Sheriff Graham/The Huntsman Wall

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tacosauce77 said …
HE'S BACK!!!!!!!!!

HE'S COMING BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!


HE'S COMING BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
SisterOfThalia said …
Jamie Dornan's back! He's playing Sheriff Graham in a Storybrooke flashback! Posted over a year ago
tacosauce77 commented…
I KNOW!!!!! over a year ago
ReibyKathBlack said …
I miss my Sheriff Skinny-jeans Posted over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
You're not alone! I miss him and I will continue to until either I die or they bring him back! over a year ago
ReibyKathBlack commented…
They have to bring him back , I don't care how, just bring him back :'( over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
It could be the most ridiculous return ever and I wouldn't care so long as I have my Graham back. Until then can he at least be mentioned? You know...acknowledged for having ever existed? over a year ago
ReibyKathBlack commented…
Yes, I mean, would it hurt them to just at least say his name ? over a year ago
SisterOfThalia said …
I'm gonna die without a mention soon. Posted over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
Me too. I wonder what our funerals will be like? over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
The gravestones would say that we died of too many feels and character neglect, probably. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia said …
A complete year since his death and still not over it. Posted over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
Same...and I never will be. over a year ago
ReibyKathBlack commented…
I will never get over it :( over a year ago
afirewiel said …
I have yet to come across anyone who doesn't like Graham that actually has a good reason why that is. Posted over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
Ugh, same. It's always, "He slept with Regina," or something stupid along the lines of that as if it was consensual. Please. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia said …
I'm really, /really/ sick of people thinking that I need to get over him. No, I don't! Posted over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
Same here! over a year ago
afirewiel said …
...and he's coming back!!! YESSS! Posted over a year ago
ReibyKathBlack commented…
When ? What episode ? over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
No news on that yet. The only thing we know is that Jamie Dornan is set to return. We don't know when or whether he'll only be appearing as the Huntsman in a FTL flashback or as Graham. over a year ago
ReibyKathBlack commented…
Oh, God, I really wish he'll come back as Graham :( over a year ago
afirewiel said …
I'm missing him more and more each day that passes. Posted over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
Me too. I even started watching videos and I don't really do that out of fear of finding songs with swear words or something bad but I did it anyway. All of my feels died. over a year ago
afirewiel said …
Ever since the finale, whenever I see one of Regina's guards, I wonder if it's Graham. Posted over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
I've been wondering that ever since 1x07. I just pretend he's there so that I don't feel sad. *sigh* over a year ago
SisterOfThalia said …

Help Graham! Posted over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
I've already voted, otherwise I would vote again! over a year ago
SisterOfThalia said …
Every time I see a picture of him I miss him about five times more. So right now I miss him to the 39572947672947672081927572937599274659274529275739293749298210405827598729482938489563894634866375 power. Posted over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
I totally understand! My laptop wallpaper is a montage of him and I miss him everytime I get on my laptop! over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
I've been getting maximum Gremma feels lately and so I'm missing Graham more than ever. It doesn't help that he's been gone for so long now that I keep seeing people on tumblr saying that those of us wishing for his return are wishing in vain. over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
I know. My Gremma heart is in a mess right now! over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
Yeah. I got a tumblr account recently and there's graphics everywhere that are killing me. I'm getting more feels than I ever did when had just died. It also doesn't help that I'm even forcing the feels onto myself in an act of rebellion against Hook/Emma, lol. over a year ago
afirewiel said …
So, Graham was originally going to be Sherlock Holmes...I'm curious as to how they were originally planning on killing him off. Posted over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
I'm guessing if he was Sherlock, they probably weren't going to kill him off at all. Atleast nt tin the first season anyway. They didn't decide they were killing off Graham until episode 2 I believe, which was when they changed his character. They likely would have killed somebody else off instead. That's what I thik anyway. over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
