The Heroes of Olympus The son of Rome

Odssey posted on Jan 05, 2011 at 04:31AM
Type: action, adventure, and mabye some drama idk probably or probably not
Characters: Jordan Graves, Chris Holst, Lucy Smith, Carmen Medina( all of my OC's) Jason, Annabeth,most campers from Ares, Hephestus, and Hermes, and also Butch.
Synopsis: Jordan and his freinds become aware that greek mythologies creatures and gods are still very much alive and that they all are demigods. so they make there way to camp half blood but they soon find out that they were better off fending against the monsters on there own.
Disclaimer: I dont own any characters from the PJO, or TLH.
A/N: the story takes place when they find out about the roman camp half blood and try to find it.most of the characters are about people i know too.
Type: action, adventure, and mabye some drama idk probably or probably not
Characters: Jo

The Heroes of Olympus 61 replies

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over a year ago UnoriginalName said…
big smile
Cant wait. When are you going to post?
over a year ago Odssey said…
For my thirteenth birthday I thought I’d be getting gifts and cake and money well I did get that but I also got a punch in the face. Yep that’s what people have been trying to do all week and right now they apparently decided to jump me 13 too one. I thought each person got one hit for my birthday lick but apparently no one told them that because they kept on hitting me. Most of the guys that were jumping me I knew so that made it worse. A guy threw a punch at me all I did was dodge I didn’t even try to hit him back. I wasn’t some kind of pacifist but I didn’t feel like getting OSS or ISS on the last day of the semester so I waited and waited. But know teacher attempted to help me instead they just turned around in the opposite direction. Another person threw a punch I barely dodged it. I saw my friends in the background of the growing crowd of students who were yelling to the guys to beat me up faster. Sadly they did. A kid named Chris threw a punch. I grabbed his wrist then tripped him making him knock over three of the smallest kids. I didn’t want to brag but if I can take most of the people here that would be really sad because I’m not that big for a thirteen year old and I’m actually a lover and not a fighter not that I’ve ever fought but I know that they really must mad at me for them to be this sloppy at fighting. Another guy threw a punched at me. I dodged letting him run into the wall.

-“what did I do to you guys anyway.” I asked the guy who seemed to be the only one that actually landed a punch. His name was Michael. He was a Hawaiian kid that was about an inch shorter than me. He was known for being one of the strongest kids in this school, he was captain of the wrestling team to and he’s undefeated.
-“we hate that smug look on your face, we hate you never take things seriously, but I love that your too much of a wimp to do anything.” He said laughing. I cursed at him. That really got me mad id known the guy since sixth grade and he saying this while he’s trying to beat me up. “Well I really love the conversation were having I’m going to make this quick.” I said cracking my knuckles.

-“This is gonna be fun.” Michael said with a crooked smile. Three guys threw punches at the same time I ducked but after that I punched one of them in the stomach then uppercut the next one and knocked the last one out by elbowing him in the neck. I punched one then a guy tackled me. I put my hands together then hit him in the back. Making him fall I got up only to be punched in the face by Michael. I fell back slamming my back against the wall. I lost my breath, choking. I couldn’t stand, much less fight I was at Michael and the rest of my former friend’s mercy. Michael walked up to me ready to strike one devastating blow to my face. I knew he was savoring the moment because he walked over to me slowly. I managed to get up a couple times but I fell down. That blow to my face disoriented me. I barley could see, hear, or feel anything. With any luck I wouldn’t feel him beating the crap out of me. I waited for him to hit me. My nose and mouth were bleeding. I probably had a broken rib and lots of bruises. It was probably just a matter of time for him to find a new way to hurt me. Out of know were Michael had fallen. I was surprised but not by him falling but by who knocked him out. Two kids stood behind him. Brandon and Otis aloe Adae. Then in between the both of them was Christopher Hobbs.

-“The Calvary arrives.” I said smiling even though it hurt.

-“Thought you needed help.” Chris said helping me up. I almost stumble but Brandon caught me. Brandon and Craig were twin brothers. That just came here a couple of days ago. They were tall stocky kids that looked like they were Hawaiians. They mostly wore the same things. Blue hoodies and black jeans. They were pretty good guy’s they’d be the first guys id call for help with any fights. Chris had been my best friends since third grade. He was a pretty funny kid and he defiantly wasn’t a fighter. He was a kind of chubby kid mildly fit. With sandy blonde hair that nearly covered his eyes, braces and blue eyes. The fact that he was here despite that really made me appreciate him. Ok I’m getting mushy now getting back to the story. The kids that were once beating me up now ran away in fear of the twins.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Me5 said…
big smile
over a year ago mrcobra66 said…
did all that really happen
over a year ago Odssey said…
@mrcobra66: did what really happen?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Odssey said…
-“Well despite the fact that we just got jumped we still today. The twins versus Chris and me.” I said cluctching my gut. The twins nodded in unison. Lunch was over so we went back to the classroom. The teachers didn’t ask or even look at my scars but I was pretty sure my math teacher Mr. Baxley was glaring and smirking at me like he was glad I got beat up but he wishes he was the one that did it. Since the incident in the lunch room. The rest of the day went slow except for my seventh period class with Carmen. She was my UN official girl friend but she was the closest thing I had to one. Well I never told her that I liked her. You know what it’s just complicated ok really really complicated.

-“I heard what happened at lunch. Are you alright.” She touched my eye which was black. I sucked my teeth in pain then moved her hand away.

- “Does that answer your question?” I said looking at her she looked concerned to tell the truth I was enjoying the attention. Carmen was Latina girl. She was about 5’8 with curly long black hair wrapped in a pony tail that went over her shoulder. The best thing about her was her eyes. At first glance they seem like normal brown eyes but then if you look at them in the sun light they change colors. From red to blue then green, and all the colors from the rainbow. She touched my arm it hurt but I sucked it up.

-“I’m alright I’m the toughest kid here. No one can beat me.” I declared but she smiled.
-“Yeah. Listen I was wondering you want to see a movie tonight.” she said, I looked at her shocked. It was a real dream come true but I had to make sure she wasn’t just messing around so I don’t act stupid.
-“Why? You lost in Oreo.” I waited for her to answer hoping it is something good.

-“Well I was wondering if you could double date with me and Brandon.” I knew it was too good to be true. How could Brandon do that it was kind of obvious that I liked Carmen, everyone should’ve known that well except Carmen. I don’t know if I was angry or if I was just sad but I knew I will definitely talk with him. “You could ask Lucy she and I are good friends I could put a good word in for you.” She pleaded with me. I didn’t answer for a while I really wasnt sure what i should say.
-“please it’s my first date this year and if something happens I need friends there and your closest to Brandon other than his brother. Please Jordan it really helps.” Carmen grabbed my arm. It hurt but I sucked the pain up.

-“Fine. But you owe me big time.” I said not really happy about it. She kissed me on my cheek.

-“Thanks.” Then she went back to work like nothing happened but it did it really did. That was probably the high light of my entire week well that and surviving from the……well I’m getting to that. I confronted Brandon in the next class. He apparently liked her as much as I did. But I could tell he was lying but I don’t know why. As the day went over and school was close to ending I found Lucy, a tall blonde Canadian girl. She sat in her seat reading some book.

-“Carmen explained already?” I asked Lucy. She nodded not looking up from her book.

-“Listen I already told my mom shell drop me off by 6:00 and pick me up at 8:00 that’s enough time for Carmen and Brandon do whatever they want it doesn’t really have to be a date.”She explained still not looking up. To tell the truth she really was a weird kind of girl and if I had a choice I really would’ve left right there but she sat right next to me so it is really weird of me to just keep sitting there like an idiot. I starred at here trying to find something in her little complex world of her mind. I looked at her book it said.
Greek mythology

The gods, the heroes, the monsters, and the myths

By: Ralph Womack
Murals from Greek historical society.

Greek mythology if there’s anything I’m good at that’s it Greek mythology.

-“So you the mythology stuff like Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, and the rest of the Olympians?” I asked. This time she actually looked Up like I said something incredibly shocking.

-“YOU. Know about Greek mythology?”I nodded. “Yep about Hercules, Deadules, Odysseus, Achilles, Atalanta, and Pandora. I know all about them.” She raised her eyebrow in suspicion, and before I even realized it she was asking me a barrage of questions who was the hero of the Trojan war, how many Greek gods are there, what hero killed the minotaur, and what did Pandora release. I answered them all with absolutely perfection. I didn’t stutter on any question well except the ‘who’s your favorite god’ question. She said hers was Hera queen of the gods. “So who’s your favorite god?” I didn’t answer at first, of all the gods it was hard to choose with all that power there was the up side and down side of each Greek god. Hades was king of the underworld and his wife was goddess of spring time but his downside was that he wasn’t allowed in mount Olympus, and Zeus being king of the gods but with his affairs and all I couldn’t imagine my kids being enemies of Hera for all their life so that was a no, and Apollo well he’s just to shallow for me. Ares was god of war but He’s not that bright he will go into a battle with no plan at all and if he wasn’t a god he’d die. Then there’s Hephaestus the humble god of blacksmith’s and fire the husband of Aphrodite. His only down side is that he’s been mistreated his entire life he’s been thrown of a mountain, called the ugliest of all the gods and the one time something good happened when he married Aphrodite she cheated on him with Ares.

-“my favorite is Hephaestus I mean I party like him because he’s just plain awesome but I kind of pity him he’s had a really tough life.” I said.
-“yeah well it would be amazing if they were real.” She looked off I could see it in her eyes she was imagining if they were real.

-“yeah if only.” Ok to tell the truth I’m not saying I’m not Christian but I don’t entirely believe the gods aren’t real or at least they were real in ancient times. Every time I start to doubt that I can hear a voice going. Don’t you dare misjudge yourself or you’ll regret it. The voice wasn’t even mine at least didn’t think it was. Lucy ended up telling me that she was going to Virginia after the movie and that I could come if I wanted. She blushed as she said it. I declined not because I had plans it was because I remember that we had just met each other and we’d already had a connection. The bell rang and we went our separate ways. Even though we’d meet back up at the mall later. Chris and I went got to the car rider lane and looked for the twins. It was a really cool afternoon the sun was out but the breeze blew on me making it a lot colder than it should be. I had my jacket on so I wasn’t all that cold. Luckily it was warm enough to play basket ball. We were the last ones in the car rider lane by the time we found them. They were standing in the parking lot leaning next to a red pickup truck. It was old but it was in good enough condition to ride in. when we got up to them I looked inside the car no parent, no older sister or brother, no one was there to drive us. -“Who’s driven cause I didn’t bring my bike, and I a’int walkin.” The twins hopped into the front seat. Chris wasn’t sure about it but I pushed him in when he tried to debate about it. Once I look back on it I really think that’s when my life changed for the better. The car roared to life when Otis turned the key. He turned the lever from park to drive then took off. It was amazing how this piece of junk was able to go from 0 to 90 in like a second. I put my head out the window like a dog would do and yelled.

-“Woooohoooooooo!!!!!!!” The feeling was amazing but if you’d ask Chris he’d say it was the scariest thing in his life. He was clinging to his seatbelt like we were about to crash. I tried to reassure him but maybe saying ‘that seatbelt wont protect you from a crash at this speed’ wasn’t the right thing to say. I was wondering how Otis was driving so well at this speed and for the fact that he’s 14 I also wanted to know where he had gotten the truck but apparently I had bigger problems. As I screamed my head off outside the window I barely noticed that it was closing. Leaving my arm head and shoulder outside of the car.

-“Hey Otis the window closed! Open it back up!” Otis didn’t answer and even worse he was swerving closer and closer to cars until I could touch them with my hand. He swerved barely missing a car. I yelled but they still didn’t hear me. I cursed under my breath banging my hand against the glass. I saw Brandon and Otis. Thank god I thought of smoothing because Otis was moving closer and closer to a truck that was speeding. I used my other hand to open the door. The alarms blared and when Brandon figured out what had happened he hit Craig on the head then let the window down. I pulled my arm in and closed the door. Barely escaping my very fatal encounter with that truck.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Calypso0 said…
big smile
that was sooooooogood! So, what happens next? :-D
over a year ago tessa34567 said…
sooo coooollllllll
over a year ago partypony said…
Yah its awesome!
over a year ago Odssey said…
-“dude! what’s with window?” I yelled. Otis shrugged. I looked at Brandon he seemed to be thinking about something. I looked over to my side Chris was sleeping which explains why he didn’t help.
-“hey Otis you got a drivers license?” At the word license Otis almost crashed into another car.
-“of course I do.” He reached into a glove compartment then pulled a business card. He whisked his hand over it then gave it to me. I was positive that it been blank but it looked pretty accurate.

Otis Aloe Adai
Sex: M
Expiration date: 12-19-2010

But that’s all I saw the rest was being covered by his thumb,
even the picture.

-“ok .so we there yet.” The car pulled over onto an empty lot on a hill. It didn’t look like much until you got over the hill. I saw a basket ball court and a little trailer home that was covered with graphite.

-“nice isn’t it?” Otis said waiting for an answer. I looked at Chris he didn’t answer either.

-“yep.”While got out the truck and set up for our basket ball game I started whispering to Chris.

-“this is too freaky I mean this place why would you put a mobile home in the middle of nowhere and not to mention the fact that there both 18 and still in the eighth grade.” Chris shrugged looking back making sure they didn’t hear us.

-“ I know it’s been weird around them lately I got a really bad feeling as soon as you pushed me into that truck.”He looked at me angrily. I rubbed the back of my head in embarrassment.

-“yeah my bad about that it kinda seemed as the best choice at the time but still I’ve got a bad feeling about it.”Brandon started to walk toward us with a basket ball in his hands we were about to start playing we stopped the conversation for now. I noticed another thing once we started playing. They were getting more aggressive pushing us down making us skid our knee’s on the pavement. They also were getting bigger not like they grew an inch but they were getting huge. About twenty minutes of getting pushed down I got tired and sat on the grass Chris sat next to me wheezing for air Otis had slammed him in the stomach with the ball.

-“dudes timeout. I need some water. You got some in that trailer?”
I asked getting to my feet. Otis and Brandon looked at each other then smiled.

-“yeah in the trailer.” I could tell he was enjoying my asking for some reason but I don’t know why. I ran towards the trailer. It was made of a shiny metal that almost blinded me. The graphite looked weird to I couldn’t really make it out. I opened the door to an empty room. The entire place looked dark. I could barely see in front of my face. It didn’t have any windows so I couldn’t see where I was going the only thing giving me light was the open door. But that didn’t help I tripped over something on the floor. When I placed it in the light I saw a small vase with a dead rose and a note. I picked up the note then looked at the vase before reading the note. When I finally read it something went wrong.
To our treacherous mother, who ratted us out to the gods may her soul go to Tartarus and fade.The door closed covering me in darkness. I tried to find it again but when I reached for it I didn’t feel anything. I knew that there was a door right there I was positive. I picked up the vase and tossed it in the direction of the doorway. I expected to hear a crash but it seemed to keep on going. Seconds later something hit me on the back I turned to see the vase. It had come back around like a boomerang. This place made me feel like I was in the twilight zone.

-“hey!!! Chris!!!Otis!!!Brandon!!! Can you guy’s hear me!?” If anyone did hear me they didn’t answer. At least they didn’t try too. I heard a chuckle from something. I couldn’t see them but I know who it was. It was Otis and Brandon but their voices were deeper, crueler, and harsher.

-“He has fallen for it brother that idiot!” Otis said still laughing.

-“Yes but we still have work to do cover our tracks use mist destroy rest of demigods.”

-“can we eat them please brother the last time I ate one was over millennium ago.” I heard Brandon sigh.

-“Yes brother we can eat them.” I heard Otis clap I joy.

-“child of Hermes first then iris right.” Brandon sighed again.

-“yes brother now hurry up and get the vase and before he realizes what’s happened.” The entire place seemed to shake like an earthquake. Brandon said vase did he mean the trailer? The place shook again. Then stopped I heard another voice. It was Chris

-“hey where’d Jordan go?” Chris asked only Otis answered.

-“he called his parents and got a lift he had somewhere to go and Brandon left too. Well forget about em lets play one on one.” Chris had no idea what was about to happen. I was going to yell but I thought about the stuff he said. Demigods that’s what he said I’m positive. I have to think about it later though. Wait a second what about what Otis he said a daughter of iris. No think about Chris I have to save him. But how do I get out of here. Maybe he could figure it out. I sat down and slammed my fist against the floor in anger. I don’t know why it’s just that I’m here useless and Chris is out there. He’s probably the easiest target ever he can’t even play the Nintendo Wii without sweating like crazy. I slammed my fist again probably harder than I meant too the jar shook and fell to the ground the lid fell open and I could see outside.

-“CHRIS!!!!!!! Break the jar Chris break the jar.” I yelled but I wasn’t sure he heard me and if Chris had heard me Otis would to. I waited trying to climb through the hole but as I ran toward it would get farther and farther away. I was able to see through the hole Otis was free throwing the ball I glared at him what in the world Is wrong with these kids there probably cannibalistic serial killers. That would explain everything except for this jar thing but other than this they probably were killers definitely that would explain why they don’t have parents they killed them. If I could just get to Chris he’d get me out. I slammed my foot again the ground I felt the vase roll. It didn’t get to Chris though but it did do something else the floor was starting to crack that was my way out. Don’t ask for help fight your way out. The voice in my head said I’m really starting to thin k I got some weird separate personality because I know that’s my voice. I slammed my foot again cracking the floor making a large hole I fell through. It was really weird it was I jumped threw the floor but I landed on my back. Like something reverse or something. Chris starred at me with his face pale as a ghost. Otis was not as surprised he looked like he was about to explode. Chris had his back to Otis so he didn’t see what was happening. Otis grew eighteen feet tall his shirt tearing and revealing scars and healed wounds. His pants nearly ripped from the emissive size. His face revealed startling features his face became harsher and brutal matching his voice that I heard he also had wild eyes, and pointy teeth. He cursed and even though he barely said it the entire place shook. As I starred Chris must’ve caught my eye and turned around I was pretty sure he was about to faint but all he did was run, I followed. We were about a mile away before I looked back Otis was following us running like a little kid after someone stole his candy I and I’m pretty sure were the candy. We got about three miles away before I caught up with Chris.

-“what in the world was that!!!” Chris managed to say between his large wheezes. His face was burning red and sweat covered his face.

-“ill answer that later when I figure it out. We should go back.” I said looking behind us. I saw Chris’ face he must’ve thought I was crazy.

-“you must be crazy. That thing could squash you like a bug and that’s only with his pinky toe what is wrong with you!” Chris yelled at me barely able to talk.

-“ at this rate we’ll be dead in a matter of minutes you can’t run forever Chris your barely able to get threw P.E. without having a heart attack. it dosent matter anyway if you break in the truck we can get away ill distract him.” I said stopping. Chris stopped to looking at me I knew he wasn’t liking the plan much neither did I but it’s better than dying and I am not dying by Otis’ hand or his foot for that matter. Finally Chris made up his mind then started walking back far enough not to get in the way of me trying to stay alive and near enough to run towards the car. Otis got to me and laughed.

-“you stupid why you not run.” To tell the truth I was scared of him but now I’m starting to think he’s pretty dumb because that sentence was sort of a few words and I really didn’t growing made you lose IQ points but it apparently did.

