Teen Titans Rp Anyone?

Teawanee posted on May 06, 2010 at 02:39PM
I've been wanting to role play teen titans for a while, but I can't find one already started, so I guess I'll have to start one. Ok So, the story is that we're a differeny sector of the teen titans. You can make a character, and after we have enough people, we'll start. You can be a titan, or a villain. No one is allowed to be uber-powerful, so I'll make a rule that you must have 2 weaknesses, you have to tell us one, and send me a message with the other one so I know you have anotherone but dont have to tell everyone.
last edited on May 09, 2010 at 03:56PM

Teen Titans 152 replies

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Showing Replies 51-100 of 152

over a year ago Pennypatch321 said…
Pepper glared at Koru, "Just so you know, my parents give me a home. I would stay, but I just can't." Pepper looked over all of the new people that she had just met. "I hope that we join in battle another day." She turned around and flew out of the apartment building heading home.
over a year ago IchigoShirosaki said…
"well she's got issues.." Remi sighed
Koru sighed "everyone's got issues..."

suddenly Remi was takled by a orange flash.


"oh that's my Cat Ichigo.." Felidae muttered.
"ugh.." Remi grunted lightly geting the cat off her. "i hate cats. they give me colds."
over a year ago Teawanee said…
"ARE YOU RETARED!?! CATS CANT GIVE YOU COLDS!" Felidae yelled, holding her cat. She began talking to it in cat, then they both stared at Remi.
"How the hell are expecting to live here if you dont like cats? In case you didn't relise, i am a cat!"
"Hey calm down." Koru said. Felidae hissed loudly, before walking out a back door, which lead ino a courtyard type thing. Bringing Ichigo with her.
"I think you upset her." Koru said
"You think?" Girl Flash said
over a year ago Pennypatch321 said…

Pepper landed in her front lawn. Her front door was open just a crack. She ran up to it curiously and peeked in through the door. "Hello?" She called, hoping that someone was home. No answer. "Hello? I'm back!" She called louder, and still no answer. She opened the door some more, and looked around. Her house was a mess. Things were broken, and all over the floor. Her family was robbed. "Mom! Dad!" She ran through the house calling for her parents, but no one answered. What was going on? Where were her parents? Why hadn't they answered her calls? She stopped in the kitchen when she saw a trail of blood. She shivered, following the trail. The trail led to the living room, and there, on the floor, were her parents. Dead. Shot. Murdered. She called 911 immediately. The police arrived in no time with an ambulance. (okay, I'm not describing every detail, because that would just be too long, so I'm skipping the part where they take the bodies away, and everyone leaves.) Pepper stood outside at her home. She decided that she couldn't live in the home that her parents were murdered in, so she was going to sell the home. She didn't know where she would go, but then she remembered a certain place. She started to fly to Gyrot immediately.
over a year ago IchigoShirosaki said…
back with Remi

"did you have to do that?"

"she pisses me off!" Remi growled

"what did she even do to you?" Koru muttered.

"she's such a show off! she's so ungrateful and so bossy! she didnt even thank us for saving her stupid ass! we should've just let that monster kill her, it would save us and everyone alot of trouble."

Koru sighed and messaged Remi's shoulders, "take a breath Rem, you geting all worked up.."

Remi blushed and sighed. "yeah."
over a year ago Teawanee said…
Felidae climbed up her favorite tree, ichigo rite behind her.
"Damn girl. I give her a free place to live and she insults us?"
"I konw. Some people." ichigo said to her. He was also mad. Felidae sat there listening to the artifical pond that was in the center of the courtyard. She was growling audiably. Ichigo climbed up a litle higher, and came bak with a robin in his jaws. "Want any?" He asked. "No, I'm to upset to eat." Felidae answered. She soon fell asleep.
over a year ago leonides said…
guys l all ready made a teen titans rp
over a year ago Pennypatch321 said…
(oh okay, well, I guess there's two then! lol. Plus, they can have different plots.)

