The Heroes of Olympus The Trojan Sea Monster

Aphroditeskid21 posted on Jan 11, 2011 at 05:59PM
Hi I'm Aphroditeskid21 and this is my Second FanFic so i hope you enjoy comment away i don't care about spam. so go nuts!!!

Title: Book 1 "The Child of Roma" in the The Heroes of Roma Series.

Rating: T

Type: Action, Love, Drama, Comedy,

Characters: Sean, Reyna, Jason, Gwen, Lupa, and Hazel. Probably many more not going to add all names.

Synopsis: "The Child Of Roma" is the Introduction to the Heroes of Roma Series. this is a series based on the Titan war but from the Roman Camps side. the First book starts when the Second book of the PJO Series starts. Sean is Introduce to this huge magical world that he will have to get used to. Enjoy

Synopsis: "The Trojan Sea Monster" is the second book of the Heroes of Roma Series, it shows Sean and his Friends going on a Journey to kill the Monster and Discovery more on his arch nemesis that he will face soon.

Disclaimer: I do not own "The Heroes of Olympus Series" or the "Percy Jackson Series" so yup go RR

Series Synopsis: This story is a new child of the Roman camp his name is Sean and he is the Son of a Jupiter in this 4 book series we will go on 4 quest and have fun so enjoy

last edited on Feb 09, 2011 at 11:12PM

The Heroes of Olympus 378 replies

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over a year ago PJhero02 said…
luved it!! great chappie!!!
over a year ago redhawks said…
big smile
Nice chapter! That was pretty good! Great job.
over a year ago Emily_is_COOl said…
OH MY GODS! Fabulous! Excellent! Fantastical!!
over a year ago Hellokittymacho said…
big smile

keep posting
over a year ago Noctis_Nigrius said…
Terrible use of the word, "Adjourn".
over a year ago Aphroditeskid21 said…


The Rise and Fall shall Lead to your youth
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Emily_is_COOl said…
What?? I am confuzled! But whooo! Can't wait! I am writing a book and Im gonna post it, send me a message on my wall or something, if u wanna read it, if not thats fine!
over a year ago Aphroditeskid21 said…
big smile
Thanks for all the complement everyone and welcome new readers!

