The Heroes of Olympus Adventure of a Lifetime

PenelopeWolf1 posted on May 01, 2011 at 11:32PM
Introducing New characters along with Percy Jackson.

(MC = Main Character,SC = Secondary Character)

Percy Jackson - Poseidon (MC)

Evelyn Jones - Venus (MC)

Connor Stronghold - Vulcan (MC)

Reyna Rosen - Apollo (SC)

Dakota Kane - Mars (SC)

Hazel Wilson - Venus (SC)

Gwendolyn Porter - Minerva (SC)

Bobby Porter - Minerva (SC)

Percy wakes up on the beach somewhere in California and meets this seriously pretty girl named Evelyn, and this guy named Connor. They get an unexspected visitor and then are whisked away off to this camp. They then start the adventure of a lifetime, a chance to find out the truth.

The Heroes of Olympus 38 replies

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over a year ago PenelopeWolf1 said…
Chapter 1:
Percy Jackson

I woke up on a the sand. The ocean spread out in front of me for hudred of thousands of miles. I looked around, there was parents with children, people playing volleyball, people surfing. I tried to remeber how I got there... Wait a minute... What's my name?! I couldn't remeber! I didn't think long before a long haired,blonde with dazzling blue/green/brown eyes came over tapped me on the head, hard. Her eyes kept shifting different colors. She was wearing white shorts, white flipflops, and a blue and white tank-top. Her hair was pulled back in a high ponytail.

"Percy, there you are! I've been looking all over for you!" The pretty girl said. She had a British accent and

Percy sounded right.

I said somthing really smart like: "Uhm... Gah... Whaa...?"

She rolled her eyes. "Come on Percy! My mum and dad is waiting for us!" She said and grabbed my arm. "Connor is already at the car."

I stood up and pulled my arm away from her. "I-I don't know what your talking about, or who you are!" I stammered.

Her smile faded. She searched my face. "Your serious." She said and then her face got red. "Percy we HAVE to talk to my dad about this." She grabbed my arm and dragged me across the beach.

We were stopped by a buff dude who looked like he'd been in the sun too long. His skin was so tan it looked like he was a barbaque chicken, his hair was so blond it was almost white, and he had a 8 pack. When he smiled he should have had a sign that read: "DO NOT LOOK INTO TEETH -- PERMANENT BLINDNESS MAY OCCUR"

"Hey Evie." He said and winked at Evelyn.

Evelyn smiled but looked like she was biting back a gag. "Hello Riley." She said through gritted teeth.

"So, whhere are you going Jackson?" He asked me. "I thought you wanted to surf me, did you Chicken out?"

Evelyn sucked in a breath. "Go. Away. Riley." She snapped and walked around him. "Come on Percy."

Riley grabbed her arm. "Your not going anywhere Half-blood."

She gave him a confused look and then gasped. Her face contorted in pain. Then she kicked him in the face and he let go of her arm.

It was purple and blue. She winced. "Evelyn are you ok?" I asked. She nodded. Then she paled. "WATCH OUT!" She screamed and we ducked.

Riley had turned into a puff of smoke. A storm spirit, I thought. Then I thought: How did I know that? I didn't have much time to dwell on it before I got hit in the chest.

I fell with a hard THUD. I groaned as the storm spirit, Riley, was over me with his grip on Evelyn. I sat up but at that moment I had a sword to my chest. "I've known about Evelyn and Connor for weeks, I could have killed them whenever, but I was waiting for a special package. Now I get to kill all three of you."

Before he could react Evelyn jumped and swung her leg and hit Riley in the face. (If they have faces.)

He flew back and Evelyn helped me up. "You ok?" She asked. I nodded. "Peachy." I croaked. "Man up. This isn't over, I have a feeling."

She was right. I put my hand in my pocket and pulled out a pen. I took the cap off and in a matter of half a second it turned into a sword.

Evelyn gasped and her eyes widened. "What the crap, Percy!" She said and smiled.

