The Heroes of Olympus The Son Of Neptune

hero100 posted on Feb 14, 2011 at 04:25PM
hi guys first time posting and ive read nearly all fanfics and i got into it so i decided to write my own as i need to do something coz i cant wait for the next book to come out.

Disclaimer: i do not own the rights to the PJO or the HOO series nor will i ever claim to have

enjoy and tell me what you think post SAP



Perseus.... wake now Perseus.

A black haired, green eyed boy of sixteen woke to bleary pitch black surroundings,
he sat and wiped the sweat from his eyes and rubbed the base of his skull were moments ago it was
on fire and and now had dulled to a steady throb. he looked at himself only to realize that he was wearing
a dirty old orange and ripped t-shirt with a pair of combat shorts wich were equally torn, he had no shoes
or socks on his feet. Despite all this he still felt slightly warm even though the frost coating the ground and
wind blowing through the trees made it below freezing.

Then it hit him " were on earth am I" but then it got worse because he could't remember his name, his family,
even if he wasn't sure he had one or any thing else for that matter and all that he got from trying to remember is his head flaring up again.
He jumped up frustrated to find himself who knows were. it looked as if it had been raining the
night before and there was an old, long reflecting pool half full of dank, murky brown water, and behind it was
a run down, delapidated mansion. he started to walk over and put his hands in his pockets
for warmth when his hand touched a peice of card, he pulled it out to find only two words written on it.

'Percy Jackson'

His head felt as if it were splitting open with pain as a memory came flooding back to him.

He heard the sound of a woman chuckling softly as she said "here you go percy, have some cookies and there blue, just the way you like them" he never say her face clearly but something told him that it was his mother.

The memory went as fast as it came but he could still hear the echoes of the woman chuckling, he found himelf kneeling on the floor with his hands pressed to his head to lessen the pain but it soon went as he realised that he did have a family... somewere.
but even more comforting was that he now knew his name. "Blue cookies" he laughed thinking how absurd that would be untill he realsied he liked blue cookies he just didn't know why. "Well" he thought to himself, no point in worrying about something you can't help. He got really hungry at the thought of food and set off to look around when he heard the snapping of twigs behind him.

first chapter is short but ive got plenty more to come!!;D

The Heroes of Olympus 85 replies

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over a year ago eyal10 said…
nice lot of detail no grammar mistakesw youre of to a goodstart.

and ps
do you mind spam
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
Yea that was an awesome chapter, I love it!!!
over a year ago hero100 said…
_eyal10_ i dont mind spam just keep it to a minimum and i like to hear your thoughts on the story, thanks!
_Jas55Jar_ thanks, ill be waiting for your reply and ill try to keep the chapter as good as this one if not better!!

i will be posting the next chapter _First encounter of a wolfish kind_

thanks for the replys ;D
over a year ago hero100 said…
Chapter 2

First encounter of a wolfish kind!

Percy froze stock still looking at the place the noise came from but all he saw were shadows within shadows. Suddenly from his right came the enormous form of a wolf and percy instinctivly rolled away, the wolf landed and regarded him, probably thinking how much meat it could get off his bones. the wolf snarled. "who are you and what are you doing here" Percy wasn't sure if he was going insane but he swore he heard the wolf speak to him. but percy replied anyway just in case " Im Percy Jackson, but thats about all i know about myself. I've only just woke up and i cant remember anything" percy never took his eyes of the she wolf ( he had realised that the wolf was a she when she spoke) but he thought the wolf had flinched when he had said his name. The wolf started circling him and stared at him intently "so you do not know who you are then child" the wolf asked. "Apart from my name, no" percy replied
then the wolf asked some strange questions that made percys head explode.
"i already know you child but i cannot say, you will have to figure out your own way young demi-god" "what do you mean by calling me demi-god" percy replied startled. " you really don't remember" said the she wolf, at this point she seemed to sigh "but i cannot tell you yet child, you were probably sent here for a reason, wich is why im going to give you the same chance as my... campers"
"Wait" percy asked "what do you mean, sent here". the wolf looked at him sad but only said " i cannot say but if my guess is right then it was a very risky and desperate move, but i cannot tell you more... yet"!

At those last words the wolf pounced at percy who again instinctivly rolled away, as he came up again he found the closest thing to him wich was a long heavy branch. the wolf only regarded him for a second more before jumping again at percy. the wolf seemed suprised percy lasted so long but kept on attacking him but percy dodged every one. Pery knew he could't win againts a wolf with only a branch of wood. Percy suprised himself that he thought he could beat this wolf with anything else at all but something was nagging at him. Eventually percy started to get tired from rolling and jumping around so in the end he lifted his long branch of wood and charged the wolf yelling at the topof his lungs(CRAZY) just after it had landed 10 feet away from him. What happended next though suprised not only pery but the wolf aswell. As percy was charging he felt a familiar tug in his gut and the next thing came a huge funnel of water fly at the wolf, the wolf was suprised as well but it was only momentarily stunned and dodged the huge mass of water coming towards her, but the water didn't stop, it swung around in a wide arc and hit the wolf side on sending it crashing into a tree.

the wolf slowly got up and turned to percy it then seemed to notice something in percy's hand , just in case the wolf was to attack again percy was going to go down fighting so he brandished the branch he had picked up earlier... WHAT THE... it was no longer a branch, but a long, extremely sharp, 3ft bronze sword the had writing down one side. percy didn't bother trying to read it because he was too shocked to see a sword in his hands. after the shock subsided a bit percy realised he was more shocked by the fact that he recognised the sword and that he had used it regularly. The wolf walked up to percy but did not attack " In your hands you hold a sword with a long and bloody history but other than that it is celestial bronze wich my campers do not use, much less know of"
Percy could't find the memory anywere but this all sounded familiar so he listened. "you can put the sword away now percy" the wolf said " my test is over and no one else here will atttack you ... yet". Percy didn't know were to put the sword till he noticed he was holding a pen lid, so on instinct he touched the lid to the tip of the sword and it shrunk into an ordinary looking pen. At this point Percy noticed the writing on the side of it again and read 'Anaklusmos' wich (and he didn't know how) he found out he'd some how translated to 'Riptide'. "so who are you exactly" percy asked the she-wolf. the wolf looked over her shoulder and said "follow".

