild animals in there, except for Lupa that is. Ha ha ha. Anyway, the room was decorated with grape vines and the head of a leopard hung on the wall. Lupa walked over.
"They are gifts our director Bacchus gave us before he left for Olympus. The gods have gone silent you see." she explained.
"Why is Diony- Bacchus the director?" I asked.
"He was sent here as a punishment because he chased a wood nymph that Jupiter declared off-limits." she said.
"Percy,have you ever heard of the Second Great prophecy?" she said.
"No." I answered, wondering what it was.
"It goes like this: Seven halfbloods shall answer the call, to storm or fire the world must fall-"
"An oath to keep with the final breath and foes bear arms to the Doors of Death." I finished. Gwen and Reyna looked uneasy.
"Percy, you just finished the prophecy in Ancient Greek." Gwen said. Whoa,I thought. How did I know Ancient Greek?
"So you know this prophecy? Lupa asked.
"I guess so. I replied awkwardly.
"We've recently lost one of our campers. His name is Jason Grace." Lupa said sadly. Memories flooded into my head of a girl with spiky black hair and electric blue eyes. She held a bow and arrow and had a circlet on her head that looked like a tiara.
"Thalia." I said.
"Who is she?" Reyna asked.
"Just a friend of mine." I said quickly. But I was certain of one thing. I didn't know any Jason, but I definitely knew a girl called Thalia Grace.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago tessa34567 said…
over a year ago PJhero02 said…
awsome!!! i like hwo he remembers thalia!
over a year ago Poseidon3 said…
Thanks! I might give him a prophecy before he leaves for his quest, but I can't think of one.
over a year ago PJhero02 said…
just make one up!! we will tell you if you need to change anything or not!! i'm sure it wont be bad anyway!
over a year ago Poseidon3 said…
Yeah,ur right... Hey I just thought of one. Hope I can make it work.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago partypony said…
big smile
That was great! and as for the prophecy, just think of whats supposed to happen and string them together into a poem. the prophecies seem like poems to me. so if u excell in making poems, im sure youll make a great one.
over a year ago Poseidon3 said…
big smile
Thanks 4 the advice!
over a year ago RomanGreekDemi said…
good job!i like your descriptions
over a year ago Poseidon3 said…
over a year ago Calypso_ said…
Grey and white are basicly the same in my mind cause I wasn't thinking of like silver white more of a greyish white anywho awesome chapter! Can't what for the next one!!

over a year ago Poseidon3 said…
Ch.3 I am offered a quest

Fortunately, neither Reyna nor Gwen asked anymore questions about Thalia afterwards. But the drama wasn't over. The next day Gwen and Reyna told me that Lupa wanted to see me. We got to the Big House and saw Lupa sitting in an armchair, her expression solemn.
"Since Jason has been gone a long time, I've decided that someone should go to get him back." Lupa said.
"I'll go, Lupa." I said. I'd decided that whoever this Jason guy was, he had to be pretty important to this camp.
"Very well. You may pick two companions." I turned toward the girls.
"Gwen and Reyna. They've been helping me and its only right that they come along." I said.
"You'll need a prophecy. Oracle, fall in." A girl walked into the room. She hissed, her eyes turning a weird green.
"Child of the sea, beware of her hand
While on your quest to Liberty's land
Two great powers will finally meet
And then unite against Terra's fleet." Then she fainted, leaving us confused and mystified.
over a year ago partypony said…
big smile
YEAH! the prophecy was awesome! i can practically guess what's gonna happen... yeah i think i already know what the prophecy means...
whats the oracle's name?
over a year ago RomanGreekDemi said…
over a year ago RomanGreekDemi said…
wait a sec. i still think it's a good job, but doesn't percy still have the curse if achilles? gwen shouldn't have been able to cut him on the face. still, great job.
over a year ago PJhero02 said…
yeah nice prophecy!!! it wasnt' horrible at all!!
over a year ago Poseidon3 said…
big smile
Thanks you guys are really nice. You rock! I'll post soon, but i'm still thinking 'bout the next chapter.
over a year ago RomanGreekDemi said…
over a year ago partypony said…
big smile
monsters!! yah!!
over a year ago Poseidon3 said…

