The Heroes of Olympus Don't make me, JACKSON!!

GOLDEN1GIRL posted on Nov 10, 2012 at 11:27PM

Sup guys,
I am starting this forum but I'm not sure if people will read it so I'll give the first chappie and see how it goes. If no one reads it then I'll just delete it. Please read and comment on it.

(Oh and no demigods. All mortal.)
"Percy, touch me gain and I swear I will bitch slap you back to Olympus."
- Annabeth Chase: Don't. Make. Me. Jackson!
Annabeth is stuck in a dorm with Percy Jackson, her least favourite person at school much less the whole world.

Genre: Humor/Romance (Not yet)
Rating: T for language and se**al references. :D Don't worry, there isn't THAT much.

Other HoH characters.

I don't own the HoH series or the characters... Sadly.

I will keep updating because I see that people are starting to read and comment so I'll be posting about once a few days or a week.

Careful of the language but besides that it's a hilarious story.
The Percabeth fluff with come in later.

*I will also shoutout stories that I really like on fanfiction.*


last edited on May 20, 2013 at 08:16AM

The Heroes of Olympus 717 replies

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over a year ago ArtemisStag said…
and until all you peoples have finished i cant rant cuz i dont want to be a spoiler!!!!!!!!! (dies) nonononono whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?!?!?!??!?!?!?
over a year ago ArtemisStag said…
oooooh yay new page!!!!!!!!!!! :-)
ArtemisStag commented…
ive been beginning a lot of new pages! :-) over a year ago
over a year ago extremeriordan said…
Rant, uh oh I hope you're not a homophobe
over a year ago sugarpalstar said…
big smile
Sorry I haven't posted!!! Been reading HoH- just finished! IT WAS AWESOME!!!
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
I finished it in 4 hours!!! I feel bad for Nico...
over a year ago ArtemisStag said…
over a year ago ArtemisStag said…
OH NOES OH NOES OH NOES I HAVE NICOS POV OH NOES OH NOES OH NOES!!!!!!!!! and i claim leo. i decidedly claim leo.
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
over a year ago Redwall253 said…
should we be afraid what rick will write now if he actually had the nerve to write that nice is gay?
cinnominbubble commented…
Nope... I trust him over a year ago
over a year ago kpgrace said…
Please POST SOON!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago sugarpalstar said…
Chill guys. I'll post as soon as possible, but don't be mad at rick riordan for making Nico gay. I think that he just wanted to tell gay people that it's okay that they're gay.
extraordinary25 commented…
Either that, or he's trying to appeal to a wider audience over a year ago
corrected commented…
i agrre^ over a year ago
over a year ago corrected said…
i dont like this nico likes percy thing its too weird. nico never acted so messed up emotionally. riordan has ruined nico's character to make more people happy. so is there a couple name for nico+percy yet? lol
over a year ago extraordinary25 said…
over a year ago corrected said…
over a year ago ArtemisStag said…
i need to go and reread all the books where nico is in it. thats a lot on top of schoolwork. excuse me while i go die. (...dies.....) ok im back. but i really dont think that nico being gay will appeal to a WIDER audience, quite the opposite really. the number of biest sexist racist jerks sadly way outnumbers the non- biest sexist racist jerks. sad but true. (and sorry i didnt spell biest right im just a terrible speller :D )
over a year ago sugarpalstar said…
Ya know my brother is one of those biased racist jerks. He says "That's racist" with anything that involves black and white and says "That's gay" to whatever involves little kiddy stuff or something like that.
over a year ago sugarpalstar said…
K here's your chappie!
over a year ago sugarpalstar said…
Annabeth's POV

After we kissed, I practically fainted. My brain drifted off into la-la land, and when I finally recovered my senses, I was dancing with Percy next to a small disco ball. Gods, but I didn't know Percy could dance. Probably because I normally ditched every party that had Percy in it. Percy and I danced for a couple hours, stopping occasionally to snack and joke around. Someone (probably Nico) had snuck in some beer. I, of course, touch none of it, but Percy chugged a ton. All I knew was that I wasn't going to go anywhere near him tomorrow. Maybe I'd leave some of my headache pills by his door.

