The Heroes of Olympus The New Olympian

ajatashatru posted on Jun 22, 2011 at 04:54AM
I am new here,this is my fanpop.I hope you like it.
I donot own any characters.
I might even borrow some of the scenes from other.
please read and share your views.
last edited on Aug 11, 2011 at 05:53PM

The Heroes of Olympus 649 replies

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over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
big smile
I luv it!! Gosh!!!! And Lisa? Wow!! I'd hate it too if someone kept calling you lord... Postsoon!!
over a year ago happyfestus said…
big smile
Awesome!Dude,great writing!Man,i soo want to see percy using the trident and other things he got from mercury,can you do that?Also i think you should go with option two, and maibe doing flag chapter in a wile keep posting and good night/day as here it is night
over a year ago Artemis037 said…
I wish I had a sword from the forges of the sea... :) I feel bad for Lisa and Percy, maybe Lisa will save Percy's life in capture the flag (it could happen, but I know it won't)
Can't wait for the next chapter!
over a year ago swiftwater said…
help me I'm not new but I don't know how to use my fanfic
over a year ago swiftwater said…
big smile
save tigers I love tigers
over a year ago swiftwater said…
THAT'S CRUELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL TO SAY I LOVE ANABETH SHE IS ASWOME FMAN172!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!! I don't hate you writer of this fanpop.
over a year ago fman172 said…
Wait what about me? If your saying I don't like Anna, well... I don't she's nt right for Percy
over a year ago RachelDare14 said…
big smile
I love it! I love it! I love it!!!!!!!!! Please please keep going!!!

And sorry if this is spam but can you please read my fabric and give me some feedback please.
over a year ago ajatashatru said…
thank you guys. and no RachelDare14 i don't think of it as a spam. i have been a regular reader of your is that i did not post comments there. i have written my suggestions in your form.
swiftwater initially i found it a bit difficult to use the things here. but honsetly if you read all the labels it becomes easy to use. you don't need to hold back.just experiment you will discover the use.

you are right OsnapitzJJ it is indeed hard to write the capture the flag game. once i started to think about what to write i found it taxing so i postponed the game temporarly. the chapter is not Lisa going into legion three but a new charcter is coming in.
thank you guys for your splendid support. the chapter in the next reply.
over a year ago ajatashatru said…
the chapter as follows

Chapter 37
Percy had gone swimming in the sea. When he reached the bottom he had seen a hippocampus stuck in the net. He easily helped it out and then it delivered him the message from the sea god. The sea god who was Percy’s father had sent message that Percy had done the right thing by saving the girls life and the storm bringer was proud of his son. He had also sent a new weapon for Percy so that he could give it to his slave. Percy had returned back from his swim and at the beach he had met Lisa and he gave her the sword. Percy was now walking back to his barrack. Percy felt like he was being followed. He could hear someone following him. He stopped abruptly and tried to listen but could not hear anything. He slowly resumed his walk this time giving up most attention to the sound which was following him. He immediately turned around but there was n one behind him. He was about to resume his walk that his eyes caught some thing on the ground. Better words to say would be some grey white living thing on the ground. As Percy looked with his attention to the creature he could easily say that it was a puppy and grey white wolf pup. It was looking at Percy with its wide amber eyes and wagging it tiny tail longing for attention. When it understood that it got Percy’s attention it barked happily at him and wagged it tail even more.

Percy wanted to laugh for just a while ago he had to admit that he was a bit afraid but seeing that it was only an wolf cub he wanted to laugh his head off. He thought better and kept silent because he you invite trouble by waking the camp up. Percy turned back and continued to walk back to his barrack and the pup followed. Percy was now a bit annoyed. He turned and picked a small stick waved it at the puppy and threw a bit of distance. The pup immediately bounded in that direction. “Good riddance.” Percy told himself and briskly walked towards his barrack only to see that the wolf pup ran to him came to face him placed the stick at his feet and was looking at him expectantly to throw the stick again. Percy was a bit surprised. The wolf pup was the way it looked not more than a few weeks old but it was acting like a trained dog. Percy tried everything he knew to get rid of this pup but it would still follow him. Percy was really pissed now and in an angry tone trying his best not to yell spoke “you are not going to leave me alone. Are you?”

