My Wall

AkazaUpperMoon3 said …
hey could you guys read my story and let me know what you think?
link Posted 3 months ago
luminousshams gave me props for my articles
Heeeyyyyyygy eugeneeeee
Please come back here !!!
I have missed you so much !!

Life is hectic T.T
I really Hope things are easy on you I hope u are doing good .
I have something v imp to tell u please be back Posted over a year ago
GDragon612 gave me props for my polls
❄️May this festive season sparkle🎀
🎅and shine, may all of your wishes🎈
🎁and dreams come true, and may💖
🎈you feel this happiness all year💚🎀
🎄🎉round. Merry Christmas!🌨️⛄💚
💚🎀💖🎈⛄🌨️🎉🎄🎁🎅❄️🎊❤️ Posted over a year ago
GDragon612 gave me props for my videos
hehehe thanks for understanding Eugene!!!
I am totally agree with you!! we are humans not machines XD
awee working with animals is so good*-*yoiu did a great job with helping stray animals<3
I wish I could live in south Korea too(but it`s very expensive to live there)
lucky you,how Long you stay in South Korea?
make some photos if you get the time awee!!you can it upload in our clubbie*-* Posted over a year ago
GDragon612 commented…
yeah christmas and silvester are very close and now 2019 is geeting to an end omg time flies!!!next year time will change here by my lil boy and me too!! over a year ago
GDragon612 commented…
and december I had my bday(6th december) I am getting old xD over a year ago
GDragon612 commented…
thank you too Eugene hugs and love your Lion Luca and Kat over a year ago
GDragon612 gave me props for my videos
sorry I forget sometimes what i have say before xD
shame on me xD
don`t say sorry Eugene!!!I understand it you know!!!
so what you doing now?
my sweet photographer =D
OMG really you live in Korea now?
you can be so lucky awee!!!
I wish I could live in South Korea too awee!!!
sorry for the late reply! Posted over a year ago
GDragon612 commented…
I> am pretty busy these days too!! billion of hugs,christmas vibes,love,and heartsigns from Lion and me to you!!! over a year ago
GDragon612 commented…
have a beautiful week Eugene!!! over a year ago
GDragon612 gave me props for my videos
we are doing fine thank you my sweet Eugene♥️🌹♥️🌹♥️🌹♥️🌹♥️ (have I ever told I am a mum since August 2017)I dont´know if i ahve told it before
I am so happy you are doing fine awee!!!
so tell me =D
whats new ? do you find your dreamjob,etc.?
let me know
we have alot to talk!!
hugs love and kisses your Kat♥️🌹♥️🌹♥️🌹♥️🌹♥️ Posted over a year ago
GDragon612 gave me props for my polls
hey Eugene❤️
awee it feels like milllion years since we talked
miss you so freaking much!!!
how are you/what`s new?
awee hope you find more time to come back here Posted over a year ago
NoNoobs said …
Fanpop’s admins are gone. Where’s you fool admins now? Posted over a year ago
14K commented…
What do you mean? over a year ago
mmeBauer gave me props for my answers
Happy Easter, Eugene! Posted over a year ago
mmeBauer commented…
Hey, how are you? Hope you enjoy this Easter to take a break from work ;) over a year ago
mmeBauer commented…
And update: after watching The Dark Knight trilogy I think I have a new favorite hero now. Loved not only Batman, but all the villains as well! Those were the first DC movies I watched, but I think I already like it better than Marvel lol. What about you? Have you ever watched it? And are you excited for Avengers Endgame? I will watch it next week probably, think it’s gonna be a good movie over a year ago
mmeBauer commented…
And what do you like to watch besides superhero movies? over a year ago
Rohini101 gave me props for my images
Man! So am I! I wasn't going to go start all over with a new account 🙈

It's no problem, I know how hectic life can get. So what kind of jobs are you looking into?

Tell me about it! Life is just so unpredictable, in school you could plan and plan and the possibilities were endless and now it's like you gotta take whatever you can because opportunities are rare. Every missed opportunity feels like a failure rather than windows opening. And every plan has variables out of your control. Posted over a year ago
Rohini101 commented…
Life brings out the pessimism with all the stress but you always gotta look for the silver linings and be friends with the optimist in you over a year ago