Percy shrugged and fell in next to the she-wolf and they both started walking to who knew were "percy" the wolf started to say " as i said you are not meant to be here, you are already determined and you are an extremely powerful demi-god... and you are greek"
percy balked "demi-god? you mean half human, half god". the wolf didn't stop but turned her head to percy "yes, but you already knew that didn't you" percy had a strained expression on his face "i have no memory of it but i can feel it is real th... who are you anyway" the wolf never said a word for a minute or so then stopped and turned to percy "I am Lupa, i am the camp director of camp half-blood (at this point percy thought he was going to explode, he knew he had heard of it before but just could't remember).
"what is this a camp for demi-gods like me then" percy wondered aloud. " not exactly like you" Lupa replied "they are the children and the heroes of the gods much like yourself, but they are of the roman line, as i said you are from the greek line no one knows but there are two aspects to the gods, the greek you were born into and the roman wich all end up here, the Wolf House. The two camps or any individuals like you have not met each other since... for a long time and that in itself was a bloody and horrible conflict that left devastation across the country. The two conflicting armies you would say warred with each other and that the mortal world itself mirrored. there have been many wars and most if not all stem from the conflicts between warring demi-gods. It always is bloody since the roman empire conqoured greece and both sides have a hatred of each other so bad that if they were to ever meet again in this time it could spark off the worlds greatest war, world war 3, and why you here present so much of a problem as your presence could set that all off,
Percy wondered how he could be that influential enough to start a war untill he remembered that she said both sides hated each other, almost hereditary it sounded. "so what AM i doing here then" asked percy Lupa. " from what i know or have figured out myself is that you have had your memories taken and that is only possible by a god or godess's doing, you could not have gotten amnesia for it would either be permanant or you would have remembered alot more than you do now, and as to why you are here i would have to hazard a guess as to the gods themselves brought you here wich explains your memories or we would not have met.
"what do you mean we wouldn't have met, i can see you now can't i ? Lupa coughed "the 'mist' is so tightly wrapped around both camps that it would be nigh on impossible for you to find the other camp or even meet one onother out in the real world, it stops a war ever occuring again" at this point lupa turned away "But as to why the gods have sent you here even i do not know"
Percy was in a trance, he was lost, alone, and by the sound of it he was walking toward a camp that was full of roman 'demi-gods' that wanted nothing more than to see him dead. To top it all off he had his memories taken and what on earth would super-powerful beings need or want from him he could't guess. "Percy we are coming close to camp, i must warn you to not repeat anything i have said to you now and do not speak ancient greek as the consequenses would be fatal" percy looked at the wolf almost laughing "what makes you think i can speak ancient greek"... "you just have young hero, as a child of the gods or in this case the greek gods your brain only prosseses english and ancient greek as the roman heroes are for english and latin"

At least percy knew how he could read the writing on the sword, but he still wondered what he was meant to do, he had no clue and lup wasn't letting on just yet. "so what do you do at this camp then" asked percy a little worried. "you will be training child, sword practice, monster training, archery, i suggest you also try to learn latin, you will understand a few words or phrases already but you need to be inconspicuous everything the roman empire itself was based upon. "monster training" said percy "what, i have to fight you again" percy didn't know why but he found himself oddly attracted to the idea of fighting monsters. "no child, apart from the test to see your worthiness i do not fight my own campers, there are alot more than just me and i am a goddess not a monster", "you have done and seen alot child from what i know of you but with your memories... i guess you will have to start over, this will probably be a good thing as it will help you get to know your roman counter-parts"
Percy wondered just how much of his life this wolf actually knew and said as much to the wolf. "child it would do you no good and it would only distract you as you will not remember anything, we are close to camp, we will see just how long you last here, goodbye hero, i have alot to think over and to address my campers of your impending arrival" At that the wolf took of and disapeared into the mist. Percy stood alone for a minute thinking to himself, and preparing himself to what was to come.

He walked through the rest of the trees and wasn't prepared for what came we he exited the forest...
over a year ago hero100 said…
thanks, this chapter was long but im expecting the next to be just as long but there will be no posting dates so you'll just have to keep an eye out ;P
over a year ago POJO45 said…
big smile
wow that's so descriptive (in a good way)
over a year ago kaylap1410 said…
That was super good. I love the details!
over a year ago hero100 said…
Welcome POJO45 and Kaylap1410 and thanks for reading and i hope you keep on reading as it will only get better and better if i have my own army behind me willing me on :D

I have just finished writing up chapter 3 and although percy has no memory he's not to be underestimated...

