The Heroes of Olympus =Son of Neptune=

CurseOfPonies posted on Mar 15, 2011 at 10:34PM
Hey everyone. First son of neptune (for me) story here. I do have a plot for this (at least mostly). I'll try and update as much as I can, but am busy with school and stuff.
Note: I don't know why, but most people here puts the building of the flying ship and Percy starting his memory journey, during the same timeline. I'm pretty sure that Jason and Percy started their lost memory journeys at the same time, so their quests should occur around the same time. That said, I will (probably) put the CHB crew in here, but it will mostly focus on Percy. Enjoy.

The Heroes of Olympus 22 replies

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over a year ago CurseOfPonies said…
Chapter 1
I woke up in the middle of a city.
I looked around noting all the people and buildings.
Everything felt weird, and out of place. Immediately I realized why.
I couldn’t remember anything. Nothing, that is, except my first name. Percy.
My basic brain functions through, still worked, so I knew enough to ask a passerby where I was.
“San Francisco, of course,” he said, giving me a weird look.
San Francisco. For some reason, I felt like San Francisco was a bad place to be, that I should leave.
But I pushed those thoughts away, and decided to take a walk, to see if my memories would return with time.
Almost immediately though, I ran into someone.
I looked up. The guy was huge, bigger than most of the guys in the NBA.
The dudes face split into a huge grin.
“Well well well,” he said. “Look what we have here. You wanna play little demigod?”
Before I could register what he said, he swung one of his huge arms at me.
Using reflexes' I didn’t remember (duh) I had, I dodged him.
“So you can play,” he said. “Good, good. I hate demigods that go down in one hit.”
Suddenly he began to grow, until he reached fifteen feet. A giant club appeared in his hand.
He swung his club at me, but I easily dodged, and when I came up, I had a pen in my hand.
On instinct I uncapped it, and a three foot long blade came out.
“Pretty sword boy, but will it be enough?” Was the response.
He came at me again, but I was more than ready.
I dodged his club, and went in, cutting across his chest. He collapsed, then vanished into gold dust.
“Impressive,” said a voice. “Guess we aren’t needed after all.”
over a year ago CurseOfPonies said…
Chapter 2
I turned around. There was a boy and a girl standing there.
“Yo,” said the boy. “You did that how, exactly? Never seen you at camp before.”
“He could be a stray. Are you a stray,” the girl asked.
“I dunno, but if I knew what a stray was, it might help,” I responded.
“A stray is one of the few demigod’s that somehow survive without camp.
The odds of that happening are really low though... So are you one?” The boy asked.
“I, uh, don’t really know. I can’t really remember anything.” I responded, feeling kind of stupid.”
“How do you not remember anything?” the boy asked.
“This isn’t the time to discuss it. The mist will only fool the mortals for so much longer. We have to get to camp.” said the girl.
She whistled, and my jaw dropped. Two flying horses flew down from the sky.
“Get on the back of my pegasus,” the boy said. “We would have brought another, but we don’t know whether or not you can fly.”
“Can those things seriously fly,” I asked, doubting whether the laws of gravity would be broken by a horse.
“Of course,” snapped the girl. “Now get on.”
I obeyed, and got on the flying horse. To my surprise, we actually took off.
“So,” I said. “Now that we’re flying on flying horses, mind answering some questions?”
“Like what?” asked the boy.
“Well, for starters, who am I, who are you guys, where are we going, who was the guy that attacked me, and how are these horses flying?”
“ To answer in order,” said the girl, “I have no idea who you are, I’m Hazel and that’s Bobby, we’re going to Camp Half Blood, the guy who attacked you was a monster (giant to be more specific) and these horses are flying because their Pegasi. That’s what they do.”
“Oookay,” I responded. “What’s Camp Half Blood?”
“It’s the place where the strongest train to defeat monsters.” Said Bobby. “People like us, and you, if you pass the test. Demigods.”
“Demigods? As in the children of the Greek gods?”
“No,” Hazel corrected me. “Children of the Roman gods. The Greek gods faded away long ago. Now the Roman gods rule.”
“Okay,” I said. But inside, something was stirring my memories. Something about Greek gods that I couldn’t remember.”
“We’re getting close,” said Bobby. “ Once we arrive, Lupa will decide your fate.”
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
big smile
Great start

Happy Ids of March- Julius Ceaser
over a year ago percyrulz said…
reaaly good chappie
and its true about the building of ship and percys story going by at same time i was confused too.
but there is a thing when jason appeared he had to go on a quest straight away and the quest lasted for about three days.
so if percy spends a week in the roman camp just trainig then he two things could go together.
over a year ago CurseOfPonies said…
Thanks for the comments!! Next chap will be up later tonight.
over a year ago Csk214 said…
Hurry up. Your story is better than most of the other ones on here
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
Pppooooossssstttt!! Pleaz!!
over a year ago Mythmaniac said…
Your story started great! When can you post again?
over a year ago CurseOfPonies said…
Reeeeaaally sorry for the delay. Got caught up in work. I'll try not to let it happen again.