I thought Jamie once said that he'd always known his character was going to I assumed that even before they changed his character they were planning on him being killed. over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
Maybe, I'm not sure. Usually when you do a Pilot episode, I don't think they give you to much more of the story past that episode, probably incase an actor gets replaced. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
I wonder if they planned on someone else being the Huntsman, then? over a year ago
afirewiel said …
I don't know. Some days it's easier to have hope for his return, other days...not so much. It's like a wave. The hope goes up, then down, then up again! I'm currently on a down. Someone please give me something to bring me back up! Posted over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
I was so close to hope a few minutes ago when I saw the promo for episode 5 when it said that they had found a way to bring back the dead. And then Daniel looked like he was trying to kill Regina. If they can bring things back, but that happens, then the magic isn't worth the price this time. I don't want Graham to like, try to kill Emma or something. over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
Exactly. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
^^ Exactly. They keep giving us glimpses of things that will make us think of him, like Henry's drawing or his picture in the book during episode 18, but they avoid talking about him altogether. And I agree about them giving no closure meaning they don't want us to move on. The fact that they're avoiding all talk about him in interviews is definitely good news in my eyes. over a year ago
afirewiel said …
Oh, no...the writers have just said in an interview that not all the fan-favorite characters will have a happy ending...please, tell me that Graham doesn't fall into that category! Posted over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
Jeez I hope not, that would suck. For some reason though the first person that came to my mind was Regina actually. I'm not sure she can ever truely be happy and finally let go of her hatred for Snow. Plus wasn't this season supposed to be about her redemption? Often when characters finally redeem themselves, they usually get killed off at some point. In an old interview, she was suprisingly left out of who the writers deemed "core characters". Just an observation though. over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
Plus, didn't the writers also once say that there is only one true love per person? So, unless they bring Daniel and Peter back to life, I don't see Regina or Ruby/Red ending up with anyone (unless Peter wasn't Red's true love....just a thought). over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
^ Yeah, that's part of the reason I think Regina won't be able to get that ending. But I do think that Rumpel deserves at least a chance, because I think he's been through more than Regina, and the things he's done were by influence of the Dark One powers. I think he's trying, and I like that Belle wants to see the good in everyone, even including the Dark One. over a year ago
afirewiel said …
So far in season 2 they've referenced the following deceased characters: Malificent, Daniel, King George's late wife (who've never met!), Charming's twin, and the Siren...all within the first three episodes! Yet, not one mention of poor Graham :( Posted over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
It seems odd how they keep teasing us of things that remind us of Graham, and yet never bring him up. Heck, if you look at the fairytale promotional photos of Henry, his outfits seem rather Graham/Huntsman like to me. over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
I was thinking the same thing! over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
I know, right? I mean, the /Siren/ and /King George's wife/. We met the Siren once and we've never met George's wife. Yet they never reference the one who died that was actually on the show for the longest amount of time out of the dead ones? I don't get it. And I agree about Henry. Lol, I like to think he wanted them together. over a year ago
afirewiel said …
I like the actress they picked for Mulan, I just wish that she had a different first name. Cause every time her name appears on the screen, all I see is the name "Jamie," and I get all excited thinking that Jamie Dornan is back...then I see the Chung, and my excitement dies. Posted over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
Lol right? Or when the cast is doing interviews and brings up the name "Jamie" and at first you freak out but then see it's about Jamie Chung instead. Poor girl, it's not her fault. It just leaves us in an awkward postion lol. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
Same. I see stuff on the Once spot where people just say "Jamie" and I'll freak out and then realize, "Oh...they mean Mulan. Darn it." over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
^It would be a little easier if they were spelt different, kinda like Ginnifer and Jennifer (I know Ginny's is pronounced slightly different, but I'm just saying.) She should have a "y" in her name or something lol over a year ago
SisterOfThalia said …
