The Heroes of Olympus The Son of Neptune (by Beckondorf12)

beckondorf12 posted on Feb 11, 2011 at 02:44AM
The Son of Neptune


Characters: Percy
and some other random people

I do not own The HHO or PJO series.
I will allow spam, BUT only if you post something about a certain chapter too.
HecateA and Partypony, and Wisegirl123 and a bunch of other people inspired me to write this. This is my first try at fanfiction.
My recommendation: Partypony Great work on updating and awesome writing
The third book will be announced when the Son of Neptune ends.

last edited on Apr 04, 2011 at 02:13PM

The Heroes of Olympus 44 replies

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over a year ago beckondorf12 said…
Sorry this is a bit short
1. I find myself...somewhere where girls like to kill you

I woke up in the creek. I had no idea where I was. Then, there was a shocked moment as I tried to remember how I got here. I realized I didn't even know where I was or who I am. Then, a small voice in my head told me my name was Perseus Jackson nicknamed Percy. I realized that I was sitting in water, yet I was completely dry. That was weird. Then, a girl lunged out of the bushes waving her sword. I scrambled backwards, but she yelled, "Who are you, and what have you done to him?!"
"who" I asked.
"Don't play games, where is he?"
"I don't know"
She got so mad she slashed at me. I dodged and pulled out a pen out of my pocket. Something told me to uncap it, and it turned into a 3 feet long sword! The girl was momentarily surprised, but got over her surprise quickly. She stabbed me right in the chest, but her sword bounced off.
"What the..." She never finished her sentence. I disarmed her with a thrusting move and put my sword at her throat. If it wasn't for another girl with gray, intelligent eyes who came running through the woods to us, I probably would've either hurt her, or tied her up.
"Reyna, what are you doing?" asked the new girl.
The girl I had at sword point, who must've been Reyna said" Hazel, I found this boy in the creek. He was alone, he must have something to do with Jason's disappearance."
"Then, he must go to Lupa."
"Fine, take him to Lupa"
I asked, "Who's Lupa?"
Hazel studied me, and said "You'll find out."
And find out I did. Waiting in front of us at an arena was a she-wolf.
The other two bowed, and Lupa said telephatically "I already know his story, you two are dismissed, he must take his test."
The two girls left, with Reyna looking at me with suspicion.
"What kind of test?" I asked.
The wolf made no reply, but ushered me in. There we were met by a demi-god. Lupa introduced him as Bobby, son of Mercury.
He told me the test was that we had to duel, and whoever gets the other person at swordpoint wins. The duel began with me using my pen again, we fought for sometime, and I could tell he was good. However, he was all attack no defense at all, I eventually disarmed him.
Lupa said telephatically" You have passed your test."
"Welcome to the Roman Camp." said Bobby.
Later, after dinner, we got to play something called Conquer your enemies which was pretty much everybody running around until you capture everyone on the other team. Just as I was playing I had a deja vu:

...A blond girl, her hand in her pocket, saying" Just watch out for Clarisse's spear"... A blond guy... running with the flag toward the creek...why did I have a sad feeling about the guy?

Then the deja vu was over. I felt I needed to find out some other things about my past. Something about the girl stirred something in me. I realized it was longing

Didja like it?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
Cool. Nice start
over a year ago kaylap1410 said…
I like it
over a year ago beckondorf12 said…
This is dedicated to Amazing Percy and kaylap1410 for being the people who commented!
I tour the camp

Lupa took me through the camp the next day pointing out the a few things like the cabins, the sword-fighting arena, the rock climbing wall, the archery range, and a bunch of other things. I tried to think during this, but mostly my mind was on the blond girl, until I saw another girl. She had pretty features, brown hair, and was practicing on the archery range. I asked Lupa who she was, and she told me that she was Dakota, Daughter of Apollo. I saw her look over and wave, then she turned around and nailed the bulls-eye on the range. Later, I kept thinking about the girl, but I was a bit guilty too, because of the blond girl in my deja vu. Later, at dinner, I sat with the Mercury people, since we still didn't know who my godly parent was. However, just as we finished the dessert there was a collective gasp. I looked up and saw a green holographic trident swirling over my head. I felt I had seen it before, and that thought had barely passed my mind when the deja vu hit me.