Chapter 3


Percy stood there gaping at what he thought was a historic archialogical site but there were too many people milling around. The place was huge. It was a huge roman castle, fortress or what ever was in between, percy could not emagine the magnitude of it.
Around the camp there were 25ft concrete walls that streched onwards forever and at strategic places around the wall there were 30ft high watchtowers with what looked like archers ( percy knew on site these were the roman demi-gods) on watch duty, as well as patrols along the adge of the wall. in front of him was a huge gate house with with an inscription above carved into the stone, as lupa had said he was able to read most of the words but the rest eluded him 'Castra Dimidium Cruor filiolus rome quod populus' wich he could only make out - camp - blood - gods - rome. The walls were surrounded by a moat that slowly rose up to meet the wall full of what percy suspected was salt water ( he didn't have a clue how hw knew that). It looked like an entire army could be in there but percy had to try to look as if he belonged here so he took a deep breath and strode towarsds the gate house and shouted "hail castra" He hoped he got the words right because that was the first time he had tried, but after reading the latin inscription it probably just came to him.
Someone on guard duty spotted him and a bell rang somewere within the walls, in front of percy he heard the grinding of wood on wood and the two huge, heavy doors swug open to reveal four demi-gods all of them ranging from (he was guessing here) 14 to 17 at the most. there were two guys and two girls. They were buff including one of the girls and wearing full roman battle armour wich was nearly completly gold. (percy wasn't sure but he doubted that it was real gold) they all wore weapons as if they used them every day of their lives all of then had daggers and swords strapped to their sides and sheilds strapped to their backs a ouple even had bows and quivers full of gold tipped arrows. one of the guys even had a lance in his hand. what scared percy most though was the hard expressions they all had on their faces as if they were going to war any second, percy wondered if he stayed here too long that he might start to get that look on his face.
The group marched in unison like the soldiers they were and stopped 10ft away (percy started getting nervous, the lead girl who Percy summised to be in charge stepped forward and brought out her sword (wich percy noticed was gold aswell) and saluted percy with it "hail and welcome to camp half-blood, I am Dakota, daughter of mars, name yourself".Percy was about to say 'don't you mean daughter of Ares' but that was greek and lupa had told him not to mention anything that involved the greeks so he kept his mouth shut. Still Percy thought this was way too fomal but he decided to play along and used his full name even though he didn't like being called that "hail, I am perseus jackson". Dakota studied him expectantly as if waiting to hear more and when she didn't she said " you are too old to be a new camper, who is your parent" percy didn't remember much but he could remember his old history lessons and could probably guess who it was from the fight with lupa but he decided to play dumb and said "I do not know who my parent is, i woke up earlier with no memories (wich was true he thought) and and all i had was a peice of card with my name on it", Dakota's expression never changed but he had the feeling she never bought it for one second. she suddenly became hostile and started forwards pointing her sword at him "then who are you and how did you get to this camp" Percy stepped back but he thought that wasn't a good idea as they could probably smell fear and stepped forwards again and by the looks of it the other three soldiers behind her didn't like the look of that so they started to withdraw their weapons. Dakota heard this and waved then down, they backed off but did not sheath their weapons. "you do not enter this camp unless you were left at the wolf house and you have passed your worthiness te-" percy cut her off " Test, i did pass it, it was Lupa herself who brought me here"
"Oh really" dakota retorted "and i bet she thought you weren't worth killing considering your still alive" At this the campers behind dakota stifled laughs, but percy was having none of it. He got really mad and shouted at her " oh really, didn't cross your mind that i actually beat her did it" Dakota snapped and shouted back " ha, your a puny little - your worthless and disrespectful and im going to cut you in half for it" at the last word charged at him. percy didn't have time to think because his mind went blank. He instinctivly rolled backwards and at the same time pulling riptide from his pocket, before he was back on his feet he had uncapped the pen dropped the lid and came up standing with the sword in his hands ready to ward off the blow that never came. Dakota looked stunned for a second then her mind went back to 'KILL' mode and charged. Percy was pumped up with adrenaline and evaded or blocked her attacks. percy was like clockwork, weilding the sword as if was an extension of his arm and in one sweep disarmed her, kicked her in the chest and had his sword to her chest, Percy had been exillerated at beating her for about three seconds till he heard the alarm bells ringing in the fortress and turned to see the other three running at him with swords and one of the guys came at hm with a spear in hand.
Percy was suprised and exillirated at what had done to dakota but that was short lived as he had not 1 but three coming at him. in the next 10 minutes or so percy fought furiously at the fact that he was being attacked by supposed friends and allies ( If he was really a roman demi-god that is, but they didn't need to know) but he could't keep it up for ever so in a last ditch attempt he blocked one guys sword and kicked him in the chest as he had done to dakota, disarmed the other girl and floored her too. the from the corner of his eye he saw a spear coming straight for him, he tried to turn and block it but it slipped past his guard and BAM... shattered into splinters as it colided with the side of his ribcage. the guy went to ground from the impact but this wasn't over percy thought, these people were experienced fighters and they would come back at him so he took a few steps back from the battle to steady him self and to catch a breath, he was sweating from head to foot and wouldn't be able to continue for much longer. he noticed all four campers were back on their feet and advancing, weapons back in hand ( the guy with the broken spear had taken out his sword). Percy felt like a cornered animal and so he never waited to die, he shouted a battle cry at the top of his lungs hoping for water just as it had with Lupa but there was no water, but what happened next was even worse ( and a few months later percy regreted it but he couldn't help it). There was an awful tug in Pecy's gut and there was the sound of thunder, or at least that's what the other campers thought for they looked up. nothing came as it was from the earth and not the sky the threat was from. The earth around Percy Cracked and split and with and almighty boom the ground shook and rose up to trap the four campers bey their legs. They were in pain, shouting and cursing as they tried to free themselves but Percy never heard it. he heard a roar from the distance and then passed into blackness.
Percy had fallen unconcious from the exaustion but the damage was greater than he or the four campers that attacked him would have realized. not only had he created a mini-mountain to trap the campers but he had also deatroyed most of the wall in that area, worse of all the gate house that had stood tall and strong moments ago had been obliterated and all that was left was the rubble...
over a year ago hero100 said…
the next chapter will be coming tommorow need to write it up hope you enjoyed reading this in the meantime tho
over a year ago eyal10 said…
RELLY GOOD the detail is much better than in most fanfics and i like how its going
over a year ago hero100 said…
_eyal10_ thanks for the comment that is exactly what i was going for, i love suspense and readind a book that can really grip you :D just like the PJO/HOO series lol

hey guys i thought i would give you guys 1 more chapter. next chap WILL be tomorrow though

Chapter 4

The girl with the very, very long hair

Dreams suck, as you know all demi-gods have dreams but nightmares have nothing on these. I was up in the air wich made me really scared but then i realised i was on a horse - a flying horse wich i recognised as a pegasus... sweet. the scene before me looked as if it was in another country. "Greece" a voice told me. in the distace a huge mountain rose up before me, what the! why am i here i thought to myself "it is your destiny" the voice said to me. On instinct alone i turned on the horse and spotted a huge dark mass in the shape of a plane or at least I thought it was a plane, but there were smaller shapes moving around the shadow, like flies on an animal.I turned back towards the mountain and my heart leapt to my throught, what i saw were hundreds if not thousands of monsters covering the whole of the mountains side and dotted between them were larger... shadows when i was close enough to make it out, I woke up.