I nodded and smiled back. "Let's do this." I said.

Evelyn grabbed a giant stick from the sand by us and nodded.

"Nice knowing you buddy." She murmured.

"Back at you, Buddy." I said and then we did the stupidest thing ever.

We charged the Storm Spirit.

Hope you like it! :)
over a year ago percysmile said…
That was awesome I did not like it though

I did not love it

I adorded it it was really good l LOVED IT
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago daniela2mimi said…
I also loved it,haha he called her a pretty girl
over a year ago percysmile said…
^^^^^^^^ what he said
over a year ago PenelopeWolf1 said…
Haha Thanks guys! And yeahhh Percy called Evelyn a 'Pretty girl' Haha :) I'm making the next chapter right now soo be ready ;))
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago TheMagicWord said…
Nice a few of the lines were way too straight-out-of-TLO-ish, but it's good. I'm looking forward to the next chapter.
over a year ago PenelopeWolf1 said…
Chapter 2:
Evelyn Jones

I didn't know what the bloody hell I was doing, all I know was that I was fightning something that could not be hit. Oh, and it didn't help all I had was a giant stick and Percy had a sword that changed into a pen!

Jeez he was a hottie... I thought. SNAP OUT OF IT EVELYN! I screamed at my self and then jumped and kicked the storm spirit in the back of the head. Good Part: He flew back 10 feet. Bad Part: He was very, very, VERY angry. Other Bad Part: He was coming after me.

He closed in on me. I would either drown in the ocean or I could get hit by a storm thingy. "Any last words, Demi-god?" He asked.

I nodded and smiled brightly. "Head's up Dummy el espíritu del mal tormenta." I said and ducked just ask Percy stabbed the storm spirit. (By the way I called the storm spirit, Still creepy and wierd that i am so calm about this, Dummy the evil storm spirit. Hehe, I is evil.

I looked up and Percy and Riley the-evil-phsyco-storm-spirit-thingy-mah-bo­bbe­r was almost beating him up. I walked slowly up to the storm spirit and with my giant stick I bonked him on the head. (Do they have heads?? Whatever i did, it knocked him out soo... I'm happy.) HE fell to the ground and turned into a human boy.

"Percy, you ok?" I asked him and walked over to him.

He nodded and looked at me funny. "You hit a storm cloud and knocked it out with a giant stick." He said.

I laughed and hugged him. "I'm glad your not dead, Percy." I whispered.

He hugged me back. "I'm glad your not dead either."

I smiled and then my smile faded. A brown,curly haired boy was looking scared. Then all the sudden he flew into the air. "CONNOR!" I screamed and Percy and I ran over to the spot where Connor was just standing.

"Percy, Throw me up into the air. Hurry!" I said and he grabbed my foot and threw me into the air.

I twisted in the air to get more strength and grabbed Connor's foot.

"Connor! Spread your arms! NOW!" I yelled and he did.

The storm spirit held on but tried to get rid of me by swinging side to side. Good thing I was in Ti-Kwan-Do and cheerleading or else this next move would have hurt. Badly.

What I did was swung my leg up ontp Connors shoulders and then kicked the storm spirit in the head.
Good part: He let go of Connor.
Bad Part: We were falling towards the middle of the ocean.
Other Bad part: Connor was screaming bloody murder.

Will post more soon :)
over a year ago PenelopeWolf1 said…
Chapter 3:
Percy Jackson

As I watched Evelyn fight that storm spirit, I felt helpless. Then I felt freaked when they were plumetted toward the ocean. "NOO!" I yelled. I felt a pull in my gut all the sudden and then I ran at top speed to the ocean.

I jumped in it, forgetting about Riley the Storm Spirit Pshyco on the beach, and went under. I held my breath and then I had to breath and exhaled quickley. I could... BREATHE?! I smiled. Cool! Ithought. Then I saw two figures come down into the water. They were okay... I think. I swam over to them and grabbed their hands. I willed a bubble to go around us and when it did Evelyn and Connor panted and sucked in a lot of air.

