The Heroes of Olympus Son of Neptune....

funkyguy1O posted on Apr 29, 2011 at 01:21PM
this is the book were Jason and his friends get ready to set sail on the Argo-II where his friends Annabeth, Leo, Piper and many more will acompany him to the Roman camp to get each camp ready to fight against the up coming war of the giants....


Disclamier- i do not own the Percy Jackson and the Olypmians and also the HoO series, all credit goes to Rick Riordan

last edited on May 01, 2011 at 09:46AM

The Heroes of Olympus 10 replies

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over a year ago funkyguy1O said…
Chapter One

Percy Jackson

Percy woke up being licked by a puppy “woah!” he bolted straight up to find himself wearing a cool pair of black shorts and a short sleeved orange T-Shirt, Percy looked around the room and started wondering where he was, then he started to panic because he didn’t remember who he was,he was just starting to get a thumping headache when a girl came in and said “so that’s where treecal went, sorry about this again” again? he thought to himself, then this guy came in and said “hey what are you guy’s doing some people are still trying to sleep you know!”
Percy said “who are you guys?” they looked at percy like he just said a really bad joke
“ha ha very funny, you tried to pull this on me last week or don’t you remember that either” the guy said with a smile, he looked about 16,17 years old.
“charlie I don’t think he’s joking” she said with a worried look on her face “Percy, are you alright?”
yeah Percy sounded familiar, “no I don’t know where I am, who you are and I did't know who i was untill you said it just now” Percy said, he started to think about anything about his life, but it felt like he was hearing static in his ears, he started to get flusterated, the girl said to Percy “Percy this is Charlie, and I’m Jenny remember?” Percy was about to say something but suddenly he wasn’t there anymore he was in water and he saw this girl, she had blonde hair and startling grey eyes, the last thing he remembered before he passed out was trying to reach out touch her face….
over a year ago funkyguy1O said…
omg that was a rubbish first chapter so much to do like make it longer but i accept spam and i love constructive critiscism so plz critisize away
*Edit* im posting on friday's and mabey on saturdays depends if im not tired
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago funkyguy1O said…
Chapter Two

Percy Jackson

Percy woke up for the 2nd time in a row without knowing where he was, he looked to his left and saw Jenny sleeping, he started to look around and saw that it was quite dark out so he guessed it was around midnight, he looked around himself a bit more and he thought it looked a bit like a place he knew, where there were beds around him in a building that was shaped a bit like a rectangal, then he fell back and got a piercing pain in the back of his head, he wasn’t there anymore he was on a porch on a farm? he guessed so anyway because there were strwaberry fields around him and he saw there was that girl next to him spoon feeding this boy while he was unconsoiss he looked about 12ish and Percy got a bit jealous and wished it would be him get fed by that girl again and got a feeling that, that was him. he woke from his dream wanting to know the girls name when Jenny said “oh my gosh percy, you had me so worried, you just fell back screaming so charlie went and got miss gild to come and see what was wrong with you-”
“who’s miss Gild?”Percy asked
“oh, she’s the nurse” she said a bit sadly “but you don’t remember do you?”, then she walked out of the room. Charlie walked in and said “comon man, we’ve got to go”, “ok let’s go” Percy said as he was pulling of the bed covers, as they walked out of the room and met up with Jenny Charlie stopped, “whats wrong charlie?” percy asked,
“I’m glad I waited for my mistress will be very pleased when I bring her you” Charlie said, but as he was saying that he started to grow and turn and he formed into a humgous snake, then a girl came charging down the corridor she said “exuro in abyssus” and Charlie started to burn and the girl said to Percy “comon lets go we have to get back to camp-” she started to say but Percy cut her off and said
“who are you?, where are we going?, and what was that thing?”
“it’s called a hydra, we are going to camp or the fortress is a better name for it, it’s where Demi-gods like us go and you guy’s are Demi-gods and my name is Gwen Gibbs daughter of Trivia” she said, no wait that doesn’t sound right Percy thought, then Jenny asked “what the hell are you talking about?”
Gwen said “the Roman god’s are real and they come down to earth and meet mortals and they have us, demigods” “comon I’ll tell you the rest on the way, you need to go to Lupa”.

over a year ago funkyguy1O said…
can someone plz comment so i dont think i did tthis all for nothing if you dont comment ill be hert
over a year ago funkyguy1O said…
Chapter 3

