The Heroes of Olympus Son of Neptune-My Fanfic!:)

Thalia67 posted on Apr 20, 2011 at 12:53AM
So, just to say, this is my first fanfic ever!! Isn't that great for me?:)So anyway, I would really appreciate feedback on my writing and everything. And second, I really appreciate you reading this, and for those of you who skip these, well, I can't blame you cause I do the same thing:P Anyway, on to my first chapter!!


Chapter 1


Rain. That was her first thought as she walked out towards the beach. It might seem normal to most people, seeing as it was just water, but at The Legion, it was far from it.

It wasn't even just sprinkling, which could happen if some creature decided to cause a big splash. No, it was pouring down, drenching her straight through. It made her shiver, but Reyna kept walking towards the beach. For some reason, she had a feeling that it was where she needed to be. Right now she should be in trianing, but everyone understood Reyna needed a break every once in a while after what had happened with Ja-no, she couldn't even think his name.

Arriving before the water, she looked up to find that this was the spot where the rain seemed to be the heaviest. This baffled her. It never, ever rained. Lupa controlled the weather here, and in the 9 years Reyna had been at Legion, Lupa had never once had the camp be rained on.

Furthermore, this was unnatural. There wasn't a cloud in the sky. All Reyna could see was clear, blue skies all around.

Just as she was about to go and get Lupa, a wave rose out of the ocean. It was probably two stories high, and it could topple over the whole place.

But Reyna stood her ground. There was no where she could run fast enough, so she might as well stick it out. The wave was getting closer by the second, and when it was getting ready to crash over her, it crashed on itself, and receded as if it had never been there.

The rain stopped, and no one would be the wiser as to what had happened. The best thing I can do, Reyna thought, is to go to Lupa and tell her what I saw. But as soon as she started to turn, there in the water she saw something.

Floating face-up, in the water, was a boy in an orange t-shirt. He was just a few feet out, so she ran out in her shorts, and grabbed him. With all the weights that they did at camp, she had no problem lifting him up and taking him back to the beach.

Something she noticed about him though, was that he wasn't a bit wet. Even though he had just been floating in water, there was no evidence of it anywhere on his body.

When Reyna had gotten him on the sand, she bent down. His chest was moving up and down, so he was obviously breathing, luckily. She had no desire to try and give him mouth to mouth resuscitation. Not some stranger that could be an enemy for all she new.

For precaution, she took out her knife from her belt, and kept it behind her back. Slowly, Reyna leaned the guy up against a rock, and for the first time, she looked at him as a whole. His upped body was muscled, and it looked as if he trained on a daily basis. His hair was ink black, but it had a few streaks of gray in it. He seemed handsome enough, but she didn’t think of anyone that way, save for Jason.

“Hey, hey kid. Wake up,” Reyna said loudly. He seemed about her age, so she shouldn’t be calling him kid, but still, she was one of the top people in this camp, so she could call anyone she liked ‘kid’. Luckily, after a few more tries, he finally seemed to be coming too.

Blinking a few times, he seemed to get aware of his surroundings and a look of bewilderment shot over his face.

“Now that you’re awake, maybe you can tell me who you are and how you got here,” Reyna said pulling out her knife. She stuck it close to the boy’s throat, which she knew would emphasize the seriousness about the matter. His eyes widened at the knife, and he looked like a scared little puppy. But no matter what he looked like, she wouldn’t pull back.

He seemed to think a moment before answering. “I-I don’t know. My name...I can’t remember. I don’t remember anything,” he told her, his voice wavering. She didn’t believe for a second that he didn’t know anything.

“Empty your pockets, kid,” Reyna commanded. Though he gave her a glare at her calling him kid, he obeyed without a word. He pulled out a pen, a necklace with an owl on it, a crumbled piece of paper, and, bingo! A wallet! Reyna snatched it from him and opened it up. The first thing he noticed was a picture of this kid and a girl with blonde hair in the side. Then, he saw what he was looking for. Driver’s license.

Turning to him, she glared through squinted eyes. “So, your name is Perseus Jackson and you are 16 years old,” Reyna explained. That was the only part of it that was legible. It would seem that this was one item on him that had gotten wet from the water. Go figure, it was the one thing that could help them.

“Percy, call me Percy,” he added quickly, but right as he said this, his face scrunched up, as if he had some serious thought on his mind.

“So now you remember your name?” she countered, suspiciously.
He shook his head. “When you called me Perseus, I just knew that I was always called Percy.”

“Well Percy, you are trespassing here. And you know what we do to trespassers?” Reyna asked rhetorically. For her answer, she took her knife, and extended it. Yes, extending it. It was her magical item, and by touching the hilt twice, it could extend to a sword. A gift from her dear old father, Mars. Percy, without thinking twice, stood up and reached for his pen that Reyna had thrown in the sand. Uncapping it, the pen became a sword.

If Reyna was dumbfounded by his sudden memory, then that was nothing compared to his expression. Well, if he was going to fight back, then she would give him a run for his money.

“I don’t even know how I did that. I mean, what are you? Knives, swords, what’s next?” Percy said as he fumbled with his sword. Reyna didn’t waste a moment, she swung at him, but he dodged by backing up. Three more times she did this before he was back in the water. A strange look overcame his face. He got a good grip on his sword, and the next time Reyna’s sword swung at him, his met it. Before she knew it, her sword had flown out of her hand, and his was at her neck.

By then a small crowd had formed, which obviously meant that her absence had been noticed. There were some gasps throughout the crowd as they saw who had pinned who. Reyna was easily the best swordsman, well, besides Jason, but now, she was the best there was. And no kid who didn’t even remember his own name should be able to beat her. But he did. What in Hades was going on?

The Heroes of Olympus 148 replies

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over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
this is so good loved the chapter!! great start cant wait till you post again :DD yayy im the first one to post !!! post soon :)
over a year ago nyxisnight said…
OMG this is soooo good. I love it how Percy had his drivers licence with him. This so far is EPIC!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago TheRedQueen said…
OMG!!! I LOVE IT!! IT'S AMAZING!!!! post soon please!!!

<3 TRQ
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
OMG that was so awesome!!! Really good for first fanfic!!!
over a year ago Thalia67 said…
Thanks everyone:) For a while, I'll probably either post every night or every other night, but if I have homework or tests (which I've been having a lot of lately) then I won't.

But thanks for all of the complements:P I'll post in a little while:)
over a year ago Thalia67 said…
So, I got to school, and I’ve been thinking about this all day! But, you know, you could all do me a favor and tell people about this. I would like to hear what everyone thinks! Anyway, onto what I know you all care about, and yes, I know you don’t really care about me writing this little paragraph. You probably find it annoying, and unnecessary but hey, don’t blame the writer. If you’re wondering, yes, I am rambling on purpose because I find it fun Any way, here we go!

