The Heroes of Olympus Heroes of Olympus Son of Neptunem, fanfiction

HugePJOfan posted on Mar 23, 2011 at 06:40PM
Hey, guys!
For you that love to read Son of Neptune fanfictions, like me, it gets pretty boring after read like hundreds, trust me, I have. Almost everyone writes aboat the same thing! Percy get loved by the campers, he become the new roman hero, etc. etc.

So I decided to write my own fanfiction, please read and comment!
PS:I'm kinda new so don't jude me too hard if it's bad.

The Heroes of Olympus 66 replies

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over a year ago HugePJOfan said…
big smile
By the way, the first chapter might be a little long;)
over a year ago HugePJOfan said…
Took me 3 whole days to write this with huge writers block.

Son of Neptune
Chapter One
I woke up in a bed in the dark, with a terrible headache and dry mouth. All my muscles stung and I couldn't see a thing. I tried to sit up while I struggled not to yell out in pain, it felt like my muscles was falling apart. "Where am I? Who am I?" I asked myself. I couldn't remember anything, except my first name, Percy.
After a few minutes, my eyes got used to the darkness and I figured out that I was in a cell. The cell looked old and grey and it stank like rotten meat. Suddenly I heard footsteps coming towards me, the door opened and a girl walked inside, she sized me up, turned around and yelled to someone outside: "He's awake!" She was probably 14-15 years old after her looks. Her hair was tied up in a ponytail and she had armor on, roman style. Then she just stood there, completely stiff, like she had swallowed a brume. Suddenly a wolf came through the door, but even if a wolf stood in front of me, I was completely relaxed. "Who are you?" the she wolf said. Even that didn't surprise me, like I had experienced something stranger and more dangerous. "Percy," I answered. "Is he the chosen one?" the girl asked. "I don't know, child," the wolf answered. "Percy, what's your last name?" "Sorry, I don't know. I can't remember anything except my first name," I said "But, who are you? What's going on?" I was so confused that I wanted to go back to sleep so I could forget about it. "I'm Lupa," the she-wolf said, "and this is Reyna." Reyna nodded to me. "We found you on the beach, unconscious," she said. "Reyna, take Percy out and give him a guide around camp," Lupa said. "Yes, My Lady," Reyna answered.
Reyna started showing me around at this camp, as she called it. When we came to the cabins, my headache got worse. The cabins seemed so familiar, I just couldn't set my finger on it. "This is where we sleep, each cabin depicts a Roman God. You will be sleeping in the Mercury cabin until you get claimed," Reyna said. Why does this seem so familiar? I wondered. We entered the cabin and got met by lots of staring eyes. "Hey, you must be the newbie," a girl said "we have some place for you here." She gave me a bag with a toothbrush and toothpaste. "Um, thanks…" I said. "My name is Gwendolyn, the leader of the cabin." She was about 15-16 years old. She had dark blue eyes and long, straight black hair. Reyna pulled me out of the Mercury cabin and guided me through the rest of the camp. Suddenly Reyna stopped, she looked at her clock and said: "You should go and get new clothes, it's soon dinner at the campfire."
When I got back to the Mercury cabin, I felt that all their eyes was resting on me. A bunch of new clothes had been placed on my spot. Still feeling their eyes on me, I hurried in to the bathroom to get dressed. I pulled of the T-shirt I'd been wearing, it was orange and scratched. I tried to read what it stood, but the words just kept jumping and changed places. I threw it in the laundry pile and slipped on the new clothes.
"Everybody up in a straight line, please!" Gwendolyn yelled. And since I was the newbie, I had to go last in the line, of course…
It was one dinner table for each god, so the Mercury table was pretty filled up with campers. The dinner looked good though, tonight everybody said that it was pizza-and-taco-night. You could tell your glass what you wanted to drink, and then, suddenly, it filled up with the drink you wanted. For some odd reason, I asked for blue coke, and it filled up with blue coke…
When we were finished with the dinner, Lupa entered the stage. "Silence!" she yelled. Everybody got silent. "We've got a new camper today, his name is Percy." All the campers stared at me, witch was pretty uncomfortable, so to speak. "What about Jason?" a camper asked. "We haven't found him yet, Bobby, we have looked everywhere, but we'll keep on searching," Lupa answered. "But now, the Oracle will give you some information." A girl entered the stage. She had long, curly blond hair and storm grey eyes. "I think somehow that the great prophecy is connected to Jason's disappearance," she said "does everyone remember how the Great Prophecy goes?" "I can't!" a boy yelled. "I can't either!" another one yelled. And suddenly the whole crowd began to yell that they didn't remember. "What a bad memory they have…" I mumbled to myself. "Silence!" Lupa yelled and everybody went silent. "Okay, I'll say the Great Prophecy again so you can remember." The girl said.
"Seven half-bloods shall answer the call.
To storm or fire, the world must fall…" she started.
Once I heard the two first two sentences, I automatically rose up and finished the prophecy:
"An oath to keep with a final breath,
And foes bear arms to the Doors of Death."
I felt that the crowd was staring at me and my face was probably tomato red. "What did he say?" a girl said. And then the rest of the crowd began to ask questions. The girl on the stage stared at me, stunned over what just happened. "Silence!" Lupa said for the third time tonight. They went silent. "Percy, you just finished the prophecy. How did you know it?" Lupa asked. "I-I don't know, I can't remember anything." Lupa stared at me. "Percy, how come you can speak ancient greek?" "What!" I exclaimed. "You finished the prophecy in ancient greek." It went an awkward pause, then: "Maybe he's a spy from that greek camp you talked about, Lupa!" the boy called Bobby said. "Maybe he's here to check our defenses so they could do a perfect surprise attack!" Suddenly Gwendolyn rose and said: "We can't know for sure, let's test him first." She glanced over to me and blushed. "We can test him in a duel!" Bobby yelled "I'll do it with pleasure!" He rose and walked towards me.