Chapter 3
This Complicates Things

I walked out to see that Sally was on the opposite team. She was the Minerva and Mars team, CRAP! I wanted to walk over to her but we aren’t allowed to get into the opposites Alliance’s affairs. Elizabeth came up behind me.
“Sean, I forgot to count Sally into the plan”
“I just realized it to”
“Well she will be near water”
“Do you think there going to make her Anchor”
“Most likely, but I don’t know, there probably make her defend the flag base”
“Your right”
“Well there’s only three Flag bases on there side”
“Only one has a river near”
“Gods, your right”
“Well I’ll take my group there first”
“Be careful, I can’t lose one of my strongest fighters”
She walked over to Jason and then Lupa finally came out.
We all huddled up in our Alliances, our Alliances was on the right side and the other on the left. Shelby was holding there flag while Jason was holding ours.
“The Rules are as follows, NONE! Use all advantages you have to win”
I walked over to Jason and he walked towards me.
“Sean Pick your Spec Obs Legion” Jason joked
There were a line of Men in front of me. The were in there ranks. I picked Alex son of Victoria goddess of Victory. The next I picked was Devon Son of Vulcan. Then it was Greg son of Pomona the goddess of Plenty, Then I picked James Son of Strenua Goddess of Strength and Virgo, I thought that was enough and then I picked a newcomer, Tyler he was at the bottom rank and looked like he was scared so I wanted to give him more training and experience and then he would be a good fighter. There it was my Elite Legion. I ordered Alex to be my Second in command for when I go in alone or something happens, I chose him because he wasn’t new and he is son of Victory. Then after it’s James he is smart and strong, then Devon he was smart and looked like he could handle himself then I stopped ordering the next in line of Commanders because, if I go down then Alex then James then Devon then it’s just Greg and Tyler so there screwed. I took my Men into the Forest into our base. On our base was a armory, our meeting table and giant map of the forest and the traps on the map as X’s. I went over and Sat down at the table and ordered my men to meet me in the back in a couple of minutes. Devon went to work on traps until the battle began, Alex was at my side. James and Greg and Tyler were training until the battle began, James thought they should know a few tricks. I sat with Jason and Scotty small talking until the rest of the Praetors showed up. Then Dakota and Gwen showed up then finally Elizabeth.
“Now, lets hurry this up” Jason said
“Agreed” we all said
“My Group is ready and I am confident we will win today” I reported
“My girls are ready” Elizabeth said
“ Traps are being made and set as we speak” Scotty said
“Same” Jimmy said
“Apollo is ready to defend at your side”
“Very good”
“Our men our ready for battle as well”
“Excellent news Praetors, Lets win today and Remain the Champions, Meeting Adjourned”
We all nodded and left the room and went to our stations, I went to the Map room to see where the river Base was. Then I went to regroup with my team, Alex got them in formation.
“Men, we will be the men today, we will be the guys that made our Alliance be victorious, our team will be the reason for our VICTORY TODAY”
“YA!!!!” my team cheered
“Lets go”
We headed outside and were right next to where Jason and Dakota were.
“Sean, It’s started GO!” Jason told me
“Shit, Come on” we ran to the left side and headed to the river base. On the way I noticed Elizabeth and her girls charging in battle. They were being overrun by Mars kids. They were leading the minor guys in with Mars legion leaders to guide them and kept overwhelming the girls. Elizabeth was holding her own but her troops weren’t. Then I saw something that really caught me off guard. She moved her troops in front of her and she smashed the ground Crack! A giant crack in the earth and then I saw 5 Skelton soldiers come out and start aiding the girls. The girls looked at the skeletons like they were expecting it, Mars didn’t. The Mars kids saw the Skelton soldiers and tried to hold there own but the minor god guys couldn’t.
“What the hell” I said
“What” Alex said
Nothing” Alex nodded
We ran then Tyler reach the river first, his foot went in the river and we followed the river to the base.
“Alex take Greg and Tyler like I told ou, James devon follow me”
I took them to the right entrance and NOTHING. Sally wasn’t here nethier was the flag.
“SHIT!” James said
“Exactly” I said
“Look at the map” I ordered Devon
“Here is the Closest Base”
“Got it”
“Lets go” I ordered
We ran to the next base. But to make it we had to go around the whole battlefield, or no mans land. We went around the army’s without being detected and made it behind a hill right next to the other base. Then I noticed a river or a pond of water that wasn’t on the map before. We did the something as before, we took the right, this time there were guards though. I let James have some fun there were two guards above and I used my wind to levitate him onto the roof. He jumped from the roof onto the guards and knocked them out cold. He smiled and we ran inside, Alex was already in with Tyler and Greg by his side. Then again No Flag.
“Devon Map” I ordered
He looked at the map.
“Here is the last base”
“Lets go, we wasted enough time already”
We ran out there and headed for the last Base.

over a year ago redhawks said…
Aw they probably have all the flags in the same spot. But great job! Vert good!
over a year ago tessa34567 said…
your really good at getting your readers thinking
over a year ago funkyguy1O said…
sweeet when u sed 3 chapters was that that or 2 more coming... sorry to be a bit pushy but i need to read more!!! i need to its like an adicition!!! anyway i loved it and how did that pond get there was it like dug really quickly and filled with water and the maps wernt recintly updated?? :D anyway loved it and it was great writitng and everything u gonna publish a book when u can? cuz i think ur great!!!! u would make an awesome book and i swear on the river Styx i would be the first to buy and read it!! keep writing and ill keep reading!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Aphroditeskid21 said…
big smile
2 more coming!!! today
over a year ago Emily_is_COOl said…
Really good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!
over a year ago Aphroditeskid21 said…
over a year ago Aphroditeskid21 said…
big smile

over a year ago funkyguy1O said…
AWESOME!!! cant wait.... OMG'S!! i bet the chapters are gonna be EPIC!!!!! i really neeed too reeaadd mmoorree oorr ii mmiigghhtt EXPLODE!!! so cant wait!!
over a year ago tessa34567 said…
yah can't wait!!!!!!!
over a year ago Aphroditeskid21 said…
big smile
Funky- Thanks and sorry i've been gone so long
Tessa- Thanks and for the comment right after my chapter above thanks for saying i'm good at getting my reader thinking
Emily- Thanks
Red- It's not that complicated but cool thought and thanks