Once I got too tired to dance (Hey, I normally make sure I'm in bed by nine) I sat down with Thalia and Piper and talked. Talked about Thalia and Hayden, talked about Piper and Jason, but mostly talked about Percy and me. We talked about how they were shocked that I hadn't socked Percy in the face and kneed him in the balls the second he touched me. I shrugged. Maybe I was drunk. Maybe Percy had slipped some alcohol into the punch. At the moment I didn't care.

At around three in the morning, I decided to go to bed. Percy kissed me on the cheek, attracting still more attention, and I left. I dreamed about Percy and me dancing, a disco ball slowly revolving above us.


Thalia's POV

"Annabeth, are you sure you weren't drunk last night?" I asked.

"For the millionth time Thals, I was not drunk!" Annabeth replied, annoyed."Maybe I like Percy!"

"Uhhh... Are you sure you aren't drunk now?"

Annabeth glared at me. "Fine. Do you have a breathalyzer?"

"A what, now?"

Annabeth sighed, exasperated."A breathalyzer. It measures whether you're drunk."

"Oh. Well, no." I said.

"Then you're going to have to figure out how to get the nonexistent alcohol out of me." Annabeth smiled, like watching me figure out how to un-drunk her was going to be fun.

"Alright," I replied evenly. "I've got a few tricks."

Annabeth folded her arms and huffed. "What are they?"

I grinned. "A journey into cold water."

Annabeth shot me a murderous look.

**** 5 minutes later ****

Down at the swimming pool, Annabeth was about to go into the lap pool. This was going to be so fun.

Then, a voice behind me said, "Hey, babes! Didn't know you swam in the morning!"

I turned around. "Percy?"

Percy grinned. "Yup."

Annabeth turned around and blew him a kiss, then jumped into the pool... And shot out like a rocket.

"That is freezing! Percy, come over here! Oh, and get my towel, too, babe," She said, giving me a pointed look, like I like him. Now get over it.

"I give up," I said resignedly. "You like each other."

I left.

Nico's POV

It was around noon, so I figured it was about time for breakfast.

I texted Percy dude wanna have breakfast then slid my phone back into my pocket. I got dressed and whatnot and then checked my phone. Percy still hadn't texted me. Oh well. Whatever.

I was on my way downstairs to have breakfast when I saw Percy and Annabeth holding hands going to their dorm. I waved. "Dude, I'm having breakfast. See ya later." Then I continued on to breakfast.

I stopped dead. Wait a second. Percy and Annabeth? Holding hands??? I was dreaming. I looked back. Percy and Annabeth. What the heck had happened? Had Annabeth gotten drunk?

I walked with my head turned back, trying to analyze this. Percy and Annabeth. Percy and Annabeth? Percy and Annabeth.