Pepper made it back to Gyrot in no time. She headed for the apartment building that Felidae owned. As soon as she got there, she headed inside. She entered a common room where she ran into Remi, Koru, and Girl Flash.
"What? You're back?" Koru exclaimed.
"What happened? Why did you come back?" More and more questions were asked about why she came back.
"It's... it's a long story." She answered, trying to keep things short. "Where's Felidae? I need to talk to her."
"Of course. Everyone wants to talk to the cat girl." Remi muttered.
Girl Flash gave Remi a shove and turned to look at Pepper. "We don't know. She got mad, and stormed out the back door. We aren't sure for certain where she is." That was good enough of an answer for Pepper. She ran out the back door, and entered a courtyard.
over a year ago Teawanee said…
(Thank you pepper!)

Felidae woke up to ichigo licking her nose. "Must you always wake me up that way?"she asked, slightly annoyed. "I could bite you, if youd prefer." He said sarcasticly. "What did you wake me up for anyway?" Ichigo looked down the tree at Pepper. "what's she doing back already?" She asked. "How should i know? What fools these mortals be." "How do you know shakespere?" Ichigo just gave her a sly look before saying, "I tnink she's looking for you." felidae looked, pepper was looking around. She pokked her head down to were Pepper would be able to see her. "What's up?" "Oh! There you are, and it seems your up." Pepper joked, but felidae could hear in her voice that something wasn't right. "What's wrong?" She asked.Pepper just told her she needed a place to stay, and that she didn't want to explain it all now. "Sure, if you think you can live in the same place as all these people." Pepper thanked her. "Can you go tell everyone to pick out an apppt? But #1 is mine, i already have all my things and such there. (The appts are labled 1-6 on the doors, you can come up with what each looks like.)

Felidae watched Pepper go inside before jumping the fence. "Where are you going? Ichigo asked. "For my usual walk, im not ruining my routine just for them! Do you want to come?" "Of course not! I never leave my comfort zone, I'm just going back in the tree for now." Felidae began walking to her ususal haunts. A pizza place, to get something to eat. Visited an old lady who lived in the same small house all her life, who helped felidae when she first moved to gyrot. The video store, to talk to the local nerds about all the latest video games and gadgets, because felidae herself, though you couldn't really tell, was quite nerdy. Then she just walked around town, through back alleys and such, to see if there was anyone getting mugged or something. Just her doing this, people had said, made Criminals less likely to try anythng. It was a small city, and one of few places were Felidae was accepted by most people. It was late at night when a little girl, looking frietened, came upto her. "Kitty!" small children called her, when they couldn't pronounce Felidae, "Someone's wobbing de bank, my mommy's in dare!" "Ok, stay here!" They were in a well lite and crowded area were no one would try to kidnap her. Felidae was off, hoping they didn't call her house like they normally do, she din't want to make a huge scene with all the others showing up out of some cracker-jack attempt to rob the bank.
over a year ago Pennypatch321 said…
(your welcome!!)

Pepper ran inside the apartment building and ran into the others. "Did you find Felidae? Is she okay?" They all asked.
"Yeah, I found her. She was sleeping in a tree..." She said puzzled. She continued before anyone could respond, "She told us that we could pick out our apartments. You just can't pick apartment 1 because that's already hers."
"We can stay?" Remi asked, excited.
"Yeah, I guess, she just said that we could pick out our apartments." Everyone ran off to pick out there apartment. "Gee. Thanks. Let me pick last!" She exclaimed as everyone ran into their own rooms. The only room left was the last one in the long hallway. The door was on the far back wall, so she had a strait walk to her door. She ran up to it, and opened the door. There was a very short hallway -- about two feet long -- with a sliding doored closet to her right. After the small hallway, there was a nice living room area. She continued walking into an open doorway which led to a small, but decent sized kitchen. She turned around back in the living room. She saw a door, and opened it, to see a bathroom with a closet, toilet, sink, and a shower stall. She noticed that there was another door, probably leading to the bedroom, so she walked through that door too. She walked into a medium sized bedroom and followed another door from the bedroom back to the living room. Now that I have a place to stay, how am I going to get all of my things here?
over a year ago IchigoShirosaki said…
big smile
Remi sighed, "you can have the bed if ya want i'll take the couch." Remi muttered looking at Koru. (yes they share the same room.. why? CAUSE I SAID SO!)

