The Heroes of Olympus The New Olympian

ajatashatru posted on Jun 22, 2011 at 04:54AM
I am new here,this is my fanpop.I hope you like it.
I donot own any characters.
I might even borrow some of the scenes from other.
please read and share your views.
last edited on Aug 11, 2011 at 05:53PM

The Heroes of Olympus 649 replies

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over a year ago Percy99Jackson said…
big smile
i agree with should be first i think.
post today plz!!!thanx
over a year ago ajatashatru said…
thank you guys.

Chapter 52

Percy, Sandra and Lisa burst out laughing the very moment they entered the kitchen of the ship. “The look on her face was priceless. Brother it was pure genius from you.” Sandra said still clutching her stomach. “How long do you think it will take her to figure out that the ship is on autopilot?” Percy said. “I don’t think she will ever find out on her own my lord.” Lisa said trying hard to stop herself from laughing. They were enjoying the time. The camp was very strict and it did not give scope for having fun and it was nice to have some relaxation. “Percy from where did you get that necklace? I thought that you sent it back to the camp through Mercury.” Sandra asked her brother. Mercury had visited them to ask what had happened on mount Tam and then Percy had given Mercury the necklace so it can be back with its original owner before the theft is discovered. “Well I told him about the prank I wanted to play so he gave me a look alike of the necklace. Hazel was too shocked to register that the one I was holding was a fake. I was pure fun.” Once the laughing was under control Lisa offered to prepare food and the other two helped.

“Percy.” Sandra said getting Percy’s attention. “Brother be careful. Hazel has crush on you and she dreams of having you. When I asked her why she licked you she said that you tasted good and also she wants to taste the rest of you. I believe that you should have a conversation with her before she goes too far. She is possessive in nature such girls can get dangerous when they do not get what they want.” Percy nodded his head “I will speak to her and makes things clear to her.” “My lord, just that her father asked her to be on this quest is not the reason why she has come along. The reason is you. So please do not be too harsh on her. it would not turn out good.” Lisa said. “I will try to be as polite as possible.” Percy assured them. They started to eat their food. “You are an excellent cook Lisa. This is amazing.” Percy said as he shoved another bit of food into his mouth.” I agree with my brother. Sandra also praised Lisa’s cooking. “Thank you my lord and thank you Sandra.” Lisa said and she also sat down to eat.
After a while Percy asked Lisa and Sandra to go and take rest. He took two plates filled it with some food and walked over to the deck where Hazel was struggling with the wheel. “Let me handle the wheel.” Percy said calmly. Hazel turned around to see Percy and made way for him. Amber ran up to her master Percy set the plate on the floor for the wolf. He then gave the other plate to Hazel. “You are letting me off the hook?” Hazel asked a bit surprised. Percy smiled “I never put you on the hook so there is point of letting off. But we do need to talk.” Hazel nodded. “I could not help but over hear the conversation you had with my sister.” Percy said and Hazel blushed. Percy continued “I am afraid that it is not for you to know how the rest of I taste.” Hazel immediately responded “why?” Percy looked Hazel directly in her eyes “we are not meant to be. We cannot become an item.” Hazel was completely crushed “why can’t we be an item? Percy I can give you all the happiness you want. I will do everything to keep you satisfied. I will do anything and everything for you.” Hazel wanted to say more but Percy cut her off “I know what you can do for me but I cannot do that in return to you.” Hazel was now in tears but Percy continued “I see you as a friend and I cannot bring myself to see you in any other light. I cannot provide you with what you need so I cannot take you.” “There is someone else in your life. Someone you love because of whom you cannot take me.” Hazel managed to say. Percy nodded “yes, there is someone but for some reason I cannot remember her. You see when I came to your camp al the memories of my life before was taken away from me. All I know is what my father has told me. I am sorry Hazel but I do want to be your friend and I do hope that you will allow me to be so.” Percy and Hazel had a long talk and they settled the things between them. Percy then told her about the prank. Hazel was angry at first but then laughed it off. Percy sent hazel to take her sleep.