A hellhound chsing me... Stepping in the water... A horse, no, a CENTAUR knelt and said " Poseidon, Earthshaker, Stormbringer, Father of Horses... Hail Perseus Jackson, son of the Sea God.

It was over, I realized that nobody noticed that I had gone through that deja vu. Wait no, the girl from Apollo's cabin had noticed. I think she was looking at me with something like understanding. I hoped it was that anyways. Later, I moved to the Neptune cabin, and I found a surprise waiting for me...
It was a messenger with wings on his shoes. Something told me it was Hermes.
He said, "Hello Percy, I have a message for you."
I asked, "From who?"
He replied, "Your father."
I felt a rush of excitement as I took the letter, however the inside was disappointing. There were only a few words.
They said: Percy, you are about to receive a quest, brace yourself.
I had another deja vu, of course.

I was in the stables brushing down a black pegasus... A message from Hermes... Two words... Brace yourself...

After that Hermes left, and I got into bed, and closed my eyes. Soon I fell asleep.

Demigod dreams suck... STILL.
I was at Chicago. I watched as a witch who apparently specialized in potions poison a demigod. The demigod slowly shriveled to dust. Horrifying. Then, my dream changed. I saw a camp. Somehow it was familiar. I saw the blond girl, and a boy who apparently was on fire, working on a ship. I wondered who the boy was, because I felt that I needed to know that. What if he was the girl's new boyfriend? I had to find out, but just then, the dream changed. I was in a deserted place. Then I saw dirt rising, forming a figure.
She cackled with evil laughter and said something into my ear that woke me up in shivers.
I realized it was morning. I was not sure whether or not I should tell Lupa about my dream. I decided to keep it a secret until...

Ya I know, I suk at cliffhangers
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago PJhero02 said…
its good. but may i suggest that you take it a little slower. maybe add some more detail? but good start
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
That was awesome!!!! If I say stuffs awesome a lot, it's because that's my favorite word!!!!
over a year ago beckondorf12 said…
Thanks for the suggestions guys. Here's chapter 3

The prophecy

Over the course of the next few days, I made friends with a few of the people at camp like Dakota, Gwendolyn who was the daughter of Vulcan, and Rose who was the daughter of Pluto. I also met James the son of Mars. They were all pretty friendly towards me, but Dakota was even more, at least I think...or hope. The only one who was still pretty angry at me was Reyna. I now knew the reason why she was angry. Her boyfriend, someone named Jason, had disappeared and I had appeared around the same time he disappeared. So, she was suspicious, and well pretty angry. Anyways, I did make a few enemies though. There was this kid from Mars named Jeff who had vowed to try and kill me ever since I had defeated him in a sword fight. The other guy who hated me was from the Nemesis cabin. He thought that I had too much good luck, since apparently I had managed to beat every single person in a swordfight. I figured I’d better watch my back. One night after dinner, we received an Iris-Message. In it there was a young boy, about 13 by the looks of him. He was intently looking at something. Then, the camp saw what was happening. The earth or Terra was talking to her servant.
She was saying something like, “You must go to collect the ingredients. When you have all of them, bring them to me, I will concoct a potion that will be able to bring me fully awake, and we will destroy the gods. You will be greatly rewarded. “
The young boy who had dark hair and olive skin slowly backed away. He looked at me with a strange intensity, and then the Iris-message disappeared. There was silence and then people all started talking about Terra and potions and stuff. Lupa growled and got our attention. She told us that terra could be concocting an Awakening Potion, which could awaken anything, even the most powerful monster. She told us that Terra must be stopped. There would have to be a quest. Everybody started talking about who should lead the quest. Lupa growled again and told us that since the boy appeared to be looking at me, I was to lead this quest. I was about to protest when I saw that everybody was looking at me so I decided to say yes. Then, the oracle who was a mummy began to speak.

The Son of Neptune shall travel West
And face Terra with his best
A companion will perish by a friend’s hand
And be betrayed by a great friend

Everybody was silent, and then Lupa told us that I could choose two companions. About 30 people volunteered, even Reyna, even though she was glaring at me. I noticed that Dakota had volunteered too. In the end, I got some suggestions from Lupa and chose Dakota and Bobby. Lupa told us we had the night to pack, and that we would set off the next morning.
When I got back to my cabin, I had another déjà vu, this time a very important one.

