Gravity Falls NON-OC Roleplay?

MortalAnonymous posted on Jan 09, 2013 at 08:09AM
Would anyone be interested in an RP that only used canon characters and settings? No OCs unless they're incidental characters with no real significance? Making up magical creatures and stuff to battle would be acceptable.

Gravity Falls 127 replies

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over a year ago MortalAnonymous said…
Mabel blanched as if suddenly realizing something. "Dipper and I have our theories," she said quickly, snapping the book shut, "But I think that's enough looking for today. I can't tell everything. Not even to you, Wendy. Sorry."

She walked forward and pointed to their destination. "But that doesn't mean we can't have a LITTLE fun. I haven't gotten to tell you what I wanted to come find. There's actually supposed to be a WITCH living out here. Away from prying eyes in the deepest, darkest, brambliest woods..!" She inserted an evil laugh for effect.
over a year ago poppyfire333 said…
"Really?" Wendy looked at Mabel quizzically.
over a year ago MortalAnonymous said…
"Well shya," Mabel shrugged, "What else would be cool enough for a girl's day out adventure?"
over a year ago poppyfire333 said…
"Ummmm.... Nothing really. Are you sure Dipper's not gonna find out we have his book. I mean what happens if he wakes up and tries to go get it? " Wendy said more curious that nervous.
over a year ago MortalAnonymous said…
"Look, I know it was a risk, but where's the fun without risk? He won't find out if you don't tell him, and besides, he's never found out before."

Distractingly, Mabel pointed to the same fungoid she'd stood by earlier. "Hey, you dare me to eat some of this mushroom?"
over a year ago poppyfire333 said…
"Sure! But if it's poisonous tell Mr. Pines that Dipper told us to do it." Wendy excitedly said as she shoved some into her mouth.
over a year ago poppyfire333 said…
(Wendy shoved it in her own mouth, not Mabel's)
over a year ago MortalAnonymous said…
Mabel gave a laugh and gnawed a large chunk out of the mushroom. Immediately her eyes dilated and turned sea foam green. The same eerie light of the mushroom seemed to shine through them. But that wasn't the only effect; oddly, Mabel's hair snaked it's way into free-floating tendrils that hung loosely in the air, and a light-headedness came over her.

"Woah, I feel weird..." she woozed, "Waaaaah!" Mabel had cried out in shock after turning to look at Wendy, who had undergone the same effect.

"Woa-ho!" Mabel now exclaimed, "Is that what happened to me, too?"
over a year ago poppyfire333 said…
"Ummmmmm.......yeah, maybe that wasn't the smartest idea. There is one thing I know. We need a bigger chair." Wendy joked as she passed out.
over a year ago MortalAnonymous said…
Mabel blinked as Wendy fell over. "Chair...wait hey, are you ok?" She went to run over Wendy, but found her steps to be as light as her head had been. After she pushed off from the ground, she found herself doing a clumsy sort of somersault through the air.

"Waaa-aaa-aa-ooow!" she called as she spun. She landed poorly by Wendy, failing to keep her balance, but let herself fall to her knees anyway, since Wendy WAS on the ground.

She took Wendy by the shoulders and tried to shake her conscious. "Hey, Wendy, come on! I don't think they were bad, just...weird. Hey! Don't MAKE me yodel, girlfriend..!"
over a year ago poppyfire333 said…
Wendy just stirs at Mabel's words.
over a year ago MortalAnonymous said…
"There she is..!" Mabel smiled, "Yes, come TOWARDS the voice. Man, I wonder what that was about?"

"I'll tell you what that was about," cut in a third voice, "That was about 30 times the recommended dosage of undiluted Rockspot Mushroom. Be lucky you didn't give yourselves the bends."

Mabel gasped and whirled around. Standing behind them in the glowing light of her own eyes stood a figure shrouded in a royal purple hooded robe. Said figure had one hand on hip and a basket filled with assorted plant life looped over the other wrist.
over a year ago poppyfire333 said…
"Dipper...." Wendy mumbled in her sleep.
over a year ago poppyfire333 said…
"Dipper...... Dip........per..........dipper...ugh......­...­.di­p..­...­dip­per­...­...­dip­.&q­uot­;We­ndy mumbled on in her unconscious state of sleep. (Sorry that's fun)
over a year ago poppyfire333 said…
The next morning, Wendy woke up and decided to go back to the Mystery Shack to see if Mabel had gone back, if Dipper was awake, or if Mr. Pines was there. When she went to the den area, she saw Dipper just waking up from his unconsciousness and when she saw that Mabel was no where in sight. She got right up to Dipper." Hey Dip, ummmm.... Can we go up to the Ledge for a minuteI need to tell you something." Wendy said with a smile trying to cover up her nervousness that wanted to take control and ruin it all for her.
over a year ago poppyfire333 said…
She then saw Mabel out of the corner of her eye and gave her a slight wink.
over a year ago sparkles3 said…
Dipper nodded and hoped he wasn't blushing.

