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OH MY GOSH! i hate that guy sure all books have mistakesz but to go out and say it ugh that guy eats manure
posted over a year ago.
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OH MY GOSH i hate this guy why are is he so interest din something he hate s he just doing this because e the book is awesome and the greeks don't like to talk bout the romans so blah blah blah blah he goes on and on i already hate him UGHHHH!!!!!! why isn't there just love in this world
posted over a year ago.
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I would've understood the hatred if he was talking about Twilight. But this, this is plain insulting.
posted over a year ago.
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PJBRS14 said:
He is stupid. His name is poopface Mcstupid. He has no life.:((((
posted over a year ago.
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I'm sorta shocked... and heartbroken... There is definitly something wrong with this person. So, it might not be your favorite book, you might not have liked the whole series, but you can't hate EVERYTHING about Percy Jackson!

Did you notice how he said this was a civilized website and that they weren't monkeys? I don't see how he is right in both those cases...
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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-Demeter- said:
GRR!!! This guy makes me mad!!!!!!! I couldnt finish the page!!
posted over a year ago.
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He's a troll, don't feed him, just tell you're friends not to visit the site, he won't get views and he'll stop. I want to see where he gets his logic, he's probably a forty year-old living in his mom's basement with nothing good to do
posted over a year ago.
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The characters are flat???????? I don't think Zoe was flat, she had an awesome back story! The plot line was predictable? Really? So this person knew all about how Nico and Bianca were frozen in time, that Zeus killed their mother, and that there was a curse on the oracle put there by Hades? He also knew about the Romans, huh?

Yeah I'm sure he saw all that coming!
posted over a year ago.
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i stopped on the first half of the pargraph i will find out who he is and stalk him jk but dude percy jackson awesome
posted over a year ago.
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Obviously this person(trying to be nice) has not even bothered to read any PJO nor HoO books!!! How dare he say such things without reading the books!!!! I only read half the paragraph and can tell that! He's stating things mentioned in the books!!! Obviously this person got the information of PJO from the wrong people!!!
posted over a year ago.
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um....did this have anything related to percy jakson?
posted over a year ago.
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^ yeah it's a guy ranting about how much he hates it.
posted over a year ago.
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you said it right hisblueeyes: WTF!!! WTF WTF WTF WTF WTF!!!!!!! i bet that guy is just some screwed up emo child with no life and has never bothered 2 get serious help with his problems!!! ggggggrrr he makes me SICK. why does he even bother?!? does he really think that telling everybody about his stupid opinion will make him feel better about himself?!?!?! Jeez! wake up you fricking idiot! and whats with all his smily faces? is he too coward to even SWEAR?!? and he could hav writen that about any series. seriously! we dont give a duck whether you like the books or not! ive read much MUCH worse!!! he probs just wrote it 2 get attention!!! i CANT BELIEVE THAT GUY!!!

... ok... i think ive calmed down... sorry about my reaction guys.
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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OMG how dere he....i mean not everyone faves the PJO an HoO books, but don't be a jurk about it...dumbass
posted over a year ago.
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I thought the website was pretty funny actually.Besides it isn't hurting anybody so why bother?I for one won't stop enjoying the series because some people expressed their feelings of distaste in a rather immature way.