At about two in the morning the moon rose and Lisa came by to give Percy his much need sleep. Percy knew someone else had handled the moon in place of the goddess. The moment Percy’s head hit the pillow he fell asleep and he was pulled into a dream. “Sir you look a bit pale is something wrong?” asked a boy of about fifteen he had black hair a tanned skin and ocean blue eyes. “I do not look pale and everything is alright.” said a man. He had eyes of pure silver. His face was covered with a scraggly beard and his grey hair stuck out wildly. He looked scary. “Have you done what I have asked you to do?” He asked. The boy nodded “yes my lord I have.” Then he clapped. Two strong looking Cyclopes dragged a girl of about fifteen who was tied in golden chains. The moment Percy saw her he knew this was a Nereid. The man with silver eyes grinned an evil grin. “Well done son of Triton you have done a good job. I believe you have made sure that this Nereid is a maiden.” “Yes my lord she is.” said the boy with ocean blue eyes. The Nereid slowly came to have her consciousness she looked up and seeing the man was completely driven by shock and she could not do anything else but stare. “Well the Nereid wakes up.” The boy mocked. The Nereid looked at the boy with complete hatred “you are a disgrace to your grandfather who is the lord of the seas. He will punish you.” The boy slapped the Nereid. “What is your name Nereid?” the man with silver eyes asked. “Andromeda and I belong to my lord Perceus Jackson.” The man cringed at hearing Percy’s name. Percy did not understand what the Nereid meant by saying that she belonged to him. But that could rest as the man started to say some kind of prayer in a language which Percy could not understand. He only caught the name Andromeda. Percy was convinced that the language was something older than ancient Greek. The man brought out a sword, the Nereid’s eyes widened in horror. “My lord will find you and kill you titan.” She said with all the courage she could muster. Percy understood what would happen next. He wanted to say something and save the Nereid but his voice would not work. The titan brought down his sword and the next moment the Nereid’s head was separated from her body.
do you think Jupiter/Zeus should send Jason on the rescue mission? i have made it so that zeus wants Artemis to marry Jason. so Zues would truly think that when Jason rescues Diana she will fall for Jason. what do you think? please do tell.
keep reading keep posting.
over a year ago Percy99Jackson said…
big smile
awesome poor dead andormeda.and yeah the jason on the mission to rescue diana and have him fail and percy suceed percy&diana!

post really soon
over a year ago PersesJr said…
Percy wi
ll marry Artemis and AWESOME CHAPTER
over a year ago ApolloPride said…
Great chapter, Percy breaking another heart haha, but seriously poor Hazel. I really like your idea, I would love to see jason look absolutely rediculous next to Percy! Then maybe when they meet on their quests to find Artemis they would fight and Percy would completely destroy Jason!!!! You have probably noticed how much i do not like Jason. Great chapter keep it up!!!!!!!!!!!!

over a year ago swiftwater said…
Sure kill the girl that's sarcasume
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
big smile
Adromeda!!!! Poor nereid....triton? U jerk!!! U betrayed ur own father and brother and family!!!! Wow....hurry Percy!!! Hazel dang ur stupid!!!! Auto pilot nice!!!! Can't wait fo the next chappie!!!!
over a year ago skyguy98 said…
I agree with apollo!
over a year ago OsnapitzJJ said…
I agree with swiftwater! Goshh. >:(
over a year ago thunderwolf233 said…
thats not triton geen art thats tritons son
over a year ago swiftwater said…
big smile
Will Thalia be pissed?!!!
over a year ago swiftwater said…
I agree Percy should meet Annabeth's ghost
over a year ago swiftwater said…
Oh I thaught it meant like Kronos toyon not Percy's half-brother
over a year ago swiftwater said…
Sorry I'm on my IPod so my spelling is off
over a year ago PercyJackson133 said…
big smile
wow dat iz so cool
over a year ago SeaweedBrain101 said…
that is a very skilled story! i love it!
over a year ago Artemis037 said…
Amazing! For both chapters :) I think that Jason should definitely go on the quest as well, I don't really like Jason in your story... And Percy would so kick his butt! :D
over a year ago OsnapitzJJ said…
Oooooh! Let Percy be all protective like over Diana and when Jason goes to save her, they meet up and fight over Diana!!!!!! <3
over a year ago thunderwolf233 said…
Make jason use his powers but percy not, and if percy still wins jason will be humiliated!!!!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ajatashatru said…
this chapter is dedicated to all of you. this chapter is dedicated to all of you.

