The Heroes of Olympus A TO Z

PJacksonHead posted on Apr 25, 2011 at 09:09PM
so i love the pjo coupled and the hoo couples and especially the couples i make up. this fic is a-z fics for most of the couples. each week i will have a leter and i will write at least one story for a couple each week maybe more. there will probly be more of one couple than others. i take requests for couples and what type of story you want. i will rate each story when i post it the ratings will very. i hope you like it.

The Heroes of Olympus 6 replies

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over a year ago PJacksonHead said…
first letter is a

annabeth pov

he is always there
he will come to my rescue
and sot leave my side
help me through the pain
and protect me from more
he will always be there

april showers
piper pov

"why must it rain" i said
"because the plants need it to survive" jason said
"so who cares about plants"
"okay we need plants for oxegen and we need the water to survive" he said
"fine but i still don't have to like it"
"you don't like the rain?" he asked
"no it ruins every thing" i said leving the window"i'm going to take a shower"
"okay"he said. once i was dressed and i walked in the room i looked out the window to see the rain had stoped.
"jason the rain..."
"ya i know"he said "i placed a special request with jupiter i am his son you know"
"you are amazing" i said as i walked over to kiss him.

so what do you think?
over a year ago PJacksonHead said…
okay so hear is some thing it probely isn't good

an apple a day keeps the doctor away
will s/stella m(my oc)
stella pov

this is friend ship developing into romance this is one of my favorite couples.

"ahahahahah chooooo" i said
"bless you" lilli farmer my closest girl friend said."you now an apple a day keeps the doctor away" she said giving we an apple she just grew. she was a daughter of demeter.
"yum" i grabed the apple gredily(is that a word)
"i see you like them"
"ahahahaha chooooo"
"mabey you should go to the infermary and see one of the apollo healers"
"no i'm fahaha chooo ine"
"ya right"she said handing me a tisue
i got up and started the walk the the infurmry. lilli folowed me to make sure i got there. when we arrived i saw will my best friend and seceret crush.i sat on one of the beds.
"hey guys whats up"
"noahahaha choooo thing"
"oh i see"
"ya she has been like that all day"lilli said
"fine so you have any medicain"
"sure"he handed me an apple"you know what they say an apple a day jeeps the doctor a way" he left the room to get some real medican
"ya" i wispered to lilli"but if the docter is cute good bye fruit"
i through the apple out the window and we both laughed.

was it okay please reply
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
It was good!
Constructive criticism:
Make sure and put punctuation.
That's pretty much it! Keep up the good work!
over a year ago PJacksonHead said…
this week is b

i'll post up some later
over a year ago Asmadasahater said…
over a year ago PJacksonHead said…
sorry i may not post for a while we had to put my dog down but i hope i will post soon