The Heroes of Olympus Dreams You Had Related To The Percy Jackson Series Or The Heroes Of Olympus Or Greek Mythology

eyal10 posted on Feb 26, 2011 at 02:50AM
i thought that we could right dwn the dreams that we had about the thing related to the thing the topic title says and change them into a short story.

The Heroes of Olympus 14 replies

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over a year ago eyal10 said…
to start off.

percy had a dream that he was in a war and he forgot his weapon and his invincibility only worked when he had his pen with.
the was greek vrsus romans at first he was scared so they put him in the back line with a huge shield and a bow with only one arrow he was holdin he thought why am i so scared and im uselles with a bow and i cant even stand up with the shield. the romans where more and had better weapons and attacked percy 3 times 3 differen people he made one sword hit his sheild and the guy dissapeared he doged the other 2 and they also dissapeared tired he throwed his sheild and bow and ran to a side an layed down next to tyson and nico who gave him his sword he stood up with new energy and saw that only a few people of of the greek were still alive thepen made him brave again and he charged about 300 hundred (not exagerating) romans and ran he slashed and killed the romans until he got to the center of the roman army and got worried they would hit him in his only part that wasnt invincible so started to fight like a manian and no one even touched him only a few were left when they found out he was invincible and they found out his weak point h touched it and he felt like he was bleeding but he knew it wasnt so he killed the remaining romans until none was left.

the end

thats all i remember
over a year ago iamawesome77 said…
This is gonna be funny in a way
Nico had a dream that he was flying and ran into a giant wall made of emo people."You cannot run from the truth."The said. Nico screamed and pulled out his sword and cut them to pieces."It hurts so good."The said. Nico screamed again and stopped flying and fell on a motorcycle with Michael Jackson.
"Cause it's thriller!"Michael shouted. Then he saw Nico."I have new socks on."Michael said. Nico screamed AGAIN(There was a lot of screaming in the dream)and jumped off and landed next to Lady GaGa."How do you wake me up?"She asked."H-how?"Nico said."Poker face."She said, and laughed.
Nico got off and ran away screaming. He saw skeletons across the way and he killed them until the sidewalk in front of him opened. Out came Darth Vader and he said,"Luke, I am your father.""My name is't-"Just then Luke Castellan appeared and screamed."I thought Hermes was my father."Darth Vader laughed. Luke screamed like a little girl and ran off yelling,"I'm gonna join Kronos's army to make me feel better!"
Nico got up and saw Thalia across the street standing next to Percy."If everyone loses 5 pounds at the same time will the earth spin out of orbit?"She said."I don't know why don't you find out by jumping off a cliff?"Percy said."How would jumping off a cliff pro-"She was cut off by Percy pushing her off a cliff."No!"Nico screamed, and ran at Percy.When he reached Percy he stabbed him in the back and said,"That's what you get for getting ready to feed me to the wolves."And pushed him off the cliff.
He then walked off whistling until a man walked up to him and said,"You are in a a dream within a dream.""Inception."Nico said, awed. The man nodded and grabbed a knife and stabbed Nico. Nico woke up and jumped off a cliff only to land next to an emo person who stabbed Nico and Nico woke up for good.
The End
over a year ago iamawesome77 said…
It was pretty random that dream.
over a year ago iamawesome77 said…
This is pretty close to my dream except without all of the emo stuff. The emo people were just orcs from lord of the rings. I thought it would be pretty funny if it was actually emo people and it was Nico having the dream. The orcs actually said that they were gonna kill Katniss from the Hunger Games and bla bla bla.
over a year ago percysmile said…
Ok are we spost to tell real dreams or make up ones I will tell you mine

In this dream I was there I was walking up camp half blood (well up the hill anyway) and I had my two BFF (who's names I will not menchin) and as we walked up monster were attacking well BFF #1 the most but me and my friend held out good to we all had magic weapons I had a hair brush that tern in to spikes when I threw it (so the spikes will fly out (longe range) or used like a spike ball( close combat) BFF #2 had some flying shoes and a sword BFF #1 I could not see too serounded by monsters after we killed all the monsters we ran inside the borders but are appearance changed we were all whering Greek dresses (did I say we are allgirls) mine pink but I hate pink but then it changed blue and green my hair wast Lange and as pretty brown as ever my eyes changed colours but mostly stayed sea green my friend #2 beside me her dress was short so that she can run it was white and it looked like vines were tuning threw it her long black hair was even longer but pulled back in a brad and her eyes were a grass green BFF #1 had her dress pure black with flowers her black hair more black then usual and her eyes screemed eather mad or genus or both and then we got flamed by are parents me was the sea god and the love goddess BFF #1 was the lord of the dead and the flower goddess BFF #2 was the theif god and the goddess of weat then I woke up
over a year ago AnnabethC said…
All I remember is that it was a sea of monsters trailer with a scene at the end...:-/
over a year ago athena305 said…
Mine is a really long time ago, before the lost hero came out, so it may seem choppy. I was so excited for the book, so I had a dream about what might happen.

