The Heroes of Olympus Falling for a God

daughter-ofzeus posted on Jan 28, 2011 at 03:17AM
e: Falling for a God
Rating: YA
Type: Fantasy
Characters:OC: Major charactes: Sarah, Apollo, Kat, Xander
Synopsis: Mean girls,and an abusive mom are the least of Sarahs worriess when she finds out she is a demi-god. But eve worse is she might be falling in love with a god, who might be falling for her too? come with join sarah on this journey as she tries to decipher her fellings about how she is going to deal with Falling for a God.
Disclaimer: Me i want to publish!! so i will stay away from RR's characters and anyone elses!!
A/N: haha see what happens when im late to first hour, and get detention for it, I write A GOOD BOOK!! hahah hopfully.
Okay so do you have to tell me if you like it i have gotten really good comments about it so far so if you dont like it tell me why so i might be able to change it. this is my first FanFic so i hope its okay. I HOPE YOU LIKE IT!!
Oh and i am going to try to stray drom adding anything to do with Percy and RRs books, that way maybe i can see a publishing in my future so far nothing has to do with it besides the whole gods thing, so yaaa all characters are actually owned by me haha my older sis is crazy she said she dont want anyone stealling my idea, because its good. so to put it on here but she was kind of right so there!!

last edited on Feb 12, 2011 at 09:50PM

The Heroes of Olympus 61 replies

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over a year ago daughter-ofzeus said…
I dedicate this chapter to spell check and redhawks because they both helped while I was writing this.
Chapter 1
Sarah Carter
“Hi my name is Sarah Carter, welcome to Monroe high school,” I told the parents as they walked into the high schools lobby for orientation. It was my least favorite thing to do at the end of my summer, but my aunt made me and at least I wasn’t bored at home.
“Orientation is right through that door.” I said pointing to the auditorium doors. I moved some of my curly brown hair out of my face. “Maybe I should have just stayed at home Aunt Mel would never have known.” I thought my Aunt Mel was an artist so she was rarely home. “But what am I suppose to do, I could, read, but that’s basically it,” I said almost thinking out loud, Aunt Mel didn’t have a TV, she didn’t believe in it, didn’t make enough to pay for it, and wasn’t home enough to watch it.
I was talking to some new students when I saw John, my little brother, walk out of the auditorium with a giggling girl. John was my half-brother, we didn’t have the same dad, and I have never met my dad. But my mom met John’s dad 2 years after I was born; they had John a year later. Then when John was eight they got a divorce; it’s been five years now. As I walked up, the girl went giggling away. He turned to face me with a giant grin plastered to his face.
“That was Kelly; she said she would go to the movies with me tomorrow night, I even got her number.” He said holding up his phone. I started messing with his blond hair, but he slapped it away.
“That’s great what movie are you going to go see??” When I said that, the grin slid of his face like a pancake. He grumbled something and ran off calling Kelly’s name. I laughed and walked back towards the schools entry doors.
That’s when I stopped in my tracks, because Casey Walls was walking in the doors. Casey Walls was the meanest girl in school; yesterday she had spilled her salad onto my lap at the mall, and there wasn’t anything I could do but buy a new pair of pants.
“Hey Carter sat in any food lately?” Casey asked with a power in her voice. Casey was a lean and fit cheerleading captain. Casey had red hair and green eyes, the perfect smile and freckles in just the right spots; all the boys would fawn all over her, it was really stupid. Casey always ate salad, she was a vegetarian, so it wasn’t surprising she had a salad box in her hand.
“Check your thoughts Walls; you dumped your food on me, what are you even doing here? You never volunteer for orientation.” I said with equal power.
“Cheer, what do you think, stupid.” She said as she stalked off towards the gym, which unfortunately was the way I had to go to get to Aunt Mel’s car in five minuets, so I had to start that way now, I stalked after her, hurrying to pass her. She said nothing as I walked past her and didn’t turn in to the gym when she got to the doors. “Is she following me, is she planning on doing something?” I thought. I went out the doors and saw Aunt Mel waiting, John was in the car already. I was about to open the door to the car when a salad got poured on to my head.
“Looks like lunch is on you again, Carter.” Casey said to me as I turned around. Her cheer heads, as I liked to call them, were coming outside to watch. Aunt Mel stayed in the car; she knew not to get into my fights.
“You know what Walls, you need to stop messing with me, and it’s not a good idea to mess with me.” I said, looking her straight in her green eyes.
“And why is that?” I was boiling now. “Because you mess with me so much, there’s this thing called Karma, and it means what goes around comes around, and Walls your going to get yours coming around real soon.”
“Oh and I’m so scared, what are you going to do about Carter? How about you go off to your daddy and have him help you –oh wait you don’t have a daddy do you?” I could feel a surge of electricity pass through me as I shouted my next sentence.
“Why don’t you go stand out in a lightning storm Walls!” As I said it I didn’t understand why, it made no since but I did say it, and when I did something bad happened, I didn’t understand it at the time but I did later that night.
When I said those words, those weird words, lightning struck centimeters away from Casey foot, melting the rubber off of her shoes.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago sugarcubes28 said…
whoa!!! totes cool!!!
RANDOM: one of my bffs name is casey, shes not mean at all[just a little loopy!!!]
over a year ago redhawks said…
big smile
That was good! Perfecto! Loved it!
over a year ago babbytreegrowth said…
i liked it! when you post again let me know!
over a year ago artemishunter64 said…
big smile
that was rly good. r u going to continue posting???
over a year ago Calypso_ said…
big smile
COOOLLLLL!!! keep writing that was 'totally awesome'
(hehe inside joke) jskdfjkj hyper!!! sorry AWESOME WRITING!!!
over a year ago magicgirl123 said…
big smile
keep on writing!!!!!!
over a year ago HecateA said…
Amazing! Keep going, I love the title and it sounds like this is going to get better!!!
over a year ago NicoDiAngelo4 said…
Really really really really good:)
over a year ago tessa34567 said…
so good love it
over a year ago Aphroditeskid21 said…
It sounds cool i can't wait for more
over a year ago daughter-ofzeus said…
@babbytreegrowth- i will either post on monday or thursday depending on when i get done typing ch 2.
@artemishunter64- I AM!!
@HecateA- Thanks that means alot coming from you cause i LOVE your work

and thanks everyone for commenting telling me it was good it made me really happy!! hah just ask red!

