The Heroes of Olympus ***The Son Of Neptune!***

PJlover911 posted on Apr 07, 2011 at 09:49PM
Hello my name is PJlover911. I just love the PJO and HoO and just can't wait for the next book to come out so I decided to write my own version.

Title: The Son Of Neptune

DISCLAIMER: This series is not mine the PJO and HoO are all Rick Riodan's stories

P.S I would like to say sorry for miss spelled words in advance!

The Heroes of Olympus 20 replies

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over a year ago PJlover911 said…
December 28: Percy PoV

I have been here at the camp for Half-Bloods like me at Camp Rome for about seven days. I have made a few friends and a few eemies. My friends are Hazel daughter of Trivia she has brown eyes brown hair and is always laughing at something. Bobby son of Veneus has dark brown hair with eyes no one here knows the color name for and he never acts like his sisters and brothers. Gwen daughter of Menerva has blonde hair that is always in a ponytail brown eyes and is always thinging about something. Dakota daughter of Mercury has blonde hair and brown and looks more like a daughter of Veneus but she is tough. And Reyna daughter of Mars, she has Brown hair with muddy brown eyes.
I still remeber the day I came here I woke up to Hazel running through the woods yelling for me. The only thing was I was afraid of her because I felt like I didn't belong.Today I am going to find out how right I am.
Hazel came running up to me yelling
"Percy we are finding out your parent today" She stop right in front of me and said
"We have been looking for you for a hour! Why are you always at the beach?" she said looking around. Then she seemed to remeber something. I was about to ask what it was she was doing but then she whisled so loud I lost my train of thought.not even three seconds past and we herd four more whisles back.
This is when I had to ask a queistion,
"ok what are you doing?" As I said that I saw Bobby, Reyna, Gwen, and Dakota walk out of the camp and towords the beach.
"I told you Percy we are findind out your parent," she said sounding iratated.
That day I was tested for being a son of Trivia, Mars, Mercury (which didn't go well), Menerva, and Veneus. But at the end of the day we ended at back at the beach. Bobby was watching Gwen. Gwen was looking for her flash cards which she always carries with her. Dakota was watching Gwen smiling eviely (she won't be smiling when Gwen finds out its her that has them). Hazel was making Reyna's hair stick up, but Reyna didn't notice because she was sharpening her knife on a rock.
I was standing waste deep in thje ocean when I looked up and saw something coming fastly towards me.

Hey sorry for the chapter being short and here is a picture of Bobby.
last edited over a year ago
December 28: Percy PoV

I have been here at the camp for Half-Bloods like me at Camp Rome for about
over a year ago PJlover911 said…
Great I must be a sucky write no one has posted but people have seen it :sad:
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
big smile
No it's great post soon.
you could indent when somebody else is speaking so it's clearer
over a year ago PJlover911 said…
Yeah I am a sucky writer I will try though thanks for posting
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
don't worry a lot of people think there writing is bad but not others
over a year ago vlad_todd_fan said…
big smile
over a year ago PJlover911 said…
Well lets hope it is not half as bad as I think it is
over a year ago theonlyexeption said…
big smile
It was GOOD! I would work on spelling, if you write it on word or pages they have spellcheck a.k.a. my best friend. I would also work on adding more detail. POST SOON!! Don't worry, your writing is great!
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
Nice I liked it and ^ wat they said u aren't suky u just have a few mistakes . Every one has mistakes on there first chapter. Post soon :)
over a year ago PJlover911 said…
Oh thanks and I will probly post Sunday because tomorrow I have to do a flute solo and I am so nervus I mean I am in marching band but still uhg so frigin scared
over a year ago PJlover911 said…
YES I GOT A 1!!!!!!!!!!!! For all that don't know what that means it means I got the best rating like a supierer or how ever you spell it. BUT STILL YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago PJlover911 said…
Sorry can't post till tomorrow
over a year ago goalies_rules said…
Nooooo!!!! I was lookin forward to the next chapter
over a year ago PJlover911 said…
December 28: Percy PoV

Reyna jumped in front of me when she saw the object. When it got closer it shocked me what it was. It was a horse and a guy with a three tipped spear. I knew right away it was a trident. So wait what god has a trident, but the second I thought of that I remember.
The guy in front of me was Pos... I mean Neptune. Wait why did I almost call him the Greek name?
I snapped back to reality when Pos... I mean Neptune showed up right in front of me.
"Hello my son!" he shouted with joy.
"Um sir sorry to be disrespectful but I don't know you or have I ever met you" I said.
"But atlas son. You have. I am so sorry for what Hera did to you. I did not agree what so ever." He rambled on and on but I didn't listen I was wondering what he had said. But before I could ask Gwen came back to her senses.
"Um lord Neptune sorry to correct you but6 you are using Greek terms." She said, but when see said Greek she said it as if it was the worst thing in the world.
"No Gwen I am just not Roman I am in my Greek form right now to talk to my Greek son, Percy." As soon as he said that every one look at me in disgust and Reyna looked about to pull out her gladius.
I looked at them like what the Hades, then thought why can't I get the greek and roman things right.
"Well son I have come down here to offer you a spot with us olympians." He said like he was eager for me to say yes but something told me ...... it was .......
"No father I just want to go home." I said
"Percy this is the only way you can go home." He said matter of factly.
"Dad I will join you so I can go home." I said not really into the idea of being a god, because I am pritty sure they already asked me this question befor and I siad no but for what reason I wondered. But Poseidon brought me back again when he whistled and another horse that look kind of formiler galluped across the see.
"No Percy you can't leave with that Greek god that must be a fake please com back." Hazel said when I got on the horse but Poseidon smacked the back of my horse and the horse started running under the water.
Sorry it is crappy I just really need to work on my project for the seince fair but as soon as I can I will make it up. Also I only have three people posting and because of this if I don't get anymore after next chapter I am stopping posting.

Below is a picture of Gwen
last edited over a year ago
December 28: Percy PoV

Reyna jumped in front of me when she saw the object. When it got closer it
over a year ago PJhero02 said…
it was really good!! but i would suggest slowing it down and adding more detail. That way you will have much longer chapters and overall a longer book! :)
over a year ago PJlover911 said…
ok I am just not that good of a writer but I have a five page chapter I am writing right now at microsoft words
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
that was cool, different from other fanfics!!!!
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
yah! a very very long chapter. I love when I have a lot to read especially on this one
over a year ago goalies_rules said…
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
................ (awesome)............(each dot counts for a awesome)..................................­...­:D