"Bloody Hell, Percy!" Evelyn said in her British accent, smiling. (She has a nice smile. And she's pretty, did i mention that?)

"Yeah seriously P. This is wicked!" Connor said smiling.

I laughed. "Yeah, Yeah, let's just hope we live..." I will the currents to take us up to shore and they answered. We went on the beach and collapsed.

"I've never, EVER, been happier in my life to see land!" Connor said and kissed the sand. He wipped his mouth and scruched his nose. "That was a bad idea..." HE muttered.

Evelyn laughed. She looked at her water-proof watch. "Oh no! Mum and dad!" She said and stood up and ran for her life. I looked at Connor and he smirked.

Then we followed suit.


Connor and I found Evelyn at the top of the hill by a mini-van. Evelyn looked just like her dad. He had the same Blonde hair and he looked like an easy-going guy. Evelyn's mom had hair so black it looked like it had blue and purple highlights. She looked spanish, and was pretty. But not Evelyn pretty.

Mr. Jones, Evelyn's dad, looked at me and nodded. "Evelyn told us everything. I think it's time." He said.

I looked at Evelyn and then at Connor.

Evelyn looked confused, and Connor looked even MORE confused.

"Where dad?" Evelyn asked.

"To where you belong, hija." Mrs. Jones said.

"But... Where is that Mr. and Mrs. J?" Connor asked, worry filled his voice.

"To Half-Blood Academy, a camp for children like you." Mr. Jones said.


We were on the highway going to that 'Camp' when I got a funny feeling somthimg bad was going to happen.

"Evelyn! I'm serious!" Connor was saying to Evelyn.

"I know you are but seriously, Connor! Really? I mean you REALLY want me to play Yu-Gi-Oh? When we are going to a foreign place? Where we would be the new kids? Where --" Evelyn was saying.

"Okay! Okay! I get it! I give up!" Connor said and held up his hands in surrender.

I smiled and Evelyn smiled back. "You know, Percy..." Evelyn started.

I held up my hands. "No way am I playing Yu-Gi-Oh with Connor. No effence." I added to Connor who smirked and rolled his eyes and muttered what suspiciously like "Whatever Punk."

Evelyn giggled. "That's not it... I wanted to ask you if --" She got cut off by a loud RAWR! CRUSH! BANG! THUD!

I looked out the window and practically fainted. Evelyn looked to and she paled.

"No. Bloody. Way." She said. "That's the Nemian Lion!"

Thanks guys! :)
over a year ago percysmile said…
That was awesome time for Percy to show his mad skills (you changed your Pic)
over a year ago PenelopeWolf1 said…
Haha yepp ;) Percy will show off his Wicked Skillz! (Yepp(: )
Chapter 4 is on the way ;)
over a year ago PenelopeWolf1 said…
This is what Evelyn look like
This is what Evelyn look like
over a year ago PenelopeWolf1 said…
And this is what Connor looks like
And this is what Connor looks like
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
Whoa another fanfic!!! its so awesome!!!! nemean lion *gasp*
over a year ago PenelopeWolf1 said…
Hahah! Yepp ;D Thanks for reading it!
over a year ago PenelopeWolf1 said…
Chapter 4
Percy Jackson

"I thought it was a Myth!" Connor said, fear filling his voice.

"So did I! But after what happened at the bloody beach --" Evelyn started but her mom cut her off.

"What happened at the Beach Evelyn?" She asked sharply.

"I --" Evelynh started and then got intteruppted agian by her dad yelling: "EVERYONE OUT OF THE CAR!"

We all got out of the car just as the Nemian Lion pounced on it.

"Georgie, take the children through the woods. I can hold it off." Evelyn's dad told Evelyn mom.

"Dad no!" Evelyn said. "We do this together!" Then she grabbed another giant stick. (What is it with her and Giant sticks?!)

I pulled out my pen/sword and uncapped it.

Connor's eyes widened and then he pulled somthing out of his pocket. It was a knife.