Sadly, I think the ghost from Regina's past is definitely Daniel. I looked at a summary of the episode and it listed the guest stars (like where it normally puts characters like Jefferson, etc.) and Graham was not there, but Noah Bean, Daniel's actor, was (even though he was credited as 'man', which I find kind of funny, lol.) Posted over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
Lol. What a detailed character description. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
I know, that's what I was thinking, lol. over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
Huh. I always assumed that we'd be seeing Daniel in another FTL that takes place before The Stable Boy. Oh, well. over a year ago
afirewiel said …
Still no mention of Graham....:( Posted over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
Well...we get more and more hints from almost every spoiler, so there's hope yet. over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
^I know! Did you notice that in the promo they show Henry looking at the same picture of Regina and the vault where she kept Graham's heart that they showed in "The Heart is a Lonely Hunter"? It also looks like Henry and David go in there! I so hope they refer to him...especially since Henry's the one who told Graham about the vault to begin with! over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
^I'm not really sure. But it does appear the Huntsman gets referenced far more than Graham does. I love nay reference I can get but I'd love to see more about Graham getting talked about. over a year ago
afirewiel said …
Here's a thought: the plot description for the 5th episode says that Regina starts to a see a ghost from her past. What if it is a literal Graham's? Posted over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
I'm guessing it's probably Daniel actually. I remember hearing the actor who plays him would be back for an episode this season. But since they were both killed the same way, maybe there's a chance of getting a mention of Graham that episode? over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
Well, my thought that was we'd see Daniel in a FTL flash back showing how he and Regina met. over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
^ Maybe it's a warning to becareful of something or someone. Or maybe he could help guide Emma somewhere. Who knows? But I could see him trying to help her in some way. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia said …
How to know Graham has been gone too long: you get really excited to see a picture of Graham and assume it means he's coming back, all because you saw a picture. Posted over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
I know the feeling! over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
Right? I've esscentially turned to fanfiction to fill that void lol. over a year ago
afirewiel said …
Every time I watch The Heart is a Lonely Hunter, I fell like a part of me is dying when Graham does :( Posted over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
Yeah, same. Still breaks my heart everytime. I will be beyond pissed if Graham doesn't get his happy ending. He's by far one of the most deserving of one. over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
I know! That's what really bugs me about Rumple/Belle. Rumple doesn't deserve a happy ending...yet it appears that he's getting one when Graham is currently dead. So unfair! over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
I'm not against Rumple getting a happy ending, but considering all that Graham has been through and everything he's done to help Snow, Charming and others, the guy is in serious need of finally getting a happy ending. He better come back. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
I totally agree. I mean, I really do love that Rumpel gets to be with Belle, but if anyone deserves the happy ending they were stripped of, he's extremely high on the list. He's been through so much and to suffer all of that just to die and have no chance of a happy ending? Harsh. over a year ago
afirewiel said …
It is now a month until season 2 airs and we still don't have any Graham scoops! I'm going crazy! Posted over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
I know! The cast is in the midst of shooting episode 5, so I think we can assume we won't be seeing any of Jamie's characters during those. But here's hoping the character will atleast be mentioned. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
Well if we see set pictures of Jamie, I guess we'll find out. And if he's in costume then we can determine which character of his. over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
From what I've heard, Jamie is supposed to be in Belgium for the next 2 weeks shooting a movie called "Flying Home". Then from there, he'll be off to New York to film the rest. I wouldn't worry though, it's not one of those big budget films that'll take months to shoot. It's about pigeons or something lol. Not to mention Jamie was shooting "The Fall" when he made his appearance in the finale, the writers worked around his schedule then, they could easily do it again. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia said …
Slowly losing patience but never losing hope.
