The Hunger Games Peeta or Gale?

runda99 posted on Oct 19, 2008 at 04:47PM

This should be interesting, as I myself am having an internal struggle between this. So clearly Peeta has fallen for Katniss, but she doesn't feel the same way... why? Well I think it is obvious that near the end of the book she admits to herself what she has been ignoring with excuses such as "hunting partner" and "competition" nonsense.. the fact that she loves Gale. And of course she says that he has no interest in them and it shocks her because all the girls want him... well that can mean one thing... THAT GALE LOVES HER TOO!

So I made it obvious that I am for the whole Gale-Katniss roller-coaster ride because they already get along so well and I think they need each other.. however I won't deny that I had softened up a lot toward Peeta when the competition of the Games got fierce. He truly seems to love her and he was honest about liking her all along... so where does this leave Katniss? What should she do?

I tend to change my mind a lot... and I still have until next September when Book II comes out, but for now I will take my stance, I am Team Gale.

The Hunger Games 833 replies

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over a year ago mickeymouse2146 said…
i think peeta really likes katniss and i also think she really likes him back. She keeps trying to deny it though because she wants to be part of the rebellion.
over a year ago silver93 said…
haha no way Haymitch is too dirty she'd probably throw up. think about it they have that whole experience with her mom's friend in games. and they both love katniss, well sorta with haymitch. it'd be a good prank on katniss

i don't think she's denying it b/c of the rebellion. i think it's b/c she's confused about how she feels. she doesn't like the idea of being in love with someone. plus she would want peeta to be happy which to her would mean he was happy with kids.
over a year ago reeseluvshg said…
big smile
Haymitch with mrs. Everdeen...a little far fetched, but hysterical to think about. we think Katniss can't stand the sight of Haymitch now i wonder what would happen if he did marry her mother. Haymitch would never see the light of day again! haha.
As for Haymitch and Effie well, opposites do attract. idk. maybe its better to just keep haymitch depressed and lonely.
over a year ago reeseluvshg said…
katniss is just confused about everything. it would be hard. imagine, you have two guys that are in love with you and you never intended to marry either of them. one you have practically known your whole life and he helped provide for your family. the other saved your life and years later was put in an arena with you to fight to the death where he only intended to keep you alive yet again. looking at this stand point, wouldn't you be confused?
over a year ago toxicgirl21 said…
i think catnip should chosse peeta, i think she dosnt know it yet but she loves him. Gale is clearly a great guy but i don't think she should chosse hi tho. she cave have peeta i want gale all 2 my self >:D
over a year ago milo8890 said…
Gale all the way :3 He's known her longer and Peeta's to much of a baby. XD That's what I think >>;
over a year ago Dancersusa said…
peeta is better then gale i hope everyone knows that
last edited over a year ago
peeta is better then gale i hope everyone knows that
over a year ago silver93 said…
peeta is not a baby! what are u smokin?
over a year ago Snoredom said…
Yeah way 2 post a giant pic of a sign that proves nothing...Gale is an awesome ninja dude and Peeta just sux. That's just my opinion.
over a year ago PercyJackson11 said…
big smile
TEAM GALE!!! ALL THE WAY!!! As much as I feel bad for Peeta, he just seems annoying and, truth be told, kind of ignorant. If he can't figure out he's making this worse for Katniss and being a burden, well then he is just a dingdong. But Gale needs to MAKE HIS MOVE.
over a year ago Snoredom said…
Y everyone think that Gale is like Katniss' brother? Just cuz they look kinda similar and in CF the gov't says they are cousins...they say lotsa ppl in district 12 look alike and plz, stop drawing twilight parellels cuz vampires SUCK!! LITERALLY SUCK! THE ONLY REASON THEY SHOULD BE IN BOOKS AT ALL IS TO BE EVIL MONSTERS AND SUCK BLOOD, NOT TO FALL IN LOVE AND EAT CELERY AND VEGS! AHHHHHHHHH!
over a year ago silver93 said…
we're not saying they are like brother and sister because they look alike. it's not like we said madge and peeta are brother and sister or peeta and prim are. we're saying b/c of their relationship. it's not really romantic they just take care of each other like brother and sister. peeta isn't a burden to katniss. i don't know where people are getting that idea, if anything he helps her way more than gale does. gale just causes problems for katniss. think about when she had to fake her relationship with peeta, instead of going along he basically screwed the entire thing up. then there's peeta who felt used by katniss and still helped her out. not to mention peeta wouldn't have a hissy fit if katniss wanted to bring gale with them if they ran away. he would understand that he's important to her.
over a year ago studson said…
Gale is a tough guy. He's got a good relationship with Katniss but he doesn't care for her the way Peeta does. Peeta will do literally anything to protect Katniss from any sort of harm. When Katniss tells Gale the plan of running away he abandons her and decides to try to start a rebellion, not even thinkin about or caring how it would hurt Katniss since the capital thinks what she did with the berries is the root of it all. If Katniss goes with Gale she'll only get hurt, Peeta will never let her get hurt. Peeta treats Katniss the way a guy should treat a girl, like theyre the most important thing there is.
over a year ago silver93 said…
big smile
"claps" well said studson
over a year ago studson said…
eh...what can i say? im a deep guy=P
over a year ago studson said…
haha i love how the combination of my post and silver93's last posts completely shut up all gale fans cuz everyone knows peetas really better
over a year ago reeseluvshg said…
yay! another peeta fan.

