The Heroes of Olympus The Son of Neptune,<3

ZoeNightshade26 posted on Feb 05, 2011 at 09:51AM
Title: The Son of Neptune

Rating: C

Type: Fantasy, Romance, Friendship, and a little Humor


Perseus Jackson

Synopsis:Percy wakes up with no memories with a girlfriend and a best friend he's never met before. Once Percy reaches Legion Training Camp he feels like he doesn't belong even though it is the only place for demigods in ther world.Or so everyone thinks. Percy gets issued a quest and leaves with Harrison and Claire to the worst place on Earth.

Disclaimer: I do not own the Percy Jackson and the Olympians or the Heros of Olympus. All rights go to Rich Riordan. All characters are not made bye me (only a few: Claire, Harrison)Enjoy!
last edited on Feb 12, 2011 at 05:31AM

The Heroes of Olympus 322 replies

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over a year ago ZoeNightshade26 said…
Chapter 1
Percy woke up to find himself in a locker room of some kind. He was wearing only a spedo. Not cool.
-Percy. Man you okay you look a little green. Harrison said from the bench across from Percy.
Harrison had dirty blonde hair and chocolate brown eyes. He had very large muscles and he looked like he could lift a school bus.
-Who are you? Who am I? Where am I?
-Stop joking Percy. Percy, sounds familiar maybe that’s my name he thought to himself.
-No, I’m serious I don’t know who you are. Percy said now starting to sound nervous.
-Percy, I’m your best friend. We met at the beginning of the school year at Waterland. Does any of this ring a bell? Do you at least remember Claire?
-Who? I’ve never heard of this chick in my life. Is she important? Percy wondered.
-Oh Lord when she finds out. Harrison sucked in sharply.
-Who is Claire? Percy demanded.
-She’s your girlfriend. Harrison replied.
Percy’s mouth dropped open as an announcement was made over a loud speaker
-All competitors please make your way to your diving boards.
-Good luck man. We’re cheering for you.
-Wait. What?
-You’re at a swim meet and you’re about to compete and win another gold trophy.
-Just go now!
Percy followed the other swimmers to the diving boards. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a green sign that read “GO PERCY!” in big bold letters. Percy assumed the girl smiling and waving at him was Claire. Claire had light brown hair with natural blonde highlights and blueish/green eyes that twinkled with yellow when she smiled(which was a lot). She was wearing a light purple t-shirt and jeans with the knees ripped. No make-up, hair messily tied in a ponytail but very beautiful. Percy thought to himself. She very natural about her beauty.He tried to wave back with a confident smile but it didn’t work.
-Swimmers on your mark…
Get set…