30-40 horsemen… A guy with and eyepatch wielding a bloody dagger… The blond girl on the ground, her shoulder covered with blood… the girl on a bed with her fingers on the small of my back…

Then it ended, but I had realized something… The small of my back was my Achilles spot.
Sorry, this one still moved a bit too fast
over a year ago AlexJackson said…
Hey youre a very good riter. is that how you spell it?
over a year ago percabeth4ever said…
big smile
That was really good and i love the fact that he is having déjà vu moments.Please keep going its getting interesting.

@AlexJackson- its writer you forgot the w :D
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago halfblood2 said…
awesome and i agree with percabeth4ever i love his deja vus moments
over a year ago AlexJackson said…
Oh well then you are a good writer
over a year ago partypony said…
It's pretty good.
A good start, and yeah, take it a bit slower, and eveything PJhero said, and you'll be fine. And maybe put in the base plot when you can.

over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
Yeah I agree too. A little bit slower.

But yeah a quest with Dakota and Bobby.
over a year ago beckondorf12 said…
Hello, and thanks guys for the comments. I'll try to slow things down a bit.I decided to take a break with the Percy POV and switch to someone else. Here's Chapter 4 and sorry for the bad title. Oh and pllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaase don't hate me for this. I may change this if everybody is sad about it.

4. The Stolls go to the infirmary... for the sixteenth time

We were working on the boat as usual, and trying to make sure Connor and Travis don't get crushed by the boards. They always volunteered to carry the really heavy parts of the ship... and then get crushed underneath them. We already started to suspect that the Stolls didn't like this work and so they wanted to take a leave at the infirmary. Just then, we heard a crash and a cry of pain. I thought, oh great here we go again.
We found the Stolls looking up at us innocently. Leo sighed and told a few Hephaestus cabinmates to take them to the infirmary. Just then there was a commotion outside. We ran outside and saw about 300 monsters approaching the borders. They were pursuing a couple of monsters and a satyr. I realized the satyr was Grover. I watched as the hordes of monsters overcome the two half-bloods Grover was leading. There was a boy and a girl. The girl said something to Grover, but he shook his head. The boy stumbled across the border and collapsed. The girl and Grover tried to hold back the oncoming monsters. Then, I saw Grover carry the girl up the hill. He tossed her over the border, but then was immiediately bashed in the head by a giant's club.
"NO!" I yelled.
The camp surged forward with weapons, slicing and stabbing until the remaining monsters retreated. I knelt by Grover's side. His horns had been broken, his legs twisted at a very painful-looking angle.
He looked at me and said, "Annabeth?"
"I'm here Grover." I said.
He said, "Treat those demigods well. Please, for old time's sake. They are Percy's siblings."
I had tears in my eyes when I said, "No, Grover you can't leave us."
"I am sorry, Annabeth" he said weakly, "Please tell Percy to try and save the Wild for me."
With that, Grover closed his eyes for the last time. Then his body shimmered and turned into a laurel. Juniper was by my side crying, as was a few of the satyrs. I knew I would never forget him, or never forget the Cyclops who had ended his life.
Later, we planted the laurel. Everybody attended, and quite a few people said a few words. I didn't say anything though, I was just staring at the laurel with tears trickling down my cheeks.
Over the next few weeks we found out that the monsters had come by Gaea's bidding, and that she had specially ordered them to kill Grover, as it might destroy Percy and destroy all hopes of a victory by the gods. We heard nothing from the gods, or Percy, and I tried to bury my grief in my work. It wasn't easy, I was always thinking about old times when Grover, Percy and I went through so much. Zeus's master bolt, the Cyclop's cave, the winter's solstice, the Battle of the Labyrinth when he saved Chiron with the scream of Pan, defending Olympus, and then he searched for Percy. He did so much, I couldn't really get over the fact that he was dead. The only two things that kept me going was that the ship was almost done, so we could set sail in 2 months instead of waiting until June. The other thing that comforted me was that Grover wasn't really dead, he was just reincarnated. Sometimes, I would go and visit Juniper, and we'd try to cheer each other up, usually with no luck.
Then, one night, Gaea sent me a dream vision. I saw Percy walking through the Roman camp, suddenly he collapsed, and moaned, "Grover!"
Then he was still.
I was really scared by then. I wanted to believe that Gaea was manipulating my mind, but I couldn't know the truth. I knew that Gaea always liked to mess with our minds, but still, this was the scariest dream I ever had.
Then, Gaea appeared and smiled at me.
"See Annabeth, your boyfriend and best friends are dead. More will follow if you choose not to join me."
Tears trickled down my cheeks, but I began to cuss out Gaea.
She got mad and said, "You wait and see, Annabeth, your home will be destroyed, everything you care about will be in ruins, Olympus will die, and so will you."
Then she disappeared.
I woke up with a start, drenched in sweat and shivering.
Malcolm came over and said, "Annabeth, you okay? You're looking pale."
"I'm fine, thanks."
He looked at me closely.
"Bad dreams?"
He probably could tell by the look on my face that I didn't want to talk about it so he said goodnight and crawled into his bunk. I lay awake for a long time. I hated Gaea even more now, so I decided that if Percy was already dead then i might as well fight Gaea to the death. With that decision made, I fell asleep again and of course another dream visited me.
Sorry Guys... I had to. I will think about what's going to happen to Percy since he has that empathy link. He probably won't die though, so don't despair!.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago loony4luna said…
post soon
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
Yeah maybe Grover's laurel can die and he can turn into a faun and met percy

