Pride and Prejudice 1995 Club
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During my search for Pride and Prejudice sequels, I have managed to come across many websites that offer P&P fanfiction. I thought I would post my findings here for all to enjoy. The stories on these sites range anywhere from one or two stories to hundreds of stories, so browse at your leisure. Most of these stories that I have come across seem to be based off the 1995 miniseries version of Pride and Prejudice.

The only site that I have completely and thoroughly enjoyed thus far is the Bits of Ivory site (listed below), so most of the other sites I don’t have much information to relay...
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Considering how long I have been a fan of Jane Austen’s 1813 novel, ”PRIDE AND PREJUDICE” and its numerous television and movie adaptations, I am surprised that I have never considered something about its heroine, Elizabeth Bennet, and her family. Ever since I have been reading numerous articles about the novel and its adaptations, I have noticed that many have labeled the Bennet family as members of the middle-class or the upper middle-class in Regency England. And it finally occurred to me that many of these fans were in error....
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posted by lovespercy
IF YOU LOVE PRIDE AND PREJUDICE-- you'll LOVE this new book. Its called 'Edenbrooke' by Julianne Donaldson. Check it out. I actually thought it was better than Pride and prejudice (hard to fathom).
It is similar to P a P (Pride and Prejudice) in all ways. It is a heart pounding romance with lots of twists and turns. Edenbrooke is now my all time favorite books! I couldn't for the life of me set it down.
YOU MUST READ THIS!!! If you love PaP then you will ADORE Edenbrooke. It is a relatively fast read. I have read it twice the past week. It is THAT good.
posted by becca85
Here is a list of other spots on FanPop that correspond with link. Some of these may be general Pride and Prejudice spots that include content related to other Pride and Prejudice movies (i.e. 1940, 1980, 2005, etc.). This list will also include spots for the actors/actresses themselves in addition to their characters.


Pride and Prejudice - link

Jane Austen - link


Fitzwilliam Darcy - link

Elizabeth Bennet - link

Jane Bennet - link


Colin Firth - link

Jennifer Ehle - link


Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth - link

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There have been numerous adaptations of Jane Austen’s celebrated 1813 novel, ”Pride and Prejudice” over the past decades. Two of these versions happened to be BBC miniseries that aired in 1980 and 1995. It has been a long time since I have viewed the 1980 miniseries. However, I recently saw the 1995 miniseries for the umpteenth time and decided to finally write a review of it. Adapted by screenwriter Andrew Davies, the miniseries was produced by Sue Birtwistle and directed by Simon Langton.

Austen’s story centered around one Elizabeth Bennet, the second...
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posted by KeepItSecret
Calling all Jane Austen fans!!
link is a newly opened RPG site, dedicated to all Jane Austen characters and books. You have the opportunity to be a Jane Austen character, or even create your own regency character!
With very few members, the majority of Austen's own characters are up for grabs!!
The only canon characters taken at the moment are Mr and Mrs Bennet, so plenty of places available.
Come and have a look around, and join if you so wish (please read the rules before hand though!)
Thanks alot guys!
I wanted to share my list of Pride & Prejudice published fanfics for anyone else who enjoys reading “What if…?” stories. This list should have 302 titles at this time. That does not include titles that were rereleased under different titles. I’m pretty sure I have the most comprehensive compilation of Pride & Prejudice published fanfics on the web. Anyone know a title I don’t have on here? :D

With the popular rise of e-books nowadays, some of the titles listed below can only be read electronically. Those will be notated by KINDLE appearing after the author's name.

All of the...
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Six hours no longer seems like a long time.

*You begin to wonder why all movies are not six episodes long.

*You have memorized where the commercial breaks come as well as the order of the commercials in each break.

*You watch the movie all the way through non-stop - then rewind it and start all over again.

*The movie just keeps on getting better every time you watch it.

*On a recent visit to a local lake, you were inspired to dive in and go swimming fully clothed.

*Your relatives and friends no longer think that you are strange for asking them to call you "Lizzy".

*You sing along with the background...
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