I bumped into Rachel. "Sorry," I said in a daze, then turned back to look at Percy and Annabeth. Percy and Annabeth?
Hey guys, sorry it's not that long! I will try to be faster and longer next time!
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
Lol nico! Nice post
over a year ago Redwall253 said…
Don't you think beer is a bit too much?
corrected commented…
too much how? over a year ago
over a year ago corrected said…
and who says babe anymore?
over a year ago Redwall253 said…
^I know right
^^too much as in "this story doesn't seem to have been made to include beer" (I would understand if there was wine but like at their wedding or something not beer at a party
corrected commented…
i agree over a year ago
over a year ago ArtemisStag said…
seriosly its colledge if books have taught me anything its that it is so totally no big deal.
............ i should probably change the sort of books im reading...........
over a year ago extraordinary25 said…
the chapter is good, but I would think that even after the kiss, Annabeth would be hesitant about the whole thing. She's kinda one of those "hard to get girls" you know? Here it's like one kiss, and she's ready to tell the world they're dating. Other than that, it's a good chapter.
kpgrace commented…
I agree! over a year ago
cinnominbubble commented…
True dat over a year ago
sugarpalstar commented…
true dat sorry guys over a year ago
over a year ago ArtemisStag said…
well in the books it actually was one kiss and then "OH LOOK EVERYONE WERE DATING! HELLO WORLD GUESS WHAT WERE ROMANTICALLY INVOLVED!!!!!!!!" i may be exaggerating. at little. tiny bit. but still.
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
No about 3 kisses, in three different books.
over a year ago ArtemisStag said…
i dont care its how it worked. dont question my logic.
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
Oh...sorry...(I be in fluttershy mode)(I have a pinky pie mode and a fluttershy mode)
over a year ago ArtemisStag said…
ooookaaaaaaayyyyy then.......................
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
over a year ago Redwall253 said…
Post soon if you can
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
Post soon!
over a year ago ArtemisStag said…
okay so i was rereading the titans curse and this awesome line came to me after misreading something:
"May the Gods be ever in your favor."
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
over a year ago ArtemisStag said…
big smile
I KNOWS RIGHT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
cinnominbubble commented…
U me friend, BE EPIC! over a year ago
over a year ago ArtemisStag said…
but sorry i wont be able to post probably this weekend. homework is...... well, homework. (if yall get my gist) but if you need sometin to read in de meanwhile well a) you have no life and b) read either the Magnificent Twelve series of the School for Good & Evil. theyre both awesome. the mag 12 is hilarious and SGE is just awesome. the mag 12 is muchly more like pjohoo though, so, yknows, stuff.
.... i have nothing else to say... so peace homies :)
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
over a year ago MERCEYISAWESOME said…
Hi you all probably know cause I'm SOOOO awesome! (And my username just proves it lol) anyway, this is one of the best fanfics EVER. Just one thing: I know. This is collage we're talking about, but I don't think Annabeth and Thalia have to kick dudes in the nuts for touching their butts so. There seems to be too many scenes of that in my opinion. I know, you guys are trying to show that annabeth and Thalia aren't girls you wanna mess with, and I respect that you're trying to show that side of them. But it just seems to be used too often. But other than that, amazing. ( and you should probably stop doing annabeth's, Jason's, pipers, percy's, and thalia's point of view so much. Just sayin,)
also, when you guys were talking about trying to get 3 new authors, i almost volunteered. i mean, i love reading and writing too. like, i want to be an author when i grow up! but the reason im not trying is cause im afraid that whatever idea i come up with, you guys wont like. plus, i dont think i could take the responsibility of posting weekly. i have no problem with time. if possible, i could do it everyday. but i just dont think that ill be able to finish the chapter on time. so, thats my reason. PLZ POST SOON!!!!!!!!!! over a year ago
cinnominbubble commented…
Exactly over a year ago
sugarpalstar commented…
We're always late with our chapters. (At least I am.) I you wanna be an author (here) then you can be one. over a year ago
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
Post soon plz!
over a year ago ArtemisStag said…
i has already told you peeps i cant stop asking!!!!!!!!! :)
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
No one else up to it?
over a year ago ArtemisStag said…
ummmmm.... i dont know why are you askin me i dont know stop askin me all these questions (sobs)
jk :D
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
Sorry! Oh it was a joke...I'm gullible.
over a year ago ArtemisStag said…
tis fine :)
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
Thanks...Ralph is being mean...He met BEN yesterday...
over a year ago ArtemisStag said…
oh noes
what will we all do
i think well all die
oh noes
cinnominbubble commented…
No, it will only be me... over a year ago
over a year ago extraordinary25 said…
Um... not that I'm blaming anyone, but seriously whoever is posting next, please get on with it. (I'm saying that as politely as possible) I already finished reading HoH, and no one is posting anything for any forum, and I need new Percy Jackson reading material.
corrected commented…
yes me too...and forget about politeness....POST NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! jk over a year ago
over a year ago Redwall253 said…
Forget politeness. POST NOW!
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
I can't find any CAYLEO:(
over a year ago Redwall253 said…
There is some CAYLEO on fanfic