Chapter 2


How in the Hades did I do that? And did I just think Hades? Percy thought. He didn’t even notice all the kids around him staring at him. All he could think about was how natural that had felt, as if he had been doing that for years. But then again, maybe he had. It wasn’t as if he could remember.

“Jackson, come with me, now,” Reyna said to him in the angriest voice he could remember hearing. In the time that he had spaced out, she had gotten up and retrieved her sword, so she was standing a few feet away from him. He knew that if he didn’t obey, well, even with his skills with a sword, there would be trouble. So, without a word, Percy put away his sword, and trudged after her, where Reyna had already turned and was walking towards the woods.

Walking through the trees, he felt like this was familiar, as if he was in the woods a lot. But this just made his thoughts more confusing. Why couldn’t he remember anything? With amnesia, don’t you at least remember your name? For some reason, Percy knew that this wasn’t natural. It was just an instinct that he had.

Within a few minutes, the two reach a clearing. There were cabins, and after a quick count, he found there were 12 in all. They formed an oval around a large campfire pit, which held benches around it on all sides. In the distance, Percy could see a large house, that, for some reason, he wanted to call the Big House, and to the left of that, there was a dining hall. Reyna led him to the Big House and quickly went inside, not even hesitating. She led him down a series of hallways, and finally they came to the end of a hallway.

“Be respectful, Jackson. Lupa doesn’t take kindly to nonsense, even from a new camper,” Reyna emphasized. And with that, she opened the door, leading him inside. The first thing he noticed was a large wolf in the middle of the room. It had chocolate-red fur, and when the wolf looked at him, he saw that she had red eyes.

Reyna walked to the wolf and kneeled before her, bowing her head respectively. Percy followed her lead, and it was a few seconds before Lupa dipped her head and Reyna stood up.

“Reyna, daughter of Mars, I see you have brought me someone. Stand up, warrior,” Lupa commanded. He did, and looked her straight in the eyes. “Seeing as you are standing here, that must mean you survived against Reyna. Tell me, child, about what you know.”

Taking a deep breath, Percy explained everything, including that he didn’t remember anything, except for his name, but that was because of Reyna. Once he got through the fight between him and Reyna, Reyna started talking.

“Lupa, how is this happening? First of all, he beat me in a fight. That hasn’t happened since Ja-since you know. He had to have some type of training, or something. Someone doesn’t just get that good by trying it once. And shouldn’t he have been claimed by now? Every camper that has come to camp has been claimed within the first 20 minutes, so why hasn’t he?” Reyna declared. Then she started saying things in some language that made no sense to him. But one look at Lupa shut her up.

“I know some about this boy here, but some of it, I have sworn not to disclose to you. There are a few things I may explain. And don’t interrupt me until I am done,” Lupa asserted. The only thing running through his mind after she said that was that she could really use a chill pill. “I did know you were coming, Perseus Jackson. I didn’t know when, how or who you would be, but I was forewarned of your arrival. And yes, you have had training, but further than that, I cannot say. Reyna, you questioned why he hasn’t been claimed. Well the answer, is that he has already been claimed, but long before he arrived here.”

After she told them this, Lupa told them to go. The rest, she said, would be up to him. Great. Leave it up to a 16-year old, with no memory beyond his name. Reyna decided she wouldn’t put up with him, and left, going down hallways he hadn’t even noticed before. Deciding it would be best to just wait for someone to come by, he leaned against the wall and pulled out the things in his pockets. First was the necklace with an owl on it. Why was it here? He got the faint feeling it was a present, but for whom?

Next he pulled out his license. Percy knew that Reyna had said there wasn’t anything except for his name and age on it, but still, he had to look. When he opened it, his breath caught in his throat. There was a picture. Leaning towards it, he saw that it was him. Well not just him, but a girl. They were standing, hand in hand in the ocean. They, I mean we, look so happy, Percy thought. If only I could remember who she was. The girl was something special to him, he could feel it. There was something he should remember, but what was it? What was with this girl?

Percy jerked his head up at the sound of footsteps. Calm down, he told himself, nothing is going to happen. You’re safe. But then again, you did almost get killed just an hour ago, so why should you be safe? A girl came around the corner, and she didn’t look at all startled to see him. In fact, it seemed as if she had been looking for him.

She introduced herself as Gwendolyn, but liked to be called Gwen. She had light brown hair and grey eyes that he felt he should know. Percy knew those eyes, but from where? “My mom is Minerva, and I heard from Lupa already. She knew that Reyna would take off, because the last few days have been tough for her. So, you really don’t know anything about yourself? Wow, that must be super tough. I don’t think I could handle that. But anyway, I think I figured out a way to find out who your godly parent is,” Gwen explained. Apparently she liked to talk a lot because there wasn’t a moment of silence during their walk to get out of the Big House.

“Wait, godly parent? So that stuff is real. I guess it doesn’t surprise me, as if I’ve already known about this for a while,” Percy interjected for a moment, but just as he got hold of some sort of thought or clue, it slipped away like someone would slip on ice. Apparently his face was pretty funny, for Gwen started laughing at him.

“I’m sorry, but your face was really funny. Anyway, back to my plan. Well, I hope you are well in shape and not afraid of anything,” Gwen continued with a mischievous smile.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
awesome !!!! loved it cant wait till next chapter!!!! but gwen said athena not minerva ? post soon !:DDDD
over a year ago Thalia67 said…
woops! i guess i forgot to put that:P I just changed it though:) thanks for telling me:) and i'll post another one tomorrow!
over a year ago JOZ123 said…
That was realy good, I can't grasp the fact that this is only your FIRST FANFIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago silver_moon said…
this is really great!! wow this is really really good can't blieve this is a first fanfic!!
over a year ago PersesJr said…
this is reallly awesome soon plz.
over a year ago Thalia67 said…
So, I might post another chapter….It just depends on how much time I have when I get back from my shower. By the way, thanks everyone for the praise on this I’m trying to put a lot into this, humor, suspense and plus, I want to put a lot of detail. If you have any ideas on what monsters, myths, or anything , then please, feel free to suggest something. I’m always up for it! Ok, onto my third chapter! Can you believe it!? Just a few days ago, I was just a reader, and now, I’m writing my own! I love it, and I hope you guys do to. If you haven’t noticed, I’m rambling again. And I bet you didn’t notice I skipped a period back there! Ha! Fooled you into looking didn’t I? Well hahaha loser! Just kidding!:) Anyway, here ya go!:)

Chapter 3


This Percy guy was special. And not in that girly crush kind of way. There was something about him that just spelled out leader. At first glance, he didn’t look like the type of guy to stand up for anyone or anything. He wasn’t to muscular, or the hot guy, but she could see in his eyes that he was loyal.

With a nod to proceed, Gwen led him to the battle arena. It was just a big platform really, but they set up stations for practice. Such as where they were going now, the archery station. Right now, there were kids practicing all around them, and some turned to stare. But after a glare from Gwen, they quickly went back to work.