"you don't have to, it's polite for a male to offer such luxurious things to a female like yourself." Koru said.

Remi blushes slightly. wow.. a good lookin guy and a gentleman... he truely dazzles me to no end...

"well.. only if you insist, it truely does not matter to me, it's all up to you i always thought males like yourself deserved equal things as females." Remi replyed, daring to be slightly flirty.

Koru chuckles. well a dark and mysterious yet flrity woman... she is truely a goddess of many things..

over a year ago Teawanee said…
Felidae rushed to the bank. "No need to call my home, im here!" But thee was no theif in site, jst nearly the whole town the mayor came forward, "Felidae." 'oh god, is his another intervention for my catnip addiction?' "We saw you bring a whole croud of people to your house." '4 people is a crowd?' "Are you, haveing, um..." A teenage boy, who looked slightly hi, spoke up, "The mayor;'s asking if ur havein a sex party?" "WHAT!?! Seriosly? you think i'd have an orgy? WITH 3 GIRLS? AND ONLY ONE BOY?" Felidae laughed. "i know i joke about being bi, but that's a bit much." The boy spoke again. "It could be a rainbow party." 'great, the whole town is an over-protective father.'"No, nothing is happening. I needed help fightin that lizard thind earlier, and called in backup, now they all want to live in my appt building." The mayor looked relieved "Oh, thank god. Well, you may go home now." Felidae walked home, she decided she'd tell everyone this, cuz, come on, it was funny.
over a year ago Pennypatch321 said…
Pepper was sitting in the room that the team all met up in when Felidae walked in. Pepper jumped up, "Where the hell were you??"
"Heheh. Funny thing about that..." Felidae told them the story.
"Oh. My. God. Why would they think that?!?!" Pepper exclaimed, trying not to laugh.
"I have no clue!!" Felidae told her.
over a year ago Teawanee said…
(sorry if a lot of this is mispelled or something, I'm useing my iPod and it's hard to type on here X3)

After telling her story, felidae whent to bed ichigo was curlled up on his favorite dark red pillow on the couch. "So, You're home later then usual." he said. Felidae laughed, and told him her story. "how sweet they care about you. To bad it's in an overprotective big brother kind of way." he said. Felidae went into her bedroom, it was a little
room, painted a dark purple, with two matching floor lamps. Her bed was much like a gaint pet bed, it was purple and silver, with a gaunt Teddy bear inside. She layed her head down on the Teddy and curdles up in a very typical cat like fashion. Ichigo came in and layed in the crook of her arm. He soon fell asleep, and both of them began to purr. It was almost midnight, and felidae planned on her usual rutine of sleeping until 3 o'clock and taking plenty of naps throughout the day. How the others would interfer was another deal.

