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LeoV44 said about The Heroes of Olympus

A site that's just like this one. Discuss theories, predictions, and hear the latest news on what RR is planning for the next book. All this, minus all the spammers and their spam, and frankly, more intelligent people as a whole. Anyone want something like that should join this site. Go to the bottom of the page and click on "Go visit the forums" and click on Heroes of Olympus. There are active moderators there so spam is not an issue. Plus, they have a LOT more theories. Posted over a year ago
LORDCHAOS commented…
Cool. It's a spam free place! But you should have sent this to all anti-spammers cause the spammers here might bring spam over their! :O over a year ago
extremeriordan commented…
Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! over a year ago
LeoV44 commented…
"Go Visit the Forums" Then click on "Heroes of Olympus" over a year ago
Blaze_of_Ares gave me props for my comments
Hey, I just wanna say thanks for telling me about the spams and all. I'll delete my post. Thank you Posted over a year ago
big smile
wierdo4 gave me props for my answers
Hey there is a club for HoO admins called Olympus. Seen as your an admin I figured you should know. I'm gunna try to set up a permanent defense the spam. Posted over a year ago
LeoV44 commented…
okay over a year ago
TeddyKellogg123 gave me props for my images
Hi, I'm Teddy (Or Kaylee.. Whichever). I've been on Fanpop since last year (On another account) and Tracy said I could help out around the HoO spot!(:
I just wanted to stop by and say hey, and I was hoping we could be friends.(:
I like your status by the way!
~Teddy(: Posted over a year ago
LeoV44 commented…
Sure over a year ago
TeddyKellogg123 commented…
Motto* Sorry..(: over a year ago
LeoV44 said about The Heroes of Olympus
I just noticed we have 2900 fans now. Huh...when the club was first made, I remember everyone freaking out at every 100th mark. Oh well, time goes on.

Speaking of time, there's only 7,258,448 seconds left till the Mark of Athena comes out! (Eastern Standard Time) Posted over a year ago
cubsrule commented…
How do u have time to calculate that?! over a year ago
meredog commented…
lol meef!!!!!!!! :D over a year ago
cubsrule commented…
bogus meef. just y do u type that into google over a year ago
LeoV44 said about The Heroes of Olympus
Hey guys, I'm back. Not sure if any of you remember me but I have a mystery I've been pondering. I read this short synopsis for MoA here: link

I started to wonder if Annabeth really is part of the seven or not. For the older members: Remember when SoN was released? RR had an event across the U.S. in seven different places, each representing a different god.

---Continued below in the comments--- Posted over a year ago
LeoV44 commented…
These seven gods just happened to be the parents of the seven demigods. At least, it matched up that way. Jason with Zeus, Percy with Poseidon, Piper with Aphrodite, etc. That left Athena. Who is the only (important) character we know of that is a child of Athena? It could be a daughter of Minerva from the Roman camp but I doubt RR would make up a character this far along in the series and put him/her as part of the seven. It wouldn't make sense. Each of the other six demigods had to do something or another to gain each other's trust and I can't see anyone else being that seventh member accept Annabeth. As far as I know, everybody trusts her, she has proven herself, and she's a child of Athena...---continued below--- over a year ago
LORDCHAOS commented…
Well if she's trusted by everyone, then it will be easy for her to be a spy over a year ago
paulion98 commented…
remind me of something...on the event tha RR made, all the gods name where in greek,roman or both.(as in mixed)? over a year ago
tracytracy2000 gave me props for my articles
You are finally back... Posted over a year ago
LeoV44 said about The Heroes of Olympus
Hello random people on here that I write to even though we don't know anything about each other and that our only relation is our love for Rick Riordan's books,

Did you know that there are 330 days till The Mark of Athena comes out?

That's approximately 7,933 hours!

Or 475,967 minutes!

Or 28,557,994 seconds!

That's right...that's over 28 million seconds!

So, the Mark of Athena will come out in:

330 days, 12 hours, 42 minutes, and 44 seconds

Math is fun!! (sorry I'm high) Posted over a year ago
dancergirl78 commented…
Wow.... haha over a year ago
hollistergurl commented…
woaah haahah. ahhh i cant wait that long :\ over a year ago
_Leo_Fire_ commented…
Kewl talking penguins!! :))) babies are born every 1 second :) over a year ago
LeoValdez101 gave me props for my comments
LeoV44 said about The Heroes of Olympus
It's 10:00 pm and I'm pretty sure there aren't too many people on here who haven't read the book yet. If there are, then they have enough sense not to come on here till they've read it. So, I'm going to break the rules and say a spoiler now. O_o

I know, I know. I'm so bad.

Spoiler: The book ends with the Argo II landing at the Camp Jupiter and Percy, Hazel, and Frank going to meet the Greeks!

But almost everyone has read the book so this isn't really news.

Oh, well. Posted over a year ago
AnnabethC commented…
Lol over a year ago
wisegurl commented…
Ahhhh well, I'm just so pissed he stopped before the percabeth reunion!! :( over a year ago
_Aphrodite_ commented…
Did she died? :( Shut up no negative thoughts! Okay! :( but I love/hate cliff hangers :(()))) over a year ago