Percy woke up slowly he ached all over and he could barly move. when he got up the strength he sat up and groaned through the pain. percy looked around to find himself in what looked like an infirmary. It was a plain white room with marble flooring and many healers walking about between beds, the beds were also plain white with silk sheeting. there was that clean smell you get in hospitals that really gets up your nose. percy looked to his left and found a bedside table wich upon was a glass full of yellowy liquid, percy was parched so crawled to the side of the bed and took a long drink and choked on the stuff when he tasted hot, chocolate chip cookies and it reinvigorated him more than anything could.
After taking a few more mouthfuls of the drink he sat up straighter and looked around the room, no one appeared to be taking any notice of him even though the room was crowded, he did catch people glancing at him but they turned away soon after. He looked to his right and found that the four beds next to him weren't empty. In then were the four campers who had attacked him, huh, wait what time is it" percy lokked out of the window and found it was close to nightfall. good he hadn't been out long. He looked back at the campers in the beds and noticed they were battered and bruised and covered in bandages. in a further bed there seemed to be a small girl who had her leg in a brace, must be broke he though as he wondered how she had done it, thank goodness none of the campers who attacked him were seriously injured. Why on earth would he think that when they were the ones who attacked him but he soon wiped that thoght from his head, even if they did attack they were the ones who were on patrol and they or he should say she got a bit too hostile. Curious percy walked down the row of beds to the girl who had the cast on, she was a petite girl about 13 years old with brown locks that were way too long for her age, they wound down to her feet, the girl suddenly became restless and woke up tossing and turning. Percy went to her side and gently placed a hand on her shoulder "calm yourself your injured and in the infirmary" the girl never calmed and became even more restless and startred lunging at him with her fists, percy grabbed her wrists and looked into her eyes and firmly and with authority that he never knew he had said to her "Calm yourself girl, you'll only hurt yourself if you keep this up" she calmed down somewhat and percy picked up a glass that was on her nightstand that had the same yellowy texture that his had, it seemed familiar to him and he realised if you drank to much you'd burn uo and die, he shuddered and put the thought behind him and slowly lowered the glass to the girl "here" he said " drink this" the girl slowly drank and her body relaxed back onto the bed, when she had had enough he placed it back onto the table she looked at him with watery eyes but she couldn't focus on him.
Percy heard a faint growl behind him and turned towards the door were Lupa was sat watching him, percy turned to check on the girl but she had fallen back to sleep, percy found himself aching again so walked to his bed and picked up the glass. when he touched the glass a thought popped into his head 'nectar of the gods'. well that explained why it was so good but equally dangerous. he took a sip and felt a warm sensation slipping through him. he turned and walked to were Lupa sat waiting. the wolf regarded him and spoke " at least you show compassion and hospitality to someone who you nearly killed" percy choked on the nectar "what do you mean nearly killed, it was those four there" percy pointed at the four campers who attacked him " Lupa looked sad "she was on gaurd duty the day you turned up at camp 4 days ago" Percy was glad he wasn't drinking or he probably would have died choking on it "four days ago, how on earth have i been out that long" lupa looked him straight in the eye " if you had your memories... you would have known but you used up all your strength in one blast and you nearly killed yourself and everyone around you, it was quite fortunate that Dakota and the others wore you out or it would have been catastrophic" percy had tears in his eys, he didn't know what to do with himself he only said "but im only a demi-god, how on earth would i have that much power" Lupa growled faintly "we do not show weakness or regret here, what is done is done, you just have to be trained further to test your limits" percy was too shocked to say anything Lupa went on " you are, as i guessed the son of poseidon, god of the seas, earthshaker and creator of horses, as his son you too have these powers thoght not as destructive" Lupa paused "Or at least they shouldn't be" ... Percy still never said anything, he was letting the words sink in and although he beleived Lupa he didn't think he had right to that amount of power. Lupa must of sensed his thoughts for she growled and said "you will learn to trust yourself in time" Lupa looked across the camp then turned to face Percy once more "follow, Let us see the damage you have caused" Percy just nodded and numbly followed.
over a year ago eyal10 said…
big smile
nice i like how youre including lupa a lot shes like the dombledore for this book she doesnt apear that much but she always reveals something
over a year ago hero100 said…
_eyal10_ thanks!! the next chapter i hope to reveal more of the camp and the charachters and there is also a suprise waiting :D

And as for Lupa she brought up romulus and remus so i thought she could be the mother/cub tipe although not too much!!

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
Ooooooh I love surprises, i wonder what it is!!! I go to sleep and find you have posted three super long chapters with great amounts of are totally awesome!!!!
over a year ago hero100 said…
_Jas55Jar_ sorry i had to bump up the suprise guys i have to write it all over again. sorry again it will be some time later today

please bare with me
over a year ago hero100 said…
Hey guys sorry it took so long but im typing up the other chapters as we speak but in the meantime heres chapter 5. dont be suprised if its my shortest its a bit dull :/
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago hero100 said…
So here you go guys the rest is on the way :D