Chapter 53
Thalia had received a shock. She had been informed that Lady Artemis was missing and her where about were not know. The gods had asked for her and Jason to get to Olympus. When she reached there she was surprised to see that all the gods were present except for her mistress who was missing. Then Zeus announced “Jason you will take up the quest to rescue Artemis. You can take your sister Thalia along on your quest.” Jason readily agreed to take up the quest. Thalia quickly stole a glance at Apollo and found that he was looking disapprovingly at Jason. “My lord” Apollo said gaining the attention of the king of gods. “Jason cannot take up this quest as it is not from him that Artemis has asked for help. She specifically asked Percy Jackson for help.” Thalia knew that Percy was the only male her mistress would turn to for help and also it was that his child was in the goddess woumb who was at risk. So asking Percy was all but natural but Percy as Thalia knew was in coma and was in no shape to help. “Nonsense.” Zeus said loudly not even trying to keep his anger down. “He is a demigod and this is a special situation hence Jason will be going.” Poseidon stood up from his throne and glared at his brother “what do you want to imply Zeus? As I remember it was my son who rescued her the last time and that to from Atlas. Are you saying that my son is not capable of doing things?” Zeus was ready to argue back but Hera intervened “brother, please do not take this in such a meaning. It only is concern of a father which makes my husband speak as such. We have to let Jason take up the quest. After all two people trying to save a person can bring more success.” Poseidon was not going to cool down even remotely. Thalia somehow managed to bring herself to make a suicide attempt “my lord Poseidon, is Percy not in coma? How can he go on a rescue mission?” Poseidon looked at the hunter before he could say something Apollo walked up to him and spoke to him in whispers and he calmed down and sat on his throne. Zeus addressed his daughter “it was decide that after the summer solstice Artemis is to marry and give the title of maiden goddess someone else. In the light of current events the council has come to the conclusion that the replacement goddess has to be had right now and she be sent along with Jason to rescue the Artemis. So Thalia Grace my own daughter do you accept the post of the goddess of maidens and the hunt?” Artemis had told her about this and had asked her to be prepared for this. The only problem was that there was no time to prepare but things were at stake “Yes my lord I accept.”

Zeus raised his symbol of power so did the other gods. The next was Thalia feeling pain beyond measures. It felt like every cell in her body was evaporating but slowly. After gods know how much time the pain went down and Thalia opened her eyes to find herself in the infirmary. “Thalia you are awake. Get up we need, I need to teach you certain things.” said Apollo. Thalia got up she felt strong like never before “wow.” She said. Apollo chuckled “yes being the god in your case a goddess does that. Now I have to teach you some basic things to you. It should come naturally to you since you already were an immortal.” Thalia nodded. “Lord Apollo, you said that milady asked Percy for help. How can he do that while he is coma? Not that I do not want him on the quest.” Apollo answered “it is complicated Thalia but I will explain to you in the best possible way.” After that he told her about the various ways the gods need to follow. He taught her how to teleport which came easily to Thalia because she was already an immortal beforehand. Then Apollo explained about Romans and how Jason was a roman and the reason behind taking him away from her. Then he explained Percy’s condition and how he was both a Greek and Roman. He told her the effect Annabeth’s death had on Percy and how as a remedy he was placed amongst the Romans without any memory of the past. At the end of the conversation Thalia’s head was spinning because of the information she had received. It was morning already Thalia slowly walked around to find Jason so she ended up just outside the throne room. When she was about to enter she heard voices so she stayed where she was and listened.