Felidae was woken up by Ichigo at 3 o'clock as normal, and made herself breakfast. She made crepes, and in the small appt. the smeel could be smelt in evey room. She knew this, but thought nothing of it, as she though no one would be awake. Then she wen outside for her usual Morning potrole. She walked around the sleepy town, but nothing was going on. She then decided to go to the forest that surrounded the town. She climbed up a tree and traveled through the tree tops throughout the forest. But she could hear someone, it sounded like a little girl. She raced through the trees to where she heard the noise. But, she found, it was only a recording. "Haha, so I've found you again it seems." She heard a voice say before a net was thrown on top of her. It was akill, she saw him jump down from one of the trees. Felidae grabbed her communicator, and messaged Pepper for help, luckily without him seeing. "What do you want? What the HELL di do to you, that you have to mess with me?!?" She asked. "Oh," he said, "I'm just gong to use you to get to someone else. You're no use to me, I might let you go once im done. Might." He laughed, before gathering up the ends of the netting and dragging felidae away. "Oh, you'll find it no use trying to chew your way through that rope, it's much to strong for that. Felidae continued to hew, on the off chance he was bluffing. It didn't hurt to try, in fact, her teeth could use it.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Pennypatch321 said…
Pepper was sleeping in a sleeping bag that Felidae lent her until she was fully moved in when her communicator went off. She grunted, and reached for her communicator, and noticed that it was a message from Felidae. Captured. Need help. HURRY! Pepper jumped up and got dressed ass quick as she could, and ran out into the hallway leading to the different apartments. She ran down the hallway knocking on each door shouting, "Everyone! Wake up!! Felidae needs our help!!"
Remi was the first one out, rubbing her eyes, "What? Why in the hell would you wake us up at 3 a.m?!" She shouted.
Koru came out right after Remi, and then Girl Flash. "Yeah, what's the big idea?" Koru and Girl Flash exclaimed at the same time.
"Felidae is n trouble!" Pepper exclaimed. She held up the message that she just got, and they all gasped. "Now come on!"
"But, we don't even know where she is!" Girl Flash said.
"I can trace the message to find out where she was when she sent it." She traced the message in a heartbeat, "C'mon!" She waved her hand as she rushed out the door, and lead them to where Felidae went missing.
over a year ago Teawanee said…
Akill dragged Felidae into a small cave. "Well, how do you like my place?" He asked Felidae, 'It's small, dirty, damn, and smells like you, that is to say, bad." She told him. He was obvoiusly angry, but held down his temper somehow. "Well, you may find you like it here some day. I wouldn't mind keeping you here." 'Is he trying to flirt with me?' "You are a pretty little creature." He said, smiling at her. felidae gaged loudly. "just think about it, you might change your mind. Once I take control of this city, even this world, I could give you everything you've ever wanted." "What more could a cat want then a warm bed, plenty of food, and people who love her?" She said. "never having to save ungrateful humans, and admit it, at some time you'll have the need for attention from someone of the male persausion, you know it's true." "How will you help me with that last part?" "Hello, I'M TALKING ABOUT MYSELF!" He said. "I thought you said someone of a MALE persausion." Felidae just loved teasing this kid, he wanted to make her fall in love with him, but he was getting so pissed.
over a year ago Pennypatch321 said…
Pepper and the gang walked into the woods where Felidae was when she sent the message. She looked around for any sign of where Felidae was taken, but there was nothing.
"Let's just head back. We aren't going to find her." Koru said.
"No! We can't stop! We must find her!" Pepper vigorously typed a message to Felidae. Where are you?? We can't find you! She hit send, and they waited for a reply.
over a year ago Lucy64 said…
Girl Flash was already there when everyboby else arived. "shes not here...these are the right coridnants, right?" she looked at pepper.
"yeah. whoever has her must have left"
"great. what the hell are we suposed to do now?" came remi. She yawned,"maybe felideaes just yankin our capes. i bet shes at home laughing up a storm with that cat of hers right now!"

"no. shes not THAT mean guys" pepper defended, in a sad tone,"she gave us all a home and even after i declined, she still let me in. so lets go! NOW! we need to find her! Girl Flash, you run up ahead, check behind every tree, in every cave, and under every rock. Remi, you think you could make anykind of a connection with her? try. Koru, you go back to the appt and try and locate her comuicator. im going to find my brother. i have a feeling he may have somthing to do with this."
"yeesh. who died and made her queen boss?" Girl Flash nudged Koru.
"apperently felidae" he responded.

