Teen Titans Rp Anyone?

Teawanee posted on May 06, 2010 at 02:39PM
I've been wanting to role play teen titans for a while, but I can't find one already started, so I guess I'll have to start one. Ok So, the story is that we're a differeny sector of the teen titans. You can make a character, and after we have enough people, we'll start. You can be a titan, or a villain. No one is allowed to be uber-powerful, so I'll make a rule that you must have 2 weaknesses, you have to tell us one, and send me a message with the other one so I know you have anotherone but dont have to tell everyone.
last edited on May 09, 2010 at 03:56PM

Teen Titans 152 replies

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Showing Replies 101-150 of 152

over a year ago Pennypatch321 said…
Pepper finally got most of the boxes unpacked, including the kitchen utensils, clothes, and some decorations -- a couple of pictures to fill in the walls, and a cute little chicken clock in the kitchen. All of the bigger things that weren't in boxes were put away first. Her bedroom was almost set up. She had her bed and her vanity dresser set up with her alarm clock on a side table next to her bed. She also had a bookshelf on the outside wall next to the window which now had some curtains. The only things that were missing were decorations -- of course -- and some books to fill her bookshelf.
In her kitchen, she got her table in the center of the room. She had a refrigerator filled with some food that she had at her old house, the cupboards were filled too. For the most part, the kitchen was complete. She just wanted to put a little more decoration in it first.
Her bathroom was complete. She had her shampoo in her shower, along with soap, and everything else she needed there. Her medicine cabinet was filled with band-aids, toothpaste, a thermometer, and anything else you would find in those. Her closet had extra toilet paper, and all that other stuff that she'll need in the bathroom.
Finally in her living room, she had her couch on the wall bordering the kitchen, with her TV on the opposite end. She had her computer on another wall next to her bedroom door. Her printer/scanner next to that. She had another couch on the opposite wall of her computer, with a lamp in the corner of the two couches.
Pepper sighed looking at her apartment, feeling satisfied with herself. She stepped out into the main room in the building too see no one out. She yawned and decided to take a nap so she walked back in her apartment and walked into her bedroom to curl up under her covers and fall asleep.
over a year ago SoyalaLeisu said…
GaGa sat up. She had shifted form as an art for many a decade, and it would never end--literally, she wasn't going to die of old age unless she gave up shifting, which she wasn't ready to do yet--but it was not as relaxing tonight. She had to do something, to take a risk. And now was the time.

Goodbye, Star Child. I will honor you for the rest of my shifting years, but you are not the spirit I'm looking for. She quietly moved out of the steamy bathroom in her new form, through the apartment, and out the door.
over a year ago Teawanee said…
Felidae stopped at the pizza place on her way home. "Hey Felidae, your usual?" it was james, he worked the counter, and took take out orders. "Of course, but i think ill sit down here to eat today."Chad, the other guy who worked there, told her to "just stit soewhere, no ones here." she sat down near the counter so she could talk to James. chad was reading a comic. felidae soon got her pizza, and james desided to take his break and sat next to her. "how are you?" "good, you?" "good." it was mostly small talk, about current events, there favorite songs, ect. Most of there talks were. At least since they broke up. Felidae and James once dated, but only because everyone thought they were anyway. So they tried dateing. it never worked though. But they both agreed on this, and were still close friends. Felidae left the shop just in time to see ichigo go by, not noticing her, because he was walking with the white cat from earlier. She went home, and whent to bed, but not before lifting her bear, and looking in the box to see the class ring james bought for her because she couldn't go to school.
over a year ago SoyalaLeisu said…
*Cute! I'm liking James better every moment.*

GaGa walked down the street, avoiding two-timers and oddballs, although she herself was one. But there's a difference. I'm NOT human, so of course I'll stand out.

She was just about to go into a store and get something to eat when she saw a figure. It was shadowy, but it was moving. "God damn human eyes," she muttered to herself before entering the coffee shop.

Behind her, more shadowy figures were following.
over a year ago Pennypatch321 said…
Pepper woke from her little nap to hear Felidae come home. She walked out in the main room (lobby) to see Felidae walk in her apartment. Pepper sighed. Why was everyone hiding in their rooms? They should be out here talking, getting to know each other more. She decided to go see GaGa to see how she was. She walked up to the room that GaGa had picked, to see the door open. "Hello?" She called, but no one answered. "GaGa? Are you there?" She stepped in the dark apartment. All of the lights were off, and it looked abandoned. Where is GaGa?
over a year ago SoyalaLeisu said…
GaGa went to sit down, but stopped herself. "Dang it! Humans and their bathroom needs!" She stood and walked calmly to the "ladys'" room at the end of the back hallway. Suddenly a hand wrapped around her mouth and she felt a sting on her neck.

