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Another sneak peek from the Son of Neptune (not the first chapter)



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partypony said:
This part explains why Percy has that scratch in the cover
posted over a year ago.
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Yah... But I liked that he had the curse! As someone said on there, it made him an interesting character, unique, because he needs more uniqueness! Haha...
I'm kinda sad, I really want the book!
^ Yes, it does explain it.
Feeling bad Percy who has to rough it out on his own, from what we've read, Aponimisae : /-+~ <- haha ghost
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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partypony said:
Well, fighting monsters wouldn't seem nearly as fun/challenging if he's nearly invincible... Maybe that's why RR made him give it up. Or maybe he has something even better planned for him.
posted over a year ago.
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Umm have people talked about this second sneak peek anywhere else...?
posted over a year ago.
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HecateA said:
YES! Thank you thank you thank you! *hugs person who posted link* I've been looking for this the whole day! Whee! Oh Percy, more trouble ahead of you.

June = Juno, just saying.
posted over a year ago.
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wisegurl said:
Ya probably^^
posted over a year ago.
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wisegurl said:
I think the blue part the random person made up tho
Cuz ut said in red "this is what was read..... Blah blah"
Only part of it was in red
posted over a year ago.
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LeoV44 said:
That would be me. And yeah, I'd say June is Juno alright. She did say it like she was cracking a joke. And she didn't say 'they named me after the month'. She said 'they named the month after me'. So yeah, she's either Juno, or a really old crazy hippie lady from Greek Mythology...I'm guessing it's Juno.
Actually, no. That red part that was at the bottom was that person's signature. That person being the one who posted the excerpt. I highly doubt it's fake too. Seeing as the person would only have had a few days to write it. And the fact that it sounds exactly like RR. So yeah, it's definitely an excerpt from the actual Son of Neptune.
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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That is so Hera! Anyone else remember the myth with Jason carrying an old "crone" across a river which became increasing hard to carry an old lady across the farther he went. So he ended up getting across(losing one sandal along the way just like our Jason in TLH) and the old lady turned into Hera! So our lovely patron shows up yet again with our other hero.

*Edit*But Hera in her Roman form!
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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LeoV44 said:
^^Well history does tend to repeat itself quite often. Especially in Greek Mythology.
posted over a year ago.
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And R.R. loves repeating Greek Mythology throughout his books to
posted over a year ago.
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Biancadi said:
Thank thank you! It explains a lot * hugs LeoV44*
posted over a year ago.
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Klug said:
I don't think that second sneak peak is real, to be honest. It doesn't look much like Rick Riordan's writing to me. I could be wrong, but still..
posted over a year ago.
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LeoV44 said:
Oh trust me, it's real. I've looked at other official websites too and they make references to this so yeah, 100% sure this is real.
posted over a year ago.
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Idunn said:
posted over a year ago.
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I liked Percy when he had the "curse" better but I am dying for the book to come out
posted over a year ago.
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HecateA said:
^Aren't we all?

And the fact that he loses the curse... My god, howdoes that happen? I have a feeling it has SOMETHING to do with gorgon's blood, but that's probably JUST me. But it makes it more stresful to read about him because you know he won't come out unharmed, so :/

Referances to this are cropping up on fanpop, mortalnet and all of those sites that I ocasionally check to make sure that we're not missing anything; it's very likely real.
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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Okay, so a couple of days ago, somebody told me that he loses his mark of Achilles. I was like !?!?!? NO!
But I read this. And now my reaction is !?!?!? NO!

Plus, think about it. The exerpt can't be fake, because how stupid would that person look when the book comes out and the exerpt was fake? So I think it's real.
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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TY TY TY TY TY TY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!it was awesome!i wonder who that lady is?i shou;nt have read this it makes me want it more.............
posted over a year ago.
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Artemis_8 said:
June, the crazy hippy lady, *cough*Juno*cough* is light, with sour breath and purple feet... Lovely. Just Lovely... June *cough*Juno*cough* is getting on my nerves... Stupid June!! I agree with HecateA... Gorgons blood... Brings nothing but trouble(along with losing cures. Like, say, the Curse of Achilles for instance)...
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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athena305 said:
That's just depressing. I started actually writing my fanfic before I read the sneak peek, saw the cover, read the synopsis, and now this! I don't feel like changing it so...whatevs.

But on a happier note, a SNEAK PEEK! yayayayaay!
posted over a year ago.
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YESSS, THANK U MUCH MUCH MUCH LeoV44!!! I've been looking for this sneakpeek...
posted over a year ago.
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why does percy always has 2 sacrifice. Its bad he's losing his curse of achillis but i dont understand y does Juno does dis. D gods would have an advantage having a strong demigod who just has a weakness. by losing his curse he has been stripped frm his immense power.

posted over a year ago.
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when percy said that annabeth was right i think maybe he meant that gover might've talked to him with there connection sayin somethin like "annabeth rlly wants to kno where u are.she wants u at bak at camp." or somethin nd he thinks it his conscience..maybe..just a guess.
posted over a year ago.
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but then wen percy had the "curse" he seemed kinda moody nd serious nd deep..i bit weak in the inside too..i mean he gets tired after every battle and he feels sad a lot..tell me wat u think..but he might be better without the "curse"...
posted over a year ago.
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im having trouble getting on this can some one toss me a link
posted over a year ago.
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ngweien said:
Click the title...
posted over a year ago.
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i don't know about everyone else but im just so relieved he remembers annabeth. It took them 5 books to get together, im pretty sure my heart broke when i found out percy wouldnt remember anything from before in the lost hero
posted over a year ago.