“Jason you must not fail this mission. It is important that you rescue her after all she is the one who you will be having as your wife.” Thalia was a bit angry she had identified the voice as Hera’s. “Yes my, I mean yes mom I will rescue her.” Jason said. “Just rescuing her is not sufficient you must win her heart. Also make sure that you are interrupt by the spawn of my brother. He is powerful, do not underestimate him.” Zeus was the speaker. “Jason your sister is friends with him so be careful she might help her friend.” Hera added. “Take this compass Jason it will lead to where you have to go. I have ordered my brother to let you on the sea so you need not worry. Mars has agreed to provide a ship for you. Now get going.” Zeus said. “Thank you father and I will not fail. I will rescue Diana and I will win her heart.” Jason said. Thalia knew that Jason was now going to come out so Thalia ran a safe distance and then turned back and walked towards the throne room to make it look like she was just then coming that way. “Hi Thalia.” Jason said enthusiastically. Thalia put on a smile “hey you are a roman Jay.” “Yes I am but I am learning Greek ways, soon I will be Greek too and I will be the new god of hero’s.” Thalia nodded “good for you brother. So what have you to share with me?” “Well we have this compass.” Jason said and showed the compass to Thalia. It had a single needle pointing at that moment towards south or as close as to it. “This is a six direction compass. It will show us where Lady Diana is. All we have to do is to follow the direction.” Thalia during her transformation had been intrinsically given a roman side hence she understood Jason straight away when he said Diana instead of Artemis. “So what are we waiting for let us go.” Thalia said. Jason nodded and he teleported himself and his sister to the port in New York. Mars was waiting for them with the ship with undead warriors. They thanked him and got on the ship. Thalia said a silent prayer to Poseidon before getting on the ship.
as promised Jason is on the quest. i will try to encorporate the ideas you guys have given me. i am trying to do some research on what monster Percy has to face.
if you have any idea of a monster which is in Greek or Roman mythology which has not already been use by others please do tell(a sea monster would be welcomed). thank you.
keep reading keep posting.
over a year ago fman172 said…
Awesome! You could try the Trojan sea monster
over a year ago Percy99Jackson said…
big smile
awesome!you could use kraken from the myth about persuas son of zeus.he killed it with medusas head.
post soon plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago thunderwolf233 said…
how about a minor sea god
over a year ago PersesJr said…
big smile
over a year ago foreverpercy said…
big smile
amazing!!! you could use Triton, Ethiopian Cetus, soon plzzzz.
over a year ago Artemis037 said…
big smile
Ahhhhh-mazing! Really, I look forward to your posts! I think it would be cool if Triton popped up again somewhere... Keep posting!
over a year ago thunderwolf233 said…
i still sy a minor god would do the trick
over a year ago fman172 said…
Triton was never seen. Tht was his son
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
big smile
that waz awesome!!! stupid jason and ZEUS!!!! post soon!!!
over a year ago fman172 said…
Guys Jason doesn't want to marry Diana. Zeus ordered him too, has Jason ever said he wanted to? no he didn't but he can't deft Zeus orders either. So stop hating him.
over a year ago ajatashatru said…
thank you guys. one of the many monsters you guys have suggested is in.

Chapter 54

“Do not worry my child. Your father will come as soon as possible. He will rescue you, he will rescue us.” Artemis said in a low whisper making sure that no one over heard her. She was in a dark cave bound in golden chains. She could have tried to break free by assuming her true form but that would hurt her baby and there was no guarantee that it would have worked. So she stopped herself and directed her energy in contacting Perceus. She had asked him for help and she knew that Percy is not the one to refuse. She felt bad for she was keeping a secret from him but she had no choice. Artemis was captured in golden net when she was sitting all alone on a beach lost in her own thoughts. She had identified her captor to be Lapetus. It had greatly surprised her because Lapetus had lost his memories when Perceus Jackson had pulled him into the river lathe. Somehow the titan had regained his memories and was out for revenge. Artemis was not successful in figuring out the titan’s plans but understood that he was making efforts to increase the strength of the other titans. Artemis was exhausted, she slowly drifted into sleep. Now gods normally do not get dreams but sometimes they get visions this time was one such time. Artemis found herself on a ship. There she saw Perceus standing and gazing at the moon. The sun was starting to rise. Normally a person would look at the rising sun but Perceus was looking at the moon. Artemis understood that someone else temporarily was taking care of the moon she also felt her heart leap. Perceus was looking at the moon so he should be thinking of her. She concentrated on Perceus. He looked a bit disturbed like he had just seen some bad dream. His black messy hair was messier because of the sea wind. His beautiful green eyes were filled with concern. Artemis loved those eyes, those eyes which were like the tides always changing every time more beautiful than earlier. It was a known fact that the moon pulled the tides but here it was the tides pulling the moon and the moon had already given in.

“Beautiful isn’t it, the moon.” Sandra said as she moved towards her brother. “Divine.” Percy said. They stood there in silence for a few minutes. “Bad dreams?” Sandra asked. Percy nodded “I saw a titan beheading a Nereid named Andromeda. It was part of some ritual to gain power. Taking away an innocent life is powerful in a bad way.” Sandra looked in shock even Artemis was shocked Percy continued “the Nereid thought of me as her master or something. She referred to me as lord. Nereids don’t do that so I get the feeling that particular one knew me personally. She said that I would kill the titan for what he did and she was right. No one I mean no one messes with my friends. If they do, even if they are gods they will pay. I will make that titan pay. I will send him to the depths of tratarus.” The ship started to gain more speed and Sandra sensed this “Percy slow down we both can cope with the sea as this is our element but for Lisa and Hazel it is not. They will end up with sea sickness which is not good. And again you must keep your power reserved so as you can use them during a fight. Percy turned to face his sister “don’t you understand? The very moment we waste will only add to the danger she is facing. The titan killed a Nereid. The nereids are nymphs. She was a nymph before she was made a goddess. They will kill her to gain power. We must act fast.” Sandra was about to reply when the ship shook as if though it was hit by something.