**EDIT** okay i just finished writting chapter 2 last night so you guys will have a new chapter either tonight or tomarrrow.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago daughter-ofzeus said…
oh what the heck here it is. now i need to finish ch. 3

Chapter 2
Casey was in shock from it all, I was just as shocked.
“How had that happened, right as I said those words, those weird words that made no sense.” I was really confused, I knew it was not just a coincidence; I knew that for a fact. I thought about anything and everything about me.
“I am 15. I have brown hair. Depending on my mood, my eyes will change color from blue to grey. My favorite color is grey. I love it when it rains. I don’t know how to swim. I want to travel to Greece. I love to fly in planes. I love heights. I am a math whiz. I love staring at the sky, clear or cloudy. I hate water. I will be an architect for sure when I get older. I think fish is gross. I am scarred of the dark. I don’t like tunnels, or going underground. My mother is a drunk. I live with my Aunt Mel. My brother is my half-brother. I am a sophomore at Monroe high school. My best friends are Spencer Roads, and Abby Fisher. I have gone to 15 different schools, when my mom was married to John’s dad, Peter, because Peter was a military man. The only thing my real dad ever gave me was a silver charm bracelet, with a lightning charm on it, a silver headband, a silver locket, a silver belt, an old gold coin, and a top. He gave all of it to Aunt Mel before I was born.
Nothing seemed weird besides that my eyes changed color. The school aloud me to go home, since I had nothing to do with what happened. I went and got in the car with Aunt Mel. On our way home she was extremely quiet, which is weird because Aunt Mel is NOT quiet.
I had been living with Aunt Mel since the beginning of the year when my mom decided that I “should have never been born,” she would yell that at me any time I did something wrong, then she would yell “your father warned me. He said we would need to be careful. It was dangerous that we were together. But I didn’t listen! I was in love, and I was blinded by it, it’s a stupid mistake to be in love! He told me if I had a baby, He would have to leave, something about they would find him more easily. I didn’t believe him. He told me though!” By this time she would be in tears, and I would be on the verge of tears.
“The night before you were born, he told me to take you to Oklahoma, that you would be safe there. He said I had to watch over you, take care of you keep you safe, because you were a special child. He said he had to leave now that you were going to be born; I thought he would meet us there, in Oklahoma, so we could be a happy little family. But he never came; I waited two years for him. TWO YEARS! After I met Peter, and we had John, I thought I would forget about him, but YOU were always there to remind me!” then she would hit me, and hit me, and hit me. She would get that way and it would always start to thunder storm, I was always so scarred she would keep going, so I would run and hide somewhere, most of the time she would stop, and would look and just break down even more.
After she would fall asleep, I would come out of my hiding spot and go outside on our porch and sit and cry and watch the storm go through our town. Then the next day when I would go to school with bruises, I would have to tell the teacher that I fell. The teachers would never believe me, but they saw in my eyes that they just needed to leave it alone.
I was thirteen when I decided to run. I had been saving up some money I made by working at this flower shop around the corner. I had saved three hundred dollars. The night I ran, I waited for my mom to go to sleep, and then snuck out of my window. All I had was a backpack with an extra pair of clothes, everything my dad gave me, a pocket knife I found in a drawer labeled give to Sarah, some food, and the money I had saved up. I had no where to go, so I decided I was going to go to Aunt Mel’s. I had found out that a bus from Oklahoma to New York was two hundred and five dollars. So I still had ninety five dollars leftover. I found my bus, bought my ticket, and was leaving the bus stop to go to New York. I was so happy that I was leaving that town behind, leaving my mother and my whole wretched life behind. I was as happy as a bear with a bowl of hunny.
It took three days to get to New York; so I had a lot to think about in those three days. I thought mostly of John, and how I had just left him. At least he had Peter. My mom didn’t even call the police to report a missing child.
When I finally made it to Aunt Mel’s apartment, it was nightfall. I knocked on Aunt Mel’s door and she answered. She did a double take when she saw me. I ran to her and gave her a huge hug I was so happy.
“Sarah? What are you doing here? Does your mother know you’re here? How did you even get here?” she asked them all at one then said, “oh well you can tell me when we get you something to eat, and in from the cold.”
I told her everything, answered every question, and ate a whole lot. The next few weeks I had a lot of things going on with child services and everything like that, but it ended with the court making Aunt Mel my legal guardian. John and Peter moved out to New York, and my mom stayed in Oklahoma.
“Sarah, we need to talk,” Aunt Mel said jolting me away from my horrible memories.
“About what? I asked her a little worried. Aunt Mel never wanted to “just talk,” this had to be serious.
“We need to talk about your father,” She said with a solemn look on her face, which she seldom had. I was worried, I had never talked about my dad before, and I didn’t even know if he was alive.
“What about him?” I asked not letting the worry stay out of my voice.
“We’ll talk about it when we get home,” Aunt Mel said. Now I was really worried, it was so serious that John wasn’t allowed to know. What was it about my dad that not even John was allowed to know. Was he a murderer , a thief? I wouldn’t know until I got home. The car ride to Peter’s house was a quite one, we let John out and waited for him to go inside.
When we got to our apartment, we walked in to our upstairs loft. Our door opened to our spacious, colorful, living room. We had a red couch, with a rectangular glass table in front of it, next to the couch cattycornered, was a bright blue lounge chair, with an orange coffee table next to it. One of our walls was painted a bright yellow, the other a dark green, the one across from that was a velvety violet, to the right of that was a piggy pink. Our living room looked like a deck of Uno card spit up in it.
I went back to my room which was normal, if you call extremely well organized mostly grey and blue room normal. I changed into a grey V-neck and a pair of black shorts. I braided my hair, then slid across my hardwood floor in my socks.
“Sarah, come here please,” Aunt Mel called.
“Coming,” I called back to her.
I walked in to the living room and sat down next to Aunt Mel on the couch. Her red skirt blended into the couch. She bent down towards the shelf next to the couch and picked up a jewelry box much like the one my mom had. Aunt Mel faced me and opened the box to where I couldn’t see into it; the first thing she pulled out was the pocket knife that I had taken when I ran away.
“Your father told me to give this to you when the time was right,” she said, “and I believe that time is now.”
“What are you talking about Aunt Mel?” I was really confused. Time was right for what? Tell me what?
“Sarah, your father is not a regular man, your father is not even mortal,” Aunt Mel said. How can that even be possible? Not human? Not Mortal? That cannot be possible.
“What are you talking about how can he not be mortal, that isn’t possible,” I told her.
“Yes it is possible Sarah, because your father is-” she hesitated, but then said, “Because Sarah your father is a god. He is Zeus, Lord of the sky.
over a year ago redhawks said…
Great job! Loved it! I guessed that it was Zeus! I'm smart!
over a year ago NicoDiAngelo4 said…
I guessed it was Zeus too!!

Great work, please keep writing!
over a year ago daughter-ofzeus said…
well i am daughter-ofzeus wnated him to be included in there somwhere but the worst part is I HAVE A BAD CASE OF WRITERS BLOCK im working on it though, going back through rereading revising, you know anything to give me a new idea.
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
So a few things
1. Peter is the stepdad
2. Is John a son of Zeus too?
3. You can makes the Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades cabins have like four of five more kids
- I'm thinking twins (not identical twins) in the Hades cabin
4. I think all of the seven (except Piper & Leo) should be children of Zeus, Jupiter, Poseidon, Neptune, Hades, or Pluto.