Here's two out of the four chapters i'm posting today!
Chapter 4
Finishing this

We regrouped and headed for our last base, finally victory looked so close. Then we saw Elizabeth at the front lines. They were falling back, then I saw Jason he was leading a group of minor gods into the front lines and formed a blockade to defend Elizabeth’s wounded and tired. Then I saw Jason use all his power to shoot wind right at them, the enemy flied. He dropped down to his knee’s, Dakota ran up to him and got him up and walked him back to the base. I wanted to lead the attack next time for sure but I had to focus on the task ahead. We ran faster and finally made it, as predicted there was only Minerva girls and Sally. Sally was in the water playing, waiting for an attack.
“Sally” Shelby called
“Get Ready” Shelby shouted at her
I ran up alone and flew up and landed on the roof. I lifted my team up without being detected.
“Stand Back”
They understood and moved back, I shoot lighting into the roof and we jumped in and took the girls quickly, all my guys took everyone out except for Shelby and Sally.
“Shelby, just surrender you can’t win”
She lunged and then I simple lifted her in the air and made a invisible wind box holding her in place, I moved her into the prisoner cages.
“Fight me!” she screamed
“I would but no time”
“Coward” she was trying to trick me
“Okay I’m a coward, that’s going to win”
Tyler ran into the room right when we were heading outside for the flag, he was soaking in water had the blue teams flag
“I got it”
“Hell ya!” Devon said
“Lets go” I said
Tyler was right behind me and Alex was right behind him, we were boxing him in just in case. Then out of nowhere we heard a noise.
“BOM! BOM! BOM!” an alarm came from the blue base were just at, we were in trouble
Then over the hill we saw all the front line Mars kids and there minor god follwers come at us.
“Get Ready”
“You can’t be serious” Devon said
“Welcome to being a Halfblood”
“Great were going down like Hannah Montana’s Career” I laughed and an Idea came to mind, when Jason pushed back the enemy with the wind, but I had a little different twist to it.
“Get in a straight line right behind me”
They listened and were perfectly straight behind me, we weren’t moving and the enemy was only seconds away.
“What are you doing!”
I shoot a wind right in between them and split them apart. I made a wind wall right where the empty space was. I ran in the hole and kept the enemy back. It was watching kids struggle to get you when you made a invisible force field around you.
“how did you” typer and Devon asked
“Don’t let him break his concentration” Alex warned
The guys jumped ahead of me and ran through the gap. It was a straight path for our base, they were out of harms way and I was beginning to feel weak. I turned around and then made them go into a box of wind were they couldn’t move, I waited till tyler captured the flag, then I heard WOA!!! And I let the enemy go. They walked away in anger and disapointment and I just sat down and thought about what I’ve been thinking about for the last year. Hazel and when she’s going to wake up. Jason saw me and ran over to me.
“Hey!, great job lets go bro”
“Lets go eat then we can check on Hazel”
Jason could read me like a Latin book., we headed to the Pisa for some pizza while I thought about my Hazel.

