The Heroes of Olympus The Son of Neptune (the one that's not as great as the others) Take 2

babbytreegrowth posted on Feb 21, 2011 at 09:32PM
Title: The Son of Neptune
Rating: C
Type: History? Some I guess… Adventure, mystery kind of…
Characters: Dakota McElmore
Bobby Staver
Reyna Jenson
Hazel Sampson
Gwendolyn McElmore
Chrysantha Potter
Jesse and Campbell Ryan
Percy Jackson
Piper McLean
Jason Grace
The Hunters
Annabeth Chase
Leo Valdez
Okay I think I’m done… *breaths deeply*
Synopsis: Percy goes missing and winds up at the Roman Camp. Camp Half- Blood campers work on the Argo II. Percy gets taken as prisoner at the roman camp and gets to know Reyna. Annabeth still feels lonely without Percy, so the campers try to cheer her up.
Disclaimer: Okay I give credit to Rick Riordan, for inspiring most of us to write stories based on his books. I give credit to all those other fan fiction writers who inspired me to write this.
A/N: Okay so you’re probably wondering why I said this was take 2. Right? So some of you readers know my stories and me already…Well the Lost Hero- Percy’s Story (another one of my stories.) didn’t work out so well, because I can’t post anymore. So hopefully this one will work. *crosses fingers*

The Heroes of Olympus 27 replies

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over a year ago AnnabethC said…
Sounds good:)
over a year ago babbytreegrowth said…
First chapter is coming up soon...
over a year ago TheMagicWord said…
I'm excited, I really liked take 1. But I guess if you're gonna go for a fresh start, I'm not gonna not read it.
over a year ago percabeth5 said…
big smile
I found it never mind the link. you are a good writer, don't doubt yourself be confident in your writing it shows
over a year ago percabeth5 said…
I just started my first fanfiction and I hope to post daily link
over a year ago babbytreegrowth said…
Chapter 1
And just when you thought that jumping off the edge of a cliff was weird; you’ll be surprised that my day was worse.
Okay, so here’s how it started… all I remember was, nothing. I didn’t remember anything at all. I just woke up here and that’s where my story continued. So let me start from the top.
Okay so here’s where I was. I was lying on a bed someplace. Okay, okay I know that’s not totally weird, but hey it was for me. I had no memory at all. If you were me I bet you would be freaking out. I know I wanted to, but somehow I held it together.
The bed and the room I was in was old fashioned. There was an old heater furnace thing in one corner. The bed I was on had a narrow body and a nightstand stood close by. The wallpaper had some kind of flowery design on it. Everything looked kind of strange and out of place, things seemed fuzzy, I guess because I had just woke up.
I was still looking around drinking all this in, when a girl rushed into the room. She was tall and had short blond hair, short enough to be as long as a boy’s. Her eyes were as grey as storm clouds, but darker almost. It was almost black, but you could tell it was grey, and she had a purple shirt on and jeans with a hole in the knee. She had a thin jacket on, but the thing that caught my eye the most though was her scar. I mean it ran all the way from her forehead to her lip. It crossed over her left eyelid, and it looked painful even to look at, so I didn’t look there anymore. She also walked with a slight limp… well maybe not slight, but a limp in her left leg.
“I’m telling you Lupa… this is no place to hide a demigod. I don’t care what Jupiter says. He’s Jason’s father, can’t he look for him himself instead of having us look for another demigod who is supposed to find him?” she said putting her hands on her hips. Her voice came out soft and sweet, though somehow I knew she was tough, despite how her voice sounded. Apparently she was talking to someone outside of the doorway.
As it turns out, I was right. After her came an old looking lady with crutches. The lady looked frail and delicate, but one look at her features I immediately took that back. This woman looked like she could take on Hercules himself. It was so strange seeing her on crutches. The way she used them told me she could walk perfectly fine without them. Her hair was a reddish brown, and I was surprised because I’d have expected it to be gray or white.
“Gwendolyn, you need to be more patient. You need to understand that Jupiter is busy…” the old woman trailed off.
“Busy!” Gwendolyn exploded. “That god is one of the laziest I’ve ever seen. I don’t know why we even listen to him, other than the fact he’s like king of the universe. He’s a jerk and he doesn’t pay attention to us demigods.”
Demigods? What was she talking about?
“Gwendolyn! Watch your mouth child!”
I had officially started thinking she was crazy, when someone gasped. I guess they’d found out I was there in the room too.
“Ahhhh, hahahaha, Gwendolyn I believe we’ve found our demigod.”
“Wait, demigod?” I asked confused.
“That’s him?” Gwendolyn asked in disbelief. “That pathetic excuse for a boy is our savior? He’s supposed to save Jason?” I was starting to dislike Gwendolyn more and more.
“Hush, child.” The old woman took a cautious step towards me. She looked straight into my eyes and I suddenly felt uncomfortable. The way she looked into my eyes made me feel like she was seeing everything from my past that I couldn’t remember about, and it made me mad.
It wasn’t fair that she could see my past and I couldn’t!
Lupa kept staring at me and for the first time I stared right back at her, straight into her eyes. They were brown and I could see flashes of things like a little boy with blond hair climbing up a wolf’s back.
Wait a second, a wolf’s back? But before I could see if my eyes were playing tricks on me the scene changed to the same boy, but a little older riding a winged horse. A pegasus I thought.
The scenes kept changing every second, and for most of them I wondered if I’d seen them right at all. They all held that same boy, but in each scene, he had grown up a little more. He was with that wolf in some of them, and in others he seemed to be fighting with a sword, or hanging out with friends.
Suddenly, as quickly as they had come, the scenes stopped and disappeared. I focused on Lupa and she was studying me up and down. I felt like a statue, like I couldn’t move, or shouldn’t for that matter. I felt glued to the spot, and then I think I blacked out.