Hope you liked it!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ZoeNightshade26 said…
over a year ago ZoeNightshade26 said…
over a year ago ZoeNightshade26 said…
Please reply!
over a year ago wisegurl said…
Awesome story so far!! Can't wait for more!! When r u gunna post next??
over a year ago ZoeNightshade26 said…
big smile
I will probably post a chapter a day depending on school.
I'm glad you liked it!
over a year ago ZoeNightshade26 said…
Here you go!
Chapter 2
Percy dove into the water started doing a perfect breaststroke. He quickly glanced behind him and saw that he was at least 5 feet away from the other swimmers. He reached the edge of the pool and flipped in the water then started swimming back. Percy could hear cheers from the crowd as he finished his first lap. Two more, he thought to himself. Percy felt a familiar tug in his gut and he was moving much faster all of a sudden. 2nd lap done. He was barreling through the water then he touched the metal bar at the end of his lane and the crowd exploded into cheers. Percy climbed out of the water and someone handed him a towel.
-Percy! You did great! Claire screamed as she ran to him.
-Um Percy, Harrison said walking towards him, how are you dry you just got out of the water?
-I don’t know. Are you Claire? He asked her.
Claire’s face fell.
-Why would you ask me that Percy?
Harrison butted in;-He can’t remember who he is, who we are, or anything else for that matter.
Claire looked like she would start crying when a man wearing a suit stepped forward.
-And this year’s winner of the Redwood High School Swimming competition is, Percy Jackson!
The announcer walked over to Percy and gave him a gold trophy two feet tall.
-Thanks, Percy said
-Keep it up kid. With times like that you could get a full scholarship. A kid still sitting with crutches waved them over.
-Good job Percy. You beat your record. He said
-Who are you? Percy asked. This guy wore an old pair of Nikes, jeans, a plain red shirt, and an Angels cap on his head covering his brown curly hair.
-He-he has amnesia. Claire sniffed looking very depressed.
-Well my name is Brian. He said holding out his hand.
A group of girls walked over giggling wearing all pink.
-You don’t need to be here right now Rebecca. Claire said with loathing.
-Oh save it ugly I didn’t come to talk to you. So Percy, how would you want to go to the movies later tonight?
-Sorry I’m busy. Percy said glancing at Claire
-With her? Are you kidding?
-Hey stop it. She’s my girlfriend. Percy said anger roaring in his ears.
Claire was beaming with happiness while Rebecca and her crew wore looks of disgust.
-Look you can’t make me stop and I won’t. She said with a smug look.
Percy felt a tug in his gut and a huge tidal wave from the pool crashed down on Rebecca and her friends. Fortunately, they walked away fussing over their make-up and hair. Unfortunately, all of Percy’s friends got wet also. The only person who wasn’t was Percy.
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
that's was awesome, I love your story so far!!!!
over a year ago wisegurl said…
yrp very awesome!!! :)
over a year ago ZoeNightshade26 said…
big smile
Chapter 3
Claire was staring at Percy in amazement.
-Uh… I didn’t… um… he started stammering.
Percy fell to his knees then whispered –Annabeth before passing out.
-Percy! Percy! Claire was shaking him trying to get him to wake. Claire started crying while Harrison and Brian helped her up.
Brian must have been really nervous because he started bleating, like a goat.
-I have an idea. Harrison said with a smile.
He picked up Percy and tossed him into the water
-Harrison! He’ll drown. Claire screamed.
Claire dove into the water and pulled Percy up. She put her ear to his chest but didn’t feel a heartbeat.
-No! She started sobbing while holding Percy still treading the water. Percy’s eyes flew open and yelled
-Percy! You’re alive! Claire wrapped him in a hug until he said
Claire released him and looked angrily at Harrison.
-Why in the world did you do that he could have died? Claire said taking of her shoe and throwing it at Harrison.
-Whoa, calm down Claire. I just thought it would help. Percy’s the strongest when he’s in water.
Percy climbed out of the water and knelt down to help Claire out.
-Thanks. She said smiling.
-Who are Annabeth and Tyson? Brian asked.
-I have no idea. He replied. But Claire knew. He probably has a girlfriend somewhere else.
-The pool is now closing. Please make your way outside, a voice said from somewhere.
-Come on. Let’s go get celebratory Chinese food! Brian said excitedly.
They all walked out into the fresh air and Percy gasped. From their view they could see the Golden Gate Bridge and the gate of China Town.
-Am I in San Francisco? Percy asked breathless.
-Of course. We live and go to school here, Claire said.
Percy looked down the street then started running towards a family of two young boy, a nice looking Asian lady, and a man about 40 with ruffled sandy blonde hair.
-Percy, get back here! Claire yelled.
Harrison, Claire, and Brian ran to Percy.
-Excuse me, he said to the man, is Annabeth okay?
-Percy? The man said confused, what are you doing in San Francisco? Everyone’s looking for you. Annabeth is worried sick and you’re here!
-I’m- Percy started but out of nowhere came a giant black dog.
-Claire, Harrison, Percy! Run now! Brian shouted.
Brian took a knife from his pocket and stabbed the animal.
-What are you doing?! Claire yelled. She had always loved animals.
-We need to go now! Brian said
-Wait Percy! The man yelled but they were already out of earshot.
-Where are we going? Percy yelled as they ran to the parking lot.
-The only safe place, Legion Training Camp.