-“dude what is with you we are friends.” I told him lying. I stopped being his friend about the time he almost killed me in the car. I looked back at were Chris he was gone that was a good sign I looked back at Otis who was laughing.

-“me friend you HA me only friend brother. Even though he mean.”

-“mean that guys a jerk and you’re an idiot for thinking he’s your friend he probably wouldn’t even be seen with you if he wasn’t your brother plus how come he’s smarter than you and your both giants?” I knew I started frustrating Otis because he started scratching his head.

-“Jordan shut up me brain hurting.” Otis balled his hand into a fist and tried to punch me sadly for him I was too quick. Punch after punch and dodge after dodge. For the last hour we had a full fledged battle on the hill Otis actually wasn’t that bad a fighter I already knew that but with his new size it was impossible to land a blow on him without getting trampled or snatched. The only part about that I liked was that I was amazing. The way I was able to dodge the attacks surprised me as much as they surprised Otis. Every time he threw a blow I would climb onto his fist and when he tried to get me of I jumped off making him punch himself. I was getting tired though I wouldn’t keep this up much longer. Thank god I didn’t have to.

-“Dude this is just sad you fought better when you were smaller. Wait don’t do it I like it when your bigger.” I said tricking the giant idiot.

-“HAHA idiot I fight better now.” Otis grew smaller and became like his old self except his clothes were still ripped. I got the feeling that he was about to say something but he didn’t get a chance in a second he was hit from behind by a red pickup truck. Driven by Chris.

-“Dude you think he’s ok.” I looked at him like he was crazy.

-“Who cares let’s get out of here.” I opened the driver’s door making him move over I knew this might be my last day alive and I was going to drive for at least a day before I die. I turned on the radio and hit the gas. In seconds we went from 0 to 90 and we sped down the road.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Odssey said…
-“how long until we’d get to the mall?”

-“about an hour and thirty minutes in this rust bucket. Why?” I looked at him intensely.

-“Brandon’s with Carmen. I got to get her.” I continued driving then stopped as we passed a ford dealership. I’m going to skip the part on how we got it but now we have a crimson red Mercedes Benz. And I’d like to thank Chris newfound hijacking skills. We practically flew through the road. And about twenty-five minutes until we will get to the theater. The night sky was filled with stars I would’ve gotten a better look if I wasn’t driving. Plus I had a five hour energy keeping me awake and energetic.
-“were demigods.” I said startling Chris awake.

“what?” -“Were demigods you know like children of mortals of Greek gods and stuff. And Otis and his brother are giants.” I said looking at Chris threw the corner of my eye. He really didn’t look that surprised. But with what just happened I really wouldn’t blame him to be a little used to it.
-“That’s kind of cool I could be the next Hercules.” -
-“Not a chance I think you’d have a lot of different traits if your dad was king of the gods. But I don’t have a clue to who he is.” I was lying to him his father was probably Hermes. That would make sense. God of thieves would explain how he could steal cars. As for the child as iris that was going to be a challenge to figure out.
-“Besides if anyone’s going to be the next Hercules. I am amazingly strong.” Both of us laughed. It was good to be having fun before we ended up going towards our death.
-“So seriously though do you think we could be the son’s of god?”

-“Gods, you mean Greek gods. That’s the only way I can explain what happened. We just beat Otus Aloadae the giant.”
-“Otus was one of two twin giant sons of Poseidon I have no idea how there alive or real for that matter but forget it I’m bout to go into overdrive its 8:00.” When I finished I hit the gas again hitting 200 and we swerved past cars barely escaping wrecks. We got to the mall at wrecker breaking speeds. Parking then running into the theater. We didn’t go unprepared. Luckily and strangely Otis or Otus had a credit card. It said the lotus casino I really want to go there one day because it had at least millions of dollars on it and if that idiot can win at a casino imagine what I could do. We bought crossbows and other stuff that we could use to help us kill the giant. I even bought a revolver I didn’t tell Chris though even if we were facing a giant he wouldn’t approve of it but I thought we’d need all the weapons to help us out. We ran into the theater barely getting past security it didn’t take us long to find Carmen, Lucy or Brandon. They sat at the front row of a movie called Clash of the titans. I found it really ironic to watch a movie about Greek mythology when you’re classified as one. I got to them first grabbing Carmen out of the chair before she could react. Chris grabbed Lucy pulling her away to. I grabbed my crossbow shooting Brandon in the stomach waited a minute and started to think I had killed him but People started screaming, but not at me they screamed at Brandon. He started laughing like a mad man and grew. He was at least twenty feet tall maybe taller. He pulled out the arrow breaking it in half and throwing it towards the screen.

-“I knew my idiot brother wouldn’t finish you off.”Brandon said smugly. Chris and I sent a fleet of arrows in his direction. He waved his arm in front of it they all went into it didn’t even look like it hurt. I grabbed Carmen’s hand. She and Lucy still dazed about what had happened. We ran through the crowd of people yelling blimp pop-eye for some reason. I told Chris to get the car and be ready to pick me up. I heard Brandon coming even before I saw him. He was crushing the first floor with his giant feet. And his upper torso still manages to be higher than me despite the fact I was on the second floor as well. I saw cops jabbing at him with large metal rods trying to deflate him he actually was a blimp. His head rubbing against the glass skylight on the sealing he was a terrible sight. Though it was nothing compared to what he could do. Unlike his idiot brother he was bigger, faster, and stronger than me so I really needed a plan or at least a diversion like with Chris. I heard the first attack coming and barrel rolled out the way he had thrown one of those fake plants in the glass pots. I didn’t even get a chance to breathe before he tried to grab me. I jabbed his hand with a javelin I pick up from Olympics wear. He withdrew his hand. The slammed it to the walkway. I had about three minutes before the walkway would come tumbling down. I grabbed a baseball and bat then swung. Half of them hit him in the eyes another half went into his mouth. He choked out the words.

-“Spuria damnat Te Deus occidere te malum pro.”I somehow knew what Brandon said and it isn’t something I want to repeat. He tried to grab me again this time he did it with both hands so I couldn’t go anywhere without getting caught. When the hands got close together I jumped up landing on his massive fist. I ran up his arm javelin in hand. He tried to swat me away but I did the thing the jousters do I stabbed him with the spear then jumped leaving it behind. I went all the way to the top of his head. I was in the middle of waking the guy’s eyes out when I was grabbed off the head then was thrown into the Macy’s outlet store landing inside a pile of clothes and figurines. I was in a daze I barely even looked at him before a giant hand came in the doorway trying to get me.

-“Brother Ill gets him.” It was Craig. I thought he’d be out for a day, and I hoped he was dumb enough for me to handle. When he walked in he was bending his knees but his head was still grinding against the ceiling.
-“HEHE think I dead fool not tricks me again.” He swung his arms blindly knocking me over and dozens of clothing wracks. I tried to find a weapon but all my stuff had been buried in an avalanche of clothes. All I had was the revolver but I still wasn’t sure if I should use that yet. I found a broken circular rack. That still had clothes hooked on it. I threw it towards Otus hitting him in the face. He yelled and cursed then fell on his back. I tried to run over him but he recovered and caught my ankle tossing me in the air then caught me like he was a dog playing with a chew toy.

- “Fool Jordan I not go down as easy as my brother.” Craig said smiling and tightened his grip.

-“What are you talking about you got knocked out when we hit you with your truck?” I retro speck taunting the giant who has you in a killer grip isn’t the thing I should’ve done in that situation. Because it got him mad. He staggered up not releasing his grip for an instance. And got out of the store crawling on his knees. Meeting Brandon standing outside trying to bend down and see what’s going on.

-“Impressive brother. Give him to me now.” Brandon said holding out his hand expecting Craig to put me in it. Craig didn’t he squeezed me as if he expected my eyes to pop out like the toy anger management patients use to relieve stress. He dangled me over his mouth trying like he was about to drop and eat me.

-” He mines I hungry you get friend.” Craig said to Brandon trying to persuade in letting him eat me. He let me go. I would’ve fallen completely into his gullet but Brandon slapped me away. Making me slam into the walkway. Which was now almost completely fallen apart. Chunks of it had been falling down on the ground below and shattering on impact. I staggered to my feet I was all swatted, smacked, punched, kicked, and god only knows what else. I have no idea what I can do to get away. I had only one idea and I’m pretty sure I’d be crazy if it did and didn’t work. ‘Do the gods exist?’ I thought. Don’t you dare misjudge yourself or you’ll regret it. ‘dude chill out was just trying to contact you now first things first you’re a Greek god right?” you finally realized it good for you.’ well if your done mocking me I could use some help. Please’ wow you said please you must be desperate and why should I helps you. ’cause I’m your kid?’ Yeah right is that the best you got. ‘Fine. Because I’ll owe you one.’ Hmm fine but it’s not going to be a small favor. ‘Yeah but on one condition you get all my friends to somewhere safe.’ You’re a little demanding you know that.’ Well I get it from you. Plus one more thing could I get a weapon I mean id make one from a forge but I don’t think they got any in Georgia.’ Forge? Who the hell do you think I am? ‘I was hoping a rude version of Hephaestus.’ you may be one of my smartest kids but not by much now hold on a sec. I felt the conversation inside my head end and I felt nothing I didn’t change at all. I looked up the two giants were fighting.
over a year ago Odssey said…
-“I hungry and your breath smells like popcorn.” Craig whined holding his stomach. Like it was growling

-“You annoying brat you had your chance to kill him it’s too late.” Brandon yelled irritated. Craig turned around and pouted like a little kid. That’s when I felt it energy coming from the back of my pants. I reach and grabbed the gun it wasn’t a gun though it had turned into a double barrel pump action shotgun. It was amazing the barrel was a gold looking color and the stock was red. Apparently I was a natural at this gun. I pumped it then shot the floor below me. The shells were like RPG’s they blew the entire thing up like it was nothing and turned them into dust. I fell and tumble rolled to the ground.”Otus you idiot get him!” Otus turned around and tried to grab me but I shot another shell at his stomach. He snatched back his hand then fell to the floor. I jumped forward with Otus jumping on the stomach were I had hit him. It was a giant gash in him golden blood or as the Greek gods call it Ichor he bellowed out in pain. I shot at the ceiling pieces of glass fell from the sky light and landed onto Brandon’s face he took a step back. Tripping over the remains of a walkway. And falling over. Brandon landed on his head and laid there unconscious. I didn’t bother saying any last words to them. I just ran to the parking garage. It was a deep, damp place. It hardly looked up to code. There were about five levels and five hundred cars on each. I would’ve gone to our parking spot but I had no Idea where it was. After a while I just started wandering around. I was on the third floor when I saw something. It was a Harley Davidson motorcycle. I could barely see it in the darkness and I tried to walk away but I was drawn to it. As I got closer I saw it better it was a black Harley Davidson chopper motorcycle with a flame pattern paint job, a leather seat made from human skin, with shotgun holsters riveted to the motorcycles sides. I swiped my fingers against the seat. It felt just like it looked. I sat down on it putting my feet on the petals. The gripped the handlebars. The key was already in the exhaust I was about to turn it when a voice behind me asked.

-“what do you think you’re doing kid?” a voice said. I got up tripping over myself a bumping into the man behind me. Who pushed me off of him. I turned around and saw an old man. He wasn’t like grandpa old but he was old enough to have a grey beard (Which he did). He had an American flag bandanna that covered most of his forehead. And wrap-around sunglasses. He had a black leather jacket that revealed tattoos on his arms and boots that went halfway up to his ankle. He had tattered blue jeans too. The most noticeable thing about him was the giant hunting knife trapped to his side.

-“um…nothing just checkin out your bike.” I explained trying not to stare at the knife. Then I thought why I was scared of this guy I just faced two giants why would I be afraid of him. I put the shotgun to his stomach pumping it and placing my hand on the trigger.” It’s real nice if you know what I mean.” I looked at the guy intensely he put his hands up laughing. Which was odd considering that I was getting the motorcycle.

-“you got a lot to learn about picking your battles kid.” He said lowering his hands. In a flash he pulled out his knife scrapping it against the shotgun moving it away from him. He punched me in the stomach and pulled the barrel of the gun and swung me to the floor. He put his boot against my chest so I couldn’t get up. He pointed the gun towards me. Then threw his knife an inch away from my face in the floor. Indicating that he wasn’t afraid of reefing me up.” And you got to learn how to win everyone you get yourself into.” after he stopped talking about me and started bragging about himself I starred at the knife. Its handle was wrapped in tan leather like the seat of the motorcycle. The blade looked sharp and was as long as my elbow to my shoulder. I could see my reflection in the blade. Blood dripping from my mouth and head. My skin got darker like id taken a tan and all kinds of stuff was in my hair. I looked back at the man who was still bragging on how amazing a fighter he is. That’s when I made my move. I grabbed the knife out the concrete and scrapped it against the gun making it move aside. Then I slice at the man’s heel making take it back. I got up putting the knife to his chin which was hard to see because of his beard.

-“your right about how I should know how to keep a battle going old man.” I said motioning myself so my back faced the railing. The man grinned so did I. we were both enjoying this fight. I don’t know why but I liked the sudden rush of adrenaline. The power I had when I was ignoring the thoughts of thinking what to do next. Just blindly using my strength and beat all that stands in my way. This guy was alright I had a feeling id meet him again. I’d get that motorcycle one day. “And this one a’int going anywhere anytime soon.” I jumped over the edge and landed on the first floor. I knew both of my legs should’ve of broken but since they weren’t I ran I ran and found a hiding spot so the biker couldn’t get me. Several seconds later I saw the headlights of a truck and Chris was driving like a madman he opened the door not even stopping for me. I jumped in barely making it inside. I closed the door and immediately looked in the back seat. Carmen was crying.

Ares Knife
last edited over a year ago
 -“I hungry and your breath smells like popcorn.” Craig whined holding his stomach. Like it was g
over a year ago AltPercyU said…
Wow that was aMazing!! Jordan is a child of ares right?
over a year ago Odssey said…
that was the original idea but I changed it to make the story more interesting
over a year ago Odssey said…
-“Jordan what’s going on!? What happened to Brandon!?Why do you have a knife!?” she yelled starring at me. I really couldn’t answer any of her questions. All the adrenaline had drained I lost all my confidence all my courage I was no help what’s so ever. I hated this feeling how no matter how I say it the words won’t come out right. I usually would’ve made some stupid joke in an attempt to make her smile. That wouldn’t work here. I had nothing to say nothing. I wish I was just fighting or doing something else something other than dealing with someone’s problems. I tried to regain the confidence I lost. Even if it was just a tiny sliver I could make do with it but with my luck nothing was there.
-“Carmen I’ll give you the details later just trust me on this we need to get somewhere safe.” I explain as best I could. It still didn’t help she continued to cry but this time she tried to control it. I looked at Lucy she looked like shed been knocked out. ‘She could’ve fainted but if she didn’t and she was unconscious she could…’ I didn’t finish the thought. I hated feeling this way it makes me feel like an idiot for not finding a way to help those I care about. And she was my responsibility I was her date tonight I was supposed to take care of her. Make sure nothing happened to her. I punched the dashboard in frustration. Then I noticed what Chris had been doing. We were on I 75 going north towards eagles landing country club. Chris had been driving home.” Your parents are fine we would’ve heard if Outs and Brandon woke up”

-“I’m not taking any chances. We should go to all of our houses including Lucy’s.” he explained as he sped down the road swerving past cars, and barely escaping accidents. I knew there was no arguing with him at this point so I agreed. By the time we got to his house. It was 3:27 Pm. Saturday morning the night sky was like a blanket covering every person place or thing in darkness... The first day of winter break. He opened the door and I offered him to borrow the knife, but he declined. He ran into his house. Using his key to get in and disappeared inside the doorway. He had a small two story house. Its dull brown paint is chipped off but inside it looks completely brand new his dad had bought a lot of stuff from around the world improving it immensely. 5 minutes past and Chris came running down his lawn. He had two backpacks strapped to his back and new clothes on as well. He had long blue jeans with black and blue Nikes. He also had a white cotton hoodies. He didn’t even break a sweat running down that Billy goat hill of theirs to. He jumped inside and tossed the backpacks next to Carmen. She had stopped crying a couple minutes ago and was tending to Lucy?

-“they weren’t home. I left a note on the fridge telling them id be in Virginia.” He started the truck and went on.

-“Carmen was going to your house next.” I said looking back she nodded. I liked it better when she was crying I knew that some were she had cared about other people but now I can’t tell at all her face was emotionless. I wanted to punch the dashboard again but every bone in my body hurt and I could barely move. We got to Carmen’s house.

-“I’ll go alone.” She told us getting out of the car. I got out with her.

-“yeah right the only reason I let Chris go UN armed because he was the fastest one of us.” I said following her.

-“you’re not coming.” Carmen said annoyed. She opened the door and tried to slam it in my face but I put my foot in the doorway. She made this frustrated look then let me in. unlike Chris she took 25 minutes. Carmen made me wait outside her room door while she took a full shower picked out and put on her outfit then stuffed her suit case. It took my 5 additional minutes to take out the stuff we weren’t going to be able to carry, put in a backpack, and then I had to look around the house and put the ill be In Virginia note on her fridge. In total 30 minutes just to get out of her house she didn’t even bother to get supplies. So all we had were clothes for Chris and Carmen, and about $60.32 from Chris’ wallet (not including Otus’ credit card which we still had.) and some unknown amount of money from Carmen’s pursue. Lucy was the next house, and since Lucy couldn’t pick out her clothes Carmen did which didn’t take as long as last time. My house was last because it was the closest to the Airport, and my parents took my brother to some over night game and wouldn’t be home till tomorrow…err I mean today. We settled in for a little bit. While I got ready. Carmen and Chris laid Lucy on the Couch and were eating and watching the news. I got changed into my crimson red button up shirt, Black jeans and black Air Jordan’s. I put on a brown leather duster with orange and white stripes going down each side. As I walked towards my door I noticed something on my bed. It was a note.

Hey kid you think I wouldn’t remember that ya took my knife. Now if you leave it on your bed nicely ill pick it up when you leave. BUT WE BOTH KNOW YOU AINT GONNA DO THAT. So ill just hunt you down till I get it. That knife is more powerful than you think Jordan. But I gotta admit you’re a warrior kid but when I’m done with you you’ll be better than those Romans in San Francisco. Get ready for some hardcore training I’m going to work you into a Spartan.
P.S. I already got you a ride
Bellow the note was a business card.
Grover Underwood
camp-half blood
(100) -000-0005

This was now officially getting creepy. How did this guy know we’re I live? How did he know my name? I walked out of the room holding the note.

-“um we got a problem.” I said walking into the downstairs basement were my friends were. All the lights were on and I saw Chris sitting next to a guy id never seen before eating an enchilada. The guy looked about our age but a little shorter. He has curly brown-hair with brown eyes. The guy had a dominos hat on covering most of his head. I looked around for Carmen she was in the bathroom fixing her hair.” Grover Underwood?” I asked glaring at the man. He didn’t move. I pulled out my knife that had been placed inside my pant side. My dad had this big knife strap that he used for machetes while he was out camping. My knife was just big enough to fit inside. Anyway I pulled it out and pointed it to Grover. If this kid was recommended to us by that biker I was going to check him out first.

-“um ill come back later.” The guy said trembling. He was paler as he looked into the knife. I knew what animals must feel when they smelt fear because this guy had loads of it pouring out of him.