The next thing I knew Gwendolyn was slapping my face and telling me to wake up. I was guessing that Gwendolyn was trying to do it softly, but it hurt. I’d hate to see what her slaps felt like when she does it hard.
“Get up!” she seemed to be yelling. I got up.
“Gwendolyn! Hush, or the tourists are going to want to know what’s going on.” Lupa whispered.
Lupa was looking at me in a strange way. I couldn’t read it exactly, but it looked like she was shocked, frustrated, and confused all at once. Then she growled deep in her throat. It sounded almost like a wolf howling, but strangely different. Gwendolyn nodded and glared at me.
“Come on. You have to come with me.” She said gruffly, her sweet, soft voice gone. She pulled out a sword, that I somehow missed seeing before. She prodded me and poked me from head to toe, and made me turn around and walk to the door.
“Gwendolyn,” Lupa sighed. “Why?...”
“Shhh I got this Lupa. I won’t fail this time.” Wow I’m certain these people aren’t normal, I decided.


As we passed through the rest of the cottage we were in, I had learned it was a cottage, I noticed that the rest of it was as old fashioned as that room we were in.
Gwendolyn kept muttering to herself about that boy Jason and she made me wonder who he was even more. We got outside and it was like hitting a wall, when you walked through the doorway. It was so windy you had to fight just to stay standing, walking was a whole other matter. I felt so cold, because all I had on was an orange shirt. Gwendolyn had a wind breaker.
“Keep walking,” Gwendolyn whispered behind me.
Looking around I noticed there was a class and a tour guide walking around other buildings/cottages lined up by a road that ran down the middle. If you looked to the right you could see a lighthouse looming up tall with reddish colored bricks.
“Where are we?”
“Split- Rock Lighthouse.” She whispered again.
I dropped my voice to a whisper too. “Why are we whispering?”
She smacked me.
“Okay so where is this Split- Rock Lighthouse? What state?”
When she didn’t answer I just rubbed my arms to keep warm.
“Here,” she said handing me her jacket. I took it and nodded my thanks to her.
She steered me toward the lighthouse still poking me with her sword. When we got to the lighthouse she led me up a staircase that spiraled around the inside.
When we reached the top, there was a doorway that led out to a balcony type thing. You could see the thing where they light the light for the lighthouse. Before you walk out to the balcony you pass a room. Inside the room was a tour guide talking to a group of people. I caught half of their conversation.
“… yes this lighthouse is on top if a cliff that leads down to Lake Superior. The lighthouse is very important, because otherwise ships would crash against the side of the cliff and the rocks down there.”
“Why is it so cold?” asked a bored looking girl.
“Well we are in Minnesota. The temperatures get cold in the winter.” The tour guide replied.
“But in San Francisco-“
“Jesse!” warned a girl standing next to Jesse. Jesse looked about nine or ten and the girl next to her looked about 13.
Jesse shut up.
The 13 year old girl looked towards Gwendolyn and nodded slightly. Gwendolyn nodded back.
