The Heroes of Olympus Forbidden

rapunzeleah123 posted on Apr 25, 2011 at 03:19PM
Chapter One
Annabeth's POV
Camp Half-Blood, by the cabins
Late evening

"You coming, seaweed brain?" I laughed. Percy--my boyfriend!--came running up the hill, panting. "Geez, Annabeth! You could beat a dryad in a foot race!" But he was smiling that incredibly cute grin, that always made me melt. What was it about that smile?
Anyway, he stepped toward me, putting his hand on my cheek. I leaned in, expecting a long kiss, but our lips had barely touched when Percy cursed. "Campfire!" I rolled my eyes and grabbed his hand. "C'mon..."
We ran toward the trees where smoke curled up toward the ever-darkening sky. We quickly darted into our seats before anyone saw us. Just in time, too.
"Campers!" Chiron the centaur called.
We all composed ourselves (generally) while he made the announcements. Clarisse, (the biggest, ugliest, meanest, dirtiest Ares kid of the bunch) sitting behind me under the Ares banner, tapped me on the shoulder and growled, "You and Barnacle Boy gonna sneak out early tonight? Cuz if so, don't forget your blueprints. I'm sure that's how you'll spend the rest of the night." She snickered. I resisted the urge to punch her in the face, and instead tried the diplomatic approach. "Of course," I said sweetly, "you'd have to actually have to have a relationship survive more than a week and a half before you make innuendos about other couples, Clarisse," and turned back to Chiron.
" camper. So please make her feel welcome." We all clapped politely, but new demigods had been popping up like baby rabbits lately. Chiron motioned for her to get up on stage.
Everyone gaped. Sixteen or so, saying that she was beautiful was like saying that Clarisse could be a little rude. Gorgeous chestnut brown hair fell like a waterfall to her waist. Her long, slightly upturned nose accented her delicately perfect face. Her rose-red lips were slightly parted. The light tan glowed in the approaching starlight.
Great, I thought, rolling my eyes. Just what we need, another Aphrodite kid.
But then I saw her eyes.
Silver. Not gray, like mine, but the irises seemed to radiate pure moonlight. They were intelligent, too. Being Athena's kid let you know when someone was intellegent or not.
Of COURSE there had to be a riot. Apollo's cabin against Demeter, Dionysis vs Athena, everyone wondering the same thing:
Who was her godly parent?
"CAMPERS!" Chiron yelled.
We shut up.
"This is Lilianna. She will be staying in the Big House until her parent claims her, so if you'll come with me, child..."
"I already know who my godly parent is." This creature, this girl said in a musical, bell-like voice.
I gasped. How?
Lilianna took a deep breath. We all sat, transfixed now. "My godly parent is Artemis."

The Heroes of Olympus 304 replies

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over a year ago DorkameseTwitch said…
OMFG....Totally like it....Post more!!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
Chapter Two:

What? No! That's not possible! Artemis hates guys! What? Confusing! WHAT?!
Apparently, the rest of the camp thought the same thing! Aphrodite girls were glaring at her, Apollo guys "knew Artemis couldn't resist for long," my cabin was shaking their heads, the Hypnos cabin was actually making an effort to stay awake, Nico was looking at her, frowning, and Percy looked at her like she was a mildly interesting bird. I, on the other hand, was thinking. Zeus, the king of the gods, had fallen off the wagon. But had thought Artemis was tougher than that. Plus, like I said before, she hated guys. So...the real question was, who was her father?
"Demigods!" Chiron stamped a hoof impatiently. "Di immortales, children. SHUT UP!"
You would have been able to her a pin drop, it was so silent after that. Chiron never said shut up. Usually he would just curse in ancient Greek, or in English. Chiron never said "shut up". It was against his rules or something.
Anyway, we stopped talking. Chiron tentatively touched Lilianna's shoulder. "What do you mean? Artemis has no children. You must be mistaken--"
"No. My mother conceived and carried me, and then under the light of the moon I was born. Artemis loved me so much that she begged Zeus to keep me alive, as long as I was a secret. Zeus agreed. So I lived with my mother in secrecy. However, when the Titan Atlas captured my mother, I escaped. I tried to rescue Mom. But then...Kronos took me captive. He thought I'd be valuable to the 'cause,' as he called it. But when I didn't use my powers, except to try to escape, he threw me out on the streets in discust. I lived by myself until Chiron found me and took me here."
Powers? Atlas? Kronos?
"And what are your powers, child?" Chiron asked.
Lilianna took a deep breath, and then she was gone! I mean, she was still there--I was pretty sure--but she had turned invisible! But less than a few seconds later, she was back. I mean visible.
"And that's not all," she said, and closed her eyes. The fire went out, and Lilianna opened her eyes. Now even the moon was dark. I couldn't see a thing. It was pitch black. All the other kids were screaming, but then something happened, and then--the fire lit back up. The moon's light returned. The campers stopped yelling their heads off. I took a deep breath.
"I think that I have more powers, but I've never tried it out. I should, probably, now. Um, so yeah." Artemis's daughter stepped off the stage, and sat down by herself under the Artemis banner, rubbing her arm. All the cabins stared at her.
"All right, campers," Chiron mumbled, after an awkward silence. "Lights out. Head back to the cabins."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Perseus54321 said…
Really good
over a year ago TheMagicWord said…
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
TheMagicWord was it good? Or wow like you could have done better wow?
over a year ago DorkameseTwitch said…
Eek....i think its good....Post more....
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
I will! I'll finish the story! Don't worry;)
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
Hey! Let me know if you have any ideas for the next chapter: should lilianna have another power or two? If so, what kind of power? Post on my wall!
over a year ago TheMagicWord said…
Wow lie wow that was good. It's very original. Most of the forums here are SoN's trying to get popular (guilty). But I'm curious to see where you're going to take this
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
Chapter Three:
A New Routine