Chapter 5
The Truth

We were in the Pisa, our team was victorious again so we could eat together. I was with Devon and Alex and Jason and Dakota and Elizabeth. I was eating a Steak, rare with salt on it, Jason had pizza and Elizabeth had fries and a vanilla shake, Alex and Devon were sharing chicken, and Dakota had a salad.
“Elizabeth that was some cool moves you had there” I said
“Especially the Skelton soldiers”
“WHAT!” Dakota spit out her salad
“It’s nothing” Elizabeth said
“Nothing, come on it was cool, she raise them then moved them to her command
“We better tell Lupa” Jason said
“NO” Elizabeth said quickly
“Why not” I asked
“She doesn’t want to know who her mother is” Jason said
“No my mother was great to me”
“I thought you said that your mother is your god parent”
“Yea you told us that when you first woke up and we told you that you’re a Halfblood” Jason said
“I ummm, I don’t know”
“What are you not telling us” Jason asked
“Who my father is!” she cried, she started to cry and her black eye liner was dripping down. “I know I won’t be accepted if you know who my dad is, I know you’ll hate me”
“you haven’t been truthful, so how can we accept you if you isn’t actually you?” Jason said
“FINE!, you want the truth, I’M Elizabeth Diablo Shinseki Daughter of Pluto GOD of the Underworld” she looked so sad, her eyes began to have a dying look to them like when the fire is slowly dieing. She got up and ran towards the Pisa door. Then right in the doorway was Lupa, Elizabeth stopped and froze.
“STOP!, Child what is troubling you”
“I’m not welcome here”
“Why is that”
“I’m daughter of Pluto and I know no one wants me here” she tried to step past Lupa but she wouldn’t move.
It wasn’t like that for me but I could sense in the room that it was true what Elizabeth was saying.
“NO!, Lupa don’t listen to her, she’s lied, she knew who she was from the beginning, she’s not welcome because we are a army we have to trust one another” Dakota Said
“Is this true”
“Yes, I am sorry”
“Child, we have a Bunker for Pluto here for a reason, Pluto’s children are very powerful and we respect that”
“Thanks, I’m not sure everyone here agrees”
“Time” Lupa whispered so quietly that I couldn’t figure out how I heard it
Elizabeth nodded and walked away, Lupa walked in.
“You all should think about what you did, It’s time for bed, Go to your Bunkers, DISMISS!”
We all went to our bunkers and into our bunks and I fell asleep right away.
I Dreamed I was with Hazel and Jason and Devon and Shelby we were in front of a pool filled with not water but some blue liquid.
“Jason Don’t” Shelby warned him
“I have to”
Jason charged towards te pool and a encumbers red serpent came out of nowhere and Jason attacked.
My dreamed changed it was me and Hazel in a tent lying next each other. We were kissing and I started to remove her shirt, she was okay with it. Then right when I got the shirt off the dream changed and I didn’t see anything, Damn I thought.
The boy with red eyes and he was with this other 13 year old boy with red hair and freckles and white pale and glass, he looked very angery.
“Is she with them”
“Of course she will not mess this up”
“Do you doubt my sisters Loyalty”
“She is falling in love with the boy”
“NO, she knows Saturn is her master”
“I hope so for her sake”
I woke up and got up and brushed my teeth and got dressed and I went to the infirmary to see something very unexpected, Hazel was gone. I saw a Apollo kid walk in and walk out right when he saw me. I ran after him.
“Crap” he whispered
“Where’s Hazel”
“Sean, umm”
“What” uh oh I thought
“Hazel woke up”
“Umm not quite”
“She’s umm brain dead”
“Well kinda she can’t talk and were not picking up any brain activity”
“Why didn’t anyone tell me”
“Well we knew that you would react bad”
“SO you hide it from me”
“Dakota told me to sorry”
“Where is she now”
“Lupa’s Bunker”
I headed towards Lupa’s Bunker and walked in. I saw hazel on the couch and looked asleep still but her eyes were open, Lupa in the back watching her, Dakota crying on Hazel’s body, Jason in the back just standing there like a statue.I ran to Hazel’s side.
“Told you he would find out soon” Jason said
“What’s going on here”
“Sean” Dakota crying and hugged me
“What’s wrong with her”
“Child, Hazel has no memory and her mind well it‘s not working but it still works, but no active or like she’s not in her own mind, like she’s trapped in her own mind”
“What can we do”
“NO, there’s something I can do”
“boy she can’t talk”
“NO, I will make her remember us”
I moved my hand on Hazel’s forehead and other holding her hand her eyes looked at me confused, I focused on her brainwaves.
“Sean what are you doing”
“Jason our dad is god of the sky, we control sound waves, wind currents, I think I can hear her brain waves, I have to try” I focused on her brain and heard something almost immediately, I heard three words
over a year ago redhawks said…
That was good. Nice twist on the story. I love how you solved it. That was good. Very imgantive with the brain waves and all. Nice job.
over a year ago Emily_is_COOl said…
Very nice!!! You deserve the über awesome applouse: *clap* Whooo! Yay! You rock! *whistle* *clap, clap*
over a year ago PJhero02 said…
big smile
it was awesome!!! luved it!! way better than mine! gosh how do u guys make such long chapters!!?
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
over a year ago Noctis_Nigrius said…
well isn't that interesting.
over a year ago Neptune123 said…
over a year ago tessa34567 said…
o.m.g so so so so so good!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago eyal10 said…
like it alot
over a year ago Aphroditeskid21 said…
big smile
Eyal- thanks
Red- thanks and i thought about if Jason can travel threw electrical currents including the brain thanks for that to
Emily- thanks
PJ- Thanks and i just make myself right until i hit two pages of more on my note book haha
Neptune- Curd haha
Noctis- thanks and it's interesting indeed
Tessa- thanks
Jas55- thanks as well