-“You work at camp half blood right?” I said not letting my voice waver making me sound tougher and more vicious. The guy nodded. “Well take us there now or you’ll taste the steel of my blade.” The guy or Grover made a gulping noise from his neck. Chris sat up and moved the knife away from Grover as he starred at me.

-“dude so not cool he’s a pizza guy he wouldn’t know anything about what you’re talking about.” He tried to explain but I knew better. I knocked off Grover’s hat with my free hand the flattened his head with the flat side of my blade. At the top of his head beneath the hair two horns popped out. Chris stepped back.
over a year ago Odssey said…
-“Satyr!” I was more surprised than Chris. I knew in my gut that he was some kind of monster I just didn’t know what. I was just going to check some places to make sure he wasn’t some kind of lion shape shifter or another one of those giants.

-“Oh no.” he cried quickly putting his hat back on. “It’s not what you think.” I was about to slit his throat when Carmen came out of the bathroom. She ended up taking over and making us vote on whether he should live or die. In the end it was unanimous I was the only one thinking he should die and Carmen and Chris well you get the idea. I don’t know how but I could tell I didn’t like him. So he pulled out his reed pipes and started to play. In a couple verses of what I was sure to be a Brittney Spears song Lucy sat up like she had made a full recovery. Grover instantly got my approval. We filled in Lucy on what happened telling her it wasn’t safe for her to go home yet because Otus and Brandon were still alive. After that we started getting some real answers. “So where do I start?”

-“you could tell us how were demigods. And how the gods are still alive.” I said asking the first question.
-“well um I guess you already know that demigods are the kids of Greek gods and mortals. The gods have lots of children you know a lot of them survive to become famous and successful people.”

-“Like movie star famous?” I asked.

-“like running the white house famous.”Grover replied.

-“still how are they alive. They existed millions of years ago. They should be just myths.” I said. After I stopped talking I could’ve sworn that I heard some lightning in the distance.

-“Jordan you really shouldn’t call them myths they don’t like it and there very much alive they exist were ever the life of civilization is strongest which would be...”Grover said.

-“in America?” Carmen said cutting him off.

-“ok despite the fact that were being ruled by giant gods who control everything we believe. I want to know what camp half blood is.” We all starred at him intensely waiting him to answer.

-“camp half blood is a place where demigods go to train. It’s in New York.” Grover said still eating his enchilada

-“New York how would we possibly get to New York it’s like a three day drive!” Chris whined. But I just smiled and looked at Grover.

-“We got a truck and our new friend here just volunteered himself to drive.”I said forcing Grover’s hand to look as if it had rose. He didn’t look to happy about it though. An hour later after we got food, blankets and all the stuff we needed. Everyone got into the car and was ready to go. I was the last one in. I was just looking around the house one last time. I might never get to come here again. I flicked off some of the lights, cleaned some dishes and put up all my gear in my backpack and slung it over my shoulder. The last thing I made sure of was to right a note to my mom dad and brother.

Dear, Mom, Dad, and Alex.
I know when you find this you probably won’t understand. But you’ll get some calls soon asking if you know were Chris or two girls named Carmen, and Lucy are but please tell their parents that there safe and there with me. After this I want you to pack up your things and go to Granma’s house In Texas. It’ll be safest there but tell know one and before you go burn this letter so no one finds it. Just please do me this favor I need to know you’re going to be safe. You’re probably asking yourself why but mom it’s about my dad. My real dad. I just need to know mom I need to find the answers out myself. If you need to contact me send letters to Uncle Ralph in Massachusetts he and all of dads brothers are the closest relatives to were I’m headed and I’ll be spending some time with them while I journey to my destination. Tell Chris Carmen and Lucy’s parents they can do this to. Do me one more favor to DO NOT look for me like I said I at least need the satisfaction of knowing your safe please and thank you.
Love, Jordan
p.s. Alex ill know if you move any of my stuff so don’t try it!!

With that done I put the note on the counter and went back downstairs. I continued to waver when moving towards the door outside. I put my finger on the light switch and just waited there. 1 second, 2 seconds, 3 seconds. I didn’t want to leave my home. I shouldn’t have to. Another second passed then I realized someone had put their hand on my shoulder. I turned around. It was Chris. I guessed he knew what it felt like to leave your home not knowing if you’d come back not knowing if you’d see your family again. It was a terrible feeling but with this feeling I could cope with it. I went to the truck. Hopped into the front seat next to Grover. Closed the door and then we were off. “He we come New York.” I said right before nodding off. “Here we come.”

To be continued……
over a year ago PercyJackson7 said…
big smile
that was awesome keep it coming
over a year ago Odssey said…
K but for the next part im putting it on a different fan club you can find it at the son of neptune club link
over a year ago Odssey said…
I awoke with a tap on the glass. At first I didn’t think I had to wake up but it got so annoying that I opened my eyes. It was the biker. American bandanna and all he had that weird grin on his face to the same one he had when we were in the garage. He stepped back and opened the door. I casually stepped out and stretched. To tell the truth I really thought it would be rude if we didn’t talk so I decided to strike up a conversation.

-“Were are we?” I said stretching for the upcoming battle. We were at a Quick trip and I could see all my friends inside the store buying things.

-“Were in North Carolina now cut the chit chat and let’s get on with this.” He said cracking his knuckles and neck looked at him oquardly

-“Nah I’m not ready yet. How do you know
who I am?” I glared at him while asking

-“ you think it’s hard to find four kids driving a Crimson red Truck with the ford license plates on it.” He said as if he’s trying to make himself seem smart and well put together. But it didn’t work I don’t fall for anything twice.

-“No that’s not it I know who you are.” I said pointing at him. I
looked at him waiting for him to change. He did. After I finished talking he changed into an even taller person with a leather duster with a muscle shirt, a bulletproof vest with an iron padlock necklace, black jeans, and combat boots. He still had the sunglasses but they had turned bright red.

–“So I’m guessing you’re my dad?” I asked he nodded. I pulled out the knife. It was glowing more than it would usually.” This is your weapon? Of power I mean.” He nodded again.” Then why don’t you just take it you’re a god.”

-“I will when I get annoyed but for now let’s see if you deserve to use it.” My father definitely was a god because out of know where he pulled a knife from the air. It was like the light wove itself around to make a sword of pure gold. I was about to start complaining when I realized something if this was his item of power couldn’t it shape shift too? I imagined it to be a golden kilij. Which was a sword that had a weighted end so that it would do even more damage when swinging. I made the first strike swinging at his side he barely had a chance to deflect it but when he did sparks flew across the pavement.”Nice swing but could use some work.” He arced up his blade increasing the tension. “Good job in changing the weapons form but stick to Greek weapons any others will tire you out and didn’t I warn you that you never want to be in this position when fighting!” he said yelling but I just grinned. The kilij transformed into a knife my dad fell forward. I slashed his hand the used the but to hit him in the stomach and kicked at his heel that I had slashed the last time I fought him. He came tumbling down. And while he lay there I felt that this battle had been won to quick and too easy.
-“I beat you pretty fast for a god of war.” I asked opening the truck door and sitting inside.

-“You think you won? That’s too funny. I let you win I just wanted to see what you got.” Ares said laughing happily as he got up.”You were doing great but you failed the overall test.”

-“Failed! You said I won!” I complained. But his smile faded turning into an angry grin.

-“You should’ve slit my throat.” Ares looked at me with so much harshness there was no way he was joking.

-“Dad you’re a god it wouldn’t have done any good.” I said trying to explain my reasoning. But he wouldn’t accept any excuse I had.

-“In this world its dog eats dog. Only the strong survive. And to survive you’ll need to be able to fight with a sword.” He whisked his hand around a gas pump. I thought it would explode but instead it changed into a person. A guy with green eyes, Caucasian skin, and jet black hair. He looked about 16 years old and was probably more experienced at sword fighting than me. “Against people you don’t know.” Without warning the guy attacked. I transformed my sword into a Greek lance and he struck the lance with so much force it was cut into two long sticks. On instinct I tripped him with one and smacked him on the head with the other. Out of knower I thought of holding two swords and I was. Both of them made an X with his neck at its bottom. If I felt like it I could decapitate him. I had half a mind to do it as well. That was probably the Ares side. But on the others side is what my parents taught me but I was siding with Ares on this one at least I was. Until the kid changed form.” And against people you do.” The guy’s appearance changed into a person I did know it was Chris. I stopped moving entirely I knew he was a clone or something but I had to be sure. I looked back into the Quick trip he was still there talking to the same people. After I knew he wasn’t real I moved the swords without looking, and just like that I saw Chris’ lifeless body lying on the ground. I knew I should’ve felt bad but to tell the truth I just didn’t care. That was probably an advantage of being the child of the war god. You don’t feel guilt when you kill somebody. The problem is I didn’t know whether that was a good or bad thing. Then Ares started clapping and he lifted Chris’ head of the ground. Spinning it on his nose like he was a basketball. I wanted to throw up but I just didn’t care. “Very nice Jordan now we work on your um…well everything here have a coke I’m gonna work you like they did in Spartan and then some.” Out of know where he threw me a coke. I got halfway through drinking it before he sliced threw it with his sword making the rest of the cola inside fall to the ground. I would’ve said something but he sliced at me. I dodged by stepping back then grabbed my weapon. Which had transformed back into its hunting knife form. Then we started training. It felt like days in all. He trained me in every combat scenario possible. Then he trained my with all the weapons he knew exist. Which means I learned how to kill any amount of people and monsters with every weapon from the human world and the Greek gods world. By the time we stopped I was barely able to stand my bone felt like they’d broken, and my head hurt with all the new battle knowledge id just learned. Virtually no time passed and to. It was the exact time of day that we started and my friends were still talking in Quick trip. There was either something very wrong here or they really liked that quick trip. I saw a Hawaiian punch being thrown in the air, and caught it like a frog would catch a dragon fly with its tongue. Ares clapped and grinned. He was impressed.”Well drink up you earned it. You’re the last Spartan warrior in the entire world. I’d be pretty happy if I was you plus you’ll need the nutrition bout to have a little test.” That was bad all of the test’s I’ve gotten assigned by Ares were battling all these famous monsters He said with his and everything else’s image fading seconds later I was back asleep.
over a year ago wisegurl said…
Awesome chappy.. He does lotsa violence but watever!! :)
over a year ago Odssey said…
@wisegurl, Violence is all in a days work for a son of Ares

I woke up when the truck made a bump. I took out my knife with my newly adapted reflexes and transformed it into a sword. The truck swerved. I looked around Grover was still driving Chris was awake he was starring at something. Carmen and Lucy were starring at a bag I never knew they had. But now they were all starring at me. I was sweating all over. And I saw that I had physically shown progress too.

-“What happened!” Grover said struggling to regain control. I transformed my sword too my knife and told them about my father, and that he taught me everything there is to know about battle but I left out the part about Chris because I really wasn’t sure how I felt about that part. Then I told them about Ares saying he was going to test me.

-“So basically in one dream he turned you into a soldier for the gods?” Carmen said looking at me impressed. I nodded.”I had a dream like that too. My mom taught me only the basics she told me I’d get more eventually but that I was going to need them because some idiot god chose to prove his sons worth…. The idiot god part wasn’t me it was her.”

-“Olympus.” I correct.

-“Yeah.” Carmen said softening her voice. I could tell she was thinking of her mother whoever she was. “She gave me this charm bracelet. It’s supposed to turn into a shield and sword. Not that id even know how to use it.”

-“My dad gave me this pen turns into something I don’t know and I don’t care.” Chris said. There was a tone in his voice that concerned my I couldn’t tell if she was mad or sad. But he wasn’t even holding a pen he was holding a ring made of gold that was strung around a necklace. I don’t know why but I could feel the tension in the entire vehicle. It should’ve been a good thing that we learned about our parents but it was the exact opposite it was like we all learned this weird secret and it made their lives worse, everybody including me. I thought about how Ares taught me how to always get the job done and to always kill my enemies whatever and whoever they were. Whether they are family or friends. I did talk to Lucy along the way. I talked to her about what she saw at the theater. But she claims she blacked out and doesn’t know what happened but I asked why she came with us then and she said she doesn’t know and she felt like she should. I really started to wonder how a human’s mind worked differently than ours but I didn’t think to long about it because we arrived at Lucy’s House soon enough. Lucy’s parents owned a giant three story mansion it seemed like a caste. It was made of red brick and was covered with dead plant. I saw something on the gates. The letters N and S I had no idea what they meant. Chris broke into the house when we entered we put the truck inside the garage. We found separate rooms then unpacked our things. Lucy tried to reassure me that her house had the latest technology and security but I told her most of the technology and insurance they had didn’t insure and protect them from giants and other mythological creatures. So I took a look around. She came along too probably because if there was anything actually here it is safest with the guy that was trained by a war god. We went through the house checking each and every room. I found lots of dust and spiders. The only thing I ever found was an old broken sign that read.
ISMENIAN Spring and Organic massage Hotel
But other than that it looked like no one had been inside this place for ages.

-“You’re positive that your parents were bringing you here it looks like it’s abandoned.” I asked looking into another empty room. That makes fifteen rooms on the first floor and two more floors too check this was just great. I looked at Lucy she didn’t look so good. She was sitting down on the wall covering her ears. She didn’t look ok at all. I walked over and leaned on the wall next to her. “It’s not that big of a deal you made a mistake with the house not that big of a deal.” But she shook her head. Like something was wrong not with this place but in her head.
-“I saw them Jordan.” She said looking at me her eyes looked bloodshot. “I saw the giant. And they were real. The myths were real.” As she looked at me I knew what she had been feeling all she knew was slowly being destroyed. And it’ll be completely destroyed if she continued to camp half-blood. She might not be able to make it there. I would’ve comforted her but I really wasn’t good at it and if I couldn’t do it to Carmen I probably couldn’t do it with her. Thank the gods I didn’t have too. Grover came stumbling down the hallway all pale and yelling.

-“Monsters I can smell them and their big ones!” Grover yelled. He nearly tripped as he got to us.

-“Where’s Chris and Carmen? Did you warn them?” I said looking at him. He shook his head. Not speaking because he was breathless.”Lucy go find Carmen. She might need help. I’ll get Chris.” We all nodded then went our separate ways. I ran through the halls. Checking the kitchen, the top floors and when I checked the back yard. I found him inside the garden. His pen had become a golden spear that looked like an elongated caduceus. He was looking at some plants and looking around.

-“You know?” Chris asked still looking around. I nodded.

-“Are those truffles?” I said looking at them. Chris nodded. ”So we got a monster that likes truffles. Doesn’t sound like it’s that much of a threat.”

-“well I don’t know about you but I’m going to find it a see if this spear is worth lugging around.” Chris said. After that I heard him mutter something. I don’t know what he sad but they way he said it. It wasn’t like him at all. Whatever happened to him I really hope he snaps out of it or else he might get himself killed. In five minutes he created a trap. With some fruit as bait and he was waiting with a net and his spear. I would’ve helped but I went and looked Lucy Carmen and Grover. I went all around the second and third floor I even looked through the basement. I couldn’t find them. ‘They could’ve gone to were Chris was.’ I thought. I ran towards where I though the back door was but I ended up going somewhere else. I walked into a room with white tiled floors and blue walls. At the back end of the room was a spring made of marble on an isle of granite. The spring itself was about ten feet tall and the water shot out of it shot thirteen feet up. But to get too the spring itself you’d have to swim. Because twelve feet away from the door was a giant pool that took up the rest of the room. I would’ve gone back but I saw something. It was outside of the door. I could see the outline of it a giant boar. Three times my size. I backed away from the door and slowly moved towards the water. That’s when I heard something a little splash coming from the water. I turned around turning the knife into a Javelin. That’s when I saw something swimming inside the water. It was almost too big for the pool. It slowly rose out of the water. It was a big armor plated water snake. Its fangs were almost as big as my spear. And the plates were almost transparent making it invisible once it was completely submerged in water. I didn’t know the exact name but I knew what it was. It’s called a Drakon. It’s considered to be older, meaner, and more dangerous than all dragons. I would’ve stepped back but behind me was a giant brown boar with a black man. Exactly as big as id guessed but a lot more frightening. You’re what pass’ for a son of Ares? I’m not impressed. I thought about calling out for dad but it wasn’t him talking to me in my head this time. It literally was the boar. It would make sense boars being the symbols of Ares that I could communicate with them.

-“You’re not impressed I thought the Erymanthian Boar was a terrifying creature your just a giant farm animal.” I said pointing the spear at his fore head. The boar made a giant grunting sound. And looked like he was about to charge.

-“O Shut up you insolent piece of ham.” Said the Drakon. I turned around nearly hugging the boar.”Why have you too come here?” I looked at the boar. He didn’t even budge. And if he didn’t neither did I.

-“I have come here by mistake.” I said trying to stand my ground. I came for the truffles”All I wish to do is go.” Some son of Ares you are begging for mercy. I on the other hand was summoned here by the wishes of your father. He is the only one that can tell us why. The boar looked at me. So did the Drakon. “Well brother. And Boar we are to fight to the death. My father is testing my battle skills against each other. But I have no problem with you whoever you are.”

-“Brother? You call me Brother.” The Drakon got to where our eyes met.” You are not like most of Ares children. And I respect you for that.” Respect he’s a disgrace ill enjoy maiming him. And I’m not the Erymanthian boar jerk. I’m the Calydonian Boar not that anyone would care my cousin gets all the attention now get ready to die sons of Ares. “Yes prepare to die Boar, and Brother you shall be honored when you fall.”

-“and if you fall brother I am sorry but I will make use of your body to serve me well. As for you boar I will skin you hide.” I said still pointing the spear. Enough talk I smell food nearby and I’m getting hungry. I was starting to hope that we would just keep talking what we’d do to each other but I had no such luck. The boar charged and the Drakon snapped both of them attacked me. I moved out of the boar’s way then I took care of the Drakon. When he opened his mouth I put my spear up and lodged it into his mouth. In the back of his throat I could see what he was about to do I looked back at the boar he was getting ready to charge again. I waited for the boar to charge. When he did I turned my spear into my knife then moved. The Drakon shot out a wave if acid. It was originally for me but now it was headed for the boar and he probably wasn’t smart enough to move or was just to suborn. When the acid hit him he squealed. And hit the Drakon with such force it knocked him into the water. All I saw from then was a fury of water, Fur, and lots of golden ichor. The Drakon was trying to squeeze the boar while the boar rammed itself into the Drakons body. Then in minutes the boar was dead but what finally did the Drakon in was when the column that collapsed on him when the boar hit it. I walked over to the two bodies. Looking at the boar then the Drakon. I pried open the Drakons mouth. His teeth were the same like a sharks three rows about forty in each. I took forty of his teeth and put them inside my pants and jacket pockets. Then I went back outside. I went outside and planted thirty or so teeth into the ground. Then like weeds. Bony skeletons in fully Greek battle armor sprout from the ground. Bowing at me and awaiting my orders.” first of all the Ismenian Drakon is one of your masters I am the other. From this point on you aren’t just warriors you are now workers. Starting tomorrow I want you to make this entire place a hotel slash spa for demigods and gods. You will make it so good that the gods wish they could have this exact place on Olympus. For money you will accept almost all types of currency. If it’s not cash or golden drachmas you will not accept them. You will farm crops and farm animals for food and money as well. But that is tomorrow today I want you to go to the spring and get the body of that wild boar. You will clean it removing all the acid then cook it. You will feed it to my friends and I in no less than two hours. And one more thing. Make a shield with a plate from the Drakons upper back. Then covered it with part of the boars hide. Outfit my jacket with the boars hide and fur as well. Make it as light as a humming bird’s feather but make sure it can withstand heat that burns in Hephaestus’ forge and withstands the power of any monster that comes out from the pits of Tartarus. I want to find it on a hangar in my room by dawn tomorrow.” I looked at them all excepting them to show no emotions but they started sucking their teeth and whining so I sweetened the deal.”And since you all like fighting so much you can have three duels per week in each duel is one match. If you can don’t kill your opponent. But f you do use the rest of the Drakons teeth in the spring. You can pick out your own schedule for battling who’s versing who.” And with that said and done I looked at the skeletal warriors they were cheering and already trying to draw out a fight schedule.” I want you to start working on our dinner now.” I said reminding them. They ran through the door into the house. Minutes later Chris came running out.