Oh the pains of being a Graham fan. Posted over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
Same here. I feel like it's probably going to awhile before we see Graham or the Huntsman physically appearing on the show for awhile. Which is beyond disappointing. And what really annoys me is, apparently there isn't a lot of Jamie/Graham in the DVD extras for Season 1. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
What. What. WHAT. Not many Jamie Dornan extras? D: How can this be? I...I'm listening to A Thousand Years, which means there needs to be Gremma on the DVD. It somehow means there needs to be Gremma on the DVD. Because I'm listening to their song. Uh-huh. over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
^Exactly! I sometimes get the feeling that the writers/producers don't appreciate him as much as we fan do! over a year ago
afirewiel said …
The thing is, if I knew with 100% certainty that he's coming back, I think that would be enough to help me wait patiently for his return, but since we don't and there are always some nagging doubts in the back of my head...the wait is killing me! Posted over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
Ditto! over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
Yeah, I agree. Even if it was just a Huntsman appearance for right now I'd take that. Because usually when a character is in a fairytale flashback they atleast get mentioned in someway in Storybrooke. over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
Except Graham wasn't mentioned in Storybrooke in the finale at all. over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
^True. But maybe since 2x01 takes place right where 1x22 left off, that might mean he'll get reference then? Atleast that's what I'm hoping, since so much happened in the finale maybe they couldn't fit it in? over a year ago
SisterOfThalia said …
I wish they would stop talking about the Huntsman coming back and start listing possibilities of ways Graham could come back. Because even if he doesn't return, I want hope, because "believing in even the possibility of a happy ending is a very powerful thing." Posted over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
^Ditto. The fanbase has come up with hundreds of ways to bring him back that are extremely plausible and would work with the show. Say it with me now "loophole." None the less I still want to see me more Huntsman as well. Back story? Yes please. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
Yeah. Not to say I don't want the Huntsman, because I do. I just care about Graham's return more. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
^^ Haha! Pretty much! over a year ago
CelestialDream said …
"As for the Huntsman/Sheriff, the producers explained that his character is part of the DNA of the show and that the Huntsman himself is still alive, so he could very well appear again in flashbacks to the fairytale world." - They said he's part of the show's DNA so that's pretty good news. Posted over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
They pretty much denied it by saying he might show up in FTL, but they've tricked us before, so I'm automatically taking this as good news. over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
They sure do love to tease don't they? Sometimes I'm not sure how to take what they tell us. over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
^Here's hoping that's the case. over a year ago
afirewiel said …
I keep watching the Singlebrooke Dating Service video simply because it is new footage of Graham...and he's not in uniform! Posted over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
^Same here. And it totally makes me want to join Singlebrooke if it was real. Lol. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
I kept watching it, too, lol. Although he looked more like Jamie than Graham, but it was enjoyable nonetheless :P over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
^Now that I think about it, we never did see Graham in anything besides his uniform... Well, except his boxers that is. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
^Nope. Just Huntsman outfits and sheriff uniforms. And I'll sound crazy of this but I was really disturbed when all he was wearing was boxers because frankly, no matter who it is, I just can't stand seeing shirtless people. It just grosses me out. So I'm not really with you guys in the "oh he's hot" thing xD over a year ago
SisterOfThalia said …
Anyone else laugh at pretty much everything Graham said in the Singlebrooke Dating Service video? Posted over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
I did! I also wanted to hug him. over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
Did you read the captions under his name? Lmao. "Just look at him." And that last scene where he said about feelign empty, he was just so adorable. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
^ Agreed. And lol, "Crying over the bodies of dead wildlife." Don't think that's a very good date, Graham. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia said …
Graham. I'm getting tired of not having you and being forced to make fan art of you to compensate. Come back already, sheriff, we love you! Posted over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
Agreed! He needs to get his adorable, bad joke making self back to Storybrooke. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
Okay, no joke: I was putting up an icon on the Gremma page, looked at the tag 'sheriff graham', and I was all, "Oh yeah...he was the sheriff...pfft, I remembered that..." He's been gone too long, my memory is failing! D< over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
I love how when people in the finale saw him they were like "Wow I miss that guy." over a year ago