Life with Lilianna in the camp was...different, to say the least. No longer were the Aphrodite girls the center of cosmetic attention; instead, they gave her pointers on stuff like where to put makeup (she had perfect skin), eyeliner (how could her eyes be more noticeable?), her wardrobe (of course a silvery shirt and jeans that seemed to shimmer were terrible fashion statements), and her hair (the perfect side-braid or the light as air yet still thick curtain of waist-length molasses locks. Boy, does she need a makeover!). I'll admit, I was a little jealous at how much Percy hung out with Lilianna. Not only was she indescribably beautiful, she talked to animals, knew the forest like she'd lived in it for forever, and was even better at basketball and archery than the Apollo kids or even the Hunters of Artemis themselves. This bloodline was ticking me off. Especially because she was my friend, too. You couldn't help but like her. And yet, day after day, I couldn't bring myself to ask who her dad was. This was the closest I'd come to:
We were walking along in the forest one evening, looking for something to hunt."So, Lili," (everybody had started to call her "Did you know anyone else while you lived with...your mom?"
She sighed. "Well, there was Nina. My aunt. When I was younger, she would take me to ball games, because I hated ballet and all that girly stuff. I also learned to shoot a gun at an early age and she would take me deer hunting.
"I knew about gods, too, when I was very, very young. Living with one kinda does that..." She smiled a little bit, looking like she was reminiscing.
"Anyone else?" Immediately I regretted saying that, because her face grew sad and she said hurriedly, "There's the conch, time for dinner," and dashed off. I pursed my lips and decided that it was time to talk with Percy.