Chapter 3
We landed in a grassy field.
There were different training facilities around us.
I saw an archery course, an arena, a fighting pit, and more.
“So this is where hero’s come to train.” I said.
“Only the very best,” replied Hazel. “The pegasi will go back to the stables on their own. We’ll take you to Lupa. She’ll decide what to do with you.”
“Right,” I said nervously. “Whose Lupa again?”
“She’s our trainer, the director of camp,” said Bobby. “She’ll be at the main base. Let’s go.”
We walked about a quarter of a mile, until we arrived at a large fortress like structure.
There were two guards at the entrance, and they both saluted as we entered.
Inside was circular room, with battle diagrams and maps all over.
Sitting in the center of the room was a huge Wolf.
Both Bobby and Hazel kneeled before Lupa, and Hazel motioned for me to do the same, but before I could, the Wolf spoke:
“Bobby, Hazel, leave us. Inform the council that we will convene in 30 minutes.”
“Yes, Lupa,” Said Bobby, and they both left.
Lupa then turned toward me.
“Hmmm. Boy, who are you?”
“Umm, I told the other two this, but I lost my memory. I have no idea who I am.”
“Lost? Interesting... So you woke up with no memories. Then what?” She asked.
“Well this giant dude attacked me, and I killed him. Then Bobby and Hazel showed up and took me here,” I responded.
“How did you kill the giant?”
I pulled out my pen, and took the cap off. My sword came out.
Lupa’s eyes narrowed. “Interesting. I see now what now what has occurred.”
“What?” I asked
“I cannot say Demigod, not until you find out for yourself. But in the meantime, I suppose you will have to stay here. Assuming of course, that you pass the test.”
“Bobby and Hazel also mentioned a test. What am I being tested on?”
Lupa looked at me, and suddenly her gaze was cold.
“You will be tested on your skill as a fighter. We shall determine whether we should bother keeping you or not. If your skill is sound, you shall join me and the council. If not, you will be thrown out of camp.”
over a year ago CurseOfPonies said…
Chapter 4
“Follow me,” said Lupa.
We walked out of the fortress, and as we walked out, the guards saluted again.
“So what is the test?” I asked.
“It’s simple. You must fight a fellow demigod. In most cases, the demigod that you fight will be more experienced than you, so you don’t have to win, just fight well. But in your case...”
“In my case what?”
“We shall see.”
We walked toward the sword arena that I had seen when we arrived at camp.
As we entered, everyone except those fighting bowed toward Lupa.
Lupa turned toward a huge dude, with an even bigger sword.
“Nathaniel, after this match is finished, this boy will take the initiation test.”
“Of course Lupa. Who shall he fight?”
“Hmm. You will do.” she said.
I noticed that after she said that, a couple of eyebrows were raised.
My guess was that this big guy wasn’t normally someone who went up against people with no training.
I heard someone crash to the ground, and I turned toward the fight.
One of the fighter was on the ground, a sword pointed toward his neck.
The fighter on the ground stood up, and both fighters went out of the fighting space.
“Armor, or no armor?” asked Nathaniel.
I was hoping Lupa would say armor, as Nathaniel was huge, and I didn’t want to be sliced up, but Lupa said “No armor.”
Nathaniel grunted, and we both entered the fighting ground.
I pulled out my pen/sword, and he lifted up his giant cleaver-like sword.
Immediately, he went on the offense, showing no mercy.
He slashed and hacked with insane speed, but he couldn’t land a hit.
I dodged or blocked all of his blows easily. Those insane reflexives I seem to have were coming in useful.
After 15 seconds of dodging, I went on the offense.
I hit his sword so hard that I knocked it out of his hands. Then I slammed into him, hitting him with the flat part of my sword.
He went down, and as soon as he hit the ground, I stuck my sword at his neck.
“Guess I win,” I said.
over a year ago RomanGreekDemi said…
big smile
NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago CurseOfPonies said…
Heres another