"Hello, GaGa," said a raspy voice in her ear. "We meet again."
over a year ago Teawanee said…
felidae was fast asleep by now. She was haveing dreams, weired ones. But, they were bad dreams. Most involved people from her past, people who rejected her, said she wasn't "real" people she once loved. She was tossing and turning, she would normally be woken up by Ichigo now, but he was still out. she was saying things in her dreams, makeing a lot of noise.
over a year ago Pennypatch321 said…
Pepper couldn't find GaGa anywhere in the apartment. She guessed that she was okay, that she just went for a walk. Being cooped up in this building does get boring, so Pepper went for a walk to get used to the town. She walked around town and saw a pizza place. She could smell the delicious pizza coming from it. She walked into the building. She saw that it was pretty much empty. She walked up to the counter. There was a guy who looked familiar with medium length brown hair.
"Excuse me?" Pepper asked, trying to get him to turn around to take her order. It worked, and she then realized that this was James, the guy Felidae was talking about.
"I'm sorry. What would you like?" He asked, his striking green eyes catching her attention.
You she thought, and let out a giggle.
"What? Is something funny?" He asked chuckling, as he leaned on the counter.
She started to twirl her hair and looked down at the floor. "Oh, no, sorry." She looked up, looking into his beautiful eyes, "May I have a slice of peperoni pizza?"
"Sure." He said, turning his head and calling out her order to the kitchen. "Anything else?" Pepper shook her head. She couldn't stop looking at his eyes. He looked at her, looking like he was concentrating on something. "Are you new to this town? I don't think I've seen you here before."
"No, I just moved here into the apartment that Felidae owns." She explained.
"You know Felidae?" He asked.
"Yeah, we met.. the other day actually." She explained. "I'm Pepper by the way."
"Nice to meet you Pepper. I'm James. I hope you like this town." Just then, her order was ready.
Dang. Why couldn't I have had this for here? He handed her her pizza, and she walked back home, thinking about James.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago IchigoShirosaki said…
Remi sat meditating in her and Koru's room, Koru watched her.

"Remi what is the purpose of this anyway?" he asked.

"it clears the mind, and also provides peaceful thoughts, it's like a world to get away from relality.." she muttered not opening her eyes and just sitting there with her legs crossed slightly levitating off the ground.

"hm." Koru mutters sitting down beside her, and mimicking her posture.

he repeats the words she mutters, soon his head had cleared.

"hm, this is relaxing.."

"yeah, it helps me clear myself from an over flow of emotions."

they sat there and did this for sometime, then they just found themselves talking about whatever came to mind, Remi never felt like this before, she never was so open towards anyone but her twin Raven.

they stared at each other for the longest time and soon, Remi found herself leaning in closer towards him, until her lips pressed against his in a gentle harmless kiss.
over a year ago IchigoShirosaki said…
Koru kissed her back gently, grabbing a hold of her face, they pulled away, Koru softly smiled at her.

"your not a bad kisser.."

Remi blushed slightly, "you too."

just then they heard a scream, it was from Felidae's room.

they ran out of the room quickly and went to Felidae's room, Remi knew what was going on she was having a nightmare she could sense it.

both of them softly shook Felidae. "Felidae! wake up!"
over a year ago Teawanee said…
"hu-what happened." Felidae stammered. "Oh, i remember. Thanks for wakeing me up." she said. "Do you want to talk about it?" Koru asked her.
over a year ago leonides said…
ok l havent added for a bit because l dident now when u were adding so ya next time ask the guy who made the first one befor making one
over a year ago SoyalaLeisu said…
*hey yo, there can be more than one. We'll be fine if we decide to continue* ~Soyala~

Hasha Maeku walked up the steps and into an apartment. He was interested in something slightly different today. I'll be legendary, he thought. Not one person on the homeworld will forget my name. Ever. He was here to make sure of that.

Once inside, he found the correct apartment. This would not be easy. He slipped inside, and found himself in a tight spot. No one was in the main hallway, so he was safe. Wuickly, he removed two bright brand new swords from his belt and moved catlike till he found a room. It smelled correct.