“No. I will not be leaving you alone.” was the answer he received. Percy froze. ‘What!? Does this wolf speak like that Lupa. One talking wolf was more than I had asked for.’ Someone giggled from behind him which made Percy realize that it was not the wolf which spoke it was the giggleing person who had spoken he turn. He saw that there was a girl may be same age as his. She had long auburn hair which ran down below her waist. She was wearing a sliver colored roman dress. A bow was slung over her shoulder with quiver full of arrows. But want made her stand out were her eyes. Her eyes were the color of the full moon. Percy bowed his head “Lady Diana.” He said but did not speak any further. He did not want any increase in the population of jackalopes. Diana was smiling “Perceus the wolf cub will not leave you alone. She has chosen you as her master. I say that you accept her. Her kind only chooses a hunter for their mistress but this one seems to have taken a liking for a man.” “Is it national taking Percy as your master day?” Percy said highly uncomfortable. The goddess smiled at him. “It is so I guess. But she has chosen you, you will take her in. she is a magical wolf she will grow rapidly. Within few months she will look fully grown. Since she has chosen you as her master she will grow with you. She will serve you as a faithful servant and act as a good friend. Treat her well.” The goddess slowly reached Percy and ran her hands through Percy’s hair, that black messy hair with a few streaks of grey in them. The streaks he had gotten while saving her life. They were standing so close that Percy could practically breathe in her scent. It was an aroma he had never inhaled before. It was intoxicating. Percy could not say what he was feeling it was like he was in a trance. Percy could not explain the exact way they made him feel.

The situation was no different for the huntress. She did not understand the desire she felt to run her fingers through his locks. But to do so she had gotten so close to Perceus that she was drowned in the sea scent of his. She knew well enough what it could do to her. She already once had lost control with Percy. The result was still in her womb. The thought of the child brought her back to reality and quickly stepping back she teleported away. Percy had averted his eyes in good time. He did not understand the behavior of the moon goddess. Why did she touch my hair? Why did she come so close? He was yanked out of his thoughts by the wolf pup’s small bark. He picked up the pup “well what do I name you girl? Hm.. Let me see. Can I call you grey? No, that does not seem right. Ha, yes your eyes. Your name is amber.” The wolf barked happily in response. Percy smiled “it is settled then. You are amber. Now it is three in the morning if we don’t get sleep we will be in serious trouble.” With that he carried the wolf into his room. Made arrangements for her to rest and then got into his bed and fell asleep.
keep reading,keep posting.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago fman172 said…
Awesome! Percy is getting a butt load of stuff from gods.
over a year ago Artemis037 said…
Yes, Artemis/Diana was in the chapter!!! And Percy has a cute little wolf pup to take care of now :) And I agree with Percy, it did seem like national "take Percy as your master" day haha
over a year ago fman172 said…
Also could you make two chapters a day now? Cause everyday I wake up at like 11 and immediately i go on my ipod to look at your story. But its always one chapter and that kinda sucks, I really want more chapters! Or could you at least do it once tomorrow? Thanks.
over a year ago AnnabethGranger said…
big smile
YAY loved it! i hope he ends up with Diana! this is such a good story keep posting
~~Love, Annabeth Granger
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
big smile
Oh gosh!!! Yeah!!! Perce and Artemis!! Percy has a wolf? I coul sooo picture it!! I'm guessing it's really cute!!! Percy and Artemis has a kid? Ur kidding me!!!
over a year ago happyfestus said…
Awesome! But if Percy marryes Artemis wat will andromeda the sea nayad do? And another thing:if percy is in between demigod and god his and artemis' son, what is he?? A god? A demigod or a 3/4 god? And a baby wolf? What will the others say? Man, I really want to see how things turn out Oh another thing that came to me moments ago:Percy is son of the earthshaker right? So shouldn't he be able to actually do earthquakes? Please add it to his powers that would be AWESOME keep posting!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago thunderwolf233 said…
you just confused me happyfestus
over a year ago PersesJr said…
over a year ago OsnapitzJJ said…
Oooooh:D I love the Lady Diana part!!!! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeep!XD