“Well, how about we start out with archery. This will tell if you are related to Apollo or \not. Just in case, we are going to stand far away from the other campers,” Gwen explained smiling. She was one of the very few people here who laughed a lot. They did so much training, that there wasn’t any time for it. But she wanted to make this new kid welcome before it got tough.

He nodded as they walked towards it. The campers immediately cleared a spot for them and she handed Percy a bow and an arrow. Even from the first second, Gwen knew that he wasn’t a son of Apollo. He couldn’t even grip a bow right.

Next, was Vulcan. She took him to their workshop, where there were many of the kids working to make weapons and such. So far they were just making standard weapons, but it was early in the day. Gwen started him on something easy. But he couldn’t build a simple automaton that was only functioning one way. That ruled that godly parent out. She tried just about every test imaginable. Having him try on clothes for Venus, grow plants for Ceres, and even work some math problems for Minerva, but nothing worked. The only she hadn’t tried was…no, it couldn’t be. There was a rule against it. But then again, that hadn’t stopped them before.

Gwen led him to the water and they stopped before it. A bit to harshly, she pushed him into the water, and then just after he had fallen in, she pulled him back up. Just as she thought, the water hadn't phased his clothes at all. Nothing was wet, as though the water was doing his bidding.

At first glance, he may not seem to have that kind of power. But now that she looked at him, Percy did seem to be a son of the Big Three. Gwen took him down to the water. “Percy Jackson, son of Neptune,” Gwen stated in a distant voice. Apparently people had followed them, because there was a crowd around the edges of the forest. Murmurs rippled across crowd as people understood what she had just said. Hardly ever was there a child of the Big Three.

He seemed to grasp that it was a big deal, and Gwen watched as all kinds of emotions swept across his face. Confusion, understanding, frustration, and many more that she couldn’t read. Wow, this kid must have it bad, Gwen thought sadly. It would frustrate her more than anything to not know something as big as that.

Just then, a boy stepped out of the crowd. Gwen recognized him as he walked closer. And it was just the person that would she had just wanted to see. He was the one that would be able to help Percy the most. He was the only one besides Jason who could relate to him actually.

Percy stepped out of the water at last and turned towards Gwen. “So I’m a son of Po-Neptune, huh? I’m guessing that’s sort of rare by the looks on everyone’s faces,” he commented. She noticed that he had stumbled on Neptune, as if he had been trying to remember something very important.

Before Gwen could say anymore, the boy she had seen pushed her out of the way. “Watch it, Dakota. You don’t want to have a master strategist as your enemy,” Gwen snarled at him. He shrugged and moved towards Percy, staring him down. Neither moved for a few minutes, but then Dakota broke out in a smile, something rarer than Minerva not knowing a math equation.

“Well, Percy, might I say, you are certainly unexpected. Let me introduce myself. My name is Dakota Mullins, son of, well, let’s have you take a guess. Who do you think is my godly parent?” Dakota asked, raising an eyebrow. Percy thought about it for a moment, but before he could answer, Gwen stepped up.

“Dakota, stop this. Don’t you know his memory has been lost? He probably doesn’t know who half the gods are, let alone figure out yours. I’ll just tell you Percy. Dakota is a son of Pluto, the god of the underworld. That may explain why his personality is so dull and dreary. But he can relate to you the most, well, there is someone else, but-,” Gwen explained, but she was interrupted by Reyna who had suddenly appeared. She seemed to do that a lot, as if her dad was the god of silence instead of the god of war.

“Don’t, Gwen. Just don’t bring him into this. Percy, Lupa said to move you into Cabin 3. Obviously you don’t have any belongings, so there are some things waiting for you in there. Everyone else, go back to your cabins! Dinner is in 10 minutes, inspection in 20 and after, we’ll have a camp meeting!” Reyna commanded. Apparently no one had the guts to stick around, as within seconds, the beach was cleared out. Gwen glared at Reyna. The girl may be love sick over her boyfriend, but still, that didn’t give her an excuse to let no one talk about him. Jason was everyone’s friend too.

Then Reyna turned back to Dakota. “Dakota, Lupa wants to see you up in her office. Something about not showing up for training. Gwen, we need you in Tactics. Hazel, you are to show Percy the camp, and then lead him back to his cabin. Dinner is in 10 minutes, so make sure you get him to the Dining Hall in time. No one is allowed in late, so you’ll go without dinner if you don’t.” With that, Reyna turned and left without a glance back.

Gwen looked at Percy once more and smiled encouragingly. “I guess we’ll meet again sometime soon, Percy. And don’t be too intimidated, she isn’t as tough as she sounds. Even a Mars has a weakness,” she told him, the turned to leave. I hope he makes it, she thought. Soon, he’ll have his test, and well, there may be a lot of kids who make it to the camp, but only half of them make into the camp. Hopefully he would be one. She really couldn’t stand to lose someone she had just met, and actually could have a friendship with.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago silver_moon said…
that was awesome!! keep writing (and yay! first to comment!)
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
Awesome !!! Really loved it !! Can't wait for next chappie !! But isn't Percy invinsibal ? So he isnt sopposed to get cut ? Hope you post soon !!:DDDDDDD
over a year ago nyxisnight said…
over a year ago Thalia67 said…
Haha thanks blakerose12! I fixed it so it makes sense now:P A girl can't be perfect can she:P
over a year ago percysmile said…
I love it can't you put blackjack in the roman camp??? I would love it if you did
over a year ago Thalia67 said…
Knowing me, this chapter will have a few mistakes too. Let me know, please, if I do. Also, I would love some suggestions on things to include! If you would like to do so either message me on here, message my account, or you can ask for my email and I'll try and fit it in, or maybe I'll have the perfect place for it! So I wish I could fit a song in here, like, they just break out in song, because I'm watching a commercial and it had singing food and I think that would be really funny for the Roman campers to do, don't you? Well anyway, I'm rambling, as always! So onto the next chapter, and yes, the end may confuse you, but don't bug me about it because it took me forever! Well, ok, have fun reading!

Chapter 4


So he is a son of Neptune. In all the years that she had been there, Hazel had never seen a son of Neptune. It was just so rare that she was shocked. Her first thought was to bow or something, but then, it wasn’t as if he was being all high and mighty. In fact, he seemed to be really humble and not at all flaunting that he was a child of the Big Three. Unlike Dakota, who, even though his father was Pluto and not a lot of people wanted to be friends with him, he acted like the ruler of the place. Especially since Jason had…left.

Percy seemed to sense that she didn’t know how to act towards him, so he kept smiling as she showed him the camp, and asking questions. “So, Hazel, who’s your parent?” he had asked in the very beginning. Apparently he had already gotten used to the fact that there were gods, and those gods were their parents. Wow, this guy was really amazing.

“Oh, my dad is Apollo, music god, sun god, archer, healer, you know, all that kind of stuff. But my specialty is playing the guitar and healing. I’m the best healer in the camp,” Hazel answered. Slowly but surely, she was beginning to warm to him. In just 10 minutes they had seen the whole camp, the training arena, the cabins, the woods, the Big House, and finally, the Dining Hall, where they were just on time. But more importantly, in just 10 minutes, Percy had made her trust him as a friend. And for Hazel, a girl with major trust issues, that was a big accomplishment.