"Star Child," he murmured quietly. "You will soon be mine."

That's when he heard the cry behind him. "Hey!" He turned to see a creature much like himself. Her name was Felidae. She was also a shapeshifter, but she could only shift into a cat. "Who are you? What are you doing?" she stammered. "Are you here to find a place to live?"

Hasha wasted no time. He leaped forward and knocked her to the ground. "Where's the Star Child?" he asked, pushing his blades to her throat. "Tell me now, or so be your life."

Felidae just gaped up at him, her eyes wide in pale disbelief. Then she kicked at him from behind and rolled into a stance. "You'll have to fight me, because there's no way I'll tell you." The truth was, she didn't know.
over a year ago Pennypatch321 said…
Pepper walked into the apartment building to hear a crash, followed by another. The crashes were coming from near her apartment. She ran over there to see what was going on to see Felidae fighting a strange man. "What's going on?" she asked.
over a year ago SoyalaLeisu said…
Hasha sneered in the face of the Star Child as she stared, mouth open, agape with surprise. "Didn't expect your enemies to follow you're pals, did you?" he asked, knocking Felidae down with one strike. She fell, unconscious.

"What are you doing?" she asked, but she never got to hear the answer, for he sprang at her and knocked her out too.
over a year ago SoyalaLeisu said…
Hasha stared down at the unconscious girl before him. Spirits are stupid he thought. Taking the form of a stupid mortal form. Don't they understand how much I want to kill them?

Pepper woke up just then. She sat up. "Where am I?" she asked for she didn't recognize the place. She looked up at Hasha and her eyes widened in surprise. "You!"

"Me." he said. Then he lifted her up to her feet and stepped back. "Come now, Star Child. You deserve a scoring chance--if you can call it that. Fight me."
over a year ago Pennypatch321 said…
Pepper was confused. Why would he want her to fight him? Was he insane? But, if he wanted a fight, then she would give him one. She immediately shot a lightning bolt at him with one hand, and fire with the other.

(Okay, I don't know how to take this now! btw, Pepper can shoot anything that is light related.)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago SoyalaLeisu said…
Hasha dodged the light and the flames. "Oh come on. Can't you do any better than this? Or are you weak and pathetic too." The girl didn't stop to listen, she just threw more powerful rays at the man. He stepped aside. "Don't you want to know your history. Don't you want to know what happened to the rest of you?"

Pepper froze. Something in his voice made her stop. What are you doing? she asked herself. You need to continue fighting! But she couldn't make herself. "What are you talking about?" she asked finally.

He sneered. "Ah, I see. Can't remember a thing, can you. Well, that's about to change. It changed the moment you decided to take a physical form." And he bent down. His body bulged outward and began to expand. His chest seemed to explode as his form began to change.

"Shapeshifter," murmured Pepper in surprise. And she shot more lights at him. It wasn't enough. He continued to change shape until he was a big, freakish monster.

It screamed at her, and she could clearly see the message. This is the end.

He leapt at her and pinned her down. He began to screech in another language. What will I do? Pepper asked herself. It wasn't enough to shoot fire at the creature. He was just too powerful. Am I going to die?

And then the creature was knocked away from her.

Pepper looked up to see GaGa standing with a strange man she'd seen ambling around town a few times. "Do you need some help?" asked GaGa calmly.

"Yes! Help me!"

"With pleasure," GaGa said, and she knelt forward, touching the floor and beginning to change shape.
over a year ago Pennypatch321 said…
Pepper watched GaGa change shape and fight her own kind. She shot some more beams of light, trying to help, but she couldn't stop wondering what this man was talking about her past. She knew her past. She remembered it all. Why did this man think that he knew something she didn't?

"Guillo, aim for his stomach!" GaGa had shouted. "Pepper, aim for his eyes!" Pepper did as she was told, and aimed for his eyes to blind him while Guillo ran into his stomach.

They had almost won the battle. Then GaGa aimed what looked like a fatal blow to the man's back, and he fled.

Pepper was astonished on what these Shapeshifters could do. "Thanks." was all she could say.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago SoyalaLeisu said…
GaGa stood and reshaped into a human. This time she had dark green eyes with curly red hair that fell to her shoulders. She flipped her hair as Guillo reformed himself. Then she bowed.