(sorry, pepper. didnt mean to totaly control your titan like that...sorry)
over a year ago Lucy64 said…
(damn! my reply was late again!)lol
over a year ago Pennypatch321 said…
(lol. It's okay Lucy. I'm fine with it. lol.)
over a year ago Teawanee said…
It was 5 oclock by now, usually at this time, Felidae ook her first nap of the day. She was getting sleepy but she knew she couldn't just go to sleep. Akill giggled, "Sleepy, are you?" "No, not a bit." Felidae yawned. By now, Akill had moved her into a cage, and she was sure he was enjoying himself watching her. 'the creep.' She thought about ways to get out of this, but she could only think of one. "Oh, Akill, now that I think about it, you're right. I've come to like you. You, and your...power." Felidae was a master at making pauses to come up with lyes sound good. "I knew you would." He said, just taking in Felidae's breathy speech, she was trying to seduce him, so he would let her go. "Please, let me out, i can't do anything in here." She said, flicking her tail, trying to look playful or something. "What would you do if i let you out?" "I could help you get back at your sister, use me." She said. 'im so disgusted with myself.' "Hmm, are you jokeing me?" "Oh, no, i've always thought you were hansome, but i just thought it would be wrong, being with a villain. But I realised, i like wrong. Heehe." He smiled at this. 'stupid kid, he really beleives me!' "Ok, but I'm keeping you on a leash or something." "oh, naughty." He took her out, and connected a rope to her choker. He lead her outside and tyed her to a tree. "Oh, wat r we doing now?" She asked. "You, call pepper, ill hide in a tree and wait to ambush her. "Ok." Felidae pulled out her communicator. "Help, I'm tied to a tree! Akill is hiding in it waiting to ambush you! (plz hurry)" She sent the message, and sat down, she tryed to purr. "What are you purring about?" "Oh, I'm thinking of you." She said. 'oh, god I hope they hurry.'
over a year ago Pennypatch321 said…
Pepper received a message from Felidae. She tracked it immediately. "Hey guys! C'mon! I've gotten another message! Follow me!" She shouted as she flew off towards where the message was sent. She zipped through the trees easily as she got closer, the rest of the gang on her tail. Pepper flew up to the point where she was next to a cave. "Hello?" She called.
"Psst, over here!" Felidae whispered.
Pepper ran over to her. "Are you okay?" Felidae shook her head in fright as Pepper shouted this.
She heard someone laugh maniacally, and noticed that it was Akill. A net dropped on top of Pepper when she looked up. Akill jumped down from a tree, and circled his sister. "I thought that you were finally DEAD." He shouted. "After all these years, you are still here! And for what? To save people's lives?! Well, this is going to end right here, right now. No one is going to hear of Pepper ever again!" He shouted as he raised his hands, glowing red.
"What are you going to do? Give me 60 degree burns?" Pepper laughed.
Akills eyes grew wide with anger and hatred. "You were supposed to die with out parents! And even when I killed your new parents, you are still here!" Pepper's eyes started to tear up with absolute hatred.
"Why the FUCK would you do that?! Are you just trying to make my life MISERABLE?! Is that your only goal?!" She exclaimed, wanting to beat the shit out of her brother, but then realizing that she could do better. "You are nothing but a lazy ass psycho!" She shouted as she shot a beam of red light at him this time. She never knew that she could do that. She looked at her hands, wondering what gave her the red light. She was sitting in the open, under the battered net that she just opened, when the rest of the gang arrived.
over a year ago Teawanee said…
"Hey, get this rope off of me!" Felidae told them, not caring who did it. Koru put his hand on it, and teleported just the rop away. "Thank you." "Traitor!" Akill yelled as he watched Felidae Move toward him, her claws extended. "Ha! you thought i was really serouis? And ayway..." She said as she picked him up, he was fear stricken, after wat happened with Pepper, and the Claws near his face,about to make him uglier. "... You had no problem with me betraying OTHERS. So don't call be a traitor."
over a year ago SoyalaLeisu said…
(Hello Everybody! GaGa is joining. And something's wrong! Check out my other forum that tells the story)

"What do you want with me?" She tried to say, but it was too late for that. She was already in a tent of her own. I wonder who the other cat was? Was it a cat-person or a cat unto itself or what?

There was no time to ask.

And who is the Crew Cut? What do they want with a shapeshifter? I came to earth looking for peace. This is not what I was looking for...
over a year ago Pennypatch321 said…
Pepper was still sitting on the ground when her communicator beeped. The others were fighting Akill while she was in her trance. She answered it immediately.
"Pepper, there's someone, something that has been kidnapped in some woods. I'll send you directions from where you currently are." It was the head of Hero's Industries, Gordon. (just made up that name lol)
"I'm on my way." Pepper said absentmindedly while watching her friends fight. Her communicator beeped again with the directions. She looked down and saw that it wasn't too far away from where they were now. She looked up, and flew off alone off to where her communicator was leading her.
over a year ago SoyalaLeisu said…
The Crew Cut members crowded around the tents and peered in. "Shapeshifters! We're being targeted. Time to start moving!"