Chapter 5

Past, present and future

Percy followed the wolf from the infirmary but as soon as his feet touvhed outside he fell to his knees in exaustion, he had already drank the nectar but didn't dare drink more. Lupa stopped and turned "we will have to postpone the veiwing till tommorow, sleep and we will talk tommorow" Percy climbed unsteadily to his feet at nodded yawning. Lupa growled and a boy in full armour appeared next to lupa "This is Liam, he will show you to your quaters. lupa turned to the boy and said something but percy could't make it out, he was so tired. the boy turned pale at the words lupa told him but only nodded "we will meet again tommorow" was all lupa said before stalking off. the boy had already set off so percy wandered aimlessly behind the boy as he wandered down what looked like a cobbled main road through the camp. On the way they past a huge fire pit on the way to the cabins and percy noticed a little girl of about 8 wearing a white dress. percy looked at the boy, he was sure to spot a girl in the middle of the camp but he didn't look twice wich made percy think that he was the only one to spot her but he was to tired to try figuring who she was out ( even though she did look quite familiar to him) so he just nodded in her direction.she just smiled warmly back. After a couple of minutes the left the MAin road and cut down what was a very worn dirt paths that led toward whar looked like to percy were old roman type shrines/alters.
They were minimalistic in size but each one was didfferent to wich percy guessed these were the 'cabins' but they were way too small. the boy, liam his name was, never gave him a chance to ask but swept his hand in front of what was the sea floor shaped into an alter/ cabin. Percy wandered to the door and pushed the door open and his heart stopped in his chest. His quaters were huge, i mean really huge the inside as Disected in to 3 rooms, one for the bedroom, one for what percy thought was the armour and equipment room, and then there was a massive hanging out room. At first Percy noticed was the small waterfall coming in from the wall who knows where it came from, the water flowed into a small basin that was probably meant to relax in. On the other side of the room there was a table surrounded by sofas, a fireplace set into the opposite wall to the waterfall and hanging on the wall there were momentos of years past, tridents, swords, sheilds, horns and other items percy didn't or couldn't find names for. Everywere percy went it all shimmered as if was still under water. He walked to the armoury, percy decided to call it that even though there was only one set of armour, he groaned when he saw it but put it to the back of his mind. Percy had had a long brutal few days so decided on sleep. Percy waked in to the bedroom to take a better look and found there was only a single bed with bedside cabinet next to it in the room, a set of draws that percy found to be full of the same clothes as everyone else, plain black trousers and purple t-shirts. there was also a massive wardrobe, wait whats the oversize wardrobe for, percy opened it to find it was a small room with a shower and a toilet in it, the shower would have to wait till morning though.. percy satisfied he'd seen every thing went to his bed and fell asleep staright away with his clothes.
That night was horrible, he could't get the little girls face out of his head, but that wasn't all, He watched as he fought Lupa then when he fought dakota and the other three ( he didn't blame them he must of sounded pretty suspicious to them), he watched as the ground shook and split and the 4 campers trapped but that was were the dream stopped and changed to an even darker one. Percy thought of the woman he had heard laughing when he found out his name, "Yeah" he shouted into the darkness " thats all i know" He started laughing to himself, What reason did he have to train, he didn't really belong here anyway, even if he did make friends as soon as they found out the truth about him he was as good as dead. "you have a destiny child, and it will be fulfilled" It was the same voice from his dreams "who are you and what do you mean by destiny" asked percy. "I am one who is here to help you, but your destiny will come soon enough child, in the meantime train and as Lupa said, learn to trust yourself... and those around you"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago hero100 said…
Hey guys, here is chapter six for your enjoyment. tell me what you think

P.S. the fun really starts in the next chapter and don't forget i promised you that suprise!!!

Chapter 6


Percy woke to the sound of water cascading into the pool in the other room, he sat up and felt refreshed. He thought about his dream, he'd had a few flashbacks to another camp before and he knew he trained and fought their but he was still wondering what could come of staying here. then he remembered what had happened the day before and decided to train there and then even if the 'destiny' he had, never played out, he never wanted it to happen on his account again. he stood undressed and went into the shower closet and bathed( he noticed that the water could be turned from salt to fresh water but percy preffered the salt water better) After he was washed and clean, he dressed in the trousers and shirt. If he was going to stay here he may aswell do things properly so he wandered down to the "armoury" and looked over his armour. there was a chest and back plate with plate-legs and for his arm too there was just two single rounded plates that strapped on and went down to his elbow. After (and he didn't know how he knew how to put it on) he had put on his armour, he had found a pair of boots and a cape that was bluish-green with the stamp of a trident on it. he wondered why he had one this colour as he had noticed most other campers wore just the red cape. When Percy was fullly kitted out in the armour he found himself liking it and felt that he belonged in this armour. " what the..." percy only then noticed that his armour was bronze and not the gold that all the other campers wore, he shrugged and decided to ask Lupa whaen the time came.
He walked down to the pool room and looked at the wall to see a clock saying 6:30 am. He laughed to himself when he realised he didn't know what time the camp started but it didn't matter because at that moment Reyna walked in, she came in slowly and apprehensivly as if she had never seen it before. Percy smiled, he found he liked reyna even if he didn't know her that well ( not at all considering this was the first few times he had talked to her) " Morning" Percy said cheefully " haven't you seen in here before". Reyna jumped and turned to stare at him but she had a ficker of suprise when she saw the armour, though she never said anything about it. she smiled at him warmly enough and said "no one is allowed in here unless they are the son or daughter of neptune or there is someone living in here "Oh" was all percy said to that "well have a look around if you want" she longingly looked at the pool room but sighed and said "maybe some other time, Lupa has ordered me to escort you to the... to the southern gate" something in her voice said something was wrong but percy pushed it aside for now and walked out of the door with reyna following the door closing automatically behind them.
Percy gasped, he had never seen the full camp in the day before and it was magnificent. percy noticed everything from the two crossed main roads running from gate to gate, the colloseum type building that he thought was way too small ( he was thinking of the one in rome), something that looked like a race track that was bare and muddy with tracks in it and fields of traing areas. these by the looks of them were used for archery and sword practise. they walked towards the southern most gate and when he saw it percys heart dropped. Were there used to be a grand gate was just a pile of rubble. the walls on either side of the gate had crumbled on top of it and the watchtowers on either side of where the gate used to stand hadn't been lucky enough to escape the damage. percy just stood there looking at the destruction with a feeling of dread. Now he knew how the girl he had seen had ended up in the infirmary...