For all you love fans here's a lovey dovey Chapter

Chapter 6
When I heard my name I was stuck in a trance, everyone was staring at me, Jason was talking to me but I couldn’t hear him, all I could hear was those three words over and over. Then I heard a different voice.
“The rise and the fall shall lead to your youth”
Then still in Hazels I saw different images just pop in and out. The first was us together on the Sea horses last summer, The next one was Us on our first date and the last was disturbing it was her being attack and then transporting all our friends into the camp borders, I saw her purplish life force leave her body it was painful to watch, I stopped searching in the mind after I saw that image.
“Child, did it work”
“Yes, her brain is still active, but someone is blocking her”
“Who” Dakota said
“Who, Indeed” Lupa said
“Sean what did you hear and see exactly”
I told them everything that happened
“The Rise and the fall shall lead to you youth?” Jason puzzled
“That doesn’t sound good” Dakota said
“No it doesn’t sound good at all, But I think I know what kinda of magic this is, I can take this person out of her mind or spell for that matter”
“what do we have to do”
“You have to take me to the Android Vortex”
“You must focus like you did before and bring me alone this time, There will be a binding between the conscious and the unconscious mind, this binding is most likely keeping Hazel’s conscious mind”
“So we destroy it, but how”
“I will break it, you have to be delicate or we could destroy her mind completely”
“I must warn you this will take a lot of power from you”
“I understand”
“Uh the last time I went into a mind like this was when I was interrogating a Greek”
“Nothing, lets do this”
I put my hand on Lupa’s forehead and my other hand on Hazel’s, I was focusing on traveling threw the electricity in the brain and made it to the Vortex, Lupa charged at it and Bit Hazel’s Brain.
“What are you doing” a women shadow called from a deeper part of the brain
“NOOOOOO!!!!” she disappeared
I took me and Lupa’s brains back to normal, I fell to the ground and slowly got back up from the help of Jason.
“Child, Hazel will awake soon”
“Really, it worked”
“Yes, I don’t know about the memory but I must go to my quarters” She left and went up stairs.
Hazel groaned and started to wake.
“Who am I”
“Excuse me”
“Hazel, do you remember me”
“Of course!”
“Well who am I”
“The person who”
“Who I ummm”
“Hazel look at me”
“Look at me and tell me who I am”
She stared at me and she put her hand on her forehead like a headache.
“I, I, I, ummm, Son of Jupiter”
“Yes I am”
“Grey eyes”
“Storm grey yea”
“Your words not mine” she laughed
“Come on”
“not John”
“Am I close”
“It ryms”
“SEAN!” I hugged her and everyone moaned in a ahhhh, like in movies when it’s romantic
“I’m starting to remember but it’s still fuzzy”
“Well, whatever will figure it out”
She tried to stand up then she fell down almost immediately, her legs looked like noodles.
“Woa, how long was I out”
“Ummm, a year and two months”
“Well you were in a coma”
“How, what I do”
“You shadow traveled our friends to safety and saved them and yourself”
“Well what’s shadow travel and where am I”
“Were in the Eternal city, it’s a camp for Demigods, the children of the gods, your mother is Nox goddess of the Night, you can shadow travel which is like teleporting threw the dark and it takes a lot of energy to do so, and you shadow traveled yourself and five other people”
“Cool! Can I do anything else that’s cool”
“Umm, you can see threw the dark like it’s day you told me”
“Sweet, anything else”
“Ask your other Nox sisters they’ll help you out”
“So umm, are you like my boyfriend”
“um, it was never official but, basically”
“oh, why not”
“Umm, we were on a life threating quest at the time and I was scared to ask”
“how cute” she teased, I laughed
“How old am I”
“Now, your 17 in a week”
“Yea August 29th”
“oh yea duh”
“Whens your birthday”
“August 9th”
“I wanted to be older”
“to bad I’m already 17”
“So where’s my family”
“Oh I see”
“No no, there fine, but you left them”
“Well monsters kept coming after you so you left them for there own safety”
She looked up and she looked at me as if I was lying.
“What you don’t remember or something”
“I don’t think I was completely honest with you”
“Do you remember”
“No, Yes, I don’t know” she grabbed her own forehead again
“Okay its cool don’t worry about it”
“Sooo I was curious”
“What” I asked, she leaned in to whisper something to me
“Have we kissed yet” I smiled
“umm is it bad if we did”
“No” she said quickly
“So did we”
“What you think”
“I think you’re a cruel person and is loving this moment”
“Hey see your starting to catch on”
“I see why I like you”
“Well I better carry you to your bunker everyone is going to want to talk to you”
“Your right”
We walked out together and everyone else followed behind, her Bunker came out and carried her in, she waved
I started to walk towards the Arena
“So, you okay bro”
“Kinda her memory is still gone, Lupa said that it would work”
“Yea, I wonder why”
“Yea well lets go train”