oh they will be back. gale fans they like to disappear, regroup, then charge together. kind of like an army that retreats immediately after attacking.....really strange, actually.
over a year ago athene_noctua said…
Yes!!! One of us is back!!! - refreshed and ready to attack. /Rhyme unintended/. And I am sure the other Gale fans will come back, too...
over a year ago silver93 said…
and yet u have nothing to say and are waiting for someone else to come up with something. "giggles" if only u were team peeta u'd have the art of good speech
over a year ago studson said…
hahaha she has nothing to say because deep down she knows that peeta truly is better for katniss
over a year ago athene_noctua said…
to silver93

In fact, I have many things to say; it's just that right now I am quite busy and don't have too much time to write here.

to studson

Better - in what way? Yes, I agree that he is nice, he is sweeet and maybe he really loves her. It's just that I am not sure that she needs to be loved in exactly this way. And I am a bit older than most people here, and I know from experience that the fact that someone is "sweet" does not automatically mean that he'lll be able to act reasonably in a dangerous situation.
over a year ago PeetaLover74 said…
Team Peeta. Gale has a really strong FRIENDSHIP with Katniss. Peeta LOVES Katniss and took care of her in any way he could /Teaming up with the careers to save her; giving her his jacket when he was close to freezing to death/ Sure, Gale is a perfect hunting partner, but trust isn't the only component that makes up love.
over a year ago athene_noctua said…
Yes, trust is not the only component that makes love, but to me it's one of its most important components.
over a year ago silver93 said…
where are people getting this deep romantically relationship between gale and katniss? how often did we even see how gale really acts? we only really kept reading about him through katniss's thoughts. if she was so into gale, why does she keep going back to peeta? and instead of wanting to run away with gale, why did she have thoughts of running away with peeta? gale is a great guy and everything, he's just not the guy for katniss.
over a year ago studson said…
To Athene_Noctua