Sorry I like giving ideas
over a year ago funkyguy1O said…
hey really like it so far.. ur writing is amazing though i dont like the fact that grover died >=( but i like the fact that percy has some siblings, it's about time that someone wrote in their forums about some of percy's siblings they made up also when do you post? because i can't wait
over a year ago beckondorf12 said…
Here's chapter 5 and thanks for the comments guys.

I feel a searing pain in my chest.

I was packing in my cabin the night before the quest. A spare change of clothes. A canteen of nectar. Baggie of ambrosia. I didn’t even know why I needed it since apparently I was invincible except for the small of my back. A toothbrush and a sleeping bag and a few other weapons like a spear and a dagger. Then I rolled into my bed and fell asleep.
Wow, for the first time ever, I didn’t get a horrible dream for once. I dreamed I was on some island. It was a beautiful island with clear blue skies, and all different kinds of birds. This brought back another déjà vu

A caramel colored-girl singing… Planting a silvery plant with the girl… dinner with the girl in candlelight… beef stew… A wall of fire… A spraying Pepsi can…the girl crying… kissing my forehead… my last promise…
”Plant a garden in Manhatten for me will you?” “I promise.”

Then it was over. I wondered who the girl was. The island looked very like it. Then, I saw a woman. She was blond, and she appeared to be showing a boy something in shimmering fabric. I had another déjà vu.

A cooler image of me in shimmering fabric… a woman who made me do what she said… something that looked like strawberry milkshake… a sudden desire to eat lettuce… vitamins… a sailboat…

Then it was over, but I realized that we could use a sailboat to go west. Maybe we were going to Hawaii or something. I could drive it easily. That could help us.

The next day, we were prepared. I went to the woods to talk to Dakota in private about the sailboat. As soon as we got there, I felt a searing pain in my chest. Images flashed through my mind. A satyr no faun no SATYR was lying on the ground with his horns broken, the blond girl next to him. It was so painful to watch. I was really sad and angry. I wasn’t sure why. Then, it ended, and I realized Dakota was standing over me her hand on my wrist and chanting some hymn in Latin, probably to Apollo.
However, that didn’t make the pain and sadness go away. I had a feeling I had lost my best friend.
Dakota asked, “Are you okay, you were like fine and then you just collapsed.”
“I… I’m fine.” I said.
“You sure?”
“So you wanted to tell me something?”
I told her about the sailboat and how I had a feeling I could drive it. I felt like I knew I could, and I could make it go pretty darn fast. She agreed that it might be a good idea, since San Francisco was as far West in the United States as you could go. We both agreed that we would sail on the ocean, so we went back and told Bobby our plan. Lupa and the rest of the campers came and saw us off. I prayed to Posei-Neptune for a sailing ship and sure enough one appeared on the horizon. It glided to a stop by the shore and we climbed aboard. For the first few hours after we left, we were just sitting and planning strategies. Somewhere in between, Bobby had gotten angry at me and called me “Seaweed Brain” since Neptune was my father. Somehow that made me mad. And of course I had another déjà vu.