“What in the name of Pluto was that?” Hazel yelled as she came running towards Percy and Sandra followed by equally baffled Lisa and Amber. Both Percy and Sandra leaned over to look at what had caused such an effect on the ship but could not see anything. Then again the ship shook like it was hit at the other end. Lisa and Hazel ran towards the other side to look at the cause Sandra was about to follow when Percy stopped her and pointed her to look at the water at their own end. Suddenly a reptilian tail which was green in color came out of the water and banged against the ship making Sandra lost her balance and would have fallen but Percy caught hold of her. “Please tell me it is not what I think it is.” Sandra said desperately hoping that it was not the particular monster about which she had heard of. Percy turned and looked at Sandra with a serious expression on his face “it is not what you think it is.” Both Lisa and Hazel who had come back to ear shots could not hold themselves and they burst into laughter. Even Sandra had to laugh. Artemis who was watching this trough her dream was also laughing but her voice won’t work. The laughter died down the very moment another bang was heard.
thank you guys for giving me all those names of momsters in the next chapter you will find out which monseter it is. i am giving a cake to all of you.

and sorry guys i will not be able to post tomorrow. i am going out of town. but i will post two chapters the day after.

thank you.
keep reading keep posting.
over a year ago PersesJr said…
over a year ago ApolloPride said…
LLLLLOOOOOVVVVVEEEEEEDDDDDDDD IIIITTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was really good! Poor Artemis, but Percy will save her so i don't feel too bad. Hurray sea monster. I think that is the trojan Sea monster. I am sad that you aren't posting tomorrow but that just means more on Tuesday yay!

Thank You! Here is a cake
over a year ago OsnapitzJJ said…
:D Love it! Oh I love Artemis.
over a year ago thunderwolf233 said…
awwwww.. i was hoping for a minor god of the sea
over a year ago Percy99Jackson said…
big smile
awesome.cant wait
over a year ago kirby624 said…
so now... percy will definity marry artemis?
over a year ago Artemis037 said…
big smile
Artemis is amazing, and I especially loved what you said about the moon and the tide, I thought it was very cute :) Awesome chapter, keep posting! And have fun outta town!
over a year ago swiftwater said…
love the chapter
over a year ago swiftwater said…
will Percy meet Annabeth? Percy should marry, but its not my fanfiction
over a year ago swiftwater said…
this is a labrith!!!!!! with all these post and fanfiction. IT'S A LABRITH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago Percy99Jackson said…
i agree weirdly enough with artemis307 all she said was what i thought weird!
over a year ago Artemis037 said…
Haha, that is weird...
over a year ago thunderwolf233 said…
wait what if its a monster and a minor god .... oh and can you read my brand new fanfic thunderwolfs heroes of Olympus please....
over a year ago ajatashatru said…
ok here are the two chapters as promised.

Chapter 55

“Is he ok?” asked a concerned Sandra. “I don’t understand.” answered a puzzled Hazel. When the monster Ethiopian Cetus had attacked Percy had dived into the sea and made it follow him. Perseus the son of Jupiter (Zeus) had defeated it but he had done so with the help of Medusa’s head. So it can be said that no hero till date had killed it. Sandra wanted to yell at her brother for going after the monster. She had also though about jumping into the sea after him but stayed behind to take care of the ship which was heavily damaged by the monster. The ship could heal self but it needed its mistress to be with it. After tending to the ship she had dived into the sea and watched in shock as her brother ploughed his trident into the mouth of the monster killing it. Then Percy had collapsed and was slowly sinking to the bottom. Sandra had pulled him out and brought him onto the ship and had asked Hazel examine him for wounds.