I completely agree that trust is one of the most important components of love. But I'm a little confused, are you saying that Katniss does not trust Peeta? Because this I would like to completely disagree with. Peeta has always been the one that protects her in the games...that she TRUSTS with her life. Therefore, by saying trust is one of the most important components of love, you are saying she loves Peeta. On the otherhand, I should not forget about Gale. Yes she trusts him. However in a different way. With Gale it's more she trusts that she can talk to him about things, such as her thoughts on the Capitol. This is not really a romantic trust. Also as I said before, when she mentions to Gale that she wants to run away he at first wants to but then once she says something about rebellions in other districts he immediately abandons her. Peeta sticks with her the whole time and only makes a decision if it will help to keep Katniss safe and happy. One last "Catching Fire" Katniss decides that she wants Peeta to live over herself, first of all, I believe that putting another before yourself is the strongest sign of love (Gale did the exact opposite when he abandoned Katniss to instead attempt to start a rebellion. Peeta on the other hand is always putting Katniss before himself.) And second if she loves Gale as more than a friend and wants to be with him then why is she willing to let herself die which means never seeing him again?
over a year ago nesstle said…
definately peeta... we hardly know anything about gale and peeta is just so sweet and obviously in love with katniss... he just seems better
over a year ago reeseluvshg said…
To Studson:
Amen. Can't say much after that.

To Athene_Noctua:
First of all, you don't know anyone's age on here so who is to say you are older?
Second, being older doesn't make you the love expert.
Thirdly, what other components do Gale and Katniss relationship have that makes you so convinced they are in love? I trust a lot of people who I'm not in love with. Even though it's a great quality, a relationship cannot thrive on trust alone. Please, humor me.

over a year ago dazzledpixie said…
Studson: "Peeta treats Katniss the way a guy should treat a girl, like theyre the most important thing there is. "
omgsh, I melted when I read that. ♥ that is 100% sweet :] if only more guys actually thought that ^^ I agree, Peeta is a true, chivalrous gentleman and treats Katniss the way he should.

I am a major Peeta fan. :) I think he is exactly what Katniss needs. Her hard childhood has made her hard as well, and a soft, sweet person like Peeta may be exactly what she needs to open up a little and learn to live, instead of just survive. I believe that deep down, she really does love Peeta; she just hasn't realized it yet or refuses to admit it because the rebellion is distracting her and her feelings for Gale are confusing her. Although of course I may be wrong, I'm not altogether sure that Katniss' feelings for Gale are romantic. She loves Gale--definitely. But what kind of love is it? In CF I think she chooses Gale ("Gale is mine. I am his. Anything else is unthinkable.") because she is sure she loves him. He's her best friend, he's always been there for her, she can be herself around him; so loving him feels natural to her. But I think she got herself confused in CF when she tried to figure out if she loved him in a different way other than like a friend or brother. If I remember correctly (I don't have my book with me, sorry), after Gale kissed her in the woods she had to sit down to think about whether she liked it or not. She didn't feel an immediate attraction. And when she kissed him, it was in a moment when "her emotions were running high" (something like that), and I don't think she really felt a "spark" with that. She loves him as a friend, but as a lover? I’m not sure.
over a year ago jmg2596 said…
AMEN to you sliver93 and studson! awww snap.... that was really sweet with "Peeta treats Katniss the way a guy should treat a girl, like theyre the most important thing there is." awwww again.

and yeah im a team peeta girl! i love him! gales barely in the book so we dont know him and he doesnt care for katniss well he does but not as good as peetas way to katniss which deserves a standing ovation my friend! oh peeta!!! :D ily!
over a year ago BookWorm4278 said…
i want her to pick peeta!!!!!! he loves her so much and it would break his heart to see her with gale!!! i dont care if it hurts gale to see her with peeta!!!!! I LOVE PEETA!!!!
over a year ago studson said…
haha well i mean when your in a relationship with a girl ya gotta put their needs before your own. like go outa your way to do what's best for them and to protect them and keep them safe...which, is exactly what peeta does...and completely not what gale does.
over a year ago dazzledpixie said…
@studson: totally agree :) Peeta always puts Katniss's needs before his own. He loves her so much that he would do anything for her. He's put his own life on the line several times for her throughout the series: joining the Careers lead them away from Katniss, fighting Cato so she can escape, volunteering for Haymitch during the Quell so that he can protect her and die for her. He is entirely dedicated to her, and proves his love over and over. And all he gets in return is lies and uncertainty.