GaGa shook her head. "Not this time," she muttered. And she began to change...
over a year ago Teawanee said…
"Please don't hurt me." "Why? You're trying to kill my friend, and destroyed my city. What possible reason could you have for me not to hurt you?" Akill looked over to see pepper gone. "Where did she go now?" "Hey, forget her, your dealing with me now, you little asshole, now, if you can give me one good reason to not scalp you, I'll just take you to a hi security prison and that be the end of it." "Cuz, uh, um, I love you?" "Not good enough, if you really loved me, you wouldn't have done all this. But I'll let you go with your life now." She shoved him at Koru. "Teleport him to prison." Koru did. "Hey, Pepper really is gone." Remi said. "Well, lets look for her then." Girl Flash said.
over a year ago Pennypatch321 said…
Pepper flew behind a bush near a tent with men standing outside of it. What was going on? Who were these people, and what were they doing? She began to wonder if Gordan sent her to the right place, and was about to turn around and head back when she heard the men talking. "Shapeshifters! We're being targeted. Time to start moving!" Pepper peered out of the bush to see what was going on.
Shapeshifters? Who are these people?
over a year ago SoyalaLeisu said…
Viscous claws formed out of the tops of GaGa's hands, near her knuckles. Her hair receded and began to curl over and over into a think mane of scales. Her back arched forward and her skin turned into a rough stonelike material. Her eyes saw red and white and she hissed with her forklike tongue. The humans would think of a snake, but GaGa didn't think snakes were like that. She was a different creature entirely. Her rows of sharp teeth pointed outward and she hissed a large screech before bursting out of her tent to attack.

From the bushes she could smell another human...a different human...a SPECIAL human. She heard it scream out. "WTF is that thing!" But she stopped paying attention to the small, insignificant being in the bush, just turned for her captures.
over a year ago Pennypatch321 said…
Pepper sat in the bushes astounded at the creature that tore out of the tent. Her first instinct was to attack it thinking that she was supposed to save the humans, but then realized that the men had captured this creature. She wasn't sure who to attack so she called for backup.
Felidae, I need some help over here... I don't know who or WHAT to attack. help! She texted Felidae, hoping that she would get the text soon.
over a year ago SoyalaLeisu said…
Signals beeped around GaGa and she shrieked as they hit her brain with waves she couldn't understand. Fire scorched from her and she reached down and swiped at the tents. Whatever was in there scurried out and away instantly.

"Crew Cut!" cried one of the men. "Retreat!" The men ran around him and he peered up at the shifted GaGa. "We'll meet again, GaGa. You are by far the most powerful shifter I've met. You wait and see, my child, just wait and see." And then he fled too.

GaGa shifted back to a human form. This time, she had short blonde hair cut in an Uneven Bob. There were brown streaks in it. Her eyes were a catalyst gray and she was taller than before. Then she turned to the bushes.

"You can come out now, human-thing."
over a year ago Pennypatch321 said…
Pepper almost didn't step out, but then she did without knowing it. "Who and what are you?" She asked this creature that kept changing.
over a year ago SoyalaLeisu said…
"I could ask you the same thing," she said, facing the dark haired stranger. "I am an alien to your world, a shifter who can change her shape to anything of my creation. I have many names of many worlds, but you can call me GaGa."
over a year ago Pennypatch321 said…
"Hello Gaga. I once was a normal person, until I touched a meteor that landed in my back yard. Ever since, I've been able to shoot beams of light out of my hands." Pepper demonstrated an almost harmless beam of light up into the sky. "I call myself a Star Child, but my name is Pepper."
over a year ago SoyalaLeisu said…
GaGa froze...Star Child....did the Star Child know where the Sage Child was, or where to find her? Now was not the time to ask. She could feel it. So she knelt. "Good to meet you, Star Child," she said. "I come in humble peace. But..." She shook her head.

"What?" asked Pepper, sounding nervous.