over a year ago hero100 said…
Im really enjoying this, tell me your veiws and ill post the next chap A.S.A.P Thanks guys :D
over a year ago eyal10 said…
great but its getting kind of boring you should do a fight. but other than that great

and i rate it an 8
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
OMG, it's not boring it's totally awesome, and there will probably be some fighting soon, the surprise omg I can't wait!!!
over a year ago Avery09 said…
i love it! and no it's not boring. I really like ur story!
over a year ago hero100 said…
_eyal10_ thanks for giving me constructive critisism but the "girl" is important and you'll find out why but keep on reading and telling me what you think
_Jas55Jar_thanks m8 and you won't have to wait long as that suprise is only round the corner!!
_avery09_ welcome and im glad you enjoyed it *sob* keep on reading and tell me what you think

P.S. the nezt chapter soon!!!
over a year ago hero100 said…
I haven'y been on here long so i dont know but how do you make a new page as there is too much already on here!!! thanks
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
by page I assume you mean club, there's one called The Son of Neptune Book, it only has two forums on it at the moment, so you could post your story on there!!!
over a year ago hero100 said…
Hey guys this one is for you who have read my story so far and like a bit of action to go with it, so here is chapter 7

I hope you like reading this as much as i enjoyed writing it( its my favourite so far) Enjoy!!

P.S. Spread the word of my story as i want to share it with everyone. Thanks!!

Chapter 7

Hell Sniffs me out

Percy watched outside of the gate, looking into the trees " so who was the girl who i... I nearly killed" said percy not wanting to look at Reyna. " Her name is lily, daughter of venus, although she is brave and a good fighter she never really expected to be blown from the wall were she... we nearly lost her. If it wasn't for the Apollo kids she might not have survived the fall". Percy was about to ask if the other campers had recovered yet but at that point he saw numurous shadows in the trees he was looking at. Alert Percy withdrew the pen to a sceptical look from reyna till he uncapped it were it grew to the long and deadly blade it was "Reyna" he said sharply "call the alarm" reyna looked were he was looking and saw the first of what looked like huge dogs running out of the tree's with drool coming from their lips. "Hellhounds" reyna spat", she was just about to turn and run to call the alarm when it suddenly sounded and the sound of bowstrings that were firing arrows at the monsters came from the watchtowers. reyna saw more campers coming in this direction but they would not get here in time so she withdrew her 'gladius' pulled her shield from her back and turned back to the fight to find percy on the floor with his head in his hands.
Percy had moments ago been waiting for the huge dogs to get to the walls but at the sound of the word "hellhounds" percy had had a flashback and hit the floor.

He was layed on the floor with what looked like one of the huge dogs on top of him, but this one wasn't attacking, it had him pinned to the floor, yes, but it was licking him from head to toe. She wore a collar that had a tag in the shape of a bone with the name 'Mrs O Leary' on it. Percy was gasping for air when he heard himself say "stop it Mrs O Leary, thats a good girl, stop". At this point percy was utterly shocked when he realised he had a hellhound for a pet and even more so when he remembered that he realy loved her.

Percy found himself on the floor again but shook himself off, picked up his sword and stood up to find reyna looking at him "are you ok" she asked. Percy never had chance to reply, the hellhounds had reached the gate and and percy went back onto auto-pilot and with reyna next to him he charged the hellhounds. Reyna herself was one of the camps top fighters and she killed left, right and centre, each hellhound blowing into dust. But every time she caught a glimpse of percy through the rage of battle, she almost gasped. He was magnificent, dealt out blows with his sword with deadly accuracy and although she noticed he fought differently from her or the campers, She watched him sweep through hoards of hellhounds with speed and grace, nothing could touch him. they both fought like this for a few more minutes but the hellhounds kept on coming, there were hundreds of them. Eventually they were both pushed bacwards towards the gate were the other campers had finally arrived to join the fight. There were the four campers from before and three more he didn't recognise. Then Percy had a wild idea (as Reyna was getting worse, she was covered in cuts and bleeding badly), he noticed one of the campers had a waterskin on there belt and pulled the water towards him, the waterskin burst and a stream of water flew towards him, without thinking percy subconciously expanded the water over the gaping hole were the gate used to be and solidified it so that the hellhounds couldn't pass.

Percy slumped down on the ground worn out and watched the flickering forms of the hellhounds push, scratch and snarl againts the water. Reyna was in bad shape and hit the floor and layed down exausted.
the other campers came over and a guy who percy thought was about 15 came over to him and reyna to check them out. the guy walked to Reyna and said a few strange words and poured some strange liquid on her cuts. When he was finished he walked over to were percy was sat and introduced himself "Hi im Danny, son of Appolo" he looked Percy over to find that the hellhounds had torn at his armour but hadn't harmed him. The guy took out a supply bag from nowere and produced some little cubes that looked a bit like sugar "here, this isn't a great substitute for sleep but you should regain a little strength back". Percy ate the square and found his strength re-newed and stood with the help of Danny. He looked and found Reyna too was alright and Danny and he walked up to the group. reyna walked over and introduced percy to every one. "this is Dakota of Mars, Hazel of Trivia, Muco of Mars, Bobby of Vulcan, Lel of Apollo, Bruttus of Mars and you have already met Danny of Apollo". Percy acnowledeged each with a nod and wondered if Dakota and the others had still got a grudge againts him but this wasn't the time to find out.