"Seriously?!" Evelyn said. "You get knives and swords and I get a giant stick!"

"Evelyn, SO not the time!" I told her and then we all got into position.

Mr and Mrs. Jones stayed back and grabbed sticks with their daughter.

The nemian Lion looked at them and snarled. Then he pounced.

We all ducked and I stabbed the Lion in the tummy. It didn't affect him.

Evelyn bonked him on the head with the stick and that made him really mad.

Evlyn backed up into a tree with the Nemian Lion about to pounce.

"BACK OFF MY DAUGHTER YOU FUZZ BALL!" Mr. Jones yelled and threw the stick and hit it on the head. It turned and snarled and punced at Mr. Jones.

"DAD!" Evelyn screamed.

Mr. Jones rolled out the way. And Mrs. Jones helped him up.

Connor stabbed it's back.

"Connor get it's mouth open!" I yelled.

Connor yelled back : "HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO DO THAT?!"

I yelled back : "STAB IT'S EYEBALL!"

He looked at me funny and then did as I said.

I threw my sword and it hit him in the mouth and then he turned into dust, leaving only it's fur behind.

I picked up the fur. "Here." I gave the fur to Connor.

"Uhh? What am I supposed to do with this?" He asked.

"It's a spoil of war... You killed it, you keep it." I said.

Evelyn smiled. Then all the sudden she gasped. We all turned to see a White Wolf with 3 black ones behind her.

The white one stepped forward and with out moving her mouth said: "Welcome Half-Bloods, we've been expecting you."

Hope you liked it! Another chappie will come in a few minutes or hours ;)
over a year ago PJhero02 said…
Great job so far!! i think chapter three was my fav! if i had anything bad to say it would be maybe adding some more detail, but awesome!! luved it <3

over a year ago Jas55jar said…
I love the spoils of war!!!! the white wolf is Lupa ?? did Connor just go around carrying a knife LOL
over a year ago PenelopeWolf1 said…
PJhero02: Thanks! I'll do that!

Jas55jar: Thanks, Yes, and Well... XD He made it when he was at the car but i didn't show that part... LOL
over a year ago DemiTitan said…
big smile
over a year ago PenelopeWolf1 said…
Demi-Titan : Thankss :))
over a year ago PenelopeWolf1 said…
Chapter 5
Evelyn Jones

"Woah, Woah, WOAH!" I said. "What do you mean Half-bloods?!"

The wolf looked at me calmly. "I mean, Half-mortal, Half-god." Then she looked at Percy and nodded.

She looked at my dad and mum. "You may go, they must have the trials. They are safe James and Georgie Jones." She told them. They nodded and hugged me good-bye.

They left down the hill.

((Guys i'll finish the chappie later! My comp is about 2 die :(( )
over a year ago PenelopeWolf1 said…
Chapeter 5 part B
Still Evelyn Jones

I never felt so alone in my whole life. Percy touched my shoulder and I looked at him. He looked sympathetic.

"Come pups. It is time for your trial" the wolf said.

"Wait!" I said. "What's your name?"

The wolf stopped and turned around. "I am Lupa, goddess of the wolves. You are Evelyn Jones, Connor Stronghold, and Percy Jackson. Now come and we will start your trial.


Ok so you would think going through a Trial would be paperwork right? Being shown where your going to stay? Well, Bloody hell. That's where were both wrong!

First we had to climb down a pit of snakes (Connor just stepped in them) Then we had to climb over a river full of Lava. (Connor almost fell in)Then we had do the 'Monkey Bars of Doom!' as Connor called it. (Connor lost his pants. Dont tell him I said that)

Finally we were done and she didn't eat any of us like she said she would of if we didnt do it. We were sweaty though. So i dont understadn why she would want to...

Connor got his pants back, Percy was pouring water on his head and I didnt speak at all.

"You have made it my pups. Welcome to your new home, Welcome to, Half-Blood Academy." Lupa said.