-“Dude!!what’s with the skeletons!?!?!” Chris yelled.
over a year ago ZoeNightshade26 said…
big smile
Cool story! Loved it!
over a year ago Blackjack167 said…
big smile
I love this :D
over a year ago Odssey said…
His face was all pale and his eyes were wide open it looked as if someone had splashed cold water in his face. That’s when I told him about the Draken, Boar and my idea on how to fix this place up. I thought he’d be excited but he was far from it.”You can’t befriend monsters even if your dad’s the same.”

-“C’mon man. You’re not thinking about the big picture. We came here and we could’ve died now I know were not the only ones to fall for this trap. If I can fix this place up into a hotel we could help the demigods that come here after us. We could direct them to camp half blood and save them. I befriended the Draken because when he returns I want him to know how it feels to be successful.” I told him picking up a sign.”This place I he tried to make this a place that will be remember for the good it did. And for some reason it didn’t work but I’m helping him because I know what it feels like to be haunted by something you know you should’ve done. “I paused for a second looking at the sign. I meet Chris’ eyes then realized what I had said.

-“You alright?” Chris asked. I nodded not meeting his eyes.

-“Drop it. But anyway this place will even pay our expenses’ so we won’t be poor were ever we go. Plus these guys won’t work for money and the way there working we could be a five star resort in a matter of weeks.” I said pointing at a couple of Skeletons that were already cooking, and cleaning the dead boar for later. I felt a tugging at my jacket I turned to see a skeleton that had fur in one hand and a needle and thread in another. I gave him my jacket then continued to walk Chris looked at me awkwardly then I told him about how I ordered a shield and my jacket. Chris wasn’t sure at first but he ended up getting himself a shield. A skeleton walked up to us bowed then started to speak.
-“Sir two girls and a satyr have been found inside a locked room what do you wish us to do with them?” asked the skeleton still bowing. I didn’t fully get how he could talk but he could and that’s what matters. I told them that id handle it and sent him on his way. They had found Carmen, Lucy, and Grover on the top floor. The entire floor seemed the cleanest of them all. It may have been due to the fact that the skeletons were cleaning or that it’s the newest floor. We got to the room and just like the skeleton reported it was locked.

-“Lucy, Carmen, Grover you guys in there?” I asked knocking at the door. There were several clicks behind the door, which sounded like locks. Then the door creaked open as I peered into the room the first thing I noticed was the fog. I don’t know how but a dense fog had overcome the room. And as soon as I stepped into it I was consumed by it. The door had disappeared behind me and Chris was no were in sight. I saw no light coming from any direction and I heard only one thing. The sound of running water the faucet sounded like a babbling brook that had overflowed. And yet the floor under me was dry. I called out again. And like before there was no answer. But I did here footsteps. As they got closer I had the urge to draw my knife but I didn’t. That was kind of a mistake. In seconds a spear was jabbed into my shoulder. I thought it was Chris but I was wrong. It was Lucy and she came out of the mist like she was a part of it. The pain in my shoulder was excruciating I felt like screaming but Ares had taught me that it was a waist of my breath. “What are you doing!” I said still holding back the yell. Lucy didn’t answer. She just backed up and disappeared into the mist. This was weird other than the fact that she just attacked me but her eyes. They were like Carmen’s they looked like a rainbow, and while she attacked me I could’ve sworn that she was smiling. I didn’t want to but I drew my knife transforming it into a spear. I took a step back then hit something. I turned around then saw Chris and Carmen. Chris had his spear out and Carmen had a sword and Shield that her mother gave her. The shield was silver and so was the sword’s hilt the blade of the sword looked like it was made of bronze.”Carmen what happened?”

-“I don’t know one second we heard something pounding at the door. Then when some skeleton hand reached inside the door Lucy screamed and the faucet turned on and instead of waster it shot out this mist.” Carmen explained. As we went back to back insuring the best protection.”I don’t know where Grover went I think…..I think Lucy got him.”

-“are you sure she’s human?” Chris asked jabbing into the air. I stopped him with my spear.

-“Honestly I’m just not sure but that doesn’t matter now stop jabbing you could hurt her.” I told him but he looked at me not sure if he should listen to me or not.

-“Jordan I’m not just going to stand here and let her attack me if
she wants to fight then she’s got one.” Chris said with a serious glare in his eyes. As soon as he said that a spear came out of the mist. Going in-between our faces. Immediately Chris and I grabbed it. We pulled and Lucy came with it now she had a shield. She slammed Chris in the gut with it and sideswiped his face knocking him out. Then pulled her spear back. She wasn’t strong enough to pull it back so we were now at a standstill. I looked into her eyes and she into mine. Her eyes mimicked the rainbow. Every perspective made them change. At one angle red at another one green it was quite beautiful.

-“Lucy you may be my friend but that doesn’t mean I’ll stand this I won’t hold back.” I said glaring at her. I meant every word of what I said. I don’t care if you’re in my family or if you’re my friend when you start a fight with me ill play hard and ill play dirty. I pulled the spear jerking her forward. I grabbed the other end and pulled it as well. Now her own spear was to her neck and her back was against my chest didn’t want to hurt her that bad but I was trying to at least choke her out so she would faint. Lucy was tougher than I thought. She stomped on the edge of her shield making it flip up into her hands. Then she slammed into my head. I still held onto the spear but I felt blood coming down from my forehead. She did it again I refused to let go. I was afraid she’d do it again so I held the spear closer pinning her arms to her side. Once again we were at a standstill. Only that this time she’s the one that seized her opportunity. She was able to turn around. I looked at her unsure of what she was doing. I wasn’t able to see it before but she was as torn up as we were. She had bruises and scratch marks all over her. She stood up on her toes so we could see each other at eye level. This wasn’t that difficult since we were about the same height. She got close enough too were our foreheads were touching.

-“No holding back.” Lucy said wrapping her arms around my neck. “That’s what you said no holding back. But I know you’re not using your full strength what’s the matter.” I knew what she was talking about I told her I wouldn’t hold back at this fight but I was. I knew I could do serious damage to her but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I couldn’t hurt her even if she just took out Chris or Carmen. And Chris was already down so she didn’t have much of us left for an actual challenge.”What are you waiting for? Or is it just your ignoring the impulses given by Ares to fulfill your personal conquests.” With each word she got closer and closer towards the truth and closer to me. It was like facing all the sirens at once their voices giving you the image of everything you wanted. But for me even they failed to get it right. I remember the vision. I was overlooking a battle field. The sky blood red and the sun in a permanent set the field I overlooked was stained with the blood of demigods and monsters. Broken chariots and weapons littered the ground. And as people fought and died ii could hear Ares laughing in the background. I saw Chris fighting the Aloeadoi. He was in full battle armor. His spear with the shield from the Drakon in hand and golden battle armor. With a helmet that had wings on it mimicking his fathers. I saw hundreds more demigods as well. All fighting monsters. I noticed that I was standing under an arc with a sign that read Camp-half blood. That’s how I really wish that place would be a place where we fight to the death a prove who the best warrior was. Then right next to me was some unknown person with a blinding light masking their identity. But every time I look back at this vision the person changes. Even sometimes there’s nobody there. My mind couldn’t pick anyone it was either that or I was the thing keeping it from deciding. “So what do you want Jordan?” I really felt like answering too but Carmen didn’t give me the chance. Carmen hit her on the back of the head with her shield knocking her out. Lucy fell into my arms then I looked at Carmen. Her face was bright red and if there wasn’t mist everywhere I bet I could’ve seen steam blasting out her ears.

-“you got anything to say?” Carmen said as her sword and shield turned back into her silver charm bracelet. I was speechless. Carmen must’ve thought that was my answer because she stormed off into the mist mumbling on about how boys can be such a pain or something. I heard the facet come to a stop then Carmen came out of the mist still furious at me not answering her question. I was kind of mad at myself to the answer should’ve been obvious but for some reason it wasn’t. Carmen helped Chris up then made him lean on me for support. She gave me a couple glares every once in a while, but I found it thrilling that she was still acknowledging me. We stood in the same spot until the mist cleared up and revealed a rainbow. I began to see the windows of the room then I saw the closed door behind me.

-“What did I miss?” Chris managed to ask probably because I was holding Lucy in my arms. I shrugged still trying to figure out what in the world just happened. I ended up dropping it several minutes later. Only to resume thinking about it as I stared out of the window. A bright rainbow formed inside the room. It just formed out of no were. I thought nothing of it until I heard someone’s voice telling me to wait a second. I turned around and saw a tall skinny woman talking on a cell phone. She wore a rainbow tie dye shirt with blue jeans. Her hair was red making my first thought about that her names iris and she’s Irish. My second thought was why she is here.

-“Did he pay? Well if he did let him talk to her.” Iris said annoyed. She closed phone and smiled but I could still see the annoyed look on her face.”She’s new. Gosh sometimes I wish I wasn’t this nice. I mean to hire all my sisters it can be such a pain to be that close to family.” Her expression suddenly changed when she saw Lucy in my arms. When she walked closer to examine me I could feel myself blush.”So you’re the handsome son of Ares I presume.” I forced myself to stop blushing and nodded.”So you really do like my daughter.” Iris looked at me with a big smile like she was a little kid that just learned something they weren’t supposed too. I also heard Carmen say ‘O brother’ behind me.

-“Your daughter. Lucy is your daughter.” I said. Making the smile disappear from Iris’ face.

-“Yes Lucy is my daughter. I really thought that would be obvious but anyway sit, sit we have tons to talk about. “Iris insisted. She turned the rainbow into a giant booth and pushed us inside.” So what do we talk about first.”

-“How about telling us why your here?” I said putting Lucy down so she could lie down on the seat. I realized how rude I sounded but I really didn’t care what she had to say. I took a quick glance at Carmen who had been starring at me quietly this entire time. I wanted to know who her mother is.

-“I’m here to apologize on behalf of my daughter I suppose. It wasn’t entirely her fault that she attacked you.” Iris said.

-“What do you mean?”

-“I kind of helped her a tiny bit” Iris said pinching her fingers showing how much she participated in the event. “Lucy and had this little chat earlier this morning. While you were being trained and Hermes and… um her mother.” Iris said vaguely pointing at Carmen. Who sat there still looking at me concerned.”I gave her a choice to go back and not be claimed or become what she wished she could be. Looking back on it I could’ve made the rules a little more specific but hey if I did we wouldn’t be having this amazing conversation now wouldn’t we. So anyway she chose to embrace her demigod self and I gave her the necessary tools to do it. The shield ad spear was easy. I just borrowed some supplies from Hephaestus…”

-“You stole from Hephaestus?” I said raising my eyebrow she hardly seems like the thieving type.

-“I actually borrowed it but now that I see she’s really good at using it I might order it from Hephaestus’ catalog. “Iris said.

-“You said Lucy made a choice what was it?” Chris asked. Iris pointed at him smiling.

-“That’s for me to know and you to find out.” Iris said. Picking up a ringing cell phone from her pocket looked at it then slipped it back where she had placed it. “Darn I’m going have to leave soon so I gotta make this quick so all of you listen up.” Iris voice suddenly became less cheery and a lot more serious.” The only reason I showed up here I because of you.” Iris pointed a cold finger at me. “I only got two kids and I don’t want one of them to die because of your choices and what your father has planned out for you.”

-“What are you Talking about I haven’t done anything to her!” I protested.

-“Not yet at least. I’ve consulted the oracles boy they told me that your choices might end up killing her. So as soon as you get to camp half blood take Lucy to Butch. He’ll know what to do with her and from then on I don’t want you to go near my daughter…. son of Ares. Her life has been hard enough and you will just make it worse.” Iris glared at me for a long time. I didn’t really think she could do that much harm to me, But I could tell she was serious. Iris has always been portrayed as the nice goddess with a high tolerance for everything. For her to get mad at me by things I haven’t even done yet must be something bad, really bad. That wasn’t what only concerned me the way she said it. Calling me the son of Ares she hesitated like she wasn’t sure if I could be called by that name.“They told me to pass this on also.” Iris pulled out her cell phone the flipped it open. Green mist shot out of the phone making the shape. It turned into people sitting in furniture. It was all of our parents crying and talking at the same time.

-“A Misty queen the Rejected must please.” my newly learned about Step-dad said looking at me.

-“To death you part and take an impossible task.” Carmen’s father said looking at his daughter.

-“To be destroyed or die with valor they will chose.” My mom said coming out of no were with a tray of lemonade.

- “redemtion to death in were a spirit will huant.” Chris’ mom and dad said. She was looking as if she was about to cry.

-“Secrets revealed and an allies betrayal seeks the one who’s lie has failed.” They all said at once. With those final words the mist disappeared back into her phone. Which I now noticed that it was a blackberry with a rainbow cover.

-“What does it mean?” Chris asked scratching his head obviously confused.

-“That! Son of Hermes.” Iris exclaimed turning back into her cheery self. “Is also for me to know and you to find out.” Iris stood up making the booth evaporate. I almost fell but I caught myself and was able to get Lucy before her head slammed to the ground. “Well I better go. Only Zeus knows how many messages I got to deliver. “Iris complained.” So remember our little talk and Son of Ares good luck. You’ll need it.” Iris left just like that. She stepped through the rainbow then it disappeared.

-“That was weird.” Carmen said. Chris nodded but I knew what she was doing. She was trying to avoid the conversation. I looked at her both of our eyes meet. I saw something in her eyes. I understood she didn’t want to discuss this. Not here not now but soon. There was a silence in the room before a skeleton walked through the door. He was in a chef’s uniform.

-“Dinner is served.” It said with a French ascent. After washing our hands and putting away our stuff we went down to the dining pavilion and what I saw was quite wonderful. There was a set rectangular table in the center of the room. On the left side was a giant newly painted mural of a sunset with Carmen, Chris, Lucy, and I with our weapons. You could barely tell it was us. The inside of our bodies were shaded in. At our feet was an actual fire place. It was really amazing. On the other side of the room was an entire wall made out of glass. It was over viewing the lake in the back yard. On the table were various widespread of food. There was a giant carved ham in the center. And surrounding it was plates with bacon, ribs, and a lot of other pig related food items. The skeletal chef’s didn’t stop there they used Otus’ credit card to buy a day’s worth of food that could feed a family of twelve. There were salads and fruit platters. In four of the seats the four table centers were two plates one had nothing on it but the other one had a giant piece of mutton on it. It was all five star stuff. This place will be a hit. I counted about twenty six seats in all. Twelve on each side and one at the ends. Under normal circumstances we probably would’ve sat side by side but today and every day from here on out would be different. We sat at different ends of the table. Carmen sat at the end; Chris sat in the center seat of the right side, Lucy who had just awakened had sat at the center left and I sat at the head. It practically was a waist of space but it was alright. We gathered our food I stopped all of them before they could take a bite.

-“before you eat you need to sacrifice some to the gods.” I explained then I showed them by example. I walked over to the fire place, grabbing the mutton leg. I threw the mutton into the fire place.”For Ares god of war.” I said looking back at them. “Do it make sure you did exactly what I did but say your godly Parent.” They all made a line and began to do their offerings.

-“To Hermes god of thieves.” Chris announced. I also heard him say.” Love ya...Dad.” He struggled to get the dad part out but he was able to.

-“To Iris goddess of Rainbows.” Lucy said. I could tell she was angry towards herself and the choice that she made. I wanted to ask her about it but I knew she’d tell me in a matter of time. Soon Carmen walked up her hand crossing over her body holding her arm that had the mutton. Her eye’s met mine. Like last time I could tell what she was thinking. She was asking me if she had to do this. I nodded.

-“If we are going to be a team I half to know who your mother is.” I whispered to her loud enough for her to hear and the others not to. She sighed the eased over to the flame. It’s light glowing against her face.

-“To…” Carmen hesitated to say it. She looked at me. I starred at her compelling her to say it. With one final sigh she did.”To Athena goddess of war and wisdom.”

over a year ago Blackjack167 said…
big smile
ya u posted :D
over a year ago Odssey said…
yep to tell the truth im practically done with the entire book i just never goot around to posting it so when you want me to post ill post.
over a year ago Blackjack167 said…
over a year ago Odssey said…
@ blackjack167: by the time the book is done id past atleast the 30 000 millestone

For several minutes I didn’t know what to do or say. So I just sat back down and ate my dinner. No one spoke for the rest of that evening. The entire building went back to being dead. The only sounds were the skeletons and all they did was fix up the house. It was now a ten star place even though there was only a scale from one to five stars. It truly was a place worthy of the gods to bad I didn’t have time to appreciate it when I got the chance. They room I was staying in turned from a crappy old board room with creaky floors and unpainted walls to a practical apartment. It had its own juice bar and a flat screen TV over a burning fire place. It looked like a room from a mountain lodge that was custom made for children of Ares. On the walls were about ten racks that all had weapons. There were knives to swords, Guns and spears, and every weapon possibly imaginable by humans and then some. The closet was filled with clothes exactly my size and was also filled with battle armor I wasn’t entirely sure that it was Greek but it was made from white Darken plates. It had robes attached to it. Making it looked like an armored toga that’s was gold, woven gold. My shield and Jacket weren’t in there however, but on another bright side there was a balcony with its own work out set, and to put the finishing touches for a child of Ares room they put to spears over my bed mantle making the letter X. then at the top of the X they placed the head of the boar. This place was amazing given the skeletons short amount of time. I lay in my bed looking at the ceiling. I tried to admire they room but there was too much to think about. I turned on the TV and channel surfed for about an hour, but still found myself drawing a blank at what I should do. I got out of bed and flipped a switch that I thought would turn on the light. But the fire in the fireplace stopped burning. I looked inside the fireplace also was a door. I stepped through and saw several signs. This place lead to any were and everywhere in the house I didn’t know what to do so I went to the stairs that lead into the spring the Draken, my brother guarded. I went down there and paid my respects. The flesh inside seemed to have melted out and left a hollow shell. Like a snake that had shed its skin. They skeletons have already taken a good 3/4 of it away but there was still a good bit of it left. Then I drew my knife and stepped back. I heard something, something inside the water. I looked beyond the Darkens shell someone was swimming in the spring. The person was just floating there. Not doing anything they might’ve been dead. I wouldn’t have cared usually but since they were in the spring I couldn’t let the body contaminate the water. I dove into the water, and swam into the center of the pool. As I got closer the ripples in the pool moved the body to the side. Making it easier for me to get. I grabbed it by the waist when was about to drag it out the water

-“Well aren’t we moving a bit too fast for our relationship?” Said a voice laughing. The body sprang to life and she looked at me. I let go then jumped out the water. Stood up on the edge grabbed my knife and held it to her neck.

