The Heroes of Olympus Son Of Neptune

percyfan568 posted on Feb 25, 2011 at 02:41AM
yay i figured out how to work this crazy website just skip to the second page
disclaimer: i do not own this these ideas and some of the characters are the property of rick Riordan
last edited on Jun 16, 2011 at 06:18PM

The Heroes of Olympus 34 replies

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over a year ago percyfan568 said…
The son of Neptune
Chapter 1
Percy PoV

My day was bad before I plummeted 100 feet into water. I woke up on a school bus sitting next to two boys. One had brown hair, blue eyes and mischievous smile, like was just about to pull a prank on you. The other had blonde hair, green eyes, and was humming the tune of a song. The first one said " hey Josh I think he is waking up." "Yeah I think he is Ryan," said the one whose name was apparently Josh. Who are you guys I asked. “hah you hit yourself on the head once, and now you have amnesia." said Ryan " good prank Percy but it takes more than that to trick the master of pranks." he said. Ok apparently my name is Percy, nice to know. "I think he's serious Ryan, I think he really can't remember." said Josh. "OK then, let me reintroduce myself I'm Ryan and this is Josh. "Where are we," said Percy. "We go the inside school at Pennsylvania. A school for “special" kids like us. We have a sister school in Nevada called the wilderness school." said Ryan said." Where are we going anyways" I said. Josh said " were on our way to the Niagara Falls" " but isn't that like really far away from Pynsilvana" yeah they just love sticking us on a bus for hours" said Ryan. "Yeah but how did I get here I mean I don't belong here" " yeah and I didn't steal a 1913 piano, and Ryan here didn't set an entire fire house on fire" said Josh” hey it was just a harmless prank" Ryan said " they had to call in another county’s fire men” said josh, then Ryan said ”it was still the best prank ever” “whatever, but what did I do” I said.” well you never really told us” josh said. “But still I don’t think I belong here” I said
Well that’s my first chapter hope if anyone’s reading this they liked it yes I know it is kind of short but cut me some slack it’s my first one and plz post
over a year ago percyfan568 said…
remember reply reply reply reply reply
over a year ago kaylap1410 said…
It's pretty good. You could make where the person is done talking clearer.
over a year ago POJO45 said…
Love it!
over a year ago TheMagicWord said…
It's pretty good. I like the story so far. It's going a bit fast for me, it would be nice if you added a few details in-between the dialogue.
Ps. Would you check out my story?
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
I liked it
over a year ago percyfan568 said…
Ok guys thx for the post I just thought you would like to know I might post it by wendesday if not sooner but no promiseses yes I know I'm a bad speller
over a year ago percyfan568 said…
hey guys and thx for all the awesomes coments