Gwendolyn lead me out of the room and onto that balcony thing. She withdrew her sword from my back and walked past me to lean on the railing that kept you from falling off the top of the lighhouse.
I stood there, uncertain about what I should do. The Gwendolyn spoke.
“Sorry for embarrassing you like that. I didn’t know if I could trust you so I pulled my sword out just in case.”
“I’m sorry, but I have no clue who you are or who I am…” I said slowly hoping she could give me an answer.
“That’s strange… Jupiter shouldn’t have any reason to take your memory away. You’d need it if you were to save Jason.”
“Okay Jupiter? Who’s Jason too?”
“Face it, you’re a demigod. A demigod means half god half mortal.”
I nodded my head like I understood, but I really didn’t.
“You’ll get claimed my your godly parent sometime. When we get to camp probably…”
I walked over and leaned on the railing next to her. Dhe glanced at me quickly, but then looked away.
“What are we here for?” I asked.
“We are waiting for our ride to camp. Dakota will bring the boat probably and we get a nice view from up here.” The way she spoke told me that she was hiding something from me. I decided not to push her because I suddenly felt the burn from when she slapped my face earlier. I did not want a repeat of that.
“Gwendolyn!” came a shout from behind us. “Come on there’s trouble out here!”

Gwendolyn took out her sword and told me to stay back. I almost complained, but I didn’t. I just looked around for something that I could use to defend myself. If Gwendolyn felt the need to take her sword out, then something was wrong.
Okay I know that. Everything so far was pretty weird, but not this weird.
That girl Jesse was the one who shouted to Gwendolyn. She was helping that 13 year old girl stand and the girl’s face said that she wasn’t feeling too well. There was blood all around her head.
“Chrysantha!” Gwendolyn screamed. She took Chrysantha from Jesse and Jesse handed her a backpack. Gwendolyn ripped it open and took out some lemon square looking things. She fed them to Chrysantha and made her drink stuff from a canteen.
“Oh no!” Jesse screamed as she ran into the room she came from. Gwendolyn looked up briefly, but then turned to me.
“Okay whatever you name is. There are monsters in that room… I only have one sword and I must stay with my sister, Chrysantha. I want you to-“
“Whoa, wait a second. You’re not making me go fight are you?”
“Well. Normally no, but this isn’t normally. Almost never is normally for demigods, but hey.”
She handed me her sword and said, “Fight for your life. If you lose you lose more than the battle. You lose your life, whether or not you’re killed.”
Nice, touching advice. I thought sarcastically. I wasn’t sure what to do with the sword, and I was still wondering if my trip to the Underworld would be quick when I heard Jesse scream.
“Go!” Gwendolyn yelled. I charged through the door.

I was too late. Jesse comes flying out of the doorway barely missing me and screams as she falls toward the cliff. Lupa appears and growls at me.
“Go save her!”
What? How am I supposed to save her? She’s gone. But I didn’t say that. Chrysantha was looking at me and begging me to save Jesse with her eyes.
I’m crazy! I thought as I jumped off the edge.