"Nothing, said," said GaGa. "I would like to know more about you. Are you alone?"
over a year ago Teawanee said…
Felidae got a text. She looked at it, "Felidae, I need some help over here... I don't know who or WHAT to attack. help!" "Hey, guys, i know where she is, she's in trouble. "Great, and the fleabag saves the day again." Remi grumbled, in audiable to most except felidae. 'Stupid girl.' She thought, before turning to Koru, "Hey, can you teleport all of us?" "Uh, maybe, everyone grab onto an arm." Felidae and girl flash just barly touched his one arm, while Remi squeezed the other with both hands. koru teleported them all to right behind Pepper.
over a year ago Pennypatch321 said…
Pepper was nervous. Where was Felidae and them? What if they just came up right behind her? "Well, funny thing about that. When I saw you change into that creature, I called my friends for backup. They could pop up any time now." Just as she said that, Koru and the rest of the gang zapped in behind Pepper.
"Pepper! We've been looking for you!!" Koru exclaimed.
Remi froze when she saw Gaga. "Who is this?" She asked.
"This is Gaga. She's.. well... she's the thing that I was called in to save." Pepper explained.
"Greetings." GaGa said as she bowed her head.
over a year ago Teawanee said…
"Ok so what do we do about it? She's not attacking you or anything so I don't really feel like killing her." Felidae said. "What is she anyway?" "I am an alien shapeshifter." she said, looking sort of offended. "Cool." Kori said. "Well then I guess you guys want her to come
live with us,eh? Oh yes let's take her with us! I'm going home now I'm tired, and in desperate need
for a bath I feel dirty." Felidae said as she started to walk away. After dealing with that Akill creep
she was really pissed off.
over a year ago Pennypatch321 said…
Pepper looked back at GaGa when she hesitated to come along. "It's okay. There's no reason to be scared. It's safe."
GaGa walked forward. "Okay, if you say so."
They all headed back to the apartments.
over a year ago Teawanee said…
When they walked in, Ichigo was sitting on the couch with the t.v. on. He looked sad, and only Felidae knew why." He meowed, "No, Don't leave him!" "Ichigo, are you watching soaps again?" "I do every tuesday. Now shush, I must Know if Yolanda Leaves Ronald for Hamsted!" "That cat is just TO weird for me." Remi said. Ichigo, tried to go "Shhhh!" but it came out as a hiss. Felidae just whent straight to her room, ignoring Remi. She went to her Room, lifted her teddy bear, and took a small box out from under it, again looking at what was inside, like she does almost every day. After that, she fixed herself lunch, because it was nearly noon by this time. The smell of her lunch wafted throughout the Appt. Then someone knocked on the door. "Who ever you are, go away!" she said before opening the door to Pepper, "Just kidding." She said, "What are you making?" Pepper asked.
over a year ago Pennypatch321 said…
Pepper walked inside Felidae's apartment. Felidae walked into her kitchen, and answered, "Grilled Cheese. Want some?"
"Sure. My apartment will be empty until later today anyways." Pepper shrugged. Her things were supposed to be arriving any moment now.
over a year ago SoyalaLeisu said…
GaGa stared in nervousness around the apartment before deciding that everything was okay and safe. It doesn't matter. Just keep up your duty... The Sage Child was an important God--a relic of sorts--back on her home world. She was a God, a child from another world that spoke to the spirits. Without her, her race was sure to end. She was their only savior. But the Star Child was a weird girl, and GaGa liked her. She hoped that during her time on earth, Pepper came to see her as a friend, and perhaps GaGa could manage to get her accepted on her home world...