"It is my honor to serve you, Star Child. We've been looking for you everywhere, ever since Guillo told me Hasha is in town."

Pepper turned on Guillo. "I don't know you, but I must thank you for saving me."

He nodded, then blushed. "I've seen you before, haven't I?"

She narrowed her eyes. "You look familiar."

GaGa nodded. "Guillo is my brother, and friend to all of us. Now I assume you want to go home?"

"Yes please," Pepper said. Then she looked at Guillo shyly. "Are you coming?"

"Uh," Guillo stammered. "Sure, why not. It'd be great to visit my sister."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Teawanee said…
Felidae woke up to see girl flash looking at her. "Shes awake!" She said. "My head hurts. who the hell was that?" she asked. "I never saw wat happened. i was asleep." Girl flash told her. ""how could you not hear any of that?" Remi asked her. "I didn't see any of it either though, non of us did." Koru said. "So were the hell is Pepper and Gaga? And where am i... Am i at a vet's office?" "Yeah," Girl flash explained, "We took you to the hospitol and he told us to bring you here." "Ugh. what do we do now?"
over a year ago SoyalaLeisu said…
GaGa stood in the background and watched as Felidae walked out from the vet's office. She was holding her head. Pepper was standing on the other side of Guillo and they were both watching as the others brought the cat-girl out of the hospital.

"Felidae!" cried Pepper. "Are you okay?"

"No. My head hurts like hell." She paused and looked up with her wide cats eyes. Then they rested on GaGa and she snapped forward.

"Where were you?" she cried. "You left me for dead! You sent that creeper to attack us, didn't you?"

Pepper stepped forward. "Stop, Felidae. GaGa didn't do anything wrong!"

"Leading a freak into our apartment to kill us isn't wrong?" Felidae said in stark disbelief.

"Without her, I'd be dead, Felidae," Pepper said. "And I think you would be too."

You'd all be more than dead thought GaGa. Hasha would have killed all earth, even with him on it.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Teawanee said…
"Yeah, what the hell ever. I'm going home." Wen felidae got home, she couldn't do much because of her headache. She did something she wasn't able to do for a while. She got out her laptop, set it up, and listened to music.

♪♫Come on rude boy, boy, can you get it up? come on rude boy, boy is yours big enough? take it, take it, baby, baby, take it, take it, love me love me♪♫

she got her ring ut to admire it. 'Why couldn't it work? am i going to be alone forever?' She soon fell asleep, haveing dreams about finding someone more like her...

over a year ago leonides said…
lm just saying l did make the firest one and nu of u asked me if u wanted to be in mine
over a year ago SoyalaLeisu said…
*whatever. I haven't been online. My friends from school made it and asked me to join.*

GaGa invited Guillo back to the apartment with her, but Pepper jumped in. "I don't think we should do that. Felidae is in a bad mood right now, and we don't want to upset her more."

Guillo looked at her shyly. "Wherever you go, I'll follow, then."

Pepper blushed and began to walk away. GaGa almost laughed. Her brother was cute, and it's not like it's a crime for her to like him, but considering that he wasn't from Earth, they may want to be careful.
over a year ago Teawanee said…
♪♫Fah fah, mah mah mah, We want your leather pants!♪♫Felidae woke up.

oh, wait, wen did i buy that song? she listened to the bad romance parady till the end. She laughed. "Thats just funny." She looked at the clock. Then she got up to the common room, to see all her favorite people. And Remi. And, "Who the hell is that?" "My brother, can he stay here?" Gaga said. "Fine, the rest of the teen superheros in the world are, im going back and watch t.v." Felidae said, before she went back into her appt. and watched her favorite show, South Park.
over a year ago SoyalaLeisu said…
GaGa stared at Guillo for a long time. Why was he here? Not that a visit from a family member was bad, or anything, but it was very, very rare. Just as she stared at him, and Pepper began to fall asleep(after all, that kinda shit is traumatic to normal people) he motioned her outside.

"What is it?" she asked once they were out of hearing range.

"I came to warn you," he said. "There is imminent danger here. Finding the Sage Child matter most, right now."

GaGa glanced back toward the appartment. Not many people could watch the Star Child. What about her? She decided to tell the truth. "I think I have a lead. The Star Child. She told me that she was touched by a fallen star. I think that she may be a missing spirit."

"She's not alone," said Guillo staring at nothing. "There is another. He is dangerous. Her twin, in fact."