The lighthouse was a long way up from the rocks at the bottom of the cliff, but when you’re falling at an alarming rate, you pay attention to how soon you’re about to die. Many thought were zipping through my head all at once
…What was Jesse fighting?... How old is she?... Surely she’s too young to die… Who are these people?... Something told me that I may never find out, since I’m just seconds away from dying…
Looking down at Jesse was scary. She looked calm about it. She turned around so her back was facing Lake Superior below her. She raised her gold dagger up so she was pointing it up at the sky. She closed her eyes, and with her red hair falling out of her braids she looked creepy. Imagine it. I looked down at the rocks, but they still seemed so far away.
Everything was moving in slow motion it seemed like. I tucked my hands at my sides. As I neared the water I could feel spray stinging my face. It was scary. I mean you know how people say that when you’re about to die, you see flashes of your life? Not me. It was strange, but I guess it didn’t happen, because I couldn’t remember my life at all.
Not knowing made me angrier so I made an extra effort to get to Jesse. She didn’t deserve to die, just because I couldn’t save her in time. Not at all. She didn’t deserve to die because I was too busy thinking about my life.
It won’t happen, I told myself over and over. And it didn’t…

(I’m continuing right where the Lost Hero left off…)
Chapter 2

After I broke the news about Percy’s whereabouts the camp counselers, they were all silent. Annabeth set her head down on the table and we could see her shoulders shaking as if she was crying. Piper took my hand in hers and squeezed it gently. Chiron looked at Annabeth with a look of fondness and sympathy.
We were quiet, waiting for her to speak. Finally she lifted her head and surprised us all.
She wasn’t crying at all… she had been laughing! We all looked at her strange and she gave one last burst of laughter before speaking.
She took a shaky breath, “You know how you listen on the news about a robbery or something and you sit there and you say that you’re thankful that that hadn’t happened to you but someone else? Well it’s like that for us demigods. Bad things always happen to us, and I bet people give thanks that they’re not us because we’ve all endured pain in our lives. But now that you think about it, I mean at least I did, we’re that someone else to someone else in this world. They would probably be on their knees right now thanking Zeus that they are happy, if they knew about what happens to us. To me its sorta funny how you’ve never really thought about it before now, when something really bad is about to happen.” She sighed unhappily, and I got the feeling that she was torn apart right now. Piper patted her shoulder reassuringly.
“Annabeth we know that what you’re going through is painful, we get that, but is there anyway we could help you?”
Annabeth looked at Piper and smiled, “Yeah sorry guys, making you feel bad, I’ll try not to think about Percy until the time is right… How about we go get hot chocolate? I’m cold.”

The End, sorry Chapter 2 is short.
over a year ago sugarcubes28 said…
i really liked it! it was super funny!
over a year ago psalm1003 said…
Nice job I lke ur writing.
over a year ago TheMagicWord said…
That was awesome but im still confused about why annabeth was laughing. Post soon!!!
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
awesome how u did the point of view of camp half blood where the lost hero ended!!!!
i love it!!!!
over a year ago babbytreegrowth said…
Thanks guys! Glad you liked my first chapter...

*TheMagicWord- Annabeth was laughing because when something scary is happening to you, you sorta tend to force yourself to laugh even if what you're laughing at isn't funny at all.