Annabeth Chase

Annabeth walked into Bunker 9, “hey Annabeth” Leo said
“hey valdez, how’s the boat coming along?” Annabeth said a bit hopefully
“sheesh, Annabeth, you asked me like an hour again” Leo gave a forced laugh
“im sorry Leo, it’s just…..” Annabeth’s voice trailed off.
“yeah, don’t worry Annabeth, I’m sure he’s fine” Leo said reasurringly
“yeah, yeah you’r right, so how is the boat coming along?” Annabeth asked curiously
“well we have to put the sails on, attach the solar panels and then board all the weapons and then the counselors” Leo said
“ok thanks Leo, im going to go see how pipers doing” and Annabeth walked over to the training arena where she was doing some last minuete training, “hey piper, doing some last minuete training I see?” Annabeth said, “yeah well you don’t know good the romans will be plus I heard jason say you have to prove your strength to make them like you, or something like that” Piper said with beads of sweat drpping off of her forehead “ok so 1 on 1?” Annabeth said
“sure, I also have something to tell you” Piper said with a smile spread on her lips

Jason Grace

Jason was playing a bit of basket ball when Drew came over. “what do you want Drew..” Jason said
“just came over here to tell you that Pipers taken now” Drew said it like he was suppost too miss it.
“wow that’s great for Piper, who is it?” Jason said
“Joe Bruck from what you Roman’s call Valcan-” but Jason interupted her
“ he’s called Vulcan not Valcan” he said a bit anoyed
“whatever I don’t care” she said
“so why did you say his Roman counter part instead of his greek counter part” Jason said, Drew’s face was pricless so Jason started laughing, she growled and stormed off so Jason went to look for his new friend he made Jack Grill from the Hecate cabin.

Piper Mc’Lean
2 hours before

Piper was walking to the Arena when she saw Joe Bruck drawing a picture of a sword under a tree, so she went over there and joined him “hey Joe, what you doing?”
“hey Piper, just drawing a picture of this really weird sword I saw in my dreams”
“really? cool, let’s see” Joe passed Piper the drawing “ wow Joe this is a piece of art!”
“umm thanks” Joe blushed “you ever been horse riding?”
“no only pegasus riding” Piper said
“comon” Joe got up and helped Piper up “let’s go” and they walked up to the stables.
“ok, its easy, follow my lead” Joe said so they rode into the woods
“ahhh” Piper yelled as they turned a sharp coner and piper fell off,
“Piper!” Joe yelled as he jumped of his horse “Piper are you ok?”
“umm” Piper blushed, as they moved in closer and closer and they kissed.
“ummm that was…nice” Joe said as he smiled and blushed
“haha yeah” Piper smiled
“so how’s your leg?” Joe said
“its fine, now” she said dreamily
“ok so should we get back to camp?” Joe asked
“yeah, but im not riding back” Piper said, Joe held out his hand
“comon we’ll walk” Joe said,Piper took it and they walked back.

the sword Joe saw in his dreams (the left one with the wierd handle) soz couldnt find anything better
last edited over a year ago
Chapter 3

Annabeth Chase

Annabeth walked into Bunker 9, “hey Annabeth” Leo said
“hey val
over a year ago funkyguy1O said…
i guess nobodys commenting :(
over a year ago neptune4 said…
I think this is a great fanfic please keep posting
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
its amazing !! loved the chapters !MGs (My gods) cant belive piper got a guy :DD your chapters are really good so far but i advise you to take it slower your rushing. cant wait for the next chapter. and yayy im the first to comment on this !!!:DD
over a year ago funkyguy1O said…
awesome ppl comented i gues i must be doing something right *blakerose12 yeah it's gonna be a suprise what happends to Piper and Joe but its gonna happen to them like it did to another couple just not the same way and thanks ill take it slower and try and make em longer because i never liked short chapters.
*neptune4 thank you and sure i'll keep posting just did this cuz psn's down and im really bored!! (playstation network)but i like it plus its way better than flaming everyone on blackops *says sarcasticly* so im im gonna keep writing cuz of u ppl!! im gonna start writing the next chapter now! or tomorrow!! i'll give u one tuesday bout 5pm english time 10:45pm saturday so yh but this is a party cuz it's my friends b day tommorrow and it was just easter and also cuz i liked britains got talent tonight! kk well thanks for commenting guys!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Aphroditeskid21 said…
big smile
Well i saw your message and i love your story and only thing is make them longer and i cant wait to check out more
and sorry i havent posted ill be back in a couple of more weeks maybe summer time