studson, you're awesome :] I haven't met many team Peeta guys, especially ones that defend him so passionately :D you rock
over a year ago dazzledpixie said…
here's why I think Katniss should pick Peeta:
1. They're combatible!
People say Gale/Katniss could work because they're so alike, and that is probably true, but I think Katniss/Peeta could work for the opposite reason. Peeta's softness could balance out Katniss's hardness. As I said in my previous post, a soft person like Peeta could help Katniss to open up and learn to live instead of merely survive, like she's been doing for so long. He could help her see the things that make surviving worth it: peace, joy, LOVE. He could give her a reason to LIVE! Help her explore a side of her that she's never really had a reason to explore before, the side that's she's locked away instead...
2. Peeta understands Katniss.
When Katniss asks Gale to run away with her, he is overjoyed. But as soon as she mentions bringing Peeta, Gale gets angry and turns away. On the other hand, Peeta actually brings Gale up when she asks him to run away, knowing that Katniss wouldn't leave District 12 without thinking of Gale, realizing how important Gale is to her, and not trying to force him out of her life. He also displays this understanding on the beach during the Quell, when he pulls out the locket and lets Katniss know that he knows how much she needs Gale, and that he is willing to give her up to him so that she can be happy.
3. Peeta loves Katniss ♥
Well, this one's a given. But it's still important! To have any relationship work you need love (duh). Peeta's wholehearted dedication to Katniss seems almost rare today. But for any TRUE, lasting relationship to remain so, that dedication and love needs to be there.
4. Katniss loves Peeta ♥
OK, before you get all angry, I know that she hasn't come right out and said "I love Peeta." I'm just making interpreting what I see going on. You can't deny, even if she doesn't *love* him (yet...), she does have feelings for him. She has yet to determine exactly what they are, but they are there. And I believe that she actually does love him, just hadn't admitted it yet :D
5. Peeta makes Katiss feel all warm and fuzzy inside ^^
"And then [Peeta] gives me a smile that seems so genuinely sweet with just the right touch of shyness that unexpected warmth rushes through me" (THG, pg 72).
"This is the first kiss where I actually feel stirring inside my chest. Warm and curious. This is the first kiss that makes me want another" (THG, pg 298).
"No one has held me like this in such a long time [...] no one else's arms have made me feel this safe" (THG, 299).
"For a moment, I'm almost foolishly happy and then confusion sweeps over me. Because we're supposed to be making this stuff up, playing at being in love, not actually being in love" (THG, 301).
and in CF (sorry I don't have quotes, I don't have my book w/me):
-Peeta chases away Katniss's nightmares just by being there.
-Katniss keeps staring at Peeta and gets fixated with his eyelashes and stuff. heehee
-The kiss on the beach--another "stirring"
-when Katniss wakes up after that ^ night, she's feels "a moment of blissful happiness somehow connected with Peeta" (something like that...)
6. Peeta needs Katniss (obviously…) and Katniss needs Peeta
she already admitted it herself in CF. And from THG:
"...the idea of actually losing Peeta hit me again and I realized how much I don't want him to die [...] I do not want to lose the boy with the bread" (THG, 297).
and also the part at the end of THG with the whole "already the boy with the bread is slipping away from me" (375). obviously she wants him to be there. IMO, all this stuff shows that Katniss is falling for Peeta, if she hasn't already.