As a 3 year old, her mother had been wonderful. But now, Hazel knew that it was only because of her father Apollo. He would bring her gifts every month and keep visiting them every few weeks. It went to her mother’s head that a god would want her so much. But after a few years, he stopped dropping by cold turkey. Her mother went through a week where she didn’t talk, she didn’t move and she barely ate. But a little while after, she got back to normal. Except she started dating, going through guys like they were going out of fashion. Every time Hazel would start to like one of her mother’s boyfriends, her mother would dump them and move on. It made Hazel not want to trust anyone, and it made her hate her mother.

“Hazel thanks for showing me around. It would seem there are some genuinely nice people here, not just the tough, hard people I’ve seen a lot,” Percy thanked. He seemed to be really sincere in what he was saying, so she just nodded. But he seemed to understand everything in that one nod.

Walking into the dining hall was interesting. By that time, everyone in camp knew about Percy and who he was. Things spread like wildfire, even though they didn’t have time for gossip, not even the Venus kids. Opening the door and stepping through, it was like there was a silent film playing. The dining hall was always quiet, but this was silent. Not a sound was made. But Percy didn’t seem to mind, or if he did, he didn’t show it. Hazel had already told him where to sit, so he walked through the place without slowing and sat down. People stared at him for a good minute before Lupa walked in, and everyone had to get up to bow to her.

Hazel went to sit down at the Apollo table, and took a seat at the end. They may be her brothers and sisters, but she wasn’t close with many of them. The most she had in common with all of them was her abilities to heal and her musical interest.

All through dinner, she watched Percy. He seemed really comfortable sitting at his table alone, as if it was a normal thing. He sat there, and when the time came, he went up to give an offering to his father. She supposed he would ask his father to help him remember some things, but maybe they would just come back on his own. For his sake, Hazel prayed to her father that they would.

Dinner went without a hitch, with very few kids saying anything, well except for the Mercury cabin, which was always a naturally fun loving cabin, but even tonight, they were quieter than usual.

After dinner, everyone went quickly to the campfire. It would seem everyone was eager for the news. Every night at campfire, Lupa would open with some announcements, and then there would be time for each cabin to give an update if they needed it, such as last summer, when the Titan War had each cabin assigned to a task.

Each cabin was assigned a section, and Hazel’s was across from Percy’s where he sat alone on a bench. He smiled at her and she gave him one back. But just when she was going to mouth something to him, Lupa got up in front of everyone.

“Campers, as you know, we have someone new joining us. It was unexpected and not done traditionally, but yes, he will take part in a test, but it will have to wait just a little while. In other news, the gods are still silent, but in time, they will have to speak to us. Now, on to the cabin news. I believe the Minerva cabin has some updates on what is being done about finding our missing camper,” Lupa informed them. Hazel turned to look at Gwen, the counselor of Minerva. She looked confident, talking about their work and plans, but that’s how all the cabin was. They were the most relaxed when they were working out strategies, or problems.

Gwen stood on her seat to get a better view of everyone, and then started talking. “We don’t know much more than we have the last few days. As you all know, Jason went missing almost three days ago, and we still have no idea where he went. He disappeared after he went to his cabin for bed. No one has seen or heard from him since. But what we have been doing is making plans for a quest to go find him. Now, it will be tough, seeing as no one knows exactly where he went, or how far away he is. But we do have an idea of who should go on the quest.” Gwen paused to look for someone. Her eyes found her target and it would seem everyone expected who was the first one to be chosen for the quest. “Reyna, we decided that, even though this will be emotional, you should be the leader of it. But it is your choice as to who will accompany you.”

Gwen stepped down for Reyna who seemed to have already made her decision. “My choice for one person to accompany me is simple. The only one who was just as close to him as I was is Bobby.” With that she stepped down, apparently not having thought about the third member of their quest. Hazel wasn’t surprised with her choice. Jason and Bobby had been friends from the start, ever since they had a fight their first day and the two had been such good fighters that neither had won, and they both spent the next week healing. But that was the very beginning of their friendship. A son of Jupiter and a son of Mercury, inseparable since then. Bobby hadn’t been the same since Jason’s disappearance, probably just as bad as Reyna.

Gwen had more to say after that, for she got back up to talk. Murmurs still were passing through the campers, but it wasn’t a surprise to anyone that Reyna would choose Bobby. “On to other news. A prophecy has been issued, that, we, the Minerva cabin, think everyone should hear. But it isn’t ours to give, so please, Hazel, would you recite it, since you are the one who heard it,” Gwen stated. Hazel nodded to her, and took a deep breath. It wasn’t strange that the Apollo cabin kids were the ones to hear prophecies, since their father was the god of prophecies.

An unknown force seemed to project her voice for everyone to hear, but the only one she looked at was Percy, for this was pertaining to him.
“A fighter to join from an unknown place
Shall lead the two to beat the race
A time limit the mother shall set
Sending a servant to end the threat
One shall have to fulfill the bill
And succumb to a gods will
Another shall disappear a time or two
Someone unknown shall make another true.”

(hope that italics works:P
over a year ago PersesJr said…
awesome chapter man
over a year ago percysmile said…
That was awesome (please include black jack)
over a year ago nyxisnight said…
over a year ago Thalia67 said…
can't guarentee I'll be able to include black jack...its not really in what I'm going for right now:P and thanks guys! So just an update. I might post tomorrow, or I might not. It really depends on what happens tomorrow. I'm going to my grandparents, so there might not be time for me to write a lot, but i'm trying to get one in so I can post it either tonight or tomorrow by just opening it in word and then posting it. I guess we'll all just have to see! The latest I'll post is Monday night. I have quite a bit to do this weekend
over a year ago halfblood2 said…
big smile
Awesome story post more
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
Awesome !!!!! Loved it can't wait for the next one !! :DDDDDDDDDD
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
big smile
Hi im kinda new and that is rocken awesome! Urve got talent keep it up!
over a year ago jessie0147 said…
Awesome!!!!!!:) Amazing,Beautiful,Crazy,Demolishing,Exciti­ng,­Fun­,Go­rge­us! All im doing right now!
over a year ago Thalia67 said…
So, I don't know if I'll post tomorrow. It all depends on how late I get home, how long it takes me to do my spanish and how tired I am. But I'll definitely post Monday, so have no fears! You know, I loved pictionary! We are playing it in just a minute, and I am so happy! Anyway, here ya go!

Chapter 5


There are those days where people think that they have a tough day. Such as when a girl says she has a tough day when the only thing that she is thinking about is how her and her boyfriend got in a fight. They have no idea what a tough day is until they lose their memory.