Meanwhile, a girl with dark brown hair and silver eyes stared through one of the windows in the gift shop. A tabby cat was meowing at her feet. The girl looked down and crooned to it softly. "We're almost ready, Hellewise. We just need one more thing..." With that, she went back to gazing through the window.
over a year ago MortalAnonymous said…
Mabel showed no response to Wendy's wink. She simply stood and exited the room. From the store area, she looked to the girl in the window, and gave only a nod.

Back in the woods, Mabel was also stirring, looking a bit ratty but unharmed. She looked around tersely, being now in an unfamiliar place. She was held back from exploring by rocky bars melding with the floor and ceiling, slivers of raw crystal embedded in them and making them ridiculously strong. She could still see a brightly glowing fireplace licking at a softly boiling cauldron though, and it illuminated the entire area. From her cage in the corner, Mabel could see that she was in what appeared to be a giant burrow, with rounded walls, wooden furnishings, and yet all of the modern necessities. Watching the cauldron boil was the figure Mabel last remembered seeing. Immediately she pelted questions.

"Hey you! Where is this place? What have you done with Wendy? Why am I here? Who the heck are you and...?" She patted herself seekingly. "The book, where's Dipper's book?!"

The figure turned casually, as if simply surprised to see she had stirred. Wandering over, a voice replied, "Hmm...well, this is the home of myself and my sister. Your friend is unharmed, and I sent her back home with a hazy memory. But you...I was going to do the same with you, but then it occurred to me: I've never seen anyone ingest raw magical components and be perfectly alright. I might be useful. Which brings me to who I am." Hands reached up dramatically and lowered the figure's hood.

"I am Jerrod, friendly neighborhood witch."

Mabel blinked, then tilted her head. "Huh?'re a dude."

Jerrod slumped, having been expecting a better reaction. Indeed he was male, with black hair arranged in a shaggy puff, silver eyes, and a tabby cat draped around his neck in a sleeping sag. "Ugh, I am so SICK of hearing that," he complained, "You don't HAVE to be a girl to be a witch! My whole FAMILY has been witches, ever since the Middle Ages! So don't you tell ME, what the requirements are!"

Mabel winced and shrunk back as he sent an imposing glare her way.
over a year ago poppyfire333 said…
Wendy led Dipper up to the ledge as she closed the latch. " Hey so dude. There's something Mabel made me realize that I needed to tell you. "Wendy lookednervosandblushed as she pulled Dipper close fastly kissing him(on the lips). " I...I like you. As in,more... That..." "I love you
over a year ago sparkles3 said…
Dipper beams, his face bright red. "This is so awesome!"

The same girl that was peering in the window stepped into the cave, followed by her cat. "Oh. She's up." She turned to Mabel. 'My name is Myca, I'm Jerrod's sister."
over a year ago poppyfire333 said…
Wendy smiled. "Yeah." She snickered and brush back her hair behind her shoulder. "Are you ok you look red?"
over a year ago sparkles3 said…
"Yeah, I' fine. Just... wow..." Dipper said quietly.
over a year ago poppyfire333 said…
"What do you mean?" Wendy asked curiously.
over a year ago sparkles3 said…
"I wasn't expecting this at all. I... I've liked you for a while."
over a year ago poppyfire333 said…
"That's what Mabel meant! When I told her that I've liked you since a little while after you got here she said that it was ironic, but she wasn't allowed to tell me why because she promised you she wouldn't. " Wendy said making since of everything. "Then she made me promise that I wouldn't tell you she had your book." Wendy said before slapping her hand over her mouth shocked with her eyes wide. "OH NO." Wendy said feeling foolish.
over a year ago sparkles3 said…
"She had my book? Why/"
over a year ago poppyfire333 said…
"She... Was.... Ummmmmmmmmm....... lookingforawitch." Wendy said squinting her eyes in fear of being yelled at. "DON'T TELLING HER I TOLD YOU!" She said frantically.
over a year ago sparkles3 said…
"It's fine... as long as she records what she finds somewhere else. And why are you squinting?"
over a year ago poppyfire333 said…
"I don't know, because I was with her and you were passed out for some reason and I didn't tell her to stop. I just expected you to yell at. Oh by the way, why were you passed out?" Wendy asked sitting down, letting her feet dangle off the side of the roof.
over a year ago sparkles3 said…
"Ok, first,I don't really like to yell at people. And.." Dipper pauses, no sure if he should continue. "I passed out cause you grabbed my hand..."