I'll read more as long as you post soon (even though I will read it anyway).
over a year ago daughter-ofzeus said…
haha okay @AmazingPercy
1. Peter is the step dad
2. No john is peters son, Sarah and john are only related ny their mother.
3-4.she hasnt exactly gotten to there but im trying to make it as not like the boook just in case i want to publish. but i have another idea for cabins you will have to just wait and see.

Ill post on thursday.

OHH and there are twins you wont meet them yet but i will give you a couple hints for their godly parent.
their parent is a roman god
their parent is only a roman god (in other words no greek counterpart)
he has been in the percy jackson books
his name stars with a J

Now you probably know who he is but if you dont GO LOOK UP NOW BECAUSE THOSE ARE AMAZIGNG HINTS!!

SNOW DAY TOMARROW, we are in a state of emergency, ALL DAY TO TRY TO FINISH WRITING CH.3!!
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
Thanks for the info. I was hoping for twins or triplets in the Poseidon cabin. I cann't guess the twins. At first I was thinking the Roman goddess of plenty. I probably was in the Titan's Curse or Sea of Monsters. I cann't figure it out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have to wait two more days?
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
Sorry if I was being to pushy.
over a year ago redhawks said…
Janus....easy! Well, it was if I get it right!
over a year ago daughter-ofzeus said…
Yupp you got it Kate

dont worry @AmazingPercy you wernt pushy i like suggestions.

i finished chapter three and im almost done with chapter four THANK YOU SNOW DAY we got like 2 1/2 feet of snow!! IM OUT TOMARROW TOO!! we might be out for the rest of the week!!
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
Oh I didn't know he was only Roman.
Thanks redhawks for the answer.
over a year ago sugarcubes28 said…
i have a sno day 2!!! i loved da story alot!!!

fun fact: did u know dat grey eyes are really just a demented shade of blue eyes? somthin bout da minnila levels or somthin like dat!!!!
over a year ago daughter-ofzeus said…
SO i am going to finish CH.3 today i refuse not to. all procastonation is now behind me. i also finished CH. 4 yesterday and started CH.5!!
over a year ago daughter-ofzeus said…
Heres chapter three Im finally finished.
Oh and i went back in the book and named sarahs sword Cloudburst

Chapter 3
“Hahahahahaha,” I blurted out a nervous laugh, “You have to be kidding me, I am not half god Aunt Mel. I am one of the most normal people I know. I can not be part god.”
“Sarah, why do you think it always rains when you cry? Have you never noticed when your angry lightning reflects in your eyes? There is only one other child of Zeus and you are almost exactly like her. You just need to bulk up and stop being so shy and timid,” She explained to me. I didn’t want any of this to be true.
“For one, shy and timid mean the same thing. Two, what’s your point; it’s probably just a coincidence Aunt Mel. I never thought you would turn into one of those crazy artists, but you hit home plate fast,” I said to her.
“Sarah it is not just a coincidence,” she said giving me the knife, “open it up.”
“Why?” I asked looking at the pocket knife in my hands. It was beautiful, with exquisite detail of a thunder cloud on the handle. Down the side it said Νεροποντή.
“It means Cloudburst,” she said as I opened the blade carefully. When I got it all the way open, it turned into a three foot long sword. The handle was the exact same as the pocket knife. The bled was a beautiful double edge silver.
“Oh my god.”
“Ssssss,” Aunt Mel said adding an s to the end of god. “Sarah you don’t want to anger the gods by saying there is only one.”
“Okay, oh my godsssssss,” I said emphasizing the s, “it’s beautiful.”
“It’s also magic,” my aunt explained. “It only opens for a child of Zeus.”
“Amazing,” I said closing the knife. I stared in awe as it transformed back into a pocket knife, then I put it in my pocket.
“There’s more. You know everything you got form your dad? When you say trouble in Greek it turns into something else. Your headband turns into a helmet, your necklace turns into a chest plate, and your belt turns into bottom armor. You know that coin, which is called a drachama, it turns into a shield.
What about the spinning top, and the charm bracelet?” I asked her holding up both of the items.
“The top is suppose to help you concentrate if you need too. And all the demi-gods get something before they actually find out about whom there God parent is. Girls usually get charm bracelets; boys usually get hats or key chains.”
“So what about the other child of Zeus? Does she have this stuff?”
“Yes and no, they make it different for each demi-god. Each God took an item and gave it to your children as swords. Your father took the pocket knife. Every drachama has a god on it, which is a demi-gods shield.”
“Okay, is that it then?” I said seeing I had no more questions.
“No, Sarah you are going to see your father. He thinks its time for you to meet him. For the rest of the summer you are going to be in Greece. At the foot of Mount Olympus there is a fort, fort Greece. It will keep you and other demi-gods safe. Someone should be here in a few days to pick you up.
I didn’t know what to say it was the first time I was going to meet my dad, let alone a god. I was speechless. Aunt Mel saw my face and sighed.
“I see you have a lot to think about, I’ll leave you alone. Remember if you need me ill be in my room, painting. Haha maybe I should paint your face, it’s priceless. I can call it Just Found Out,” she said before walking to her room. She sounded like the old Aunt Mel, the fun one.

I went back to my room and sat down on my little round blue carpet in the middle of my room. I was looking at my bracelet, messing with the lightning charm. I would do that when I was nervous or if I was thinking.
“What is the Greek word for trouble?” I thought to myself as I went to find my only electrical item I owned, it was an electronic translator. I searched trouble and got ταλαιπωρία, the pronunciation said it sounded like talaipo̱ría. I tried saying it a couple times it didn’t work. I looked at it again and listened to how the translator said it and tried it again.
“ταλαιπωρία,” I tried again. I didn’t think anything happened when I walked past my mirror. Everything had changed, The headband, belt, necklace, the coin on my bed. I was shocked. I hadn’t believed Aunt Mel, but this was proof enough. I stared at myself in my Greek armor, I have to admit it was really cool. I went over to my bed where my coin transformed in to a shield lay. It was a beautiful silver with a storm cloud on it like Cloudburst, I picked it up and brought out Cloudburst. I looked in my mirror again, I looked like a Spartan from a Greek movie.
“Now how do I change it back?” I thought to my self closing Cloudburst. I tried ταλαιπωρία again but it didn’t work.
“What’s the opposite of trouble? Safe,” I thought. I searched it up on my translator and got ασφαλής. The pronunciation guide and listened to how the translator said it, it sounded like asfaleís. When I said ασφαλής everything changed back.
I got kind of hungry so I went to the kitchen and to get some chicken noodles. We they were finished, I went back to my room and sat down on my bed. I picked up my drachama, and looked at its detail.
“Is that really what my father looks like?”
“Sarah, will you please take the trash out?” Aunt Mel called from the kitchen. I pocketed the coin, and went to bag up the trash.