Ever since waking up with a knife to his throat, Percy had been having the worst, or at least he assumed the worst, day of his life. The first thing he did was beat the best swordsman in camp, and he didn’t even know how. His body seemed to know what to do, even when his brain doesn’t. Then he had been claimed as a son of Neptune, which was a big deal. But he got the feeling that he had already known this for a few years and had gotten used to it. What he didn’t know was how. How did he already know everything? Lupa didn’t give him any useful information, so it was up to him to remember everything.

And now this prophecy. At once he knew it had to be talking about him. A fighter from an unknown place was bound to be him since he was the only new kid. Once again he got the feeling that he had been on a quest and important ones too, but then, a faint memory slipped away. What was wrong with him? What had happened to make his memory just disappear?

But back to the prophecy that he had just heard. You know, when people find out shocking news, people usually start talking immediately, giving their theories and such. But this was the total opposite. The whole camp was silent, even the crickets. After about a minute of silence, Percy finally got the nerve to say something. He didn’t even care what the usual thing to do was. He had to break this silence.

“So this prophecy you just gave. Well, I’m guessing the first line is about me, since I seem to be the only new kid. But what does the rest of it mean?” Percy said loudly. Some campers glared at him as if he was stupid, but others nodded as if they agreed. Finally, he thought, the camp has some sense to agree.

Gwen was the one to answer. “Well, we don’t know exactly what everything means, but we have deciphered some and pretty much know what it’s talking about. The first two lines are definitely talking about you, and you’re going to lead a quest. It is unusual for someone so new to take on a quest, but, still, we never go against a prophecy. The last time we did, well, it didn’t end well.” Percy noticed a few kid’s heads lower a bit, and he knew that those were the people that had messed up. He felt for them, because who really wanted to be the people to mess up something big?

“Anyway, the next thing we have figured out is that one of the members of the quest will have to pay a debt plus give in to a god, while another member will disappear. Those are all the specifics we know. We have some suspicions about everything else, but nothing concrete. And everything we just told you is just an outline. Those of us working on it don’t know how or when those things will happen. We could even be wrong on everything we just told you,” she explained. No one said anything for a moment, but Lupa stepped up. The only thing that Percy could think was that he had to do this. He was sure that this quest would help him recover some of his memory, if not all of it.

She looked straight at him, and he felt as if this was a monumental moment. “Percy, its time for you to take your test. If you want to train here and then go on your quest, you’ll have to pass it. No questions, no preparation, just come with me,” Lupa commanded. Without giving further instructions, she turned towards the woods and turned onto a path that he hadn’t seen before. She had said that this was a requirement to stay here. For a second, he hesitated. This wasn’t play time, this was real and serious. Did he really want to go through with this?

The answer was yes. He had to get back everything he had lost. Plus he had friends now. Though he may have only known them for a little bit of time, they were the only thing he had, and he had to come back to see them. Without a glance back, Percy ran after her, plunging into the dark woods.

At first, Percy couldn’t see anything but pitch black. But suddenly, all around him, he could see fires lighting the path. Up ahead, Lupa kept walking, never once checking on him. When he glanced back once, he found that the camp wasn’t visible. The only thing there was trees, trees and more trees. No turning back now, Percy thought, and he walked down the path.

They traveled about 5 minutes before Percy came to an arena. It was about the size of a football field, but he stood on concrete. It was shaped like a Roman Coliseum, which would make sense since this is a Roman camp. No one sat in the stands though. He figured that this was a private test that no one else was allowed to see.

Slowly and carefully, Percy walked to the middle, taking in his surroundings as he went. Just as he stepped inside the circle that meant the middle, Lupa’s voice rang out around him, but it seemed to come from nowhere.

“Perseus Jackson, son of Neptune, you will now begin your acceptance test to be allowed to train in the First Legion camp. If you fail, you die, no exceptions. If you complete your test, then you will be allowed to continue training, and will always be welcome to come and go from camp. Onto the test! This test is designed to test your weaknesses and your fears. Though many people hide their fears and weaknesses very well, this does not lie. It will test your limits. Let the test begin!”

With that, Percy pulled out his pen and immediately extended it into a sword. For some reason, he touched his watch, with switched to a shield. This was an important fact that he wouldn’t forget if he survived this. But that was a big if.

For a moment everything was quiet, and then a large creature came running towards him. The thing didn’t slow down until it got right in front of his face. It looked like a massive, black dog. It showed its teeth and growled at him, but Percy felt an immediate connection to it, as if he knew who this was. But just as he was figuring this out, it attacked. It snapped its teeth at him, but Percy swung his sword to keep the teeth away from his body. They kept going at it, but he couldn’t focus. How did he know this dog? Hellhound, his mind spoke to him. Its called a hellhound. Then another unwilling thought came to him. Mrs. O’Leary. Fear swept over him as the hellhound kept attacking him. How could he kill this beast? He loved her, he knew, but she was attacking him.

He managed to pull out some sense and he plunged his sword straight through the hellhound’s belly, apparently killing it. He sank to his knees, grief overcoming him. What have I done? Percy thought. But just as that happened, a girl came running towards him. He had barely enough time to raise his sword as she met it with her own. It wasn’t just a sword but a knife.

Percy stopped short. This was someone he knew. Someone he better than knew, someone he was very close to. But who was she? He couldn’t see the features of her face, but he knew she was someone from his past. The girl pulled back, but came back with a mighty force, even managing to get a swipe of his skin. But he noticed that nothing happened to him. There wasn’t even a scratch from where it had swept. Getting over that fact quickly, Percy stood up and swung towards her, slashing with a renewed fury.

He could see her features now, and noticed the blonde hair and grey eyes. But then, before he could think about it, two others came from behind him. He could hear them, so luckily he was ready for them. The only thing he was thinking about at that moment was about the three of them. Who were they?

One of them he could tell had goat legs, but for some reason, it didn’t freak him out. It was completely normal on the guy. The other person was kind of large. Well, really large actually. He had broad shoulders, and then, Percy noticed, one eye. Wow, this day was becoming freaky.

Percy could have finished them all off many times. But he hesitated every time. These were his friends. As crazy and weird looking as they were, they were the people from his past. This had to be it. This had to be the test. He had to get over his friendship with them, and see that they were trying to kill him. Percy had to kill them first.

