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7 Marvel Movies That Need a Redo

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Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called Marvel Movies That Need a Redo | SMOSH
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
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Posted: Wed, 10/8/2014 - 9:40pm by Mike Hollan
, which I would say counts as a pretty successful summer. When you take into account 
(which weren\'t made by Marvel Studios but are based on Marvel properties) it\'s clear that Marvel has found its groove. But it took time for Marvel to figure out the movie-making process, so maybe its time to go back and fix some of their old mistakes. Here are seven Marvel movies that need a redo!
There have been three Punisher movies, and none of them captured the spirit of the character. The most famous of these was the Thomas Jane movie. While fans liked Jane as the Punisher, they weren\'t thrilled with the movie itself. There was a reboot/ sequel/ no one\'s really sure where it stands sort of thing released a few years ago called 
, but it was silly and cartoon-y — two things the Punisher is not. There was also the Dolph Lundgren movie from the \'80s, but that barely counts as a Punisher movie. He didn\'t even wear the skull shirt!
Does anyone remember that there was an Elektra movie? Daredevil is getting a redo, albeit not in theaters, but with a Netflix exclusive TV series, in which Elektra may or may not appear. But she deserves to be more than a sidekick. Elektra can absolutely carry her own movie. I think the problem with the first Elektra movie was that they forgot to write a script. Everyone just started showing up and they started filming scenes, but the movie seemed like it had no story. They should make an Elektra movie with a story this time.
 movie without Nicolas Cage in it. Seriously, there have been two Ghost Rider movies and the only thing they have in common in Nicolas Cage. And they\'re both awful. Maybe next time, to improve their odds of making a good movie, Marvel could consider hiring an actor that will try to find the center of the character, as opposed to Nicolas Cage, who just made silly faces at the camera.
There\'s a new Fantastic Four movie coming out next year, which gives Hollywood another chance at Galactus and the Silver Surfer, two characters butchered in 
. While the Surfer simply suffered from a weak storyline, Galactus, who is a giant human who eats worlds, was turned into a damn 
. Recent films have proven that audiences will accept some of Marvel\'s more outlandish characters, so bring Galactus to the big screen the way he was meant to be. I want to watch a movie where a giant guy in a purple helmet tries to eat Earth. Is that too much to ask?
, but that movie was a mess, and barely gave the iconic villain any screen time. We need a great Venom vs. Spider-Man movie before he starts branching off into his own rumored spin-off film. Once we see Venom\'s origins, Sony can make all the spin-offs they want — Venom vs. Carnage; Agent Venom; Dr. Venom, DDS; whatever they want.
 but I don\'t think it\'s part of the same continuity as the new Marvel movies. First, it stars David Hasselhoff, and also it was a made for TV movie and it was super awful. Nick Fury deserves a good movie detailing his rise to leadership of 
, and that movie just won\'t cut it. Sam Jackson\'s Nick Fury is great, and if Ant-Man\'s getting a movie, so should he. Just leave Hasselhoff out of it this time.
 is one of the best comic book movies of all time. It was a great movie on its own, and it set up one of the best X-Men story lines for its sequel: The Phoenix Saga. 
 came out a few years later, and whether you did or did not like the movie (you did not), it really glossed over the whole Phoenix thing. Jean Grey just came back to life and was suddenly evil. Not much more explanation was given. Now that 
 has changed the timeline and removed the events of 
 from continuity, we should get a redo. Fox has announced that the next X-movie will be about Apocalypse, but after that? Do the Phoenix storyline this time, and do it right. Make it a story about Jean Grey, not a Wolverine story that Jean Grey just happens to be around for.
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