Gravity Falls NON-OC Roleplay?

MortalAnonymous posted on Jan 09, 2013 at 08:09AM
Would anyone be interested in an RP that only used canon characters and settings? No OCs unless they're incidental characters with no real significance? Making up magical creatures and stuff to battle would be acceptable.

Gravity Falls 127 replies

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over a year ago poppyfire333 said…
(Sorry lost my phone so I can only roleplay on my computer)
over a year ago poppyfire333 said…
"I don't know, I'd be pretty happy and shocked, but if he's alive, then why'd he leave for like 3 years without telling anybody. I really just miss him. That's really why I'm protect of both you and Mabel. So don't be fighting with her. " Wendy said laughing as she sat down on a plaid bing(sp) bag chair opeing a bunch of chips and motioning for Dipper sit on the blue/grey striped bing(sp) bag chair.
over a year ago poppyfire333 said…
Wendy then heard her dad calling for her "WENDY ALLISON CORDUROY!!!!" Wendy then snapped her head back towards Dipper as she said "Bye dude!" And ran off.

The next day, she came back and made sure that no one was there and started to sing and play guitar.
"Don't Let It End
Don't Let It End
Don't Ever Let It End
Well I got 80 quarters for the arcade
It'd be great if I could take you to it this Sunday
And I'll walk you home when the whole things gone
If you're there I don't even care which of us won
We can stop at the coffee shop
And make fun of the cops in the parking lot
We can laugh as we both pretend
That we're not in love and that we're just good friends
Well, I'm tired of pretending
But I'm terrified of it ending
I know it's not for you, there's nothing I could do to ever let it end
And I know you feel the same way
Cause you told me yesterday on the roof
And as you hugged me
You whispered in my ear "Don't ever let it end"
Don't Let it end
Don't Let it end
Don't ever let it end
Saturday, I'm gonna take him out
Cause BABBA is gonna play downtown
Gonna sing the song that we've all heard of
About those two young friends that should've fell in love
Later on, we'll cut through the woods
And he can hold my hand cause he hates the dark
And we can laugh as we both pretend
That we're not in love and that we're just good friends
Well, I'm tired of pretending
But I'm terrified of it ending
I know it's not for you, there's nothing I could do to ever let it end
And I know you feel the same way
Cause you told me yesterday on the roof
And as you hugged me
You whispered in my ear "Don't ever let it end"
Please Promise me that this won't end
The greatest times we ever
It's crazy now looking back, we can laugh
You never know how life's gonna go
But we're the only ones who'll ever know
About last night just you and I
Sitting side by side in the broad daylight
I pulled him close, just to kiss his lips
And the both of us could tell it just felt right
He looked at me in the sweetest way
Like he could tell what the heck I was about to say
It must have taken him a long time to find the words
Cause I finally had to say it first
Well, I'm tired of pretending
But I'm terrified of it ending
I know it's not for you, there's nothing I could do to ever let it end
And you know I feel the same way
Cause I told you yesterday on the roof
And as you hugged me
You whispered in my ear"Don't ever let it end"
Please promise me that this won't end
Please promise me that this won't end
Don't let it end
Don't let it end
Don't ever let it end."
over a year ago sparkles3 said…
(did you wite that? cause it's really good.)
over a year ago poppyfire333 said…
(No Sorry, it's by Nickelback, "Don't Ever Let It End". I write songs just not that ine.)
over a year ago MortalAnonymous said…
While all of this was going on, back in the witch's burrow, Mabel turned in surprise to the girl entering from seemingly nowhere. Her presence seemed to make Jerrod calm a bit; at least, his stance became less aggressive.

"You've made sure her duplicate is working properly?"

At her confirmation, Jerrod smirked.

Mabel became nervous. "You made a...duplicate of me? Uh, how long are you planning for me to be here again?"

Jerrod's smirk became an innocent smile as he tented his fingers likewise. "Oh, not long," he said, "Only until you die."

"Whaaa?" Mabel gripped her bars angrily, "Ok, I was thinking maybe you just have no manners because you live in the middle of nowhere, but kidnapping is not cool! I am so out! No cage can hold Mabel 'til she's 100!" She began gnawing at the bars with a passion.

