The Hunger Games THGRPG by Sammy :) (Rules)

sam7b posted on Oct 14, 2011 at 12:29AM
Ok, so this is how this will work. So there will be different topics for different parts of the games. The first topic will be for the reapings and the train ride to the Capitol pre-games building AND the tribute going to their room and going to bed. The second topic is for the meeting with the prep team and stylist for the chariot rides and the chariot rides themselves. The third section is for the training session. The fourth is for the judge session (the thing where the tributes show off to the Gamemakers to get their training scores). And the fifth is for the interviews. There well also be a topic called the Dining Room. This is for breakfasts and dinners. That is also where a lot of important allies are made. Before you post in any of the section EXCEPT the first section, you must post here. Here's an example.

After I post in the first section, which are my character getting reaped and my character arriving on train at the pre-games building and going to bed in my room, I write in the Dining Room section about how I wake up and eat breakfast. Then I post in the second section about how I go to my stylist and then do the chariot rides. And then I post back in the Dining Room for dinner and going to bed. And then I post in the dining room for dinner and then in the third section and then back in the dining room for dinner and bed. And so on and so forth. You get the point.


Once you're done with everything, post back here saying you're done. Once everyone's finished, I'll put up a topic that's called ARENA. There will be a description of the Arena. When I post that the gong has sounded, you may make your tributes go to the Cornucopia and grab a weapon. You MUST attack one other tribute while there but then you may flee into a part of the Arena. When you post while in the Arena, you must do it like this.

Tribute Name - Part of Arena - Who you're with, if you're allianced

Your post.

You can do whatever you like in the Arena but REMEMBER THIS: DO NOT make everything huge and dramatic, especially if it can't happen. Like having a baby in the Arena or something ridiculous like that. You are REALLY a tribute. These are the REAL Hunger Games. This also means that you can't be invincible or super human like. Your tribute must die after enough injuries. You can't keep them alive forever. If I think you're being unreasonable then they will be killed by the Capitol. (Me. xD)

I will often post in the Arena saying a random event or being a made up mutt that will attack someone. A random event is like me saying, "The volcano erupts in the volcanic section of the Arena. All tributes there get second degree burns." Which, unless you've grabbed burn medicine from the Cornucopia, will make you more weak.

(BTW, in teh Arena topic I'll make a list of objects at the Cornucopia. One tribute may have up to two weapons and 3 objects. Objects being burn medicine, gauze, small food packages, water bottles without water in them, etc. Weapons are swords, bows and arrows, knives, etc.)

You may have as many characters as you want but you MUST, MUST, MUST RP with ALL of them. Which means you must show each one the same attention. So don't make, like, twelve and then give two attention. You must give your attention to ALL your characters. SO don't make too many. Characters descriptions MUST be AT LEAST two paragraphs long.

All posts in the Arena must be AT LEAST two SOLID, LONGISH paragraphs. All posts anywhere else (except for making characters) must be AT LEAST one paragraph long.

Here is the order in which you must go: Read these rules, make a charry in the charry board, post in topic number one, post in topic number two, post in topic number three, post in topic number 4, and post in topic number five. And then come back here and post here that you finished everything. :) If you want, you can post in the dining hall in between topics like this: You do topic number one and then you post in the dining hall for breakfast and then you do topic number two and post in the dining hall for dinner and bed. Then you post in the dining hall for breakfast the next day, and then post in topic number three and then post in the dining hall again for dinner and bed and etc.

I will make a new topic for characters as well. It will be titled YOUR CHARRIES. Thanks for joining in, and I hope you have fun! If you have any confusion, PLEASE talk to me. I will explain. And I will get right on making those topics as well. OK, have fun!!!! :D

last edited on Oct 14, 2011 at 01:15AM

The Hunger Games 1 reply

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over a year ago sam7b said…
"And then I post in the dining room for dinner and then in the third section and then back in the dining room for dinner and bed."

OK, typo. I MEANT and then I post in the dining room for BREAKFAST and then in the third section and then back in teh dining room for dinner and bed.

Sorry bout that. xDDD