Chapter 2
Percys's PoV

The next day, we finally got there, but before we got of the bus a slitty chubby man with a megaphone got up and said," ALRIGHT KIDS( he said the word kids as if it was the worst thing he could think of) HERE WE ARE AT NIAGRA FALLS." As he went on about having only one partner, I asked ryan who he was. He said," that Mr. Cots, he loves sitting around and making our lives miserable." When Mr. Cots finished talkIng, he relished us out of the bus for the first time in hours. While we were walking out to the brige I notest, a boy in the back with black hair, blue eyes and crouches by himself. I asked Josh " who's that" then Josh said " oh that's Brice, he's kinda creepy he's been watching us all year." Then I had a mental picture of a boy with a short beard, moning FOOD! FOOD! Then I came back to reality, and relized we were already at the falls. After awhile me Josh got board, so I bet Josh he couldn't play the song dinomight on a rubber band, long story short I lost five dollars. Ryan was pared up with Brice, I don't know what's up with that kid he keeps watching me it's kinda creepy. Then some thing I can't explain happened. Out of no where the wind picked up, yeah it had been windy but this, this was intense. Instantly I new some thing was up, and for some strange reason I reached into my pocket, and fingered a pen in pocket. Riptide I thought. I don't know where that name came from it just sounded right. Suddenly I saw three things flying in for the distance. I thought I was going crazy. But then Josh and Ryan said in coras " what is that" " I have no idea" I said. As they got closer the wind picked up even more. Soon the wind started throwing water up. Onto the platform. Everybody started screaming and rushing inside. But right when me, Josh, Ryan, and Brice were about to get inside the doors snapped shut. As the kids were trying to pry the doors open the figurers in the distance started to fly towards us. As they landed I heard them start to talk " well well our mistress said there would only be two half-bloods but three and third one is the legendary Perseus Jackson our mistress will reward us well for your death haha" they said " what are they" Josh asked " venti storm spirits" as I said this I realized I was taking the pin out of my pocket, I didn't know it could do in this situation but. As I uncapped the pin a three foot long bronze sword grew. " I'm hallucinating" Ryan said. I let my instinks take over. Slash duck role stab feint. But as I was slashing through them they didn't even flinch. Infact my sword went right though them. " silly half blood your weapons can not hurt me, but I can kill you" the first venti said . Suddenly wind picked up around me it started to push me. And then I plummeted over 100 feet to my death I was falling to the water this was the end of my life. Even if I didn't know a thing about it. Then everything went black