Jerrod seemed amused. "Hm, I don't think your life will last that long, actually. While you may be the only human I've seen survive the intake of raw magical components, I doubt the same results will last more than, say, a dozen or so experiments?"

Mabel's gnawing slowed, putting together what he was getting at.

"That's right," Jerrod confirmed, reaching to the table behind him and whipping forth vial and a bowl both brimming with glowing, unidentified substances, "You're going to be my guinea pig!"

His crazy laugh rang throughout the burrow. His sister stood blankly, the only action taken being to flick a spot of dust off of her shoulder.
over a year ago MortalAnonymous said…
The next day, while Wendy was strumming her guitar, Mabel was laying in the burrow's corner, looking most ill. Her face was teal and puffy, her stomach was distended, and her right arm had become an orange tentacle. Not to mention she kept sneezing sparks.

Luckily, Jerrod had taken a break after the first two things he'd fed Mabel the other day. He was too busy nursing the several bruises (including a black eye) she'd given him as he'd tried to administer the horrible ingredients. He sarcastically thanked his sister for all her help, as she'd only been a casual observer to his research as she went about her own things.

Back at the Mystery Shack, Mabel flopped over the porch railing right next to Wendy as she finished her song and said loudly, "Hey Wendy, that's a nice song! Mwap! I didn't know you played guitar! Mwap mwap!"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago poppyfire333 said…
"Oh yeah, I don't really... I try.... I don't like.... I don't like doing it in front of others and besides Robbie's the "guitarist" of the group. I did it. I told him." Wendy said staight at Mabel taking a deep breathe.
over a year ago MortalAnonymous said…
The duplicate paused, eyes splaying as it tried to process this. It had none of the real Mabel's memories, so it's head struggled like busted carburetor to recall what Wendy was talking about.

Deciding the silence was getting dangerously lengthy, it smiled awkwardly and said, "That's...good! I'm so proud of you! ...Mwap?"
over a year ago sparkles3 said…
Myca shrugged at Jerrod's sarcasm. She never planned on helping him experiment on the girl. She thought he had known that.(gtg for now, i'll be back later today)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago MortalAnonymous said…
Jerrod rolled his eyes in response to her shrug. She may not have been keen on his experiments, but that didn't mean she had to let his specimen attack him. He would have prevented likewise for HER.

While the young witch ground assumedly medicinal bits of...things into a slab of oddly-colored meat for his injuries, Mabel found here eyes wandering about the burrow. They were looking for an escape, but instead met with Dipper's book, laying casually atop a counter near her cage.

Rising as silently as she could, Mabel hobbled over to where the bars met the wall and stretched her tentacled arm in an attempt to grab the book. Alas, it was too far, and a dizzy buzzing in Mabel's head forced her to sink once more to the ground.

Desperately she turned to the only summons for help left she could think of. Sitting and rubbing her temples in circles, Mabel mumbled to herself, "Ok, I know this is a long shot, and it's never worked before, but I can't escape by myself...come on twin telepathy..! Thinking psychic thoughts, thinking psychic thoughts, thinkiiiing..!"
over a year ago sparkles3 said…
Myca got Jerrod's attention, to point out that Mabel was talking to herself. "Is that a side affect?" She asked quietly.
over a year ago poppyfire333 said…
"You know Dipper. I told Dipper I like him. How come you didn't tell me he liked me?" Wendy realized that Mabel wasn't doing anything "Ummm... Mabel.... Mabel.... MABEL!!!" Wendy said grabbing and shaking the duplicate's shoulders.
over a year ago sparkles3 said…
Dipper felt a small pinch in the back of his head.
over a year ago poppyfire333 said…
Mabel's duplicate fell limp and hit her head on the deck before electric shocks when through it (think Wizards Of Waverly Place). Wendy swung the screen door open running into the house, "Dipper!" Wendy came to a stop as she found Dipper grabbed his hands pull them to her before realizing what she was doing and dropped them blushing," Oh, I'm... I'm sorry." Wendy looked down while they stood there in silence. After a few minutes/ seconds she looked back up," Umm... Mabel's gone... I... I... Think we need to go find her." She said wrapping her hands around her arms.
over a year ago sparkles3 said…
Dipper's eyes got wide. "What make you think that she's gone?"
over a year ago poppyfire333 said…
"Umm... Well, I was kinda talking to her on the porch, but then she fell over, didn't react, and a surge of electric energy surged through her, still without her reacting so I'm jusg guessing that, that wasn't really Mabel." Wendy said rocking and forth looking at Dipper.
over a year ago sparkles3 said…
"Oh, well, in that case... We gotta find the real Mabel"
over a year ago poppyfire333 said…
"Yeah... Hey, I'm sorry about yesterday if I ruined anything between us I just had to tell you. It was killing me. After we find Mabel, I'll just go leave you guys alone."
over a year ago sparkles3 said…
"That's really not necassary..."
over a year ago poppyfire333 said…
"Are you sure? I mean I feel really guilty for doing what I did. I shouldn'tve said anything." Wendy said looking downat her feet.
over a year ago poppyfire333 said…
"Maybe it was all just a mistake."
over a year ago MortalAnonymous said…
Mabel heaved a sigh as her forehead relaxed and she slumped against her earthen confines. "I knew that was a stupid idea...I guess I'll just have to hope for a miracle opportunity."