And I love Amber<3
over a year ago ajatashatru said…
Chapter 38
Lisa slowly woke up from her sleep. After talking to Percy and receiving a gift from him she had a good sleep. Looking at the alarm clock she could say it was five thirty in the morning. At six thirty she had to go and present herself to Percy. She got up and did all the morning errands. After taking a shower she went up to her bed her eyes caught a plain white roman dress and a note attached to it. It read “Lisa this is your dress for today. Please your master in every way you can- your mother.” Lisa knew all the girls would make fun of her for wearing the dress and the boys would droll over her but she had no choice. After putting on her dress she was about to leave when Hazel entered her room. “Hey Lisa, how are you? And what are you wearing!?” she was surprised to find Lisa wearing a roman dress. Lisa smiled at her friend “my mother made me wear this before presenting myself before my lord. Hazel, have you even slept last night? You look awful.” Hazel tried to smile also she was trying to stop herself from blushing. To tell the truth she did not know if she could sleep ever again. All she could think of was a certain green eyed hero. The way he carried himself the way he treated people around him. His hair his looks, could he be the male counterpart of Venus? Hazel was lost in her thoughts but brought back to the earth when Lisa shook her “Hazel are you listening? Where were you lost?” Hazel blush crimson “nothing I was just thinking. I got to go. See you later. Say hello to Percy.” And with that she left the room. Lisa understood that her friend had developed a crush on her master. She smiled to herself “it would be nice.” She said to herself. She then walked towards barrack three.

When Lisa reached the barrack three and knocked. Wilson, son of Mars answered the door. When he saw Lisa he raised a brow. Lisa smiled at him “I am here to report to my master will you please lead me to him.” Wilson nodded still looking at her. To tell the truth she looked extremely beautiful in that dress of hers. You cannot blame a guy for looking at her. Composing himself he said “well Percy told me that you would arrive a bit early he is in his room still asleep I guess. You know which door.” Lisa nodded and she headed towards Percy’s room. She knocked at the door and found it was unlocked. Slowly she opened the door and entered the room. At the corner of the room was Percy’s bed and Lisa saw that her master was still asleep. One thing about the rooms of the leader’s of the legion was they where sound proof as long as the leader wanted them so. Adjacent room is always the office room of the leader which has an access from within the leader’s bed room. Lisa saw that it was almost six so she should wake her master up. It was essential that every single person at the camp should wake up at six. Lisa took one step towards her master that she heard a low growl which for a second made her freeze. She slowly looked down from where she had heard the sound and found a wolf pup with grey white fur with it amber eyes looking with anger at her. Even it was only a pup Lisa understood that crossing line with this animal could cost her dearly. She tried to win the wolf’s confidence by saying usual things people would say to a puppy. But that only made the wolf angry. It started to bark and was about to attack Lisa when a softy but commanding voice spoke “amber heel. She is a friend.” Lisa was relieved to hear the voice of her master and seeing that the wolf had obliged to him she just ran up to Percy and hugged him. Then she realized what she had done and quickly backing away she apologized “I am sorry my lord.” She was blushing but was also afraid of what her master would say. “It is ok.” She heard her master say “don’t make it a habit.” Percy smiled “well this energetic young girl is amber. She came to me last night. Don’t worry you will be friends soon enough.” Lisa who was looking at the ground till now looked up and to say it was a mistake would poor use of words for it was a blunder. Percy was shirtless and Lisa could see how muscular and attractive her master really was. She was blushing furiously. The only good news was her master was busy with his pet and was not looking at her. Percy asked Lisa to wait for some time and he performed his early morning activities.
Percy was actually feeling very strange. He had not told or even let others find out about being invincible. As far as he could remember of the story of Achilles the invincibility should have made him to sleep for hours and sometimes days but that was not happening to him. He needed less than four hours sleep and he was always finding himself fresh. He pushed that thought aside and completed brushing his teeth and then took a shower and put on some jeans and pulled a purple t shirt. He had understood that it was Alicia’s doing of giving him tight fitting t shirt that showed off his abs. he was not happy about that but he could do nothing of that because Alicia was in charge of dress department of the legion. Percy looked at Lisa who was tidying up the room. Percy’s room was a mess and it needed a lot of fixing and Lisa had put herself to do it. “What are you doing?” he asked Lisa. Lisa quickly answered “cleaning the room my lord.”