GaGa nodded. She knew this, though she was never told. Most Shapeshifters didn't have to be. The act of changing shape opened their minds, allowing their spirits to temporarily enter the Spirit World and connecting with others. In essence: they could read minds, but only when they shifted.

"A danger he is, but in danger is she. I am a servant of the spirits. It's my job to make sure she's safe."

Guillo shook his head. "It's your job to lay eggs and find the Sage Child. This Pepper has nothing to do with your mission."

"I must stay, Guillo."

"I could, if you need me too." Now he was blushing, I knew I had to pull him back to reality, and quick.

"No, Guillo. I must. It is my duty, I can feel it. Why don't you go look for her brother, see if you can get any leads off of him."

Despair settled in over his face. Guillo and I have been traveling around for a long time, Guillo longer than I. It's only a matter of time before he decides to relinquish his shifting in search of a mate and a happy lifestyle. But humans can't shift. Any spawn he'd have on earth would be earthbound. Permanently. It was this fact that I knew I had to pull him back to reality. We couldn't afford to loose his skill, even if he gave it up, his children must have it.

Guillo nodded. "Fine. It's your mission. I'll have to do what you say." He glanced back at the apartment, hesitating. Then he left.
over a year ago Pennypatch321 said…
Pepper woke up a couple hours later. She looked around to see GaGa. She looked around some more to see if her brother was with her, but he wasn't. "Where's Guillo?" Pepper asked GaGa.
over a year ago SoyalaLeisu said…
GaGa stared down at Pepper, guardianship, pain, and rage all lingering in one. "He left," she said simply. "He had to do something."
over a year ago Pennypatch321 said…
Pepper looked down at the floor now sitting up. She was wondering what he had to do. "May I know what he had to do?" She asked curiously.
over a year ago Teawanee said…
Felidae was in her appartment for a while. just watching comedy central, barely paying attention anyway. 'hmm, i wonder if i could just kick everyone out. no, the towns people wouldn't like that.' "Ichigo, what should i do?" "I don't care. just keep hem off my fishy cookies and im ok." Ichigo could always make felidae smile, she once thought of just staying in cat form and living the life of a cat, but cats lives weren't that great either. Felisae fell asleep again, she was shifting back into her old schedule, sleep most of the day, stay awake most of the night. Now, if she could only have a dream of how to meet a guy...

(lol, gaga will get that last joke ^w^)
over a year ago kevinkamps said…
1 day sp-mak was bored and said yess now that im free of kamps power and hes traped for en days i can finaly go into gyrot and destroy every body muahahahaa then nivek.f came saying yeah yeah so when we going scientist.r said its still gonna take 5 days haha ggrrrrrgg sp-mak was angry and said lets go and we will beat the teen titans and there sector 69 nivek laughed isnt that he just kept lauhging scientist was like ur so inmateur ur 17 and ur still a nevermind we must chill let go hey ur not the boss here sp-mak said ok now lets go im in a bad mood with its owl they walked to the town
1 day sp-mak was bored and said yess now that im free of kamps power and hes traped for en days i can
over a year ago kevinkamps said…
sp-mak is a ghost it can teleport craete pupets to fight and blast beams his weakness is the light and bees
sp-mak is a ghost it can  teleport  craete pupets to fight and blast beams his weakness is the light
over a year ago kevinkamps said…
nivel.f is a boy who cant fly like sp-mak and scientis-r so he uses his power to shoot flames as a boost to jump higher and he says that it flying his weakness is he cant fight guys and water
nivel.f  is a boy who cant fly like sp-mak and scientis-r  so he uses his power to shoot flames as a
over a year ago kevinkamps said…
scientist.r uses science misiles and rockets to fly shoot lazers and stuff and controlss robots weakness cant fight girls and hates animals so its alirgic to them
over a year ago kevinkamps said…
over a year ago kevinkamps said…
the owl can transfor into a human and a gaint owl and a traspasser well a wierd boy it is weakness is he cant swim and eletrcity,hey wait sp-mak y cant u tell owler to let us ride on his back nivek asked well cuz ur to fat i am not welll we can but owler doesnt like u much so he would probably kill ,nivek:*gulp* well u and scientist can fly and so can i, sp-mak:uummnn u cant fly u just shoot fire to give u a boost when u fly ,nivek:those not well anyway we would get there faster ,true ok lets do it then we would get there in 3 days then scientist said , sp-mak ok lets go, nivek:dont u mean fly,sp-mak :shut up
the owl can transfor into a human and a gaint owl  and  a traspasser well a wierd boy   it is weaknes
over a year ago SoyalaLeisu said…
over a year ago samoangirl96 said…
big smile
hey instead of doing the RP here you should create another forum spot for it.
over a year ago SoyalaLeisu said…
Why? No one will ever comment there. They don't when I create one, anyway, on any fanclub.
over a year ago samoangirl96 said…
eh!! never mind plus i didn't know at the time that there were six other slide of this role play i thought that you guys had just started so yeah..............
over a year ago Lucy64 said…
hey guys, sorry i havnt been on in a long time, i just dont realy have computer access where i am(i only do now cuz im suposed to be doing an essay...) so i wont be on untill about a month...i just wanted to say, be nice ti Girl Flash and dont forget about her. You can make her annoying to the others like BB is, but just dont forget...lol.
over a year ago Teawanee said…
*Erk! Sorry Lucy! We didn't mean to forget, its just we dont know girl flash's personality to well.*