-“Why were you swimming in the spring.” I said pressing the knife against her neck. The girl was about my age maybe a year older but sixteen years old would be the max of my guess. With her long curly brown hair. She wasn’t wearing any clothes so I gave her my shirt to cover herself. She got out the water but sat at the narrow edge of the pool and stuck her feet in the water.

-“Well if you’re that mad about it I’m sorry I couldn’t help myself. Always drawing bathes for Ares gives me barely enough time to do it for myself, and this spring does wonders on my pours.” The girl said pitting her finger inside the water, and circling it around. “Beside’s Aphrodite said a handsome young man would come to my rescue if I waited here long enough. She was right.” The girl said looking at my dreamily. I pressed the knife to her neck again.

-“Who are you?” I asked. The girl made a sad face as if she was disappointed.

-“well I shouldn’t expect. You to know who I am but I’m still a little disappointed.” The girls said looking up at me pointing. Then she smiled. “I’m Hebe.”

-“What do you want?” I asked taking the knife away from her neck and sitting next to her. I had nothing to fear from her so I let my guard down.

-“You know you need to stop with these questions and loosen up. Guys can be so boring at times.” Hebe said splashing me with water. All I did was sigh.

-“I don’t have time for this.” I said getting back up, but Hebe got up to, and pulled me back down.

-“Come on relax have some fun.” She insisted and started massaging my back and shoulders. I really was getting tired of this the second time I’ve tried to be seduced I was starting to feel like a child of Aphrodite than one of Ares. “Well if you insist on being all stubborn and not having fun. Fine we’ll get down to business. I’m here to give you a message”

-“From who? Ares? And plus why are you delivering the message” I asked suddenly interested in what she was saying.

-“ I’m delivering the message because Iris refused to and Hermes wasn’t sure you’d even care what he had to say because of what he told his son. I think his name was Craig…no but who cares. Eventually Aphrodite thought that you’d immediately come to the rescue of a seemingly damsel in distress. She was right. But frankly I’m surprised that it got your attention. Oh and about the message it’s from Aphrodite she’s quite interested in your situation you know.” Hebe said as she stopped with the massage and walked on the edge of the springs rim.”She’s a sucker for romance.” Hebe told me continuing her walk. I had to follow her if I wanted to learn more. “You’re not like most of Ares children you know most of them are huge and use only brute force. But you actually think about the battle ahead and decide what you’re going to do. If I didn’t know better I’d think your Athena’s kid.”

-“Yeah well I’m one of a kind and what did you mean Aphrodite is a sucker for romance. And what message did she send?” I said trying to catch up to Hebe but not trying to fall in the spring.

-“can you imagine it being a play! Oh my gosh that would be amazing. The young son of Ares has fallen head over heels for two girls. One being the son of Athena and the other Iris. But when he tries to advance out of the friend zone both mothers tell him to stop with his infatuation towards their daughters, but despite all of it he will continue until he finds his one true love. It could be a play or even a musical. I should’ve been the goddess of plays I’m really good at making them up.” Hebe looked at the pool mesmerized and was about to jump in before I grabbed her arm and pulled her towards me angrily.

-“Your are the third freakin’ god I’ve seen today and every single one made my life worse. With Ares it was making me kill a friend with Iris it was to get away from her daughter now tell me what Aphrodite has to say. Because I’m really not in the mood for any of this.” I said to Hebe whose face just lost all emotions.

-“Your quiet and persistent I’ll give you that but try to refrain from yelling at me we minor gods and goddess hear that in the Olympians thrown room enough. So what do you want something and I want something I think we can come out with an agreement.” Hebe said. I let the goddess go. But all she did was look at me with a wicked grin.

-“What do you mean you want something.” I said confused. She walked up to me and moved her hair over her ear and smiled.

-“This place is a spa right well I want my friends and I to be the first ones to try everything. We’ll be like testers or something.” Hebe said looking at me. “I also want to be like this places manager.”

-“Why.” I said looking at her as if she’d just had a screw loose.

-“Because it’s better than drawing bathes all the time. Beside’s I practically live for the spa seeing which places make me look the youngest and all that I have tons of spa tips I could use to help this place.” Hebe said insisting that she actually knew what she was saying.

-“God of theater my ass more like god of bargains.” I said under my breath, I wouldn’t have accepted the offer but If the goddess of love has time to help me with my love life it’s probably worth listening to.”Fine.”

-“Great now swear on the river Styx.” Hebe told me making sure I couldn’t back out of the deal.

-“I swear on the river Styx that you and your friends will be the first to test the spa and the you’ll be its Manager.” I said.”But you swear on the river Styx that the Ismenian Darkens fountain will be off limits to all gods and goddess and that he has a say in whatever your doing.” The goddess almost shook my hand but then she took it back.

-“I want one more thing. This one would really please me if you let my do it.” Hebe pleaded even though she hadn’t told me what it was yet.”I want to be the one to give you messages from the gods.”

-“Why?” I asked.

-“Come on your telling me you didn’t enjoy spending all this time with me I’ll be your BGFFO. Plus if the thing with those other two girls doesn’t work out I’ll be there to pick up the pieces.” Hebe said smiling.

-“And what’s BFGOF?” I asked her. She sighed.

-“BGFFO means best Goddess friend from Olympus.” Hebe said. I paused after a while and began to think about it. She must’ve gotten bored because she started walking on the pools edge again singing a nursery rhyme .This girl was really really childish even though that’s what I should expect from the goddess of youth. It couldn’t hurt and she was kinda cute. It be nice to see a face like hers every once in a while.

-“Fine we have a deal now tell me the message.” I said really ready to hear it. Hebe sat down on the edge again then patted the spot next to her. I sat next to her looking at our reflection in the spring. I looked exactly the same but Hebe didn’t. In the reflection of the pool she kept changing. She changed for what I saw her to a twenty four year old, then to a six year old, and so on just changing her age from older to younger but never going past the age of thirty.

-“Do you want to know the message or not.” Hebe asked when she noticed me looking at the reflection. I nodded.”Aphrodite sent me here because of your little love crisis and told me to give you a few words of wisdom. She said that you shouldn’t rush it.”

-“What does that mean?” I asked confused.

-“Ughh men can be so stupid at times but it really can’t be helped.” Hebe stood up and snapped her fingers becoming instantly dry. “Sorry Jordan I gotta go. Hercules is probably worried about me. And trust me if he saw us like this he’d get so jealous.” Hebe paused for a moment “I would like to see him get jealous for once. Anyway I wish I could take the shirt but you know he wouldn’t rest until he found you and killed you. can’t have that can we.” Hebe said hugging herself in my shirt. She snapped her fingers then lifted the shirt. Out unrolled a white dress that was cut off at the waist with a gold collar and under that were some blue jeans with holes in the ankles. She threw my shirt at me and snapped again. When I caught the shirt I became instantly dry.”See ya later.”Hebe shot a little finger gun towards me and winked before disappearing leaving me in the spring alone and completely dry as if she was never there at all.
over a year ago wisegurl said…
Awesome!! Her mom is Athena!!
(That was for the chapter before)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Blackjack167 said…
But I don't get why she didn't wana tell them that her parent was Athena
over a year ago Blackjack167 said…
big smile
That was awsomeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
over a year ago Blackjack167 said…
big smile
I can't belive noone reads this book 'cause it's awsome so i'm gona start sending a link to every persy jakkson lover meaning the 435 people in this club. :D
over a year ago Odssey said…
Thanks and ill get to why she didnt want to tell Jordan about her mom later in the story.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Blackjack167 said…
if u already typed most of the story how come ur not posting
over a year ago Blackjack167 said…
I can't wait 'sob sob' it's killing me ' sob sob sob sob sob sob sob sob sob sob sob sob sob sob sob sob sob sob sob sob'
over a year ago Blackjack167 said…
big smile
this book is worth of Rick Rioden himself :D
over a year ago Odssey said…
I headed back towards my room but I went to Chris’ room instead. The fireplace wasn’t on so I walked through easily. His room was barely like mine he had a closet, TV, fire place and his parents symbol at the head of his bed but that was about it. The entire room was traveler’s tent. There was a computer on a huge bronze desk there was also a giant map on the wall. It showed every magical place on the eastern sea board. I’d have to remember that for tomorrow. There was an entire wall dedicated to stuff Chris stole even the stuff I forgot about. There were dog tags, license plates wallets. I even saw one that looked just like my brothers. I leaned in closer to it and examined it further. It was my brother’s wallet I didn’t even think he had time to steal it but I’m going to let it slide. It was like my room in another way come to think of it. It was heaven for a child of Hermes. I walked over to Chris. He was lying in his bed. The covers were over one leg and not over the other and he had a bag of ships in one hand while his head was under a pillow. It looked like he had just come from a frat boy party. Chris wouldn’t stop twisting and turning in his bed. I tried to wake him up but, he would just move the pillow and look around the room with one bloodshot eye wide open and not even see me. Then he would slump back down into his original position. It bothered me because he looked like he was having a nightmare. He was sweating really bad and coughed sometimes like he’d just got the wind knocked out of him. I began to wonder if he was getting some training from Hermes. I decided to go back to my room and not bother him for the rest of the night. I kind of was hoping that he was awake I wanted to know why Hermes wasn’t. Talking to me because of something he told Chris. I also wondered why Chris hadn’t told me about it. I went back to my room and got out of my jacket and shirt and slept in my pants and undershirt. That night I had the worst nightmare of my life. I found myself in a dark forest. Standing at the ruins of a house. I looked around it was storming thunder boomed and lightning was shot from the sky. Something big was happening and I was in the middle of it. Out of the darkness of the ruined house I saw something standing on a ruined pedestal. Lightning flashed and I saw it for a brief second. It was a grey she- wolf with yellow eyes that could probably frighten the biggest giant. It just sat there patiently and starred at my direction.

-“Who are you why am I here.” I yelled, stepping back and reaching towards the knife that was supposed to be at my side, but all that was there was my pajama pocket that was full of lint, and a button. I took another step back and grabbed a wooden plank that was at me feet. I signaled the ‘bring it on’ thing with my hands and the wolf jump from the pedestal in midair I swung at it. To my surprised the plank didn’t even touch her. She just passed threw it like it was air. But when she passed through me it was like there was a resistance or something like she was walking through water. When she finally passed I felt something. Like a connection or something it felt weird. She landed and walked about a foot away then sat again. When I turned around someone was there. I noticed several things just at first glance. He was a man a big brutish one at that. His eyes were even brighter than the dogs even without the lightning I probably could’ve seen them a mile away in pure darkness. Lightning flashed and I got a better look at him. He was in gold armor, with red robes attached. His Helmut had a giant red plume on top. It was blood red. He had a shield in one hand and several swords strapped to his side. Then next to him was a spear. It was taller than him and had a tip that could go straight through me. The spear seemed to radiate power also. If that guy wasn’t standing near it I would definitely steal it. I walked closer to the She wolf and man. Lightning struck again allowing me to see his face. It was like Ares. It was like his down to the last scar, but this wasn’t Ares I was positive of that. His face was much more brutal and a lot scarier than Ares but he gave off an aurora that made me have to respect him. Whoever this guy is. He looked like he would and could fight with Ares and he'd probably win.

-“His potential is limitless you of all people can tell that much, and yet you have rejected him.” The man said. He sounded like he had half a mind to stab the wolf with the spear or snap her neck, but can’t decide.

-“He is a disgrace to all children of Rome. And I mean that with no disrespect but he was lucky to survive a week with me, but his luck ends there. I have no time to train a boy who can barely fight on his own let alone fed for himself. He’d have a better chance dying here and now than to be included in one of my legions. “The she wolf said howling into the sky. Lightning flashed again and I saw someone Stumble outside of the woods He had tattered clothes and was covered from head to toe in cuts and scars throughout his visible body parts, but the worst one was on his head. It was a long gash on his left temple. It looked as if the boy had run into glass that left some kind of scar. As the boy stumbled and lined up next to the wolf a long strain of continuous lightning struck the earth. The boys face was like stone void of all emotions. He just stood there like a miniature solider. I continued to look at the scar the longer I looked the more my forehead began to burn. The kid was African American, black hair, brown eyes, and about four years of age. Lightning still continued to flash. I got closer and closer to the boy trying to recognize the familiar face, but my forehead was burning like id set it on fire with a Greek flame then it spread consuming my entire body. I closed my eyes hoping it had ended there I would just die and get over this pain and never experience this sensation ever again. It did, the dream ended. I woke up and it was already the next day. I groaned as I got out of bed. Thinking of what I had just seen. Who was Lupa? Why was Mars there instead of Ares? What did mars mean by It’s time to meet his family? I groaned again al this really was making my head hurt. Especially since that didn’t count as sleeping when your awake the entire dream. I got on my clothes and noticed my jacket and shield along with some nice clothes that matched and everything. I put on the jacket over a purple t-shirt the skeletons must’ve made it said.

I went to the ISMENIAN Spring and all I got was this lousy
T-shirt, jacket, shield and armor.

And regular old blue jeans. I picked up a backpack and was able to put my armor, and some clothes inside.

-“It really is amazing what a little magic can do isn’t it sir.” Said a skeleton walking inside the room. He looked like one of those butlers but he was mixed with a French waiter because he had a French ascent. “Master Chris along with Ladies Carmen and Lucy are awaiting your arrival downstairs in the dining room.”

-“alright thanks.” I said. Then the skeleton began to walk off before I stopped him.”Do you have a name?” I asked it was an odd question to ask a skeleton but he nodded.

-“My name is Jenkins sir.” The skeleton said. It was weird to Jenkins was the exact name I would’ve given him if he didn’t have a name.

-“ok Jenkins listen up.” I said. I told him that I made a deal with Hebe and that she’s the manager along with the Draken. I also told him that her friends will be like the testers for the spa when were about to open.”I need you to keep an eye on her while I’m away you’ll be my eyes and ears for this place if she does anything that might screw this place up iris message me. If you do this you’ll be awarded. “’

-“with what sir?” He asked.

-“What do you want?” I asked him back. He peered inside my room and looked around. I had no idea what he was doing. Then he grabbed a battle Ax from the wall. I was surprised he didn’t fall apart under the axes weight.

-“I want to use this as my weapon against monsters and the other warriors when we have the battler’s tournament.” He said looking at the axes blade I awe.

-“Good we have a deal.” I said finally grabbing my new shield and leaving the room. Closing the door behind me. Jenkins was practically skipping down the hall with his new ax. Before I went downstairs I went into Chris’ room and took the map I had seen last night. I folded with east and I put it inside my pocket. I went downstairs and saw that my friends had already started eating. They all had the same look on their faces, tired and exhausted. Like no one got a good night’s sleep at all.”What’s with you guy’s you look terrible.”

-“thanks.”Carmen said half awake. She had on diamond bejeweled that made the shape of an owl. With a silver dress that was cut at the waist.”None of us got good night’s sleep. We all had…”

-“Nightmares.” I said finishing her sentence. She looked at me suspiciously.

-“You had them too?” Lucy asked. I shook my head ,lieing.

-“I just had a hunch.” I said sitting down and scratching my head.”What were they about anything about the prophecy?”

-“Not me my mom kept telling that you’re a bad influence and that I’d be better off with….” Lucy didn’t finish but she took a quick look at Chris. Then looked back at me I think I’m the only one that noticed.

-“My dad gave some breath mints only two though he said I’d need them eventually. But that has nothing to do with the prophecy. “Chris said. We looked at Carmen she just looked at her plate.

-“My mom took me to the camp.” She said. We all starred at her eyes widened.

-“What!” Chris said. “How is that even possible you couldn’t do that and come back in one night.” Chris was right I never would’ve believed her if there wasn’t a god involved. “Ugh I really just don’t get magic.”

-“She told me about the camp as we went there on her chariot. She told me that we would be better off her and once we go there were…..” Carmen paused for a second. “Going someone that we’ll never be able to come back from.” Everybody looked at me for an answer. I just sat there calmly.

-“I still think we should go. You guys need the training plus we need the supplies. Even with we do stay here its winter and we barely have any money left. These meals really don’t strike me as cheap either.” I said eating my breakfast.

-“Jordan I’m not sure that we should go.” Carmen said meekly.

-“Look I know you think your all smart but we need to prepare.” I said. That’s when I just realized. I was yelling. I sat down and crossed my arms not meeting her eyes. Why was I mad at her. I probably was mad that she was a daughter of Athena or that she
lied to me. The room was quiet.

-“But do you remember where it is?” Lucy asked. Breaking the silence.

-“No it was like we……… teleported. One second I was in my room then I was in the camp. But I would know it if I saw it.” Carmen said back. I grabbed the map from Chris room and spread it on the wall.

-“Hey that’s my map. You stole it!” Chris complained.

-“And I’m pretty sure you stole my brothers wallet I guess that makes us even. Besides how could I steal from the god of thief’s son I just borrowed it.” I told him. Trying to stretch it out. “This map I borrowed. Shows every place that is related to Greek mythology. And look we just appeared on the map.” I pointed to the map. And right there was a giant star with Ismenian spring over it. Then I pointed. To New York.”There on Long Island it’s camp half blood. Now if we go we can come back but we need the supplies, and the training. Especially if we ever want to back to our parents.” After I said it everybody suddenly decided to get a little bit more energetic.

-“What do you mean? If we ever want to see our parents again.” Lucy asked.

-“I don’t know about you but I want to get some answers from my
mom about why she never told me about my dad. But I’m not even going near my family until I’ve had the training to protect them.” I told them.

-“Well I guess when you think of it like that was going to camp either way.” Carmen said regrettably. All of us nodded in agreement. We ate then went to the truck that’s when I really noticed it.

-“where’s Grover?” I asked sitting in the passenger’s seat.

-“I don’t know I haven’t seen him since Lucy…”Chris stopped himself.”I haven’t seen him.”

-“Lucy do you remember anything about what happened.” I asked. Switching over to the driver’s seat.

-“It comes in fragments but still I don’t remember anything about him.” Lucy said guilty. I knew she still blames herself for attacking us but it wasn’t her fault. It was her mother’s everyone knew it including Lucy. But still she blames herself despite that.

-“Lucy you know it’s not your fault. I'm sure he’s alright.” I said trying to reassure her but the look in her eye’s told my she wasn’t sure about that.

-“Grover’s at camp half blood.” Carmen said breaking the newfound silence.”My mom toke him with us but he was unconscious. She told me we won’t need him anymore.”

-“So I’m guessing ill drive?” I said. Everybody else looked at me as if I was crazy.”What I drove before.”

-“Yeah But there’s a good reason you have to be Eighteen to get a drivers license.” Chris pointed out. “Plus I really got a better idea who could drive.” Chris left the car then ran back minutes later bringing a skeleton in full Greek body armor with him. “This is Rob the roman. He’ll be a driver.”

-“Dude you pick an undead skeleton over me. So un cool does he even know how to drive.” I protested but I still moved over.