Percy was not looking for that answer so he put another one “I think I should frame the question better way. Why are you doing this?” “It is my duty towards you lord and also there will be and cleanliness inspection today evening the rooms are supposed to be clean, neat and tidy.” “Ho” is all Percy said. Lisa continued her work. “Nice dress.” Percy said all of a sudden. This had Lisa a bit surprised but when she understood what Percy had said she blushed and said that it was her mother’s doing. Percy told her that she could change into something comfortable if she liked. Lisa was happy that Percy would allow her to do so. She thanked him and told him that she would change once she is done with the room. Lisa saw that there were spider web forming in the corner at some height. So she took a stool and stood on it so that she could reach the place but she lost her balance and was about to get severely injured by the fall when Percy caught her and lifted her bridal style. At that precise moment Alicia entered that room seeing that Percy was holding Lisa she slammed the door and ran away. Percy was seriously confused by his second in command’s action. He set Lisa back on her feet. “Why did she slam the door and run away?” he innocently asked Lisa.
It actually suprised me when my brother pointed out that so far all the friends which percy has made are all female! man that is a wake up call. but an honest question do you guys want Percy to have a friend who is a male? do tell.
fman172 i am sorry but i will stick to my one chapter per day plan. please don't be angry with me.
as for your concern happyfestus i have to say only time will tell. for i have not yet decided on what i have to do for Percy's mission which should come up at some point.
i have like three ideas for Percy's mission but it is hard to choose one. i only want to ask you guys do you want the mission to be on land or on the sea?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago OsnapitzJJ said…
That was great:D I loved it. And it would be nice for him to have a guy friend to hand out with from time to time.
over a year ago AnnabethGranger said…
omg so funny “Why did she slam the door and run away?” he innocently asked Lisa. hahahaha so clueless oh seaweed brain

so far all the friends which percy has made are all female! lol well no duh! lol i loved it. Percy and Diana <# periana or Diancy take you pick
over a year ago PersesJr said…
over a year ago fman172 said…
It's alright it was just suggestion and Percy should stay with only frirnds tht are girls.
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
big smile
Poor Alicia!! Lisa is soooo.... I can't name it...cant wait for tomow
over a year ago thunderwolf233 said…
who will he choose
over a year ago Zobar said…
big smile
Can you create a chapter where percy showcases his true strength, so that everyone in the Roman camp respect him?

Good story!

over a year ago Artemis037 said…
I think it would be nice for Percy to have a guy friend because all of his friends at the moment (except Amber because she's a wolf) has a crush on him...
over a year ago thunderwolf233 said…
PERCY(:vs jason); please
over a year ago happyfestus said…
Same thing zobar asked and btw nice chapter
over a year ago ApolloPride said…
Awesome chapter, wow Percy has a lot of people(girls) who have huge crushes on him, Percy, Pick one!!!!!! Anyway great chapter as always!
over a year ago ajatashatru said…
thank you guys. i will try to provide Percy a male best friend but i don't know as yet if i will do that. but i will try. his strengths will come to light with the progress of the story. i will try to do something in that measure. Percy vs Jason will have to wait. i think that will happen as the end of the story will approch.
i actually have not planed the very path i am taking and also the destination i have it open at the moment but i am confident i will set what i want at the end. then it will tend to become a bit clearer.
for now things are open and this might go anywhere.
that is all in the authors note the chapter is as follows.