So the next chapter will be up soon...
over a year ago orpher said…
Like when us this soon? Btw ur story is awesome
over a year ago myth-freak214 said…
LAUGHING! that part did not make sense to me. but it is a good story
over a year ago urbanblue said…
I start laughing nonstop and wobbling when I'm REALLY depressed, so I get it. Plus laughing like that is worse than crying. That may not be what you mean though...
over a year ago mcsdoctor said…
i'm loving it

i'm considering writing my own but i dont know how to make a forum...... can i have some help please
over a year ago babbytreegrowth said…
*mcsdoctor- cool I encourage you to write your own. I suggest you go over to the Son of Neptune fan fictions club though, because we have a whole lot of fan fictions on this club... as you can see

Chapter 3

I willed myself to help the waves rise up like a cushion around Jesse. I heard a cry from above me, but I didn’t look.
Then suddenly something swooped down like an eagle and snatched Jesse from my makeshift cushion. I got a glimpse of the monster before it was out of site.
It was sort of shaped like an owl, but a lot larger. It was also bigger than an eagle, but hey, I had to have something to compare it to.
The thing looked strangely like a woman, but her beak was caked with blood.
Jesse screamed, but it sounded weak because she had screamed a whole lot earlier.
There was a sharp pain in my stomach. I almost doubled over in pain and I got the feeling that somewhere, sometime ago I had had this same exact feeling.
It made me mad to just sit there and watch Jesse go again, against her will, taken by some monster that had no right to do so. I looked at Jesse’s face, streaked with tears and her eyes told me one thing.
‘Go’, she said, well with her eyes. ‘There is no more you can do to help.’
I shook my head hard, determined to save her. She wasn’t going to die…not today at least. The pain in my gut got to be more painful…I almost collapsed right there on top of the water cushion, but I stood up tall and braced myself as the owl thing turned to come back for me. I looked into Jesse’s eyes and we had a conversation without opening our mouths.
‘Go, save yourself’, Jesse was saying.
‘No, why would I just let you die?’
‘Because it doesn’t matter, you won’t be able to save me. These monsters are lightning quick. You never know when they will attack. You must go now and save yourself. What’s one life against a dozen others? If you let me go, you would save Gwendolyn, Chrysantha, you and the others. I’m not worth it.’
So cute for a nine or ten year old, I thought. But just reading her eyes made me want to save her even more. As the pain grew to almost unbearable, I closed my eyes tight. I heard a scream, but I didn’t pay attention. When I opened my eyes again I wasn’t watching anything at all. I was concentrating. Waiting for the monster with Jesse to get closer. The water around me seemed to strengthen me. I thought about something. How will my plan work if I have no way to protect myself? I had lost Gwendolyn’s sword somewhere when I started falling off the cliff after Jesse. I could see it now at the bottom of Lake Superior, where it would stay for a millennia no doubt.
More monsters were circling overhead, and I could hear their laughter, see their smirks as if they could sense my fear. Then the monster chasing me disappeared. The others above me howled with even more laughter. Then Jesse appeared right where the monster vanished.
You won’t believe what I saw…. Well after what else has happened, maybe you will. She was punching and kicking the monster, like crazy.
I had a flashback. I saw a boy with black hair like mine, pulling a pen put of his pocket. On an impulse I felt inside mine. There was a pen! But what would I do with it? I suddenly knew what to do.
Quickly, I pulled the cap off the pen and stuck it into my mouth. I almost choked on it, because as I put it into my mouth, the pen grew into a three-foot long bronze-looking sword. It was balanced pretty well. The tip of the cap was poking my gums so I pulled it out of my mouth and stuck it, slobber and all, into my pocket.
I had wasted so much time doing that, that the next thing I knew the monster was picking me up and flying off with me. I looked back and saw Jesse where I used to be, but falling as my wave cushion thing crashed back down into Leak Superior. My plan had failed, because I was distracted!
I almost screamed in protest, but I kept my cool. I made another wave that caught Jesse and supported her. It took all my concentration just took keep the wave solid enough to support her. I looked past Jesse then, looked at the lighthouse. I’m sure I was imagining it but I saw Gwendolyn and Lupa, Chrysantha and some people in armor.
The monster cackled in my ear, a small laugh, but still maddening. I was dangling underneath it, the hood of Gwendolyn’s windbreaker stuck in its teeth.
I let my anger flow through my head, clouding my thoughts. I still controlled my anger and kept it in check, but I still used it as a weapon.
Almost blindly, I lashed out with my sword. It struck the owl-lady square in the chest. She howled in pain, but just looked sadly at the sword in her chest. She clicked her mouth, like a teacher would at a child who still couldn’t get his ABC’s right.
She let something drip from her mouth, sort of like slobber, and it hit me on my arm. I felt it seep through my skin and I got sleepy.