over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
big smile
It's very good but I don't think Lupa would tell them about the Greek camp. And if they did then Jason might have known that there was another camp. But it's different than the rest of the fanfics.
over a year ago HugePJOfan said…
Yeah, I know. But I had writers block when I wrote it, I couldn't figure out how I would write it, so it ended up like this.
over a year ago percyrulz said…
its pretty nice
but this wa somewhat like percy's first day at camp half blood
i think ok i just think that his first day would be pretty awful not welcoming and most probably there would be a test at entry point
over a year ago HugePJOfan said…
The duell is going to be his 1st test...
over a year ago HugePJOfan said…
Here's the new chapter. Enjoy!

Chapter Two
When he drew his golden gladius and slashed at me, I followed my instinct and pulled out a ballpoint pen from my pocket. I heard someone in the crowd laugh, but I ignored them, instead I uncapped the pen and it grew into a three foot long bronze sword. Bobby got shocked by the pen~growing~into~a~sword thing, I used my opportunity and slashed at him. He focused and blocked the strike easily. He kicked me in the chest, and while I tried to get back my balance, he tried to stab me. (Which was a pretty good move, actually) But I knew what to do, with an elegant move I blocked it, swirled my sword around his gladius, and forced him to drop it. I pointed my sword at his throat and he stared shocked at me, like I'd just summoned water or something. Everybody stared at me and I heard someone mumble: "He's a spy…" I capped my sword and sprinted towards the forest.
"Get him!" Bobby yelled. Suddenly a couple of arrows landed beside me, I looked back and saw more arrows came flying. One hit my shoulder but I didn't get a scratch, it just bounced of me. I didn't care much, I just wanted to get deep in the forest and hide. "Come back here!" I heard Lupa yell. Yeah, like that's going to happen…I tought.
When I got to a beach, I finally sat down to break. I watched as the waves hit the beach, after a while I rose up and brushed off the sand. Suddenly I heard a noise behind me, I uncapped my sword and swirled around. Again I followed my instinct and I found myself pointing the tip of my sword at Gwendolyn's throat. "So, this is where you hide," she said. "What do you want?" I asked. Before she could answer, we heard another noise. The Oracle came up behind Gwendolyn. "Hi," she said "what's going on?"
"Gwendolyn, you didn't answer my question. What do you want?" I repeated. "I want to help you," she said. "Then, what's with the Oracle?" I cocked my head towards the girl that had stood on the stage just moments ago. Her storm grey eyes looked so familiar. "I want to help too," she said. I couldn't believe my own ears. "And why exactly, do both of you want to help me?" "Because we don't think you're a spy," Gwendolyn and the Oracle said. "Why should I trust you two?" I asked, pushing my sword tip harder against Gwendolyn's throat. She gulped. "No choice?" she muttered, staring scared at my sword. She's right, I thought I would never get past the guards! I lowered my sword, but still being aware.