I went down the three flights of stairs to the bottom floor. I turned the corner, into the ally with the dumpster to throw away the trash, when I saw a giant. I t was almost like he was waiting for me.
He was around 10 feet tall, buff, and had two scaly, dragon like legs. He was only wearing a loincloth.
“Oh look it’s the little puny demi-god I have been sent after,” he said in a ruff voice. I dropped the trash and ran.
“No little demi-god, come back, I’ll just have to catch you,” he yelled from the ally. I ran as fast as I could down the road and stepped into an ally to catch my breath. I brought out Cloudburst, and opened it up. It turned into a sword as soon as soon as the giant rounded the corner.
“Oh, the puny demi-god thinks she can beat me with a puny sword,” he said laughing.
“Thanks for the confidence boost,” I said sarcastically, then I swung my sword. I had no idea what to do besides swing it. I kept talking him up saying stuff like, “Haha your so slow you cant even catch me.” Then I would dart to the side and take a swing. I really needed to shut up, but I kept my stupid mouth running. He kept trying to step on me, but I was faster.
“Haha watch where you step, I might not be there,” I yelled to it. Then everything went wrong, instead of stepping on me he bent over and grabbed me by the waist.
“I should eat you puny demi-god, but I have orders from-” Then there was a flash of light and arrows spread through the sky towards the giant. The giant was so frightened by whatever he saw that he dropped me headfirst into the ground.
The last thing I saw before blacking out was a boy my age coming down from the top of the building in a chariot as bright as the sun.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
big smile
over a year ago redhawks said…
Nice! Good job. I liked it a lot! Some grammer issues here and there but overall very good job! I love it when they found out.
over a year ago Aphroditeskid21 said…
big smile
I like it very creative about the armor stuff, i love the sword
over a year ago daughter-ofzeus said…
Thanks!! this took me forever to type i am really bad at procastiinating. ill have CHapter four on sunday!!
over a year ago Riptide11 said…
big smile
your awsome. Nice job
over a year ago HoO_PJO said…
That was amazing!!! I can't wait till Sunday for the next chapter
over a year ago daughter-ofzeus said…
im so sorry i might be a little late because my dad took me to my grandparents, i thought it was only for friday but it ended up being all weekend so im hurrying to finish!!
over a year ago Aphroditeskid21 said…
are you posting today?
over a year ago daughter-ofzeus said…
im foing to try I have been busting but trying to finish chapter four.
over a year ago sapphire16 said…
big smile
hey can't wait until you finish it! Post soon please!!!! i love your story!
over a year ago daughter-ofzeus said…
Ill try!!
over a year ago halfblood2 said…
big smile
over a year ago daughter-ofzeus said…
no none of RR characters are in this. If I ever publish I cant use his characters
over a year ago ThaliaGrace8 said…
Great story! i love it so far!!! i like how you came up with your own characters, and i like your story line so far :)
over a year ago daughter-ofzeus said…
Thanks!! its what happens when you have nothing to do in detention, that i got for being late :(
over a year ago HecateA said…
Wow, great job! I'm sorry I'm late but my head's not on right, I want more! Was the intervention Zeus or that other daughter of Zeus?
over a year ago daughter-ofzeus said…
I am so sorry this is so late!!
@Hecate A- I'm sorry can you rephase your question?? i even looked up what intervention ment and still didn't understand it!!
@everyone- Thanks for reading it!! i love writing this, although when people ask what I'm doing and i say writing a book and i get weird looks ITS ALL WORTH IT!!

Chapter 4
When I woke up I was back in my apartment on the living room couch. I had a massive head ache.
“Oh she’s waking up. Apollo she’s waking up!” Aunt Mel shouted to someone in the kitchen, making my head throb even harder.
“Apollo? That explains the bright light and arrows,” I said sitting up.
“Oh yea sorry, I had to do something before that giant ate you.” The boy about my age said coming in with an ice pack. Apollo was tan and muscular with blond hair and brown eyes. He wore tan cargo shorts and a white t-shirt. His smile was as white as the sun, considering he was the God of the sun. He had a bag over his shoulder with all kinds of stuff sticking out of it. There was a lyre, music sheets, medicine, books, and more. His bow and arrows were thrown over his shoulder too.
“Sure, but he wasn’t going to eat me,” I said holding the ice pack to my head.
“He wasn’t?” Apollo asked me with a confused looking face.
“Yea, he said something about orders from someone to come get me,” I explained to him.
“I don’t know, you showed up before he said,” I said. Apollo had a grim look on his face.
“This isn’t the first time this has happened sweetheart. You’re lucky I got here when I did.”
“Why are you here?” I asked him while he further tended to my head. I remembered he was the God of the sun, music, medicine and associated with the oracle of Delphi.
“I was sent to pick you up, usually it would be Kat, but she’s busy,” he said with a concerned look in his eyes, “so she asked me if I could do it for her, I didn’t have anything else to do so I said, sure what the heck.”
“Cat? Why would a cat come pick me up? Explain please.”
“Katlynne, she’s your half-sister, you look a lot like her. Same hair, same eyes you two could be twins. At Camp Greek we call her Kat, with a K. She is really cool; I can’t wait for you to meet her.”
“Well, Sarah go pack so you can leave. Apollo can explain everything on the way,” Aunt Mel said smiling weirdly at me.
I gave her a “what” face then walked back to my room. I packed what I thought was appropriate, which included shirts, shorts, a jacket, a pair of jeans, and my sandals. Before I closed my backpack I put the spinning top my dad gave me in the front pouch. When I turned around I was startled to see Apollo standing in the doorway.
“You ready sweetheart,” he asked me.
“Um, yea let me put my shoes on,” I said grabbing my tennis shoes, and giving him a weird look.
“Okay meet me on the balcony when you’re ready,” he said before turning to leave the doorway.
I put on my shoes and grabbed my backpack. I left my room, and went to the living room. Aunt Mel was sitting on the couch waiting for me.
“Just be careful for me honey, okay. Watch out for monsters, no more mouthing off to giants. Did you remember everything, did you get your jacket. Oh I love you honey, I’ll miss you. Just be careful, promise,” she said leaning over to hug me.
“I promise, and I love you Aunt Mel. I’ll miss you,” I said hugging her back. I went to the door and took one last look at the living room, I didn’t know it at the time, but I wouldn’t see this living room or Aunt Mel for a long time.