afirewiel said …
My initial reaction when Regina throws the Huntsman against the wall in the finale: Don't you darn hurt him, you evil witch! Posted over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
That scene is a total "Don't kick th epuppy!" moment. How can you hurt such a cute and sweet boy? over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
I screeched when she did that. over a year ago
afirewiel said …
I was online when I came across someone who made the following statement: "I hate the Huntsman. I love August." *Gasps in horror!* That doesn't nothing to improve my opinion of the latter. Please, Graham, forgive whatever nasty person said this and come back! Don't punish the rest of us for this one person's poor judgement! Posted over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
I love August, but Graham is my favorite! D: That person just needs to stay away from this page then. Graham, come back, don't listen! Dx over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
Bah! Nonsense! How can one hate The Huntsman? There'd be no story without him. Him sparing Snow caused everything else to happen. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
^ I know, right? I love both of them, I just like Graham more. over a year ago
afirewiel said …
Dear Graham, we miss you! Come back! Posted over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
Sincerely, your adoring fans that will not get over your death until you return. over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
P.S. You and Emma belong together! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
And if the world is ruined, no more you! So come back! over a year ago
CelestialDream said …
Jennifer Morrison via EW: “[The Huntsman] was in the season finale so they’ve established in fairytale land you can still flashback to him existing there, even though he’s not alive in reality. I don’t know what this means now that we’re bringing magic. We don’t know as actors… We don’t know if that means the Huntsman can be brought back to life. We don’t know what the rules are going to be now because everything has changed.” Posted over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
I hope they tell us soon! over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
Indeed! Otherwise, they could have just brought him back earlier. over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
^Mhm. Some key things hapenned in the final. Them choosing the bring the Huntsman back for the episode was definitley one of them. over a year ago
afirewiel said …
Every time I rewatch the Huntsman's scenes from the finale, I wonder if the other cast members are jealous of Josh and Lana for being the only two people he had screen time with in that episode...I know I would be! Posted over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
Haha, that would be funny! But I'd assume he'd be around the set that day, right? So people would see him anyway. Although screen time is kind of a big deal, lol. over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
I heard the writers say the cast was excited to have him back on set again. I bet Jen missed having scenes with him. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
^ Oh, for sure. Anyone would. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia said …

*grumble grumble* Graham's getting closer... *grumble grumble*
The only pro to this is that Graham and Emma might go down together but I don't think that's much consolation. lol. Posted over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
Lol. The fact he made it into the finale 4 even after all this time is awesome though. But like you said him and Emma could go down together lol. over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
I wish they had made it to the top 2! over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
Me, too. That's just not the thing I gravitate toward. I gravitate toward characters like Graham. I like Rumpel, but mostly when he's Mr. Gold. But I don't get the hype, either. They think he's 'sexy' or something. He's FAR from that... over a year ago
afirewiel said …
Lana Parrilla on the grief she's been getting for killing Graham on OUAT: "Even my mom is still giving me a hard time about that. I was like, 'Mom, I didn't really kill him! He's living in London.'" Posted over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
Lol. That's hillarious! There's plenty of us who still aren't over it. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
That made my day! over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
Irony for the win! over a year ago
SisterOfThalia said …
Okay, unless he comes back, Emma's actually got a big problem if Graham was her True Love. The writers said that they could only have on True Love, ever (also officially making Regina's life kind of worse...), and so if Graham was Emma's True Love, and if he can't come back, then that would mean that Emma's kinda alone for life. I don't want her to be alone forever, but I don't want to see her with anyone but Graham, either. Oh, writers, you make me feel so conflicted sometimes... Posted over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
*one over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
^ Me neither. As long as he returns to Emma safe and sound, plot-holes are pretty meaningless. Which means something, because I'm normally big on plot-holes. over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
^^ Yeah I completely agree, just need him back. But honestly, there are so many possible ways I could imagine him coming back I feel like there wouldn't be a need for it to be a plot-hole. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia said …