Chapter 39

Everyone was surprised to find a wolf cub running along with Percy. After getting a satisfactory explanation which did not include Lady Diana, day to day activities were resumed. Alicia avoided Percy that whole day but as the evening approached Percy saw Lisa and Alicia talking. After that Alicia was back to her ways. Percy did not understand Alicia’s behavior but saw it as a girl thing and distanced himself from the topic. Percy had done some good work with his Legion having Lisa along side was a real bonus. She was skilled and it was good for all that Percy was now partnering with her. After the food was devoured and was time to go to bed Percy found himself sneaking out of his room as he had done previous night only this time he was not alone Amber tagged along. It was not uncommon for campers to hear wolves so even when Amber made loud noise no one was bothered. Percy reached the beach for a while he played with his pet. They ran around the beach and had lot of fun.

Percy saw that a girl of about sixteen was sitting on a rock watching the sea. Percy knew who she was the moment he saw her. The moon was shining on the waves and making it look beautiful. “Beautiful isn’t it the moon?” he asked. “The girl nodded “divine.” “What brings you here ma’am?” Percy kept his voice polite and tried to hide his curiosity. The girl turned to look at Percy “I owe a debt to a hero Perceus and no matter what I do I cannot repay the debt. Will you help me Perceus?” Percy nodded “yes lady Diana I will help you.” Now most would say, to agree on something when you don’t have any idea what you are getting yourself into is not recommended. But somehow Percy could not refuse the goddess in front of him. The goddess smiled “thank you Perceus.” Percy hesitated for a moment but gathered his courage “I have but one condition.” Now it was the goddess who acted without caring what condition she might meet “name it.” But once the words left her mouth she was now a bit scared ‘what would this hero’s condition be?’ Percy smiled his trade mark smile “you will call me Percy.” “You help me and at the end I call you the way you want me to. Do we have a deal?” the goddess reply. Percy nodded “so who is this hero to whom you owe the debt?”he was curious. “Now I can’t reveal that, now can I? But you will meet the person soon enough.” Percy nodded in acceptance. The goddess continued “I want you to teach the person some archery.” Percy was horror struck “but Lady Diana my knowledge of archery rivals your brother’s poetry skills. How can I ever teach hero archery?” the goddess had to control herself from laughing at Perceus for making the best comparison. Her brother’s poetry was the worst in the world. Once under control the huntress spoke “don’t worry Perceus. Before you have to teach the hero I will teach you how to shoot. So don’t worry.” Percy’s face now held some funny expression. The goddess with a mock stern voice “now do not give me that look Perceus you are learning archery you like it or not. We begin like right now.” With that she took Percy’s hand and pulled him towards the forest. Within a few minutes they found a small clearing. Amber had followed then eagerly. The goddess had not realized that she was still holding Percy’s hand. “Here we are now this is an ideal place to begin your archery training.” Then she realized that she was still holing Perceus’s hand reluctantly she let go. Our captain obvious had not really paid any attention that the goddess had held his hand and was worried about having to learn archery. The goddess composed herself and continued “now bring forth that cross bow I had given to you.” Percy obliged and brought out the cross bow. The goddess touched the weapon and said something under her breath and the cross bow transformed into a real bow. Percy was a bit surprised but managed not to drop the bow. A quiver materialized on his back. Percy felt a bit uncomfortable. The goddess waved her hand and a target bull’s eye formed itself at a distance. “Now Perceus I want you to concentrate.”