I stomped out of the forest ready to yell at Percy, but then, "Annabeth! Come here! I want to show you something!" Percy said, smiling THAT smile. All my anger with him about Lili dissolved, being replaced with curiosity. "What is it?" "You'll see in a second." With that, he took my hand and led me to the arena.
"Yeah, what about it?......ohhhh."
A small, square table had been set in the middle of the training area, decked out in a lace tablecloth and set with china plates and two sets of silverware. Two chairs were pulled out, across from each other. A pair of magic crystal goblets sat on the table. A bright, burning candle sat in the middle, right next to of delivery pizza. I tried not to giggle, but failed.
"I know that the meal itself isn't formal, but you'd be amazed at what  kind of stuff Connor Stoll can get," he chuckled, gesturing to the table. I sat down across from him, still dazed. "Wow......this is so--wow!" I gasped.
"I just thought about how long it had been since we'd gone on a date, so I set this up. I'm glad we're together," he said, smiling.
That reminded me of something that cleared my head. "Oh yeah? Then what's with you and Lilianna hanging out all the time?"
He raised his hands defensively. "Annabeth, I like talking to her because, like me, she is a forbidden child, but she doesn't lose her temper like Thalia. I love you."
Scarcely had the words escaped his lips then he had covered his mouth.
I smiled, really smiled, for the first time in what felt like weeks. "I love you, too, Percy."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
Don't worry, that's not the end. I'll let you guys know when it's the end...
over a year ago NicoDiAngelo4 said…
That was awesome Leah! Can I call u that? It's kinda like the end of ur username and well yah:) but, anywho totally awesome! I seriously can't wait to find out what gonna happen! This sounds like it's going to be an awesomely ah-mazing story!! And Percy and Annabeth<33 Awww! Soo cute! Ur a great write, please keep on writing!!!!!!!:))
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
Thanks! And yeah you can call me Leah, that's actually my first name:)
over a year ago DorkameseTwitch said…
Yeah u posted....Sugoi!!!!....
Love ur fanfic....cant wait for the next chapter.....
over a year ago Starlight1o1 said…
It a cool story. Very creative too. I don't want to sound mean or anything but the way R.R. descriped Artimis I didn't think she was even close to being able falling in love with a guy but seeing a daughter or Artimis is cool. Maybe that's why all the campers were so suprized. I'm sort of guilty of creating an O.C. that's a daughter of Artimis but she wasn't born the normal way and Artimis didn't fall in love to have the child so I kind of bypast that thing. As soon as I read the eye thing I'm like daughter of Artimis because my O.C. daughter of Artimis also has eyes the colour of the moon but I didn't think about giving her magical powers. The story is really good so far though and I can't wait to see where you take this.
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
Yeah.....Im not sure if she had a father or not....but Artemis did fall in love with Orion, except stupid Apollo killed him. So Artemis swore to never love again. But gods arent perfect, and Artemis isnt excluded from that. Thanks for the constructive criticism, though. Gives me something to think about :)
over a year ago Starlight1o1 said…
Thanks and your welcome. I almost forgot about Orion. Even though I ask people to give me constructive critisism on my forum people never do. Constructive critism can help authours grow and improve their work so if you can count what I wrote as constructive critisim that's good for you.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
Yeah! I want to improve :)
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
big smile
Hey guys!! To all you Forbidden fans out there, would you post some ideas on MY profile wall of if you think Lilianna should have another power, and if so, what would it be? Gotta have your answers before I can post another chapter......just so you know
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
Chapter Four:

I felt a lot better about Percy hanging out with Lili after that. I liked her a lot more too. 

But every Thursday, around noon, I saw Lili run into the forest like she had something to do.

Another day, I asked her if she knew what her fatal flaw was. All of a sudden, tears just started pouring sown her face.
"I'm sorry, Annabeth, but I have to go."
She backed away and I watched her go puzzledly. Could her fatal flaw be that she didn't like to answer personal questions?

Quick glimpse of Lilianna's POV so you know what she's feeling right now:

I cursed. Why couldn't I do it? Why couldn't I admit that I had a fatal flaw? Why is my fatal flaw what it is? I wish I didn't have one. Never mind, I take that back. Flaws are healthy. They show that you're human....well, you know what I mean. No one is perfect. Everybody just thinks that I am.

Back to Annabeth's POV:

I wondered if she knew what my fatal flaw was. Maybe if I told her, she would understand that I wanted to help her. That's what friends do, right?
So the next day, I talked to her. Asked how she was and didn't try to rush it on her.
"Lili, do you want to know what my fatal flaw is? It's hubris," I explained carefully. "It means that I think I could do everything better than everybody else. So, basically, I have an extraordinary amount of self-confidence." I watched her face all while I told her this.
"Thanks for telling me, Annabeth. That is probably not something that you tell every new camper off the street."
"Well, you're my friend. If I don't trust you with this kind of stuff, then I don't deserve to be your friend." 
I said carefully.
She smiled a little. "Thanks. But now it's time to tell you mine." She took a deep breath. "My fatal flaw is trust."
"What?" I said, a little alarmed.
"Well, it's just that I sometimes (okay usually), either trust too quickly or trust too late. I can't help it. It's a part of me. But with you and Percy, I don't feel like I've done either of those."
I sat, awestruck at how this perfect girl could have such a big flaw.
"Don't worry," I hooked her arm through mine. "I will prove to you that you haven't made a mistake in who you trust this time."
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
Sorry if that was a little short:)
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
Also I forgot to put this earlier so here it is now; a disclaimer.
I don't own any of these characters except Lilianna. The rest belong to RR. The story is also mine, but Camp Half-Blood is also RRs. There may be some new characters that you won't have heard of before. These are also mine.
over a year ago DorkameseTwitch said…
yay you posted......more!!!!!XD
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
I'll probably post some tomorrow or sooner. It depends, do you think that I should do longer chapters like twice a week or like I'm doing now?
over a year ago DorkameseTwitch said…
well it all depends on the time you get to be shouldnt push urself to post if ur uber if ur only on a few times a week than do big chapters....but if ur on here a lot you could do really just depends on you.....
over a year ago Perseus54321 said…
I really like this
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
Yeah, you're probably right:) I'm on a lot. So time to post again!......
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
Chapter Five:
Lili's First Battle