With this realization, he took the first chance he got. The big guy went first, giving him a huge opportunity. Percy took his sword straight through the guys chest, and he disappeared in a puff of smoke. For a moment, he thought he had made a mistake, but then the other two attacked him once again. Then the next to go was the guy with goat legs, and last was the girl. But all he could think afterwards was one thought. I just killed everything I cared about.
over a year ago TheMagicWord said…
not bad. your prophesy was a lot more... prophesy-like than a lot of others. poor percy, that test looks horrible
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
Wow loved the chapter and I agree the test does look horrible . Loved the chapter can't wait till you post the next one !! :DDDD
over a year ago PersesJr said…
awesome chapter
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
I like how percy had to fight his mementos.
over a year ago UnoriginalName said…
Yay! This is so good! You are such a good writer!
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
WOOOO, awesome chapter, and im assuming he passed his test!!
over a year ago Verthro23 said…
big smile
That was amazing! Can't freakin' wait for the next chapter! Puta ang galing!
over a year ago nyxisnight said…
EPIC (sorry most of my post r gonna be one word)
over a year ago AnnabethGranger said…
big smile
hey im new to your fanfic but i must say its very good! ive read at least 10 fanfics and yours is amazing! your prophesy is very believable! i love it keep writing and post soon!
~~~~Love, Annabeth Granger
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Thalia67 said…
Thanks everyone for your wonderful comments! I try my best to make this good:) Well, no rambling today, so here ya go!:)

Chapter 6


This had been an interesting night for everyone. She had already known a lot about the prophecy and such, as they had been studying it all day. But still, it was very weird to think that the new kid was already going to go on a quest. That had never happened. The leaders of quests had always been trained first before any type of quest was given to them. But then again, it would seem he had been trained somewhere at some point in his life.

When Lupa had stood and taken Percy to his test, it had shocked everyone. Usually people didn’t even get into the camp until they had done the test. And if they did, well, then they were definitely some kind of special case. Which Gwen knew that Percy was, but still, taking him out right in the middle of a camp briefing was definitely strange, even for Lupa.

After that happened, the meeting sort of disbanded. No one knew what to do after that, so they had decided to just let everyone turn in for the night and get right back to training tomorrow.

Gwen decided to hang back though. She knew it was stupid, since Percy might not even come back. But a few other people did with her. It would seem that he had made a few friends, even though they didn’t show it. They all acted as though they were just there for their own reasons, but everyone was waiting. Hazel was one person to just sit at her bench, watching the woods. Dakota even hung back. Gwen’s guess was that he didn’t want to be the only Big Three child again. He might act tough, but on the inside he was as scared as the next person.

It was about an hour before he came out. There was a shuffling of the trees, and then an opening appeared. Lupa stepped out, and immediately turned to walk towards her office. After a few moments that everyone held their breath, Percy finally appeared. It would seem this kid was as tough as he had been when fighting Reyna.

Gwen and Hazel raced towards him, while the others, by others she meant Dakota and Reyna and Bobby, waited patiently. As soon as she got within a few feet from him, Gwen could see on his face that something was wrong.

“Percy, how’d it go? I mean, obviously you passed it since you’re alive. But, I mean, what did you have to do?” Gwen inquired. She was so curious it was hard to bare. He didn’t remember anything from his past, so this might have helped his memory. Before, he had been looking at the ground, but now he looked up at her. His eyes showed that the test had been hard. It had been worse than hard, it was awful. Percy’s eyes were filled with sorrow and regret.

His voice shook as he spoke. “I...I don’t really want to talk about it. I’m still trying to work this out. I just need some time to think. I’m going to head to my cabin, if that’s alright. I’ll…I’ll see you guys in the morning,” Percy told them. With that he walked off. The two turned to watch him walk away, and though the three kids hanging back seemed to ask him how it went, he just shrugged and kept walking.

Gwen turned to Hazel, who seemed as perplexed as she was. “So, what do you think happened in there? He was pretty shaken up. I might have only known him a day, but still, I’m worried about him. If he is this shaken up about his test, how is he going to survive tomorrow?” she asked. Hazel shrugged, but didn’t say anything. For a musician, she was a quiet girl. Not saying much, but her silence said more than words ever could. Hazel was just as worried about him as Gwen was. Tomorrow was not going to be a good day for him.

The next day, Gwen woke about 10 minutes before breakfast was going to start. It didn’t take much for her to get ready, since all she had to do was get dressed and put up her hair. It’s not like she had to impress anyone at camp.

Anyway, on her way to breakfast with her cabin, she kept thinking about Percy. Even just knowing him one day, he had made an impression on her. Loyal, brave, kind, and so much more. It just made her want to be around him because there weren’t many people who were like that any more. Camp hardened all those things so that the only thing anyone ever showed was anger or their fighting skills. Jason had been the one to lighten everyone’s mood when he could. But even he had that tough side. Percy and Jason were a lot alike now that she thought about it.

When her cabin arrived, everyone was already there. It was no wonder, because if you were late, then you got no meal. And if you got no meal, that meant no energy. And no energy resulted in bad training, which led to punishment. Well, no one wanted to get punished. At one point everyone had seen what would happen to someone, and it wasn’t good.

Gwen noticed that every camper seemed to be staring at Percy. Sitting alone at his table, he didn’t notice. He just kept staring at his plate of food, which was pretty much all blue for some reason, and never once looked up. She tried to catch his eye just once, but he seemed oblivious to his surroundings.

After what seemed an eternity, breakfast was over and she confronted Percy. He watched her walk towards him, but made no move to meet her half way. As Gwen looked over him, she noticed that he looked a bit better than last night. Not much, but still, enough.

“Percy, I think you need to talk. I mean, last night you were practically about to break down, and now, you’re keeping in everything. I understand you don’t want to talk about your test, and trust me, I didn’t either, but I think you have to. Otherwise, it will eat away at you,” Gwen reasoned. He thought about her words for a moment, but then he nods.

Taking a deep breath, he starts explaining. He tells her everything in detail from the moment he stepped in the woods to killing all of his friends. Gwen listened with an intense focus, which was difficult considering her ADHD. But she listened to every detail, and finally she understood why he was so shaken up.

“I don’t even know who they are, but I know they were my friends. I can’t get over the fact that I just willingly killed them all,” Percy finished. He closed his eyes slowly, but didn’t open them. By then, Gwen had noticed kids staring at them, and Hazel and Dakota had walked over to them as he had started explaining. No one said anything for a moment, but then Hazel spoke up.

“Percy, it wasn’t them. Whoever they were, it wasn’t real. The test is designed to make you hesitate, and only the weak will continues. Everyone has some fault, or what we call, their Fatal Flaw. Not everyone knows what it is, but some people do. This test shows you what it is,” Hazel told him. Gwen knew she was trying to help, but she didn’t know what else to say.

Before she could think of anything, Percy spoke again. “I know what mine is. Its loyalty. Someone once told me,” he said. He seemed to want to say more, but then he got a strange look on his face. He was trying to remember it, but it would seem he couldn’t. Gwen was perplexed. He couldn’t remember anything about his old life, but he remembered his fatal flaw. What had made this happen? “I’m sorry, but can we not talk about it? I just need to think for a while.” They nodded to his request. The test took its toll on everyone, some more than others. But based on others, he was actually handling it very well.

Lupa came up to them right then. “Percy, since you have only one person in your cabin, you will be training alongside Dakota and the Apollo cabin. I hope you are in shape,” Lupa asserted. He nodded and off she went. She didn’t oversee their training because she knew that everyone would train hard, or there would be consequences.

“Well, Percy, I guess you’ll be training with dear Hazel and me,” Dakota said with a mischievous smile. The guy was always creepy, but sometimes he was ok. This was not one of those moments. This guy had something up his sleeve.
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
This is soooooooooooooooo goooood!!! U
I wonder If rr is even reading urs right now this isone of the best here on fanpop.
No offense to others.
I just can't believe this is ur first fanfic this is really good
Should be an author when u grow up
I liked the blue food( giggles)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
oooooh i wonder what Dakota is going to do!!!!!
awesome chapter, I loved it!!
over a year ago PersesJr said…
awesome chapter
over a year ago nyxisnight said…
over a year ago AnnabethGranger said…
Omg i loved ur chappie!!! i feel so bad for percy he jsut went agains his fatal flaw which is like very hard and is all sad and depressed! ughh Dakota (i love how he is a guy not a girl like in other fanfics) better not mess with percy to much he is like seriously hurting!! and is there gonna b some romance between hazel and percy or gwen and percy? i hope not PERCABETH FOREVER! WELL AGAIN ANOTHER ABSOLUTLEY AMAZING CHAPTER KEEP WRITING YOU ARE SERIOUSLY AMAZING WRITER!
~~~~~lOVE, Annabeth Granger
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
awesomeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­! CANT wait till you post!!:DDDDDDD
over a year ago Thalia67 said…
So, I'm sorry that this is kind of late. Usually I post like 4 hours before this I know, but last night, when I was going to work on it, I was decorating eggs. And it took a lot longer than expected. Then I had a meeting about my band trip to Florida, so I'm sorry that you guys had to wait this long. I'm kinda making this up as I go, so it's a bit difficult:P Anyway, would you like to hear about my day? Of course you would....n't. I'm just doing my usual rambling:) Anyway, if you read this, could you say so in your next comment? Because if not, I'm just gonna stop writing it:P Anyway, here you go ladies and gentlemen! Chapter 7!