I went out on the back porch expecting to see a little chariot, pulled by a horse. I was entirely wrong. The chariot was beautiful; it was bright red with a beautiful portrait of the sunrise. There were four fiery horses hooked up to the chariot, they were so gorgeous.
“After you sweetheart,” Apollo said taking my bag and putting it in the chariot.
“Wow, this is yours?” I asked still staring at the chariot.
Yea, all mine. This is what happens when you pull the sun across the sun everyday,” he said patting the chariot. I got inside the chariot a little uneasy. I’m not afraid of heights. Although when there isn’t a door on the back of the chariot you’re going to be riding through the air in, you tend to get nervous.
“I’m not going to fall out am I?”
“Would you like a door sweetheart?” He asked laughing sarcastically.
“Yes please,” I squeaked.
“Oh you’re serious. Yea of course, sure,” he said. Then he snapped his fingers and a door appeared right there. I relaxed now that I couldn’t fall out.
“Good lets go.”
And with that we were off. Apollo explained a lot to me on the way there. He told me the camp was built for Greek demi-gods who didn’t have anywhere to go, and needed training. They had previously had problems with Fort Rome, where the roman demi-gods go for training and a home. Fort Greece recently had a run in with some of the Egyptian gods and goddesses on a quest someone was on. He said the gods rarely came down; they don’t want to cause a ruckus. The demi-gods went up Olympus all the time though, there was rarely a time when a demi-god was not at Olympus.
There was also an oracle at the fort. The oracle had to have a baby before she turned forty, that way there would be another oracle. But they never loved and they never left the fort, the baby just popped up. The baby was always a girl. Right now the oracle was a sixteen year old girl named Delphi. Her mom couldn’t come up with a name, so she ended up with the name Delphi. All the oracles have had long black hair, and when they would start to tell a prophecy their eyes would turn a golden color.
“Kat can explain the rest; she’s a lot better at this. She is the one that does it.”
“Okay and she is my half sister right?”
“And I’ll meet her-”
“When we get there sweetheart, she’ll probably be on the beach.” Apollo said cutting me off. We road in silence until I saw Mount Olympus in the distance.
“Oh my gods there it is!”
“Yea, and down there is your home for the next two weeks.”
“I have one more question,” I said
“Yes sweetheart?”
“When do I get to meet my dad?”
Apollo was silent for a few seconds, but then he said, that’s up to him sweetheart.”
“Will you stop calling me that?”
“What? Sweetheart? Well now I can just keep calling you that to annoy you. Sweetheart.” He said with a sneer. “You should meet my sister. You would get along with her really well, seeing how you both hate me.”
“I don’t hate you. You’re just annoying.” He laughed at me.
“I think I’ll keep you around awhile Sweetheart, you’ll do swell.” I couldn’t help but smile when he said that. Apollo was cute, no doubt. Did it matter that he was a God? I didn’t want to be one of those girls to fall in love with him, have a baby, and then he’s out of the picture. That is how I was born. I blocked all thoughts of how cute he was from mind and focused on Olympus.
I started to become nervous. In the first day of finding out I was a demi-god I had almost killed someone, almost gotten killed by a giant, gotten knocked out by the same giant, met a god, and started to like a god. Not to mention that I was going to meet my half sister and maybe even my dad today too. Then a horrible thought came to my head, what I my sister took one look at me and didn’t like what she saw? What if I didn’t meet my father’s expectations? I had to admit I was a little scared.
We landed on a part of a beach that had a lot of other chariots, I decided to call it chariot parking. I few yards away there was a girl dancing with headphones in her ears. The headphones connected to an ipod in one of those armbands joggers use when they jog. When we came up to her she stopped dancing and opened her eyes.
Her eyes were an electrifying sky blue. She had long dark brown hair braided down her back; she also had a grey ribbon holding back her bangs for her. She was wearing a grey v-neck, jean shorts, and a grey jacket tied around her waist. The girl was tanned, toned, and had visible scars on her arms and legs. As she bent over to put on her shoes I could see a pocket knife sticking out of her back pocket. This is when I realized this was my half-sister Katlynne.
“You look real busy Kat,” Apollo said to her.
“I was. We were. Xander and I came back a little earlier than expected,” she said with a look of hatred on her face.
“Oh, and what are do you think you’re doing out here by your self? Xander should be down here with you. What would happen if you fell in?” Apollo asked her with protection in his voice.
“He went to the cabin to get Pearly; he should be on his way back now.”
“Huh?” I asked felling really stupid.
“When I was eight the old sea titan asked me to marry him. Long story short, I said no, now he tries to kill me any time I get in ocean water. And pearly is his sword.” Kat answered.
“Luckily Poseidon likes her,” Apollo added. “He tries to help when he can.”
“That’s what happens when you’re dating the lord of the oceans son,” Kat said smiling.
“And how were the three brothers today? Was there any fighting today? “
“Between my dad and I, or the three of them?” Kat asked with a devilish grin.
“Both,” Apollo said with a chuckle.
“Well, there was little fighting between Hades, Poseidon, And Zeus.” She said with a smile, but the smile quickly turned in to a frown when she continued. “It was mostly between my dad and I. He thinks he can just keep me here, I refuse. I will not stay here the rest of my life,” she said beginning to yell. Apollo went over to her and grabbed her shoulders.
“Hey snap out of it, everything is going to work out. Your right he can’t keep you here. You will get out, I promise you that.” He let go of her shoulders as a boy Kat’s age came down the hill.
He was tall, and tan with hair the color of the sand. His eyes were as green as the sea. He was wearing a blue shirt that said save the whales, with a pair of swim trunks. I knew instantly it was Xander, the boy they had been talking about, the son of Poseidon.
“Hey you,” he said coming up behind her and grabbing her by the waist. She giggled and turned around and kissed him.
“Well if the love gods here are done. Kat this is your half-sister Sarah. Sarah this is your half-sister Kat. And that’s Xander, Son of Poseidon. Also your sister’s boyfriend,” Apollo said.
“Yea I realized this awhile back,” I said to him. Kat reached over and shook my hand.
“Glad you made it here in one piece. We’ve had problems with that lately.” Kat was so straight foreword about things. “I see you got a belt, and a necklace as your armor. I have this jacket, I just have to put it on and zip it up.”
“That’s cool, I have to say trouble,” as I said trouble my armor transformed. “And when I say safe it transforms back,” As I said safe it transformed back.
“Wow that’s cool. Do you have your sword yet?” She asked bringing out hers. It was a beautiful silver, with a delicate carving on the handle of a lightning bolt. I took Cloudburst out and showed it to her.
“Oh cool, what’s its name? My swords name is Empyrean.
“Cloudburst,” I said to her.
“Oh, that's nice. Well, come on we should probably head-“she was cut off by a boy, about ten, running up to her with wide eyes. He was trying to tell her something but was so out of breath he couldn’t get it out.
“Monsters?” Kat asked the kid. The kid nodded.
“At the hole?” He nodded again.
“On second thought Apollo you’ll have to show her around. Xander and I have some business to attend to.” And with that she untied her jacket and zipped it up, turning it into full body armor. They ran up the hill together swords in hand.
“Alright let’s go,” Apollo said taking me up the hill by my arm.