I dreamed that I was in the desert, about two miles away from the grand canyon. I was talking to Annabeth and then, all the sudden this huge rocket landed in front of us. Luke came out of the rocket and started mowing us all down with machine guns. And that's all I remember.

I know, weird, right?
over a year ago iamawesome77 said…
I have weird dreams all of the time. This is my dream, but I wasn't in it for some reason. I am ever in my dreams
Thalia was going to the beach with Arya and Clary from the mortal instruments and eragon when a giant comet fell from the sky. Out of the comet came Miley Cyrus. She started singing 'what I like about you' even though she never sang that song and Thalia screamed in agony grabbing her ears and running.
Arya had never heard music in that way and was confused. Clary lovedthis song but she hated Miley Cyrus so she ran off grabbing her ears and screaming like Thalia. Once Miley was finished she said,"I worship the devil!"Pointing at Grover. Thalia came back and shouted,"But he is not the devil.""Yes."Miley said."He has horns."Thalia looked at Grover and screamed and ran. He had horns. Thalia ran into the street and got ran over by a monster truck at which Jim Carey was driving."I love pancakes!"He shouted, and drove off. Thalia got up and saw her father, Zues, playing a guitar with Hades.Thalia ran and got on a motorcycle and crashed.
The End
My dreams never have a point. They just have random characters from other books. Weird huh?
over a year ago iamawesome77 said…
Okay, finally I was in this dream
I was walking home when I appeared on my cousins table wrapped in blankets while they ate hamburgers. My cousins screamed and asked what I was doing there. All I did was take my uncles hamburger and eat it in his face. These cousins live in Oregon so it was pretty weird that I appeared on heir table."I love burgers."I said while chewing in their faces.
They just kept eating as I got off and said,"I'm bored, what should I read?"And one got up and whispered,"I have a secret book."I went into the garage and floated to a box and opened it. A powerful voice said to me,"Go into it."And I fell into the book. Percy stood in front of me in a line of other book characters.
They asked me what was wrong with their series. I walked up Percy and said,"It was AWESOME!"I fought a drakon and Kronos and wen under the fake identity of Jack. Then in a battle with the giants I saw Nico Di Angelo and he said,"I love dead people."I killed him and walked up to Percy and asked him,"Can I have tacos."He gave me a bunch of tacos and I ate tacos with the PJO characters. And Nico seemed to magically come back to life. They told me to wake up and I ended up killing Artemis and then waking up.
The End
That was the day the lost hero came out. I can't believe I remembered that much of the dream so much later.
over a year ago iamawesome77 said…
big smile
I love posting on here. I always remember my dreams clearly.
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
I just had this dream last night and be prepared for randomness

Percy went to school with Harry potter and then they caught the bus and voldermort was there and I can't remember the rest
The funny thing was voldermort looked like him but he was mintare
over a year ago iamawesome77 said…
This one is old so I only remember a little.
I dreamt that I woke up but really didn't and saw a tiny version of Percy and Nico climbing my dresser and screaming at the walls to shut up and it echoed back and it all started over again. Then the power rangers showed up and Percy and Nico killed them. The End.
over a year ago athena305 said…
I have another one. It was about the Son of Neptune, though. I dreamed that I had gotten it and I was reading it. Then, I was on page 500 (or so) and realized I was nowhere near the end. Suddenly, I noticed the book was over 1000 pages long. I shrugged and kept reading. Then, I dove into the book (literally) and landed in a volcano where people from Camp Half-Blood were swimming in the lava. And then i woke up.
over a year ago Annabeth321 said…
i had this dream like 6 months ago so heres what i remember

it was the percy jackson website and it went to the c=page with the pictures of camper and it was flipping through them like a book and it was all the main characters. Grover, tyson chiron annabeth percy and it kept repeating over and over again then i woke up werid huh