Chapter 5
Lupa walked over to me.
“It is as I suspected,” she said. “Come, we must meet the council.”
As we walked back towards the fortress, Lupa explained what the council was.
“The council is a group of the best fighters and leaders in camp. Most of the council is made up of praetors. Each cabin has a praetor. The praetor is their leader. However, in some cases, someone who is not a praetor will be part of the council. This only occurs if that person is an exceptional individual.”
“How do you know which cabin you’re in?” I asked.
“Cabins are determined by your Godly parent.” She responded.
“How do you know who your Godly parent is?”
“You will know when you are claimed by them,” she said
“However, I believe that you already have been claimed.”
“I have?” I asked.
“I believe so,” said Lupa. “But who your Godly parent is remains to be seen by us.”
“Furthermore, the council, and the camp, is governed by the two consul. However, there is currently only one consul.”
“Why?” I asked.
“You shall find out soon,” she said, as we arrived at the fortress.
The guards that had been there before were gone.
“No one can be near the fortress during council meetings,” she said, as if reading my mind. We walked into the main room. This time, however, it was full.
I noticed that Bobby and Hazel were both part of the council.
Lupa motioned for me to take an empty seat.
“Members of the council,” she began. “ We are here to discuss the arrival of this new demigod.”
“He’s connected to Jason isn’t he?” said a flat sounding voice.
I looked toward the speaker. She was a tall girl with long brown hair and brown eyes.
She looked like the type of person who smiles a lot, but right now she was all sad.
“That is correct, Reyna, Praetor of Mercury.” said Lupa. “He is indeed connected to Jason, though I am forbidden to say how.”
“But according to Bobby and Hazel, he can’t remember anything, right? So is he friend or foe?” Said a boy with blonde hair and grey eyes.
“Whether he is our ally or not remains to be seen, Samuel, Praetor of MInerva” said Lupa.
“Hey,” I said. “surprising as it may seem, I do have some part in deciding whether I’m your friend or not. Maybe it would help your cause if you didn’t talk like I wasn’t here.”
Samuel snickered. “True,” he said.
“I still think we need a quest to find Jason,” said Bobby. “Don’t you think so too Dakota?”
“I told you already,” said the girl named Dakota, “Just because I’m the oracle and daughter of Apollo doesn’t mean I can spout prophecies whenever.”
“Can we get back on topic,” interrupted Hazel. “What do we do with Percy?”
“Percy will stay in the undecided cabin until claimed,” said Lupa.
“So that’s all, then?” said a voice that had been quiet until now. “ Then I, Gwendolyn, Praetor of Pluto and Consul of Rome declare this meeting over.”

A/N About the undecided cabin, I always thought it was weird that CHB didn't have one.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
Soooo grawesome !!!:) can't wait for the next chappies!!:)
over a year ago TheRedQueen said…
i like the idea of the unditermind cabin. post soon!!
over a year ago CurseOfPonies said…
Hey everyone ill try to post 2moro or friday, but I have a really busy work scheduale so i might not be able to.
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
Post soon!:)
over a year ago Csk214 said…
Great chapter but why was Gwyndolen a praetor of HADES.
over a year ago CurseOfPonies said…
@Woops, slipup. Also I should have the next chap up 2day.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago CurseOfPonies said…
Chapter 6
I stood there as everyone left, waiting for instructions on where to go.
As I was waiting, the guy who had spoken up before, Sam, walked over to me.
“Hey,” he said, grinning. “I heard you took down Nate in your test battle. That true?”
“Yeah,” I said.
“That’s pretty impressive, considering Nate’s the deputy praetor of Mars, Hazel’s second.”
“He is?” I asked. I suppose it wasn’t too surprising, considering how everyone had looked at the guy, but he hadn’t seemed that strong at the time.
“Mhm.” said Sam. “Since you beat Nate, I have to ask you a question. Would you fight me at the gathering tonight?”
“Umm, I guess. What’s the gathering?” I asked.
“Every night the whole camp comes together to watch a scheduled fight. Usually you have to schedule a fight in advance, but as praetor of Minerva I have some pull, so I did it right before the meeting.” He answered.
“But you hadn’t even asked me then,” I said, frowning.
“I had a feeling you’d say yes,” He said, smiling. “I’ll see you at the gathering,” He said, and then walked away.
I looked at him as he went. He definitely seemed like the type of guy who knew what he was doing, as if challenging me was part of some plan.
Hopefully, the type of plan that didn’t have me beaten at the gathering.
“Percy,” a voice behind me said.
I turned around. Lupa was coming up behind me.
“Normally, you would be with your legion (cabin) right now, but since you are undecided, you may practice where you wish. Undecided campers are generally assigned a cabin to work with after a week, depending on their skill and specialties, but in your case...never mind. Go practice.” She said.
So I walked off, wondering where I should go.
I had already learned from my bout with Nate that I had skills with the sword, but I wondered what else I could do.
As I walked, I noticed the archery field.
“Guess I’ll try archery, then.” I said to myself.
As I approached the archery field, I noticed that there was a legion practicing there.
None of the shots that these guys took missed. They were all bull’s eyes.
One of the archers walked up to me, bow in hand.
“Hey,” she said to me. “You’re Percy, right? I’m Dakota, praetor of Apollo. Did you come to practice?”
“Yeah,” I said. “Since I don’t remember anything, I thought it would be a good idea to see what I was good and bad at.”
“Sounds like a good idea to me,” she said. “Come with me, I’ll get you a bow and some arrows.”
We found out pretty quickly that archery was not my thing. Every time I shot, the arrows landed nowhere near the target.
“Well,” Dakota said. “My guess is that you aren’t a son of Apollo.”
Just as I was about to agree, a loud horn sounded throughout the camp.
“That’s the signal for dinner,” said Dakota. “I’d better get my legion. See you later Percy.”
“Bye,” I said. I walked off to dinner, feeling like I had found a friend at this strange camp.
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
Great chapter!!! And hope you post soonnnnnnnnnn!:))))))))
over a year ago cookiemonster90 said…
big smile
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
Post soon pleazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz !!!