over a year ago PJhero02 said…
his birthday is three days after mine!!! haha great chapter! i need to be more disciplined about the length of my chapters...
over a year ago eyal10 said…
i love it and how she slowly regains her memory
over a year ago Emily_is_COOl said…
I love your plot and everything. I think it's cool how Hazel was in a coma, yet she is NOT COMPLETELY cured, yet.
over a year ago Poseidon3 said…
big smile
Man, your story is awesome. I can't wait to read the next chapter!
over a year ago Aphroditeskid21 said…
big smile
PJ- Thanks and i've read your stories there good, no matter the length
Eyal- thanks
Emily- thanks

Chapter 7
New Couple?

Jason and I walked together after training was done. We were going to our bunker to get ready for dinner and the fire tonight, we walked in our Bunker.
“Hey, Sean?”
“So I was wondering, what do you think of Shelby”
“I don’t know she’s cool why”
“Well I wanna you know”
“Ohhhh, I see, go for it man ask her out”
“Just go up to her and ask her out”
“yea, why not”
“Well, Minerva and Jupiter aren’t exactly a great pick and plus were two leaders to different Alliance here at camp”
“That’s just training”
“Okay, yea, your right”
“Well come on”
We walked to the Pisa and entered it. We noticed that pizza wasn’t avaible, Jason was pissed. Since Jason was pissed off I wanted to take out Hazel on a dinner date like we planned before she was in a accident, I walked over to Hazel’s table.
“Hey, Hazel you wanna go out to eat”
“Yea, umm sure, can we?, oh and I have a lot more questions for you”
“I figured, lets go”
We walked out of the Pisa and I immediately grabbed her waist and took off into the sky.
“WOA!!!!, AHHHH”
“You can fly”
“Oh yea, haha yes I can fly”
“I can see that”
“Olive Garden is you favorite, do you want to go”
“It is? Well lets go where you want to go”
“Outback Steak house”
“Sure sounds good, Steak? I think I like that”
“You do its our favorite dinner dish”
“Great” she laughed
I flew us into the city and landed next to outback. We walked in and got a table for two, we sat and ordered our drinks first, she got a coke, I got a rootbeer since there’s no Pepsi.
“So when did I run away”
“I think you said 7”
“7, wow”
“Yea, well you did it to protect them right”
“Well, I think something else happened”
“What do you mean”
She lifted up her shirt and showed me a scar on her stomach.
“I think something happened and I left because I was forced to, or something like that, I don’t know”
“uh I always figured it was a birth mark”
“When did you see me with my shirt off”
“Well I had a dream and your shirt was off because umm we were at the beach” I lied
“Oh well I feel pain when I look at it, but I can’t remember why”
“Umm my Bunker told me I was There Praetor and I was wondering what the hell is that”
“Praetor is basically your in charge of your Bunker”
“I guess that’s cool”
“So how long have we been together”
“one year and three months I think”
“Where did we meet”
“When I first came to the City, I saw you in the Pisa and-”
“Oh wait I remember you were with Jason and in line for Pizza and then you got your Pizza and walked over to the Nox Table”
“Yea, cool your starting to Remember so stuff”
“I think I remembered our first Kiss earlier”
“Yea I was talking to a girl in this mist and then you scared the crap out of me and then I kissed someone I was hoping it was you”
“Yes It was me”
“Why did you scare me”
“umm you were in my room and then I tackled you with a blanket around me and kissed you, but you liked it so much you pulled off my blanket and threw me on the bed and weeeee”
“Wait we had sex”
“No haha, I was just messing with you”
“Your mean”
“Well you were invading my room”
“Well I’m your girlfriend sort of so why did you think I was invading”
“We weren’t together yet”
“Oh okay”
“What is it”
“It just these memory’s are coming back to me”
“That’s a bad thing”
“No it’s just overwhelming”
“Oh well what do you remember so far”
“Umm my family, my father especially, a man with a knife in a black outfit, and Sally‘s Death”
“Me you and Jason and Shelby and Sally went on a quest and Sally tried to defeat this drangon thing but died in the process and saved us”
“That never happened”
“Shelby and Jason holding hands me and you umm forget it must have been a dream or something, yea well good I think I like Sally and I haven’t seen her so I was believing this Dream”
“Sally’s fine”
The Waitress came over and gave me and hazel’s food we ate and smalled talked. After I took Hazel and I back to the city, we were walking back to her Bunker.
“Thanks I had fun”
“Anytime, see ya tomorrow”
“She walked in her Bunker and I saw her walk in and talk to her friends, errr! I heard and I saw Hazel run at me and Kiss me.
“Now Goodnight”
“Goodnight” I hugged her and kissed her again and happily walked to my bunker. What I walked in to see was funny and weird. I saw Jason and Shelby making out on our Jupiter white couch in the living room, Shelby noticed me and jumped up and Jason turned around then turned as red as the Roman Flag.
“Hey Sean what you doing here so soon”
“Soon? Dude it’s 11:43 right now”
“Seriously, Fiddle sticks” Shelby said and Jason laughed
Shelby got her shoes on and opened the door.
“Bye Jason, bye Sean” she left
“Sean I did what you told me”
“I can see that”
We laughed and headed to bed, I told him about my night and we both went to bed not ready for what was to come.
over a year ago Emily_is_COOl said…
Very good chapter! And like PJhero02 said, "How do you make you chapters long?" i akways feel like I am disappointing my 'readers' because they are shorter, what's the secret, or is there none? Nevermind, I am confusing myself.
over a year ago Aphroditeskid21 said…
big smile
I have such a Creative Mind and sooooooooo many idea's pop to into my mind and it's just easy to write such long chapters for some reason, i would suggest write in a notebook and then edit on the computer and if you look back i didn't always write such long chapter so just experience as well
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago PJhero02 said…
i have to go slow and not rush things..... emily i would suggest the cookie method!!! instant results!