Hope you liked it! I love cliffhangers!
over a year ago wisegurl said…
Ya it was great!!! :)
over a year ago ZoeNightshade26 said…
Chapter 4
Claire was so confused and angry at Brian for stabbing that poor dog. But the more she thought about it the more she realized it was trying to kill Percy. She was running a lot slower than everyone else because of the thought of Percy dying.
-Let’s go Claire! Percy yelled and grabbed her hand. Claire felt so happy despite the fact that they were running for their lives.
-Here! Brian screamed. They reached an old red pick-up truck and bolted inside.
-Who knows how to drive? Claire asked.
-I do. Percy said.
-Where are we headed?
-Just drive to the Caldecott Tunnel and I’ll tell you from there. Brian said hurriedly. Does anyone have a cell phone?
-Here. Claire said holding over her purple phone. Percy blushed when he saw that the wallpaper was a picture of him smiling his green eyes twinkling.
-Hello, Brian spoke into the phone, its Brian Meadowgrass. Tell Lupa we’re on our way.
-Who’s Lupa? Claire asked.
-You’ll find out soon. Brian replied.
Claire fell asleep on Percy’s shoulder and dreamed about the first time they had met.
Percy had just gotten out of the swimming pool at the school. Claire was there to pick up her little brother. Claire was reading 101 Things About Animals when Percy rounded the corner and walked right into her, still wet making her book fall and homework go everywhere.
-Oh sorry, Percy said picking them up.
When he looked up Claire lost herself in his sea green eyes. Claire loved what eyes could say about people. She thought that they showed peoples true beauty. Claire hated her own eyes, they were yellow. When she was six one of her classmates called her a freak so when she was old enough she got blueish/green colored contacts.
Percy noticed the book she was holding and said
-I love horses. What about you? He asked.
-Yeah, their alright. Claire said blushing.
-Well I have to go get my little brother, she said
-Okay. See you around. Percy smiled at her.
Claire’s little brother Matthew ran up and hugged Percy around the waist.
-Bye Percy! He squealed.
Percy ruffled his hair and said
-See you kiddo. Keep practicing and maybe one day you’ll be better than me. Percy said with a twinkle in his eyes.
-By the way, I’m Percy. He said to Claire holding out his hand.
-Claire. She said shaking it.
-Claire, let’s go I’m gonna be late for karate. Matthew wined.
-I’ll see you Percy. Claire said waving.
Her dream changed.
The doorbell rang and Claire yelled
-Matthew! Hurry up Percy’s at the door.
Percy was driving Matthew to The Junior Swim Competition where he was competing.
-Hi, Percy said as she opened the door.
-Hi, you can come in Matthew will be a few minutes. Claire said.
They walked in the house and sat on the couch. Claire was once again caught off guard by his eyes. Percy said
-You have beautiful eyes, why do you were color contacts? Claire blushed and murmured something about how yellow was an ugly color when Percy put his hand under her chin forcing her to look at him. Percy leaned and kissed her. They were interrupted a few seconds later by Matthew running in the room. He stopped in his tracks and yelled
-EWWWWWWWW! Percy and Claire broke apart, their faces burning.__________________________________­___­___­___­___­___­___­___­___­___­___­___­_
Claire woke to Percy shaking her.
-We’re here, he said softly.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
that was an awesome chapter!!!!!
over a year ago ZoeNightshade26 said…
Thank You!

Chapter 5
Harrison stepped out of the truck and caught his breath. They were at a house that used to be beautiful but was now burned. He walked closer then stopped because he saw a wolf with a light brown coat walking towards us.
-Harrison Thomas, Claire Roberts, Brian Meadowgrass, and Percy Jackson. Welcome. The wolf said.
-Lupa, they all smell like half-bloods except Claire. Claire blushed, looked relived, and looked annoyed at the same time.
-What do you mean “half-blood”? Harrison asked very confused.
-He means half human half god. Percy said calmly then looked shocked at what he said.
Claire and Harrison looked at Percy with disbelief.
-He speaks the truth, Lupa said.
- You mean my dad is God? Harrison said bewildered.
-“God” capital “G” no. I mean god lowercase”g” like the Roman gods, Lupa replied.
-No way, Claire said.
-Yes, I’m afraid, Lupa said, Harrison Thomas, he flinched when Lupa said his name, it is time for your test please follow me.
-Yes ma’am. Harrison mumbled.
Lupa walked away and Harrison followed her. Percy got bored very quickly because of his ADHD so he felt in this pocket and brought out a pen and a tissue.
-What’s this pen? Percy asked Claire.
-It’s your lucky pen. You hold it whenever you take a test, you always keep it with you but you never open it.
Percy looked closer and saw that it was inscribed with the word Anaklusmos.
-Riptide, Percy translated.
-Is that written in Ancient Greek? I thought it was a dead language. Claire said.
-I, Percy started but stopped because a scream of pain ripped through the night.