Just then a hellhound broke through the barrier of water and charged at Percy barking wildly, Percy couldnt' beleive it, It was Mrs. O Leary. The campers all withdrew weapons in the blink of an eye and were on guard, and one of the Appolo kids pulled out a bow and was just about to shoot her but Percy came out of his shock and shouted with unexpected authority ( he wondered later were he aquired it) " Dont shoot, Stand down" the campers all froze and the appollo kid ( Danny) was so suprised at the unexpected command, did lower his bow. Mrs O Leary hit Percy and pinned him to the floor were she started licking him franticly, "hey girl" percy spluttered " how you been, girl". Mrs. O Leary got off him and allowed him to stand and percy rubbed her neck. Percy turned to the other campers who were in shock that this hellhound was bouncing around happily and not eating anyone and said "I'd like to introduce you to my pet dog, Mrs. O Leary" They all just stood there and stared at him as if he was nuts.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago eyal10 said…
great i like how you include mrs o leary.
over a year ago Blackjack167 said…
big smile
I'm gonna send it 2 38 outher peeps and 58 outher peeps in this club so expect more fans :D like me i'v never seen this fafic before
over a year ago Blackjack167 said…
big smile
that work is worthy of rr himself :D and I say ur advancing 2 an 10 in my book
ps don't make him have any memories only feelings like he felt this was his dog or something 'cause thats wat happend 2 Jason and he didn't have any memories until he completed his quest k.."k" good
over a year ago hero100 said…
_Blackjack167_ thanks for telling everyone about my fanfic and as for the memory of his dog i was thinking that hera ( he doesn't know yet tho) could of given him that one memory back as he will need mrs. O Leary later on. But i wont say anymore. thanks for the CC, i appreciate it :D ( by the way CC is constructive critisism)
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
Ahhhhhh, I really want to read the chapter, but I can't, ive gotta go to school :( But i bet it's great
When is the surprise?? In this chapter???
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago orpher said…
Hey I just started reading your story yesterday and so far it's great. I like how he remembers mrs oleary. By the way I have a story of my own if u can please check it out hope you like it. And yea I'll help spread the word! Peace!
over a year ago hellothereal said…
I love this so far, nice, how you included Mrs. O'Leary
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
OMG, he made the water into a barrier, that is so creative, you are an awesome writer hero100!!!
over a year ago Calypso_ said…
big smile
I agree with Jas55jar you are an awesome writer, great job so far! LOVE your detail! the plot line is AWESOME *said with a sing-song voice*!!!!! and I love the fact that Percy FINALLY gets to make an Earthquake! (I've been waiting a while for that to happen) I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE NEXT ONE!!!!! post soon!

from your new fan,
over a year ago hero100 said…
_orpher_ I did just read your story and if im not carefull i wont spend and time writing this But i found yours inspiring lol
_hellothereal_ Welcome! i hope you have enjoyed it so far and keep reading
_Jas55Jar_ tnxs for your comment on the water barrier it was fun to write tht part in so thank you!
_Calypso_ As with hello the real Welcome! thank you for the kind words, as for the earthquake i put in was an added bonus as i was feeling a bit destructive that day ( brother stole my MP4)

So as to chapter 8, im sorry guys i was set back a bit and i wasn't able to write it up yet but i will be as fast as possible and you might see it sometime later today

to all those who have been reading thanks you have all been great!

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago hero100 said…
Here goes nothing people i have the new chapter ready to go and tho its not as long as i would have like but if i had added the restit would have gotten way out of hand. This and chapter nine will be the last of percy's POV(for a while anyway) :D And i don't know when i can post chapter 9 Sorry guys and gals. Enjoy

Chapter 8

Nine is a Party!

Percy stood there shuffleing his feet, he didn;t have a clue what to say, he never knew anyone, never mind the fact he was sure one of them wanted to kill him. He Felt a sharp tug in his stomach reminding him he was wasting his strength keeping the wall of water up and solid,so he turned to the others. "ok" percy acnowledged " i know you probably hate my guts but this is no time to think about it so if you hold a grudge againts me, fine, take it out on me in training or something" He looked at each of them in turn, he only got cold stares from two of them, Dakota and Bobby, but every one was else was looking to dakota to see what she was to do. "fine" Dakota said giving in " but only because this camps security is an issue" she looked at me straight in the eyes " but this isn't over, you hear me Jackson" Percy wondered what he had got himself into but brushed the thoght aside as he felt an even sharper pain in his gut.
"Fine with me, you guys ready" Percy said, they all took out weapons of the same gold colour, except Hazel he noticed, hers was changing from gold to the purest white. "Mrs. O Leary" Percy said "stay out of this fight girl, i don't want to see you get hurt" Mrs O Leary's answer to that was a feirce growl and swiped the earth in front odf her. What the... someone had put bronze caps on the ends of her claws that tapered to the sharpest points percy had ever seen. "OK" percy sighed ( he doubted he was going to win this one) " but watch yourself ok" percy put a hand on her side comfortingly and she licked him once head to toe.
Percy smiled and pulled out his pen and uncapped it and looked to the other campers to see if they were ready he nodded to them once and turned to the wall of water "CHARGE" percy screamed and they all ran towards the gate.

As they neared the wall of water Percy pushed it back into a tidal wave pushing those hellhounds nearest away from the gate. This is were the roman campers set up their line and watched each other in a perfect line with the appollo Kids stood behind them for cover. For what felt like hours the eight of them plus Mrs O Leary of course slashed, hacked, fired, kicked, tore and obliterated anything that came close to the gates. Percy tried to get into the battle style the campers were using but he just couldn't stick with it as he kept charging forward to attack ( MOL sticking with him). In the end he gave up and done what came naturally to him and killed (alot). He did fall back once or twice when it looked lkike the others were going to be over-run by attacking from behind, he soon turned back to the onslaught of the front line with Mrs. O Leary beside him killing as many as the others and trying to kill everything that came close to percy just like a faithful gaurd dog. percy did protect her aswell ( he wouldn't see any harm come to her what so-ever)

Eventually the hordes began to thin out just as the campers were getting tired and the last remaining few either died or retreated to fight another day. when everything seemed quiet the campers hit the ground hard, bone tired, the Apollo Kids Joking about being let off traing becuse of this and started to tend the wounded. Well nobody was seriously hurt, just a few minor scratches. Percy hadn't been touched much to the annoyance of Bobby. After they had tended to everyone the two Apollo kids walked of muttering about Breakfast and bobby said his good byes and walked off muttering something percy thought was "defences". Dakota Just nodded to everyone gave percy a cold stare and marched off. Muco and bruttus started to leave pushing and punching each other only to turn and call "see you in traing Perseus" and walked off again laughing. Percy just stayed there with MOL sat next to him puffing and panting. the last two left walked over to were percy was sat and sat down aswell. It was Reyna and hazel. No-one said anything for a bit in an awkward, probably gaining there breath back but it was Hazel who broke the silence first, Percy could tell she was shy but he got a different impression when she blushed but she got up the courage "So" she asked tentitivly "How long have you had a pet Hellhound"