She stood quietly and watched, not sure what things were, so she just let others do the work for her, learning as she watched them and thinking of the different shapes she could possibly shift into. Nothing seemed to stand out at the moment, but that could change any moment, so she kept vigilant watch.
over a year ago Teawanee said…
Felidae Gave her a plate. Then she sat down and turned on the T.V. to Some stand-up comedian. pepper sat down next to her and admired the pictures on the wall, and the little stand that had a few pictures too. There were pictures of felidae with nearly everyone in town. But more then one had a guy, about There age, he had medium length dark Brown hair, emo style, with green eyes. "Who is that?" Pepper asked, pointing to one of the pictures of him and her. "That's me, duh." "No, who's that guy." "Oh, that's just James. He works at the Pizza place down the street." "He's kind of cute." "Yeah. i guess he is." She answered. Felidae just left it at that, and tuned her attention to the T.V.
"My sister got married when she was 16. Because she got pregnant. I never got there, that's just like saying, 'Oh no, things are bad, quick! make it worse! Then she would have me watch the baby, I don't know why. I don't know how to take care of a baby, all I know is you shouldn't shake them." (this is from a real stand up, i can't remember who it was though.)
"I've seen this one three times." Felidae said, before turning to Jenny, she was still looking at the pictures on the wall.
over a year ago SoyalaLeisu said…
GaGa shuffled uncomfortably as she stood. What was this weird thing the human-creatures were watching so intently. She knew she should recognize it, but she didn't. She has been to far more advanced planets, and still this one didn't stand out.
over a year ago Pennypatch321 said…
Pepper finished her meal when she heard a moving truck pull up. "Well, that's probably for me. I still have to completely move in." She said as she walked outside. The movers pulled everything out of the trucks, and helped her move them inside her apartment. When they left, GaGa walked in and asked, "What is all this?" looking at all of the boxes.
"My stuff that just got here. I'm not completely moved in yet." She answered.
"Oh." GaGa responded, and left.
Pepper started to unpack, moving the boxes for the kitchen to the kitchen, the boxes to the bathroom to the bathroom, and the boxes to the bedroom to the bedroom, to help with the unpacking.
over a year ago Teawanee said…
Koru looked up to see Gaga just standing there. "Whats wrong? too good to sit with humans?" "Oh, no!" she said before sitting down on the other end of he couch. She looked very confused." "what's wrong now?" "What is this, thing??" "It's a t.v." Remi said, slightly annoyed. "What does it do?" Gaga asked.
over a year ago SoyalaLeisu said…
GaGa shook her head as the others tried to explain everything to her. "I'm moving in, you see," Pepper would say. GaGa would understand that much. "This is a TV," Remi would say. GaGa would nod as though she understood, but then she wouldn't. What does it do? They answered that in large technical terms that--although GaGa understood--were so unadvanced that she had trouble following. "You use an antenna to get signal? There are so many better ways to go about this."

She went into a tiny bathroom(one of the better things of the human society) and sat down to pray in the steam as she turned on the "shower". She sat in the rolling water and thought, meditated. Decided.
over a year ago Teawanee said…
Felidae sat there in her living room while ichigo came in. "Another person is going to live here now? God, we should charge them all!" "No, i don't mind that much as long as they don't do anything to stupid." "I don't like that one girl though. She's so moody, why can't she be nice or something, why are you letting her stay?" "Because if i kick her out everyone will hate me." "Good point. Are you going for a walk now? This is usually the time you take a walk isn't it?" "Yeah, but the last two times I tried to take a walk were horrible." "The town's people will worry." "They'll get over it." "I'll go with you." The last part, Felidae was not expecting at all. Ichigo never whent farther then the court yard, now he want's to go with felidae on a walk? "Why are you suddenly so interested in me going for a walk?" "I'd just like to see where you go is all." "Fine, lets go then."
over a year ago SoyalaLeisu said…
Thoughts had raced through GaGa's head as she sat and meditated.

If I stay, I stay with this group, I'll be known. My name will get out there. If I leave, on the other hand, my one and only connection with the spirits is broken. Would the Star Child forgive me? Would the Sage Child? Would the other spirits?
over a year ago Teawanee said…
Felidae went out the back door and jumped the fence, because he movers will stillmoving stuff into Pepper's room. Ichigo cleared the fench with some difficulty. They walked down the alley that lead to the street. Felidae felt uneasy, she was afraid Ichigo would wander off or something, but he never did. Felidae went to all her usual places, everyone was shocked to see an orange tabby cat following her. Ichigo seemed uneasy walking down the alleyways though. "I hope nothing is happening. I dont want to be in the way if you have to fight someone." Felidae walked down an alleyway notorious for the cats there. She would chat with them if they said something to her. At one pint Ichigo stopped, he was staring at something. Felidae followed his gaze and saw he was looking at a white cat white blue eyes ontop of a trash can. She didn't see him, she was cleaning her face. felidae laughed. She walked over, and whispered to ichigo. "talk to her, she doesn't look like one of them that bites very hard." "oh, i can't do it." "I'm going home, you know your way home." Felidae left, knowing Ichigo could defend himself. She looked back to see him say, "Um, H-hello?"