…Jumping into a black river… SERIOUS PAIN… 3 faces… one disturbingly like the satyr who had died saying, “Enchiladas.”…the blond girl… “You are such an idiot sometimes, Seaweed Brain.”… jumping out of the water… the thirteen-year-old boy with the olive skin and dark eyes scrambling backwards…

Then it was over. I figured out that that was probably my dip in the Styx.
Just enjoy, no comment for this one.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Lightning98 said…
big smile
Youa re a really good writer!!!
Why did i not know about this earlier????... gosh... i feel so excluded :(
But u really are a great writer! I cant wait for the next one!
over a year ago beckondorf12 said…
Sorry guys, ive been sick these few days. I'll try to get a chapter up tomorrow
over a year ago eyal10 said…
great cintinu writing olease
over a year ago beckondorf12 said…
6. God I hate deja vu's

That night, I had another bad dream.
This time the Earth Lady who I now had a inkling feeling was terra cackled and said,"The young hero so brave and foolish, now on his little quest."
Then she leaned in closer, and whispered,"You will complete your quest little hero, but the end is not what you will expect. You will think that you have won, but beware demigod, if I can get her on my side, think of what the damage I could do!"

Then, my vision completely changed. I immiediately realized that it was another deja vu.

A guy with blue eyes and a scar down his face... A woman with glowing green eyes... Burned chocolate chip cookies... Moldy sandwiches... The same guy, but now with golden eyes... a scythe... a satyr playing pipes... The broken body of that guy with the scar and blue/golden eyes... Three old ladies... The winged messenger whispering a final blessing into the shroud...

Then it was over. I woke up panting, and wondered who the guy was. Whoever he was, I needed to find out. the next day, when I went out and saw Bobby, I nearly choked. He looked exactly liked the boy in my deja vu, only he didn't have a scar. The messenger god...of COURSE Herm-Mercury. So that guy must've been the son of Mercury. I figured that out, and yet why did I still have two strong gut instincts.
One was that he wasn't the son of Mercury.
Two was that he was definitely more significant to me than Bobby.

Bobby walked over and said,"Here, you can have a pair of my dad's flying shoes. They may come and handy."
I had just barely got out the word "Thanks." when I had another deja vu. This one was weird.

The same blond guy running up the hill... Handing me basketball shoes... They smelled normal... The guy shouting Maia... Wings growing out of the side of the shoe...

Then it was over, but I realized that those shoes were the same as the one the other guy had given me.

Just then Dakota walked over all packed, and we headed to the beach. As we reached the crest of the hill, I thought how alike the Greek and Roman Camp was, for I remembered that there was this tree that guarded the borders of the Greek camp. Here it wasn't a tree, instead it was a small creek. The story was pretty much the same. 3 demigods, one faun, trying to reach this camp. One of them, the son of Neptune, stayed behind to fight the hordes of monsters behind them. He sacraficed himself to save the other two, and yet the girl in the group had eventually betrayed the camp.And I had another deja vu.

The blond guy... Coke...a new sword the guy had called backbiter... Going into the woods... The guy summoning a pit scorpion... the guy betraying the camp... him disappearing after slashing his sword in front of him... The pit scorpion stinging me...passing out...

It was over, but I had realized that the blond guy had betrayed the Greek Camp, and then saved them in the Titan War, just like here. The girl had saved them, and gotten a shroud.

I didn't know why, but my gut told me something was going to happen here.
Sorry guys, havent posted in a while.
BTW this chapter is dedicated to all who have commented.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago beckondorf12 said…
7. Training Seaweed Brain's siblings is so painful