Will post chapter nine tommorow or sunday :P

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
mrs o'leary with bronze tips on her claws, that is soooo cool!!!!!
over a year ago hero100 said…
sorry cant post today or tommorow have to go elsewere( and it has no computers AAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!)

will try to post on sunday or monday at latest

Again to all my fans im sorry :c
over a year ago hero100 said…
Hey guys im using ma phone ill try to update but it will take forever so bear with me. thanks :D
over a year ago hero100 said…
As I said this is with my phone so enjoy :d

Chapter 9

"I dont really know" percy said patting MOL on her side "i only found out today when She turned up and thats when I remembered her, but I feel ive known her much, much longer" hazel looked puzzled at this but reyna but in and said "from what Lupa told me, he has lost his memory" at this she paused and then asked "where did Lupa go anyway, she was the one who told of to bring percy here" "maybe it was another test" said percy. Hazel made a scoffing sound gods she wouldnt would she" reyna never said anything but percy watched her and her grey stormy eyes working overtime. She sat like this for a while as percy watched the sun rise and wondered how the day ahead of him would go. Eventually reyna spoke up "i dont think Lupa did it to hurt anyone as verd have been roaming packs of hellhounds for months but... I dont know there had to be a reason though". "Ooh" hazel put in "you dont think she done it to show off percy do you, I wouldnt be suprised as we base people on there fighting ability and if was amazing" at this she realised what she was saying and blushed. Percy just smiled when if heard this as she was one of the 4 he fought on that near fatal day. He realised if she could put it behind her then he should at least apologize so if stone up and faced hazel. "I want to apologize about what happened when I first arrived-" hazel cut him off though laughing "dont worry. You were being attacked and we were just following dakotas lead and all you did was what came naturaly to you, besides your a natural with a sword so everyone else will get used to you" at that point they all heard the sound of a horn blaring in the distance "comeon" said reyna "its breakfast time and you may aswell bring y... Mrs O leary with you" percy realised if was starving and moved off along side the two girls and turned his head to call behind "comeon girl, time for food" mrs o leary barked happily and bounded off ahead of them waging her tail. Percy just smiled again thanking the gods that he had at least made one friend in this camp.
over a year ago eyal10 said…
great chapter post as soon as possible
ps maybe you should make a drakon attack percy and mrs o leary tries to save him and he remembers a about the titan war and clarrise
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
awesome chapter!!!!!! hazel's funny
over a year ago hero100 said…
Thanks guys. I want to ask if I should include a camp half blood pov into the story. I dont know since rick never had one in the lost hero so I thought to wait till book 3 before doing a double pov from both camps
over a year ago TheMagicWord said…
Well alot of other writers have been including CHB points of view. Personally, that always annoyed me seeing as SoN takes place during the lost hero. So any CHB at the time would just be TLH. Unless, of course, you wanted to skip between present and future. I don't even know how that would work, what if future Percy came into the CHB part while past Percy was still in the original part. Just my opinion, you are an amazing writer so keep posting. Ps. I'm new.
over a year ago hero100 said…
_themagicword_Thanks ive always thought that myself as it never showed the point of view of percy during the lot hero which as the title of book 2 tells you the son of neptune is about percys experience at the roman counterparts camp and his ordal to be a leader to them as hera put it in book 1 and to make them adjust to the fact that they cant just slaughter each other anymore thanks for the update and I really appreciate it so I will wait till the 3rd book :D
over a year ago hero100 said…
Again this is from my mobile so sorry for any mistakes before hand

Thanks to everyone who has kept with of so far your the best :D

Chapter 10

It takes a lot to get to the top

As percy waked through camp his jaw dropped when he saw it in daylight. It was amazing, the colleseum looked as if it was brand new still and the track which hazel told him was for chariot racing was freshly dug. At the mention of chariot racing reyna had a spark in her eyes. There were already people up and about, especially the vulcan cabin who were hauling huge beams and stones with what looked like a huge cask of cement. " are they going to repair the gatehouse" if turned to sync who was watching then too "yes, they will be finished by lunch though, they work quickly. The camps boundary will be as strong as ever"
You have been here a while already yet you do not know what this camp is about. We are the heroes of the goes themselves we are the protectors of the future of the world as you know it and you have become apart of that" hazel muttered something about being so serious that percy smiled at but reyna chose to ignore.

To start with you be now at the bottom of the ranks, we don not have ranks according to house or time spent here we show rank by skill, achievements or heroic feats" percy nodded in understanding. But wondered how long it would take to do this. His expression must have give him away as hazel laughed and said "you could be from jupiters house but that doesnt mean squat here" she again blushed and percy wondered at her "but dont worry youll do fine if your really that home of a swordsman and be up with the best in no time" Reyna scoffed "dont be so optimistic hazel, he wont just miraculously get to the top in a day" hazel winked at percy "i think Shes threatened by you percy" percy stifled a laugh behind his hand.
They reached the dining pavilion which was huge and ray what was a huge table that stretched the length of it. "You will sit here percy, I will red you later at training. She walked off to sit at the table near the head. Hazel just turned to percy with a red tinge to her face and said goodbye she walked off to sit next to reyna near the head but percy had to sit down at the end of the table. He was just wondering were mrs o leary got to and if she wanted to have breakfast when Lupa walked in with mrs o leary padding next to her...

Thanks for being patient as this took me a long time to write but hope you enjoyed just the same :D
over a year ago Blackjack167 said…
big smile
I't was awsome I loved it :D:D:D:D nothings wrong with it and I kow wat creative comments .
i'll give u all the things u need 2 improve on

nothing theres nothing:D:D::D:D:D
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
whoa, awesome!!!!!!
over a year ago eyal10 said…
really good