After hours of torture as Percy would tell, he finally learnt how to hold a bow. “Now that was not hard was it?” the goddess said with a triumphant smile after all she had taught Perceus Jackson to hold a bow. Percy so wanted to come up with a witty comment but he remembered this goddess’s reputation and kept quiet. “I will expect you here Perceus at about the same time we met today. Tomorrow you will learn about notching the arrow. Do not be late. You have a long way to go.” The goddess said. “That sure I have.” Was what Percy would have normally said but he kept that in his head. Percy was so tired that he sat down then and there. The goddess sat down beside him but a little bit farther. Percy leaned by the tree “that truly was exhausting. I did not know that archery took that much energy.” He said. The goddess nodded “yes, when you are new it tends to happen so. But once you get used to it, it becomes easier.” With that she went on and on abut archery but when she turned to look at Perceus she found that he was sound asleep with Amber on him lap in no different state. The goddess was annoyed she had been talking about such important things in archery but the kelp head had fallen asleep. She wanted to hit him on his head but still she could not hide her smile at the sleeping form of Percy. She kissed his fore head and then transported him and the wolf pup to his room. After making sure they were comfortable she teleported back to Olympus.
hey guys i wanted to ask you somethings.when Percy finally will get a mission where you want it. On the LAND or on the SEA? please do tell. and surely keep reading and keep posting.
over a year ago fman172 said…
Awesome! Also sea defitenly so tht Percy can show his powers. I hope Percy becomes a god and marries Diana
over a year ago happyfestus said…
Maybe he should go both land and sea,why not?BUT if you want to choose one i'll say sea so that Percy is more powerfull,also it would be nice to see Zeus' face when he learns that Artemis wants percy as husband i think it would be priceless and AWESOMe chapter
over a year ago RachelDare14 said…
big smile
I really like Diana and Percy together! I think the quest should be on the sea because tht's where Percy is best and you could have Neptune/Poseidon check up on him and talk to him again. I also think (gosh I'm doing a lot of thinking today!) that it doesn't matter if Percy only really have friends who are girls.
over a year ago thunderwolf233 said…
sorry to say but this one was kinda boring... sorry.
over a year ago ApolloPride said…
That was great Artemis is so cool, i love her. I think that his quest should be by sea but parts of it should be on land so Percy can have a bit of a challenge. I wonder when Artemis is going to tell Percy that he is a father. I want to see Apollo's face when she tells him hahaha!!!
over a year ago thunderwolf233 said…
forget Apollo think of zeus's face.
over a year ago Artemis037 said…
"Percy was horror struck 'but Lady Diana my knowledge of archery rivals your brother’s poetry skills.'"

OMGosh I laughed so hard when I read that! And this chapter was NOT boring at all. Especially because Artemis was in there :) They are a good couple, now that Annabeth is dead and gone.

He should have a quest by the sea, and try to add a little land in there but it's your story not mine and it is AWESOME!!!
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
big smile
Oh Artemis has love!!! And the sea!!! Wow seaweed brain s stupid!!! Well....That waz sooo awesome!!! Post soon!!!
over a year ago PersesJr said…
Lol mad funny,post soon dude and percy should have his mission on sea and land.AWESOME CHAPTER DUDE
over a year ago tina902 said…
good chapter!!!!!!!!! an the quest should be in the sea.
over a year ago ajatashatru said…
thank you guys. Percy's quest will be on the sea as most of you want it so. i will try to put some land here and there.
i will try to make things as intersting as possible. i think his mission should be after some more weeks of stay in the camp. now the chapter.

Chapter 40

Percy was in a dream and his dream self was fighting a huge number of monsters. It surprised Percy that there were some demigods amongst the attackers. The dream Percy was his usual self, finishing off the monsters and knocking the demigods unconscious. Percy could say that this was some memory of his. With a few minutes all the monsters were gone only one demigod remained who was no match to Percy. The demigod tried to get way and on his way took out a gun pointed it at some target behind Percy and shot. A silver arrow went through the demigod’s heart and he fell to the ground dead. The dream Percy turned around and then screamed “NO”.

Percy woke up with a start, the memory of the dream still haunting him. When his eyes focused he found Alicia and Lisa towering over him with concerned look on their faces. Alicia spoke in a concerned voice “Percy, are you all right? Did you have a bad dream?” Lisa spoke as well “you were very agitated in your sleep My Lord. Are you feeling well?” “Just some bad dream.” Percy for some reason told them the dream but did not say that the dream felt like was some memory of his. The two nodded and said some reassuring words like “it was just a silly dream.” Then Percy realized that it was six thirty in the morning. “Gods, are we late?” Percy was now worried. Lisa answered “yes my lord. But if you hurry up we can still cover it.” Percy nodded and went through his morning activities as fast as he could. In fifteen minutes he found himself at breakfast. Amber followed Percy happily towards the dining area. The legion had got there before Percy as Alicia had led them there. Lisa had waited for her master and came along with him.