The new dream was different. I was in another Camp. I thought, Probably the Roman camp.
Then I saw Percy lying in a coffin. He looked so pale and so still, he reminded me of another guy. Blond hair, Blue eyes, and a scar down his face, his expression was just like Luke's when he died a year ago.
I couldn't bear it, too many people in my life have perished. I do not even know whether or not Percy is still alive. Then my vision went black. I woke up shivering in my bed. Finally the conch horn sounded and my cabin got up and dressed. Today, my sister Katherine was on Garbage Duty. She began crawling around and picking up the bits of paper that had been thrown on the ground yesterday as failed plans for battle against the giants.
Later, I led the Athena cabin to breakfast, and to tell the truth, it was pretty depressing, at least to me.
After that, I went to meet Percy's siblings.
Their names were Jack and Isabel. They said that their father had abandoned them after they were born. Jack was 2 years older than Isabel, but all he could remember of his father the second time he cam around, was green eyes, a Hawaiian shirt, and the warm glow of his smile.
When I went to the sword arena to train them, I found that they were exceptionally good. Then Jack disarmed me with a thrusting/twisting of his arm move, and his blade was an inch away from my chest. I remembered Luke telling me that Percy had done the same thing in his first lesson with Luke.
It hurt so much I could barely hold in tears. I just trained them for another ten minutes, managed to hold on until the conch horn, dismissed them, and ran off into the woods. I sat by a log next to the creek which was the boundary line for Capture the Flag. Another big mistake. The hellhound, Luke's betrayal, Percy defeating Clarisse and her cabin here. Everything comes rushing back.
I sigh, my tears begin to stop flowing and I ask in my mind, "When will I get over the fact that he may be dead, or I am not going to see him for some time. Why can't I get over that?"

Or even should I say, wii I?

Then there was a howl behind me, and I leaped to my feet, drawing my dagger.


After some weird instincts from the creek, we set off on our quest. we went to the beach and got on the ship.
Dakota said, "It will take forever to disentangle all these lines and stuff."

i concentrated and a word came into my mind.
"MizzenMast" I shouted.
The ropes immiediately began untangling and unraveling themselves.
"Wow!" said Bobby.
Dakota also looked in awe.

And of course...I had another deja vu.

Running with the blond girl... Pirates...Celery...Sailing ship that had been there for 100years... The Pirates charging towards us... Trying to untangle the ropes...Me shouting the same word...Mizzenmast..escape...

Then I came to and realized I was in the sleeping area of the ship. Dakota sat next to me.
When she saw me awake, she asked,"Are you okay, Percy?"
"Fine, I think that the mizzenmast thingy drained me."

Just then there was a yell from above.

It was followed by a blood-curdling scream.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Lightning98 said…
big smile
sooooo funny! Pirates... Celery
you are a funny person!
over a year ago beckondorf12 said…
Thanks Lightning!
I think that the pirates in book 2 of PJO were holding celery sticks when they chased Percy and Annabeth onto that sailing ship.
over a year ago beckondorf12 said…
8. Why do people keep on dieing?

Dakota and I charged upstairs. What I saw made my blood turn to ice...literally. A hyperborean Giant blew all over me, I literally felt frozen. I would've probably still been in that huge distorted ice cube (Dakota shot the Hyperborean's head off, it landed in the ice, and created this bigg bump sticking up. Im kinda glad the hindquarters didn't hit the ice because I had no wish to share Kronos fate)if Dakota hadn't saved me with her sun powers. Ouch! where did that thought about Kronos come from. I had( of course) another deja vu.

...Ponie-no Centaurs charging...was that? paintball?...nerf baseball bats... horns blowing... retreating enemies... a man sitting in a chariot...the same guy getting squashed under a big blue butt (For some reason I didn't feel sorry for him, i know, cruel of me)

Thenn it was over.
then another scream brought me to attention. The person leading the army, made me nearly fall off the ship(Thank god it wouldn't kill me). It was James, the son of mars, who had taught me a lot about roman ways of fighting. He was just stabbing Bobby in the chest. I charged forward, but James smiled and leaped up off the ship, towards land, where he sprinted some length before dropping right into the groundd.
Dakota was kneeling beside bobby's motionless body. And i had yet another deja vu....


"Ares! How many times have i told you not to track mud into this house!"
"Mother! I wasn't tracking mud, this is snake guts!"
"Oh so that's supposed to be better?!"

"SHUT UP YOU TWO!!!!!!!" I yelled and they stopped fighting.

Hera and Ares had been bickering for too long I thought. Both of them are driving me up the wall! The other Olympians weren't helping.

"We should open Olympus."
"Zeus is paranoid."

Whispers ran across the crowd.
"If you please," I said coldly, "It is the godly way to speak to my face."

"Not if that face is old and ugly." I heard Poseidon mutter beside me.
I turned to him, "what was that?" I asked.
"Nothing" he said.

Just then the door opened, and who I saw shocked me.