Thanks guys!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile
WOOOO they passed their trial!!!
over a year ago PenelopeWolf1 said…
big smile
Jas55jar - Yepp :) Sorri it was Sloppy! I had 2 hurry, I only had 10 minutes, then I had to put ice on my ankle. (I sprained it). Soo i'll be making a new one. :) Thanks for sticking with it through it :) ~P <33
over a year ago PenelopeWolf1 said…
Chapter 6
Percy Jackson
Dedicated to: Jas55jar - Thanks girlie! <3

When I had to do all those obsticules, it was like I had done them before. It was creepy... and funny because Connor lost his pants... But when she didn't eat us... I felt releived!

I poured water on my head and it felt SO good. I looked at Evelyn and smiled at her. She smiled back.

Then Lupa said: "You have made it my pups. Welcome to your new home, welcome to, Half-Blood Academy."

When she said that I felt a jolt through my body, like I wasn't supposed to be there. But I followed the wolf, Evelyn, and Connor into the clearing.

When we walked through the woods to the clearing there was a giant arch that had Latin on it. To me it said: medium sanguis academia, But to Evelyn and Connor it made perfect sense.

Evelyn whispered: "Half-blood Academy."

Connor nodded. "So... We ARE Half-bloods." He asked in awe.

Lupa nodded then she looked straight at me with her yellowish-green eyes. "Yes, you are." Then she looked at the sign.

"Come my pups. Meet your new family." She said and walked inside.


When we walked inside I heard Evelyn gasp and I understood why. It was beautiful, in a scary sort of way.
There was a huge Colleseum where kids from 6-20 somthing people fighting with real swords. Wait... SIX YEAR OLDS?! I looked at Evelyn and she was as stunned as I was. I looked at Connor and he was stunned to. Then at the end of the clearing was about 15-20 cabins all of different colors and types.

As we walked all the kids stared at us. They stopped and stared and that made me feel uncomfortable. Lupa stopped and so did we.

"PUPS!" Lupa called. "Meet our new pups. Evelyn Jones, Connor Stronghold, and..." She hestitated. "Percy Jackson." She finally said. Everyone stared at us. Then a girl with golden blond hair and golden blue eyes (i know that confusing) walked forward. She was about my age, 17. She walked over to Lupa and bowed. "Madame Lupa, welcome back." The girl said. Lupa nodded. "Thank-you Reyna. Greet our new Half-bloods." The girl looked at us. "Hello, I'm Reyna Rosen. Currently the only child of Apollo. Welcome." The girl named Reyna said. We said Hi. Then a brown haired girl with bright green eyes, a black haired girl with scary gray eyes, a black haired with scary gray eyes, and a dark brown haired boy with feirce brown eyes walked up and bowed to Lupa. She nodded, then the light brown haired girl looked at us and smiled warmly. "Hello, I'm Hazel Wilson, daughter and cabin leader of Venus. Glad your alive." She looked at the dark brown haired boy.

He nodded sharply. "Hey, I'm Dakota Kane. Son of Mars. Cabin Leader."

The black haired kids looked at us. The boy first talked. "Hey, I'm Bobby Porter son of Minerva, goddess of Wisedom this is --" The girl stepped foreward. "This is his twin. Hello, I'm Gwendolyn Porter, call me Gwen, also a daughter of Minerva." She smiled and then stepped back with her brother Bobby.

"Wait a sec..." I said. They looked at me. "Do you mean Apollo, Ares, Athena, and Aphrodite?"

They stared at me and I felt my face get hot.

Then Reyna broke the silence. "We need a Private talk Percy." She turned towards the crowd. "All leaders of the Legions! Go to the 'Great Hall'! Everyone else back to training or Chores! GO!" She yelled so she was heard.

Everyone left except for a few others. They must be the Legion leaders...

"Lupa may I call a council of the leaders?" Reyna asked. Lupa nodded. "You may, but I will not join." Before Reyna could say anything esle she ran into the woods. About 10 seconds later a young woman came out. She had silvery hair, bright yellow/green eyes, a heart shaped face. She was wearing a long silver dress that had pictures of Wolves on it. She was barefoot and her hair had dark silver strands braided in her hair.