As the end was the breakfast came Percy was informed that he had to attend a meeting of legion leaders and their second in commands in five minutes in the big house. After five minute Percy along with Alicia got to the big house. Percy left Amber with Lisa and Wilson led the legion for their first activity which was archery. Percy had no problem in missing archery even his legion mate considered it so. The strategy room where the meeting would take place almost all was seated on their seats. Alicia showed Percy where he had to sit. Lupa came in and spoke “you all might know why you are here. Today is Thursday and on Saturday we have a capture the flag against the hunters. We have to pick a legion which will take part in the game.” She moved her tail in some manner and a small bowl with some chits in it appeared. She looked at Reyna and nodded. Reyna put her hand in the bowl and picked up a chit opened it without looking at it gave it to Lupa who announced that the legion to fight the hunters would be legion one. Reyna looked happy with it. After that some matters about the training were discussed. “Now that things are settled go and train.” All stood and bowed to the wolf and they walked out towards their next activity which for Percy was Pegasus flying. Black beauty would be eagerly waiting for him. “I think that Reyna has a plan figured and she will show those hunters their place.” Alicia said to Percy. Percy shook his head “you forget that they are immortals. We cannot deny the fact that they have killed more monsters than many of us has seen.” “Right you are brother.” Sandra said walking towards her brother a grin on her face. Percy smiled and greeted his sister. “It is also a fact that you lot are good with archery but when it comes to close range weapons hunters are like new born babies.” Alicia could not hide a laugh when Percy called the hunters babies. Sandra glared at Alicia and then turned to look at Percy she softened a bit but was still glaring “we are not babies with close range weapons. We are reasonable at that.” Percy was still smiling said “whatever makes you happy sis.” He quickly took his sister’s attention from making a remark “you are facing the first legion. Good luck is what I am supposed to say. But I know it is the legion one which needs it. I have but one request don’t make me have to go to the nearest floweriest.” Sandra and Alicia looked at Percy a bit confused. “Why would I make you go to a floweriest?” Sandra asked him. “Well is it not flowers which you place on a person’s grave?” Sandra who understood that Percy was telling that the hunters could easily defeat the legion laughed loudly. Alicia was glaring at Percy. Sandra said her temporary good bye and went to her friends to prepare for the capture the flag game. Alicia was still glaring at Percy “you think the best fighters of the camp cannot win against the hunters. Do you know how brilliant Reyna truly is? Her plans never fail.” Percy raised an eye brow “her plans never fail! Now it really surprises me, if her plans never fail then how am I standing here?” Percy asked. Alicia had no answer to that. Percy continued “Reyna’s plans are the once which are tried and tested. They are predictable. If you watch closely you can say where her plans are going. The hunters have seen lot of battles so they know every battle strategy that there is. The legion one is no match to them. The only way they can defeat the hunters is to make them use close range weapons. Now we are not engaging ourselves any further in this matter.” With that Percy headed to the stables leaving Alicia to follow.

The day after that went as any other day in the camp. At night Percy found himself in the clearing of the wood with the goddess already waiting for him. “You are on time Perceus.” Percy bowed to the goddess. ‘Just an act of self preservation.’ Percy thought. “Yes, you are right. Self preservation is important.” The goddess said as calmly as she could manage. She so wanted to burst into laughter. Percy blushed “did I say it out loud?” the goddess nodded. “So Perceus let us continue from where we left yesterday.” With that the huntress taught him how to notch the arrow on the bow and after many tries in which Percy dropped the arrow, accidentally fired it he learnt how to notch an arrow.
keep posting, keep reading.
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
big smile
haha!!! I luv how Percy is like this!!! I love it!!! Can't wait!!!!! Postt soon!!!! Yeah!!!
over a year ago Artemis037 said…
Wow, I didn't think it possible that Percy could learn all the things he is about archery :) Keep posting!
over a year ago PersesJr said…
big smile
over a year ago thunderwolf233 said…
so ggod
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ApolloPride said…
That was great i really hope that Percy does not fall for Alicia, he should be with Artemis.
over a year ago OsnapitzJJ said…
Oh I love it:D
over a year ago RachelDare14 said…
He and Artemis make such a good couple!!!