I was vaguely aware that I was rocking back and forth. I remembered the monster, my sword-pen thing, the lighthouse, but most of all…Jesse. I sat right up and opened my eyes. I was in a small room lying on a cot-bed thing, yet again. But this room wasn’t old fashioned, or as old fashioned as the other room. It turns out I wasn’t rocking back in forth. I was just dizzy.
My sword was lying on a nightstand that was on the right side of my bed. On the left was a tiny dresser, containing about 2 drawers.
I sighed wondering when this nightmare would end and I would get my memory back. The bed creaked as I stood up. The room was very tiny indeed. Not much bigger than a closet actually. When I stood up I could only step 1 step before I reached the door.
I turned the door handle and stepped out into sunshine. My arm brushed the doorframe as I left, and it was the same one the monster’s slobber hit earlier. There was a needle sticking out of it.
I reached down and pulled a little on the needle.
“No don’t do that!” Jesse yelled running towards me. Her red hair was rebraided sloppily, but she had the same khaki pants on, with the many pockets. Her purple shirt, one that looks exactly like Gwendolyn’s, was wrinkled and caked with mud. Her sneakers that were once white, were almost black from dirt.
“Don’t take that needle out! You have to keep it there so it can heal your arm. When the strige poisoned you with her spit you passed out. If I hadn’t given you the medicine in that needle, you would stay passed out forever. What I mean by that is you’d be dead. When the needle is done giving you the medicine it will pop out. And when it pops out its gonna hurt really bad. But don’t worry it will in a few hours at the very least.”
I gave her a confused look, “Strige?”
“The owl-lady monster that drooled all over you. The Greeks used to call them strix”
“Wait how did we get here?” I said remembering that when I was still conscious earlier, that Jesse was standing on a wave and I was being held in midair by a strige/ strix, whatever thing.
“Oh…um well I’m still trying to figure that out myself. Uh some god visited us, well me, and he told me that he was saving us. I don’t know why, but he wore like…uuh…. Man I’m not good at remembering important details! I remember all the wrong stuff. Okay,” she kept tapping her chin with one finger and she put her other hand on her hip. She looked really funny. After a few long seconds she remembered.
“He was wearing a Hawaiian shirt, with khaki shorts and sandals. Um… he was sorta tanned and he had a face that even though it looked nice, it was capable of doing bad damage.”
“How do you know he was a god?”
“He left the same way all gods do. He left in a burst of blinding light, that we demigods can’t look at or we’d be turned to ashes.” I thought she was joking but her expression was dead serious.
“Any more questions?”
“Yes I have like a ton and some you may not be able to answer.” I replied.
“Well let’s go sit by the shore down here instead of in your doorway.”
“That was one of my questions… Where are we?”
“I’m pretty sure we’re on some island… Not sure where, but its an island for sure.”
“Okay.” She led me down to the beach it was small. We walked over sand and there were palm trees here and there. When I looked over my shoulder I saw that I had come from a little hut that was built into the side of a small hill. We sat down on a rock not too far from the waves that crashed against the shore.
You couldn’t see anything but blue water all around. I sighed. This didn’t make any sense.
“Okay so first question. Who are you?”
“Well my name is Jesse Channings. I’m a daughter of Bacchus the god of wine.”
“So wait… oh I get it you’re a demigod too.”
“Gwendolyn said I was too. But I thought Dionysus was the god of wine.”
“No Dionysus was the Greek’s god of wine. The Romans, us if I might say, were a lot stronger and named the gods by different names.”
“Oh, so who’s Gwendolyn’s godly parent?”
“Gwendolyn’s mom is Minerva, or the Greek Athena, Gwendolyn is a great fighter. Her twin sister is Dakota. Gwendolyn, don’t call her Gwen or you’ll face the consequences by the way, always seems to know when things are about to happen even before they happen. Even if she does know if something is going to happen she doesn’t always tell us first, because last summer she screwed up with Jason-“ she stopped abruptly.