-“Sir if it’s anything like driving a chariot I might even be better than you.” The skeleton said opening the door and sat down inside. I really didn’t have that much confidence in him but and as soon as Chris closed his door Rob floored it. We almost crashed into at least three semis and twenty ford, rams, and Toyota’s. What surprised me was that he didn’t get into a high speed chase not even once and we got pulled over thirty times. But every time we got pulled over he just pulled out a business card waved it over his hand then it became a driver’s license. Turned himself into a sixteen year old blond surfer dude and the officers just let him go. We stopped only one time, and that’s when we had gotten to my uncles house in Massachusetts. The day was beautiful not a cloud in the sky the sun shining brightly well actually that’s still when we were in Virginia. In Massachusetts it was a dark day. Giant clouds covered the sky making it look grey. There were several inches of snow as well. All the way up to my heel. I got out the car smiling grabbed my bag from the trunk then ran towards my uncle’s door. He lived on a semi big house on in a quiet little neighborhood. His house was a big two story place that was half way up a Billy goat hill it was small but it was still a very nice place. As I ran up the hill I couldn’t help but notice that everyone else was still in the truck.
-“What are you guy’s waiting for were here?!” I told them walking back towards the car.

-“It’s like you said. We need more training if monsters show up your aunt and uncle could get hurt.” Chris said trying to sound sympathetic. But I didn’t except it.

-“Chris this is different. By tomorrow we’d have a good night’s rest and breakfast in the morning before we go it’s perfect.” I said slowly walking back towards the house. They all looked unsure but got out the truck and followed me up the hill. I got to the door a rang the bell. I was anxious to get inside. Barely able to hold in my excitement. When the door finally opened I practically tackled her and gave her a big bear hug. When I let go my aunt Vidra she wasn’t as surprised as I thought she’d be. Neither was my uncle Ralph. They didn’t ask any question people normally would. Like where did you come from our why are you here. “They called didn’t they.” I asked Uncle Ralph. He nodded then the both of us sat in the living room I had to force the others to go upstairs and stay up there until I was done. They didn’t do well at following orders at first so I locked them into their rooms including Rob who was more like a fifteen year old than a thousand year old skeleton. So there we were my aunt Vidra, my uncle Ralph and I sitting inside their living room. Enveloped in silence. Al of us unsure what to say.

-“they called about fifteen times in the last ten hours. They miss you deeply, and they want to know something’s.” My Aunt Vidra said starting the conversation. “What happened Jordan?”

-“Nothing you need to be concerned about Aunt Vidra It’s nothing really.” I said trying to calm her down. She was more frantic today than I’ve seen her in years. She was wearing a red sweater and jeans. With her black hair rolled up in a bun and glasses pushed up against her face.”I just…My friends and I need a place to stay for the night.”

-“Tell us what happened then you can stay as long as you want.” My uncle Ralph offered as compromise. My eyes met his. And there was a gleam in his eye. The kind that only happened when he had me beat. I sighed then told them the only part that they would think I was crazy by saying that I wasn’t really there nephew. And they responded with the last words I wanted to ever hear. “We know.” My eyes widened and I looked at aunt Vidra. She had the same guilt face as Uncle Ralph.

-“You know the entire time. Every time I came over all the times you could’ve told me. Why, why didn’t you?!” I stood up and began to yell. My Uncle Ralph stood up and put his hand on my shoulder in attempt to calm me down it didn’t work. I shoved it off.

-“Because it wasn’t right time your parents adopted you and we assumed they’d tell you.” Uncle Ralph said in another futile attempt to make it better but all it did was made it worse. Made it worse.

-“I didn’t say anything about being adopted.” I told them. Uncle Ralph’s eyes widened realizing that he’d made a mistake a big mistake. I went up stairs without saying another word. I didn’t bother unlocking every body doors Chris already broke out of his room and broke the rest of the gang out to. They were all standing in there doorways and looking at me as I walked by. They didn’t say anything and neither did I. It’s when I met Carmen’s eyes that I began to understand. Although we didn’t say anything we would eventually.
over a year ago Odssey said…
I sat on the roof skipping my dinner. I looked at the front lawn it was practically a winter wonderland. Snow falling from the ground as if they were sprinkling the earth with powder. I’ve been out here for hours now not moving, not thinking, and only sitting there looking at the snow covered ground. This was a place I had once called a second home had turned into a palace of lie’s and betrayal. I heard something behind me I didn’t bother looking but I knew who it was automatically. Out of all my friends she’d be the only one who would come. I didn’t know whether to call that sad or if I should be happy it was her. I glanced back to Carmen who struggled to get through the window. I had to grab her arm and pull her through. She was in her pajamas. Pink long pants with a sleeveless shirt and an owl on her back. She had pink slippers on her feet that looked like owls themselves. She brought a plate with her. On it was some take out Chinese food. Rice, broccoli, and beef. It was probably the only think I would eat at this time. I grabbed the plate. From her hands as she sat down next to me. Grabbing her legs and keeping them close to her body.

-“I'm sorry.” She said breaking the silence between us. She took a deep sigh and I saw her breath in mid air.

-“For what?” I asked just starring at the food. I wasn’t really hungry but I probably should since she brought it to me. I ate some of the broccoli then Beef.” And you got a fork?” On queue she took out a fork and gave it to me. I started eating the rice.

-“I'm sorry for you finding things out like that but on the bright side at least we got another thing in common.” Carmen said forcing herself to smile.

-“What do you mean?” I said looking at her.

-“Were both…Um…” Carmen didn’t speak for a while and her voice suddenly dropped from trying to cheer me up to becoming sad herself.

-“Adopted were both adopted.” I said finishing her sentence for her. She looked at me surprised. “Children of Ares aren’t as smart as you Athena kids but that doesn’t mean were stupid Carmen at least I’m not. I’ve seen your dad his eyes aren’t nearly like yours that’s probably why Athena dated your dad. For his eyes, I also know that you dye your hair black. I figured that out when you were soaking wet at that end of the year party last year when I pushed you into the pool. You’re actually a natural blonde.”

-“Guess you are pretty smart. “Carmen said. Smiling but the s mile went away because she started shivering.

-“Smart at most things but I figure other things out to slow for my own good.” I said giving her my Jacket. She probably was going to freeze to death if I hadn’t given it to her. “How have you known?” I asked looking at her.

-“Known what?” Carmen asked as if she didn’t know what I was talking about. She picked up a piece of beef off my plate and ate it as if it was we she normally would do.

-“Don’t play dumb Carmen just give me a straight answer.” I told her.

-“For a while now. Since seventh grade it’s not that I’m not flattered it’s just…” Carmen said but paused she was trying to find the right word.

-“You don’t have to explain why. It’s my fault if anything I could’ve just asked you but to tell the truth I was scared. It’s funny I faced giants, killed a giant boar and battled a Draken yet I’m scared to ask out girl talk about pathetic.” After that we didn’t talk for a while we just sat there starring at the ground.

-“It probably wouldn’t work out anyway right. A Son of Ares dating a daughter of Athena could you imagine.” Carmen said, laughing.

-“Actually I can, but I guess you would be a child of Athena even before you knew it.” I mumbled. Saying the last bit quieter than the first, but she still heard me. “Athena uses the weaknesses of everyone around to benefit only herself. No matter whom it is she’ll do it to her Enemies, Family, and even her friends…….Is that why you didn’t want to tell me your Athena’s daughter?“ She nodded. “yeah I thought so.” I said quetly. We didn’t really talk for a while. We just sat there and stayed quiet again. She even fell asleep. Laying her head on my shoulder. I took her back inside and put her in her bed and went back outside resuming my previous position I didn’t really stay there long. I heard something inside the forest behind me I jumped down from the roof. Sliding down the gutter making sure I didn’t break my legs. I didn’t grab my knife I just kept it in the strap on my side and I had my shield in my hand. Several bushes began to rustle then out of the darkness I saw giant red eyes then it leaped out tackling me. Its jaws dug deep into my shoulder then it clawed at my chest. The shield stopped that from happening luckily. I pushed the beast off of me. It was a Hellhound half the size of the boar but even more deadly. It was a black mastiff. I grabbed the knife at my side and sliced the jugular of the hellhound with reflexes so fast it was several seconds before the hellhound even realized it was turning into dust. I calmed down for a second and tended to my shoulder. I torn a part of my shirt then tied it to my shoulder keeping pressure on it. I would’ve gone back inside but there was a problem 20 more hellhounds ran out of the brush, surrounding me. From there teeth white foam dripped to the ground. There red eyes illuminate them the only way I actually could see them in the darkness was because their bodies stuck out like a sore thumb with the ground as white as it is. My knife became a spear. A shorter version of the one I saw the man in armor had. I moved the shield to where it covered most of my body and raised the spear. I took one step back then the hellhounds attacked. The first one leaped foreword. I jabbed it in the stomach and it burst into dust. I grabbed the end of the spear and swung it around hitting the hellhound that was about to attack from behind in the side it fell to the ground and whimpered in pain. Two hellhounds leaped at both my sides. I ducked barley escaping there claws and mouths from tearing me to shreds. I pushed up the shield upper cutting the dogs. I managed it turn the spear to a sword then swung it in an ark slashing the hounds and turning them into dust. I turned the sword into a spear once again then ran towards the house. The remaining hellhounds followed me with amazing speed in a V formation. One was faster than the others and caught up to me. It bit me at my side. It hurt but I kept running. We got to the houses wall. I ran up it and back flipped. Several of the dogs slammed head first into the wall and with that speed they burst into dust spontaneously. That took care of seven hellhounds leaving thirteen left. I landed on the ground tumble rolling and stabbing on in the chest. It yelped then disappeared in a shower of gold dust. Three hellhounds tackled me knocking the weapons out of my hands and sending me at least five feet away from where I was. Blood splattered on the ground turning the snow red. I grabbed my side. And reached for my shield and spear. The hellhounds were pretty smart they grabbed the shield and spear. Holding it in their mouths and tossing them several feet away. They started to grin at me. If dogs can grin that is. They circled me again licked there maws and barking. One tried to step forward but the rest of them growled and it stepped back. I had no chance there was no way any god like miracle was going to happen, but apparently that wasn’t going to stop any man made miracle. A shot cried out and every one of the dogs looked over. I looked to it was my uncle Ralph he had a model 1100 sporting series shotgun. I had the exact same one in my room at the Ismenian springs. Behind him was Auntie Vidra who was watching in horror. Even though Uncle Ralph looked like he meant business despite him being a bald man with a goatee and in red and black checkerboard pajamas and a jacket with pink slippers that I really didn’t want to know why he got them.

-“Jordan are you alright?” Uncle Ralph said. Even though he sounded tough I knew he was scared for his life. I nodded which seemed to make them both feel better but he kept his eyes on the dogs which were slowly advancing despite his several shots at the bests. It did hurt them but unless he had an Ak-47 or if he risked getting closer I’m sure that he wouldn’t kill them.

-“Vidra go wake everyone up NOW!” I yelled. She hesitated then
disappeared inside the house. “Uncle Ralph go inside I’ve got this!” I yelled to him but he continued to advance he wasn’t like Aunt Vidra he was hard headed even though his heart was in the right place but if I’ve learned anything these past couple days is that you can’t just run into battle with just you being brave or courageous because that can get you killed, and with that the Hellhounds attacked. One ran and tried to take Ralphs feet from under him but he couldn’t get close enough. Ralph shot it in the face then it exploded. He ran towards me shooting blindly at the hellhounds forcing them to back away, but that didn’t work for much longer. Ralph got halfway towards before collapsing. For a while I just thought it was rotten luck but it wasn’t a hellhound had slashed at his leg and made him fall. I tried to get up but a hellhound pinned me down to the ground. Putting its paw on my chest and glaring and growling at me. The Rest of the hellhounds took Ralph by the arms and started dragging him into the woods. I punched the Dog in the gut so hard that I coughed up blood and slumped to the ground. I got up despite the pain and ran to Uncle Ralph the hellhounds had dragged him into the forest to the point where I can’t even see them.”Uncle Ralph!!!Uncle Ralph!!!” I yelled threw the forest. I followed the tracks and blood in the snow. This was bad, really bad Uncle Ralph was losing blood fast and I couldn’t see them. I followed the tracks for about ten more minutes before finding the end of the tracks it seemed like they disappeared in mid air. I fell to my knees barely being able to keep my eyes open and I wasn’t able to keep pressure on the wounds. Eventually I collapsed the last things I remember Chris and Rob getting my in the forest. Then I passed out I woke up and Rob was helping me stand up. We were just leaving auntie Vidra’s house and we were standing in the doorway. “I’ll get him back Aunt Vidra…” I managed to say surprising everyone that I was even conscious. “I promise.” After that I passed out again. I woke up to find Rob driving Chris was yelling. I couldn’t tell exactly where we were but the was a lot of tree’s and I could hear the ocean or at least some body of water nearby and it was a beautiful day to no snow on the ground no clouds in the sky it reminded me of summer.
over a year ago POJO45 said…
big smile
OMG I LOVE YOUR WRITING!!!I can't wait for your next chapter!
over a year ago Odssey said…
to be honest it's a real short book it's like 7 chapters but over a hundred pages on the microsoft word thing. and at the rate im posting the entire thing is going to be on fanpop pretty soon. well either that or i'll have to make new chapters
over a year ago Odssey said…
-“drive faster!! Drive faster!!” I sat up next to Carmen and Lucy who were looking behind us. Lucy was wearing a t dye shirt and looked like I her mothers with some skinny jeans and sandals. Even Carmen had changed their clothes she was wearing jeans and a blue spaghetti strap shirt the things I noticed the most was her eyes and hair. She had dyed it back to blonde and her eyes were grey now, she took out the contacts. I looked at where she was looking at. Behind us were three monsters. There were two Colchis bulls the size of battle tanks and something smaller and much faster. I barely was able to see it. But as it got closer I could see clearly. It was the chimera and it was probably the only thing that would lead two Colchis bulls and it was probably tough enough to take them both out. The creature was dark yellow with the upper body of a lion and the lower one of a goat. In the back of the lion head I saw goat horns that probably belonged to its goat head. Then its snake tail glaring at me.

-“Where’s my knife and shield?” I said. They all looked at me surprised to see me awake. “Were are they?!” I said again looking at Carmen.

-“You can’t go out there were going too fast and you’d be a
sitting duck. You can barely move since that bite those hellhounds gave you. You were out cold for three days.” Chris informed me.

-“three day it took us that long to get to camp half blood.” I said surprised despite the high speed driving rob was an excellent driver how could it take this long to get here.

-“It took us this long just to stay alive we’ve had so many close encounters we might as well already have tags on our toes. We’ve been attacked none stop since we left your Auntie Vidra’s house.” Chris told me and memories flooded into my head. Then I realized what had happened to Uncle Ralph.

-“You guys were right I’m such an idiot we needed more training but I insisted we go.” I said slapping myself on the forehead. “And now he’s gone. He’s gone because I was stupid but I promised Aunt Vidra id get him back even if it means I got to be dead to do it.” With that before anyone could protest. I opened the door then climbed into the back of the pickup truck then grabbed the knife that was still in spear form then barrel rolled to the ground onto my shield. I ran waving my arms and yelling.

-“Hey you overgrown Kitten I heard your moms an anteater! And what’s with the bronzed pieces of beef you really think that’ll save you.” I ran towards the water. And the bulls and chimera followed. I would’ve been scorched if I hadn’t have had my boar jacket it was completely fire proof just like I had anticipated. We ran through the forest towards the beach the bulls taking down everything in their paths mowing down the trees like they were nothing. I dived to the side once I got to the beach out of the forest first came the chimera then it was the Colchis bulls. When we finally got to the beach I stood with the water to my back. I glared into the eyes of the lion head. It glared back. Then roared and the two bulls charged forward. This thing was as smart as it was fast which made it almost impossible to beat. Sending the infantry first was like a military strategy to see how much energy he should waste on me, and I wasn’t going to disappoint it. The bulls were made of celestial bronze that glistened in the setting sun. Their eyes were rubies the size of basketballs. The first one charged foreword out of its nostrils fire spewed. Once again I was protected with my jacket. I stepped onto the bulls head and used it to jump even farther onto its back. I put my spear in the chink of its armor it bellowed in pain and tried to shake me off. I rammed my shield into the monsters eyes blinding it. I grabbed my spear again then jumped off. The second bull was smarter bigger and tougher. It blew out blue flames. Even in my jackets protection I was sweating. It turned around smacking my away with its tail. I looked back where I was crouched down the sand had turned into glass. The bull glared at me but I just made a smug smile on my face. Out of No were the first bull rammed the second one in the side a didn’t stop going even once they were in the water. I Heard the bull try to stop but I put my spear in its Leg and broke some the stopping mechanism so they kept on going Deeper and deeper into the Atlantic Ocean. I looked at the chimera but I was too late to realize the Chimera had started running towards me as soon as it realized he sent the bulls into a suicide mission. It jumped and clawed up my chest it knew that it was the only thing that was unprotected. I was able to knick him in the side though. When the Chimera landed we looked at each other again.

-“You are one smart cat….snake….goat thing…. Whatever you know what I mean.” I said. The chimera growled. “Hey do you remember this.” I showed him the end of the spear. It began to get bigger and changed from gold to black. It turned into a lead ball just like the one Bellerophon used to kill him. I felt a pain in my gut transforming the end really took a lot out of me and I still haven’t healed from the hellhound bites so ill be going down in a matter of minutes and I have to take the chimera down by that time. The chimera ran towards me and I did the same to him. He jumped trying to scratch me and breathe fire at the same time. He scratched me but I threw the shield at the neck of the lion. It took several steps back and for every step back I stepped forward. The chimera played chicken with each other again. He got the upper hand this time. I jammed the spear into its goat head as it tried to breathe fire. I succeeded but then the snake grabbed me and suspended me in mid air. It glared at me. It had yellow eyes that’s pupils were in a figure eight. IT hissed at me then the lion head looked back and growled. Then the Snake bite me just left of my heart. I cursed under my breath then I did something I'm never going to do again. I bit the snake head back. So bad that it practically screamed then it let go but I didn’t. I grabbed it and strangled the life out of it until the thing just slumped down. Making me land onto the back of the chimera’s body. The chimera whimpered then tried to get me off. Making me feel like I was in a rodeo. I dislodged my spear from the chimeras back and jammed the metal ball into its mouth. Just like Bellerophon did and the Chimera tried to breath fire but it just melted the lead ball in its throat. Slowly the chimera stopped trying to get me off its back then slumped down into the sand. As I got off the body melted into a gold dust. I knelt down grabbing my side. The hellhound bites were killing me, literally and the chimeras poison wasn’t helping at all. I got my stuff and limped to the side of the road. Then closed my eyes and laid there to rest for a while, which ended up turning into a deep, deep sleep. I didn’t dream that entire time. All I saw was darkness empty black darkness, but I did hear a voice.