"So, if you don't mind my asking, do you know who your dad is?" I inquired tentatively, knowing that the mortal parent could be a touchy subject, because it had been for me.
Her face got that sad expression that it had earlier. "My father...I never met him, but my mother says she knows that she made a mistake. She says--she says he reminded her of Orion, his laugh, his love of hunting, his rugged good looks. She did everything she could to try to forget him, but he kept pooping up. Finally she gave in, but after that she regretted her decision. 'Until you were born,' she says. 'I was so happy you were a girl. If you had been a boy, I would have been so afraid that you would look like Ryan.' Ryan being my dad, you see. I remember her coming home crying one day. I was about eight, and I was confused, because Mom never cried. Dad had died in a car accident. 'The work of Hera, no doubt,' she had said. 'She already despises me, and her husband let me, the Maiden Huntress, her husband's child by someone else, survive.' So that doesn't exactly warm her to me."
I had been frowning the whole time, because the story was so tragic. "Did he know that your mom was Artemis?"
Lili creased her eyebrows. "I think so," she replied. "Mom never told me, but I didn't bring the subject up."
"Annabeth! Lili! Come quick!" Percy shouted, running from Half-Blood Hill. "The Python of Apollo is at the top of the hill!" then ran back up the brae.*
I gasped. Lilianna looked determined. "It's time for me to demonstrate my powers." She sprinted up the hill, stopping first at the Artemis cabin and grabbed her armor. I did the same, and we met out in front.
"Ready?" I asked.
She grinned. "Oh yeah. I've waited my whole life until I could hunt some real monsters." She slung her quiver full of silver arrows (kind of like the kind the hunters of Artemis had) and her bow over her shoulder. Then we sprinted up the hill, and stopped short. The Delphian Python was a lot bigger than I expected. Over forty feet tall, he--she--IT was covered in green scales that glittered in the summer sun. Green smoke puffed out its nostrils as it opened its fanged mouth. Expecting fire, I dove to the side. But instead of fire, an acid fog oozed from the snout. So it wasn't green smoke that I saw in its nostrils, but acid! This was a problem. The only acid-breathing monster I'd ever faced kind of squirted the acid out. But fog could destroy your lungs. I drew my dagger, knowing this was the end.
over a year ago AnnabethGranger said…
i love your story it is so good!!!!! A daughter of Artemis now i see why its called forbidden. lol i never thought Artemis would have a child but i love it cant wait to see her use her powers in combat. And NOOOOOOOOOOOO this cant be the end it just started!! i love it and i no this isnt the end at worst percy or annabeth will die but i cant wait to see what happens next!
~~~~~ love, Annabeth Granger
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
It's not over yet! I'll let you know when it is!
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
AHAHAHAHA I JUST REALIZED SOMETHING! Did anyone realize that when I put, "he just kept popping up," I actually put "just kept POOPING up"!!!!! On accident!! But IT'S HILARIOUS!!
over a year ago Perseus54321 said…
I realized that, I may try to be more mature next time there's a typo because I burst out laughing when my friends were over and I showed them it but they didn't get it for a while.
over a year ago PersesJr said…
awesome oh and make percy and lili like have a moment and maybe lili will get in a moment and kiss percy and then Annabeth finds out
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
big smile
PerseusJr - i thought about that, but i think Percys more faithful than that
Perseus - yeah, I just noticed that like five minutes ago! Icshould check for typos next time...
over a year ago Alex13126 said…
You have a talent for writing :)
over a year ago PersesJr said…
i know but in RRs books it says that every gilr wants percy,and if percy and lili are both forbidden then their perfect for each other
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
True, but he already told Annabeth he loved her, so I don't want to ruin that, plus I am not breaking Percabeth up
over a year ago Perseus54321 said…
Yeah, even if he tried to cover it up, he still said it. Plus, ruining Percabeth (I really hate using that term but it's shorter) probably would kill this story. People still hate Rachel for being friends with Percy. Also, the Python is a she.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago PersesJr said…
i like percabeth but just make it more exciting by make percy and lili have a kiss
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