over a year ago poppyfire333 said…
Wendy smiled and looked down before snapping her head back up," Ok. Ok. Ok. What're we doing you obviously like me a lot and I obviously like you a lot. So let's stop suffering."
over a year ago sparkles3 said…
Dipper grinned. "Sounds like a good idea."
over a year ago poppyfire333 said…
"Ok. So what does this mean?" Wendy asked looking up from where she was sitting at Dipper.
over a year ago poppyfire333 said…
"Are we boy/girlfriend, are we dating, are we friends, are we giving up on each other?" Wendy said hoping (in her head) that it wasn't the latter.
over a year ago sparkles3 said…
Dipper sits down beside her. "I'm not really sure. I mean, people will obviously find it a little..stange, to say the least."
over a year ago poppyfire333 said…
"Yeah..........." Wendy drifted off playing with her boot edges.
over a year ago sparkles3 said…
'If you check back in a week, I'll probably have some over complicated listy thingy."
over a year ago poppyfire333 said…
Wendy laughed and looked back at Dipper "Yeah. Yeah, you probably will, but you remember what happened last time right? Maybe this is the same way. Maybe we just need to let what happens, happen and not worry too much about it. "
over a year ago sparkles3 said…
"Ok, you just described the exact opposite of what I do." Dipper chuckles.
over a year ago poppyfire333 said…
", But where has that got you with me, now?" Wendy asked smirked as she placed her feet on the too of the window below her feet, reached for Dipper's hand got him down to the floor and flipped off the window herself. "Come on, I want to show you something!" She said as grabbed Dipper's hand and run off in the woods before reaching a waterfall and walking through it.
over a year ago sparkles3 said…
Dipper wiped the water out of his eyes as he emerged behind the waterfall. "This is really cool..."
over a year ago poppyfire333 said…
There was a grave labeled:
Nash Anderson Corduroy
August 19, 1995- June 18, 2009
over a year ago poppyfire333 said…
Then a second one:
Abigail Marie Corduroy
January 4, 1951- December 24, 2005
over a year ago sparkles3 said…
over a year ago poppyfire333 said…
over a year ago poppyfire333 said…
"My mom and twin brother." Then she pulled a curtain/sheet thing and the cave was lit up. It was a large room with white cobwebs that looked kind of like old drapes then there were crystal hanging out of the ceiling of the large cave that glistened off the floor. Then Wendy pulled another curtain/sheet thing and there were chips, magazines, books, comics, pens, notebooks filled with pictures, and Wendy's phone. "Where did you think I went when I should be working?" Wendy said with her hands in her pockets.
over a year ago sparkles3 said…
"This is really cool... Wait,you had a twin?" Dipper asked.
over a year ago poppyfire333 said…
"My mom died in a car crash when I was on Christmas Eve because she was determined to get home from my grandparents house, but she crashed about 20 minutes away from Gravity Falls and died then when me and my brother were 12, we were mad at each other so he ran off to the woods, but nobody's ever seen or heard from him in 3 years so we all assumed that he's dead. We put both of there graves here and a little after they died I wouldn't, but now it's like my hideout.
over a year ago sparkles3 said…
"What would you do if it turned out that he was still alive?"
over a year ago poppyfire333 said…
"I don't know, I'd be pretty happy and shocked, but if he's alive, then why'd he leave for like 3 years without telling anybody. I really just miss him. That's really why I'm protect of both you and Mabel. So don't be fighting with her. " Wendy said laughing as she sat down on a plaid bing(sp) bag chair opeing a bunch of chips and motioning for Dipper sit on the blue/grey striped bing(sp) bag chair.