-“You’ll get your answers and you will get him back Jordan do not fret just be patient.” The voice was a man I could tell that much. It was a soft voice but it was also tough like he wanted to inform me whoever it was wasn’t going to be pushed around. Those were all the words the voice said before I felt another pain in my gut. It was burning probably even hotter than the Colchis bulls blue flame. I fell to the ground and clenched my stomach in agony. For the second time in my life I’ve experienced pain that made me pray that id be dead soon and it all be over but just like before all I simply did was wake up. I sat up drenched in sweat in my regular clothes. I looked around quickly I was in some room the place was dark to dark for me to see. All I saw was my shield but not my knife. Without warning the door shot open and someone entered the room. I panicked jumping out of bed tackling the person the grabbing my shield and bursting out the Room. I Looked up it was stay daytime I covered my eyes from the light. I ran towards the only thing I could make out. A giant house next to an empty volley. I kept running and didn’t stop covering most of my face with the shield. I managed to get half way up the deck when I saw it a horse with the body of a man. I just freaked out even more just acting on instanced not listening to my head. I ran over the post and ran towards the nearest thing I recognized a lake. I was starting to see thing despite my eyes practically failing every couple of seconds. For a second I thought I would’ve made it but I was tackled and wrestled to the ground. I looked at the assailants. They looked like twins. Both had curly brown hair that hangs over there blue eyes.

-“Get off!!” I yelled at them. I was definitely stronger than them because I was able to get myself up then pry their arms from around me. I didn’t want them running after me so I slammed my shield into both of their heads knocking them out. I do have to say that I am partially grateful to them I could see completely fine now. I looked around again this time I saw everything. There were cabins and something that looked like an arena the place was beautiful. I felt myself being tapped on the shoulder I looked behind me. It was a girl a little bit taller than me and a lot older. The girl had long; curly blond hair tanned skin and looks very athletic. She actually didn’t strike me as a New York type of girl more like a California one except for the… grey eyes. I looked at her shirt it said


-“We are the others?! Did they make it?!” I asked starting to get worried again. The girl nodded reassuringly.
over a year ago Odssey said…
-“Come with me.” The girl said beginning to walk. “And by the way my name is Annabeth.” I follow Annabeth as she took me back to the house where I saw the horse man thing. “So I hear you beat the chimera how’d you did it without any training.”

-“The Chimera and two Colchis bulls actually and I’ve had training.” I said still admiring the camp. “So Athena’s your mom?” I asked looking at her. She looked back surprised.

-“How did you…” She didn’t finish.

-“Grey eyes gave it away.” I said cutting her off.

-“You’re pretty smart for a guy that just learned he was a demigod.” I looked at her surprised but kept my mouth shut. ‘There had to be a reason they didn’t tell her what’s happened I think I should I keep it away’ I thought. I walked up the steps of the house alongside Annabeth. She opened the door and I walked in she followed. Inside there were Carmen, Lucy, and Chris sitting at one end of a large ping pong table. I sat in the seat between Lucy and Chris.

-“You haven’t told them?” I whispered to Lucy.

-“It wouldn’t feel right saying it without you.” Lucy whispered back. I looked around the ping pong table there was about fifteen people but I counted eighteen chairs some people were missing. I looked at the man at the end of the table. He was a Caucasian guy with brown hair and a beard in a wheelchair.

-“Now before we begin let me introduce myself my name is Chiron.” He said.

-“The immortal trainer of hero’s. “I said finishing for him. Chiron nodded.

-“So let me be the first to welcome you to camp…” Chiron didn’t finish.

-“Actually I um was wondering how long am I supposed to stay here?” I asked. Cutting Chiron off, but he raised his eyebrow.

-“have somewhere to go do we?” Chiron said interested. I nodded suddenly everyone in the room seemed to be looking at me.

-“I’ll explain it later.” I said hoping he would accept my answer. Thankfully he did and we dropped the subject for now. I wasn’t really comfortable telling my problems for everyone here and I really wasn’t ready to tell them that I’m going to the underworld they’d call me insane.

-“Hey Chiron can we start now. I got stuff to do.” Some kid said. He had a giant black Mohawk on his head and he had a giant rainbow on his biceps. I got a bad feeling from him. Lucy must’ve caught my eye.

-“Why are you looking at that guy?” Lucy whispered.”Do you know him or something?” I shook my head.

-“No it’s just…no its nothing.” I lied. I looked at that guy then I looked away when he started looking back. That guy I was pretty sure that guy was butch. The guy that’s the one Iris told me to give Lucy to, but the way iris said it she acted like Lucy was some kind of animal or object up for sale. Then the door bust open. In the doorway stood a big, tall girl with long, stringy brown hair, pig-like brown eyes and strong looking in her camp half blood shirt torn jeans and combat boots. When she got through the doors it came apparent that she was dragging something. I looked again and it wasn’t something it was people. The same mop haired kids that tackled me. I sucked my teeth and slumped down in my seat hopping no one would ask what happened. I never would have that much luck.

-“That new kid did this to the Stoll’s. Can’t say they didn’t deserve it though.” The girls said as she put them in their seats then sat down herself.

-“Dude so uncool.” Said the tallest Stoll brother.

-“Oh shut up Travis it’s only a little bump. So why is it so important for us to hear these newbie’s story on how they got here?” The girl said putting her feet on the table.

-“Well that’s something only they could tell us. Oh and Clarisse will you please remove your feet.” Chiron said politely. Clarisse groaned but did what she was told. “So shall we begin now that everyone is here. This is Christopher, Carmen, Lucia, and…..” Chiron didn’t finish.

-“Jordan?” Asked a girl a couple seats over to Chiron. The girl was probably the prettiest girl in this entire place. The girl had chocolate brown hair that is cut choppy and uneven it probably would’ve looked terrible on anyone else but it looked great on her. Her eyes were practically the best thing about her they were like a killed scope always changing from brown, to blue to green.

-“yeah …..How did you know that?” I asked. She just looked surprised.

-“This girl I meet a new girl said that you made some kind of spa for gods and goddesses. She gave Aphrodite cabin this map how to get there and gave us some perfume and stuff. To tell the truth I didn’t think it existed. Or you for that matter.” The girl said.

-“What girl?” I asked and as I said that a shimmer of light spiraled down onto the table right in front of me. I scooted my chair back. Within seconds a girl appeared in a camp half-blood t-shirt and khaki’s. She had brown hair that was wrapped up in a bun. I saw the girls face and knew who she was automatically.

-“Hey Jordan. How’s it going?” Hebe said smiling. I just rolled my eyes.

-“Um... hey.” I said waving.

-“Hey Piper... Chiron.” Hebe said looking behind her shoulder.

-“Herminie?” Piper said confused.

-“Hello Hebe.” Chiron said. Everyone looked at me surprised.

-“You know her?!” Asked a kid in an army jacket. He was starring at Hebe dreamily. I nodded.

-“this is Hebe.” I said introducing her. All of the boys starred at her. Even the kid that was sleeping half of the time I was here. “And she’s supposed to be at the spring doing her job that she begged me for.”

-“Come on Jordan you of all people know how hard it is to follow the rules all the time besides I got another message, but I’ll tell you that later.” Hebe said getting off the table then jumping behind me. Sitting in mid air on an invisible chair. “Plus admit it your happy to see me.” Hebe said smiling and looking down at me. I felt myself about to blush but I stopped it.

-“This is a strange turn of events isn’t it?” Chiron said. I looked at him confused.

-“What do you mean?” I asked.

-“The Olympian gods have been silent for weeks now not talking to anyone humans or demigods. The fact that Hebe is very....” Chiron didn’t finish.

-“It isn’t that strange. Not all the gods listen to the almighty Zeus. He doesn’t have time to pay attention to all of us anyway.” Hebe said cutting him off.” But to tell the truth I’m her for a different reason. I’m here because I want to here Jordan’s story. That’s the worst part of being out of Olympus I would have to say there is practically nowhere you can find Hephaestus TV. So right now I guess I’m just following Jordan around cause he’s the most interesting demigod since that son of Poseidon. So go one just pretend I’m not here.”

-“That’s going to be hard since every guy her won’t stop starring at you.” Carmen said she obviously didn’t like Hebe, but she was right every guy except Chiron, Some guy with blonde hair and myself.

-“You could change your form our something.” I suggested. Hebe pouted.

-“I hate having to change form, but if I must.” Hebe complained but she did it in a couple seconds she transformed into a Humming bird and perched on my shoulder.

-“Ok let’s begin. Now that that’s settled. “Chiron said. Everyone
starred at the four of us waiting for us to tell them there story. For a second I was unsure what to tell them but I finally did.

-“I guess it started with Brandon and Otis.” I began. “The twin giants.” I told them how I thought we were there friends then about how I was trapped inside their Trailer slash vase. I even told them about running Otus with his pickup truck and how Chris Hijacked the new one that we had came her in. Which really did impress the two Stoll brothers who looked at Chris. That’s when I told them that Chris was a child of Hermes. Which made them high five each other. I told them my battle with the aloe Adae and my encounter with the Biker. I didn’t tell them that he was actually Ares though. Then I told them our trip to Ismenian springs. The parts about the Draken, boar, skeletons, and how I met Hebe weren’t that tough but I left out the part about Lucy when she was practically possessed by Iris. But I did tell them about our prophecy then that Lucy was a Daughter of Iris which did get the attention of the Mohawk guy that definitely was butch. I then said that Carmen was a child of Athena just like Annabeth. I skipped to the part about how I killed the Chimera and the Colchis bulls. The last part I decided to tell them was about /my Uncle Ralph and the Hellhounds attack.

-“A couple days ago we went to my uncle’s house.” I said gloomily remembering how I persuaded my friends into come along with me.”It was probably the worst mistake I’ve ever made.” That was the last words I said about the subject. Chris took over from there.

-“His Aunt and Uncle got Attacked by a crazy amount of Hellhounds by the time we got there Jordan took out most of them but in the end they got his uncle.” Chris said trying to make it sound less painful to hear.

-“I truly am sorry to hear about your uncle Jordan but I must ask why would you think the Hellhounds only took your uncle and didn’t kill you?” Chiron wondered.

- “and why do you seem like the main target.” Annabeth said. For a second that didn’t make any sense but she was right every monster I’ve faced. I was there main target. I was the first ones the aloe Adae trapped. The Hellhounds took Uncle Ralph knowing he was important to me.

-“Another good question but maybe for another time. Look.” Chiron said pointing. At first I thought he was pointing at us but he was pointing above our heads. As we looked up lights formed above Chris’, Carmen’s and Lucy’s head. Over Chris’ was a caduceus for the symbol of Hermes. Then an Owl for Carmen and lastly a Rainbow for Lucy everybody had been claimed except for me.

-“some son of Ares. How do we know he didn’t get his parent wrong?” Clarisse said. Chiron was silent for a minute. He was thinking then came out with a simple conclusion.

-“Travis may I see that knife you borrowed from Jordan?” Chiron said calmly. I looked at him. It would explain why I couldn’t find it earlier a son of Hermes took it even more specifically Travis took it.

-“Knife? What knife I didn’t take any knife.” Travis said playing dumb. But Chiron was relentless and just gave him a creepy look that even scared me despite him not looking in this direction.”Fine.” Travis said finally sliding the knife to Chiron. Who eventually stabbed it into the table for everyone to see. Everyone looked at the knife in awe. But none of them more than Clarisse. Who reach out but was intercepted by Annabeth who swiped it out the table and slid it over to me.

-“You stole Ares symbol of power you stole his knife no child of Ares would ever even think of that!” Clarisse yelled. I couldn’t see if she was angry or impressed but in the end it was apparently both. “You’re so dead and if Ares isn’t the one to kill you it’ll be me.” Chiron cleared his throat.

-“Alright I will have to think this over for now. So this meeting is dismissed.” Chiron said.

-“Wait where’s he staying? With Ares cabin or the Stoll’s?” Clarisse asked.

-“Well I suppose even though he hasn’t been claimed I have decided to allow Jordan to stay with Ares cabin. Oh and for those who have forgotten I must remind you that we will be having Capture the flag tonight. So pick your team wisely.” Chiron said. And with those last words we were dismissed. I followed Clarisse to where I thought the cabins were but instead she led me to the Coliseum.

-“Your still not sure that I’m a child of Ares do you?” I asked.

-“You may be a son of Ares but that doesn’t mean you deserve to call or be called one.” Clarisse said. “Not yet at least.” As we continued into the stadium I saw a lot of other kids too all of them big and muscular. Most of them looked like they ate kids like me for breakfast. I already knew were this was going.”So here’s the deal you’ll be able to call yourself a son of Ares and not get torn to pieces only if you defeat Edward.”

-“Edward? Who’s Edward?” I asked as I did a tall giant walked out from the crowd. Ok he wasn’t a giant but he was big enough probably to pants one. He was muscular and definitely was an experienced fighter I could tell that from all the cuts on his arms. The thing that I noticed specifically was his black goatee that didn’t really match his brown hair.

-“This is Edward ‘Blackbeard’ Mathews, he’ll be you sparring partner.” Clarisse said introducing us.

-“Why are you called black beard with just a goatee?” I ask not realizing how stupid it was at the time.

-“They call me Blackbeard because I’m the one that killed him after He was released from Circe’s spell pip squeak.” Edward said.

-“Well if we battle do we get armor or just do it like this?” I asked which was another stupid question. Because he punched me in the face knocking me back. When I sat up the first thing I did was whip the blood from my upper lip and looked at Edward that had turned around laughing with the other kids of Ares. I drew my knife and ran towards him he was not expecting it apparently because was able to stab him in the arm making him drop his shield then I stepped back as Edward yelled out random curses. Then he looked at me. “Give me my Armor!!!” He yelled. The Ares kids scrambled and piled armor onto the guy. Covering most of his body. And all I had was my knife and boar skin jacket. Actually change that since Clarisse just threw me my shield. Now I got a shield knife and a boar skin jacket while the other kid had a seven foot long spear a shield and enough armor to make iron man look like he was in umpires gear. I looked around there wasn’t just Ares kids here I saw Nymphs and Satyrs. Some other campers even the ones that were at the meeting. I even saw Chris, Travis and Conner.

-“Fight! Fight! Fight!” Conner and Travis were wailing. Chris didn’t share the same expression he looked even more scared than me. And with the coliseum full Edward charged at me and the battle was on.
over a year ago Odssey said…
The first thing I did was Charge Edward. My plan was to tire him out which would be fast since he was in that hot armor. Then just take him down. However I didn’t count on him being fast. When he knocked me back again I kept on thinking the same thing over and over again. ‘What the hell?!?! He’s freaking fast that kid is big and fast your never supposed to have both of those advantages it’s just not fair?!?!’ I shook the thoughts out of my head coming up with a new plan. If he’s fast I’m going to have to be lighter. I threw my shield at Edwards he caught it laughing but the crowd Gasped.

-“That’s all you got?” Edward taunted and for some reason that really got to me. I ran towards him. Sticking my shoulder in front of me to ram him. He didn’t knew that my Jacket was indestructible I was going to use that to my advantage and I was going to use that gash I made earlier to help keep my advantage. Edward raised his shield to cover most of his body then jabbed his spear into my shoulder. It hurt but I won’t do any damage because it can’t penetrate my skin. I grabbed his shoulder making the spear go past me. I turned my knife to a sword and sliced through the armor. Were I jabbed my hand inside and twisted it. Edward yelled in pain. Screaming so much that it practically shook the coliseum. He dropped his spear and grabbed my he threw me half way across the pit before I landed on my feet. I looked at Edward he was Clutching his arm which was heavily bleeding. He glared at me and cursed. Then two swords feel from the stands. Edward grabbed both. He charged me as he got closer his armor started to fall off piece by piece like a snake peeling its skin. I looked at his Arm it wasn’t in any condition to be holding any weapon. The only thing he could do was swing with it and hope it cuts me. He swung both swords at my in an ark going down. I turned my sword to a spear and deflected the attack. We were at a standstill Edward was using his remaining strength to crush me the problem for him was that he wasn’t nearly strong enough to do that. All he did was tower over me. Like it was a building about to collapse. He was sweating up enough water to create a lake. While I barely broke a sweat. I knelt down making Edward think he got the upper hand. When he used the rest of his strength I slipped between his legs using the spear to trip him. Edward was able to get on his hands and knees but not much else. I made my first mistake and turned my back on him. I walked towards the Coliseums Exit then I was tackled. It felt like I was being trampled by a herd of elephants that got on steroids. For a second I was out of breath and when I tried to get up Edward grabbed me by the neck. And held me in mid air.”Why don’t you have a single scratch you little brat. Do you have the Achilles’ Curse?!” He yelled at me. I didn’t answer.”Well I guess we’ll find out.” Edward said smiling revealing his teeth covered in blood. He grabbed my knife and held it to my face.”Even though you won’t you’ll have the scares to show that you at least fought me.” I felt the blades metal touch my face and that’s all I needed was contact. I turned the Blade into a sword and instead of going deeper into my face it outstretched into Edwards hand. Cutting his palm. I grabbed the sword as it fell to the ground and sliced Edwards’s wrist on the hand he was holding me with. Edward took several steps back getting a sword then the spear he had dropped earlier. Both of his hands were now cut and bleeding he was in no condition to fight, but that would never stop him. The only way to stop him was to kill him or to make him quit. And none of those are considered options. So ill think of something else. Edward came at me like he was crazy. He threw the spear at me. Then I practically did the matrix and broke the spear in two. Then I dodge the sword and I was lost in pure instinct. By the time I regain mental capacity I was just about to cut off his head. Edward was lying on the ground motionless. He had deep gashes in his left leg both arms and on big one on his chest. My blade was going up and down as if I was measuring the best way to take off his head. The entire Coliseum went quiet all horrified in what might occur. Then accidentally I swung I managed to stop myself half an inch away from his neck. Then the entire crowd gave a breath of relief and cheered. Saying random things like ‘that was amazing!’ or ‘How could he beat Edward.’ I even heard a ‘I want him on our team for capture the flag!’ Clarisse walked over to me looking disappointed.

-“Well guess you can stay in our cabin. Come on.” Clarisse said walking out of the stadium. I stopped her and pointed to Edward.

-“isn’t anyone going to help him?!” I asked. Clarisse shrugged. That was definitely not the answer I was looking for. I walked up to Edward a managed to lift him over my shoulder. I walked him to the infirmary as fast as I could. I laid him on the biggest empty bed. But his feet still hung off the post. I bandaged all of the wounds and put some gauze over them keeping the pressure on. Then left. I went back to the coliseum and found Clarisse waiting with another kid they looked like they were talking at first but as I got closer I could see that they were kissing. I got to them and made a big loud fake cough to let them know I was there. They both acted startled and stepped back. I looked at the boy had black hair and light brown eyes. He was shaking his head embarrassed and Clarisse was blushing. Both of them grief struck for words.

-“Hey I really don’t care what you guys are doing but I’d like to get my stuff and go to the cabin when you’re done I’ll be in the coliseum.” I said passing Clarisse and the guy to gather my things. I waited for about five minutes then Clarisse came in and we left for the cabin.”So…..who was that guy?”

-“his name is Chris he’s my boyfriend.” Clarisse said embarrassed.

-“Is he like……another kid of Ares?” I asked hoping she’d say no.

-“No” She replied. I mouthed the words 'thank you' then continued listening.”He’s a child of Hermes. Look if you’re planning on dating a girl here just makes sure there not in your same cabin other than that there free game.” I gave a sigh of relief then looked at our cabin. It’s bright with barbed wire on the roof and a stuffed boar's head on the doorway, whose eyes seem to follow you. I was about to take another step but Clarisse stopped me. “Watch out for the landmines.” She said right before showing me the correct way to get inside without getting blown to bits. When I walked inside I saw a bunch of kids all like Clarisse big and tough. As I walked inside all of them looked at me with a wicked grin like Clarisse they all patted me on the back saying stuff like ‘you’re pretty tough for a little guy.’ Or ‘ you did alright for a pip squeak.’ I looked around all the bunk beds on one side while the rest of the cabin had work out set’s and weapons on the wall. It reminded me of my room in the Ismenian springs. The place was even more crowded than I thought but Clarisse found a bed for me right next to the work out set. She told me that she pulled some strings and said that if I woke up early enough I could get a work out session with her before everyone wants to get on.