Chapter 7


For some reason, Dakota liked this kid. For one, Percy was also a child of the big three. It made sense for him to hate Percy because of his father, but still, the guy was ok. But that didn’t mean he couldn’t have a little fun with him. The one thing he had learned over the years is that he shouldn’t go easy on people just because they are new. He had at first, and he had tried to be friends. But most people stayed away from him after the first day. Being the son of a god of the dead wasn’t easy.

So when they got to training, Dakota did everything he could to try and humiliate the guy. It wasn’t that hard, seeing as he was still new to everything. The first thing was to raise a few ghosts. Over the years, he had practiced raising the souls of the dead, and a few people didn’t mind helping him out every now and then. So when they got to archery and Percy was about to shoot, he had them pop out from behind his target. It scared him so much, he let the arrow go and it just missed a Mars kid. Those guys already seemed to not like him, and after that, they made it their goal to give him dirty looks.

Their next stop was continuous running. So every once in a while, he would run behind Percy, and use his abilities to make a crack in the earth for Percy to trip on. The guy tripped more times than Dakota could count.

Countless times, Dakota used his abilities to make fun of Percy in some way. It wasn’t often he got to do this, seeing as everyone else knew what he could do, and stayed away from him. He was practically the plague around camp. Well, except for Jason, who had actually stayed nice to him. Why in Jupiter’s name did he have to go and disappear?

Finally, Percy got fed up with him, and challenged him to a duel. “Finally! I was waiting, but I guess I radiate too much fear for you to get near me except in special circumstances,” Dakota taunted. But he was serious about this match. He wanted to prove to everyone that this kid wasn’t so special. Just because he was a son of Neptune didn’t mean anything. All Dakota had to do was keep him away from the water.

Percy grunted a laugh, but he didn’t say anything. Percy pulled out his pen and uncapped it, revealing its true form. Dakota pulled out his sword, seeming to come from no where. He had gotten this one as a birthday present from his father. His sword comes from a sheath on his back that only appears when he needs it. It disappears when he puts it back, so at all times he has a weapon. The sword wasn’t normal, seeing as it was stygian iron and not like everyone else’s.

Without any signal, the two lunged at each other. Percy took a step back while Dakota took one towards him. That’s right, Dakota thought, just keep backing up. I’ve pretty much already beaten you. Percy blocked every slash that he made at him, but neither gave up. Finally, Dakota made a faint to the right and then got him on his left. But when his sword met with skin, it didn’t make a single scratch. Dakota’s sword was pushed back towards him, as if something was protecting him.

Percy seemed to notice this too. His sword drooped to the ground as he inspected where there should be a wound. Dakota was stunned, but he tried again. Percy flinched, but where his sword hit on his arm, nothing happened.

“How am I not hurt? I mean, you directly hit me. I should have a big gash there, and it should be bleeding like crazy. This is impossible!” Percy stuttered. Others had gathered around them now, and had seen the whole thing. Two kids came through the crowd. One was Gwen and the other was her half-brother, Xavier. They surveyed the situation, and immediately began talking. They were talking in hushed voices, but Dakota could pick out a few words.

“Known about”-“Already claimed”-“bath”. Wait, bath? What in the world were they talking about? He strained to hear them, but suddenly the two stopped talking. Gwen looked at Percy, or rather, she stared at him. It was like she was trying to get x-ray vision and see through him. But obviously that didn’t work.

Gwen nodded. “Well, my brother and I have come to a conclusion. We aren’t sure that it is true, but we’re almost 99% sure. Percy, we think that you may have, at a previous time in your life, bathed in the River Styx,” she revealed. There was a camp wide gasp. No one was allowed to do that. It was practically a death penalty if someone went and did that. For one, it was practically impossible to get into the underworld and escape with your life. Second, the River Styx was a very dangerous place and someone might not make it out alive. Kids who went there more than often never came back, and so Lupa had forbidden it.

But still, it made sense. Percy didn’t get hurt by his sword, and that’s about the only thing that can make you invincible from that attack. “So, how did he do it? If he bares the Achilles Curse, then that means he had to go to the Underworld. And that would mean that he would have to have known about whom he is and such. So who is this kid exactly? If he survived that and is invincible now, he had to have some reason for doing it. Why would he do that?” Dakota questioned. Even he wasn’t crazy enough to go down to his father’s domain and go into that river.

Percy was quiet, and Dakota noticed his face was scrunched once again. By then, everyone knew that face. Anyone who had paid attention to him knew it. He was trying to remember something about it. His face seemed to brighten, as though he remembered something about his past.

Before he could say anything though, Lupa showed up out of no where. She seemed to do that a lot more often now. “Percy, Gwen, Hazel, Dakota, come with me. Everyone else, get back to training! I don’t want to see a single one of you standing around again!” Lupa commanded. No one questioned her, because they could obviously see she was frustrated. And nothing ever good came about when she was in that kind of mood. Reyna and Bobby were behind Lupa, seemingly having already been called out by her. Whatever the wolf wanted, it had something to do with all of them. And Dakota’s guess was that part of it was on Jason too.