your welcome i did it in one day now my prediction is one to three days remember reply reply reply reply
over a year ago percyfan568 said…
does anybody even reading mine any more
over a year ago POJO45 said…
ya i love it!
over a year ago percyfan568 said…
Sorry guys my computer erased the next chapter so it will bout one or two more days before I write it out again
over a year ago myth-freak214 said…
It's good. sorry about the computer problem
over a year ago TheMagicWord said…
over a year ago percyfan568 said…
First this chapter has three different sections with two narrators
and second don't you just love monkeys
Chapter 3
Percy’s PoV
I was falling towards my death. There were so many things I didn’t know to know, things I needed to know, then splash. I was dead I knew it, wait a second I wasn’t dead. How was that possible I must of fallen 100 feet know mortal could have survived that. Then I realized something I just said mortal, wasn’t I a mortal. Then a strangely familiar voice said,” of course you’re not mortal seaweed brain.” Then I realized something was weird I was breathing underwater and I wasn’t wet. I was in so much sock I completely forgot about my, I guess you could say friends, up there completely weaponless. Then that voice came back into my head “remember the water Percy, remember the water.” After it stopped talking I had a mental picture in my head of a really pretty girl, with blonde hair, grey eyes, jeans, and an orange shirt that said camp half blood. Then I realized I was wearing the same shirt. Ugh I’m so confused did I know this girl for somewhere. Then something started to tug at my gut. I felt myself get more powerful, and the water started going up then I realized I was making it go up. I was controlling the water
Josh’s PoV
“PERCY” I screamed but I knew he was dead. No one could have survived that crash. Then I remembered the um what did Percy call them. Vento, vito, venti that’s it. Anyway they were getting closer. And when they were in just about two arm’s length, Brice stepped in front of us, and said,” venti do you know nothing, you attack these half-bloods with no caution. Do you not know that where there is a half-blood there is a faun?” Then the venti charged Brice but he was too fast. Wait a second how was he fast, he has crutches. Then I saw that he was carrying his them. He was swinging, jabbing, and eventually throwing one of them ant the venti. But they didn’t even flinch. As they laughed, the wind picked up again. And tossed Brice into the wall. Then I knew all hope was lost.
Percy’s PoV (again)
I was willing the water to go up then I busted out of the water sending A LOT of water on to the deck. Then I willed the water to push me up above the platform. When I got high enough, I made a wave, at least 100 gallons of water to poor down on the venti. As I landed I continuously shot water at them, which they didn’t seem to like. The started backing up, only I realized what they were doing a second too late, they charged me. When they made impact I felt a shock go through my body and I was blasted towards the water, yet again. But this time I could use it to my advantage. I willed the water to catch my and blast the venti again. This blast completely demolished the first I continually sent water at them until they all disintegrated. As I landed on the dock I, looked over at my friends, all of their mouths were dropped open, and they were soaking wet. I said “um sorry.” “WHAT ARE YOU SORRY FOR THAT WAS AWESOME, HOW DID YOU DO THAT.” Said Ryan. “I think I know.” Said a new voice
Don’t you just love cliff hangers?
And I’m thinking about making the next one or two chapters at camp half-blood what do you guys think
And remember post post post post. aren’t you guys lucky I was able to fix my computer yay!
oh and magic word i liked your fanfic
over a year ago Blackjack167 said…
theese chapies r awsome:D:D:D:D:D:D:Dd
over a year ago percyfan568 said…
Yes I know I haven’t done Ryan’s PoV yet but its coming
Chapter 4
Anabeth’s PoV
After a long day of building the Argo ll, when I went to bed I had a strange dream. I was standing in a cave. I looked around, and saw Hera. I hate Hera. Then when I turned again, I saw something else, it was Percy, and he was tied up. I wanted to cry out to him and hug him, and set him free, but I couldn’t move. Then Hera started talking “hello my hero” she looked at me when she said that but I guess Percy thought she was talking to him. “You won’t get away with this Hera, when my father here’s about this, even Zeus will be infuriated.” He said. “But oh my hero they won’t find out, they won’t find out.” She said. And with that Hera waved her hand and Percy’s head slumped over. Then she looked at me and said, “Hello Anabeth.” Then I realized I could talk,” YOU… YOU MOSTER” I yelled,” give him his memory back, and give Jason his isn’t one loss enough give Percy back and then we can go to the roman camp, without having to do this.” I said. Then Hera said” if we could I would Anabeth this is the only way” and with that my dream changed. I saw four boys, one a satire, one Percy and two different boys I didn’t know. Then I saw that they were at Niagara Falls I was amazed. But then I saw the venti and Percy with his sword trying to destroy them. But they just laughed and through him of the platform. I wasn’t worried, he was a son of Poseidon, he could survive, and then I started going down with it. It wasn’t a dream I would have been even more scared. But as we pushed through the water was alive then I heard Percy’s thoughts. He was wondering how he could of survived. Then he thought know mortal could have survived that. Then I tried to yell “YOU ARNT MORTAL SEEWEED BRAIN” but it didn’t come out but I could hear it in his thoughts. Then I remembered those other kids’ op on the platform. Apparently so did he. But he couldn’t figure out how to get back up. Right when I was about to tell him something, my dream started to fade. The only thing I was able to get out was “remember the water Percy, remember the water.” Then I was able to send him a picture of me that I gave him, I hope he got it. After it was completely faded I was back in that cave with Hera. “I hope you enjoyed the time I gave you with your boyfriend” then I woke up.
Percy's PoV

