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Son of Neptune synopsis (look at the Product Description in the middle of the page)



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Alex13126 said:
Now we need to figure out who Frank is!!
posted over a year ago.
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LeoV44 said:
So, according to this synopsis, the other two Roman demigods that are supposed to accompany Percy on his (supposed) quest, are Frank and Hazel.
I'm having a hard time believing this though. I mean, I believe Hazel, but Frank? What kind of name is that? It's so...1960s. RR usually thinks of unique names for characters...but Frank? No offense to all the Franks out there but it just seems odd.
Tell me what you all think.
posted over a year ago.
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cro0010 said:
Interesting, most interesting... Frank is technially a common name but so is Percy. Frank may not be one of the seven but it's most likely. I just can't wait for the book to come out but the blurb didn't make me excited as I thought it would.
posted over a year ago.
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HecateA said:
I think I have an idea who Frank is! I have to write an article, NOW! LeoV44, did I mention that the stuff you post usually make my days? THANK YOU!
posted over a year ago.
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AnnabethC said:
Ahhhh! Didn't Jason remember Hazel (sorta)? And Annabeths in the description!
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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LeoV44 said:
Why thank you. I'm glad my work is appreciated by others. And you have an idea to who Frank is do you? Honestly, I have no clue. I might just have to check out your article...
posted over a year ago.
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@LeoV44 - Thank you for finding that!

This crazy messed up world of gods and monsters is Percy Jackson’s reality, which pretty much sucks for him.
True, true...

Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon, God of the Sea, has woken from a very deep sleep and come face to face with two snake-haired ladies who refuse to die.
Woken from a very deep sleep? Um... what is that supposed to mean?

But they’re the least of his problems. Because Percy finds himself at a camp for half-bloods, which doesn’t ring any bells for him. There’s just one name he remembers from his past. Annabeth.
Of course it won't ring any bells for him! This book will probably make us want to yell at Percy... Like, 'Yes, Annabeth's your girlfriend!' and 'No, you're not a Roman, you're a Greek!' and, most often, 'Just remember already!!!'

Only one thing is certain – Percy’s questing days aren’t over. He and fellow demigods Frank and Hazel must face the most important quest of all: the Prophecy of Seven.If they fail, it’s not just their camp at risk. Percy’s old life, the gods, and the entire world might be destroyed . . .
Okay, Frank and Hazel. Wonder who their godly parents are. Hmm... And Frank? Is he new or just not one of Jason's friends? Plus it says, 'the most important quest of all: the Prophecy of Seven'. What does THAT mean??? And, to add to it all, 'Percy's old life, the gods, and the entire world might be destroyed.' Right, that's a big boost for the questers' confidence.

Thoughts, anyone? No? Okay, I'mma go read HecateA's article now... ;-)
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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posted over a year ago.
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partypony said:
What's is about a deep sleep?
And who the Hades is Frank?
Ha! I knew Hazel would play a big part!

Thanks LeoV44! Really made me smile.
posted over a year ago.
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i think his name should have been Frankie, so it would sound younger
posted over a year ago.
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lenorg said:
remember that we have 6 prophecy guys and girls. jason percy leo frank hazel and piper who do you think the other one will be??? if you ask me i thing hes gonna be a minor gods son either greek or roman or nico.
posted over a year ago.