Harry Potter Vs. Twilight Club
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How Edward Got Bella Pregnant, Why it's Not Sexist, and Why Renesmee Does Not Suffer From Down Syndrome

Youknowit101/Cassie-1-2-3 collaboration.

I asked a question a bit ago asking what bothers you about Bella’s pregnancy. We got some very interesting answers, thank you. We are now here to respond to the points made.

(Keep in mind that we did not consult anyone associated with the creation of the Twilight Series. We just used logic and text to make sense of everything.)

(I’m going to be using words like penis and orgasm, so if you haven’t had a certain talk with your parents yet, you probably...
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Would you prefer to read the new adventures of thrush after "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows," or to know what happens to Edward and Bella after the ending of the Twilight saga?
Would you prefer to read the new adventures of thrush after "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows," or to know what happens to Edward and Bella after the ending of the Twilight saga?
Summer is the perfect opportunity to stop and relax and let your imagination fly: and what better opportunity to spend some 'time to read, drift into a fabulous world of the best stories?

But what would be the perfect book for summer: a new chapter of Harry Potter or the sequel to Breaking Dawn? Would you prefer to read the new adventures of thrush after "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows," or to know what happens to Edward and Bella after the ending of the Twilight saga? Vote!

And how can you imagine more of these stories? Let go of the fantasy and ... "write" you Harry Potter 8 and the new adventures of Edward and Bella!
Okay, so a lot of people have been asking that I put more debate stuff and reasons why I think Twilight is better. Now that we're all friends and don't hate eachother anymore, I hope we can all have a reasonable debate.

But before I start, I want to say that I don't compleatley hate Harry Potter anymore. I saw the Deathly Hallows today, my friend is somewhat of a fan, and wanted to see it. I reluctaintly went with her, and it actually wasn't that bad. You see, I read the first-fourth Harry Potter books, and read most of the seventh. The Deathly Hallows movie was much better than the book in...
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Discussion regarding Twilight vampires and reply to Drisina at link

First Part:
The thing is Drisina, one cannot by fiat change a legend to whatever one very well pleases with. Vampires have been in mythology from the 17th century, e.g. Countess Elizabeth Bathory who alledgedly drank her female servants blood to stay young.

So what Stephenie Meyer does is that she takes the vampire-myth, and discards the gorier details and imperfections, replaces them with what she thinks they should be and et voila, we have Edward Cullen.

Now I shall dissect why most people think its a bad thing to do. Recall...
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Publishers Weekly-"After her transformation into a vampire, it's almost impossible to identify with her in Breaking Dawn"

Lilah Lohr of the Chicago Tribune-"Bella's character, compared to the Quileute wolves, is less satisfying"

Kirkus Reviews-"Bella's appeal is based on magic rather than character, but her and Edward's portrayal of dangerous lovers hits the spot"
"Bella's personality is flat and obsessive"

Laura Miller of salon.com-"In regards of Edward and Bella, neither of them has much personality to speak of"

Jennifer Reese of Entertainment Weekly-"You may wish she had loftier goals and a mind...
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"Severus, your not eating again...you know thats bad for you" Dumbledore said lifting his goblet. I sighed. Duh i know it is...that is why i was not eating. As people may know, my look matches my attitude...black, unemotional, and more black. I nodded to the old man and looked away. Glancing to the one table, where the famous trio ate, i spotted the girl of the bunch lay her head down at the table. Not one bite was taken of her meal, and she held her stomach with a free hand. Potter patted her back and said some things to her, while the Weasly boy chewed on his chicken like it was...
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First of all- Harry Potter isn’t just a childish bedtime story. Nor is it shallow. A story based off a single dream has no depth. Twilight fans will never what kind of man James was before he turned vampire. Rowling, however, spent 15 years planning every little detail. She created a world within our own for her witches and wizards. She has based their heritage off of real mythology and history. Their spells are in a dead language and they have organized governments with strict laws. She has followed her characters’ stories from...
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Credit: mugglenet.com
I didn't write this, I just thought it was really funny.

1. "What did I ever do to y..oh, nevermind."

2. "Oh, ha ha, you got me!! Am I on Punk'd? Where's the camera guy, huh? Where!?"

3. "Wow, you're even dumber than you look, and that's saying something. What kind of idiot tells their victim what they're about to do?! I'm ready for you now!!" *Prepare yourself by getting into various Matrix positions, beckon him with one finger*

4. "And she's all 'F.Y.I., he's so into me and not you.' and I'm all 'Yeah, right, whatever.' Oh, I'm sorry! Did you say something?"

5. "Why do you...
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I thought this would be fun!Guess what!?What if I had an interview with J.K. Rowling and Stephanie Meyer together!This is the fake interview with me,J.K. Rowling,and Stephanie Meyer:
M:Are you ready for the interview?
M:Ok,since you both write fiction-how did you come up with the books?
S.M.:It was a dream,the meadow scene and I woke up and I'm like,"How did they get their?How did they fall in love?WHat would happen,next?"I jumped out of bed and sat down and started writing.Going,"I can't...
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posted by MissKnowItAll
I have read a lot of articles etc like this, but I thought I would write m own views down.

One thing I have heard about Twilight being better is that SMeyer is a better writer. I ask you, how on earth is SMeyer a better writer.

Take this sentence from New Moon:

'Suddenly, it(the bike) looked intimidating, frightening, as I realised I would soon be astride it.'

How does that flow as a sentence? It has two separate realisations together in one sentence. I found it awkward to read.