I turned to see the voice and saw a girl. She was bought my age 16, I think. She had green eyes, brown hair, and she was wearing jeans, and a purple shirt, that said roman legion training, 1st Barack. “Who are you" I said. The girl said “I’m Reyna daughter of mars." “did you just say mars, your dad is a big fat planet" said Ryan” I wouldn't call the god of war that, it could come back to bite you. Just come with me I'll explain in the car" when we got in the car and drove a couple of miles she finally talked after bought 10 minutes of all three of us pestering her with questions like " what's going on" and, " where are you taking us." when she finally started talking she said " you guys are half-bloods, half human and half- she got cut off because out of nowhere I said " god, half human half god." “Yeah but, how did you know that “she said.
" I don't... know." I said " " Hm any way we are going to the legion training camp, the only safe place In the world for half-bloods" she said. I thought a bought that, the only safe in the world, on the outside I was nodding but on the inside, not so sure. When we got there I was amazed. This place was built to look exactly like Rome as if it was still in power. “Welcome to the legion camp.” There were people training with from what it looked like, real gold swords. I saw a coliseum, a lots of cabins all differently built. One was blood red with a stuffed warthog head above the doorframe, another was painted gold and as we passed it, I could of sworn I heard music coming not from the inside, but from the walls them self’s, there were many more but the one that caught my mind was a long narrow stone cabin, I t had three pillars on it and you could smell the sea, like as soon as you walk in the sea would be folded out in front of you. As we passed Reyna said “that was the Neptune cabin and that is where I will most likely end up there, but until you get clamed, you have to stay in the mercury cabin.” “You mean Hermes”. “Well I guess, if you were using Greek terms, but the Greek gods faded when Rome conquered Greece, so naturally no Greek half-bloods.” Still I was thinking that that wasn’t right, was there Greek half-bloods, and if there were was I one, because I still don’t think I belong here. When we passed by the cabins I saw a really big house, it had at least five stories. When we walked up to it a wolf walked out calmly. Me, Ryan, and josh were freaking out. But Reyna bowed and said “here are the half-bloods Brice told us about Lupa.” As the wolf , whose name was apparently Lupa said “I thought there were only two of them who is the third one” Reyna walk up to her and whispered something in her ear “ Reyna do not try to spare someone’s feelings by whispering something in my ear then they would know something was wrong, Percy you deserve to know, Brice said that you just appeared out of nowhere this morning and he has never seen you before” that’s not true, I’ve know Percy since we were kids and lived in Manhattan” josh said. “Maybe, but perhaps the mist is working there, it is a powerful thing” Lupa said. “UGH I HAVE KNOWN PERCY SINCE HE WAS A LITLE KID, WE HAVE GONE TO SCHOOL TOGETHER FOREVER, AND WHAT THE HECK IS THIS MIST THING ANYWAY, AND ROMAN GODS, YEA RIGHT, AND WHAT IN THE WORLD CLAMING IS.” Josh screamed at the top of his lungs “YOU DARE SPEAK TO LUPA THAT WAY YOU CONDESEDED JERK” screamed Reyna. “STOP, it is okay for him to get mad Reyna. Now Josh the mist is the magical barrier that keeps mortals from seeing things as they really are, just last year the thought the storm giant, Typhon was just a gigantic storm. And yes e roman gods still exists, they move to where ever the flame is brightest” Huh” said josh who had calmed down. “The western civilization the progress of mankind, they first were in Greece for a while, then Rome, they spent several centuries in England, and now they the flame is brightest here, in America.” But Lupa didn’t say that, I did. “How did you know that” said Reyna, “I don’t… know” I said. “We will talk on that mater later, now cla- that is clamming.” As I looked over I saw a holographic symbol over his head it was those things they put on medicine bottles, two snakes intertwined around a staff, a cascades. Then Lupa said “HAIL RYAN CARTER, SON OF MERCARY”

