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GrapplingHook said about Gravity Falls
Hey all you Gravity Falls fans! Two things...

1. There is a Gravity Falls forum, if you didn't already know. You can register with this link here! link

2. I made a Gravity Falls remix! I'd be cool if you could take two minutes to listen to it. To give you a heads up, it's dark and spooky!

Thanks Fellow Fallers! Posted over a year ago
rileyferguson commented…
I'll check it out over a year ago
Kapanyo commented…
Arrgh, damn Fanpop for not making the links "one-click". >:( over a year ago
big smile
MortalAnonymous said …
Bwap! Also, welcome to fanpop and the little triage of role players. Posted over a year ago
GrapplingHook commented…
Thanks! XD over a year ago
MortalAnonymous commented…
👍(⌐■_■) over a year ago
GrapplingHook commented…
Do it! Do it! over a year ago