over a year ago HugePJOfan said…
Still having that damn writers block so the chapter probably sucks!
over a year ago HugePJOfan said…
COMMENT!!!... Please?
over a year ago mgvdb said…
big smile
i love the whole thing both chapters! you could be the next mega star in fiction!
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
big smile
I enjoyed it. I'm glad some people are nice to Percy but i hope since Gwen will be nice to Percy that they don't fall in love Percabeth forever!
over a year ago HugePJOfan said…
No, Percy will not fall in love with Gwen, but maybe Gwen will fall in love with Percy? I personally love Percabeth;)
over a year ago HugePJOfan said…
Sorry for the late chappie, the net broke down.

Chapter 3
I sat in my bunk and went through pictures of me and Percy with tears in my eyes. That was what I did every day, except helping Leo with The Argo II. All this reminded me of a couple of years ago in The Battle of The Labyrinth, when I thought Percy had died in the explosion at Hephaestus' forge. I jumped when somebody knocked on the door. 'Yes, who is it?' I asked. 'It's Leo, we need some help with the boat.' 'Okay, I'll be right there…' I sighed. 'Thanks!' Leo yelled as he jogged back to work. I jumped of my bunk. Thankfully, my cabin mates wasn't around in the cabin, so I could cry in peace. I straightened up, blinked away the tears and walked out through the door.
We had gotten far with the boat, in about 2-3 days it would be finished. Soon we can sail/fly to the Roman Camp, find Percy and get his memory back. I thought while I walked towards the beach where we were building The Argo II. Once I got to see the boat, my eyes widened in shock. Leo and his cabin mates had to have worked all night because the boat was finished. All they needed to do now was to hang up Festus' head in the front and we would be ready to go! 'You like it?' someone said behind me. I turned around and saw Leo grinning. 'Leo, it's amazing!' I exclaimed 'How did you finish it in only this night?' Leo grinned even bigger. 'Well, with a couple cups awful coffee and help from my cabin, it was pretty easy,' he said 'but we need help with Festus' head. Can you go and get the lovebirds/Jason and Piper?' 'Of course,' I answered.
It took a while before I found them, I had to ask other campers if they had seen them. After a while, one of our new campers, Haily Glivenberg, daughter of Hermes, had seen them walk by the river. When I got there, they were sitting by the river and talking. 'Hey!' I said 'Leo needs some help with the boat.' 'Okay, we'll come right away.' Jason answered. As we walked towards the beach, Jason had to go to his cabin and get some new clothes. While me and Piper sat and waited for him, I noticed that Piper had a huge smile on her face. 'What is it?' I asked her. She looked at me for a moment with happiest face I've ever seen. Finally she said: 'Jason kissed me, he actually kissed me! On the lips!' She was so happy that she almost couldn't sit still. 'He loves me, Annabeth!' I smiled at her. 'Congratulations, Piper! I hope I didn't interrupt it, did I?' 'No, he kissed me right before you came.' Suddenly Jason came out of his cabin. Me and Piper got silent. 'What?' he asked. 'Um, nothing,' I answered, smiling at Piper. He smiled at us and said: 'Well, come on then.'
Jason and Piper had exactly the same reaction as me, only that I was afraid that their chins would hit the ground.
Before we got to work, Leo gave us a tour around the boat. Showing us where our rooms and bathrooms were.
After a few hours of really hard work, we got Festus' head on. Suddenly his eyes lit up and he roared. Everybody jumped back except Leo, he and Festus just stood there, staring at each other. For a while I was afraid Festus would eat Leo up, but he didn't. After a few seconds of embarrassing silence, Leo said: 'Hey Festus, good to have you back!' He looked very happy.