I think that was my best chapter so far what do you guys think comment about
And remember MONKEYS RULE =)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)=)
over a year ago percyfan568 said…
Chapter five
Ryan’s pov
When I looked up I saw a medicine bottle thing. “What the heck is on my head?” I said. “A cicadas, the symbol of mercury god of messenger, travel, and thieves.” Lupa said. ”ok” I said “Jacob, take Ryan ,Percy , and josh to the mercury cabin, .” Lupa said. Then Percy said “but um... I have already been claimed.” “You have, when.” Said Reyna. ‘ I don’t know, all I know is that I woke up on a bus with two boys who said they have known you all my life, I can’t remember a thing and I am a son of Poseidon.” Then a boy in the back yelled,” Poseidon, don’t you mean Neptune.” “I don’t know.” Said Percy,”Percy come with me” and they walked of. a few minutes later, we were at the cabin, in instantly loved it there were boys and girls everywhere, with grins on there faces that clearly said hey wont to prank some one tonight. Jacob led me and Josh over to space in the corner. “ ok said Jacob, tonight we are playing siege the territory, josh, Ryan I will explain later, anyway we pared up with Apollo, and Minerva that’s good because we have the upper hand in number, the bad thing is that they have the mars cabin.” After everyone left Jacob came and told us a bought siege the territory. We play in the forest, and the creek is the border line, the rules are simple the first team to capture the other teams territory. There is no mauling, gaging, or killing. To capture the territory at least three team mates must be across the border and none of the other team, so if they are hurt in anyway and unable to play, that means one enemy is of the playing field. Now let’s go get you some weapons. When we got there I picked up a sword I liked it. But josh couldn’t use a sword if his life depended on it. So Jacob said, “Maybe close combat isn’t your thing” so we went to the archery range. He hit every arrow on the bull’s eyes. “Ok maybe you are a son of Apollo” as if on que a golden lyre appeared above joshes head
I know it’s short so don’t bug me about it I had a major writers block
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago percyfan568 said…
does anybody even read mine anymore if so plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz post the more you post the faster i will
over a year ago Germix said…
I'm reading it. It's good I like it keep posting. Chapters could be longer, it would improve it a bit.
over a year ago myth-freak214 said…
i'm reading too
over a year ago charlierw said…
big smile
im reading but im so coaght up in partyponies and hectates post soon

over a year ago percyfan568 said…
dude i am reading both of theirs to they rock they are half my inspiration rick Riordan my other half
over a year ago charlierw said…