“What don’t you understand?” Sandra asked with bit of irritation. “Well you can see that his cloths are torn but he has no wounds.” Hazel answered. Sandra looked at her brother and saw that his cloths were indeed torn clearly showing that there had been a fight but he did not have any wounds. “There is nothing to understand in that. He is a son of Neptune the water heals him and he was in the sea. So that is the reason why he has no wounds.” Sandra said in a matter of fact tone. But she herself was not convinced. Even if the sea healed him there always is a trace of what happened. There would be traces of blood on the cloths but in this case there were none. Hazel seemed to be satisfied with the answer she did not press the matter. “He is exhausted. I think he will need lot of rest so he must sleep for now. When he wakes up we will have to give him some nectar and ambrosia. Also we have to put him in new cloths and I will do it myself.” Hazel said. “No.” Sandra said immediately with a hint of anger at Hazel and concern for her brother “I will do that. You three” she motioned to Lisa Hazel and Amber “go above. I will join you there.” The said three left and Sandra started to help Percy with his cloths.

Percy was having a dream in which scene of what happened from the morning was replaying for him. His dream self was talking to dream Sandra but what caught Percy’s eyes was a girl of about sixteen with auburn hair watching him closely, her expression something which was beyond the understanding of Percy. Percy was ready to bet on his own life that he had seen such a look on many girls before but he had no idea what it actually met. Percy walked up to the girl “Lady Dia.” The girl had placed a finger at Percy’s lips to stop him from saying her name. Her moon like eyes met Percy’s sea green. “To you Perceus I will always be Artemis.” The girl said. “But is it not the Greek name. I was told that Romans should hate Greeks.” Percy said. The goddess smiled “ho, then tell me Perceus you are going to hate yourself.” Percy looked at her a bit puzzled. The goddess had still not removed her finger from Percy’s lips she only got closer to him. “You Perceus are both roman as well as greek. Your mother saw your father in complete form.” Artemis said. Percy was too shocked to respond. They could breathe in each other’s scent and truth to be said it would make them lose self control but then again this was only a dream. “Percy, please come as quickly as possible. Come before the titans find out my secret.” she hesitated and added “our secret.” and then continued “If they find out then it will be a disaster.” ‘What secret?’ Percy wanted to ask. Our everyday Percy, he would have given more preference to the fact that the goddess had called him Percy and not Perceus as she usually did but this was Percy in his roman avatar. Before Percy could voice his question the huntress leaned forward removing her finger from Percy’s lips she kissed him full on his lips. Percy was too shocked to respond. When she pulled away she said “Percy come as soon as you can manage. Save us, please do not abandon us.” Percy was stunned any girl beautiful kissing can make a guy forget his own identity but this was the goddess of maidens. You can imagine what had happened of our hero. Percy was so shocked that he barely noticed that his dream self was fighting the monster by stabbing it all over its body to find a weak spot. When he could not find a thing Percy used the water to deprive the monster from any oxygen. He used the water to block the oxygen in the air and made the water so that the monster could not use it from the water either. When it did not work Percy summoned his trident and sent blasts of energy at the monster and as a last resolve he charged and hit the monster inside its mouth with the trident and at the same time he sent a blast through it. The real Percy was still trying hard to recover from the kiss when the dream shifted. “Let go.” said a sweet voice and then next was Percy standing hugging a girl with blonde hair and grey eyes who was wearing an orange t-shirt which suspiciously looked like it was not hers but was Percy’s. “Seaweed brain let go.”

Percy shot up from his bed and ran into the small toilet which was there in that particular room of the ship and he started to vomit blood. Once he did that he took a shower and then put on a new pair of cloths. It had not registered in him that the cloths he was in were not the once he was in earlier. He saw nectar and ambrosia placed on a small table for him. He drank the nectar and ate the ambrosia he immediately felt energy return to him. He then walked out of his room to join his friends at the deck.

Chapter 56

“Percy you are up.” Sandra said after giving her brother a hug. Amber gave the usual wolf kisses. Lisa and Hazel also gave Percy hugs. “What exactly happened?” Hazel asked before Sandra could ask. Sandra glared at Hazel but then turned to Percy just like others to ask him what had happened with the monster. So Percy told them how he killed the monster but he did not tell them about the dream he had. Percy took the wheel “so we are getting close to our destination. I was only hoping that is not what we had to face.” Percy said pointing his finger at a distance in the sea. Sandra had a grave expression on her face. Hazel and Lisa looked confused. “My lord I only sees the sea ahead. What are we to face? Not another monster I suppose.” Lisa asked. “Well we are not facing just one monster we are to face more than that. But for now we have to worry about two of the strongest once. What are we to face you ask. Then let me tell you three words- sea of monsters.” both Hazel and Lisa were now shocked and they were now a bit afraid.