SMeyer doesn’t make us connect with her characters. She doesn’t describe their feeling well at all. She is not a good...
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posted by roobiip
My question is Is anyone alse tired of this "HP vs Twilight" things??
Because it is driving me crazy..

First of all I need to say I LOVE THEM BOTH so much!! I think HP was extremely original I grew up with it and I looove it.. and Twilight is so romantic, I mean, could they be more crazy about each other?? (NOPE!!), and I looove it too!! (L) =]

However one thing is true:
Most twilight fans ARE crazy, annoying, funny, scary, etc.. being one I talked to many and some were really funny (they actually believed they were going to marry Edward) and others really scared me (because I loved HP too they...
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posted by woofbark
Okay, I'm going to give reasons why each book is better in this article. Then, comment, argue/contradict my points, and start a reasonable debate (not a fight) on the comment board, please!
I'm not a big Twilight fan, but I can try to come up with some reasons:
1.Bella's emotions are described in depth, leaving no area unexplored. We know exactly how she feels at every second, whether she is gazing at Edward or making noodles. (this could also be a drawback-you can't have a story be completely emotion and no story)
2.Love? Well, Edward and Bella are in a relationship where they...
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posted by siriuslyawesome
A little play.

(setting-a stage. Creepy smoke rolls on ground, odd blue lighting. Edward stands looking at wall and thinking)
Harry:Hey Edward! What's going on?
(Edward ignores him)
Harry:Is something wrong? Is Bella being a pain or...
Harry:I'm not trying to-
(Hermione runs in, panting)
Hermione: I heard yelling-what's going on?
Bella: Harry's making Eddieward mad.
Harry:I just asked if he was okay-
Hermione: Bella, calm down.
Hermione: That's...
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In my opinion, Twilight is good. Not as great as Harry Potter, but good. I've composed a list of what would turn Twilight great-with the help of various Twilight and Harry Potter fans.

1.Make Bella a vampire slayer
2.make Bella less whiny
3.Bella can do backflips
4.Jacob gets arrested by the Animal Cops
5.Edward's name changes to "Schmirrnoff"
6.Edward dies
7.Or Bella dies
8.Creamed corn
10.A theme song
11.Bella isn't dependent on Edward
12.Lauren turns out to be Wonder Woman
13.Log cabin
14.Voldemort destroys the Volturi
15."squishy octopus"
16.make Bella smart
17. Change "forks" into "Spoons" because...
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posted by siriuslyawesome
Questions fans and answers from random people

Who is better: Harry or Edward? Why?

A: I think Harry is better. He has flaws in his character that make him relatable. He puts himself in danger and sacrifices himself for his friends. He may be a wizard, but he feels what normal kids feel: anger, betrayal, sadness, loss, joy, relief, confidence, and bravery.
-anonymous HP fan
A2-Edward. Edward would die for Bella, and tries to protect her in any way he can. He doesn't give up on her even when he hears she is with Jacob and saves her innumerable times.
Anonymous T fan.

Quidditch or Vampire Baseball?...
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Harry James Potter
Harry James Potter
This is not my opinion. It's an excerpt from an article titled link. I have however come across a few people who have voiced the same thing. Just curious to know people's thought on this.

Kenny Herzog

I’ve read all of J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter books—devoured them, really, because whatever her flaws, the lady does a terrific job at building compulsive narratives and enjoyable worlds. But the more time I spend away from the series, the more its problems get to me, and the biggest problem of them all is the main character himself. Harry is, to put it kindly, an absolute no one. He suffers...
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Here's my response to this rubbish.

1- the writing is better
Um, no. It's really not.

2- the actors/actresses who film the movie are talented
WHAT?! Ok, you're talking about the ecstatic Kristen Stewart, right? The Kristen Stewart who shows so much emotion in every seen of the movies? She looks really excited, huh? She might as well be a mannequin.

3- bella is a role model (she teaches people to hold on to their friendships and stuff and keep their secrets)
Bella is a role model!??!??! Ok, when Edward left bella in New Moon, Bella curled up for months, MONTHS. So that's basically saying that...
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I read the twilight saga and i loved it i was a twihard for a while yes, but was more fond of the voltori than anything else, When i read Harry Potter and the philosophers stone, i became addicted in its content, i read the books one by one and read them again, i like twillight, yes, but there is no doubt i prefar Harry Potter, i also read all the Hunger Games Books and was a tribute, still Harry Potter is my life and soul. Jk.rowling has an imagnation unlike many i know, the books depth and detail is unbelivable, i just wish it never had to end, you have to read all the books or you wont fully...
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posted by alexisn10
Believe it or not, I do not hate Twilight. The plot is fair, internesting setting, a lot of the characters are good, and not to mention the brilliant fight scenes! The soundtracks are lovely as well as the actors/actresses. Overall, I would give the entire series a C+. I would give it a higher grade if it wasn't for the poor writing, rambling, and somewhat extreme fans. But what's really the anchor of that sinking ship is the books' protagonist and narrator...

Bella Swan.

Of course there's a main character in almost every book I read that I really do not like. For example: in Hunger Games, it's...
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Harry Potter is the End of an Era. Twilight is the End of an Error.

At first glance, you would think this is just another oh-so-clever Anti-Twilight slogan, reiterated by the Twilight hating masses, but in reality, are these antis only slamming themselves?

First off, what Era is Harry Potter ending? It’s own? So in other words, “Harry Potter is the end of Harry Potter”.

I’m assuming this “Error” is meant to represent Twilight, correct? So in other words, much like the above, “Twilight is the end of Twilight”.

In conclusion, “Harry Potter is the End of Harry Potter. Twilight...
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