"I didn't finish." the Lady said. "I ment I wasn't coming... in my wolf form."

Hope you liked it!
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
big smile

Lupa shes funny!! Reyna is the only daughter of Apollo, why??? is Apollo not liking woman at the moment??? :P i LOVED that chapter!!!

PS. hope ur ankle is better soon!!
over a year ago underwater said…
i cant wait for the next chapter
over a year ago PenelopeWolf1 said…
Jas55jar - No problemo :) thanks about the Ankle and All her sibs died in the Titan War. :( And so did I. I think it was the Best Chappie so far! :)

Underwater - Thanks :) I'll b posting either later or in a few moments :)
over a year ago PenelopeWolf1 said…
Chapter 7
Evelyn Jones
Dedicated to: My sister Tiler, Without her this story would not exist :)

I looked at the woman and smiled. She looked like Georgie, my step-mom I guess...

"Ok my pups. Let's walk to the 'Great Hall'." Lupa said and walked forward.

We all followed and The girl named Hazel came over to me.

"Hey Evelyn, you know, this place isn't so bad." Hazel said and smiled.

I smiled back. "Yeah but, For so many years I thought Georgie was my real mom. Even though I look NOTHING like her..." I said and trailed off.

Hazel looked at my face. "Don't worry," She said studying my expression. "We'll find out who your mom is. I really hope it's my mom, Venus, because we would be half-sisters. I don't know you real well, but you seem like the type of person who would fight for her friends, no matter what they did. But personally, I think Bobby and Gwen hope your mom is Minerva. They haven't got a new sibling ever since they came. They were the last ones to ever come to camp at the age of 8 for the Minerva Cabin." She smiled.

I smiled but it quickly faded. "So... Venus. Goddess of Love and Buety. Girly... Not my type of stuff." Hazel laughed.

"Yeah that's what I thought to. But then I saw that most of them were the best fighters at camp -- I'm serious! They beat the Mars cabin's butt in a sword fight! It was cool to watch." She smiled at the memory.

I shook my head. "I'm NEVER challeging you or any other Venus camper, EVER."

Hazel smiled. "Oh you'll have to. Trust me. Even if it's your cabin."

We walked in silence from then on.

Chapter 7
Percy Jackson
Dedicated to: Everyone :)

I was walking by myself and I looked over at Evelyn and that girl Hazel. They were laughing. Then Someone touched my shoulder. I turned to see Gwen and Bobby.

"Hey Percy." Gwen said and smiled.

I smiled back wearily. "Uh... Hey." I said.

Bobby raised an eyebrow. "Whatcha thinking about?"

"Bobby!" Gwen scolded .

"What!" He asked her back.

"He probaly doesnt want us to know!"

"He might!"

"You didnt finsih! He might -- NOT!"


Gwen's face got red and she looked like she was going to plan to kill Bobby.

I stepped back. Gwen looked at me na dher face softened. "Sorry Percy." She glared at her brother but he just smiled.

Gwen rolled her eyes. "You know Percy, you don't act like a Roman Half-blood. What's up with that?"

Before I could Answer Lupa turned around. "Okay my pups. Follow me." We walked into the building

Chapter 7
Connor Stronghold
Dedicated to: My baby Brother Connor :)

I walked over to Reyna. "Hey" I said.

She looked at me and smiled softly. "Hey Connor."

"What's up?"

She hesitated. "Just thinking about an old friend that went missing."

I nodded. "Who is it?"

She was about to answer when Lupa turned around and said: "Okay my pups. Follow me." Then we walked into the building.