Confession time: I hate Rachel too, from the time he thought he had a crush on her. And yes, the name Percabeth does get annoying, but you're right it's shorter so I use it
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
Also thanks Alex!
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
PersesJr - you could argue all day but I'm not gonna make em kiss, ok?
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
Chapter Six:
More Explanations

"WOUHHHHHHHHHH!" The Python roared, and fell to the ground, dead. A silver arrow stuck out of its side, and I knew that the arrow was Lili's. The body disintegrated almost immediately. I looked for Lili, feeling sorry that se didn't get to fight it.
But Lili wasn't there.
Instead, it was a silver doe, nosing at the hide. And at the doe's side...a small fawn, wobbling on its spindly legs. The doe stopped sniffing the hide and pointed her head to the sky. As she did so, she began to glow. My instinct told me to look away. When I looked back, Artemis was standing there. Next to her, the fawn did the same thing, but the glow wasn't as bright.
Next thing I knew, Lilianna was standing next to her mother. All of the campers, including me, gaped. Chiron clopped forward and kneeled. "Lady Artemis, Daughter of Zeus, Ruler of the Night. What have we done to be graced by your presence?"
Artemis smiled, a rare but beautiful sight. "Chiron, you train your demigods well. However, I have come to witness my daughter's first battle. And she has singlehandedly taken down the Python of Delphi."
All the campers started whispering. How? How is that possible?
"I suppose I am partly to blame for not giving your campers a good fight. Five years ago, just before the Second Titan War began, and Percy Jackson had just arrived at your camp, Chiron" here she nodded at my boyfriend, "I gave Lilianna some of my own arrows, which I use when I hunt wild beasts.
"I told my daughter that one day she would have to leave and come here. I presented those arrows and the bow as a parting gift."
As Artemis talked, a thought formed in my mind. If Artemis was here...than the Hunters of Artemis couldn't be far behind.
As if on cue, Thalia came running out of the forest.
"My lady, we found--PERCY! ANNABETH!"
I laughed out loud and jogged over to her, Percy following. We both gave her a hug. For a second, we were just wrapped up in each other. It had been almost a year since we'd seen Thalia, but we let go when Artemis cleared her throat.
"Sorry, my lady, I forgot."
"It's all right, Thalia. Just remember."
I grinned at her, and she grinned at me. We were about the same age now, and I was actually almost her height. As an immortal maiden of Artemis, Thalia joined the day before she turned sixteen to avoid the Great Prophecy of the Second Titan War. It was a little funny, too, because Thalia, as a daughter of Zeus, was Artemis's sister. Which also made her Lili's aunt, but since she was Athena's sister too I supposed she was my aunt as well.....but i stopped thinking about the Olympian family tree and asked how Thalia was doing, and if she'd gained or lost any huntresses.
Thalia looked away, and I heard her whisper, "Phoebe."
Phoebe was Thalia's best friend out of the huntresses, and her lieutenant. Percy told me that she had been at camp when I had been kidnapped by Atlas.
"Oh, I'm so sorry, Thalia," I murmured.
"Me too," Percy added, patting Thalia awkwardly on the shoulder. I saw a tear drop from Thalia's eyes before she roughly wiped it away and said, "No point in standing around crying, is there?" so we walked over to Artemis and Lilianna. And I finally asked the question that had been gnawing at my brain.
"Why were you sneaking in to the forest every day at noon?"
Lili blushed. "Artemis told me that I could trade one of the powers I already had for the power to change into animals. So I traded the power to--"

Hope you liked it! Check out which power she traded in the next chapter!
over a year ago Perseus54321 said…
Really good
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
Thanks! I will probably not post till tomorrow afternoon (I know, it's so horrible lol jk) but I might tonight
over a year ago PersesJr said…
come on pla write more
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
I will tomorrow. Promise:)
over a year ago TheMagicWord said…
gosh that reminds me of those contest shows."and the winner is"*pause*"going to be announced right after the break"
over a year ago Starlight1o1 said…
Oh my gosh you are so right. That ending totally reminds me of that. Especially when I'm watching certain shows and then there’s a commercial break and I’m like Nooooooooo! Because we are just about to learn something important.
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
big smile
I promise you guys! I will post tomorrow! Then you will no longer be in agony lol