It took about ten minuets to walk to the Fort, most of the time Apollo had spent telling me about Kat and Xander.
Kat was five when she got to the fort. Her mom died on the way by the monster they were running from. The monster was an amphisbaenae; a monster with two snake heads on either end of its body. Her mom sacrificed herself to give Kat enough time to get away. Kat made it, but she wasn’t the same afterwards.
She spent two years on Olympus sitting in a garden somewhere up there. Her dad got tired of her staying on Olympus, so he sent her on the first available chariot to receive a demi-god. That demi-god ended up being Xander. Zeus didn’t know they were going to get attacked, form a bond, and end up going out in six years.
On their way back they were shot down from the sky. The two seven year olds waited for the attack that they thought would never come. They were finally attacked at dawn by a band of man eating giants called Laestrygones.
They fought well for two untrained demi-gods, but they were outnumbered, tired, and hungry. Luckily Apollo was taking the sun across the sky and saw them in great need of assistance. He blinded the monsters, and ushered Kat and Xander into his chariot before the giants could see again.
After they both went through that together they became really close. Kat became more like herself again, like she was before her mom died. Kat decided she would give the Fort a chance. She and Xander were in the same barrack, because they were both first timers, and spent most of their time together.
Then when they were twelve Xander’s mom became really sick. Apollo tried to cure her and failed. When she passed Kat was there to comfort him, she new exactly what he was going through. This only made their bond stronger.
By the time Apollo had finished telling me Kats life story we had gotten to the Fort.
“Password?” someone asked from inside the fort.
Apollo whispered something that sounded like i pigasos vrisketai sti statheri. The guy on the other side opened the door and let us in.
“It means the Pegasus is in the stable. You should probably remember that if you ever leave, that way you can get back in.”
“Why is there a password in the first place?”
“The roman campers, they don’t like the Greek campers very much.” We walked in and I took in a deep breath.
The Fort looked a lot bigger on the inside than ion the outside. Directly to the right of the door there was a half circle of 9 houses like structures. Past that was a cafeteria building, the sign hanging on it said “Pavilion.” To my left was an old rickety shop, there was a sign hanging on it that said “The Shop.” Past it was a library, an infirmary, and weaponry. Directly in front of me was a building labeled “The Lounge.” Directly behind The Lounge was an arena.
There were a lot of kids my age, older than me, and younger than me running around with weapons. Some had swords, some had bows and arrows, and some had daggers. There were half goat people, and half horse people also running around The Fort.
“Your barrack depends on rank. The better you get at your training the higher your rank. You will start out in barrack one, because that is the lowest rank, as you get better at some of the training, sword fighting, archery, anything, you will advance in rank.” Apollo started to explain to me as we walked towards the barracks. As we did I noticed something I didn’t before.
In the ground a couple feet away from the barracks was a cave coming out of the ground. It was more like a man made cave. There were steps that went into the ground, and it was really dark.
“Apollo what’s that?” I said pointing at the cave.
“That’s where the oracle lives; you’ll see her after you see your dad.”
“You have to get your prophecy, every new demi-god that’s comes to The Fort has to get they’re Big Prophecy. Every demi god here has one. The prophecy could be good or bad.” I looked around at everyone in The Fort; all of them had a Big Prophecy. Some of their prophecies could be good, and some could foretell a grave future.
“When you go inside the barrack there are eleven doors, the first two doors are for minor gods, the next door on the right is for the children of Ares and Hephaestus. The second door on the left is for the children of Demeter and Hera. The third door on the right is for the children of Athena and Dionysus. The third door on the left is for Hermes, because no one wants to share a room with the children of Hermes, promise me. The fourth door on the right is for Aphrodite and Hestia. And on the left are my children and my sisters, Airtimes. There are three rooms in the very back. If you go all the way to the back of the cabin and left down a hallway, you will run into the children of Hades room. If you go all the way to the back and turn right, that is Poseidon’s children's room. The center is your room and Zeus’s children. Every barrack is like this one. So you don’t have to learn another barrack, don’t worry.”
And that’s when it struck me, I didn’t even think of Apollo having children.
“But of course Hestia, Athena, and my sister are all virgin goddesses, so they have no children. And Hera has no mortal children either so some of the rooms are only full of one god’s children.”
“Do you have children?” I finally asked letting out the breath I had been holding in. Apollo stopped walking, and was quiet for a long time.
“Yea, I do.” I wonder why he stopped and thought like that, but then we got to barrack one. Apollo opened the door and I instantly saw the crazy house that was going to be my living space for a while.
The first thing that I noticed is that it was loud; the second was that it was very full; the third was that it was incredibly hot. There were even more kids in here than there was outside. As Apollo opened the door I felt the heat fumes come billowing in at me. Every kid in the barrack was talking to each other. I saw a boy with blond curly hair and grey steel eyes steal 20 bucks out of some guy’s pocket. There were kids playing instruments in one place, girls putting on make up in another, some making flowers grow, some making they’re own grape juice, others were discussing swords.
Barrack one was a mad house. When I walked into the door everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at me, then Apollo, then back at me.
“Who’s the new kid?” The thief asked Apollo.
“Everyone this is Sarah, she is the daughter of Zeus. Sarah these are your house mates until you move up,” Apollo explained.
“Hi everyone,” I said.
“Zeus? There hasn’t been a child of Zeus since Kat.” The blond said.
“Yea, well it has been confirmed, Bo. Zeus is the one who sent me after her when Kat, Xander, him, Poseidon, and Hades, had a conference.”
“Well I guess we should all get to know her then?” A tall girl with bleach blond hair said.
“Nah,” a kid said from the group who was discussing swords. And with that everyone went back to doing what they had been doing before I arrived.
“Hi, I’m Lena.” The girl who had spoken up before said. “Ignore the rest of them they’re just not use to new daughter of Zeus. Oh and this is Alex.” Lena was tall, with bleach blond hair and blue eyes. She wore a ton of bracelets, and a ring on her middle finger. Alex was short with golden blond hair and hazel eyes. She wore a ring on her middle finger as well.
“Hi,” Alex said with a straight, bright white smile. .
“Hey,” I said back returning the smile. Apollo walked over to us.
“Looks like your okay for now, I’ll see you later. And with that he walked out of the cabin. Alex and Lena both watched him walk out the door then stared at me with wide eyes. I shook my head, and they dropped it.
“We’re both daughters of Aphrodite, Alex is a dancer, and I’m well I’m just me.” Lena explained to me. I noticed Alex had earphones in her ears and was practicing parts of a dance. “She’s usually more talkative.”
“I like your ring,” I said to Lena.
“Oh this,” she said pointing to her ring. “That’s my sword. I push this button and BOOM it pops into a sword.”
I talked more with Lena and Alex, and then they helped me unpack, and get to know everyone. By the time I was unpacked and had met everyone it was time for dinner, we three walked to the pavilion together. On the way to the pavilion they explained to me about how the pavilion worked. The pavilion is separated in to nine sections; you can sit wherever as long as you’re with your rank.
The pavilion looked pretty much like my school cafeteria, only better food. Except in this cafeteria there was a soda dispenser, like at restaurants. There were signs above each section telling you where each rank sat.
During dinner Alex, Lena, and I talked about the fort, the activities, the kids, and the food. They were really nice, and it comforted me actually having friends. We were talking about my pocket knife when a man and a woman about 45 stood up from the Officers table. They both had grey hair. The man had black eyes, the woman beige. The man was wearing all black, while the woman was wearing floral designed clothing. The woman had flowers in her hair and was very tan, and the man was very pale. I realized the man was a son of Hades, and the woman was a daughter of Demeter.
“They are in charge of The Fort until someone takes over,” Lena leaned over and whispered to me. “His name is Donald, her name is Camille.”
“Everyone there is a new child of one of the original twelve Olympic gods,” Donald started out.
“Her name is Sarah; she is the daughter of Zeus.” Camille said pointing at me. I knew I was blushing.
“So, be nice okay.” She looked at all the Ares kids around the pavilion as she said that. Ronald and Camille stepped down from the Officers table. Ronald went over to Kat and Xander and whispered something to them; they nodded and ran out of the pavilion. Camille came over and stood in front of me blocking my view.
“Hi Sarah, when your done eating meet me outside. Were going to go up to Olympus to meet your dad, okay?” I dropped my fork in mid bite, letting it clatter against the tile floor.
I was about to meet my dad for the first time in my life.
over a year ago daughter-ofzeus said…
uhhhg i think i need to just finish chapter five but i cant think of anything i have writers block.... and no time to type/write but im trying i promise!!
over a year ago redhawks said…
Good job! That was a good chapter! Sorry, I didn't read it till now. I just relized it was up. and writers block sucks.
over a year ago Persephone16 said…
Sure does. I like your story, it's very entertaining. Keep up the good work!!
over a year ago daughter-ofzeus said…
OH GODS so i would have posted today but i had a dentist appointment yesterday and my mom took my ID which has my flashdrive on it, which she decided not to give me back so it is in her car and i have had like no time whatsever to type and then i finsh and GEUSS WHAT my mom takes my flash drive!! so ill have it up as soon as she gets home...Im so sorry!!
over a year ago daughter-ofzeus said…
@red- i know its fine I finally finished chapter 5 so its all okay now...
@Persephone16- thanks im glad you like it!!

