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Keyzxx said about Subway
740th fan!! Please join my clubs- ME;WRITTEN ALL OVER, Movies and TV....Only the greatest, Quotes of life...The cutest on Earth and now in about 20 minutes- My Love for Vampire Diaries. Thkx x Posted over a year ago
Keyzxx said about Lucozade
I DO NOT recommend Summer Fruits lucozde heres the story-We were sitting after lunch one afternoon and Amy came up with Summer Fruits we were dying of thirst and wanted some and we drank some...Only to discover It tasted like Fairy washing up liquid....It was Vile and I was sick...It makes you feel lightheaded and you see things either blurry or a different colour well thats what I happened to experience...If you'r brave enough go ahead and have some but DO NOT IF YOU ARE INTOXICATED! (by horrid Posted over a year ago
Keyzxx commented…
Please join my clubs- ME;WRITTEN ALL OVER, Movies and TV....Only the greatest, Quotes of life...The cutest on Earth and now in about 20 minutes- My Love for Vampire Diaries. Thkx x over a year ago
Keyzxx said about Paul Wesley
If you ever get to read this in your life (or eternity I don't mind) then I'd be SOOOO HAPPY! I mean your current roll is Stefan Salvatore....Who's heart is set on this one girl.....Elena Gilbert.....Who looks like his Ex.....His brother also loves her.....Then more secrets are unleashed into Mystic Falls and Vampires are practically the protecters of the town!!!

I love Stefan and I think personally HE deserves Elena!!! Not Damon....Damons too unsafe..... Xxx Posted over a year ago
Keyzxx commented…
ggdelena commented…
tweet to his twitter over a year ago
Keyzxx commented…
Huh?! Thats akward I'm unsure what u mean over a year ago
Albiee commented…
She Means Tweet Him What You Just Said :) over a year ago
Keyzxx said about Me; WRITTEN all over
Good Morning, I am awake this morning except I'm EXHAUSTED after all the time I was up last night I couldn't sleep.....Brother was having a sleepover! I also went to the disco....Where the unexpected took place.....People started going out with people that was unbeliveable matches.....And there was lots of tears and drama! Please if you have happened to experience anything like this COMMENT!!! Posted over a year ago
Keyzxx said about Me; WRITTEN all over
Welcome, I am the official owner and creator of this club... Please Join... My name is Keira and I am introducing you to my hobbies and pastimes, loves and passions, beliefs and faiths, everything possible! And I am welcoming anyone thats interested.. I don't want anyone but anyone to slag off posts or comments... Ready to rollll.... OPEN! X Posted over a year ago
Keyzxx said about The Vampire Diaries
Please join my club --- My Love For Vampire Diaries x
Posted over a year ago
You and Coral are my best friends,
And will be until the end.
I'm here for you,
Ad that staments true.
Don't ever feel down,
Queen of fun you own the crown.
Don't feel sad,
And make everything good not bad.
Friendship is forever,
And it wont end NEVER!

By Keira Thomson
To Caitlin Turner
Posted over a year ago
Keyzxx commented…
K over a year ago
Keyzxx said about Grease the Movie
Finished watching.... Mmmmm What do u all think..... LOVE IT!!! Posted over a year ago
Keyzxx commented…
John Travolta.....Inn this film is.....Dreamy?! over a year ago
Keyzxx said about Grease the Movie
Love Grease.... Can't believe so many people haven't SEEN IT OR HEARD OF IT OMG! What planet have u lot been on? Posted over a year ago
Keyzxx said …
Hiya, Watching Grease with a friend... John Travolta world.... Lol! Comment if you like Grease xx Posted over a year ago