Lol, I think this may be the funniest one so far.

over a year ago empousa1robo said…
Wow that was awesome hahahahahahaha
godly teasing
over a year ago PJlover911 said…
Post as soon as you can please
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
I agree with PJlover911

I want to see who shows up
over a year ago RomanGreekDemi said…
big smile
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
awesome!!!!!! I wonder who it was, shocked Zeus!!! Ares and Hera so funny!!!!!
over a year ago beckondorf12 said…
Hey guys, thanks for the comments. You'll see who shocked Zeus in chapter 10. Anyways, I have a question for you guys... Do you guys like happy endings...or do you not care and want me to surprise u guys.? Plz answer as soon as possible. I will post chapter 9 on tuesday
over a year ago eejin2 said…
big smile
oh em gee! cliffhangers! please post soon! love ur story. :D
over a year ago beckondorf12 said…
FYI I forgot to add this in my previous chapters.
Hazel is the daughter of Trivia... or Hecate.
over a year ago UnoriginalName said…
I don't know what happened, I commented twice and neither showed up. So I guess third times the charm.

This is freaking awesome. You write so well.

Oh and make some people die. It makes things more... interesting.
over a year ago UnoriginalName said…
Hey, what do you know, my last comment showed up.
over a year ago beckondorf12 said…
what if i told u i was considering killing percy? and btw guys i am so sorry i can only post thursday! sorry!
over a year ago beckondorf12 said…
U know what guys...
2 things.
1. if you do not like spoilers plz do not read the following
2. Percabeth will probably not happen in my version... unless at the verrrrrrrrrrrrrry end of the epilogue of book 5...
There may not be happy endings to the books... including book5
over a year ago Verthro23 said…
Amazing! Ares,Hera and Poseidon are so funny!
over a year ago PersesJr said…
post plz
over a year ago beckondorf12 said…
Chapter 9
Another boy lying sprawled by the fire...
His last words... Herme-Mercury... 3 old ladies... socks...
the yarn... A blessing...

Then it was over. I figured that was the most interesting one yet.
I kneeled next to Bobby. He was still alive, but just barely.
He reached into his pocket and pulled out a marker. He could barely talk, but Dakota listened and translated as follows:

"Take this marker Percy. PLace it just above your heart. It will protect you in a way you can never imagine. Here's the activator. If you need it press the button. It will save you from any harm. It could also save your friends. However, once you use it, it disappears and is gone forever. Use it wisely."

Then he muttered something to Dakota who nodded, tears in her eyes, then Bobby's hand went slack and he moved no more.

A bright light appeared, and a letter dropped out of the sky.
I opened it, and it said,


Why...Why did you have to kill another son of mine?? Well, maybe you didn't kill him, but still!!! You promised me you would get my children to camp safely. You did not do as you promised. The gods take broken promises seriously. When you need to use the roads, you will be denied. You now bear the Curse of Hermes.

Then, just as I finished, the note burst into flames. I yelled in shock and pain. DAkota ran over and saw me kneeling there, staring at the ashes of the scorched paper.

The next few days were NOT enjoyable...even by demigod standards which means enjoyable is less than 50 monsters attack you a day.
Monsters crowded our ship, but Dakota and I worked together and they all evaporated or left. I thought about the prophecy.
A companion will die by a friend's hand. James, who was a friend, killed Bobby, a companion. Yet, I had a feeling the 4th line "and be betrayed by a great friend" did not mean James.
Then on the 4th day at midday, Dakota and i were having lunch when a noise sounded above. We ran upstairs to see a girl dripping wet.

Then I recognized her at the same time Dakota shouted,
Sure enough HAzel, daughter of Trivia was dripping wet and on our boat.
I asked, "How...?"

She smiled and said, "I'll explain...where's Bobby?"

Dakota and I looked at each other.

"Um... Bobby umm..."

"What?" asked Hazel.

"He's dead." I said bluntly.


p.s. I will post 2 chapters tomorrow to make up for my broken promise!
over a year ago UnoriginalName said…
Great chapter!
I think you should make percy die (not in this book). It would be a great way to piss off the majority of your readers, and it could be inspirational. Its a 2 4 1!
over a year ago beckondorf12 said…
ahhh...Ill think about it!
over a year ago nyxisnight said…