great chapter!!!!
over a year ago Aphroditeskid21 said…
Whats The Cookie Method?
BTW had Surgery today and am going to post one Chapter
over a year ago eyal10 said…
that sucks but great that your posting a new chapter

and ps i thing that sean and jason should learn that they can make a lightning strike ht them and then they choose a place to go and lightning strikes where they thought of and they appear. kind of like shadow traveling
over a year ago PJhero02 said…
the cookie method is that when u need to get something done u bribe urself by telling urself that when ur done u get cookies.... i got it from pp i think
over a year ago redhawks said…
Hahahahha of course you did Ed....WWow...and Great chapter!! Eyal, that's a pretty good idea actually...
over a year ago Aphroditeskid21 said…
I didn't want to ruin the surprises but they can do that in the last book they do that, Jason teaches Sean how to do it
over a year ago Poseidon3 said…
R u gonna post another chapter soon? Just wondering.
over a year ago Aphroditeskid21 said…
Yea two chapters today and one on The Greeks Welcome
over a year ago Aphroditeskid21 said…
big smile
Chapter 8
Little Brother

This dream was weird, I saw these kids in a school there was a giant and he was fighting this girl with Black hair and Electric blue eyes, then there was a boy I saw him before but I forgot where from and then there was this little girl she looked about 12 years old and Italian or Spanish and a little boy right behind her, hiding behind her. Then I saw this Lady come in and shoot a dozen arrows into the giant and he broke apart. Then a new girl came into the frame of the picture but he she was holding a hat and had blonde hair and grey eyes. Then she got tackled by the gaint out of nowhere and they disappeard, the boy with sea greens eyes got really upset but right when he was speaking my dream ended. I woke up to Jason screaming. He was on the ground next to his bed. He looked like he just woke up. I figure he just had a bad dream but then I noticed he was rolling around like he was on fire and he was screaming in pure agony. Then I saw him start to shrink to his 19 year old body into a 14 year olds body. He slowly had a body from 19 to 14, I literally saw my older brother age backwards.
“JASON!” I got up and kneeled to his side
“SEAN” he screamed in pain
I ran outside and screamed
Then I saw Lupa break threw her door on the other side of the field, she ran so fast I barly got a glimpse. The intruder alarms went off and in two minutes everyone was dressed for battle and was taking defense systems. Lupa was at Jason’s side and was licking him.
“What Happened” she addressed to me
“I don’t know I woke up to him screaming”
“He’s been Poisoned with aging effect”
“is he going to die”
“He will eventually age so backwards that he will die”
Jason started to get up
“Child?” sounding amzed that he can stand
“Lupa what has happened”
“I’m afraid we have a spy on our hands”
“well maybe someone sneaked in threw our defensives”
“Very unlikely Sean” Lupa said, it was weird for her to say my name
“well who do you think is working for Saturn”
“I don’t know child but beware these are dark times, Soon we will have our answer”
“What do we do”
“Children off to bed we will have to take Jason to Apollo in the morning and see what that poison is in his system”
“What about my Quest” Jason said
“Later child”
We went back to bed, I was worried my brother would be a baby when I wake up but I couldn’t think like that.
I dreamed that I was on Luke’s ship and Luke was sitting in a chair with his feet on a desk and he was talking to a Cyclopes and Cassie was by Luke’s side. Cassie looked the same except she had a neck brace on, I was guessing because her neck was broken by our friend Bobby we thought she was died but apparently she is still alive.