I lay on my bunk in the Neptune cabin, still awake, my mind racing about Mary's (the Oracle) prophecy. I was obviously the child of the sea, but who was I supposed to beware of? I also was wondering about this Liberty's Land, because I definitely needed to know where I was going to. Wait... Liberty. The Statue of Liberty, I thought. I realized that probably meant New York because you couldn't call any other place by that name. I decided to go to sleep and tell Gwen and Reyna about it in the morning. The next morning, I packed all my stuff for the quest, which wasn't much. The only useful stuff would probably be Riptide and some ambrosia and nectar. But I had to be careful because too much of the food of the gods could burn me to ashes. I stepped out of the cabin and found Gwen and Reyna right outside.
"I need to talk to you about Mary's prophecy last night. I think we should head to New York, because that's probably what Mary meant when she said Liberty's land." I said.
"Percy, we can't go to New York." said Gwen.
"Why not?" I asked.
"Whenever a kid like us goes there, they end up dying. It's like monster mania over there!" Reyna explained.
"Trust me, we need to go there!" I said.
"Fine, but what does 'two great powers will meet' mean?" Gwen asked.
"Maybe there's another place for half-bloods." I suggested.
"No, the First Legion is the only safe place in the world for demigods!" Reyna insisted. Memories flashed in my head of a girl that looked a lot like Reyna. A name came to my mind, Annabeth. She was saying a place called Camp Half-blood was the only safen for kids like me.
"No, it's not. There's another place called Camp Half-blood. I think we're supposed to meet the kids from that camp and unite against Ga-Terra."
"You might be right, Percy. But I wonder why we didn't know about this other camp." said Reyna.
"I don't know. Look, we gotta find a way to get there somehow!" Suddenly, I saw a gigantic black pegasus soaring down here. Hey boss, it said in my mind. Need a ride?
over a year ago Calypso0 said…
Ohmigods!!!!!! I <3 Blackjack!
Your story's awesome!!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago PJhero02 said…
aweome!! i love blackjack!!
over a year ago PJhero02 said…
when u gunna post next?!
over a year ago partypony said…
YAH!!! Blackjack returns!! LUV IT!!
over a year ago mrcobra66 said…
over a year ago Poseidon3 said…
Ch 5.
Ok,so a pegasus flew down here unexpectedly and asked if I needed a ride. I guessed stranger things had happened and I couldn't turn down help that came here on a siver platter, so I excepted his offer.
"Who are you?" I asked.
"I'm Blackjack, don't you remember? No, of course you don't because of Hera's little gamble." he answered.
"What'd Hera do?" I asked.
"I can't tell ya. You'll find out soon enough. Good thing I found you! Annabeth's been worried sick." said Blackjack.
"Isn't Annabeth my good friend or something?" I asked.
"She's your girlfriend, boss." he corrected. Memories flashed into my head of Annabeth and I near volcano. We were in danger, so she kissed me before I left to defeat the telkhines. Then we were sitting on a bench celebrating my birthday and she kissed me again after saying she'd never make things easy for me. Rude campers were eavesdropping and they picked us up and dumped us into the lake. Being a son of Pos- Neptune, I could breathe just fine and I created an air bubble so Annabeth could breathe too. We kissed again and watching it, I thought it was the best underwater kiss ever.
"Percy, you okay?" Gwen and Reyna both asked.
"Yeah, just having a flashback. Blackjack, are we close to New York. I said.
"Sure, boss. Camp Half-blood is right around the corner! Just kidding, but we'll be there soon." he answered. A few minutes later, we reached Long Island and my heart skipped a beat. North of the beach, I saw hundreds arranged in a U shape,an archery range, a volley court, and a huge building that looked like a Greek ampitheater. Blackjack landed pretty smoothly onto the beach and Gwen, Reyna, and I climbed off immediately. I thanked Blackjack and we said our goodbyes. Then, we all started walking up the beach toward Camp Half-blood.

over a year ago PJhero02 said…
ooo i can't wait for percy to reunite with the campers! great chapter!
over a year ago AltPercyU said…
Whoa can't wait!
over a year ago Calypso_ said…
awesome can't wait for the reunite with the greek campers great chapter!!!
over a year ago allyrules said…
why the heck i this plce so populalar
over a year ago partypony said…
^wut do u mean?

and that was awesome btw. cant wait till they reunite.
over a year ago Poseidon3 said…
Thanks allyrules. I feel so warm inside.
over a year ago HoO_PJO said…
I love it!!! when are you going to post up the next chapter? (my crying face is in a good way that I feel really happy)
over a year ago PercyJackson7 said…
please post your killing me
over a year ago RomanGreekDemi said…
yeah! i share that feeling. im blowing up. will annabeth freak out? no, no, no. dont tell me
over a year ago PJhero02 said…
yeah... what do you mean by that allyrules?!
over a year ago RomanGreekDemi said…
over a year ago PJhero02 said…
she said, "why the heck is this place so popular"
over a year ago Poseidon3 said…
Ch. 6
When we reached the top of Half-Blood Hill, I got a pretty warm welcome. Someone saw us and yelled "Percy's back!" Before I knew it, hundreds of campers crowded around us and started cheering. A girl with blonde hair and stormy gray eyes, Annabeth, was fighting her way through the crowd.
"What's going on here?" she asked. Then she saw me. For a minute she stood there, stunned as a deer caught in headlights. Quick as a flash, she ran over and hugged me so tightly I couldn't breathe for about a second.
"Oh gods, I can't believe you're back Seaweed Brain!" she said.
"Why are you calling Percy that?" Reyna asked.
"It's just a nickname I gave him since he's a son of Poseidon."
"You mean Neptune?" Gwen asked. Annabeth looked confused for a moment. Then she seemed to understand the situtation a moment later.
"Oh, you guys must be Percy's new Roman friends!" said Annabeth.
"Of course we are Roman. What else could we be?" asked Reyna.
"Well, you could be born to the Greek forms of the gods instead of the Roman ones. Percy's a Greek son of Poseidon, or Neptune as you know him. I'm a Greek daughter of Athena, goddess of wisdom, otherwise known as Minerva by Romans." Annabeth said.
"You're a daughter of Min-Athena? So am I!" said Reyna.
"I'm really happy that I have another sister, but we've got problems to deal with. Gaea, or Terra, is close to waking up and she's opened up the Doors of Death in the Underworld. The king of the giants, Porphyrion, has also risen. The gods have gone silent." Annabeth said.
"Oh, that's not a big deal for us. The Roman gods don't mingle with mortal affairs very much so we never see our parents." Reyna said.
"I'm really sorry about that. But we should get some sleep. Reyna, you come with me to the Athena cabin. Gwen, who's your parent?" said Annabeth.
"My dad's Mercury." Gwen answered.
"Alright, you go to the Hermes cabin. And Percy,you go to the Poseidon cabin." said Annabeth. Annabeth kissed me good night and I happily went back to my old cabin to get some much needed sleep.
over a year ago PercyJackson7 said…
Wow wow wow that was Awesome!!!! keep being awesome and keep posting, post soon please thanks
over a year ago Poseidon3 said…
Thnx!! You're awesome for saying that nice stuff.