When Chiron summoned the council, I was pretty nervous. What if he doesn't want me to go? What if he thinks that I'm not strong enough to find out that Percy doesn't remember me? What if… No, I can't think of that now. But, what if he has found someone else? I thought. I got tears in my eyes again, but I blinked them away and walked in to the council. 'Ah, there you are, Annabeth. I was starting to wonder where you had gone.' Chiron said when he saw me. All the others was sitting on their place, waiting for me. I sat down on my chair and we started the council.
'Well, I think Annabeth should be the leader of this quest.' Chiron said. Everybody agreed. Yes! 'Who will come with her?' he asked. 'I will,' Jason offered 'maybe they won't try to kill you when I'm there.' I nodded a thanks to him. 'I'll come too' Piper said ' you will need my Charmspeaking.' 'Thank you, Piper.' I said 'What about you, Leo?' He looked at me for a while. 'Sorry Annabeth, but sailing and flying with boats are not actually my thing, so I think I'll pass over this one.' Suddenly someone said: 'I'll go!' We saw the door opening and a boy stepped in. 'Nico.' I said, shocked.
over a year ago HugePJOfan said…
COMMENT!!!! Please...?
over a year ago HugePJOfan said…
I have been writing and writing and writing with almost no stop, so I might have a little brake. But don't worry, I will keep on writing!
over a year ago HugePJOfan said…
Soon done with chapter 4. I couldn't take a brake after all. I couldn't wait to continue the story;) And please, I miss comments:(
over a year ago cookiemonster90 said…
big smile
over a year ago Csk214 said…
Nice. Post soon.
over a year ago HugePJOfan said…
Srry for not posting, something is wrong with my computer. I'm posting this with my IPad.
over a year ago cookiemonster90 said…
over a year ago HugePJOfan said…
Soon:) I hope...
over a year ago underwater said…
that was fantastic
over a year ago ThaliaGrace8 said…
WHY ISNT LEo GOING??? but other than that it was very good :)
over a year ago Poseidon_3_PJ said…
one thing...its...AWESOME!!!!!!
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
nico is going, awesome!!!!
over a year ago thilahector said…
i love it dude write chapter 4 for me plzz
over a year ago HugePJOfan said…
Ok, guys. First of all, sorry for not updating:( I'm trying to write a long chapter now, so you can get something more to read of. Second, thank you so much for the nice comments! Over 200 have read in less than two days!!!:)

By the way, before I go on writing, if you have some questions for the last chapter, you'll get some answers in the next one;)
over a year ago HugePJOfan said…
Great news, guys! I've opened a blog where I write my own story/book. But don't worry, I will keep on writing on Son of Neptune. If you are interested in my new story, write:I will!, and I'll PM you the first 50 words of the first chapter BEFORE I update it:) If you want to read my new story, go to:

over a year ago HugePJOfan said…
By the way, you will not find any chapters in the blog now, I will begin the writing tomorrow. Son of Neptune chapter is soon finish:)
over a year ago Calipso said…
dude you are a really god writer please post soon!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago percysmile said…
Post post please post please with a cerritos
over a year ago PersesJr said…
post soon
over a year ago percysmile said…
Post Post Post *chanting* Post Post Post
over a year ago HugePJOfan said…
Sorry for the late chapter guys, I was going to write a long one. But when I was going to update it two days ago, something happened to my computer, again... I had to delete everything that I had on it!!! So now I have written the half of it, not completely like the original one, but it is something... Right? Then I decided to make two chapters of the whole thing, so here's chapter 4!;)