“Now that Sean is 11 he is no match for us” the Cyclopes asked
“His energy will be very limited” Cassie pointed out
“That’s correct” Luke said
A Faun walked in
“It’s Done Sir”
“Excellent prepare the ships we are going to capture it”
“Yes sir”
“Sean and Percy will have no way in stopping me this time”
I woke up to Jason kneeling next to our father’s statue and praying to him.
“Yea” he stood up
“It’ll be alright trust me”
“No I’m afraid I have to live my life over again”
“Bro I had a dream last night”
“What about”
“Luke and Cassie there heading east off of Florida to capture something, what though”
“What’s east”
“Europe, Africa”
“Roma” Jason said
“You think he’s going to attack our homeland”
“No, but the Trojan Sea monsters lair is off of Roma”
“You think he’s going to capture the monster”
“Yes I do, if you could control it, man it is a powerful weapon”
“Saturn you think could control it”
“of course he is the father of the Big Three”
“yea your right”
“I have to leave for the Monster tomorrow”
“I have to come with you”
“Two sons of Jupiter”
“Yea why does that matter”
“It doesn’t it just hasn’t happned before”
“Lets make history”
“I going to tell Lupa that I’m bringing Elizabeth, Sally, Shelby and us”
I wanted to bring Hazel but I couldn’t just do that, it’s not my quest.
“all children of the big three and Shelby”
“I guess” he laughed
We walked out and headed to the Pisa for Breakfeast. Hazel came up to me right when I walked in.
“Sean, I kinda need to talk to you” we walked outside and away from anyone else
“What, whats wrong”
“nothing I just need to ask you something”
“What” she blushed
“Umm did we ever you know”
“No I don’t know”
“Have sex” she was shaking with nerves
“No” I hugged her
“Well I kinda was thinking”
“Would you be my first”
“what does that mean”
“My first lay, like you would take my virginity away from me” a normal guy would love to here that but the way she said it and she barly remembers anything so I would feel bad
“Excuse me”
“Well I love you and I have my reasons”
“Well Now” she laughed
“Not this second but definitely soon”
“Okay” I said but didn’t sound thrilled
“Great” she grabbed my hand and we walked in the Pisa and grabbed our food and sat down with our Friends
“We leave Tomorrow” Jason told me
“What” Hazel asked
“I have to leave on a quest”
“Whos going”
“Sally, Elziabeth, me, Sean, Shelby” Jason said
“Can I go”
“Hazel, I mean are you sure you want to go when you barly remember who you are” I said
“Well I want to go on a quest and I think I can be useful”
“How” Jason asked
“Well I can Shadow travel and I’m good with a sword and I can see in the dark”
“She’s great in battle” I said
“Agreed, I will bring you as well Hazel”
“Great I’m gonna go pack and tell my sisters”
“Uh oh”
“The balance is broken”
“Well you usally need to travel in odds”
“There is six people”
“Oh I see”
“So add or cut a person”
“Hmm, Dakota”
“Yea, Dakota is good in battle and best shot with a arrow”
“So lets go see Lupa” Jason said
over a year ago Emily_is_COOl said…
Very nice, though is the other one of yours in like 2 years?
over a year ago Aphroditeskid21 said…
Idk what your asking Emily
over a year ago Emily_is_COOl said…
Your other 'fic? Sorry, I was confused yesterday!
over a year ago redhawks said…
big smile
THE CURIOS CASE OF BENJAMIN BUTTON! Sorry, that's what the aging thing reminded me of...

Good job!
over a year ago eyal10 said…
jason is 19? how old is sean?
over a year ago Emily_is_COOl said…
But if this is 2 years before the lost hero than Jason'd be 13 or 14 since Percy was 14. I am now confused!
over a year ago Aphroditeskid21 said…
This is two years before lost hero the third book of pjo so Jason was 19 now he's 14