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novelholic said about Paulo Coelho
I had read one Paulo Coelho book so far. It was "The Alchemist". And which Coelho fan doesn't know how fabulously brilliant it is. And now when I step up from that particularreview, and begin one of his most dangerous novels, "Eleven Minutes", I dunno what to think.

Coelho you simply rock! :D Posted over a year ago
Okkay, so after all those bad reviews and the impossibly unacceptable comparisons between the book and the movie, I finally found the guts to watch it...and guess what?

I was highly disappointed :( Posted over a year ago
I am reading this book right now. And damn! it is soo emotional! And it reminds me of my sister! Who had cancer. And gosh! it always makes me wanna cry :( Posted over a year ago
TW_FAN21 commented…
My best friend had cancer as well I thought of him when I read and reread the book. over a year ago
novelholic commented…
i have been through that dying part myself....and i felt like a grenade too :( over a year ago