-“So about that capture the flag what do you do just run around and get the flag?” I asked looking at Clarisse but everyone inside the cabin laughed except for a couple of kids. They were almost as big as Edward but much more hardcore looking. One of the biggest Ones glared at me then walked up. He was bald with cuts all over his head and looked at least twenty one with a permanent 6 o’ clock shadow. He actually reminded me of VIN diesel but short and stocky. The guy had numerous tattoos on his arms like the word Dad inside a burning heart or two spears crossing. He had about fifty consecutive scars on his arms. ‘Each one must stand for a person he killed’ I thought but that was the ADHD talking.

-“Capture the flag is to serious for a little boy like you shouldn’t even worry about him. Besides he’s not a REAL Ares son.” The guy said snickering.

-“What are you talking about I passed the test what’s your
problem?!” I said glaring at him.

-“My problem is that Chiron gave you little scrawny Ass to us just
because you stole my Dads knife.” Raymond paused and looked at
it.”And once I take that Knife and prove your not sharing my blood your gonna die for insulting Ares by calling him your father.” For a second I actually was about to fight this guy. My knife was out and It was glowing ready for what weapon I was about to change it into. Clarisse saw what was about to happen and stepped between us.

-“Raymond I thought the same thing when I saw him but He’s alright after a while and maybe the knife was a gift.” Clarisse said trying to sound polite but when it didn’t work she took a harsher tone.” Fine keep being stubborn but As much as I like to see people fight I’m not gonna have it not today at least. Edwards already out of commission and we can’t have two more like him. You got that Raymond so lay off him or ill personally take care of the fray problem.” Clarisse said. The entire cabin went quiet seeing what Raymond would do. He looked around the cabin in the corners of his eyes then looked at me. Glaring in hate.

-“Fine but this isn’t over pip squeak.” Raymond said and went back to his friends.

-“What’s his problem.” I asked Clarisse both of us starring at
him. Clarisse looked like she was about to fight him to.

-“He’s Raymond de Fray the biggest Jackass you’ll ever meet that’s
the problem. He’s always picking fights with kids especially the new ones. You’re lucky I was here are we would’ve seen the worst fight between campers since Percy and Thalia.” Clarisse said. I put my back pack on my bunk and lay down for a while.

-“So this capture the flag thing whose team are we on?” I asked. Her as she started to work out.

-“Or team is red and we made alliances with Hermes, Iris, Hecate, Aphrodite, Zeus, and Hephaestus cabins were going against everybody else.” Clarisse said as her bench pressed a weight that probably weighed a ton.

-“so what’s the rules of the game and what’s the plan to win?” I asked her.

-“Well The creek is the boundary line for starters. And the entire forest is fair game. All magic items are allowed which includes Ares knife. The opposite team has to be able to see the flag, and can have no more than two guards. You can capture prisoners and dis arm them but may they can’t be bound or gagged. No killing or maiming is allowed. Oh and Guards aren't allowed to stand within ten yards of the flag. And as for a plan all were going to do is take their flag.” Clarisse said finishing her work out.

-“that’s it! how many games have you guys won?” I asked.

-“Blue team has been winning the last ten games.” She said.” but were about to change that.”

-“Yeah I guess we are.” I said in agreement. I looked at the clock we had three hours until capture the flag plenty of time to do what I was thinking.“I’ll be right back.”
over a year ago Blackjack167 said…
big smile
nice work :D
over a year ago Odssey said…
I said leaving my cabin and going to Hephaestus’. As I approached it I noticed that all the cabins looked nothing alike and they mirrored the cabins Patron. And in this case it mirrored Hephaestus really well. The cabin was made of brick and I even saw a smokestack sticking out of it. It looked like a tiny factory or like an oversized motor-home. As I walked up to the steps and knocked on the door I couldn’t help notice that the entrance was like a vault door, circular and of thick metal. As it open metal gears hissed and a large girl appeared in the doorway she wearing a tank top and a bandanna to tie back her dark hair. She had grease all over her jeans and wore big mechanic boot. She was definitely older than me but just by two years.

-“Um…I’m looking for the counselor here. “I asked.

-“Leo’s in bunker 9 why do you need… aren’t you the kid that beat Edward?” The girl asked. I nodded and the girl grinned. “That was pretty tough to take on Edward. I had a feeling you would win. Anyway I’m Nyssa come on ill take you to bunker 9.” The girl said walking past me and towards the forest. I followed.

-“are you always this nice to Ares kids?” I asked “I mean our parents do hate each other.” She responded but kept on walking.

-“Well if you want I could hate you.” Nyssa said.

-“No...No that’s alright better having you as a friend than an enemy.” I said.

-“funny I thought the same exact thing about you when I saw you at our doorstep. And no I’m not this nice to Ares kids just so you know but you’re not as brutish as most of his kids and I respect that.” Nyssa stopped dead in her tracks. “Well were here.” I looked at her. This girl must’ve been breathing to many fumes because the only thing in front of me was the face of a mountain. But then she tapped the wall and the entire thing just opened up. As I watched in awe the mountain face revealed to be a door that led inside an old bunker which explained the name bunker 9. There were kids’s everywhere. Some of them were building things. Others just looking around and a couple of Ares campers that were digging through piles of brand new weapons. That’s when I saw it. A giant ship with cannons crossbows every long range weapon imaginable. It looked like a pimped out pirate ship. I looked over and saw Leo directing a couple Hephaestus kids they were preparing armor and weapons for capture the flag. I walked over to him with Nyssa.

-“Leo over here.” Nyssa called. Leo turned around and saw me with Nyssa looking confused. He walked over.

-“Hey need something.” Leo asked. I nodded and handed him a list of stuff id need. He scratched his head. “This all for capture the flag?” I nodded but he still looked confused.

-“I’ll explain later when I get everybody together.” I looked at Leo waiting for him to answer. He shrugged.

-“One pair of chameleon armor coming up.” Leo said. “But for the bird I can’t help you. You’ll have to get them from Brian over there.” Leo pointed to a short skinny kid with brown curly hair. Messing with something that I couldn’t make out. “See you guys later.” Leo began to walk away but I stopped him.
-“Leo wait can you get the Aphrodite kids and Clarisse here?” I asked.
-“how would I do that?” Leo asked back.
-“tell the Aphrodite kids that you found the plans and built a device that applies make up or something and tell Clarisse you built a brand new weapon for her. Just make something up.” I said back then I went over to Brian. He was messing with what looked like a mechanical dog. When I got closer the Robot Sprang to life and growled at me.
-“Auto sit!” Brian commanded. The robot sat down but continued to growl. Before I even got a chance to ask my question Brian pulled out five Black crows. Along with a box of watches. “I heard you talk with Leo and made these. So what’s the plan for Capture the flag?” Brian said with a mischievous smile. This kid was really talented even for a kid of Hephaestus I could tell. The automaton hound was probably the most detailed thing I’ve ever seen I would’ve believed it was a real dog if It was covered in fur and I couldn’t see the bronze.
-“I’ll tell you later. At the meeting here in 15 minutes. If you can go and get Hermes cabin. We’re about to end the blue teams winning streak.” That was the last thing I said before leaving Bunker 9 with Nyssa.
-“Well you’re a natural leader who would’ve guessed.” Nyssa said smiling.
-“to tell you the truth if I was at school and just came here without dealing with all the monster id probably be reading in my cabin right now. I feel like I’m assembling some kind of army.” I said.
-“You are. Capture the flag is just like war. That’s why Ares and Athena cabins always lead the teams.” Nyssa said.”Hey ill meet up with you later. If your plan is gonna be that good I’d better get ready.” Nyssa said heading towards Hephaestus cabin.
-“Come to bunker 9 in fifteen minutes.” I told her then we went our separate ways. I went to Iris cabin it was beautiful. In the light it was all rainbow colors. It changed from red to green to blue and stuff. From the roof it spread water practically everywhere making the entire area look like a giant rainbow. It must be pretty embarrassing for butch too be seen walking in and out of this place every day. I knocked on the door and it immediately opened. Right there was Lucy already in her battle armor. She leaned on her spear as she looked at me surprised.
-“Hey.” She said.
-“Hey.” I sad back. I didn’t know if I should’ve been embarrassed to be here, Awkward that we shouldn’t be friends or Scared in what Iris will do to me for talking to her.”We need you guys in bunker 9.”
-“Us?” Lucy asked confused then she looked back at butch who was lifting weights. They were probably the his personal ones because they definitely didn’t go with the cabin.”Oh butch and I.” she said a little disappointed. “Hey butch we have a meeting for capture the flag in bunker 9! Were ever that is.”
-“K.” Butch said. Still working out. “I’ll meet you guys there.” After that Lucy quickly closed the door like she was waiting for him to say they could go on ahead. As we walked through the forest Lucy began to create an uneasy conversation.
-“Jordan we need to talk.” Lucy said shyly. ”about what my mom said.” I looked at her surprised.
-“You heard what she said?” I asked but she shook her head.
-“She contacted Butch right after we got claimed. She told him about you. Then Butch told me what she said. I'm really sorry. She seems all sweet but she can be so…” Lucy grunted the last bit of the sentence so I couldn’t hear.”She sounded like I was her personal object or something. Who does she think she is saying that I’m not allowed near you and we can’t be friends! She can be such a pain!” Lucy said turning from shy to angry I’ve only seen her get angry a few times at school. She really has a high tolerance for it which she probably gets it from her mom’s side but every time it happens it never ends well.
-“well that pain is your Mom. Lucy and she really does mean well I’m sure of it.” I pointed out trying to calm her down.
-“Jordan she threatened to do something to you do you know all the bad things she’s done to people in the ancient myths?!” Lucy said.
-“She didn’t do anything to people she’s considered a peaceful and nice goddess.” I said.
-“Yeah or she does things so terrible no one would ever speak of them.” Lucy said, definitely not thinking before she talked. I starred at her for a second.
-“That’s a little paranoid don’t you think?” I added.
-“Ok maybe a little… it’s just that she’s a little overprotective.” Lucy said turning from mad to concern.”I just want to know what she’s trying to protect me from.”
-“Me. She says that if we keep this up any longer something terrible will happen. I'm starting to think she’s right.” I said not meeting Lucy’s eyes. “I mean if the fates say that our continued friendship could lead to someone’s death…” I didn’t finish the thought.
-“no one said anything about death.” Lucy said trying to reassure me.
-“what else could it mean. Everything bad that happens in the ancient myths always end in death.” I told Lucy.
-“well what do you suppose we do about it?” Lucy asked. Several minutes passed before I came up with an answer.
-“we could just stop being friends….for a little while I mean.” I tried to sound less sad than I already was. Lucy kept walking but starred forward but she had a mixed look on her face as if she wanted to punch me for saying such a thing or cry because I was probably right. It practically killed me inside saying that to Lucy especially since we just started being friends a couple of days ago. Honestly though It seemed like we had been friends since the beginning of time and now when I really needed friends to back me up and just to talk to I had just lost one. We didn’t talk until we got to the entrance of bunker 9.

-“it’s just the side of a mountain.” Lucy said.

-“That’s what I thought.” I said knocking on the mountain side in the same spot of Nyssa. Then the duel doors open and Lucy starred in amazement. She probably had the same expression on her face as I did when I first saw it. She looked at everything at least fifteen times. I tapped her on the shoulder and we went into the center of the crowd. The crowd consisted of all the red team. Lou Ellen from Hecate cabin, all the Hephaestus members, Jason from Zeus cabin, all the Aphrodite and Hermes kids. I walked to the center at a large table. There was an outstretched map of the forest. Clarisse, Leo, Brian, Nyssa, Piper, Lou Ellen, and Jason stood at the table waiting for me to tell the plan.

-“Can we pull up a crowd or what.” Nyssa said since I obviously looked impressed.
over a year ago Odssey said…

-“ok then can someone give me a pen?” I asked. Leo handed me a pencil it was good enough. I marked about fifty five random places all of them. At least good mile or so away from each other. “Ok first of all there are several ways to succeed in this plan both the best ones are the hardest to attempt. Lou Ellen one of them involves your powers of magic. How good is it and how long can you hold it. “I pulled out my knife and transformed it into the spear. “Transform it into the flag.” I said to her.

-“stand back.” Lou Ellen yelled making sure everyone heard. Not one of us said a word and just followed orders. In second’s dark red mist slithered around her left arm to her finger tips. As it reached her hand it became a sphere. A ball of dark red fire levitated in her hand. Then like a baseball pitcher like way she threw it my spear. There was a mist in the room but as it cleared the spear looked like a flag with Ares symbol on it. I looked at Nyssa to confirm that’s what the flag looked like. “I can hold it like that for at least two hours. Three hours tops. I smiled this was actually better than I had actually planned it. I looked at Lucy and Butch. Then back at Lou Ellen.

-“can you duplicate it?” I asked. She looked confused.”I mean make an exact copy.” She shrugged and began to do the thing with the dark red fire ball. We stepped back as she threw it and when the smoke cleared. Instead of fifty five exact duplicates there were fifty five miniature flags they almost looked like the umbrellas you stuck in a drink. Everyone sucked their teeth. “It’s alright no offense but I didn’t think this part would go off perfectly that’s why we have them.” I looked at butch and Lucy who starred at me awkwardly.”Your mom may be goddess of rainbows but she can also create illusions as well. Honestly I had no idea where I had gotten that knowledge from. It just appeared in my mind like a pop up add on the computer. “Some one got another spear?” It didn’t take long for a spear to get to the head of the crowd. “I'm positive this’ll work it’s rare for a child of Iris to have the gift but It definitely is worth trying.” They both looked at the spear concentrating. The spear looked exactly the same. I thought about the Mist like at the springs how it had given Lucy strength and other heightened abilities. “Lou Ellen if you can make some fog. And make it heavy.” Lou Ellen nodded then did the
dark red fire ball and soon one of the densest mists enveloped me and the crowd. I waited about five minutes then called “Lou Ellen!” in seconds the fog disappeared and with it was the spear and umbrella drink flags in their place was thousands of flags more than I expected. I touched on but as soon as I lifted it up and took a step with it turned back into the miniature flag. When I set it down it transformed back into the fully grown flag.

-“it makes it easier to carry into the woods without being noticed. “Lucy said. Happy that she’d done some good. In the plan butch just gave me a grin and nodded exceptionally practically saying that ‘I’m too cool to smile but I’m really happy it worked.’

-“Ok Lou Ellen once we get in the woods I need you to put a charm on the actual flag making it turn into one of those miniature ones.” She nodded.

-“it’ll take a while though the game will have already started by the time I finish.” She said. But I had prepared for that.

-“Leo give Lou Ellen some chameleon armor.” I told him.

-“On it General.” Leo said joking I did like the sound of that though General Jordan. It had a nice ring to it. Leo threw me the armor.

-“Use the armor to conceal yourself while working on the spell.” I told her. She took the armor and asked if she was needed for anything else I said yes and told her to hurry. With that Lou Ellen disappeared in the crowd but I was able to hand her a video watch right before she went she could hear the orders as they were given. “All Aphrodite campers come up to the front!” I yelled. As they did I noticed how strange they looked. Most of them were girls and had on stuff you’d see on a little girl dressing up as Rambo. Most of them were girls and they had hot pink colored armor with camouflage covering most of their bodies. ”so out of all of you which of you really wouldn’t mind not fighting.” All of them raised their hand…….err……. all of them except piper. I smiled. “Perfect you will be faze 2.” I told them the plan and at first they didn’t look so happy but then I told them it’s all about acting and the next thing you know they were saying stuff from some plays they must’ve seen because I’ve never heard of those lines but I have also never been to a play. I gave them all video watches. Then looked at Brian. Who in turn took out the automaton birds. I told them why they were needed and Nyssa got the weirdest look on her face as if she was the one who had thought of that.

-“You’re using the birds to track the flags and see which ones we should tell them to go get if we get captured.” Nyssa said.

-“Not ‘if’ when once the Aphrodite kids get captured one by one we’ll send them out and when they give the miss leading info we capture the people who go after the fake flags.” I said reminding her of the plan. Out of the crowd came a boy blonde hair fourteen blue eyes. It was Jason the only Son of Zeus.

-“so where’s the real flag?” He asked. I looked at him. This guy made me feel weird jusst by looking at him. When I first saw him I instantaneously gained a respect for him. I felt that if I didn’t something bad will happen. I was tempted to say’ you can put it were ever you want it.’ But I remembered to stick to the plan. I put the map high on the wall and pointed to the map dead center of the forest everyone looked at me crazy.

-“What are you insane?” said one person in the crowd.

-“your plan was great up until then.” Another kid said.

-“there’s no way we’re winning.” Said the final one. That’s when Clarisse finally spoke.

-“all of you shut up I see what he’s doing.” Clarisse said walking towards the map. “After what Lou Ellen and the Iris kids did I see what he’s doing. We trap them hear right in the middle of the forest. Even if we lose we end up winning. They’ll pick up the flag and drop it a soon as it changes they’ll move on and see that it’s a fake. They won’t tell the difference with there being hundreds of the flags. There is one flaw though you didn’t take into consideration. That Annabeth will be getting the flag she has done it for the other games and will most likely do it again.”

-“I did take into that she knows that I’ve had a plan so it might be Carmen she’s sending. Or someone else. So after the first wave of Hermes campers go into the battle they’ll be followed by the Ares cabin. Jason you lead Hermes and Ares cabins making sure that they keep going as long as they possibly can. It’ll be the distraction that draws most of the blue team’s forces.” I said.

-“and what about Annabeth who’s going to try and capture our flag?” Clarisse asked. A grinned.

-“Isn’t it obvious, I thought you’d be the one to volunteer.” I said. She smiled.”Plus I’ll be there for back up in chameleon armor.” Leo gave me the armor. Then I took the last one to and gave it to Chris.

-“what’s this for?” Chris asked.

-“you’re practically the only thief I trust around hear so far.” I whispered to him. “You’re the only one I actually can trust to get the flag.” Chris looked at me like id given him a chance to steal a kings crown or a chest of gold but even though it was just a flag his face lit up with excitement like the fourth of July. I looked at the clock about fifteen minutes until we would start capture the flag. “Ok you guys know what to do make sure get a flag and put it some were secure until we are ready to start the game after that you guys know your roles to play in the plan. If we get this right this’ll be the greatest capture the flag game this camp has ever seen.” I said. Hoping that it inspired them to do their best it did. Everyone did a battle cheered then went back to their cabins. Probably to get changed if they already weren’t. I put my chameleon armor on and the conch shell rang. It was time to play.
over a year ago Emily_is_COOl said…
Awesome! ARe you gonna post more?
over a year ago tessa34567 said…
wow this is good really really good
over a year ago Blackjack167 said…
big smile
That was soo awsome :D
over a year ago Blackjack167 said…
big smile
I could swear that Jordan has Athena blood in him 2 make that stratagy:D