Chapter 5
“It’s okay to be nervous,” I said to myself. “I’m meeting my dad, who happens to be a god, for the first time. I’m allowed to be nervous.” That didn’t stop me from pacing my room.
My room was rectangular, and had about ten bunk beds in it. There was a wall mural of a thunder cloud on the right wall. In the corner there was a square room that stuck out of the wall, it served as the bathroom. The walls were blue, and it looked like the room didn’t have a ceiling. There were clouds that were below the ceiling, and when I am mad it shoots lightning out of a couple feet above head level. When I’m happy they are as white as a snow. At the moment they were somewhere in the middle.
I couldn’t just pace around my room so I decided to change. I put on a loose green tank top and a pair of shorts, and my tennis shoes. I had walked to Barrack One after dinner to blow off time. Only now I was so scared I couldn’t leave the room. I heard a light knock on my door, and then Kat came in.
“Is everything okay in here?”
“No, I’m not okay. I’m freaking out! I am about to meet my dad for the first time in my life. And I’m freaking out!”
“Hey don’t worry everything’s going to be fine. He will probably like you a lot more than me,” she said.
“Will you go with me? Please,” I pleaded. “I’d feel more comfortable if you were there with me.” I was sure she was going to say no because, she argued with our father all the time.
“Yea, sure I’ll come. I have to tell dad something anyway.” I let out a sigh of relief. We left the cabin and joined Camille by the chariot parking lot.
“Hey Camille, I’m going to take her up there,” she said pointing up to the sky. “I have to speak to my dad anyways.”
“Okay, I’ll make sure everyone is indoors.” She muttered to herself before running up to the fort to tell everyone to get inside.