yeah i know we post about the same thing alot

over a year ago percyfan568 said…
sorry havent been posting on vacation i will post tomarow
over a year ago percyfan568 said…
Sorry I didn’t post I was on vacation enjoy
Oh and before you ask Reyna is not going to be a major part in my version of the son of Neptune
Chapter six
Percy’s pov
I followed Lupa into a house. When we got inside she said “what are you doing here Greek” “huh” I said “what is that crazy old horse thinking sending you here” I had yet another mental picture of a man on a horse no the man was a horse, “Chiron didn’t send me here” I said “Hera did” “you remember something?” “um I was in a cave with uh, Hera and I was chained up … ugh I can’t remember” ” we will put that problem behind us, now I need to make an IM.” Lupa said “ an instant message” “ no an iris message, the goddess of the rainbow she delivers messages for the gods and if she is not busy she will do it for half-bloods too” Lupa said “ now since you are Greek I will grant you only half citizenship you will not be allowed to vote, or run for any political jobs.” “Political jobs?” I said “yes praetors, councils, emperors, which is me but can be taken up by either of the consuls if I am not present.” “Who are the consuls” I asked then Lupa said “Dakota, and Jason or Jason was, but I hope he is at your camp.” Just as she said that a girl busted through the door, and said “Lupa its crystal she just, just collapsed.”
Anabeth’s pov
We were in a war counsel discussing about the location of the roman camp and the progress on the Argo ll, when an image appeared in front of Chiron. It was a she-wolf. “Lupa?” Jason said “oh thank goodness you are there, Jason, what are you doing there.” “well Juno stole my memories , I ended up here went on a quest to stopped the giant king from rising beat him rescued Juno, and started to get my memories back.” Said Jason. “Well, Chiron I called to tell you that Percy is safe and probably about to go on a quest.” “Ok now where exactly is the camp” said Leo “young hero that I cannot tell and with that the message ended. As we discussed the message and what to do, an Apollo kid burst through the door she said “Chiron, Rachel she… just passed out and when she woke up all she said was get Anabeth.” As soon as she said that I burst through the door, I could hear Chiron’s hooves behind me. As I made my way up to the cave where she lives, I broke into a full sprint hoping for news about Percy. When I got to the cave in walked in, I said “what’s wrong Rachel.” Then Chiron walked in. Rachel said “Geae sent me a vision; I saw camp half-blood in ruins. I saw Jason and piper fighting two girls” at this point Jason and piper had walked in “with shields that said SPQR on them then I saw Chiron and a wolf fighting, then as I looked on I saw, you and Percy but you were fighting” “WHAT I would never fight Percy” then Rachel continued “then I saw the girls Jason and piper were fighting knock them out, and tie them up. Then I saw the wolf kill Chiron, and then, then I saw Percy ki…” she didn’t finish that word we both were about to cry. But Chiron said “go on child then what happened.” “Then the battle faded and Geae appeared she said this ending is only one option. And I woke up.” “ this is troubling what Is the other option, I will think on it.” he only got half way through that word because Rachel interrupted him she started to talk in a voice that could only be the oracle talking through her “ son of lighting your job is not done. You shall travel to a mountain with the owl and dove. With one love to fall the other to save. So he can fight another day.” “Well Jason, it looks like you got another quest.” Chiron said
Percy’s pov
As soon as the girl had said that Lupa ran through the door. Then the girl started running after her. When I caught up with the girl I asked who she was and who crystal is. “Well crystal is our camps oracle.” When she said that I had a flashback of me and a red head (I wasn’t sure if she was my girlfriend or not but I wouldn’t mind if she was) in a Prius on a beach. And on the hood I saw a pure black Pegasus. Then I thought. Sugar cubes. I remembered the horse’s name, blackjack. Then I looked up and saw a though looking strong boy on blackjacks back, becondorf. I shaked that thought from my mind but I knew that that boy was about to die. Any way back to what the girl was saying. “The oracle gets messages of Apollo the god of music poetry, the sun, and prophecy. And me my name is Reyna.” When we got to a cave I asked “is this where the amazing teller of prophecy stays.” “Yep just wait till we get inside” Reyna said. When we walked in, I never wanted to leave. There were pinball machines, foosball, video games, and pretty much everything the average 16 year old boy would love. But then I saw the bed. There was a blonde headed girl with a look in her eyes that from what it looked like a very, very scared reaction. Then Lupa said “what’s wrong child” she sounded alert, mad, and worried all at the same time. Then the blonde girl who apparently was crystal said “last night I had a dream I was in the camp but it was in ruins. I saw hazel and another girl fighting. Then I saw you and a centaur fighting each other than when I kept on looking I saw you (when she said that she pointed at me by the way) and another girl fighting each other. Then I looked on again I saw other bloody seens, but then I saw Jason and another girl fighting Dakota and, and Reyna. Then the dream shifted but it was just a different time of day but a much bloodier seen. I saw hazel being killed by that girl, then I saw lupa’s head get chopped of by the centaur, and then (she pointed at me again) that girl was able to knock you out and tie you up.” Then she said fighting though her tears she said “then I saw Jason and that other girl stab you and Dakota. And then they all cheered. After that the battle field faded and I saw terra looking at me. Then she said this is only one of the options, and that if you join me it will never happen, but I would never, ever join someone that evil.” “I will think on this. But I think it is time the camp knew.” “Knew, what don’t we know, you have never keep anything for us before.” “I am sorry hero but now am not the right time, and if you would can you please tell Dakota that I have been called to Olympus and I need her to become empress for a while.” Lupa said. But right before she left green smoke came into the room Lupa stopped dead in her tracks and turned around. Then crystal said in a voice that sounded like three in one, “ a son of Poseidon shall travel afar, with two new to go a bit too far, to venture to a mountain to lose a life, and true loves kiss to bring him back to fight.” Then she fainted. “I will think about this on my way there and instant message you.” And with that she was gone