Ok, if you read all of this, props to you XD sorry about the length. Team peeta ftw!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago studson said…
hahaha well when you say that i defend him passionately it just makes me sound gay. but idk i just like peeta cuz he reminds me of myself kind of, just he's a way better person than me, but i cant really relate to gale at all.

and WOW props to you for writing all of tht! haha you've got references with page numbers and everything. well im pretty sure weve completely dominated this debate
over a year ago stelth said…
I say peeta he's cooler then gale
over a year ago dazzledpixie said…
@studson: UMMMM sorry I SOOO did not mean that. At all. O.O maybe passionately was the wrong word...haha XD I just think it's awesome to have a guy on team Peeta lol

hehe well I certainly hope so. ^^ all my friends are team Gale and they always dominate me lol. it's so annoying
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over a year ago studson said…
hahaha its ok, i understand, how bout instead of defending peeta we say i pown gale...haha it sounds a little more masculine:P

and ya no gale fans are coming back, the laast one was tht person who said it was gale because shes older than us or somethin like tht?? haha
over a year ago jmg2596 said…
aww. @studson and @dazzledpixie sooo cute haha.

and yes it is RARE to have guys like peeta. tsk. what a "perfect" world.

team peeta!! :D
over a year ago dazzledpixie said…
@studson: haha agreed :) you are officially the Gale pwnr XD

lol yup we shut them up :P although it's a little boring now that there's no debating going on...because everyone knows it's true that Peeta pwns Gale! haha

@jmg2596: yay yet another team peeta! :]
ugh I know it's so annoying! all my guy friends were like, "Peeta is so girly. He does camo like a chick and he bakes cakes. But if you like girly guys then more power to you." *ROLLEYESSSSS* >.<
over a year ago studson said…
haha the baking cake parts is pretty girly
over a year ago dazzledpixie said…
pfffft not you too! Well, yeah, it is kinda, but there are a lot of guy bakers. Some guys can bake, and some can't and should not be let near an oven. haha. Plus, who doesn't like cake?? :D lol
over a year ago studson said…
haha ya i do wish that i could make cakes
over a year ago jmg2596 said…
haha idc if a guy bakes cakes as long as he cares for you... awww! :)

id rather have a baker than an addict.

yes! of course im team peeta! my friends are team gale though, they think peetas a wimp...
over a year ago dazzledpixie said…
@studson: haha meeee too :) I can only make them from the box mixes. And usually if I try to make frosting it ends up looking like a baby threw up on the cake O.O lol
@jmg2596: yeah, me too ♥ but if he can make delicious desserts and breads then that's a bonus XD

ugggh my friends too! and I never know what to say because they all team up on me. grrrr. it's easier to write it out than to think of it on the spot haha. and it doesn't even matter anyway, they're so stuck in their "Peeta is a wimp and Gale can hunt which automatically makes him better" stuff that no matter what I said they'd just call Peeta a wimp again. whaaaaaatever.
over a year ago reeseluvshg said…
to dazzledpixie: haha. all of my friends are team Peeta...but only because they want Gale for themselves. (rolls eyes)

everyone: hhhmmmm...what do we discuss now, since Gale is out of the picture? haha.
over a year ago jmg2596 said…
haha... no i want peeta to myself!! but since hes not real....ugh katniss can have him then! haha!

theres no fun anymore.... where are all those gale people?? no debate... too quiet...

theyre probably making up a plan or a good response for us... be prepared! hehe
over a year ago silver93 said…
wow i go to europe for ten days and all the peeta fans come out of the closet lol.
my friends were mostly undecided. and the team gale switch because i'm louder and it actually makes since when u defend peeta.
peeta is not a wimp i don't think anyone who survived the hunger games can be considered a wimp. gale just seems more manly because he's stupid, still stuck in his caveman ways.
over a year ago dazzledpixie said…
OMGSH caveman Gale I actually laughed out loud XD
over a year ago dazzledpixie said…
lol believe me I was never in the closet. I was just posting Peeta-ness elsewhere ;) I even have my own Livjournal where I post THG fanfics and icons (don't call me a nerd...I already know :P).

haha silver93 I wish you could talk to my Gale friends...they're ALL still stuck in their caveman ways lol.
over a year ago jmg2596 said…
oh man that was funny... :)