“Jason…” I prompted.
“Uh I can’t talk about it.” She blew a stray strand of her red hair out of her face. She reached up and moved her hand through my hair and closed her eyes.
“What are you doing?”
“Checking your thoughts.” I pulled away quickly. She saw my startled look and said, “Oh no it won’t hurt. I just have a special talent. If I touch the top of someone’s head I can almost like see into their brain. I can see their thoughts. Don’t ask why a daughter of Bacchus has this ability, because even Reyna doesn’t know. I can see that you can’t remember anything about your past.”
“Oh she’s my big sis. Well half sis, because we have different moms.”
“Okay… so where do you demigods stay?”
“Well we used to stay at the Roman camp that demigods before us built. It had powerful boundaries and was so well hidden sometimes demigods got lost finding it. But after the war last year, well the camp was destroyed and monsters have been following us ever since. We’ve set up temporary camps, but eventually a monster finds us. We have decoys, people who travel in the temporary camps that move around to keep the monsters away from our ruined camp, because we just use our emergency underground rooms at the ruined one. The monsters don’t know that we’re building our camp back up behind their backs.”
I nodded. I looked at her eyes and saw the color of them for the first time. I mean I’d looked at her eyes before and saw the color I just didn’t really look, I just wasn’t paying attention. But her eyes were an awkward bluish purple. They were startling to look at, at first, but I soon grew to like those eyes, because they seemed so understanding.
A new thought occurred to me, I jumped to my feet. “Wait, do we have food? Are we just stranded here? How are we going to get out of here?” I asked these questions frantically.
Jesse looked troubled as if those thoughts had never occurred to her. Then her face lit up.
“Okay, so I realized that I left my backpack with Gwendolyn, I’m sorry, and it had most of my things, like nectar, ambrosia, food, medicine, extra dagger, spare change of clothes, fold up tent, water bottles, and other things. But I have other stuff in my pockets. Always come prepared, that’s what my mama says. People think I’m crazy packing stuff in my pockets and begs, so for Christmas last year, Reyna got me a cool magical backpack that can hold a bunch of heavy things and….” She took a deep breath. “Okay so what I’m trying to say is I felt the need to pack extra things so I have medicine and seeds, don’t ask, uh let’s see… fishing line, again don’t ask, that’s about it.”
“Uhhggg! Really? That’s it? I can’t believe-“
Just then a deep voice boomed behind us.
“Ahh yes see Curt, I told you I smelled demigod.” The thing that owned the voice grabbed me, and the other, Curt, grabbed Jesse. It turns out that they were Cyclopes and they were hungry.
We had no choice but to follow them to their cave.

Okay thanks for liking my stories, I’ll try to post on Fridays, if I don’t then I apologize and I will as soon as possible!
over a year ago TheMagicWord said…
That was awesome. Just wondering, how did jesse get the needle into percy's arm with the whole curse of Achilles thing? Post soon!

over a year ago i_luv_percy said…
This is really good plz post soon i read your other story and that one was really good 2
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
This is really good !! Post soon !!:)
over a year ago babbytreegrowth said…
OKay so like I said I'll post on Fridays, and thanks for liking my stories!

like to apologize to HecateA for creating a story named like hers. Even though our stories are nothing alike, I'd still like to apologize.
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
You haven't posted? Post soon!!:)
over a year ago RomanGreekDemi said…
over a year ago Emily_is_COOl said…
It was really good! Can't wait until Friday!
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
Ppoosssttt pleaz!
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
over a year ago nagem1 said…
post please

over a year ago Huntress100 said…
um OK k um bye.