Oh and by the way that part about crystal saying Poseidon not Neptune, you have to remember that Percy is a son of Greece not Rome so he is a son of Poseidon
And remember reply reply, reply and you will be rewarded with fast post oh and by the way dont tell me this is short it is 1389 dang words!
Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­! MONKEYS
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago psalm1003 said…
Good job. Hey could you give ur opinion of my fanfic? Its called, The son of neptune :). Ok? Thx if u do!
over a year ago underwater said…
its awsome post soon if you dont i will get angry
over a year ago percyfan568 said…
sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­o sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo­ooo­oo sosososososososo sososo soooooooooooo sorry i lost the forum i acedently ( i already told you i am a bad speller ) deleted the tab it was on again so sorry i will try to post again the only reason i could find this is because i had the brilliant idea of looking up my user name on google
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago percyfan568 said…
Before you all start asking questions like why are you starting a new one and HUH and WHAT and WHY I will answer them now I started a new story on this forum because A. I cant remember what I was going to do with the first one and B. I like this one better so enjoy chapter one of my new and refined Son of Neptune
Chapter one
Percy’s point of view
I was at my swim finals at my boarding school. The big city school in Boston, it is a school for um how do say it special kids like me. Whose families couldn’t handle. Anyway I was swimming in my Olympics size pool to the end I was in the lead I got to the wall kicked off and started heading back. I was starting to run out of breath. Right when some kid was about to catch up I had a weird burst of energy I started swimming so fast that the cheering stopped I was at the fifty foot mark and in a matter of seconds I was at the finish. Then everyone started cheering my friend Skylar ran up to me and hugged me. Skylar was just a little shorter than me, she had mouse brown hair, see green I eyes which I always loved, she had a dark tan that looked all natural I am not even sure if she has ever been to a tanning bed. We looked into each other’s eyes and kissed. She looked up and said, “That was kinda wet” and smiled. Then I smiled and said “well I just got out of the pool so what do you expect” then my best friend Andrew came up and said “that was crazy man you were swimming like 60 miles on hour. Come on guys lets go get some food I a starving.” Andrew is a tall dark kid he has blonde hair, a pointy nose, he has brown eyes. “Alright drew but no Mexican” I said “ditto” said Skylar. So we hopped into Drew’s car and headed for olive garden. We ordered talked laughed. But then I heard a screech outside it was a raspy voice that said “come out to play Percy Jackson you killed our sister.” My hand went inside my pocket where I always kept my lucky pen that for some reason I never used. Then I two weird hybrid snake woman things broke through the glass door they had snakes instead of hair and yes they did have feet but it looked like they morphed into a snake tail every few seconds. Then instantly I had a memory of when I was 12. I had a sword in my hand I turned around and cut of something that looked like the crazy hybrid snakes lady’s head and a boy and a girl came running towards me. Then I snapped back into reality I took out my pen and drew said “what are you going to do write them to death” then I uncapped it and it turned into a three foot long sword made of what looked like bronze , Skylar’s and Drew’s eyes widened. I jumped at the two (at this point I have dubbed them the hybrids) hybrids they quickly jumped out of the way “see my sister it is the boy who killed medusa” the first hybrid said then the second said “yes it is Percy Jackson. Shall we kill him” “oh yes lets” said the first they came at me one jumped me and I dogged out of the way before I striked one in the heart she screamed and turned into a pile of dust. Her sister screamed and said “ now I will get lon…” she couldn’t finish that because there was arrow in her and she turned into a pile of dust but then the first pile of hybrid started to shimmer and reform but another arrow came and sent it back down. Then a girl with a silver tiara in her hair ran up and said “run” so we did. When we the four of us were a bit away the girl stood up looked me over walked up to me and slapped me on the cheek and said “Percy you jerk. Anabeth has been looking everywhere for you” “who” I said “of course you don’t I much as it pains me I can’t tell her, listen Percy you are a” “LOOK OUT” screamed a girl we all ducked and looked to where it had come from