In answer to his sister, Jerrod rubbed his chin with a finger. "Possibly. I'll have to make note. Would you mind feeding it while I record today's research? " He pushed a bowl of mixed greenery her way with his elbow while his other hands were occupied, holding the meat slab to his eye and scrawling with a quill into a parchment notebook he pored over. The cat drooped flaccidly over his shoulders yawned.

Back at the Mystery Shack, Mabel walked over to the others, rubbing her head and with some wicked static hair. As she approached she said awkwardly, "Hoo! Boy, that was some nasty...static electricity attack! Mwap! Just gotta love that Oregon atmosphere. Who wants to do some leather braiding? Uh, mwap!" She swung an encouraging fist.
over a year ago poppyfire333 said…
"Bye," Wendy said turning away from Dipper and went into the next grabbing 'Mabel's' shoulders," Who are you and what have you done to Mabel Andrea Pines?"
over a year ago MortalAnonymous said…
"Mwa-a-a-a-ap!" Mabel said as she was throttled. Shaking her head and looking at Wendy with bulged eyes, she then exclaimed, "What are you talking about? I'M Mabel Pines! Happy, spunky, adorable Mabel Pines! I'm normal! Mwap!"

As he recorded what he'd learned about some components of the forest, Jerrod paused thoughtfully. His eyes flicked to the notebook he'd tossed casually onto the counter. He'd seen the human girl trying to reach it. Was it so special?

He sensed the human's eyes follow him tensely as he picked it up and brought it back to his table. Flipping it open and beginning to leaf through, his own eyes began to widen. "Why...this is..!"

He beamed eagerly. "So many magical secrets of the forest...recorded all together...why, this could hasten my research a hundred fold! You there; human!" He swooped in front of Mabel's cage with a swiftness like shadow and loomed imposingly over her. "How did you come across this trove of knowledge? Surely you didn't compile it yourself!"
over a year ago poppyfire333 said…
"No, I know Mabel and you're certainly not her."
over a year ago MortalAnonymous said…
The duplicate's face became fearfully wary, as if it knew it had failed and what was about to happen. In Wendy's hands, it suddenly exploded into a large but harmless wisp of blue smoke. As it cleared, Wendy could see a minimalist figure of tied sticks and leaves collapse to the ground. On the clump of leaves tied to represent the face, a rune-like marking was the only clue to its origin.

The real Mabel faltered for a second while confronting Jerrod, forming a hopeful bluff in mere milliseconds. "I...I sure did! I'm no ordinary human; I'm a renowned researcher of the magical arts, and friends with a wizard guild! So they'll be coming for me, and to get you!" She did some quick karate arm motions to seem threatening.

Jerrod exchanged a flat look with his sister. "Don't try my patience, human," he said evenly, "These pages obviously predate your birth. You're barely pre-pubescent. But, if you don't want to tell me, fine. I'll just use THIS tome to first hasten my own research, and then to locate the tome's source."

He swept back to his desk and began working, every so often an 'ahhh' or 'ooo' escaping him as he noted something he never would have thought of.