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firecroll said about Invader Zim
Wow, i was serching for a forum or page with invader zim's info, but this is too much xD
Maybe someone can answer my question. Some days ago i was talking about zim with a friend and we remembered a 1 ep character that appears pointing opened mouth to zim because he did something with his house or something else extremly obvious like always and nobady realized; just him (it was not Dib). I think it was a little boy in the street. Unlickily i couldnt find it. Someone remembers this? Posted over a year ago
firecroll commented…
No more words to write XD. I tried looking for him at every ep but couldnt find it =S over a year ago
woowie commented…
It sounds vaguely familiar. I'll keep an eye out for it! o: over a year ago