and in about a week or two I will delete the other chapters post if you want me to continue if you don’t post I will stop because no one wants to read my story and it will make me sad :( :( :(
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
big smile
I comment to say, that this is good! Different, really different, it's good!
over a year ago dezzypoo said…
i LOVE it!!!
over a year ago percyfan568 said…
Ok I got comments yay I will continue to post but I love feedback so I will take advice constructive criticism and ideas but remember if the comments stop I will stop posting ok here it is
Chapter two Percy’s PoV
We all looked in the direction where the scream had come from an arrow had come from a little over the hill. Then three girls ran up, one had blonde hair, a small tan and grew eyes she reminded me of someone, but that can’t be I have never met anyone like that before but anyway the girl had a sword out, and she looked like she was calculating a plan to kill us. The next girl had a very, very shiny dagger was tall, had dark hair she was tan but I could tell by the look it was NOT natural she had a smile on her face that was amazing wait “why am I drooling I have a girlfriend Anabeth, wait what I meant Skylar. Anabeth who is that do I know an Anabeth I don’t think so I wonder where that came from,” I thought. The next girl was more short but, medium like she was behind in her growth spurt she had caramel hair, I could tell she had calluses and the only reason I noticed that is because she had a bow in hand, and no it wasn’t a hair bow, a bow-and-arrow kind of bow. ( authors note: pretty easy to guess who their parents are ) The strangest thing was all of their weapons were gold yes gold, not sure if it was real but. Any ways the grey eyes girl said, “halfbloods quickly walk towards us we will protect you” she said “what protect us from what and what the heck are halfbloods” Andrew said. Then the shiny dagger girl said, “ them, they are monsters in disguise so just come with us and we will help you, and halfbloods are, well I will explain on the way” then I felt like I should in fact I wanted to go with them so did my friends apparently my friends and I started walking towards them. Then tiara girl said, “Stupid charm speaker, girls attack” the again shiny dagger girl said very firmly “no” they all stopped in their tracks and then she said “run.” When we ran for about an hour, WE WERE OUT OF BREATH, at least me Andrew and Skylar were, the three stranger girls weren’t they looked like they did that times four every day. “Now will you please explain all this,” Skylar demanded. “Sure first let’s get introduced, hi I am Hazel, what’s your name” said the arrow girl. “Hi I am Andrew, and this is yours” he said holding out a wallet to Hazel. “What the heck, how did you, probably a child of mercury.” She said “you mean Hermes” I said. “well I guess but the Greeks gods faded when Rome took it over, by the way I am Dakota” said the grey eyed girl, I guess Dakota “Wait Roman gods,” Skylar said “yes Roman gods with a little g, oh my name is Gwen, anyways the roman gods never faded they started in Greece, then they moved to Rome, they spent several years in England, China, and now the flame, the western civilization is brightest here in America.” Gwen said. “So the ancient gods exist, like Egyptian and that stuff to, and I am Skylar,” she said. Then Dakota said, “Well no, at least I don’t think so, but if they did they would have faded just like the Greek gods did when Rome took them over. Oh and before you ask yes our weapons are gold, imperial gold that is it was mined from Olympus itself.” “Olympus like the mountain in Greece isn’t it on the empire state building, oh and I am Percy,” I said. “Yeah but how did you know that” Hazel said “I don’t know” I said “well we will discuss the rest with Lupa when we get back to San Francisco, now everyone on the chariot.” Said Gwen. “Wait chariot, we are going to travel across the country on a chariot” Andrew said. “Yes but this is a special chariot” said Hazel. Then they got up and walked towards a big rock with two possums, wait not a rock a gold chariot, and not possums, horses, wait those horses had wings. “Whoa” me, Skylar and Andrew said at the same time.
Ok done now I need suggestions on whose parent Skylar’s should be I am having trouble deciding I here are the ones I might want Minerva ( Athena ), Venus ( Aphrodite ) ,Apollo ( same in Greek ), or forbidden Child of Diana (Artemis) and before you start complaining about Skylar and Percy I refuse to tell you what I have planned mwahahahahaha…

K by
PS: if I don’t get replies I stop posting
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Perseus54321 said…
it's really good
over a year ago percyfan568 said…
ok people i am posting on a new forum now same story different forum link

there is the link