After a few seconds a dark splotches came into focus. To the north, a huge mass of rock rose out of the sea—an island with cliffs at least a hundred feet tall. About half a mile south of that, the other patch of darkness was a storm brewing. The sky and sea were boiled together in a roaring mass. “What is that?” Hazel asked.” Charybdis.” Sandra said in grave voice “Only way into the Sea of Monsters is to go straight between Charybdis and her sister Scylla.” All of them were now a bit pale. “Everyone bellow the deck now.” Percy said. “Are you crazy brother?” Sandra asked. “If that makes you go then yes. Look Scylla scoops down and takes away anyone she finds edible. You guys have to go bellow but I have to stay to steer the ship and Sandra you need to help me from bellow but firing the cannons at Charybdis. To fire the cannons all the three of you are needed. Take amber down to keep her safe. Now go.” Percy said dismissively. The three females went down and got the cannons ready. Percy increased the speed of the ship. Charybdis sound got louder and louder, the monster took the water in and made the ship lurched forward and when it released the water the ship was thrown upward. Percy concentrated the best he could and tried to hold the ship straight. Soon the ship was in firing range “Sandra, Lisa and Hazel fire.” Percy yelled and he himself took out the trident and sent the blast from it. The cannons fired they hit the target the very spot where Percy’s trident’s blast hit it. “Again fire.” Percy said and sent another blast. Now sending one blast after another was not a good option for Percy as it made him very tiered but this time he did not feel himself getting tiered at the rate which he had go tiered earlier. With the third blast the sea went calm. They had done it. They had actually killed the Charybdis. Well the truth was Percy had killed it. No one had realized that the blast from the trident had gotten really strong and it had successfully killed the monster. Sandra, Lisa and Hazel were about to come up and congratulate Percy over their victory but suddenly the top of the ship gave in with a loud sound as though someone had ripped it apart. Percy looked up and saw something brown and green shoot from the sky. “Scylla.” Percy though. When the monster was coming down for Percy he held the trident high and then sent a blast at the monster. A blast ten times power of what had come earlier. A loud explosion followed and Scylla was finished. Percy fell unconscious immediately.

“This is the second time he has lost consciousness after a fight.” Hazel said. Both Lisa and Sandra turned to look at her. Sandra was glaring at her. “My lord had to fight those monsters that no one till date has killed and he has managed to do so. I think any other person would have been dead but you can see that my lord is only unconscious. He is powerful you have to agree to that.” Lisa said. “Hey, I was just saying. I did not mean any disrespect. I know that he is powerful. He killed charybdis and Scylla for gods sake.” Hazel yelled. “shsh, he is coming around.” Sandra said. “Percy, brother are you alright?” she asked. “I guess.” Percy answered as he got up. Lisa gave him some nectar. After thanking her he asked “did we get through?” Sandra looked amused “did we get through!? Brother you devil, you killed the two monsters and you ask if we got through. Seriously when will you stop being modest and start accepting what you have done and take credit for it?” “I agree with her.” hazel said. “Ditto.” Lisa added. “Ok let us just drop the subject and concentrate on where we have to go.” With that Percy got up and went towards the wheel. “Not that way Jackson.” Hazel stopped him. “You need your rest. We can handle the ship for a while when you go and rest. I believe that the other two will agree with Me.” the other two nodded. “You need your rest.” Both Sandra and Lisa said. “Make sure that he does not leave his bed before he has got good rest.” Sandra ordered Lisa. Percy wanted to protest but Hazel interrupted. “Hey guys look! there is land ahead and there are lot of ships and boats docked there.”
the monster i chose is Ethiopian Cetus and not trojan sea monster. this is because in TLH Jason claims to have killed the very monster. in my story the earth is not rising so the monster won't come back. then there was this advantage that the Perseus the son of Zeus had killed the said monster. i hope you agree with me.
the second chapther is bit of an over kill. i say so because i had Percy kill two powerful monsters. but here i want to say that with every passing minute Percy is becoming stronger so he was able to kill the two monsters.

keep reading and keep posting.
over a year ago Percy99Jackson said…
big smile
beyond awesome chapters and cetus thats the roman name for it kraken is the greek.
percy killed them all.and when percy is a god he should be god of time and light cause he defeated the titan of light and titan of time.
post really sooooooooooooooooooooon plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!
over a year ago theorder said…
big smile
over a year ago PersesJr said…
big smile
Awesome chapters dude man,post soon
over a year ago Groversbro said…
over a year ago foreverpercy said…