The chariot ride with Kat was not as smooth as my ride with Apollo. Kat doesn’t have the experience that Apollo has, and she takes risks that he doesn’t.
“Are you sure you know what your doing?” I asked her clutching the side of the chariot.
“Who do you think they have pick up the demi-gods?”
“And you drive all of them?”
“Well no, usually Xander drives. He lets me drive sometimes though.”
“Well after riding with Apollo,” I started.
“He is more careful with first timer riders.”
“And you aren’t,” I finished for her.
“No, you’ll have to learn how we really ride sometime.”
When we finally arrived at the top, I was ready to barf. I looked up at Olympus to see everything was solid silver. When I looked down I saw clouds. I hesitantly stepped out of the chariot and on to the cloud; my foot went through and then felt something solid. I jumped out of the chariot with a big smile. I don’t know why I was smiling, I just felt like smiling.
We started walking up a hill; and I started to wonder where everyone was. When I was beginning to believe that no one actually lived here, I saw a boy leaning up against a fence. He looked strangely familiar, but when he turned around I knew why. It was Apollo.
“I see you finally made it.” He said with a smile.
“Yeah I finally got here.”
“I told you, whenever he was ready, you would finally meet him.” He smiled at me with his sun bright smile.
“Yeah you did. Although I never said you were lying.”
“I know, I just thought I’d mention it.” He said walking over to us. He put his arms around both of our shoulders. Kat grabbed his arm and took it off of her shoulder.
“Boyfriend,” she said looking at him with a very annoyed look.
“I know Kat, chill, I’m not going to do anything.” I thought about doing the same thing but decided against it, this was the closest I’d come to actually feeling liked. We walked up to a silver mansion, with gold doors.
As we walked up the steps to the mansion, a dark man with black hair and dark eyes came out of the mansion. He looked like a shadow, everywhere he stepped turned dark until he was no longer stepping upon it. He stopped to look at us as we passed him. He stared me in the eye making me feel cold, almost dead.
“Apollo, who was that?” I asked him in a light whisper.
“That was Hades,” he said with a grim face. He, Poseidon, and Zeus have been fighting, although its not as bad when he and your sister, over there, fight.” She gave a devilish grin but kept walking.
I looked back at Hades; he looked at me and then disappeared into a dark void. It was as if he had walked into death.
“What are they fighting about?” I asked still looking over my shoulder.
“You remember when I told you that demi-gods have been disappearing, before we can bring them to get them to The Fort, before we can even get to them at all? And we don’t know why? That’s what they’re fighting about.”
“And why are you and dad fighting?” I asked Kat. It felt weird saying dad, since I’d never really had a dad.
“He wants me to stay at the fort and become an Officer,” Kat said with a sigh. “Although he is going to have to realize that I will not be kept here. He has to know I want to travel, its all I wanted to do since I was little. But when I try to tell him he just gets mad. He starts to yell at me, which makes me angry; most of the time it ends with me storming out, literally.”
The thought of Kat storming out with rain, winds and lightning trailing behind her scared me. “Do you think he’ll ever let you leave?” I asked as we approached the doors.
“I don’t know? If not I’m going to end up leaving anyway, he can’t stop me. He might have to learn that the hard way.” She looked at the doors with a far away look in her eyes, which made mew look at the doors really for the first time. The doors were gold instead of silver, like the rest of Olympus. Etched in the door was an eagle gliding through a storm cloud. I thought I saw something else but I didn’t get a glimpse of it, Apollo had already opened the door up.
I walked into the hallway; it was a bright white hallway with a hundred blue doors. The hallway opened up to a large conference room. The conference room had twelve big chairs in front of hundreds of smaller ones. In front of the twelve large chairs was a large empty space, except for a little hearth off to the side. The floor was glass; I could see the fort below us.
“The 12 main Gods sit in the big chairs, while the minor gods sit behind them in those smaller chairs.” Kat said pointing at the chairs. “Hestia sits by the hearth. There are chairs that Hephaestus built that can bring themselves in and take themselves out, when we come up to here the God’s conferences or be in the conferences themselves we sit in the chairs.”
A man wearing a blue silk tunic came out talking to a man wearing a blue-green tunic.
“I still don’t think they should leave Poseidon, it could be very dangerous.” The man in the man in the blue tunic said.
“You can’t keep her here Zeus; you know that she doesn’t want to stay.” Poseidon said, “That’s why I’m letting Xander go. You should do the same.” Poseidon turned around, noticing us for the first time, and tapped Zeus’ shoulder. My father turned around and smiled.
“Sarah. My dear girl, it’s been too long. He said coming towards us. He was a tall man with grey hair, and a grey beard. His eyes were electric blue like me and Kat’s. His eyes smiled when he saw me, but faded when he saw Kat. She had her arms crossed over her chest, and tapped her foot in annoyance. Her face had the most annoyed face I had ever seen. “Kat I see your back.”
“Yeah I’m back. We have some more to talk about when you’re done,” she spat at him.
“No,” he said to her, “Not here. Not in front of your sister.”
“Why do you think I came up here with her?” She yelled at him, I heard thunder crack below us.
Apollo leaned towards me and said, “This is how it always gets. We’re lucky Poseidon and Xander don’t fight or there would be a lot of hurricanes, tsunamis, and earthquakes.”
“We will talk, but later. First I want to talk to get to know my daughter.” He said looking at me. He smiled at me and I returned the smile.
“Alright, but she’s staying to listen.” Another crack of thunder. I wondered if it would ever be this way with me and my dad.
“So how have you been Sarah?” Zeus asked me.
“Well since I have been with Aunt Mel I have been great, but before that I was terrible. Did you even know I was being beaten? Couldn’t you have tried to stop her, or did you just not fell like helping? I ran away. Have you ever done that? I was on my own, and I had no help from you. Why did you leave me with her, could you not see she was crazy? Why now of all times do I get to come up here, why couldn’t it have been the night she went crazy on me? Couldn’t you have helped me just once, instead of leaving me to her? And why couldn’t you have picked me up from Aunt Mel’s? Why did Kat or Apollo have to? You couldn’t stop what you were doing to come and actually talk to me?” I realized I was yelling at him. I looked down at my feel and saw lightning shooting out of the sky. I needed to calm down.
“Okay, Okay, calm down I’ll answer all of your questions. I couldn’t help you when your mother beat you; there was nothing I could do. I had to leave you with your mother; I couldn’t just take you. Your mother would have gone even crazier. You weren’t ready to come to the Fort yet anyways. Now that you’re sixteen you might have believed in all this, really believed in it. And I did help you. When you got your job at the flower shop, I had Demeter help you, keep you from killing the plants. When you ran away, I watched over you. I never wanted you to get hurt. I made sure you knew where to go, and that you got there safe. And I couldn’t pick you up for the same reason Kat couldn’t. My farther replied to me.
“But you could have done something; you were taking Kat in before her mom died.”
“That is a different story!”
“No!” Kat screamed, she was clutching her head, remembering about her mother. “We are not talking about this! This conversation is over.”
“Kat,” Zeus said. “I’m sorry.”
“No, save it I don’t want to here it. I’m not going to stay, here at the fort. I don’t want to be an officer. I want to travel, be nomadic. I want to be me, and I could not be me if I’m in charge of everyone.” There was a crack of lightning below us.
“Kat, we have gone over this a million times!” Crack. “You cant leave because its to dangerous, you could get killed.”
“I’m doing pretty well on my own right now.” There was more lightning. “Do you know how many monsters I have fought and defeated?” I could here the rain now. Apollo looked nervous, and Poseidon looked concerned as they watched.
“Yes Katlynne, I do know. That doesn’t mean you cab survive on your own.”
I wont be on my own! You know that! Xander will be with me.” More thunder.
“Katlynne, you have lived here sense you were five. You cant just pick up and leave when you turn eighteen.”
“Why not? Most of the demi-gods leave when they turn eighteen. Why cant I?”
“Because,” he was cut off by a crack of thunder and Kat continuing.
“I am seventeen and already in Barrack nine. Everyone in Barrack nine is over twenty five. Xander and I are the best fighters here! Poseidon is letting Xander go when he turns eighteen, why cant you let me?”
“Because I don’t want you to end up like your mother!” he yelled before she could get another word out. I heard the rain lessen. then he said calmly, “Because I don’t want you to die like you mother.”
She went to say something, only the boy who came to get her at the beach came in soaked.
“Kat, its Xander.” She didn’t say anything back but take off running for the door.
“What happened?” Poseidon demanded from the boy.
“A giant attacked the fort. Xander went to go fight the giant, As soon as Xander had gotten through to the battle, the leader of the pack of giants came to fight him. Xander fought the giant for a while, but then lightning struck a tree making it fall between the giant and him. He yelled to the other kids to get back into the fort and close the gates. When he turned around the giant stabbed him in his gut.” The boy finished
He went to say something else but none of us heard. We were already running down to the forts infirmary.
over a year ago psalm1003 said…
big smile
Omw so good! I hope xander iis ok!
over a year ago redhawks said…
big smile
Oh no!!! Xander!!