Sorry it's a little short.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
that was really good, I can't wait for the next chapter!!!
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
I want to know now who Harrison's father is, and Brian is. Great start to the camp.
over a year ago ZoeNightshade26 said…
big smile
Brian is a faun. Roman form of satyr.
You'll find out Harrison's dad in the next chapter which I will probably post tonight.
Do you have any idea who Claire is the daughter of?
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
Claire could a daughter of...
Geras (age)
Cupid (love)
Athena would be cool cause then she could hang out with Percy a lot and fall in love then realize that he is in love with another Athena girl and there would be a mistake of sending a Greek to the Roman camp. Plus she didn't smell like a demigod so there could be different scents of the kinds.

Go with Athena!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ZoeNightshade26 said…
Claire's mom is a godess and it is not Minerva(Athena). Think, she didn't smell like half-blood because nobody smells like her. Hmmmmmmm.

Chapter 6
Lupa lead Harrison to a clearing in the forest and said to him
-It is now time for your test. It will test your fatal flaw, all demigods have them, and yours is that you must control your anger no matter what is happening.
-Wait, but- Lupa disappeared before he could finish. Harrison heard a rustling sound in the bushes. Percy and Claire walked out of them or so he thought. After a while they flickered and Harrison realized that they were just holograms. Claire’s eyes were twinkling in the moonlight and Harrison thought she looked beautiful in the white knee length dress she was wearing. Harrison had always liked her and was upset when she and Percy started dating. He had always avoided them when they were kissing or hugging because it made him sick. Percy pulled Claire closer to him and started kissing her. She started kissing him back. Harrison was so angry but controlled himself like Lupa had wanted. Percy then did something much unexpected. He pulled a knife out of his pocket and stabbed Claire in the back. Her scream echoed through the forest as she fell to the ground dead. Anger roared in Harrison’s ears as Percy calmly whipped of his knife.
Harrison wanted to gut Percy like a fish even though he was just an image. He took deep breaths and hopped his test was over. Lupa walked out of the same bush that Claire and Percy had.
-Well done hero, Lupa spoke, you managed to control your anger watching your best friends kiss and then Percy stabbing Claire. You must learn that fatal flaws are very dangerous; it could destroy you, or the world.
Harrison barely understood what she was saying, he was still thinking about his test. How had Lupa known about the feelings he had for Claire?
The real Claire and Percy were running towards him.
-Are you okay? Claire asked.
-We heard someone scream, Percy said.
It took all of Harrison’s willpower to say –Yeah I’m okay, instead of tackling Percy.
-Perseus Jackson, Lupa said, please follow me.
Claire kissed him on the cheek and said
-Good luck, before he quickly followed after Lupa.
-Harrison what was your test about? Claire asked noticing him looking very worried, even scared.
-Oh nothing, he replied.
-Claire what's your family like? Harrison asked, You never talk about them
-Well right after I was born, my mom left me and my dad. My dad was working on a tight income and could not afford a child so he put me in an orphanage. The staff there hated me. They said I always made weird things happen and soon they became scared of me. I was moved out of the orphanage into a foster home when I was 12. I ran away and kept getting put into a new foster home. I never stayed more than a week. When I turned 13 the state put me in a boarding school but I got expelled the day school let out. Every year I went to a new boarding school. Then I came to Redwood and met you and Percy. Claire sighed.
-I’m so sorry, I didn’t know, Harrison said with sympathy.
-Yeah well know that I’m here I guess I’ll find out who my real mom is. What about your family? Claire asked.
-My mom said that after I was born my dad died fighting in a war. She said that he was a brave man with a fire in his eyes. I really don’t know who it could be, but I want to find out, Harrison said sadly.
A tidal wave crashed in the distance and Claire said
-Did you see an ocean next the house?
-No, do you think we should find out what it was?
-Sure, it came from that way. Claire said pointing east.
-How do you know? Harrison asked
-I just do. Now come on. Claire said rolling her eyes.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
over a year ago Calypso_ said…
over a year ago loony4luna said…
who is her parent?
i think harrisons is Ares/Mars
over a year ago wisegurl said…
Ya that's wat I thpught
over a year ago ZoeNightshade26 said…
You'll find out soon 'cause I'm not telling
over a year ago loony4luna said…
when will you post
over a year ago ZoeNightshade26 said…
big smile
Maybe tonight or tomorrow
over a year ago ZoeNightshade26 said…
big smile
I will try to post a chapter ot two a day depending on homework.
I'm glad you all like it!
over a year ago tessa34567 said…
wow really good
over a year ago loony4luna said…
r u gana post today?
i am hooked, line and sinker
haha fishing joke
over a year ago ThaliaGrace8 said…
I'm guessing (even though this is suppose to be impossible) that Claire's mom is Artemis/diana cause of her yellow eyes and sense of direction, and i think that Harrison is Ares/Mars.