We just went to see Snow White and the Huntsman and the assumption I had going into it was correct: Graham is definitely still the coolest of them all. (And good Gremma, that evil queen was scarier than Regina by far O.O ) Posted over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
I haven't seen that one yet, though I did see Mirror, Mirror last week. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
It's still out? We went to see that quite a while back. (I loved that :) ) over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
And he was the guy that voiced Timon! :D over a year ago
SisterOfThalia said …
Does it hurt anyone else's heart whenever Emma claims that she's the sheriff? My logical side agrees, my Graham-biased side says, "Oh, Emma, you're kidding. Graham is the sheriff, you should know that. You work for him. Such a daydreaming deputy. He's not dead or anything, you're just replacing him in his absence. He'll be back shortly." Posted over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
Emma's a great sheriff but Graham will always be the true sheriff for me. I think he really loved his job and it was always a big part of who he was so I still refer him with that title at times. There's an episode where someone asks Emma if she's sheriff and it seemed like she actually hesitated for a moment before saying yes which I thought was interesting. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
Was that episode 17 when she was talking to Jefferson? I didn't catch her hesitation but now that I think about it she did kinda hold back for a moment in that scene. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
I would go replay the episode but I kind of have that one memorized by heart xD over a year ago
afirewiel said …
Does anyone else find it odd that this spot has less fans than the Emma/Graham spot? I would have thought that it would be the other way around. Posted over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
I noticed that; it's strange. This looks more official than the Emma/Graham spot, and yet this is less popular. by, what, 60 fans? over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
It's always been like that for some reason. Not sure why. over a year ago
afirewiel said …
Are any of you planning on seeing (at any point) the BBC series Jamie will be in, The Fall? Posted over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
Part of me wants to but considering he's playing a serial killer I feel like that'll weird me out when I see him in other things afterwards. lol. over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
O.o That's weird, when I click the link it takes me directly to set photos for his new show. (Though I am aware there are some pretty erm "racy" modeling photos like you mention of that site.) I'll try to link you to just 1 set photo see if that works: link over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
Wow. He does look like a ninja. o.o over a year ago
SisterOfThalia said …
I wonder when in season 2 that Graham's death will be regarded at last. Something as huge as the love interest dying after just the seventh episode can't be left alone forever without the remainder of the couple figuring out how it happened at SOME point. Posted over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
I would think they'd have to reference it at some point. I'm hoping it occurs early because how long can you drag out her not realizing now that she believes? over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
Really!? Did you post them? If not, please do! over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
Just posted them now. You can check them out if you like. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia said …
I'm already dying without no Once and no Huntsman, and it's only been a week. May this show be cursed (um...again?) for sending me into such emotional waves of confusion. I guess in the meantime we can just share theories on ways to bring Graham back. That could pass the time...not sure it can pass 4 months, but anything is worth a shot :P Posted over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
Lol. That's why I've realizied fanfiction can be a lifesaver to pass the time. But the show starts shooting July 16th so we might start getting some set photos around then which should help. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
Oh, I knew they shot in July but I didn't know the exact date. That's cool. And yes, fanfiction has definitely spared a lot of my sanity and stored it away for times when I need it. Also the reason why I'm quite insane on the outside because fanfics have helped to retain it, lol. I hope we get set photos by then! over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
Good to know! I'm gonna guess... the 23rd maybe? But that's just a guess lol. over a year ago
afirewiel said …
After watching the finale and learning that the Huntsman saved both of Emma's parents, I find his death even more heart-breaking. Posted over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
Right? He was such a good guy, he deserves to get his happy ending. And for all we know maybe the Huntsman has helped them on more than just those to occasions. over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
She should find out in the first, and he comes back in the 7th (if not sooner!) At least, that's how I want it to happen. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
Definitely find out in the first episode, but then take action later. I mean, preferably sooner the better, but it might feel a bit more complete if it were episode seven. (Er...episode 29?) over a year ago
afirewiel said …
I love how in the finale as soon as he takes his helmet off and says "a friend", Jamie's name appears on the screen. It's like they're announcing his return to the world. "He's big, he's back, and he's hotter than ever!" Posted over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