Hope you guys like it! <33
over a year ago Jas55jar said…
they are all friends, but poor Reyna!!!!
over a year ago PenelopeWolf1 said…
Jas55jar: They are and Ikr! :(
over a year ago PenelopeWolf1 said…
Ok guys! Sorri about not posting! I had my 2 month anniversary with my BF Jesse on Sunday, then dance where i didnt take the comp, then my internet would NOT work at all. So i'll b posting right now! Sorri about the wait guys!
over a year ago PenelopeWolf1 said…
Chapter 8
Percy Jackson

We followed Lupa into the building and walked down a hall that had loads of armor, trophys, and some swords or items that heroes had brought back from Quests. Or as they call it here: "Missions"

There were also Jars with Monster body parts, too gross to go into detail with. All of the Monsters body parts reminded me of the Attic at camp...

I didnt have much time to dwell on it because Lupa and everyone had stopped at a big thick, oak door with a black knob.

"Follow me." Lupa said and opened the door.

As we walked inside I saw that there was a long mahogany table with about 20 chairs around it. Reyna sat in the golden chair, Dakota in the blood red chair, Bobby and Gwen in the silver chairs, Hazel in the Pastel chair and then more campers sat in the others. The only chairs that were not occupied were a dark blue one with an eagle, a sea green one with a trident, a black one with a skull, and a few plain ones that were ment for guest probally.

I sat down in the plain one by Evelyn and Connor who were looking calm. Well... Evelyn looked Calm. Connor looked like he was hopped up on Candy (Which I beleive can happen to him).

Lupa took the seat at the head of the table.

"Maryann please give Darius back his nose. Yes the one next to you in the Mercury Cabin chair. Faith please stop trying to hurt someone. It is ot very nice. Yes I know your mother is Nemisis. Thank-you." Lupa said and everyone looked at her.

"Hello Legion Leaders." Lupa said.
"Hello Madame Lupa." Everyone responded.

"We have New Half-bloods joining us today." Lupa said and nodded to me, Evelyn, and Connor.

"They are named Evelyn Jones, Connor Stronghold, and Percy Jackson." Lupa said. Everyone nodded to us.

Then everyone gasped and stared at Connor.

"What?" He asked and looked up. There was the symbol of the Forge above his head.

"Hail Connor Stronghold, Son of Vulcan, God of Forges, fire. Patron to all blacksmiths." Lupa said.

Everyone bowed to him. I looked at Evelyn and smiled. She looked at me and smiled back.

"Figures." Evelyn said under her breath. I nodded.

"Rodrick? Would you show Connor where the Vulcan Cabin is after the meeting?"

the kid named Rodrick nodded. "Sure thing Madame Lupa." He said.

Connor Gulped. Evelyn smiled at him. "You'll be fine!" I heard her whisper to him.

Then Everyone gasoed agian. "Evelyn!" Hazel said with a smile.

"What now?!" she asked. She looked down and her eyes buldged. "No Bloody Way!"

She was wearing a long flowy gress with arm bracelets, and her hair was neat and tidy down around her shoulders. Her eyes shown brighter. She wore Gladiater Sandels and looked like aan angel without wings.

"Hail the daught or Venus, goddess of Love, Beauty. Patron to all girls." Lupa said and everyone bowed agian.

"Now. It is time for you to know who Percy Jackson's Godly Father is." Lupa said. Right then an image shone above my head.

It was a sea green trident.

"Im the son of Poseidon." I whispered.

"Hail son of Neptune, God of sea, earthshaker. Patron to all fishers and men of the Sea." Lupa said.

Thanks guys! Hope you liked it! ~P
over a year ago PenelopeWolf1 said…
Do you guys want me 2 keep going? :/
over a year ago PJhero02 said…
mmhmmm! :D
over a year ago PenelopeWolf1 said…
I mite not b posting ne more on this series! If you want me 2 then post. :/
over a year ago afailname said…
I know im a little late but keep posting!!!
over a year ago PenelopeWolf1 said…
Afailname: Yeah u r... Lol, but that's okay. But I can't post on this series anymore. I can only handle one series at a time. Right now I'm working on The Argonauts, Sequel to Life of a Half-Blood. Sorry!! :(