Great Story!! Can't wait til you post again!!
over a year ago ZoeNightshade26 said…
big smile
Chapter 7
Lupa lead Percy to another clearing near a creek.
-Percy Jackson, this is your test. We will see how well you react in a terrible situation. This is what you must do. You must bring me the sword that will appear to you in one minute. You must do this or you will fail and I will eat you. You will be distracted along the way but do not forget your goal, Lupa said.
Lupa walked over to a tree stump a couple yards away and waved her paw. The number 60 appeared, countdown, Percy thought.
-Ready, start! Lupa growled.
A bronze sword appeared at his feet and he picked it up. When Percy touched it purple powder exploded in the air. Once the powder cleared he saw that he had thirty seconds left. Percy was just about to reach Lupa when he heard a cry for help. Percy turned and saw Claire and Harrison trapped under the paw of a hellhound.
-Percy! Help us! Claire screamed while Harrison tried to bite the hellhound. Percy was torn between saving his friends and finishing his task. The clock read 10 seconds. Percy lets out a scream and a wave erupted from the creek. The hellhound turned and growled at the incoming wave. Bad mistake. The water landed in his maw and he choked to death. Percy ran to Lupa as fast as he could just reaching her as the clock reached zero.
-Well done hero, Lupa said, have you realized what your fatal flaw is?
-Personal loyalty, Percy said remembering a grey eyed woman telling him this.
A tear fell from Percy’s eye as he stood.
-Percy? Claire asked coming into view with Harrison.
-Oh, thank the gods you’re alright, Percy said pulling both of them into a hug.
- Uh Percy, why wouldn’t we be? Harrison asked confused.
-Um, no reason, Percy said blushing.
-Heroes, you will now be accepted to train at Legion Training Camp. Claire Roberts, we will talk in the Big House then you might have your test. Claire started sweating worried she would be killed.
-Don’t worry child, you are in no danger. Lupa said with a smile. Lupa howled three times and three campers emerged from the woods.
-Bobby, Dakota, Reyna meet Claire Roberts, Harrison Thomas, and Percy Jackson. Bobby please give Harrison the tour, Dakota-Claire, and Reyna, Percy. Reyna glared at Percy with a look that could kill.
-Yes Lupa, they all said in unison.
-See you later Percy, Claire whispered.
All of Percy’s friends walked away with their guides.
-I’m Reyna, she said holding out her hand.
-Percy, so have you been here long? He asked.
-10 years, she said bitterly.
-So what- Percy began but was interrupted by Reyna stepping close and grabbing hold of his shirt.
-Listen, I won’t kill you that painfully if you just tell me where he is, she growled.
-I have no idea what you’re talking about, Percy answered truthfully.
-Oh I know you do. And if I find out your keeping secrets you’ll be sorry you were ever born. Mars never gives up an opportunity to fight. She said releasing his shirt.
-Reyna, what’s taking so long? Said a voice walking out of the woods.
The person the voice belonged to a girl with sandy blonde hair and blue eyes. She had a mischievous smile and elfish features.
-Hi, I’m Hazel, She said.
-Percy Jackson, he replied.
Percy dropped to his knees suddenly and an image of a teenager with sandy hair and a scar rippling down his face flashed through his mind.
-Luke, Percy choked then passed out.
_________________________________________­___­___­___­___­___­___­___­___­__A few hours later Percy awoke to find himself in a white room full of beds. He looked around and saw Claire sitting in a chair on his left with her face in her hands. On Percy’s right stood Reyna and Hazel deep in conversation with Lupa.
Claire was shaking like she was crying but stopped when she saw Percy move.
-Percy! She said embracing him.
-Child, what happened? Lupa asked.
-I saw a teenager that looked like Hazel, but he had a scar along his right cheek and golden eyes not blue, Lupa suddenly looked very concerned and said quickly,
-Well we all have places to be. Percy you will have the tour later, now Mercury has archery and you wouldn’t want to miss that now would you? Percy thought that getting within two feet of a bow would be bad news but he kept quiet.
-Harrison will meet you there, Lupa walked out followed by Hazel and Reyna.
-Come on Percy we shouldn’t be late, Claire said quietly.
over a year ago Blackjack167 said…
big smile
AWSOME i'm tring 2 thinkc of words 2 describe it.................*thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking thinking
it's 2 good no words can describe it :D
over a year ago ZoeNightshade26 said…
Thank you, Thank you(takes a bow) for that Blackjack167 I give you this cake. Enjoy.
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
OMG I love that chapter
You are such a good writer, and I think everyone who reads this will agree with me!!!!
over a year ago ThaliaGrace8 said…
Great chapter!!
over a year ago loony4luna said…
pppppppppppppppppppppooooooooooooooooooooo­ooo­ooo­sss­sss­sss­sss­sss­sss­sss­sss­sss­stt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­ttt­t. ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppllllllllllllll­lll­lll­lll­lll­lle­eee­eee­eee­eee­eee­eee­ees­sss­sss­sss­sss­sss­sss­sss­sss­see­eee­eee­eee­eee­eee­eee­eee­eee­e
over a year ago ZoeNightshade26 said…
big smile
Chapter 8
-So, how was your chat with Lupa? Percy asked Claire as he followed her to the range.
-Oh, good I guess, she mumbled.
When they arrived everyone started whispering among themselves and pointed at Percy.
-Hey guys, Harrison said as he walked over followed by Hazel.
-So, Hazel you’re a daughter of Mercury? Claire asked.
-Yup, that’s me. How either of you done archery before? Hazel asked.
-I think I have, but I’m really terrible, Percy said truthfully.
-I did, when I was younger, just once, Claire sighed.
-Okay well Percy if you want to sit out this round, feel free. Claire come with me, Hazel said leading Claire to a large shed.
A few minutes later Claire reappeared with a wooden bow with designs of purple flowers along it, a tan quiver strapped to her back, and a lilac arm guard.
-Wow, you look… purple, Percy stammered dumfounded.
-Oh shut up, Claire said even though she was blushing.
-Well, Claire let’s see how you do! Hazel said cheerfully.
Claire took an arrow out of her quiver and notched it to her bow as easily as breathing. She aimed for a target 60 feet away when Hazel said,
-Maybe you should try for a shorter distance first.
Claire ignored her and released the arrow, all the Mercury kids looking at her.
Her arrow was fleche deep in the very center of her target. She looked at the Mercury cabin and said with a smile,
-Well, how’d I do?
Claire fired four more, each one hitting the bull’s eye but far enough apart to avoid breaking the arrows. She walked to where Percy was and sat down next to him while everyone was still goggling at her.
-Claire, that was amazing! Percy exclaimed.
-Thanks, I thought I would still be good, Claire replied smugly. Claire stood and retrieved her arrows then shot another directly in the core of the target.
Everyone gasped and was staring at Claire.
-What? She said they weren’t staring at her, but above her head. Even though it was fading the symbol was clear: a bright, silver crescent moon.