Chapter 4
'Nico, where have you been?' I exclaimed. 'We haven't seen you since Percy disappeared!' 'Yeah, sorry for that, I've been searching for him. After a while I heard that you guys have found out where he is, so I came to help.' He said. 'When are we leaving?' He was wearing a black T-shirt with a big skull in the middle, and his silver skull ring shined in the light. 'Tomorrow morning,' Jason said. 'we'll meet up at the beach to set sail.' With that we broke up the council and went to our cabins.
Once again my dream was about Percy... He was pointing with Riptide towards a girls throut. But there was another girl in the bushes that showed herself. 'We want to help.' Both said. Percy lowered Riptide, but it was easy to read his bodylanguage, he wasn't relaxed at all.
When I woke, I didn't want to stand up. I just wanted to lay there and die. Who where the girls? What if he have found anyone else? No, I couldn't think like that. But if I wanted to find out, I'll have to find him. I stood up from my bunker and checked the clock. Crap, 10 minutes late! I got dressed, grabbed my bag and hurried out.
When I got to the beach, everybody was already there, even Leo. Maybe he was going to say godbye. The Argo II was already in the water. 'Sorry I'm late guys, another dream about Percy...' Suddenly, before I could stop it, the tears ran. Piper stepped forwards and gave me a hug. 'Everything is going to alright, we'll find him.' Jason said. 'Plus, Leo is coming after all.' I brushed the tears and asked why Leo had changed his mind. 'Well, when I woke up this morning, I realised that I was the only one that could control the boat. So here I am.' He said. 'But where's Nico?' I said. I hadn't noticed that he wasn't here until now. 'He said that we'll meet him in San Fransisco.' Piper said. Shadow traveling. 'Okay, then we should get going, he dosn't like to wait.' We climed aboard and set sail. Percy, here I come!

Like I said, the next chapter will be like "Part Two". By the way, I wasn't very pleased with this chapter, I'll try to write some more action later.
over a year ago thilahector said…
it was okay but once you are writing more i love it
over a year ago sylviakitty348 said…
im new to your story, but its really good! please dont stop writing! when are you going to post next? im really looking forward to it :D
over a year ago percysmile said…
But I loved it but if you think it is not good enof that is you I think it is plain AWESOME
over a year ago PersesJr said…
post soon
over a year ago percysmile said…
Ok not plain awesome but awesome awesome
over a year ago DorkameseTwitch said…
hey i just read ur fanfic and i really like it....cant wait for the next chapter....
over a year ago mikeceki said…
you should have percy and the romans have a match where they test each others endurance with all of the romans fighting him at once and he wins and then his dad comes out and gives him a pair of headphones that when not playing music for him blasts opponents back a few yards and trains him on more advanced techniques ( examples: ice armor and ice weapons and really advanced healing)( advanced healing is like when someone his critically injured and he heals them using surrounding water and a little of his blood) just saying sorry DO NOT HATE ME PLZ (runs away)
over a year ago percysmile said…
That would be awesome let's all vote who thinks he should get a new power

I do
over a year ago percabethlover1 said…
I love it I love it I love it please post soon or I will mentally die
over a year ago precious211 said…
dude write more already. I just read it today and finished it right now. While listining to briteny spears hold it against me!!!!
over a year ago percysmile said…
That's it we all agree you need to post
over a year ago jessie0147 said…
over a year ago empousa1robo said…
over a year ago Kratos546 said…
That was amazin plz post soon
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
I luvvvvve ur fanfic even though i haven't commented for 17 years or not at all, I agree that u gotta post also
over a year ago empousa1robo said…
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! !!!!!!!! Cmon please post?
Pls. Dont ditch us. I wanna see what happens when annabeth meets percy.
Or-- are you plotting the next chapter? If so,
im willing to wait =D