Felidae came from her room, after haveing a nightmare about slashing a random stranger's throat 'I really need to stop watching sweeny todd so much!'

"Hey everyone. Did i miss anything? Hey, were's Gaga's brother?" She asked them. Girl flash shruged, Remi just ingnored her.

over a year ago SoyalaLeisu said…
GaGa stood behind Pepper and watched what the Star Child was doing. "First You have to unroll the dough," she said, pulling out a large roll-type thing called a wrap. Then she pulled the cooked eggs out of the frying pan and put them onto the wrap. "Next you add cheese, pepper and salt, and voilà! Breakfast wrap."

I stared at the food. It was...different. It had been three days since her arrival with the gang, and so far, GaGa was impressed. She had imagined the earth as simplex, but everything they did was so meticulous. GaGa had traveled to many planets and learned many things. On one planet, there was a group of religious group that performed a sacrificial ceremony in which you would be dunked into boiling water before performing certain, ridiculous tasks. It had taken GaGa three star cycle years to learn it. One star cycle was the equivalent of approximately 3.429677 years on earth. But even she, who had been trained in the ways of stealth and piloting for her whole life--who's first Haikkau gift had been a flying machine. But even GaGa was wondering if she could ever accomplish learning all these small tasks.
On all the other planets I've been on, they concentrate on huge things, huge deals. On earth, it's the small things that count.

(Mind me if it's bad. I'm on a crush-high. :])
over a year ago Pennypatch321 said…
(nah, it's good:])

Pepper had fun teaching GaGa Earth ways. Then she heard someone walk into her apartment. She turned around to see Felidae. "Hey Felidae! What's going on?" She asked.

Felidae turned to look at GaGa. "I was just wondering where your brother went."

GaGa told her the same exact thing that she told Pepper. "He had to do something."

Felidae looked confused, as if wondering what he had to do, but then said, "Okay," and started to leave, but Pepper stopped her.

"Hey, you want to eat here? I made extras." Pepper shrugged and indicated the breakfast wraps with her hand.
over a year ago Teawanee said…
"Sure." Felidae said. Pepper handed her a breakfast wrap. "thanks. So, other then my tenants disappering with out my knowledge, what else is going on?" Felidae asked.
over a year ago SoyalaLeisu said…
GaGa sat and listened as Pepper said something about a fly in the next room, and her quest to find it and kill it. Easy if you're able to change shape INTO a fly. Felidae seemed thoroughly amused and told her a story about her funniest fly catch.

I wonder what they'd do up against a Krygen. That'd be interesting. But not much was interesting, anymore. What on Earth could compare to the flight lessons she'd taken, the shifting lessons she'd been through. Although shapeshifting came naturally, it was not as artistic as was expected. She'd ahd to spend time mastering it, and even then, it was a struggle to keep up with.

(Hey peeps! Tech rehearsal when fine. I messed up twice...three times..four--anywayz! I'll be busy all week with a dress rehearsal Friday, and "party" with the MGFC this Thrusday. Speaking of which, I'd like to speak to Pepper, if no one minds.)
over a year ago Teawanee said…
(Sure gaga go for it)
over a year ago SoyalaLeisu said…
[:) Thnks guys!]
over a year ago TalaLeisu said…
big smile
Can I be Guillo? I think that'd be fun!