They arrived at her office in no time, and she ushered all of them inside. Lupa’s office always was strange, seeing as she had no desk since she was a wolf. All she had were a few chairs, a mat for her to lie on and a few cabinets and book cases. It wasn’t even a very welcoming place. It was very crisp.

No one sat when they came in. The mood was definitely not right for it.

“Warriors, I have some news. Until about an hour ago, I had no information I can share with you, but now, things have changed. I have received word from the gods that a very powerful force is rising. Our greatest enemy of all, even greater than the Titans that you defeated last summer,” Lupa said slowly, emphasizing each words like they were kindergarteners and had to listen very carefully to understand. The room’s tension rose as she said her next three words. “Terra is rising.”
over a year ago AnnabethGranger said…
omg finally the curse of Achilles comes in and tera rises! cant wait for your next chapter! cuz i adored this one! and wow dakota is a meany i mean tripping people all the time and having ghosts pop out wow.........just wow. Omg how cool would it be if they became like besties that would be so unexpected! well keep writing cuz im lovin it dear!
~~~Love, Annabeth Granger
over a year ago TheMagicWord said…
Aww why'd it have to end? It was amazing
over a year ago percysmile said…
That was wow that was more them amazing

What did Percy remember?
Was it nico?
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
they found out about Percy's invincibility cool. that was an awesome chapter!!!! Dakota, lol.
I read your ramblings!!!!
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
OMG!!! Percy wondered why he wasn't hurt.... so goood
O my hood job!!!! Keep this up.. the scrunched up face hahaha that was good
Ur reay good continue writing

over a year ago Thalia67 said…
So here is the latest chapter. No rambling today. I really have to go get in the shower, and I wanted to put this on here before. So here ya go!

Chapter 8


Reyna didn’t know what to expect when Lupa had called her from her own office to Lupa’s. It wasn’t uncommon for the two to meet and plan training exercises and such, but this time, there were five others with them. From the moment Lupa had led her to the others she knew something was up, but she didn’t know what.

But never in a million years had she expected this. Terra, the earth itself, was awakening. And this was definitely not good, seeing as she despised the Olympians and wanted the Titans to rule. If the gods were right, oh gods they were in trouble. Even a daughter of Mars was afraid of this woman.

Who knew what she would have planned for the world? “Lupa, but how can this be? She was put into a deep sleep. It has been so long and she can’t be rising from her slumber! Can’t the gods do anything? I mean, why are you telling us this? We aren’t powerful enough to go up against her, who controls the ground we are standing on right now!” Reyna asserted firmly. This was impossible. The gods had to be lying in hopes of getting a laugh out of the demigods going around trying to figure out her supposed plan.

“Daughter of Mars, do not interrogate me. I know what the gods have told me and what they have told me not to reveal. I have only assumptions after that. Now there is one thing that I will tell you that will give you some comfort, and it involves your quest, Reyna,” Lupa said. She sounded angry, but then again, she always seemed to sound that way. The only way to tell was if she was yelling at you, or tearing you limb from limb. Personally, Reyna didn’t know which.

But right now, all she cared about was what Lupa had to say about her quest. “Reyna, I have received news about Jason. Now, there isn’t a lot I can tell you, or it would disrupt the course of events that need to take place. What I do know, is that he is safe. He is alive, but I can’t tell you where. All you need to know is that for now, he is safe from harm,” Lupa told her. Reyna nodded, her face showing nothing. On the inside, she didn’t know what to feel. She was glad that he was safe, but why couldn’t she go to him? Where was he that she wasn’t allowed?

But she didn’t voice any of these worries or questions. Already she had been reprimanded for the objections earlier. Reyna didn’t want her spot on the top of the chain of command to be taken away.

“Reyna, you may still go and look for him if you please, but I doubt you will find where he is. There are forces at work to make sure no one can find that place. Percy, you are to set out on your quest early tomorrow. Things have moved quite quickly, and Terra is working through a plan. From what I know, her power will be great enough for it in one week. By that time, you need to stop her. If not, well, not even the gods will be able to help us,” Lupa continued. Like it was at many times, the room was silent. Everyone was still taking in the information.

Finally Percy said something. “So, this quest, how do I know where to go? I mean, G-Terra could be anywhere. Also, I’m allowed to take two people right? I mean, that’s what it said in the prophesy,” Percy questioned. Reyna wondered the same thing. They didn’t have very much information to go on for either of their quests. But that wouldn’t stop her from looking. She would go, with or without Bobby.

Lupa nodded. “Yes, you are allowed to take two companions, no more. About the location. I do have some information about that, but it is mostly speculation and rumors. She is the earth, so of course, she is everywhere, but the place where she is laying out her newest plan is Lake Erie. You may choose who your companions are now, or you may think about it a while. It is your choice. As for the rest of you, as the heads of your cabins, you are to do everything you can to get the camp ready. The next phase for us, will be a tough one, and we need every bit of weakness weaned out.” She seemed to be done with everything she had to talk to, but the floor was opened up for the rest of them.

There was one more question that hadn’t been addressed apparently. “So, how did Percy get to the Underworld and become invincible? Do you know anything about what he knew before he came here? How did this wimpy kid get so strong without training here?” Dakota asked. It was an honest question, but obviously not one Lupa wanted, or could, answer.

“That is not for me to answer. That is for Percy to figure out. When the time is right, all the questions will be answered. But as of now, it is not right. And I’m not the right person to tell you anything more than you already know,” Lupa answered. With a flick of her paw, they were dismissed. The six walked out the door, and swung it closed behind them. No one had anything to say for a minute. But then Reyna decided to say something before they went back to the rest of training.

“Look, we know now that Jason is safe. But even with that news, I still want to go looking. Bobby, you didn’t say much in there, and I just want to know if you would still go look with me for him,” Reyna said. He nodded, so she went on. “Gwen, I would like for you to come with us. You have stuck by finding him the last 4 days, and I think you are the best choice for this.” Gwen nodded enthusiastically, and Reyna was glad she had agreed. Being a daughter of Minerva, she was good at strategies, tactics and was basically a walking history book. Besides that, Gwen was a friend.

“Well, if we are choosing people to go on quests with, I have my choice. Hazel and Dakota, I think you two are good choices for this. If you don’t want to, that’s fine, I completely understand,” Percy asked expectantly. Reyna waited for their answer for only a second before both of them said yes and quite a bit of other stuff that was lost in the tangled net of their voices.

Reyna smiled just a bit. The three would make a good team she was sure. Hazel, the quiet, soft one, who would be calm in just about any situation. Dakota, the kid who wouldn’t hesitate to get into a battle. And then there was Percy. She didn’t know what to say about him. From what she could tell, he was an extremely loyal person, who would do just about anything for a friend. He wasn’t scared of anything, and he took things head on. He would be a good leader for them.

She turned away and headed down a hallway to where her office quarters were. Some of her more valuable things were there, and she needed to get ready to leave. They would be gone at sunrise if she had anything to say about. And Reyna did.