Sorry its short.
over a year ago ThaliaGrace8 said…
AHHH! that was great! i totally guessed right!! Great Chapter :)
over a year ago daughterofTerra said…
good chappie but I thought Artemis didn't have kids
over a year ago ZoeNightshade26 said…
Well she's not supposed to. But, even gods break oaths.
over a year ago Biancadi said…
Oh oh ohoh OMIGODS! I knew that Claire was a daughter of Artemis but I didn't knew it would be t-t-true.but not to be rude but Artemis symbol is a bow and arrow not a cresant moon cause the cresant moon is Nyx's.
over a year ago ZoeNightshade26 said…
The cresent moon can really be either one. But Diana is hte goddess of the moon, so it just fits.
over a year ago TheMagicWord said…
Im new, it's a great story. Just... I wonder how that happened, Artemis really hated guys but anythings possible I guess. What a twist.
over a year ago loony4luna said…
plz post more
over a year ago daughterofTerra said…
when will u post I can't wait till the next chappie!!!! I hate cliffhangers cuz u always have to wait to find out what happens next. :l
over a year ago funkyguy1O said…
great chapterssss!! i like how its going so far and can't belive claire is a daughter of diana/artemis SWEEEET!!! when i was reading it i thought it was gonna be apollo but it was apollo's sister so i was pretty close...
over a year ago loony4luna said…
plz post more i am dying
over a year ago ZoeNightshade26 said…
Sorry I havn't been posting. My stupid English teacher gave us tons of homework. I'll try to post soon.
over a year ago daughterofTerra said…
like soon as in 5 mins or soon like 2 days
over a year ago ZoeNightshade26 said…
Like One day