I did however like the anti-Annabeth bit.
posted over a year ago.
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strangles teddy bear
posted over a year ago.
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god, you weirdo. I mean seriusly, why do people make websites on books that they think are bad????? thats just stupid. and Hercules's name can be spelled BOTH ways, because he's GREEK. Hello. Like with Athena: LIke that orI have seen it spell Athene. RR just rote it like that so we would know how to say it. seriusly??? i dont like this guy
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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posted over a year ago.
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partypony said:
*uses some of Arion's creative language* I didn't even bother reading this after I saw what the website is called...
posted over a year ago.
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angry I understand, you don't like the Percy Jackson books. But you DONT HAVE TO MAKE AN ENTIRE WEBSITE FOR IT. Sure, Twilight is just pure gushy grossness to me, (sorry Twifans!) but im not gunna go make a website about it. And, really, how old are you? you're at least older than 14, right? Well you remember that these books were more geared towards middle schoolers, but that they got older kids attention as well. I understand that you have an opinion, but dude, you're annoying. Just shut up, will you? He makes Percy Jackson fans sound like dim-witted idiots. And yes, i do realize that i was saying 'you' the entire time, as if he's actually gunna read this, but whatever. Yeah, go rot in Hades. You wont be snickering and mocking when you're standing at the gates of The Fields of Punishment, buddy.
posted over a year ago.
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Alex13126 said:
Maybe he got the wrong story. *says hopefully* Maybe he's talking about Twilight....
*actually reads article*
Oh please. I checked out his reasons why he hates PJ. I could poke holes in every one of them. If I got in contact with this guy I would point out all the flaws in his reasons >_> Annoying troll with no life. His life must be dull. I would LOVE to see him try and write a better story than Percy Jackson. I actually laughed at a few of his reasons because they were a bit pathetic. PJ fans don't really talk like that either. There's some really smart PJ fans on here (LeoV44, athena305) Show him this spot, and he'll see how dedicated we are.
Don't let this troll bum our spirits :)
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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ixAthena said:
Dude Im seriously going to stab you in the gut and punch you in your soft spot -.- . Just because you don't like the books doesn't mean you should call everyone who likes Percy an idiot. Seriously calling us an idiot when your the real BEEP. Now I have one request GET A LIFE. I bet you have no friends and you live in a dark alley with only your laptop as company. I bet your mom abandoned you when you were born. PS. Your going to go to Hades and suffer eternal punishment then wishing you never posted the website. -.- GET A LIFE
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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Poseidon3 said:
I wanna take a golf club and whack this guy in the groin. For Percy Jackson!!!!
posted over a year ago.
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cro0010 said:
^^^Same here except I'd use a baseball bat.
posted over a year ago.
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wierdo2 said:
He has a right to an opinion. His opinion sucks, but he has the right to share it!
posted over a year ago.
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Nope, Percy Jackson values opinions and whether they're worth anything, he denied it. of all series he decides to attack it's PJO, several ones that could be better targets
1. Series of Unfortunate Events (it's so emo, and the characters are weird, no story is good if it has nothing good in it)
2. Twilight (one guy takes his shirt off every ten minutes, girls fuss about it too much and Bella is emo and Edward sparkles)
3. Dr. Seuss (don't look at me like that! they're just bad to me, they make no sense, yeah Will Herondale, I don't care if you want to find it there is no sense in this nonsense!)
posted over a year ago.
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okay i agree with every thing but doc. seuss. he is awsome.

anyway i have alot to say but all i can is.... what the ^&*(^%^ &*(( what is that his problem. he wonders why there are no bad reviews thats because every one loves the books. uggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg­ggg­ggg­ggg­ggg­ggg­ggg­ggg­ggg­ggg­ggg­ggg­ggg­ggg­ggg­ggg­ggg­ggg­ggg­ggg­ggg­ggg­ggg­ggg­ggg­ggg­ggg­ggg­ggg­ggg­ggg­ggg­ggg­ggg­ggg­ggg­ggg­ggg­ggg­ggg­ggg­ggg­ggg­ggg­ggg­ggg­ggg­ggg­ggg­ggg­ggg­ggg­ggg
i hate that guy. but he dose have a right to his own oppoin.
he must have been droped on his head as a baby.
posted over a year ago.
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and the whole herclues thing. don't blame rr blame disney thats how they spell the name in the movie.
oh and the whole mythology thing now every one is so obsesive that they reaserch it. GIVE RR A BREAK. HE'S ONLY ONE AUTHOR.
posted over a year ago.
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This dude has some serious issues I want to SMACK him hard.....okay so one or two facts R.R. messed up its MYTHOLOGY its thousands of years old for it to survive this long is incredible!! Some books say this about Greek mythology some books say different!!! Get that in your mind MORON... plus to create a site maybe a club but a SITE THAT IDIOT!!!!!!! I am totally gonna send him some hate mail with some bad language!!!!!! We should all comment on his story and INSULT HIM make him feel bad
posted over a year ago.
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Okay so I've checked out more of this site. It has 31 members!!!!! I thought there'd be none but 31!!!!!! I also hate what he did to the picture of PJ

GO TO H.E. (double hokey stick) CREATOR OF THAT SITE GO TO H.E.**!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I feel good I commented on his chatroom and left two comments my user name was hate you (snap!) I'm good....
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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posted over a year ago.
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Kronos429 said:
This is just bull. Like seriously, one of the BEST series of this decade and he picks on that. I mean get a life man. WHO FRIKEN MAKES A WEBSITE>_>
posted over a year ago.
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mich9250 said:
the dude is TOTALLY wrong. we are not little as*es that obsess and worship the series and if he thinks PJO is THAT bad then he doesnt have to make a WEBSITE on it. i mean he should wake up to all of RR fans stalking him with pitchforks and stuff.He REALLY needs to see his little club of 31 dudes and our 1544 fan members! And "we not little monkeys with access to the internet. Be civilized." Well maybe you are since you go on about ranting on how you hate the series.
posted over a year ago.
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mich9250 said:
srry we ARE not little monkeys got a typo :(
posted over a year ago.