Lol, I loved that, too. Like, "Guess who?" over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
Lol. Yes the timing was just spot on. And then they played his theme music and it was even more awesome! over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
Cool! That's really awesome, love it. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia said …
I drew the comic, now I just need to find a way to get it onto my computer without the scanner ruining it. That's the real challenge... Posted over a year ago
afirewiel said …
Check out the article I posted in the Once Upon A Time Spot Posted over a year ago
afirewiel said …
Dear producers, please, please say we'll see more of Jamie Dornan in season 2! Posted over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
Yes to this! It'd be even more amazing if he could come back as Graham, just saying. Lol. over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
And seeing as there is now magic in Storybrooke...well, I'm sure they can find someway to bring him back. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
I hope so, but if they could bring back the dead Prince James and Daniel would be alive by now. But there's always hope. I want Regina to have a happy ending with Daniel anyway, so why not just resurrect all the awesome dead people? over a year ago
afirewiel said …
Everyone! Drop whatever it is you're doing and go to the OUAT spot and watch the 3rd sneak peek! Posted over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
Well we finally got the sneak peak clip we've been asking for. :) over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
Lol. Oh can't wait to see that! over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
Now I must get to that. After I'm done watching the episode approximately 5000.84829473 times. over a year ago
afirewiel said …
Less than a week until he's return in the finale and still no pictures...I think they are purposefully trying to torture us! Posted over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
*bawls* Please, Eddie, please, Adam, PLEASE give us the Huntsman! Dx over a year ago
forwood_fan1987 commented…
Ikr it would be such a relief seeing him in the pictures oder even better a sneak peak xD over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
^I know! I'm crossing my fingers that he will be in at least one of the sneak peeks. over a year ago
SisterOfThalia commented…
*crosses fingers, toes, and everything else possible to cross* We need pictures D: Better yet though if it's a clip. over a year ago
Cola020 said …
Oh the things i would do to that man........... Posted over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
Lol. He is quite the looker, and with an accent to boot. over a year ago
afirewiel said …
Happy 30th Birthday, Jamie Dornan! Posted over a year ago
afirewiel said …
23 days until we get to see his lovely face on OUAT again! Posted over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
YAY! So can't wait to see him back. I've yet to hear anything of what his charcter will be up to that episode so I'm even more excited to learn what that will be. over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
If you do learn anything, please be sure to let me know! over a year ago
forwood_fan1987 commented…
me too please ;) can't wait to see him again :D over a year ago
2Chewy said …
he is such a perfect human being Posted over a year ago
forwood_fan1987 said …
awww he will appear in the season finale :D :D :D this just made my day <3 better than nothing I guess :) Posted over a year ago
CelestialDream commented…
I'm excited for him to show up again! I still really miss Graham but I'm happy we'll atleast get to see The Huntsman in Fairytale land. Maybe they'll actually reference Graham in Storybrooke in the episode. over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
I hope so! I certainly hope that Emma will finale realize that Regina had something to do with his death! over a year ago
CelestialDream said …
Anyone else feel tonight's episode just wasn't the same without Graham around? Posted over a year ago
ratava123 said …
Oh Graham. He better not actually be dead or I swear. Bad things will happen to the Evil Queen. Posted over a year ago
bdavis98 said …
i just realized that everyone might have had their happy enddings in FTL execpet for the hunstman/graham because if he did his heart wouldn't still be with the evil queen/rigina, it makes me wonder where was he after snow white had her happy endding?, was he still the queen's prt?,where was he when the curse happened?, did anyone try to help him? Posted over a year ago
woodelf said …
A crushing end to a great episode. This is a world where magic exists, they should be able to bring him back somehow. Pretty please? Posted over a year ago
forwood_fan1987 said …
love this spot <3 and maybe - who knows (cross my fingers!!!!) - we can add some more pictures/videos/links etc. if a miracle happens and Graham returns to the show :D Posted over a year ago
CelestialDream said …
Aw a Graham spot <3. The icon and banner are gorgeous by the way. Posted over a year ago
bdavis98 said …
ok this out of contral all i ever think about since 1x07 is how graham can't be dead, how him & emma beking together, how there has to some way from him to back. i have been thinking about this for 3 days it's of contral plz tell me i'm not the only one Posted over a year ago
jazzywazzy08 commented…
I don't think he's dead and if he is dead he won't stay dead. I mean they wouldn't go through all of this trouble making us understand him only to kill him off....Also these are this is a fairytale show so there is magic so there is probably a way to bring him back and these are the people who wrote Lost so we'll see him again! over a year ago